Template Project Handover 2012

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The document outlines the requirements and process for changing the grant holder of a research project funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa.

The handover report requires details about the existing and proposed grant holders, grant information, reasons for change, progress report, motivation for new grant holder, student supervision status, financial report, asset list, declarations, and endorsements.

The current grant holder must provide a narrative progress report, proposed new grant holder must be nominated and motivated, students must be accounted for and plans made to ensure supervision, financial reporting is required, and all relevant parties must sign declarations.

Handover Progress Report

Instructions for completion of the form:

 Please complete all the sections (Extra lines can be added if necessary)
 The form is currently in PDF format. After completion, it should be submitted
to the Grants Director: Capacity and Strategic Platforms Grants at the NRF.
Scanned copies can be emailed to the NRF on condition they are signed.
Original signed forms should be sent by mail.
 NB! It is important that the existing and proposed grant holders update their
CVs on the NRF Online system.

1. Personal information
Details of the existing grant holder
Surname, Initials, Title
ID Number
Employing institution
Details of the proposed grant holder
Surname, Initials, Title
ID Number
Employing institution
2. Grant information
Details of the existing grant
NRF Funding Programme Post-PhD Track NRF-Rating Track
Application Reference Number
Descriptive Title

No. of years project has been

No. of years remaining for
project to be completed
End date of grant
3. Proposed change of grant holder
Reasons for handover of
Research Project
Transfer date
4. Narrative progress report
NB! This progress report does not replace the Annual Progress Report (APR) that must
still be completed as per the conditions of grant.
Please provide a complete and detailed narrative status report on the research project’s
progress by answering the following questions.
4.1 What has been achieved to date in relation to the project’s stated objectives?
(Recommended space < 1 A4 page)

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4.2 What is outstanding or is still pending in terms of the research project’s work plan?
(Recommended space < 1 A4 page)

4.3 What problems have been encountered, if any, and what corrective measures are
recommended to address these in future? (Recommended space < 1 A4 page)

5. Motivation for proposed grant holder

5.1 Who has been nominated with similar expertise and qualifications to take over the
project? Please submit a detailed CV of the nominee and track record of students
successfully supervised to date. Furthermore please motivate why the proposed grant
holder is most suitable to take over the project

(Recommended space < 1 A4 page)

6. Student supervision status

6.1 How many postgraduate students are still participating in the project?
NB: Please provide more information on these students by completing the
attached spreadsheet (Annexure A)
6.2 How are the students, mentioned above, likely to be affected by the proposed
changes and what measures are being taken to ensure that their supervision is not
(Recommended space < 1 A4 page)

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7. Financial report and assets
7.1 Please provide an interim financial report (status update)

7.2 Please list all assets acquired through the use of this grant, if any. Indicate what
will happen to each after the proposed change.
Description of asset Current status of asset
8. Additional information
8.1 What risks, if any, should the new grant holder be alerted to?
(Recommended space < ½ A4 page)

8.2 Is there any other relevant information you deem important for the NRF to note? If
yes, please include it below
(Recommended space < ½ A4 page)

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1. Current Grant holder

I (name and Surname) __________________________________________ declare

that the information provided above is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and
accurate reflection of the past and current facts concerning the project for which I
had a been the grant holder and principal investigator from

_______________20______to __________________20______

Signed: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

2. Proposed Grant holder

I (name and Surname) __________________________________________ declare

that I am willing to take over the grant described above and all its associated

Signed: _______________________________ Date: ___________________


1. Supervisor/Principal Investigator (PI) and/or Head of Department

I (name and Surname) __________________________________________ as

Supervisor and/or Head of the Department supports the grant transfer of the
research project ___________________from______________to_______________.

Signed: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

2. Research Director/Designated Authority and/or Equivalent

Signed: _______________________________ Date: _____________________

Official Capacity__________________________

Official Stamp

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NRF Administrative Purposes Only

NRF Reviewing Officer Name:

NRF Reviewing Officer Position:


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Annexure A: Students currently supervised within the research project

Surname Student Student ID Level of study Date of first Expected Supervisor

number e.g., MSc registration completion and co-
for current date supervisor

Where applicable, please provide reasons where students take longer than normal time to graduate:

Where applicable, please provide reasons where students take longer than normal time to graduate:

Where applicable, please provide reasons where students take longer than normal time to graduate:

Where applicable, please provide reasons where students take longer than normal time to graduate:

Where applicable, please provide reasons where students take longer than normal time to graduate:

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