Article 59-7. Administration and Procedures: Division 7.1. Review Authority and Approvals Required

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Chapt er 59: Zoni ng Code

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Article 59-7. Administration and Procedures
Division 7.1. Review Authority and Approvals Required
Secton 7.1.1. In General
The applicant has the burden of production and has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence on all questions of fact.
Secton 7.1.2. Overview of Review and Approval Authority
The following table provides an overview of the authority granted the various bodies under this Chapter. This table does not defne legal responsibilities and is only provided for
the convenience of the reader.
Director or
Director or
Board of
Council Approval Requested Secton Reference
District Council Approvals
Local Map Amendment 7. 2. 1 R R R D
Correctve Map Amendment 7. 2. 2 R R D
Sectonal or District Map Amendment 7. 2. 3 R R D
Zoning Text Amendment 7. 2. 4 R R R D
Regulatory Approvals
Conditonal Use 7. 3. 1 R I D A
Variance 7. 3. 2 I I I D
Sketch Plan 7. 3. 3 R D
Site Plan 7. 3. 4 R D
Administratve Approvals
Building Permit 7. 4. 1 D I A
Use-and-Occupancy and Temporary Use Permit 7. 4. 2 D I A
Sign Permit 7. 4. 3 D I A
Sign Variance 7. 4. 4 D I A
KEY: A = Appeal D = Decision I = Review and recommendaton if requested by a reviewing, deciding, or appellate body R = Review and recommendaton
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Secton 7.1.3. Overview of Approvals Required
The following table provides an overview of the approvals required under Article 59-7. Details of the submittal requirements and review criteria are discussed in the referenced
Sections. These explanations are not legal defnitions and are only provided for the convenience of the reader.
Applicaton Secton Reference Applicability
District Council Approvals
Local Map Amendment 7. 2. 1 A local zoning change to apply a Floating or Euclidean zone to a specifc property.
Correctve Map Amendment 7. 2. 2 Correction of an error in the application or mapping of a comprehensive rezoning.
Sectonal or District Map Amendment 7. 2. 3 A comprehensive rezoning of an area or areas of the County.
Zoning Text Amendment 7. 2. 4 A change in the text of this Chapter.
Regulatory Approvals
Conditonal Use 7. 3. 1 Use of any property for a conditional use, as designated by Article 59-3.
Variance 7. 3. 2 A request to deviate from any requirement of this Chapter.
Sketch Plan 7. 3. 3 Required for development under the optional method.
Site Plan 7. 3. 4
Optional method development requires approval of a site plan after approval of a sketch plan. Development
under a Floating zone requires approval of a site plan after approval of a Local Map Amendment. Develop-
ment under standard method may require site plan approval under Section 7. 3. 4.
Administratve Approvals
Building Permit 7. 4. 1
Required before any building or structure can be erected, moved, altered, or enlarged. See exemptions in
Section 7. 4. 1.
Use-and-Occupancy and Temporary Use
7. 4. 2
Required before any building, structure, or land can be used or can be converted, in whole or in part, from
one use to another. See exemptions in Section 7. 4. 2.
Sign Permit 7. 4. 3
Required when a sign is constructed, erected, moved, enlarged, illuminated, or substantially altered. Routine
maintenance, including painting, cleaning, changing copy where permitted, or changing copy that satisfes a
sign concept plan, does not require a permit. See exemptions in Section 6.7.3.
Sign Variance 7. 4. 4
Any sign not listed in Division 6.7, or that does not satisfy the requirements in Division 6.7, may apply for a
sign variance from the Sign Review Board.
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Division 7.2. District Council Approvals
Secton 7.2.1. Local Map Amendment
A. Applicability and Descripton
1. A zoning map change to apply a Floating or Euclidean zone to an individual
property requires approval of a Local Map Amendment.
2. The Local Map Amendment application describes the property and the basis
for the requested zoning change.
3. When requesting a Floating zone, an applicant may propose binding ele-
ments with a Local Map Amendment application. A binding element may
include, but is not limited to, a restriction on use and building type that the
zone would otherwise allow; a limit on a development standard to less than
the maximum allowed; or a general development requirement beyond the
minimum required. A binding element binds the applicant, and any succes-
sor or assign, unless lawfully amended.
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. The applicant must be a government agency, own the subject property, or be
authorized by the owner to fle the application. If any land or right-of-way is
owned or controlled by the State, County, or any other entity or agency, the
applicant must submit written authorization from that entity or agency with
the application.
2. The applicant must submit the following for review:
a. an application form and fees approved by the District Council;
b. the identity of each person who has a substantial interest in the property
under the application, including any person with a share in the property
amounting to 5% or more (whether held in an individual or corporate
capacity) of the full cash value of the property after subtracting all mort-
gages, deeds of trusts, liens, and encumbrances. The application must
also contain the names of any contract purchaser or person holding a
mortgage, deed of trust, or option to purchase the property;
c. a statement disclosing political contributions to the treasurer or political
committee of any candidate for County Council and County Executive or
slate that contributes to candidates for County Council or County Execu-
tive, under State law. The applicant must submit the disclosure state-
ment on a form approved by the District Council;
d. a statement explaining how the proposed development satisfes the
criteria to grant the application;
e. a certifed zoning map;
f. a description by metes and bounds, courses and distances of land or, if
the boundaries conform to lot boundaries within a subdivision for which
a plat is recorded in the land records of the County, then the lot, block,
and subdivision designations with appropriate plat reference;
g. for a Floating zone, a foating zone plan depicting:
i. building location, density, massing, height, and anticipated use;
ii. locations of open spaces and preliminary stormwater management
iii. pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular circulation, parking, and loading;
iv. any binding element on the application. An applicant who proposes a
binding element must submit an unexecuted covenant suitable for fl-
ing in the land records refecting any restriction on the development
standards, development program, or use that will be applicable to
the property if the District Council approves the application; and
v. the following additional information:
(a) current and proposed zone;
(b) a plan certifed by a licensed professional, showing existing site
conditions and vicinity within 100 feet, including total tract area;
existing topography; watershed in which the site is located;
Special Protection or Primary Management areas; any foodplain,
wetland, or perennial or intermittent stream, and any associated
bufers; whether or not rare, threatened, or endangered species
were observed on the property; whether or not the property is on
the Locational Atlas and Index of Historic Sites; the aerial extent
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of forest and tree cover on the property; and date(s) feld work
was conducted;
(c) existing or approved adjacent land uses, buildings, and rights-of-
(d) a Trafc Study under the Planning Boards LATR Guidelines if the
incremental increase in vehicular peak-hour trips between the
density of the base zoning and the density of the requested foat-
ing zone meets the minimum applicability requirement in the
LATR Guidelines; and
(e) general phasing of structures, uses, rights-of-way, sidewalks,
dedications, and future preliminary and site plan applications;
h. for a Euclidean zone application, exhibits showing:
i. the subject property and the proposed neighborhood, identifying
uses and zoning; and
ii. an explanation of the changes that have occurred in the neighbor-
hood since the original zoning or previous comprehensive rezoning,
or evidence of the alleged mistake made by the District Council in
the previous Sectional or District Map Amendment, in support of the
requested Euclidean zone.
3. The applicant must submit an initial application to the Planning Direc-
tor for approval of completeness. The Planning Director must review the
application for completeness within 10 days after receipt. An application is
incomplete if any required element is missing or is facially defective, e.g.,
a drawing that is not to scale or lacks proper signatures. The assessment of
completeness must not address the merits of the application.
4. The applicant must submit any required revisions to the Planning Director.
The Planning Director must review the revised application for completeness
within 10 days after receipt.
5. After the Planning Director verifes that the application is complete, the
applicant must fle the fnal application with the Hearing Examiner, who will
accept the application and establish a hearing date under Section 7.2.1.C.
6. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
7. New public notice must be provided for any modifcation to an application
requesting an increase in the area proposed to be reclassifed or requesting a
change to the zoning classifcation.
8. The Hearing Examiner must make applications available for public inspection
during regular ofce hours.
C. Hearing Date
1. The Hearing Examiner must schedule a public hearing to begin on a Local
Map Amendment application within 120 days after the application was ac-
2. The Hearing Examiner may postpone the public hearing if done a minimum
of 10 days before the scheduled date unless extraordinary circumstances
make such notice impossible, and must provide notice of the new hearing
3. The Hearing Examiner may issue a subpoena to compel the attendance of
witnesses and production of documents at any public hearing and administer
an oath to any witness.
D. Review and Recommendaton
1. Planning Director Review
The Planning Director must publish a report and recommendation a mini-
mum of 10 days before the Planning Board public meeting.
2. Planning Board Review
a. The Planning Board must hold a public meeting on the application.
b. The Planning Board must provide a recommendation on the application
to the Hearing Examiner a minimum of 7 days before the Hearing Exam-
iners public hearing.
3. Hearing Examiner Review
a. The Hearing Examiner must forward a report and recommendation to
the District Council within 45 days after the close of the record of the
public hearing. The Hearing Examiner must also make the report avail-
able to the applicant and public.
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b. The Hearing Examiner may extend the time to forward the report and
recommendation once by up to 45 days without the District Councils ap-
proval and again by up to 45 days with the District Councils approval.
c. Any party of record or aggrieved party may, within 10 days after the
Hearing Examiner issues a report and recommendation, fle a written
request with the District Council to present oral argument.
i. Any party who submits a request for oral argument must send a copy
of the request to all parties of record.
ii. The request must concisely state the matters desired to be presented
at the oral argument. The District Council may grant or deny the
request. The District Council may, on its own motion, require oral
argument on any aspect of the case. When oral argument is allowed,
the District Council must:
(a) set the day and time for oral argument;
(b) limit oral argument to specifc topics;
(c) set time limits for oral argument; and
(d) specify the order of presentations.
iii. Each oral argument must be limited to matters contained in the
record compiled by the Hearing Examiner.
iv. After oral argument, the District Council must either decide the
application or remand the application to the Hearing Examiner for
clarifcation or taking additional evidence.
v. Any interested party may, within 5 days after a request for oral argu-
ment is fled with the District Council, fle a written opposition to a
request for oral argument or request to participate in oral argument if
oral argument is allowed. The opposition must be concise and limited
to matters raised by the party who requested oral argument. Any
party who fles an opposition or request to participate must send a
copy to all parties of record.
4. Withdrawal of Applicaton
The Hearing Examiner may allow an applicant to withdraw an application for
a Local Map Amendment at any time before the Hearing Examiner issues the
E. Necessary Findings
1. A Floating zone application that satisfes Article 59-5 may not be sufcient to
require approval of the application.
2. For a Floating zone application the District Council must fnd that the foat-
ing zone plan will:
a. substantially conform with the recommendations of the applicable mas-
ter plan, general plan, and other applicable County plans;
b. further the public interest;
c. satisfy the intent, purposes, and standards of the proposed zone and
requirements of this Chapter;
d. be compatible with existing and approved adjacent development;
e. generate trafc that does not exceed the critical lane volume or volume/
capacity ratio standard as applicable under the Planning Boards LATR
Guidelines, or, if trafc exceeds the applicable standard, that the appli-
cant demonstrate an ability to mitigate such adverse impacts; and
f. when applying a non-Residential Floating zone to a property previously
under a Residential Detached zone, not adversely afect the character of
the surrounding neighborhood.
3. For a Euclidean zone application, the District Council must fnd:
a. a substantial change in the character of the neighborhood since the
original zoning or comprehensive rezoning, or that a mistake was made
by the District Council when it applied the existing zoning;
b. the requested zone is in the public interest; and
c. the requested zone is compatible with the surrounding area.
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F. Decision
1. The District Council must make its decision to approve, deny, or remand the
application to the Hearing Examiner on the record.
2. Generally, an afrmative vote of 5 members of the District Council is re-
quired to approve an application; however, an afrmative vote of 6 members
of the District Council is required to approve an application if:
a. approval would be contrary to the recommendation of the municipality
in which the property is located; or
b. the Planning Board does not recommend approval of the application.
If the required number of afrmative votes is not obtained, the application is
3. For a Floating zone:
a. Before the close of the administrative record the applicant must submit
to the Hearing Examiner an executed covenant that refects any restric-
tion on the development standards, development program, or use in the
approved foating zone plan.
b. The executed covenant must also state that the restricted development
standards, development program, or use remain in full efect until the
property is rezoned or the foating zone plan is amended and an amend-
ed covenant is executed and recorded.
c. The applicant must fle the executed covenant in the land records of
Montgomery County within 10 days after approval of the application by
the District Council and submit certifcation of such fling to the Planning
Board with the site plan application. The Planning Board must not accept
a site plan application without this certifcation.
4. The District Council must issue a resolution and opinion refecting its deci-
sion on the application within 60 days after the Hearing Examiner's trans-
mittal to the District Council, unless such time is extended by the District
Council, or remand the application to the Hearing Examiner for further
5. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the District Council may fle a petition
for judicial review of the decision within 30 days after the District Council's
action under the Land Use Article.
6. The decision of the District Council on any application for a Local Map
Amendment is fnal, except that the District Council on its own motion
may, within 30 days, reconsider its decision on any application. A decision
to reconsider stays the time in which a party may fle for petition for judicial
7. After giving the applicant 30 days' notice, the Hearing Examiner may recom-
mend that the District Council dismiss an application if:
a. the application has been pending for 2 years or longer; and
b. the applicant has not actively pursued the application.
The District Council may dismiss the application unless the applicant shows
good cause that the application should not be dismissed.
G. Subsequent Actons
1. Filing of subsequent Local Map Amendment applications are limited as fol-
a. Filing a Local Map Amendment application is prohibited for land that was
in whole or in part the subject of a previous zoning application decided
on its merits within the last 18 months.
b. Filing a Local Map Amendment application is prohibited for land that was
in whole or in part the subject of a previous zoning application for the
same zoning classifcation fled within the last 36 months and decided on
its merits.
c. The time limitations in Section 7.2.1.G.1.a and Section 7.2.1.G.1.b do
not apply when the previous application, which would bar the fling of a
new application, was fled by a governmental agency not at the owner's
d. The District Council may waive the time limitations in Section 7.2.1.G.1.a
if an applicant submits a petition that shows substantial new facts that
would warrant reapplication.
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2. All development in a Floating zone requires site plan approval under Section
H. Recording Procedures
1. For a Local Map Amendment for a Floating zone:
a. If a foating zone plan includes a binding element, the applicant must fle
an executed covenant refecting the binding element in the land records
and provide certifcation of the fling to the Planning Board with any sub-
sequent site plan application. The covenant must remain in efect until
the District Council rezones the property or removes the binding element
that the covenant refects.
b. The applicant must provide the foating zone plan that satisfes the
District Councils resolution to the Hearing Examiner for certifcation in
a format approved by the Hearing Examiner, within 10 days after the
District Council issues its resolution.
c. The Hearing Examiner must maintain the certifed foating zone plan in
the Hearing Examiner's permanent fles, and publish an electronic copy.
d. The District Council must send a copy of the resolution to the Planning
Board to update the zoning map. The District Council must also send a
copy of the resolution to the applicant, all parties of record, DPS, the
Supervisor of Assessments for Montgomery County, the Department of
Finance, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Board of
2. For a Local Map Amendment for a Euclidean zone, the District Council
must send a copy of the resolution to the Planning Board to update the
zoning map. The District Council must also send a copy of the resolution to
the applicant, all parties of record, DPS, the Supervisor of Assessments for
Montgomery County, the Department of Finance, the Department of Envi-
ronmental Protection, and the Board of Appeals.
I. Amendment to a Floatng Zone Plan
There are 2 ways to amend a foating zone plan:
1. A major amendment to an approved foating zone plan follows the same
procedures as an original application. A major amendment includes any
request to increase density or height, add a previously disallowed use, de-
crease a setback, or make a change to any binding element of approval.
2. At site plan, the Planning Board may approve an amendment to an approved
foating zone plan that does not increase density or height, add a previously
disallowed use, decrease a setback, or change any binding element.
J. Compliance and Enforcement
1. Any individual or governmental agency may fle a complaint alleging non-
compliance with any binding element of an approved foating zone plan with
DPS. If the complaint is found to have reasonable cause, DPS must provide a
notice of noncompliance to the complaining party, the property owner, and
the Hearing Examiner.
2. Upon receipt of the notice of noncompliance, the Hearing Examiner must
schedule a show cause hearing to determine whether the property owner
has failed to comply with a binding element and whether any such failure
merits sanctions including reversion to the previous zoning category. The
hearing will be conducted after providing the parties and the public with 30
days notice. The Hearing Examiner must provide the District Council with
a report and recommendation within 30 days after the close of the hearing
record. A hearing is not required if the complaint is withdrawn or the alleged
noncompliance is corrected to the satisfaction of DPS.
3. If the District Council fnds, after consideration of the Hearing Examiner's
report and recommendation, that a party has failed to satisfy any binding el-
ement of an approved foating zone plan, it may adopt a resolution providing
appropriate sanctions including reversion to the previous zoning classifca-
tion. Upon the property's reversion to the previous zoning classifcation, all
development standards of the previous zone apply. The reversion sanction
will not apply where the District Council fnds substantial compliance with
the binding elements.
Secton 7.2.2. Correctve Map Amendment
A. Applicability and Descripton
1. Correction of an administrative or technical error in a Sectional or District
Map Amendment requires approval of a Corrective Map Amendment.
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2. A Corrective Map Amendment may cover one or more properties.
3. A Corrective Map Amendment is not a basis for determining change in the
character of the neighborhood.
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. Only the Planning Board may fle an application for a Corrective Map
Amendment with the District Council.
2. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
C. Review and Recommendaton
1. Planning Director Review
a. The Planning Director must publish a report and recommendation a
minimum of 7 days before the Planning Board meeting.
b. The Planning Directors report and recommendation must include:
i. A description of the area of land proposed for rezoning;
ii. A map depicting the existing and proposed zoning for the area of
land; and
iii. A statement of reason for the zoning change.
2. Planning Board Review
a. The Planning Board may adopt the Planning Directors report and rec-
ommendation as a consent item on its agenda or hold a public meeting
to consider the recommendation.
b. The Planning Board must submit a recommendation on the application
to the District Council.
D. Necessary Findings
The Planning Board must show that there is an error or inaccurate depiction of
the zoning boundary line on an adopted map.
E. Decision
1. The District Council must conduct a public hearing and make its decision
on the record to approve, deny, or remand the application to the Planning
Board for further consideration.
2. An afrmative vote of 5 members of the District Council is required to ap-
prove a Corrective Map Amendment. If the required number of afrmative
votes is not obtained, the application is denied.
3. The District Council must issue a resolution and opinion on the application
within 60 days after the close of record, unless such time is extended by the
District Council, or remand the application to the Planning Board for further
4. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the District Council may fle a petition
for judicial review of the decision within 30 days after the District Council's
action under the Land Use Article.
5. A public hearing may be adjourned, continued, suspended, deferred, or
postponed either to a time certain or for a reasonable period of time by the
District Council on public announcement. The District Council, on its own or
at the suggestion of the Planning Board, may determine that some or all of
the proposed adjustments should be considered comprehensively as part of
a future master plan review and therefore dismiss the application.
F. Recording Procedures
1. The Planning Board must maintain the District Councils resolution on the
Corrective Map Amendment in its permanent fles.
2. The District Council must send a copy of the resolution and opinion to the
Planning Board to update the zoning map and all property owners included
in the application.
Secton 7.2.3. Sectonal and District Map Amendment
A. Applicability and Descripton
1. A Sectional Map Amendment rezones or confrms the zoning of a substantial
area of the County.
2. A District Map Amendment rezones or confrms the zoning of the entire
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. Only the Planning Board or District Council may apply for a Sectional or
District Map Amendment.
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2. For a Sectional Map Amendment, the applicant must submit the following
for review:
a. The designation or description of the area sufcient to identify:
i. the zone boundaries and existing and proposed zoning;
ii. all roads, streets, alleys, public parks or other areas in public owner-
ship or on public rights-of-way, and all streams and railroad rights-of-
way within the area covered by the map, and the names thereof.
b. A map or map series of the area prepared by a civil engineer, surveyor,
or the Planning Board, and certifed to be correct and satisfying Section
c. A digital copy of the map indicating the existing zoning and the proposed
d. A statement of the reasons for the proposed zoning changes or adjust-
ments. The application must include the total acres in the application,
the acres proposed for rezoning, and the acres proposed for reconfrma-
tion of existing zoning.
3. The District Council, or its designee, accepts the application for a Sectional
or District Map Amendment. If the Planning Board is not the applicant the
District Council must forward the application to the Planning Board within 5
days after acceptance for fling.
4. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
C. Review and Recommendaton
1. Planning Director Review
a. The Planning Director must publish a report and recommendation a
minimum of 10 days before the Planning Board public meeting.
b. The Planning Directors report and recommendation must include:
i. A description of the area proposed for rezoning; and
ii. Maps depicting the proposed zoning.
2. Planning Board Review
a. The Planning Board may consider the Planning Directors report and rec-
ommendation as a consent item on its agenda or hold a public meeting
to consider the recommendation.
b. The Planning Board must submit a recommendation on the application
to the District Council.
D. Decision
1. The District Council must conduct a public hearing and make its decision to
approve with or without modifcation, deny, or remand the application to the
Planning Board for additional analysis.
2. Generally, an afrmative vote of 5 members of the District Council is re-
quired to approve an application; however, an afrmative vote of 6 members
of the District Council is required to approve an application if:
a. approval would be contrary to the recommendation of the municipality
in which the property is located; or
b. the Planning Board does not recommend approval of the application.
3. The District Council must issue a resolution and opinion refecting its deci-
sion on the application within 60 days after the close of record, unless the
time is extended by the District Council.
4. The decision of the District Council on any application for a Sectional or
District Map Amendment is fnal except that the District Council on its own
motion may, within 30 days, reconsider its decision on any application.
E. Recording Procedures
1. The Planning Board must maintain the District Councils resolution on the
Sectional or District Map Amendment in its permanent fles.
2. The District Council must send a copy of the resolution to the Planning Board
to update the zoning map. The District Council must also send a copy of the
resolution to all parties of record, DPS, the Supervisor of Assessments for
Montgomery County, the Department of Finance, the Department of Envi-
ronmental Protection, and the Board of Appeals.
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Secton 7.2.4. Zoning Text Amendment
A. Applicability and Descripton
A change in the text of this Chapter requires approval of a Zoning Text Amend-
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. Any individual or government agency may request the District Council or an
individual District Council member to sponsor a Zoning Text Amendment.
2. Only the District Council may introduce a Zoning Text Amendment.
3. The District Council must send the Zoning Text Amendment to the Planning
Director, the County Executive, the Board of Appeals, and the Hearing Exam-
iner and notify them of the District Council's public hearing date.
4. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
C. Review and Recommendaton
1. Planning Director Review
The Planning Director must publish a report and recommendation a mini-
mum of 7 days before the Planning Board public meeting. The report and
recommendation must be made available to the public.
2. Planning Board Review
a. The Planning Board may consider the Planning Directors report and rec-
ommendation as a consent item on its agenda or hold a public meeting
to consider the recommendation.
b. The Planning Board must submit a recommendation on the application
to the District Council before the District Council Hearing. The recom-
mendation must also be made available to the public.
3. Other Agency Review
The County Executive, the Board of Appeals, or the Hearing Examiner may
submit and make publicly available any recommendation on a Zoning Text
Amendment to the District Council.
D. Decision
1. The District Council must hold a public hearing within 60 days after introduc-
tion, unless the District Council extends the hearing date. A quorum of the
District Council is not required to conduct a public hearing on a Zoning Text
2. A minimum of 5 members of the District Council must vote in the afrmative
to adopt a Zoning Text Amendment.
3. Any District Council member who was not present at the hearing must
review the record and sign a statement that he or she reviewed the record
before voting on the amendment.
4. A Zoning Text Amendment takes efect 20 days after the District Council
adopts it, unless the resolution adopting it specifes a diferent date.
5. If the District Council does not act on a Zoning Text Amendment within the
earlier of 2 years of the date of its public hearing or expiration of the term of
ofce of the District Council that conducted the public hearing, it may not do
so unless the Zoning Text Amendment is again introduced and set for public
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Division 7.3. Regulatory Approvals
Secton 7.3.1. Conditonal Use
A. Applicability and Descripton
1. Use of any property for a conditional use under Article 59-3 requires approval
of a conditional use application.
2. A conditional use application may include all or part of a property.
3. A conditional use application must satisfy the conditions and binding ele-
ments of, and be consistent with, any efective previous approvals on the
subject property.
4. An area covered by a conditional use approval requires a site plan only if:
a. the area is included in a sketch plan; or
b. the use standards in Article 59-3 require it.
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. Ownership:
a. An applicant must own the subject property or be authorized by the
owner to fle the application.
b. If any land or right-of-way is owned or controlled by the State, County,
or any other entity or agency, written authorization from that entity or
agency must be submitted with the application.
2. The applicant must submit the following for review:
a. application form and fees as approved by the District Council;
b. proof of ownership or authorization;
c. statement of how the proposed development satisfes the criteria to
grant the application;
d. certifed copy of ofcial zoning vicinity map showing the area within at
least 1,000 feet surrounding the subject property;
e. list of abutting and confronting property owners in the County tax
f. list of any civic and homeowners associations within 1/2 mile;
g. Trafc Statement or Study, accepted for review by the Planning Director;
h. map showing existing buildings, structures, circulation routes, signifcant
natural features, historic resources, zoning, and legal descriptions on the
proposed development site and within 500 feet of the perimeter bound-
i. existing and proposed dry and wet utility plan if changes to these facili-
ties are proposed;
j. written description of operational features of the proposed use;
k. if exterior changes are proposed, plans of the proposed development
i. footprints, ground-foor layout, and heights of all buildings and
ii. required open spaces and recreational amenities;
iii. layout of all sidewalks, trails, paths, roadways, parking, loading, and
bicycle storage areas;
iv. rough grading;
v. landscaping and lighting;
vi. approved Natural Resources Inventory/Forest Stand Delineation, if
required under Chapter 22A;
vii. Forest Conservation Plan application, if required under Chapter 22A,
or an approved preliminary forest conservation plan; telecommunica-
tion tower applications must include an approved Forest Conserva-
tion Plan or a letter from the Planning Department confrming that a
Forest Conservation Plan is not required under Chapter 22A;
viii. Stormwater Management Concept or Water Quality Plan application,
if required under Chapter 19 ; and
ix. supplementary documentation showing or describing how the appli-
cation satisfes previous approvals and applicable requirements.
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l. development program and inspection schedule detailing any construc-
tion phasing for the project; and
m. for a telecommunication tower application, photographic simulations
of the tower and site seen from areas with a direct view of the tower,
including a minimum of at least 3 directions.
3. The applicant must submit an initial application to the Planning Direc-
tor for approval of completeness. The Planning Director must review the
application for completeness within 10 days after receipt. An application is
incomplete if any required element is missing or is facially defective, e.g.,
a drawing that is not to scale or lacks proper signatures. The assessment of
completeness must not address the merits of the application.
4. The applicant must submit any required revisions to the Planning Director.
The Planning Director must review the revised application for completeness
within 10 days after receipt.
5. After the Planning Director verifes that the application is complete, the
applicant must fle the fnal application with the Hearing Examiner, who will
accept the application and establish a hearing date under Section 7.3.1.C.
6. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
C. Hearing Date
1. The Hearing Examiner must schedule a public hearing to begin within 120
days after the date an application was accepted.
2. The Hearing Examiner may postpone the public hearing and must send
notice to all parties of record of the new hearing date.
3. The Hearing Examiner may issue a subpoena to compel the attendance of
witnesses at a public hearing and production of documents and administer
an oath to any witness.
D. Review and Recommendaton
1. Planning Director Review
a. The Planning Director may provide a report and recommendation for
review by the Planning Board at a public meeting or issue a report and
recommendation directly to the Hearing Examiner. The Planning Direc-
tor must provide a report and recommendation on a telecommunication
tower application directly to the Hearing Examiner.
b. If the Planning Director provides a report and recommendation to the
Planning Board, the Planning Director must publish the report and rec-
ommendation a minimum of 10 days before the Planning Board public
c. If the Planning Director provides a report and recommendation to the
Hearing Examiner, the Planning Director must publish the report and
recommendation a minimum of 10 days before the Hearing Examiner's
public hearing.
2. Planning Board Review
a. The Planning Board may consider the Planning Directors report and rec-
ommendation as a consent item on its agenda or hold a public meeting
to consider the recommendation.
b. The Planning Board must provide a recommendation on the application
to the Hearing Examiner a minimum of 7 days before the Hearing Exam-
iners public hearing.
3. Amendment of an Applicaton
a. An applicant may amend the application before the hearing if the Hear-
ing Examiner approves a motion to amend after giving 10 days' notice
to all parties entitled to original notice of fling. If an amendment would
materially alter an applicants proposal or evidence, the Hearing Examin-
er may postpone the hearing to a date that permits all interested parties
adequate time to review the amendment.
b. The applicant must forward a copy of any proposed amendment to the
Planning Board. The Hearing Examiner must keep the record open for
no more than 30 days to provide an opportunity for the Planning Board
or its staf to comment. Within that time, the Planning Board or its staf
must comment on the amendment or state that no additional review and
comment are necessary.
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4. Withdrawal of an Applicaton
The Hearing Examiner or the Hearing Examiner's designee must send a
notice to all parties entitled to notice of the hearing when an applicant with-
draws an application for a conditional use.
E. Necessary Findings
1. To approve a conditional use application, the Hearing Examiner must fnd
that the proposed development:
a. satisfes any applicable previous approval on the subject site or, if not,
that the previous approval must be amended;
b. satisfes the requirements of the zone, use standards under Article 59-3,
and applicable general requirements under Article 59-6;
c. substantially conforms with the recommendations of the applicable
master plan;
d. is harmonious with and will not alter the character of the surrounding
neighborhood in a manner inconsistent with the plan;
e. will not, when evaluated in conjunction with existing and approved con-
ditional uses in any neighboring Residential Detached zone, increase the
number, intensity, or scope of conditional uses sufciently to afect the
area adversely or alter the predominantly residential nature of the area; a
conditional use application that substantially conforms with the recom-
mendations of a master plan does not alter the nature of an area;
f. will be served by adequate public services and facilities including schools,
police and fre protection, water, sanitary sewer, public roads, storm
drainage, and other public facilities. If an approved adequate public facili-
ties test is currently valid and the impact of the conditional use is equal
to or less than what was approved, a new adequate public facilities test is
not required. If an adequate public facilities test is required and:
i. if a preliminary subdivision plan is not fled concurrently or required
subsequently, the Hearing Examiner must fnd that the proposed
development will be served by adequate public services and facilities,
including schools, police and fre protection, water, sanitary sewer,
public roads, and storm drainage; or
ii. if a preliminary subdivision plan is fled concurrently or required
subsequently, the Planning Board must fnd that the proposed de-
velopment will be served by adequate public services and facilities,
including schools, police and fre protection, water, sanitary sewer,
public roads, and storm drainage; and
g. will not cause undue harm to the neighborhood as a result of a non-
inherent adverse efect alone or the combination of an inherent and a
non-inherent adverse efect in any of the following categories:
i. the use, peaceful enjoyment, economic value or development poten-
tial of abutting and confronting properties or the general neighbor-
ii. trafc, noise, odors, dust, illumination, or a lack of parking; or
iii. the health, safety, or welfare of neighboring residents, visitors, or
2. Any structure to be constructed, reconstructed, or altered under a condition-
al use in a Residential Detached zone must be compatible with the character
of the residential neighborhood.
3. The fact that a proposed use satisfes all specifc requirements to approve
a conditional use does not create a presumption that the use is compatible
with nearby properties and, in itself, is not sufcient to require conditional
use approval.
4. In evaluating the compatibility of an agricultural conditional use with sur-
rounding Agricultural or Rural Residential zoned land, the Hearing Examiner
must consider that the impact does not necessarily need to be controlled as
stringently as if it were abutting a Residential zone.
5. The following conditional uses may only be approved when the Hearing
Examiner fnds from a preponderance of the evidence of record that a need
exists for the proposed use to serve the population in the general neighbor-
hood, considering the present availability of identical or similar uses to that
a. Filling Station;
b. Light Vehicle Sales and Rental (Outdoor);
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c. Swimming Pool (Community); and
d. the following Recreation and Entertainment Facility use: swimming pool,
6. The following conditional uses may only be approved when the Hearing
Examiner fnds from a preponderance of the evidence of record that a need
exists for the proposed use due to an insufcient number of similar uses
presently serving existing population concentrations in the County, and the
uses at the location proposed will not result in a multiplicity or saturation of
similar uses in the same general neighborhood:
a. Funeral Home; Undertaker;
b. Hotel, Motel;
c. Shooting Range (Outdoor);
d. Drive-Thru
e. Landfll, Incinerator, or Transfer Station; and
f. a Public Use Helipad, Heliport or a Public Use Helistop.
F. Decision
1. Hearing Examiner
a. The Hearing Examiner must issue a report and decision no later than 30
days after the close of the record of the public hearing. The decision may
recommend that the application be approved, approved with conditions,
or denied. The Hearing Examiner may supplement the specifc require-
ments of this Chapter with any other requirements necessary to protect
nearby properties and the general neighborhood. The Hearing Examiner
may by order extend the time to issue the report and decision.
b. The Hearing Examiner must notify the Board of Appeals, the applicant,
and all parties who participated in the hearing that the report and deci-
sion are complete and available for review. If a timely request for oral ar-
gument is not received under Section 7.3.1.F.1.c, the Hearing Examiners
report and decision becomes the fnal decision.
c. Any party of record or aggrieved party may fle a written request to pres-
ent oral argument before the Board of Appeals within 10 days after the
Ofce of Zoning and Administrative Hearings issues the Hearing Exam-
iner's report and decision. The fling of such a request transfers jurisdic-
tion over the matter from the Hearing Examiner to the Board of Appeals.
i. A written request for oral argument must be fled with the Board of
Appeals and the Hearing Examiner, and must concisely identify the
matters to be presented at the oral argument.
ii. Any party of record or aggrieved party may, no later than 5 days after
a request for oral argument is fled, fle a written opposition or re-
quest to participate in oral argument. An opposition to a request for
oral argument must be sent to the Board of Appeals and all parties as
listed by the Hearing Examiner, and must be concise and limited to
matters raised by the party who requested oral argument.
iii. The Board of Appeals may, in its discretion, grant or deny an oral
argument request. If the Board of Appeals grants a request for oral
argument, the argument must be limited to matters contained in the
record compiled by the Hearing Examiner.
iv. Regardless of whether the Board of Appeals has elected to hear
oral argument, the Board of Appeals must, under Section 7.3.1.F.2,
approve or deny the conditional use application or remand it to the
Hearing Examiner for clarifcation or the taking of additional evi-
dence, if appropriate.
2. Board of Appeals
a. If the Board of Appeals is deciding the application, it must make the
necessary fndings under Section 7.3.1.E and must:
i. vote in public session to approve, approve with conditions, or deny
the application, or to remand the application to the Hearing Exam-
iner for additional evidence or clarifcation. An afrmative vote of 4
members of the Board of Appeals is required to approve a conditional
use when 5 members are present, otherwise an afrmative vote of
3 members is required. Any Board of Appeals member who votes
on a conditional use and was not present for any portion of the oral
argument must read and sign the transcript of that portion of the oral
argument; and
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ii. issue a resolution refecting the Board of Appeals decision no later
than 30 days after voting on the matter, unless such time is extended
by the Board of Appeals.
b. All matters decided under Section 7.3.1.F.2 must be decided on the basis
of the evidence of record, but the Board of Appeals may decide any
matter heard by the Hearing Examiner and presented to the Board of
Appeals for decision solely on the basis of the Hearing Examiner's report
and decision.
c. The Board of Appeals may supplement the specifc requirements of this
Chapter with any other requirements necessary to protect nearby prop-
erties and the general neighborhood.
G. Appeal
Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Appeals may, within 30 days
after the Board of Appeals' action, fle a petition for judicial review of the deci-
sion under the Land Use Article (Section 22-403).
H. Subsequent Actons
1. If the conditional use application is denied, a new application proposing
substantially the same development for the same property may not be fled
within 18 months after a fnal decision, unless the Hearing Examiner fnds
that the applicant provides material new facts that warrant reapplication.
2. Conforming Permits
DPS must not issue a sediment control permit, building permit, or use-and-
occupancy permit for any building, structure, or improvement associated
with a conditional use
a. until the Hearing Examiner or Board of Appeals approves a conditional
use; and
b. unless any building, structure, or improvement satisfes the approved
conditional use.
3. Permits Exempt from Conformance to Approved Conditonal Uses
a. On any property with an approved conditional use, DPS may, without a
fnding of conformance to the approved conditional use, issue a sedi-
ment control permit or building permit to:
i. construct an accessibility improvement;
ii. repair an existing structure without changing its height or footprint;
iii. replace an existing structure to no more than the same footprint and
height approved.
b. DPS must submit a copy of any permit issued under Section 7.3.1.H.3
to the Hearing Examiner and the Board of Appeals for inclusion in the
record of the conditional use.
c. Any modifcation or improvement allowed under Section 7.3.1.H.3 does
not require an amendment to the conditional use application.
I. Duraton of Approval
1. A conditional use that is not established or has not obtained a building
permit within 24 months from the date of the issuance of the decision or
resolution expires, unless a longer period is established by the decision or
2. The Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner may extend the time limit for
a conditional use to be established or obtain a building permit if the evidence
of record establishes that drawing of architectural plans, preparation of the
land, or other factors involved in the particular use will delay the start of
construction or the establishment of the use beyond the period of validity.
An individual extension must not exceed 12 months. If the Board of Appeals
or the Hearing Examiner grants an extension, it must set a date by which the
erection or alteration of the building must begin or the use must be estab-
3. Development activities under Section 7.3.1 must satisfy the approved condi-
tional use and any conditions, including operational restrictions.
4. The conditional use holder must notify the Board of Appeals or the Hearing
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Examiner of any change in land ownership or change in circumstances or
conditions afecting the conditional use.
J. Recording Procedures
1. The Hearing Examiner or the Board of Appeals must maintain in their per-
manent fles any conditional use application that they approve along with
any written decision.
2. A copy or notice of the decision of the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner
on each conditional use application must be sent to the applicant, the Board
of Appeals or Hearing Examiner, as appropriate, the Planning Board, DPS,
the Department of Finance, all parties entitled to notice of fling, and any
other parties of record.
3. The Planning Director must indicate the decision on the ofcial zoning map
by use of an appropriate code number or symbol.
K. Amendments
1. Major Amendment
a. A major amendment to a conditional use is one that changes the nature,
character, or intensity of the conditional use to an extent that substantial
adverse efects on the surrounding neighborhood could reasonably be
expected, when considered in combination with the underlying condi-
tional use.
b. A major amendment to a conditional use follows the same procedures,
must meet the same criteria, and must satisfy the same requirements as
the original conditional use application, except that,
i. The public hearing must be limited to consideration of the proposed
modifcations specifed in the notice of public hearing and to those
aspects of the conditional use that are directly related to those pro-
posals; and
ii. The Hearing Examiner or the Board of Appeals, as applicable, may
require the underlying conditional use to satisfy the conditional use
requirements of the applicable zone, to the extent necessary to avoid
substantial adverse efects on the surrounding neighborhood.
2. Minor Amendment
a. A minor amendment to a conditional use may be approved adminis-
tratively by the Hearing Examiner or Board of Appeals, as applicable,
depending on which entity approved the conditional use. A minor
amendment to a conditional use is one that does not change the nature,
character, or intensity of the conditional use to an extent that substantial
adverse efects on the surrounding neighborhood could reasonably be
expected, when considered in combination with the underlying condi-
tional use.
b. When a minor amendment is granted, the Board of Appeals or Hearing
Examiner must send a copy of the resolution or decision, as applicable, to
the applicant, the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner, as appropriate,
the Planning Board, DPS, the Department of Finance, all parties entitled
to notice at the time of the original fling, and current abutting and
confronting property owners. The resolution or decision, as applicable,
must state that any party may request a public hearing on the Board of
Appeals' or Hearing Examiner's action within 15 days after the resolution
or decision is issued. The request for public hearing must be in writing,
and must specify the reason for the request and the nature of the objec-
tion or relief desired. If a request for a hearing is received, the deciding
body must suspend its administrative amendment and conduct a public
hearing to consider whether the amendment substantially changes the
nature, character, or intensity of the conditional use or its efect on the
immediate neighborhood. If the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner
determines that such impacts are likely, then the amendment application
must be treated as a major amendment application. A decision of the
Hearing Examiner may be appealed on the basis of the Hearing Exam-
iner's record to the Board of Appeals.
L. Compliance and Enforcement
1. DPS and the Board of Appeals must establish a regular inspection program
for conditional uses. DPS must perform the inspections according to the
established schedule, and must perform additional inspections if DPS, the
Board of Appeals, or the Hearing Examiner receive a complaint alleging
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failure to satisfy the terms or conditions of a conditional use. If a complaint
is fled, DPS must inspect the premises of the conditional use within 21 days
after receiving the complaint, or more promptly if requested by the Board of
Appeals or the Hearing Examiner, to determine the validity of the complaint.
2. If the inspection fnds a violation of the terms or conditions of the condi-
tional use, DPS must direct the conditional use holder to correct the viola-
tion. When the time to correct the violation expires, DPS must reinspect the
premises. If the violation has not been corrected, DPS must fle a report with
the Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner describing the nature of the
violation, the corrective action ordered by DPS, and the time allowed to cor-
rect the violation.
3. If DPS fnds that no violation exists, it must report to the Hearing Examiner
or Board of Appeals that the conditional use satisfes the terms and condi-
tions of the conditional use approval.
4. If the Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner receives a written notice
from DPS that the conditional use holder is violating the terms or conditions
of a conditional use or the terms, conditions, or restrictions attached to the
grant of any permit issued under the conditional use approval, the Board of
Appeals or the Hearing Examiner must order the conditional use holder and
the property owner to appear before the Board of Appeals or the Hearing
Examiner to show cause why the conditional use should not be revoked.
5. The notice of a show cause hearing must be issued to the conditional use
holder and the property owner by certifed mail, return receipt requested.
Notifcation must also be sent to DPS, and to any party who submitted a
written complaint concerning the conditional use, and must:
a. include the nature of the alleged violations;
b. state that the hearing is limited to a consideration and a determination
of the validity of the allegations; and
c. advise the conditional use holder and the property owner that failure
to attend and participate in the hearing may result in revocation of the
conditional use.
6. The Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner must conduct a show cause
hearing limited to consideration of the issues identifed in the notice of hear-
ing. The Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner may reafrm or revoke
the conditional use or amend, add to, delete or modify the existing terms
or conditions. The Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner must make
a determination on the issues presented within 15 days after the close of
record. The decision of the Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner must
be by the adoption of a written resolution and copies of the resolution must
be transmitted to the conditional use holder, the property owner, DPS, the
Planning Director, and other relevant parties.
7. If DPS fnds that a conditional use has been abandoned, DPS must forward
written notice of its fndings to the last recorded holder of the conditional
use and to the property owner. The conditional use holder and property
owner, within 60 days after the date of sending notice, must submit a writ-
ten statement confrming the abandonment or challenging it and requesting
that the use be continued.
a. If the conditional use holder and the property owner acknowledge that
the conditional use has been abandoned, DPS must notify the Board of
Appeals or the Hearing Examiner, as appropriate. The Board of Appeals
or Hearing Examiner must adopt and issue a written resolution fnding
the conditional use to have been abandoned and ordering it revoked.
b. If either the conditional use holder or the property owner challenges the
abandonment and requests that the conditional use be continued, DPS
must notify the Board of Appeals or the Hearing Examiner, as appropri-
ate, and the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner must convene a
public show cause hearing to determine whether or not the conditional
use was abandoned and whether it should be revoked.
c. If neither the conditional use holder nor the property owner responds,
DPS must notify the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner of its fnd-
ings, and the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner, as appropriate must
issue to the conditional use holder and the property owner an order to
appear before them to show cause why the conditional use should not be
d. If neither the conditional use holder nor the property owner appears be-
fore the Board of Appeals or Hearing Examiner, as appropriate, to show
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cause why the conditional use should not be revoked, the deciding body
must revoke the conditional use approval.
8. The Planning Director must note the revocation of any conditional use in the
ofcial zoning maps.
Secton 7.3.2. Variance
A. Applicability and Descripton
The Board of Appeals may grant a variance from any requirement of this Chap-
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. A property owner or another party authorized by the property owner may
fle a variance application with the Board of Appeals.
2. The applicant must submit the following for review:
a. application form and fees required by the Board of Appeals;
b. documentation of interest in the proposed development site under Sec-
tion 7.3.2.B.1;
c. statement of justifcation outlining how the proposed development satis-
fes the criteria for approving the application;
d. survey plat or scaled drawing showing boundaries, frontage, and topog-
e. certifed copy of ofcial zoning vicinity map showing the area within at
least 1,000 feet surrounding the subject property;
f. list of abutting and confronting property owners in the County tax
g. list of any civic and homeowners associations within 1/2 mile;
h. scale plans, illustrations, sections, elevations, or specifcations showing
all existing and proposed buildings and structures; and
i. supplementary documentation to be introduced in support of the ap-
3. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
C. Hearing Date
The Board of Appeals must schedule a public hearing to begin no later within 60
days after the application was accepted, except that the hearing date may be
extended to 120 days from acceptance if the Board of Appeals requests advice
from the Planning Director, Planning Board, or the Hearing Examiner.
D. Review and Recommendaton
1. The Board of Appeals may request review by the Planning Director, Planning
Board, or Hearing Examiner.
2. If the Board of Appeals requests review by the Planning Director, Planning
Board, or Hearing Examiner the review follows the same procedure as a
conditional use application.
3. When an error committed or discovered during the course of construction
on a site where a property owner holds a valid building permit to construct a
detached house or townhouse building type in a new residential subdivision
results in the violation of a required setback, and a variance would involve
less than 10% of the setback requirement, the Board of Appeals may hear
the application for the variance at the next regularly scheduled hearing if:
a. the property owner makes a written request to the Board of Appeals; and
b. the Board of Appeals members present make a unanimous vote to allow
the application.
4. Amendment of an Applicaton
An applicant may amend the application before the hearing if the Board of
Appeals approves a motion to amend after giving 10 days' notice to all par-
ties entitled to original notice of fling. If an amendment would alter materi-
ally an applicants proposal or evidence, the Board of Appeals may postpone
the hearing to a date that permits all interested parties adequate time to
review the amendment.
E. Necessary Findings
Granting the variance may only authorize a use of land allowed by the underly-
ing zone. To approve a variance, the Board of Appeals must fnd that:
1. denying the variance would result in no reasonable use of the property; or
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2. each of the following apply:
a. one or more of the following unusual or extraordinary situations or con-
ditions exist:
i. exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape, topographical condi-
tions, or other extraordinary conditions peculiar to a specifc prop-
ii. the proposed development uses an existing legal nonconforming
property or structure;
iii. the proposed development contains environmentally sensitive fea-
tures or bufers;
iv. the proposed development contains a historically signifcant property
or structure; or
v. the proposed development substantially conforms with the es-
tablished historic or traditional development pattern of a street or
b. the special circumstances or conditions are not the result of actions by
the applicant;
c. the requested variance is the minimum necessary to overcome the prac-
tical difculties that full compliance with this Chapter would impose due
to the unusual or extraordinary situations or conditions on the property;
d. the variance can be granted without substantial impairment to the intent
and integrity of the general plan and the applicable master plan; and
e. granting the variance will not be adverse to the use and enjoyment of
abutting or confronting properties.
F. Decision
1. The Board of Appeals must act by an afrmative vote of 3 members to
approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application within 30 days
after the close of the record of the public hearing. If the required number of
afrmative votes is not obtained, the application is denied.
2. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Appeals may fle a petition
for judicial review of the decision within 30 days after the Board of Appeals
action to the Circuit Court and thereafter to the Court of Special Appeals.
G. Duraton of Approval
1. The applicant must submit an application for a building permit, site plan, or
conditional use within 12 months after the issuance of a variance. If a deci-
sion on a variance is appealed to a court, this time limit runs from the date of
the fnal court order in the appeal.
2. After approval of a variance, the Board of Appeals may extend the time limit
to obtain a building permit or fle an application for a site plan or conditional
use if the evidence of record establishes that drawing of architectural plans,
preparation of the land, or other factors involved in the particular use will
delay the start of construction or the establishment of the use beyond the
period of validity. If the Board of Appeals grants an extension, the Board of
Appeals must set a date by which the erection or alteration of the building
must be started or the use established.
3. Approval of a variance entitles the applicant or successor to obtain a build-
ing permit or fle a site plan or conditional use application to the standard
granted by the variance.
4. The conditions approved by the Board of Appeals are binding upon the ap-
plicant, successors, and assigns.
H. Recording Procedures
The Board of Appeals must maintain any resolution concerning a variance in its
permanent fles and must record an approved variance in the land records within
30 days after approval.
Secton 7.3.3. Sketch Plan
A. Applicability and Descripton
1. Development under optional method in the CRT, CR, EOF, or LSC zone
requires approval of a sketch plan.
2. A sketch plan describes a project at an early stage to provide the public
and the Planning Board the chance to review a proposed development for
general design, density, circulation, public benefts, and relationship to the
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master plan before a developer is required to expend signifcant resources on
design and engineering.
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. An applicant must own the subject property or be authorized by the owner
to fle the application.
2. If any land or right-of-way encompassed by a sketch plan application is
owned or controlled by the State, County, or any other private or public
entity, a written agreement or authorization from that entity or agency must
be submitted with the sketch plan application.
3. The applicant must submit the following for review:
a. application form and fees required by the Planning Director;
b. vicinity map at 1 = 200';
c. site map showing existing buildings, structures, circulation routes, signif-
icant natural features, historic resources, zoning, and legal descriptions
on the proposed development site and within 500 feet of the perimeter
d. list of abutting and confronting property owners in the County tax
e. list of any civic and homeowners associations within 1/2 mile;
f. documentation of interest in the proposed development site under Sec-
tion 7.3.3.B.1 and Section 7.3.3.B.2;
g. statement of justifcation outlining how the proposed development satis-
fes the standards and criteria required to grant the application; and
h. illustrative plans showing:
i. building densities, massing, heights, and the anticipated mix of uses;
ii. locations of public use and other open spaces;
iii. pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular circulation, parking, and loading;
iv. estimated range of peak hour trips; and
v. relationships between existing or proposed adjacent buildings and
i. a table of proposed public benefts and the incentive density points
requested for each;
j. a general phasing of structures, uses, rights-of-way, sidewalks, dedica-
tions, public benefts, and future preliminary and site plan applications;
k. fees set by the Planning Board.
4. The applicant must submit an initial application to the Planning Direc-
tor for approval of completeness. The Planning Director must review the
application for completeness within 10 days after receipt. An application is
incomplete if any required element is missing or is facially defective, e.g.,
a drawing that is not to scale or lacks proper signatures. The assessment of
completeness must not address the merits of the application.
5. The applicant must submit any required revisions to the Planning Director.
The Planning Director must review the revised application for completeness
within 10 days after receipt.
6. After the Planning Director verifes that the application is complete, the
applicant must fle the fnal application with the Planning Director, who will
accept the application and establish a hearing date under Section 7.3.3.C.
7. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
C. Hearing Date
The Planning Board must schedule a public hearing to begin within 90 days after
the date an application was accepted. The Planning Director may postpone
the public hearing by up to 30 days once without Planning Board approval. The
Planning Director or applicant may request an extension beyond the original 30
days with Planning Board approval. Any extension of the public hearing must
be noticed by mail and on the hearing agenda with the new public hearing date
D. Review and Recommendaton
The Planning Director must publish a report and recommendation a minimum of
10 days before the Planning Board public hearing. The report and recommenda-
tion must be made available to the applicant and public.
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E. Necessary Findings
To approve a sketch plan, the Planning Board must fnd that the following ele-
ments are appropriate in concept and appropriate for further detailed review at
site plan. The sketch plan must:
1. meet the objectives, general requirements, and standards of this Chapter;
2. substantially conform with the recommendations of the applicable master
3. satisfy under Section 7.7.1.B.5 the binding elements of any development
plan or schematic development plan in efect on October 29, 2014;
4. under Section 7.7.1.B.5, for a property where the zoning classifcation on
October 29, 2014 was the result of a Local Map Amendment, satisfy any
green area requirement in efect on October 29, 2014; any green area under
this provision includes and is not in addition to any open space requirement
of the propertys zoning on October 30, 2014;
5. achieve compatible internal and external relationships between existing and
pending nearby development;
6. provide satisfactory general vehicular, pedestrian, and bicyclist access, circu-
lation, parking, and loading;
7. propose an outline of public benefts that supports the requested incentive
density and is appropriate for the specifc community; and
8. establish a feasible and appropriate phasing plan for all structures, uses,
rights-of-way, sidewalks, dedications, public benefts, and future preliminary
and site plan applications.
F. Decision
The Planning Board must act within 30 days after the close of the record of
the public hearing by majority vote of those present at the public hearing to
approve; approve with modifcations, conditions, or binding elements; or deny
the application. A binding element may include, but is not limited to, a restric-
tion on use or building type that the zone would otherwise allow; a limit on a
development standard to less than the maximum allowed; a general develop-
ment requirement beyond the minimum required; establishment of the public
benefts that must be provided; or establishing the general layout and massing
of buildings, open space, and circulation. A binding element binds the applicant,
and any successor or assign, unless lawfully amended.
G. Subsequent Actons
If a sketch plan is approved, a site plan under Section 7.3.4 must be submitted
within 36 months after the date the resolution is sent, unless a longer period is
established by the resolution.
H. Recording Procedures
The Planning Board resolution must be maintained in the permanent fles of the
Planning Department.
I. Amendments
During site plan review, the Planning Board may approve an amendment to any
binding element or condition of an approved sketch plan.
1. An amendment to a binding element or condition of an approved sketch
plan must be:
a. requested by the applicant;
b. recommended by the Planning Board staf and agreed to by the appli-
cant; or
c. made by the Planning Board, based on a staf recommendation or on its
own initiative, if the Planning Board fnds that a change in material facts
and circumstances since sketch plan approval demonstrates that the
binding element or condition does not substantially conform with the
recommendations of the applicable master plan or does not satisfy this
2. Notice of a site plan application must include any proposed amendment to a
binding element requested by the applicant. Notice of the site plan hearing
must include any proposed amendment to a binding element recommended
by Planning Board staf and agreed to by the applicant.
3. For any amendment to a binding element or condition, the Planning Board
must make the applicable sketch plan fndings in addition to the fndings
necessary to approve a site plan under Article 59-7.
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Secton 7.3.4. Site Plan
A. Applicability and Descripton
1. Development under the optional method requires approval of a site plan
after approval of a sketch plan.
2. Development under a Floating zone requires approval of a site plan after ap-
proval of a foating zone plan.
3. Development under the standard method requires site plan approval as
indicated in the table in Section 7.3.4.A.8.
4. A site plan provides a detailed overview of the applicants development. Site
plan review will be used to determine if the proposed development satisfes
current laws, regulations, and this Chapter, and substantially conforms with
the recommendations of the applicable master plan and approved guide-
5. A site plan application may encompass all or any part of a property and must
demonstrate its relation to and coordination with other applicable approvals
or submittals.
6. Site plan applications must satisfy the conditions and binding elements
of and be consistent with any and all previous approvals that apply to the
subject property.
7. An area covered by a conditional use approval requires a site plan only if:
a. the area is included in a sketch plan; or
b. the use standards in Article 59-3 require it.
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8. A site plan is required under standard method development as follows:
Subject Propertys Zone
Proposed Intensity
(units, gross foor area in SF, or building
height in feet)
Abutng or Confrontng
Propertys Zone
(determined by base zone, not
Overlay zone) Site Plan Required
Agricultural, Rural Residental, or
Residental Detached
Permited Any Any No
Limited Any Any
Yes, if required for the use under Artcle 59-3; other-
wise, site plan requirement follows the Permited use
requirement for same zone in this table.
Residental Townhouse or
Residental Mult-Unit
< 20 units and 40' Any No
20 units or > 40' Any Yes
< 20 units and 40' Any
Yes, if required for the use under Artcle 59-3; other-
wise, site plan requirement follows the Permited use
requirement for same zone in this table.
20 units or > 40' Any Yes
Commercial/Residental or
< 10,000 SF and 40' Any No
10,000 SF or > 40'
Agricultural, Rural Residental,
Residental, or Residental Floatng
All other zones No
Limited Any Any
Yes, if required for the use under Artcle 59-3; other-
wise, site plan requirement follows the Permited use
requirement for same zone in this table.
Agricultural, Rural Residental,
Residental, or Residental Floatng
> 40'
Commercial/Residental, Employ-
ment, Commercial/Residental
Floatng, or Employment Floatng
Any Industrial or Industrial Floatng No
Limited Any Any
Yes, if required for the use under Artcle 59-3; other-
wise, site plan requirement follows the Permited use
requirement for same zone in this table.
Overlay Any Any Any
If required by the applicable Overlay zone under
Article 59-4 or if required by the underlying zone.
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B. Applicaton Requirements
1. Ownership:
a. An applicant must own the subject property or be authorized by the
owner to fle the application.
b. If any land or right-of-way encompassed by a site plan application is
owned or controlled by the State, County, or any other entity or agency,
a written agreement or authorization from that entity or agency must be
submitted with the site plan application.
2. The applicant must submit the following for review:
a. application form and fees required by the Planning Director;
b. vicinity map at 1 = 200;
c. site map showing existing buildings, structures, circulation routes, signif-
icant natural features, historic resources, zoning, and legal descriptions
on the proposed development site and within 500 feet of the perimeter
d. list of abutting and confronting property owners in the County tax
e. list of any civic and homeowners associations within 1/2 mile;
f. documentation of interest in the proposed development site under Sec-
tion 7.3.4.B.1;
g. statement of justifcation outlining how the proposed development satis-
fes the standards and criteria required to grant the application;
h. verifcation that the applicant has posted notice on the property, notifed
afected parties, and held a pre-submittal meeting with the public under
the Planning Department's Development Review Manual;
i. Trafc Statement or Study accepted by the Planning Director, if not sub-
mitted with a previous or concurrent application;
j. environmental documentation or exemption for:
i. an approved Natural Resources Inventory/Forest Stand Delineation;
ii. Stormwater Management Concept Application or, if required, a Wa-
ter Quality Plan Application; and
iii. a fnal Forest Conservation Plan application;
k. existing and proposed dry and wet utility plan;
l. plans of proposed development showing:
i. footprints, ground-foor layout, and heights of all building and struc-
ii. required open spaces and recreational amenities;
iii. detailed layout and dimensions for all sidewalks, trails, paths, road-
ways, parking, loading, and bicycle storage areas;
iv. grading;
v. landscaping and lighting; and
vi. documentation demonstrating how the application satisfes previous
approvals and applicable requirements.
m. a development program and inspection schedule detailing the construc-
tion phasing for the project;
n. if a sketch plan was approved for the property, a table of proposed public
benefts and the incentive density points approved for each; and
o. if common open space is required, a description of how the common use
and adequate maintenance of common open space will be assured.
3. The applicant must submit an initial application to the Planning Direc-
tor for approval of completeness. The Planning Director must review the
application for completeness within 10 days after receipt. An application is
incomplete if any required element is missing or is facially defective, e.g.,
a drawing that is not to scale or lacks proper signatures. The assessment of
completeness must not address the merits of the application.
4. The applicant must submit any required revisions to the Planning Director.
The Planning Director must review the revised application for completeness
within 10 days after receipt.
5. After the Planning Director verifes that the application is complete, the
applicant must fle the fnal application with the Planning Director, who will
accept the application and establish a hearing date under Section 7.3.4.C.
6. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
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C. Hearing Date
The Planning Board must schedule a public hearing to begin within 120 days
after the date an application is accepted. The Planning Director may postpone
the public hearing by up to 30 days once without Planning Board approval. The
Planning Director or applicant may request an extension beyond the original 30
days with Planning Board approval. Any extension of the public hearing must
be noticed by mail and on the hearing agenda with the new public hearing date
D. Review and Recommendaton
1. State and County Agencies
a. Reviewing State and County agencies and utilities must submit initial
comments before the Development Review Committee meeting estab-
lished under the Planning Department's Development Review Manual.
b. The applicant must submit revised drawings to address the comments a
minimum of 65 days before the date of the hearing. The Planning Direc-
tor may extend the deadline if the applicant submits a written request
within 15 days after the revised drawings were due. If no written request
is received or an extension is not granted, the application is deemed
c. State and County agencies and utilities must submit a fnal recommen-
dation on the application a minimum of 45 days before the date of the
2. Planning Director
The Planning Director must publish a report and recommendation a mini-
mum of 10 days before the Planning Board hearing.
3. Withdrawal of an Applicaton
The Planning Board must send a notice to all parties entitled to notice of the
hearing when an applicant withdraws an application for a site plan.
E. Necessary Findings
1. When reviewing an application, the approval fndings apply only to the site
covered by the application.
2. To approve a site plan, the Planning Board must fnd that the proposed
a. satisfes any previous approval that applies to the site;
b. satisfes under Section 7.7.1.B.5 the binding elements of any develop-
ment plan or schematic development plan in efect on October 29, 2014;
c. satisfes under Section 7.7.1.B.5 any green area requirement in efect on
October 29, 2014 for a property where the zoning classifcation on Octo-
ber 29, 2014 was the result of a Local Map Amendment;
d. satisfes applicable use standards, development standards, and general
requirements under this Chapter;
e. satisfes the applicable requirements of:
i. Chapter 19, Erosion, Sediment Control, and Stormwater Manage-
ment; and
ii. Chapter 22A, Forest Conservation.
f. provides safe, well-integrated parking, circulation patterns, building
massing and, where required, open spaces and site amenities;
g. substantially conforms with the recommendations of the applicable
master plan and any guidelines approved by the Planning Board that
implement the applicable plan;
h. will be served by adequate public services and facilities including schools,
police and fre protection, water, sanitary sewer, public roads, storm
drainage, and other public facilities. If an approved adequate public facili-
ties test is currently valid and the impact of the development is equal to
or less than what was approved, a new adequate public facilities test is
not required. If an adequate public facilities test is required the Plan-
ning Board must fnd that the proposed development will be served by
adequate public services and facilities, including schools, police and fre
protection, water, sanitary sewer, public roads, and storm drainage;
i. on a property in a Rural Residential or Residential zone, is compatible
with the character of the residential neighborhood; and
j. on a property in all other zones, is compatible with existing and approved
or pending adjacent development.
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3. To approve a site plan for a Restaurant with a Drive-Thru, the Planning Board
must also fnd that a need exists for the proposed use due to an insufcient
number of similar uses presently serving existing population concentrations
in the County, and the uses at the location proposed will not result in a multi-
plicity or saturation of similar uses in the same general neighborhood.
4. For a property zoned C-1 or C-2 on October 29, 2014 that has not been
rezoned by Sectional Map Amendment or Local Map Amendment after
October 30, 2014, if the proposed development includes less gross foor area
for Retail/Service Establishment uses than the existing development, the
Planning Board must consider if the decrease in gross foor area will have an
adverse impact on the surrounding area.
F. Decision
1. The Planning Board must act within 30 days after the close of the record of
the public hearing by majority vote of those present at the public hearing to
approve, approve with modifcations or conditions, or deny the application.
The Planning Board must issue a resolution refecting its decision within this
30 day time period unless extended for up to an additional 30 days.
2. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Planning Board may fle a petition
for judicial review of the decision within 30 days after the Planning Board's
action to the Circuit Court and thereafter to the Court of Special Appeals.
3. The Planning Board may adopt regulations that allow an applicant to submit
engineered drawings after the Planning Board acts on an application. These
plans must be certifed by the Planning Director to confrm that the drawings
refect the Planning Board's approval.
G. Subsequent Actons
1. Conforming Permits
For any development requiring site plan approval, DPS must not issue a sedi-
ment control permit, building permit, or use-and-occupancy permit for any
building, structure, or improvement unless:
a. the Planning Board has approved a site plan;
b. a bond has been approved under Section 7.3.4.K.3; and
c. such building, structure, or improvement satisfes the certifed site plan
and conditions of approval.
2. Permits Exempt from Conformance to Approved Site Plans
a. On any property covered by an approved site plan, DPS may issue a sedi-
ment control permit or building permit without fnding of conformance
to the approved site plan to:
i. construct a handicapped accessibility improvement;
ii. construct a bikeshare facility;
iii. install outdoor lighting with full cut-of fxtures;
iv. repair an existing structure to any extent allowed by the certifed site
plan; or
v. replace an existing structure to no more than the same footprint and
height approved.
b. DPS must submit a copy of any building or site permit approved under
Section 7.3.4 to the Planning Director for inclusion in the record of the
site plan.
c. On a property where a site plan was approved, any owner or owners as-
sociation may, without fnding of conformance to the approved site plan,
change landscaping that was not required as a condition of approval for
screening or install a site element or construct a paved surface or struc-
ture that meets all applicable development standards under Article 59-4
and general requirements under Article 59-6 and does not confict with
any conditions of approval.
d. Any change allowed under Section 7.3.4.G.2 does not require an amend-
ment to the site plan.
H. Duraton of Approval
1. A site plan expires unless a certifed site plan, as defned and reviewed by the
Planning Director, is approved within 24 months after the date the resolution
is sent.
2. A site plan does not become efective until a record plat is recorded that
satisfes any approved subdivision plan for the subject property.
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3. A development must satisfy the zoning in efect at the time a building permit
is issued as well as the requirements of a certifed site plan.
4. Development activities under Section 7.3.4 must satisfy the certifed site
plan and any conditions of approval.
I. Recording Procedures
The certifed site plan and Planning Board resolution must be maintained in the
permanent fles of the Planning Department.
J. Amendments
1. A major amendment to an approved site plan must follow the same pro-
cedures, meet the same criteria, and satisfy the same requirements as the
original site plan, except as modifed under Section 7.3.4.J.1.b.
a. A major amendment includes any request to increase density or height
or to make a change to any condition of approval.
b. The Planning Board may approve an uncontested major amendment
on its consent agenda if the Planning Director publishes a report and
recommendation on the amendment a minimum of 10 days before the
Planning Board meeting.
2. The Planning Director may approve a minor amendment to an approved
site plan. A minor amendment includes any change that does not increase
density or height; decrease a setback abutting a detached residential use; or
alter the intent, objectives, or requirements of the Planning Board in approv-
ing the site plan. A minor amendment may also be approved to reduce the
approved parking to satisfy Article 59-6.
a. Public notice is required under Division 7.5.
b. A public hearing is required if an objection to the application is received
within 15 days after the notice of the fled application is sent. A public
hearing must be held under the same procedures as an original applica-
tion. If an objection to the application is not received within the 15 days,
a public hearing is not required.
K. Compliance and Enforcement
1. If the Planning Board fnds, after holding a public hearing or designating a
hearing ofcer to hold a public hearing, that a property under development
is not in compliance with a certifed site plan, it may:
a. impose a civil fne or administrative civil penalty authorized by Chapter
50 (Section 50-41);
b. suspend or revoke site plan approval;
c. order a compliance program that would permit the applicant to take cor-
rective action to satisfy the certifed site plan;
d. allow the applicant to propose modifcations to the certifed site plan; or
e. take any combination of these actions.
2. If the Planning Board or its designee fnds that the applicant has failed to
comply with a compliance program approved under Section 7.3.4.k.1.c, the
Planning Board may, without holding any further hearing, take any of the
actions identifed in Section 7.3.4.k.1.a. through Section 7.3.4.k.1.e.
3. If the Planning Board suspends or revokes a site plan, DPS must immediately
suspend any applicable building permit under which construction has not
been completed, or withhold any applicable use-and-occupancy permit, until
the Planning Board reinstates the site plan or approves a new site plan for
the development.
4. The Planning Board may require the applicant to post a commercially ac-
ceptable form of surety securing compliance with and full implementation of
specifed features of the certifed site plan in an amount set by the Planning
Board. If such surety is required, DPS must not issue a building permit or
use-and-occupancy permit until such surety is accepted.
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Division 7.4. Administratve Approvals
Secton 7.4.1. Building Permit
A. Applicability
1. A building permit is required before any building or structure can be erected,
moved, altered, or enlarged under Chapter 8.
2. A building permit is not required for:
a. Any building or structure used exclusively for agricultural purposes on
land used exclusively for agriculture, except for:
i. a building or structure used for a purpose that is not exclusively agri-
cultural, including conditional uses, even though located on other-
wise agricultural land; or
ii. an equestrian facility, building, or structure intended for use by par-
ticipants or spectators at an equestrian event.
b. The following public utility equipment:
i. any structure and its attached cross arms carrying overhead elec-
tric power and energy transmission and distribution lines that carry
69,000 volts or less;
ii. equipment installed and maintained by a public utility under regula-
tion by the State Public Service Commission; or
iii. poles or structures used for street lights, fre alarm boxes, trafc sig-
nals, or similar municipal equipment installed by the State or a local
B. Applicaton Requirements
For projects that do not require site plan approval or conditional use approval
and have more than 10 parking spaces, an application for building permit must
include a plan showing the location and design of entrances and exits to public
roads; the location and size of all buildings and structures; the location of park-
ing spaces, directional markings, trafc-control devices and signs; and that it
satisfes Division 6.2.
C. Review and Recommendaton
DPS must submit the application to the Planning Director for review for any
building permit that requests:
1. construction of a new principal structure;
2. construction that increases the gross foor area of an existing commercial
structure; or
3. construction that increases the gross foor area of any residential structure
by more than 50% of the existing gross foor area.
The Planning Director must confrm in writing that the application satisfes this
D. Approval Process
DPS accepts the applications for all building permits.
E. Necessary Findings for a Site with a Conditonal Use
For a site with a conditional use:
1. DPS may allow minor adjustments during construction that do not substan-
tially alter the size, location, or external appearance of any approved build-
ing, structure, or use. DPS must immediately notify the deciding body of any
deviations from the approval of the deciding body.
2. Any change proposed during construction that would substantially alter the
location or external appearance of any approved building, structure, or use
requires an amendment under Article 59-7.
Secton 7.4.2. Use-and-Occupancy and Temporary Use
A. Applicability
1. A use-and-occupancy permit is required before any building, structure, or
land can be used or can be converted, wholly or in part, from one use to
2. Exemptions from use-and-occupancy permit requirement:
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a. land or buildings used exclusively for agricultural purposes;
b. a use for which a valid occupancy permit was issued and not revoked
before June 1, 1958;
c. a Family Day Care (Up to 8 Persons); and
d. a Transitory Use.
B. Applicaton Requirements
Each application for a use-and-occupancy permit must be accompanied by 2
copies of a plan drawn to scale showing:
1. the lot on which a use is proposed, lot dimensions, lot and block numbers
and subdivision name, if any;
2. the location, extent, and layout for the proposed use and any other pertinent
information; and
3. north point, date and scale of plan.
C. Approval Process
DPS accepts the application for all use-and-occupancy and temporary use per-
D. Necessary Findings
1. DPS must certify compliance with this Chapter.
2. Any building, structure, or land on a site with any previous development ap-
proval must satisfy the requirements, representations, plans, and conditions
contained in the decision or resolution of the deciding body.
3. On the basis of a fnal inspection, DPS must verify that construction or alter-
ation has been completed according to the applicable decision or resolution.
4. A temporary use permit may be issued if the use satisfes the applicable use
standards under Article 59-3.
Secton 7.4.3. Sign Permit
A. Applicability
1. A sign permit is required when a sign is constructed, erected, moved, en-
larged, illuminated, or substantially altered. Routine maintenance, including
painting, cleaning, changing copy where permitted, or changing copy that
satisfes a sign concept plan, does not require a permit.
2. Signs listed in Section 6.7.3 and Section 6.7.12 are exempt from the sign
permit requirement.
B. Applicaton Requirements
1. The property owner and the sign installer must fle a joint application for the
sign permit on forms provided by DPS. If the property owner has an agent
or lessee, the agent and the lessee must also sign each permit form. The ap-
plication must be accompanied by all required fees and the following:
a. a scale drawing of the sign showing all dimensions and visual characteris-
tics, including structural and architectural supports;
b. a scale drawing of the site showing:
i. the proposed location of the sign, including setbacks;
ii. the location and size of all other signs on the property;
iii. the location, dimensions, and distance from property lines of all
buildings on the site;
iv. the location and name of all streets that abut the property;
v. the frontage dimensions of the site along each street that abuts the
vi. the existing elevation and grade of the site and the proposed contour
c. a valid electrical permit or a completed application for an electrical per-
mit under Chapter 17, if the application is for an illuminated sign;
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d. a completed building permit application under Chapter 8 for a sign re-
quiring structural support;
e. payment of the sign permit fee as adopted by District Council Resolution;
f. other information that may be required by DPS to insure compliance
with Division 6.7 or other sections of the Chapter; and
g. a sign concept plan if:
i. the lot or parcel is in a Commercial/Residential, Employment, or
Industrial zone and is requesting more than 800 square feet of total
sign area;
ii. the development consists of more than one lot or parcel in a Com-
mercial/Residential, Employment, or Industrial zone developed under
a management control plan where one or more individual lots or par-
cels is requesting more than 800 square feet of total sign area, even
if such development includes one or more individual sites or parcels
whose total sign area does not exceed 800 square feet; or
iii. the development uses optional method within an urban renewal
2. DPS must waive all required fees if:
a. the primary applicant is a non-proft organization that is on the Planning
Boards list of civic and homeowners associations; and
b. the size of the proposed sign is smaller than the maximum size under
Division 6.7.
3. DPS may waive or reduce all required fees if:
a. the primary applicant is a non-proft organization that by law is exempt
from federal income taxes and demonstrates that its annual revenue dur-
ing its most recent fscal year was less than an amount set by DPS under
Method (2); and
b. the size of the proposed sign is smaller than the maximum size under
Division 6.7.
C. Approval Process
DPS accepts all sign permit applications.
D. Necessary Findings
1. DPS may issue a sign permit based on one of the following:
a. its determination, upon review of the application, that the proposed sign
or sign concept plan satisfes Division 6.7; or
b. submission of the application packet and a written certifcation by a sign
installer that the proposed sign satisfes Division 6.7.
2. DPS has the authority to resolve any dispute or to interpret any ambiguity in
Section 7.4.3.
E. Validity
A sign permit becomes invalid when:
1. the sign for which the permit was issued is not erected within 6 months from
the date of issuance;
2. the sign for which the permit was issued is moved or substantially altered;
3. DPS revokes the permit for failure to satisfy an order issued by DPS stipulat-
ing corrective action for improper maintenance;
4. the application for a sign permit contained inaccurate information; or
5. the terms of the permit have not been satisfed.
F. Appeal
Any decision of DPS or the Sign Review Board may be appealed to the Board of
Appeals within 30 days after the date of the action or decision appealed.
G. Compliance and Enforcement
1. The sign permit must be displayed in a location on or near the sign that
permits a person to read the permit while standing on the ground, including
on the sign itself, on its supporting structure, or in another reasonable and
visible location.
2. Compliance is the responsibility of the joint applicants for a sign permit,
including the property owner or agent of the property where the sign is
erected, along with the lessee, if any, and the sign installer. DPS may initiate
enforcement proceedings against one or all of these individuals or entities,
jointly or severally.
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3. Upon identifcation and presentation of proper credentials, DPS may enter
any site in the County during normal business hours to inspect a sign dis-
played on a building, structure, lot, or parcel to determine compliance with
this Chapter.
4. DPS may order the removal of any sign that violates this Chapter, or inter-
feres with trafc or public safety. The removal must be performed at the
expense of the responsible party.
5. DPS may revoke, suspend, refuse to issue, or refuse to reissue any permit or
license under this Chapter.
Secton 7.4.4. Sign Variance
A. Applicability
Any sign not listed in Division 6.7, or which does not satisfy the requirements in
Division 6.7, may apply for a sign variance from DPS.
B. Applicaton Requirements
DPS accepts all sign variance applications and a hearing date is scheduled with
the Sign Review Board.
C. Necessary Findings
1. For all sign variances, the Sign Review Board must consider:
a. the signs size, shape, color, design elements, location, or cost;
b. compatibility of the proposed sign with the surrounding property, the
proximity of other signs, and the characteristics of the area; and
c. any recommendation of the Planning Board or its technical staf.
2. After a hearing, the Sign Review Board may approve an application for a sign
variance from the sign requirements of Division 6.7 if:
a. the strict application of the sign requirements of Division 6.7 would result
in a particular or unusual practical difculty, exceptional or undue hard-
ship, or signifcant economic burden on an applicant;
b. the sign variance is the minimum reasonably necessary to overcome any
exceptional conditions; and
c. the sign variance can be granted without substantial impairment of the
purpose of Division 6.7.
3. After a hearing, the Sign Review Board may revoke a previously granted sign
variance if:
a. the applicant supplied inaccurate information, or
b. the terms of a variance have not been followed.
4. The Sign Review Board is prohibited from approving a sign variance for any
sign prohibited under Section 6.7.4.
5. The Sign Review Board may approve a sign variance without a hearing if:
a. after receiving notice under Section 7.5.2.E, no person has expressed an
intention by a specifed deadline to oppose the application or otherwise
appear at the hearing; and
b. the Sign Review Board concludes that approval of a sign variance would
not create any negative impact on the area where the sign is or would be
6. The Sign Review Board may approve a variance for a sign on property with
a conditional use approval if the Hearing Examiner or Board of Appeals, as
applicable, has approved the sign. Nothing in Section 7.4.4 prevents the Sign
Review Board from imposing more restrictive conditions than the Hearing
Examiner or Board of Appeals, but the Sign Review Board must not approve
a sign variance that is less restrictive than any condition set by the Hearing
Examiner or Board of Appeals.
D. Decision
1. The Sign Review Board may impose conditions and terms when approving a
sign variance.
2. The Sign Review Board must notify each party of record of the sign variance
decision when it is issued.
3. If a sign variance is approved, the applicant must apply for the appropriate
sign permits.
E. Appeal
Any party of record may appeal any fnal decision of the Sign Review Board
within 30 days after the action to the Board of Appeals under Section 7.6.1.
F. Compliance and Enforcement
DPS must enforce the conditions and terms of a sign variance.
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Division 7.5. Notce Standards
Secton 7.5.1. Notce Required
Notice is required for each application according to the following table:
Applicaton Newspaper
Permit Sign
District Council Approvals
Local Map Amendment x x x
Correctve Map Amendment x x
Sectonal or District Map Amendment x x
Zoning Text Amendment x x
Regulatory Approvals
Conditonal Use x x x x
Variance x x
Sketch Plan x x x x x
Site Plan x x x x x
Administratve Approvals
Building Permit x x
Use-and-Occupancy and Temporary Use Permit
Sign Permit
Sign Variance x
Amendments to Approvals
Major Floatng Zone Plan Amendment x x x x
Minor Floatng Zone Plan Amendment x x x
Major Conditonal Use Amendment x x x x
Minor Conditonal Use Amendment x x
Major Site Plan Amendment x x x x
Minor Site Plan Amendment x x
KEY: x = Required
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Secton 7.5.2. Notce Specifcatons
The following notice requirements are the minimum necessary to ensure appropri-
ate notice for communities afected by an application. For notice required under
Section 7.5.1, the following standards apply.
A. Newspaper Notce
1. When an application is accepted, the intake body must publish a notice
of the public hearing in at least 2 newspapers of general circulation in the
County a minimum of 30 days before the hearing date.
2. The notice must include the date and place of hearing, applicant, applica-
tion number and name, location of property, property size, zone, density of
development, and telephone number and website for the applicable intake
agency. The notice for a Zoning Text Amendment must also include a brief
summary of the proposed amendment.
B. Pre-Submital Meetng
1. Before an application may be accepted, the applicant must hold a public
meeting to present the proposed application and respond to questions and
2. The applicant must post a sign advertising the pre-submittal meeting,
equivalent to the requirement for an application sign, a minimum of 15 days
before the meeting, but no more than 90 days before fling the application.
3. The applicant must send notice advertising the pre-submittal meeting to the
same recipients required under Section 7.5.2.E.1, hearing notice, a minimum
15 days before the meeting.
4. The notices must include the date and place of meeting, applicant, applica-
tion number and name, location of property, property size, zone, proposed
use and density of development, and phone and website for the applicable
intake agency.
5. The applicant must submit a list of attendees and a record of the pre-submit-
tal meeting with the application.
C. Applicaton Sign
1. The applicant must post at least one sign along every frontage within 5 days
after an application is accepted; if the frontage is more than 500 feet, a sign
must be posted at least every 500 feet.
2. The sign must be made of a durable material; a minimum of 24 inches tall by
36 inches wide; white or yellow in background color; with black lettering and
characters at least 2 inches in height.
3. The sign must include:
a. the date of fling;
b. application number and name;
c. requested zone, if a Local Map Amendment;
d. proposed use, density, or structure description, if not a Local Map
e. and telephone number and website for the applicable intake agency.
D. Applicaton Notce
1. When an application is accepted, the applicant must send notice of the ap-
plication to all abutting and confronting property owners, civic and home-
owners associations within 1/2 mile, any municipality within 1/2 mile, and
pre-submittal meeting attendees if applicable. A condominiums council
of unit owners may be notifed instead of the owner and residents of each
individual condominium.
2. The notice must include the applicant, application number and name, loca-
tion of property, property size, zone (and requested zone, if applicable), pro-
posed use and density of development, and telephone number and website
for the applicable intake agency.
E. Hearing Notce
1. The deciding body must send notice of the hearing within 5 days after an
application is accepted to all abutting and confronting property owners, civic
and homeowners associations within 1/2 mile, any municipality within 1/2
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mile, and pre-submittal meeting attendees if applicable. A condominiums
council of unit owners may be notifed instead of the owner and residents of
each individual condominium.
2. For a sign variance, the deciding body must also send notice of the hearing
to any special taxing district in which the proposed sign would be located
and the technical staf of the Planning Board if the sign would be located on
a property with a site plan.
3. The notice must include the date and place of meeting, applicant, appli-
cation number and name, location of property, property size, zone (and
requested zone, if applicable), proposed use or density of development when
applicable, and telephone number and website for the applicable intake
4. A hearing may be postponed or continued if the time and place of the
continued hearing is publicly announced at the time of the adjournment or
notice is given to all parties of record as required for the original application.
F. Resoluton Notce
1. The deciding body or its designee must provide notice of the approved
resolution or opinion to all parties that were notifed of the hearing and any
additional parties of record within 10 days after a resolution or opinion is
2. The notice must provide the date the decision was made, a summary of the
decision, a copy of the resolution or opinion or a website link to a copy, and
the phone number, address, and website of the applicable deciding body.
G. Building Permit Sign Notce
After a building permit is approved, the applicant must post a sign as required
under Chapter 8.
H. Website Postng
1. During review, the applicable intake agency or designee, must post the ap-
plication on its website within 15 days after acceptance.
2. When the Planning Director provides a recommendation report on an ap-
plication decided by the Planning Board, the Planning Director must post
the recommendation report on the Planning Board's website a minimum of
10 days before the Planning Board hearing. In cases where an application
is decided by the Hearing Examiner, the Board of Appeals, or the District
Council, the Planning Director's recommendation report must be posted
on the Planning Board's website a minimum of 7 days before the Planning
Board meeting.
3. When the Hearing Examiner provides a recommendation report on an ap-
plication decided by the Board of Appeals or the District Council, the Hearing
Examiner must post the recommendation report on its website a minimum
of 10 days before the Board of Appeals or the District Council hearing.
4. After a decision is made, the applicable deciding body or designee, must
post on its website the resolution refecting its decision and if approved,
plans certifed by the deciding body or designee, modifed from the submit-
ted plans to satisfy the decision.
5. When DPS accepts a building permit application, DPS must post on its web-
site the application information and track the status of review. After a deci-
sion is made, DPS must post on the internet its decision and, if approved, a
summary of the approval, including at least the approved use and gross foor
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Division 7.6. Special Provisions
Secton 7.6.1. Board of Appeals
A. Powers
In addition to any other power described in Division 7.6, the Board of Appeals
may compel the attendance of witnesses at hearings or meetings, and the chair
or another member may administer oaths.
B. Dutes
In addition to any other duties described in Division 7.6, the Board of Appeals
1. ensure that a minimum of 3 members of the Board of Appeals are present
when hearing or deciding any matter under this Chapter;
2. keep minutes of its proceedings, meetings and hearings; and
3. take each fnal action under this Chapter by written resolution. Each resolu-
tion must contain fndings of fact and conclusions of law forming the basis
for each decision. The members' votes must be recorded in the Board of
Appeals minutes. Any action or decision of the Board of Appeals under this
Chapter requires the afrmative vote of at least 3 members.
C. Filing of Appeals
1. Appeals to the Board of Appeals may be made:
a. by any person, board, association, corporation, or ofcial allegedly ag-
grieved by the grant or refusal of a building or use-and-occupancy permit
or by any other administrative decision based or claimed to be based, in
whole or in part, upon this Chapter, including the zoning map, or
b. about property afected by the master plan of highways.
2. Appeals must be made on forms provided for that purpose. Completed
forms must be fled with the clerk to the Board of Appeals, and the appellant
must pay the clerk for expenses incidental to the appeal. The clerk will accept
the form only if it contains all pertinent information and is accompanied by
the required fee to defray expenses.
3. Except as otherwise specifcally provided by statute, Board of Appeals review
of any action, inaction, decision or order of a department of the County
government must be de novo.
4. DPS must satisfy the prehearing submission requirements of Chapter 2A.
5. When an administrative appeal is made, the Board of Appeals must send
notice of the hearing within 5 days of the request for appeal to DPS, the
State Highway Administration, the County Board of Education, all abutting
and confronting property owners, civic and homeowners associations within
mile, any municipality within mile, and pre-submittal attendees if ap-
plicable. A condominiums council of unit owners may be notifed instead of
the owner and residents of each individual condominium.
Secton 7.6.2. Hearing Examiner
A. Assignment of Hearing Examiner
1. The County Council, sitting as the District Council, may assign one or more
Hearing Examiners in the Ofce of Zoning and Administrative Hearings to
conduct hearings for Local Map Amendments.
2. Any Hearing Examiner assigned to conduct hearings for Local Map Amend-
ments must not, within one year after serving as a Hearing Examiner, act
as agent or attorney in any proceeding or other matter before any County
agency or ofcer involving property that was the subject of a Local Map
Amendment pending during the Hearing Examiner's service as Hearing
B. Dutes
1. The Hearing Examiner must recommend rules and procedures to the District
Council to govern the conduct of public hearings and of other functions of
the Hearing Examiner's ofce and must perform such other tasks and duties
as the District Council from time to time may assign.
2. The Hearing Examiner schedules and conducts public hearings for all condi-
tional use applications. The Hearing Examiner may schedule and conduct a
hearing or write a report and recommendation for any other matter pending
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before the Board of Appeals upon request of the Board of Appeals and with
approval of 3 of its members.
3. The Hearing Examiner's ofce has the functions and duties of scheduling
and conducting public hearings and rendering written reports and recom-
mendations to the District Council for Local Map Amendments. The Hearing
Examiner may:
a. postpone or continue a public hearing to a time certain or for a reason-
able time if:
i. the Hearing Examiner fnds that the pendency of any proposed
master plan, plan amendment, highway plan, capital improvement
program, zoning or planning study, zoning text amendment, pending
court case, or other relevant matter may substantially afect the ap-
plication under consideration; or
ii. the applicant or another party for good cause requests a postpone-
ment or continuance.
b. extend the time for closing the record, either to a time certain or for a
reasonable time, if:
i. the Hearing Examiner fnds additional information or government
action is necessary on any relevant issue; or
ii. the applicant or another party requests a delay for good cause.
c. The District Council may, by resolution, order the Hearing Examiner to
postpone or continue a public hearing or the issuance of a report and
recommendation on a Local Map Amendment application, either to a
time certain or for a reasonable time, when a delay is necessary to allow
sufcient time for the District Council to approve any master plan, plan
amendment, zoning or planning study, highway plan or project, zoning
text amendment, sewer, water, or other capital improvements project,
which may have a substantial efect on any Local Map Amendment ap-
plication before the Hearing Examiner.
d. The District Council may by resolution, and for good cause shown, can-
cel, negate, void or suspend any order of the Hearing Examiner suspend-
ing, postponing, deferring, or continuing any public hearing.
Secton 7.6.3. Planning Board
A. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, any violation of a Planning
Board action, as defned in Chapter 50 (Section 50-41), may be enforced under
Division 7.8 or under Chapter 50 (Section 50-41), at the discretion of the Planning
B. The Planning Board may assign a hearing ofcer designated by the Planning
Board, including a Hearing Examiner from the Ofce of Zoning and Adminis-
trative Hearings, to conduct a public hearing and submit a report and recom-
mendation on any alleged violation of this Chapter or any other Planning Board
action as defned in Chapter 50 (Section 50-41). The hearing ofcer must submit
the required report and recommendation to the Planning Board a maximum
of 60 days after the hearing record closes, but the hearing ofcer may by order
extend the time to fle the report.
C. Plan Review Schedule
1. The Planning Board must annually adopt a Plan Review Schedule for the cal-
endar year that refects the timeframes established in Section 7.3.3, Sketch
Plan, and Section 7.3.4, Site Plan.
2. This schedule will set the following:
a. The date an accepted application will be distributed to the Development
Review Committee,
b. The date that initial Staf and agency comments are due,
c. The date of the Development Review Committee meeting,
d. The date by which an applicant must resubmit plans addressing the
Development Review Committee comments,
e. The date when fnal Staf and agency recommendations and conditions
are due, and
f. The date of the public hearing.
3. Extensions to these dates may be allowed at the request of either the ap-
plicant or the Planning Director as established under Section 7.3.3.C, Hear-
ing Date, for a sketch plan and Section 7.3.4.C, Hearing Date, and Section
7.3.4.D, Review and Recommendation, for a site plan.
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4. If an applicant submits a sketch plan amendment and site plan together, the
Plan Review Schedule follows the timeframes for a site plan.
D. Any provision adopted by the Planning Board to implement Article 59-7 is sub-
ject to District Council review and disapproval as if the provision were submitted
to the District Council under Method 2 of Chapter 2 (Section 2A-15).
Secton 7.6.4. Sign Review Board
A. Compositon
1. The Sign Review Board consists of 5 members:
a. appointed by the County Executive and confrmed by the District Council,
and under Chapter 2 (Section 2-148);
b. who are residents of the County;
c. one of whom must operate a business in the County; and
d. one of whom must be an architect licensed in Maryland. The Executive
must request from the Potomac Valley Chapter of Maryland, American
Institute of Architects, recommendations of architects who are qualifed
to serve on the Board, but the Executive is not limited to the Chapters
2. One member must be designated as chair by the County Executive, and
confrmed by the District Council.
3. Each member serves a 3-year term, except that an appointment to fll a va-
cancy occurring before a term expires is for the remainder of the unexpired
B. Procedures
The Sign Review Board must:
1. meet a minimum of once a month at the call of the chair;
2. exercise its powers and duties only when a minimum of 3 members are pres-
3. provide written decisions and actions of the Sign Review Board within 10
days after the decision or action in a format required by DPS; and
4. exercise its powers and duties according to the procedures adopted by Dis-
trict Council resolution. These procedures must include:
a. the keeping of records of meetings and hearings;
b. the establishment of requirements for hearing notifcation;
c. the orientation and training of new members;
d. the issuance of an annual report of activities and accomplishments;
e. standards of conduct regarding confict of interest;
f. standards of ethics; and
g. the procedure for admission of evidence and testimony.
C. Powers
The Sign Review Board may:
1. advise DPS whether an application for a permit satisfes this Chapter or
needs a variance;
2. approve or revoke a sign variance under Section 7.4.4;
3. order the appearance of a person or evidence at a hearing before them; and
4. approve a right-of-way sign under Section 6.7.4.F.3 after receiving a recom-
mendation from the appropriate transportation jurisdiction.
Secton 7.6.5. Fees
A. Establishing Fees
1. Where DPS, the Hearing Examiner, the Board of Appeals, or the District
Council is the deciding body, fees to cover the cost of administering this
Chapter must be approved by District Council resolution. A resolution to
establish or amend the fling fees may only be adopted after the District
Council has held a public hearing after reasonable notice. A fling fee is not
required for any application fled by the District Council or another govern-
ment agency, unless the application is fled at the request of a person with a
fnancial, contractual, or proprietary interest in the property.
2. Where the Planning Board is the deciding body, fees to cover the cost of
administering this Chapter must be approved by resolution of the Planning
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3. For Local Map Amendments and conditional use applications, 25% of the es-
tablished fee must be paid directly to the Planning Director and 75% must be
paid directly to the Hearing Examiner, Board of Appeals, or District Council
as applicable.
B. Waiving or Refunding of Local Map Amendment Fees
1. The District Council may waive or refund any Local Map Amendment re-
quired fling fee, in whole or in part, if:
a. the application has not been advertised for public hearing;
b. the application has been advertised for public hearing but the applicant
fles a request to withdraw it within 90 days after a master plan, Sec-
tional Map Amendment, or Zoning Text Amendment that materially
afects the property is approved, or condemnation proceedings or public
acquisition of the subject property has been initiated; or
c. the applicant shows that undue hardship will result if the refund is not
2. The Hearing Examiner may refund a Local Map Amendment fling fee of less
than $25,000, if any condition of Section 7.6.5.B.1 is satisfed.
C. Waiving or Refunding of Variance Fees
If a variance is needed because of an error by a government agency in its ap-
proval of a site plan, the Board of Appeals may waive or refund all or part of the
fling fee.
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Division 7.7. Exemptons and Nonconformites
tion or step in the process within the time allowed by law or plan approval,
under the standards and procedures of the Zoning Ordinance in efect on
October 29, 2014.
2. Applicaton Approved before October 30, 2014
Any structure or site design approved before October 30, 2014 may be imple-
mented by the property owner under the terms of the applicable plan.
3. Plan Amendment for Plans Approved or Pending before October 30.
a. Until October 30, 2039, an applicant may apply to amend any previously
approved application (listed in Section 7.7.1.B.1 or Section 7.7.1.B.2), un-
der the development standards and procedures of the propertys zoning
on October 29, 2014, if the amendment:
i. does not increase the approved density or building height unless al-
lowed under Section 7.7.1.C; and
ii. either:
(a) retains at least the approved setback from property in a Residen-
tial Detached zone that is vacant or improved with a Single-Unit
Living use; or
(b) satisfes the setback required by its zoning on the date the
amendment or the permit is submitted.
b. An applicant may apply for a minor site plan amendment to amend the
parking requirements of a previously approved application (listed in Sec-
tion 7.7.1.B.1 or 7.7.1.B.2) in a manner that satisfes the parking require-
ments of Section 6.2.3 and Section 6.2.4.
4. Repair, Renovaton, and Rebuilding Rights under Secton 7.7.1.B
Any structure or site design implemented under Section 7.7.1.B is conform-
ing and may be continued, renovated, repaired, or reconstructed.
Secton 7.7.1. Exemptons
A. Existng Structure, Site Design, or Use on October 30, 2014
1. Structure and Site Design
A legal structure or site design existing on October 30, 2014 that does not
meet the zoning standards on or after October 30, 2014 is conforming and
may be continued, renovated, repaired, or reconstructed if the foor area,
height, and footprint of the structure is not increased, except as provided for
in Section 7.7.1.C for structures in Commercial/Residential, Employment or
Industrial zones, or Section 7.7.1.D.5 for structures in Residential Detached
2. Use
Except for a Registered Living Unit, any use that was conforming or not
nonconforming on October 29, 2014 and that would otherwise be made
nonconforming by the application of zoning on October 30, 2014 is conform-
ing, but may not expand.
B. Applicaton Approved or Filed for Approval before October 30, 2014
1. Applicaton in Progress before October 30, 2014
Any development plan, schematic development plan, diagrammatic plan,
concept plan, project plan, sketch plan, preliminary plan, record plat, site
plan, special exception, variance, or building permit fled or approved before
October 30, 2014 must be reviewed under the standards and procedures of
the Zoning Ordinance in efect on October 29, 2014. Any complete Local
Map Amendment application submitted to the Hearing Examiner by May 1,
2014, must be reviewed under the standards and procedures of the Zoning
Ordinance in efect on October 29, 2014. If the District Council approves such
an application after October 30, 2014 for a zone that is not retained in Chap-
ter 59, then the zoning will automatically convert to the equivalent zone as
translated under DMA G-956 when the Local Map Amendment is approved.
The approval of any of these applications or amendments to these applica-
tions will allow the applicant to proceed through any other required applica-
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5. Development with a Development Plan or Schematc Development Plan
Approved before October 30, 2014
a. Any development allowed on property where the zoning classifcation on
October 29, 2014 was the result of a Local Map Amendment must satisfy
any binding elements until:
i. the property is subject to a Sectional Map Amendment that imple-
ments a master plan approved after October 30, 2014;
ii. the property is rezoned by Local Map Amendment; or
iii. the binding element is revised by a development plan amendment
under the procedures in efect on October 29, 2014.
b. Any development on a property that was zoned H-M on October 29, 2014
must include 45% green area, under the zoning in efect on October 29,
2014, until the property is subject to a Sectional Map Amendment or
rezoned by Local Map Amendment. The green area required under this
provision satisfes, and is not in addition to, any open space requirement
of the propertys zoning on October 30, 2014.
6. Density Transfers Approved before October 30, 2014
On a property that is subject to an efective density transfer easement and
density transfer deed, the total density or density associated with a commer-
cial or residential use, including any density approved by an amendment of a
previously approved application listed in Section 7.7.1.B.1, may exceed that
allowed by the existing zoning as long as the total density or density associ-
ated with a commercial or residential use does not exceed that allowed by
the density transfer easement and density transfer deed.
C. Expansion of Floor Area Existng on October 30, 2014
1. Limited Rights under Zoning before October 30, 2014
Until October 30, 2039, on land that is located in a Commercial/Residential,
Employment, or Industrial zone, an applicant for an amendment to an appli-
cation listed in Section 7.7.1.B.1 may increase the foor area on the site under
Section 7.7.1.C.2 or 7.7.1.C.3 following the procedures and standards of the
propertys zoning on October 29, 2014:
a. if the building does not exceed the height limits and density of the prop-
ertys zoning in efect on October 29, 2014;
b. if any building on the site is no closer to property in a Residential De-
tached zone that is vacant or improved with a Single-Unit Living use than
any existing structure on the site on October 30, 2014, or satisfes the
setbacks of the current zoning; and
c. when a site plan or site plan amendment is required by the propertys
zoning on October 29, 2014, a site plan or a site plan amendment is ap-
proved under the standards of site plan approval on October 29, 2014.
2. All Prior Zones
Existing development in a Commercial/Residential, Employment, or In-
dustrial zone may expand by up to the lesser of 10% of the gross foor area
approved for the site on October 30, 2014 or 30,000 square feet, except for
properties with 2,000 square feet or less of foor area, which may expand by
up to 30% of the gross foor area approved for the site on October 30, 2014.
Any expansion must satisfy Section 7.7.1.C.1.
3. Prior Floatng Zones
a. A property where the zoning on October 29, 2014 was the result of a
Local Map Amendment with an approved development plan may expand
as allowed under Section 7.7.1.C.3.b. Any expansion must satisfy Section
b. If the District Council approves a development plan amendment larger
than allowed under Section 7.7.1.C.2, the zoning of the property subject
to the amendment will automatically convert and be remapped to the
equivalent zone as translated under DMA G-956, with the density and
height approved in the amendment.
4. Expansion above Secton 7.7.1.C.2
Any portion of an enlargement that exceeds Section 7.7.1.C.2 must sat-
isfy the applicable standards and procedures for the current zoning. After
October 30, 2039, any amendment to a previously approved application
must satisfy the applicable standards and procedures for the current zoning
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to the extent of (a) any expansion, and (b) any other portion of an approved
development that the amendment changes.
D. Residental Lots and Parcels
1. Residental Lot
Unless adjoining lots have merged by virtue of ownership and zoning re-
quirements, DPS may issue a building permit for a detached house on any
Residential or Rural Residential zoned lot identifed on a plat recorded before
October 30, 2014 without regard to the street frontage and lot size require-
ments of its zoning, except as provided in Section 7.7.1.D.3.b
2. Pre-1958 Parcel
A detached house on a platted lot, parcel, or part of a previously platted lot
that has not changed in size or shape since June 1, 1958, exclusive of changes
due to public acquisition, may be:
a. constructed under its current zoning without regard to the minimum lot
width at the front lot line;
b. reconstructed either on its current footprint and up to its current maxi-
mum building height; or
c. constructed or reconstructed in a manner that satisfes the maximum
building height, lot coverage and established building line of its zone
when the building permit is submitted and the side yard and rear setback
required by its pre- 1958 zoning in efect when the lot, parcel or part of a
lot was frst created.
3. Pre-1928 Lot
a. In addition to the provisions of Section 7.7.1.D.1, a new or reconstructed
detached house on any lot recorded before 1928 must satisfy the front,
rear, and side yard setbacks of the 1928 Zoning Ordinance; however,
a new building must satisfy the established building line requirements
under Section 4.4.1.A if applicable.
b. Before DPS may issue a building permit for a new detached house on a
lot less than 5,000 square feet in land area that was recorded before 1928
and adjoins vacant land in common ownership any time since November
8, 2012, the lot must be subdivided with such adjoining property.
4. Damage in Flood Plain
If a detached house that is located within a 100-year food plain and abuts
any waterway, is damaged or destroyed by food to the extent of up to 75%
of the reconstruction value of the building, the dwelling may be repaired or
reconstructed to preexisting dimensions.
5. Additons to Dwellings
In addition to the authority to renovate, repair, and reconstruct under Sec-
tion 7.7.1.A.1 and without regard to the standards of its current zoning, the
owner of a detached house that:
a. is in a housing project constructed before January 1, 1945 that was
owned by the government when constructed, may construct an addition
to the detached house if, after the addition,:
i. the front setback of the detached house on the subject property is
equal to the average of all the front setbacks of the detached houses
on the same side of the right-of-way;
ii. the minimum side setback between a detached house on an abutting
lot and the subject detached house is 18 feet; and
iii. the minimum rear setback is 20 feet or the sum of the rear setbacks
between any 2 detached houses is a minimum of 40 feet;
b. was constructed under density control standards in the R-150 zone be-
fore October 30, 2014 may construct an addition to the dwelling if, after
the addition,:
i. the minimum front setback is 30 feet;
ii. the minimum side setback is 10 feet;
iii. the minimum rear setback is 25 feet; and
iv. the maximum lot coverage is 30%;
c. was constructed under density control standards in the R-200, R-90 or
RMH-200 zone before October 30, 2014 may construct an addition that
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requirements of the zone applicable to it before its classifcation to the RC
zone if:
a. the property owner held title to the property before June 4, 1974;
b. a reduced lot size is required for a lot created for a detached house; and
c. the child of the property owner, or the spouse of a child, or the parents of
the property owner will reside in the house on the additional lot.
Secton 7.7.2. Nonconforming Use
A lawful nonconforming use may be continued under the following limits:
A. Expansion
A lawful nonconforming use of a structure or lot must not be expanded.
B. Abandonment of Use
Except for a Registered Living Unit allowed under the code in efect on October
29, 2014, which may be abandoned, removed, or terminated under the code in
efect on October 29, 2014, a nonconforming use or a use deemed to be con-
forming under Section 7.7.1.A.2 is abandoned if it ceases for at least 6 consecu-
tive months. If a nonconforming use or a use deemed to be conforming under
Section 7.7.1.A.2 is abandoned, it must not be reestablished unless it is a historic
resource and satisfes Section 7.7.2.C.
C. Historic Resources
Any nonconforming use that has ceased operations for at least 6 consecutive
months may be reestablished if the use is:
1. located in a historic structure or on a historic site identifed in the Master
Plan for Historic Preservation; and
2. consistent with the historic use of the property as documented in the Loca-
tional Atlas of Historic Sites, the Master Plan for Historic Preservation, or the
land records.
D. Lawful Nonconforming Use Certfcaton
The owner of property who wishes to establish that a use on the property is
lawfully nonconforming, under the provision of this Chapter, must submit an ap-
plication in a form provided by DPS. A nonconforming use certifcation must be
issued by DPS if DPS determines that the use of the property is a nonconform-
ing use as defned herein.
satisfes the development standards of their current zone under the stan-
dard method of development; or
d. is in an area rezoned from R-60 to R-90 may construct an addition that
satisfes the development standards of the R-60 zone under the standard
method of development.
6. Exempted Lots and Parcels in the RE-2C Zone
A lot or parcel in the RE-2C zone, in addition to other exemptions in this sub-
section, is exempt from the area and dimension requirements of the RE-2C
zone, but must satisfy the requirements of the zone applicable to it before
its classifcation to the RE-2C zone if:
a. the property owner held title to the property before March 17, 1982;
b. a reduced lot size is required for a lot created for a detached house;
c. the child of the property owner, or the spouse of a child, or the parents of
the property owner will reside in the house on the additional lot; and
d. the overall density of the tract owned on March 17, 1982 is 1.1 units per
acre or lower.
7. Exempted Lots and Parcels in the Rural Zone
A lot or parcel in the Rural zone, in addition to other exemptions in this sub-
section, is exempt from the area and dimension requirements of the Rural
zone, but must satisfy the requirements of the zone applicable to it before
its classifcation to the Rural zone if:
a. the property owner can establish that the owner had legal title on or
before June 4, 1974;
b. the child of the property owner, or the spouse of a child, or the parents of
the property owner will reside in the house on the additional lot; and
c. the overall density of the property does not exceed one dwelling unit per
5 acres in any subdivision.
8. Exempted Lots and Parcels in the Rural Cluster Zone
A lot or a parcel in the Rural Cluster (RC) zone, in addition to other exemp-
tions in this subsection, is exempt from the minimum area requirements
and dimension requirements of the Rural Cluster zone, but must satisfy the
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Division 7.8. Violatons, Penaltes, and Enforcement
Secton 7.8.1. Generally
A. Any violation of this Chapter may be punished as provided in State law.
B. In addition to all other remedies provided by law, any violation of this Chapter
may, as an alternative, be punished by a civil fne equal to the maximum allowed
by the Maryland Land Use Article as amended and any penalty allowed by regu-
lation adopted under Method (2). Each day a violation continues is a separate
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