2500 Pts - Dwarfs: Name # Type MV Wsbssttowoin at LD SV WSV MGC Cost

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2500 Pts - Dwarfs

Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost

Dwarf Lord (25 , 859 pts)
Dwarf Lord 1 In 3 7 4 4 5 3 4 4*/5* 10 1+ 4+, 308
Composition: Lord
Royal Blood; General; Hand Weapon; Pistol; Gromril Armor; Shield; Shieldbearers: Adds 2
WS5 S4 I3 normal attacks each combat round. If the
General and the Shieldbearers fights with a unit, he counts as
two normal models for the purposes of working out if there is a complete rank of five models.
Runic Weapon 1 [55]
Master Rune of Swiftness: Always Strikes First.; Rune of Fire: Flaming attacks; Rune of Fury
(x1): +1 Attacks
Runic Armor 1 [25]
Rune of Resistance: Re-roll failed armor saves
Runic Talisman 1 [45]
Master Rune of Spite: 4+ Ward Save
Thane (Battle Standard Bearer) 1 In 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 3+ 6+* 172
Composition: Hero
Hand Weapon; Pistol; Gromril Armor; Shield; Battle Standard Bearer; Oath Stone;
Stonebeards: 'Ironbreakers'
Runic Standard 1 [55]
Strollaz's Rune: After deployment, but before deciding who gets the first turn, all units within
12" (except Gyrocopters) get a free normal or march move.
Ironbreakers 22 In 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 3+ 6+* 379
Composition: Special
Stonebearers for character 'Thane (Battle Standard Bearer)'; Musician ; Standard Bearer ;
Hand Weapon; Gromril Armor; Shield
Ironbeard 1 In 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 3+ 6+* [25]
Hand Weapon; Gromril Armor; Shield
Runic Standard 1 [50]
Rune of Slowness (x1): Enemy foes charging this unit roll charge range as normal, then dwarf
player rolls a D6 and subtracts rolled inches from opponent's charge. If multiple runes are
present, roll one die for each and choose the best result
Runesmith (47 , 769 pts)
Runesmith 1 In 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 9 2+ 6+* 142
Composition: Hero
Hand Weapon; Gromril Armor; Shield
Runic Armor 1 [20]
Rune of Preservation: The bearer is immune to Killing Blows, Heroic Killing Blow and
Poisoned Attacks (treat both of these as normal attacks).; Rune of Stone: +1 Armor Save
Runic Talisman 1 [50]
Rune of Spellbreaking (x2): One use only. Automatically dispels enemy spell.
Longbeards 45 In 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 1 9 4+ 6+* 627
Composition: Core
Upgrade to Longbeards: Immune to Panic. Old Grumblers: Any Dwarf unit within 6" of a
non-fleeing Longbeards unit may re-roll failed Panic tests.; Musician ; Standard Bearer ;
Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield
Veteran 1 In 3 5 3 4 4 1 2 2 9 4+ 6+* [22]
Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour; Shield
Runic Standard 1 [50]
Master Rune of Grungni: Friendly Dwarf units within 6" gain a 5+ Ward save against
shooting attacks, including Magic Missiles.

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair.com!
Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Thane (10 , 291 pts)
Thane 1 In 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 2+ 6+* 112
Composition: Hero
Hand Weapon; Pistol; Gromril Armor; Shield
Runic Armor 1 [5]
Rune of Stone: +1 Armor Save
Runic Talisman 1 [35]
Rune of Brotherhood: This character may deploy with a unit of Scouts as if he had the Scout
rule himself, or with Miners making an Underground Advance.; Rune of Luck (x1): Bearer
may re-roll one hit roll, wound roll, armor save or ward save at any time during the game
Miners 8 In 3 4 3 3/5 4 1 2 1 9 5+ 179
Composition: Special
Underground Advance: See Dwarf rulebook p36; Always Strikes Last; Musician ; Standard
Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Blasting Charges; Pick; Heavy Armour
Prospector 1 In 3 4 3 3/6 4 1 2 2 9 5+ [46]
Hand Weapon; Steam Drill; Heavy Armour
Thane (10 , 286 pts)
Thane 1 In 3 6 4 4 5 2 3/5 3 9 2+ 6+* 107
Composition: Hero
Hand Weapon; Pistol; Gromril Armor; Shield
Runic Weapon 1 [10]
Rune of Speed (x2): +1 Initiative
Runic Armor 1 [5]
Rune of Stone: +1 Armor Save
Runic Talisman 1 [20]
Rune of Brotherhood: This character may deploy with a unit of Scouts as if he had the Scout
rule himself, or with Miners making an Underground Advance.
Miners 8 In 3 4 3 3/5 4 1 2 1 9 5+ 179
Composition: Special
Underground Advance: See Dwarf rulebook p36; Always Strikes Last; Musician ; Standard
Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Blasting Charges; Pick; Heavy Armour
Prospector 1 In 3 4 3 3/6 4 1 2 2 9 5+ [46]
Hand Weapon; Steam Drill; Heavy Armour
Artillery Battery (5 , 175 pts)
Cannon 1 WM 7 3/4 175
Composition: Special
R48"; S10; Multiple Wounds (D6)
Stubborn.; Rune of Forging: Re-roll Misfires; Rune of Fortune: One use only. Change any
Misfire result to a roll of 6.; Rune of Reloading: The machine can shoot even if misfired
previous turn (unless destroyed by misfire).; Cannon
Crew 3 - 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 6+ [0]
Hand Weapon; Light Armour
Engineer 1 - 3 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 9 6+ [15]
Extra Crewman: May replace a slain crewman on any War Machine (but may not himself
shoot while doing so).
Artillery Specialist (may not shoot while using): Cannon or Grudge Thrower: Re-roll Misfire
result. Bolt Thrower: Use Engineer's BS when rolling to hit.
; Hand Weapon; Light Armour
Artillery Battery (4 , 120 pts)
Organ Gun 1 WM 7 3 120
Composition: Rare
R24"; S5; -3 Save Modifier
See page 40 of the Dwarf rulebook.
Gunners' Pride: The crew is Stubborn as long as the War Machine is not destroyed. They can
never Flee from a charge or pursue a Fleeing enemy.
Crew 3 - 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 6+ [0]
Hand Weapon; Light Armour
Total Cost: 2500

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair.com!
Option Footnotes
Blasting Charges One use only. One enemy unit charging the Miners takes D6 Flaming S6 hits as if from shooting (this attack
has a nominal range of 4").
Gromril Armor 4+ Armor Save
Hand Weapon 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted.
Heavy Armour 5+ Armour save.
Light Armour 6+ Armour save.
Musician +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10). Allows Swift
Oath Stone Nominate one unit to deploy with at the start of the game, and may not leave that unit (no other characters
may join it). Magic Resistance (1) for unit.
May Set the Stone when charged (see Dwarf rulebook p28) - unit has no flanks or rear, may not move
unless fleeing, character must always issue and meet challenges.
If the unit flees, the Oath Stone is lost and the character counts as being killed (he is dishonored for losing
the oath stone).
While oath stone is down the
models in the unit may make supporting attacks in any
direction, and if they have shields, they get their Parry save
against attacks coming from any side.
Pick +2 Strength; Always strikes last. Two-handed.
Pistol 12" Range, Strength 4, Armour Piercing. Quick to Fire
Shield +1 Armour save bonus.
Standard Bearer +1 to Combat Resolution; Standard can be captured if unit Flees.
Steam Drill Two handed. +3 strength in close combat. Re-roll the Arrival dice when making an Underground Advance.
Always Strikes Last Always strikes last in close combat

Roster Design Information

Hate all greenskins.
Flee and pursue 2D6-1".
All units may march even when an enemy is within 8".

Validation Report
Army Subtype: Dwarf Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Forbid Regiments of Renown
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Roster Statistics
General's Ld: 10
# Models: 101
Total Characters: 841
Total Core: 627
Total Magic Items: 425
Total Rare: 120
Total Special: 912
% Characters: 33.6
% Core: 25.1
% Magic Items: 17
% Rare: 4.8
% Special: 36.5

Group Min Max Used

Points of Lords 0 625 308
Points of Heroes 0 625 533
Points of Core 625 Unlimited 627
Points of Special 0 1250 912
Points of Rare 0 625 120

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair.com!

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