2500 Pts - Warriors of Chaos: Name # Type MV Wsbssttowoin at LD SV WSV MGC Cost

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2500 Pts - Warriors of Chaos

Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost

Skullcrushers of Khorne (3 , 225 pts)
Skullcrushers of Khorne 3 MC 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 2/3 8 1+ 225
Composition: Rare
Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield; Frenzy
Juggernaut of Khorne 3 - 7 5 - 5 - - 2 3 7 - [0]
Murderous Charge : On the turn a Juggernaut makes a successful charge, it has +1 Strength;
Daemonic Attacks; Causes Fear
Chaos Lord (1 , 345 pts)
Chaos Lord of Khorne 1 MC 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5/6 9 1+ 345
Composition: Lord
Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; General; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour;
Shield; Frenzy
Juggernaut of Khorne 1 - 7 5 - 5 - - 2 3 7 - [55]
Murderous Charge : On the turn a Juggernaut makes a successful charge, it has +1 Strength;
Brass Behemoth; Daemonic Attacks; Causes Fear
Sword of Anti Heroes 1 +1 Strength & +1 Attack for every character in base contact. [30]
Helm of Many Eyes 1 Counts as armour save being 1 higher than normal. Always Strikes First in Close [25]
Combat. Subject to Stupidity.
Soul Feeder 1 Roll a D6 for each unsaved Wound inflicted by the character in CC. for each [10]
result of a 6, regain a single lost Wound.
Chaos Warriors (24 , 486 pts)
Chaos Warriors of Khorne 23 In 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 2/4 8 3+ 486
Composition: Core
Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand
Weapon; Chaos Armour; Shield; Frenzy
Aspiring Champion of Khorne 1 In 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 3/5 8 3+ [29]
Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Chaos
Armour; Shield; Frenzy

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Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Sorcerer (3 , 335 pts)
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle 1 In/Ch 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 2 8 3+ 6+ 2 335
Composition: Hero
Eye of the Gods; Mark of Nurgle; Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour; Bloated
with Disease
Gorebeast Chariot 1 Ch 5 6 5 3+ [130]
Gorebeast Charge : All Impact Hits have Killing Blow; Causes Fear; Chariot; Scythed Wheels
Chaos Charioteer 1 - - 5 3 4/5 - - 5 2 8 - [0]
Hand Weapon; Halberd
Gorebeast 1 - 6 4 - 5 - - 2 3 - - [0]
Dispel Scroll 1 One use: Automatically dispels an enemy spell. [25]
Talisman of Protection 1 6+ Ward Save. [15]
Nurgle's Rot 1 At start of every Magic phase, every enemy model in BtB with character suffers a [10]
single S1 hit, no armour saves allowed.
The Lore of Nurgle 1 Must choose spells from The Lore of Nurgle [0]
Bloated with Disease 1 When a Lore of Nurgle spell is successfully cast, roll a D6 after resolving the [0]
spell's effect(s). On the roll of a 6, the Wizards Wounds and Toughness are both
increased by 1 for the rest of the game.
0. Stream of Corruption 1 Direct Damage . [0]
7+ Cast . Place teardrop template with narrow end touching the front of the casters
base and large end over the target. All models must pass a Toughness test or
suffer a Wound with no armour saves allowed.
1. Miasma of Pestilence 1 Augment. [0]
5+ Cast . Range 18"; All enemy units in base contact with the target unit reduce
their Weapon Skill and Initiative by 1 (to a min of 1).
10+ Cast . Range 18"; All enemy units in base contact with the target unit reduce
their Weapon Skill and Initiative by D3 (to a min of 1).
2. Blades of Putrefaction 1 Augment. [0]
8+ Cast . Choose a friendly unit within 12" Range of the caster, it gains the
Poisoned Attacks until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. If unit already
has Poisoned Attacks, its Attacks wound target automatically on a To Hit of 5 as
well as 6.
3. Curse of the Leper 1 Augment./ Hex. [0]
10+ Cast . Choose a unit within 18". Friendly target unit gains D3 Toughness (to
a max of 10) until start of caster's next Magic Phase. Or enemy target unit
reduces Toughness by D3 (to a min of 1) until start of caster's next Magic phase.
13+ Cast . 36" Range
4. Rancid Visitations 1 Magic Missile . [0]
10+ Cast . 18" Range. D6 S5 hits. The target unit must then pass a Toughness test
or suffer a further D6 S5 hits. The target must keep testing its Toughness in this
manner until a test is passed, or target is removed as casualty.
5. Fleshy Abundance 1 Augment. [0]
11+ Cast . Pick one unit within 18" Range. The unit gains Regeneration (5+). If
the target already has the Regeneration, it instead gains +1 to all Regeneration
saving throws (to a max of 2+) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
22+ Cast . All units with 18" Range.
6. Plague Wind 1 Vortex. Remains in Play . [0]
15+ Cast . Place small round template and the caster nominates a direction. To
determine how many inches the template moves roll an artillery dice and multiply
the result by the casters Wizard level. If the result is misfire, centre the template
on the caster instead and roll a scatter dice. The template move in the direction
shown the number of inches equal to caster's level. If a hit is shown the templates
remain where it is. Any model touches must pass a Toughness test or suffer a
single automatic Wound, with no armour saves allowed. In subsequent turns the
template moves in a random direction and distance equal to the roll of an artillery
dice. If a misfire is rolled spell dissipates and is removed.
25+ Cast . Place large round template instead.
Forsaken (10 , 210 pts)
Forsaken of Khorne 10 In 6 4 - 4 4 1 4 D3+1 8 4+ 210
Composition: Core
Berserk Rage; Freakish Mutations; Forsaken of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Chaos Armour;
Frenzy; Hatred

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair.com!
Name # Type Mv WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost
Chaos Giant (1 , 200 pts)
Chaos Giant 1 Mo 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 * 10 - 200
Composition: Rare
Fall Over; Longshanks; Giant Special Attacks; Giant Special Attacks; Causes Terror; Immune
to Psychology; Large Target; Stubborn
Chaos Knights (10 , 495 pts)
Chaos Knights of Khorne 9 Ca 4/5 5 3 4/5 4 1 5 2/3 8 1+ 495
Composition: Special
Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Barding; Hand Weapon;
Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Causes Fear; Frenzy
Doom Knight of Khorne 1 Ca 4/5 5 3 4/5 4 1 5 3/4 8 1+ [55]
Eye of the Gods; Berserk Rage; Mark of Khorne; Hand Weapon; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos
Armour; Shield; Frenzy
Chaos Steed 10 - 8 3 - 4 3 1 3 1 5 - [0]
Banner of Swiftness 1 Unit has +1 to Movement. [15]
Chaos Giant (1 , 200 pts)
Chaos Giant 1 Mo 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 * 10 - 200
Composition: Rare
Fall Over; Longshanks; Giant Special Attacks; Causes Terror; Immune to Psychology; Large
Target; Stubborn
Total Cost: 2496

Option Footnotes
Chaos Armour 4+ armour save. Sorcerers may cast spells
Ensorcelled Weapons Count as magic weapons, +1 Strength
Extra Hand Weapon +1 Attack, Requires two hands.
Halberd +1 Strength. Two-handed.
Hand Weapon 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted.
Musician +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10). Allows Swift
Shield +1 armour save bonus.
Standard Bearer +1 to Combat Resolution, Standard can be captured if unit Flees.
Mark of Chaos
Forsaken of Khorne Bearer is subject to Hatred
Mark of Khorne Bearer is subject to Frenzy.
Mark of Nurgle Enemy models suffer a -1 penalty To Hit in close combat.
Mount Option
Barding +1 armour save bonus, -1 Movement.

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair.com!
Roster Notes
Eye of the Gods Table Roll 2D6 whenever a model with this rule kills an opponent in a challenge, or if he kills a monster. A model
can have the same gift more than once.
(2) - Damned by Chaos : Model must take his own unmodified Ld Test. No re-roll is allowed.
If passed model gains; Insanity Gift : Gains Stupidity, if model has Stupidity already, then -1 Ld (to a min
If failed; Spawndom: Place a Chaos Spawn anywhere within 6" of model and 1" away from units or
impassable terrain.
(3) - Evil Eyeball : +1 Ballistic Skill
(4) - Unholy Resilience : +1 Toughness
(5) - Iron Skin : +1 armour save bonus
(6) - Murderous Mutation : +1 Weapon Skill
(7) - The Eye Opens : Model may re-roll one failed To Hit, To Wound or saving throw until the end of his
next turn.
(8) - Unearthly Reflexes : +1 Initiative
(9) - Dark Fury : +1 Attack
(10) - Slaughterer's Strength : +1 Strength
(11) - Aura of Chaos : Gain 6+ Ward Save or increases Ward Save by 1 to a maximum of 3+
(12) - Dark Apotheosis : Model must take his own unmodified Ld Test. No re-roll is allowed.
If failed model gains; Divine Greatness : Gains Stubborn, if model already has Stubborn then +1 Ld.
If passed; Daemonhood: Model gains Mark of choosing, save Wizard may not take Mark of Khorne. Place
Daemon Prince anywhere within 6" of model and 1" away from units or impassable terrain. (Addl. notes:
WoC Armybook pg 25)
Miscast Table Roll 2D6 on this table:
2-4) Dimensional Cascade : Put large template on the Wizard. Every model (including Wizard) takes a S10
hit. Roll a D6: (1-3) Remove Wizard, (4-6) Remove D6 dice from Power Pool.
5-6) Calamitous Detonation : Put the small template on the Wizard. Every model (including the Wizard)
takes a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool.
7) Detonation: Models in contact with the Wizard (but not the Wizard) take a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from
Power Pool.
8-9) Magical Feedback : The Wizard and every other friendly Wizard takes a S6 hit. Remove D6 dice from
Power Pool.
10-12) Power Drain : Wizard Level -D3, minimum 0. For every level lost, randomly forget spell. First spell
lost is spell that caused miscast. Wizard cannot cast any more spells this turn.
Special Rules
Berserk Rage Must declare charge if able to unless a Leadership test is passed. Cannot choose to restrain pursuit.
Daemonic Attacks Attacks made by this model are magical. This includes any special, ranged or Stomp attacks they make.
Freakish Mutations If a unit of Forsaken are in base contact with one or more enemy units at the start of CC, roll a D6 on the
table below. The effect lasts until the end of this CC phase.
1. Slug Brains : Unit has Always Strikes Last
2. Razor Talons : Unit has Armour Piercing
3. Lashing Tentacles : Unit has Always Strikes First
4. Venomous Fangs : Unit has Poisoned Attacks
5. Healing Flesh : Unit has Regeneration (5+)
6. Decapitating Claws : Unit has Killing Blow
Immune to Psychology Automatically passes Fear, Terror or Panic tests. May not Flee! if charged.
Swiftstride When charging / fleeing, units made entirely of models with Swiftstride roll 3D6 and discard the lowest
instead of 2D6 for distance.

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Giant Special Attacks When fighting big things (ogres and larger, including chariots) :
1) Yell and Bawl
2-4) Thump with Club
5-6) Chomp!
When fighting little things :
1) Yell and Bawl
2) Jump Up And Down
3) Pick Up And...
4-6) Swing With Club
Yell and Bawl :
Neither the giant nor any models in contact fight if they haven't already, but the giant wins the combat by 2.
Jump Up And Down :
Test to fall over. If the giant stays on his feet, he inflicts 2D6 S6 hits, allocated like shooting hits. The giant
will continue to Jump Up And Down until he falls over or the combat ends.
Swing With Club :
Causes D6 Strength 6 hits, allocated as if from shooting.
Thump With Club :
Target must take an Initiative test, or take 2D6 wounds with no armour save. On a double, the giants club
embeds itself in the ground and he cannot attack next round.
Causes D3 wounds with no armour saves. The giant recovers as many wounds as he inflicts.
Pick Up And... :
Pick a model in base contact. The model may make 1 attack, if he hits and wounds nothing further happens.
Otherwise, roll a D6:
1) Stuff into bag - the model is considered dead unless the giant is slain, at which point he is released from
the bag.
2) Throw back into combat - The victim takes 1 wound with no saves, and his unit takes D6 strength 3 hits.
3) Hurl - The victim takes 1 wound with no saves, and is thrown into a random unit within 12", which takes
D6 strength 3 hits. (If none, treat this as 'throw back into combat'.)
4) Squash - The victim dies.
5) Eat - The victim dies.
6) Pick Another - Treat this as 'stuff into bag', then the giant tries to pick up another model.

Validation Report
Army Subtype: Chaos Army; Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Special Rules: Forbid Chaos Dwarfs in WoC, Forbid
Regiments of Renown, Forbid Special Characters; File Version: 2.74
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Roster Statistics
Fortitude: 4
General's Ld: 9
Hierophant Ld: 0
# Models: 53
Total Characters: 680
Total Core: 696
Total Magic Items: 130
Total Rare: 625
Total Special: 495
% Characters: 27.2
% Core: 27.9
% Magic Items: 5.2
% Rare: 25
% Special: 19.8

Group Min Max Used

Points of Lords 0 625 345
Points of Heroes 0 625 335
Points of Core 625 Unlimited 696
Points of Special 0 1250 495
Points of Rare 0 625 625

Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair.com!

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