Dixit y Stiglitz 1977 1831401
Dixit y Stiglitz 1977 1831401
Dixit y Stiglitz 1977 1831401
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Monopolistic Competition and Optimum
Product Diversity
The basic issue concerning production in potential commodity involves some fixed
welfare economics is whether a market solu- set-up cost and has a constant marginal
tion will yield the socially optimum kinds cost. Modeling the desirability of variety
and quantities of commodities. It is well has been thought to be difficult, and several
known that problems can arise for three indirect approaches have been adopted.
broad reasons: distributive justice; external The Hotelling spatial model, Lancaster's
effects; and scale economies. This paper is product characteristics approach, and the
concerned with the last of these. mean-variance portfolio selection model
The basic principle is easily stated.' A have all been put to use.3 These lead to re-
commodity should be produced if the costs sults involving transport costs or correla-
can be covered by the sum of revenues and tions among commodities or securities, and
a properly defined measure of consumer's are hard to interpret in general terms. We
surplus. The optimum amount is then therefore take a direct route, noting that the
found by equating the demand price and the convexity of indifference surfaces of a con-
marginal cost. Such an optimum can be ventional utility function defined over the
realized in a market if perfectly discrim- quantities of all potential commodities al-
inatory pricing is possible. Otherwise we ready embodies the desirability of variety.
face conflicting problems. A competitive Thus, a consumer who is indifferent be-
market fulfilling the marginal condition tween the quantities (1,0) and (0,1) of two
would be unsustainable because total profits commodities prefers the mix (1/2,1/2) to
would be negative. An element of monopoly either extreme. The advantage of this view
would allow positive profits, but would is that the results involve the familiar own-
violate the marginal condition.2 Thus we and cross-elasticities of demand functions,
expect a market solution to be suboptimal. and are therefore easier to comprehend.
However, a much more precise structure There is one case of particular interest on
must be put on the problem if we are to which we concentrate. This is where poten-
understand the nature of the bias involved. tial commodities in a group or sector or in-
It is useful to think of the question as one dustry are good substitutes among them-
of quantity versus diversity. With scale selves, but poor substitutes for the other
economies, resources can be saved by pro- commodities in the economy. Then we are
ducing fewer goods and larger quantities of led to examining the market solution in re-
each. However, this leaves less variety, lation to an optimum, both as regards
which entails some welfare loss. It is easy biases within the group, and between the
and probably not too unrealistic to model group and the rest of the economy. We ex-
scale economies by supposing that each pect the answer to depend on the intra- and
intersector elasticities of substitution. To
demonstrate the point as simply as possible,
*Professors of economics, University of Warwick we shall aggregate the rest of the economy
and Stanford University, respectively. Stiglitz's re-
into one good labeled 0, chosen as the
search was supported in part by NSF Grant SOC74-
22182 at the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the
numeraire. The economy's endowment of it
Social Sciences, Stanford. We are indebted to Michael is normalized at unity; it can be thought of
Spence, to a referee, and the managing editor for com- as the time at the disposal of the consumers.
ments and suggestions on earlier drafts.
I See also the exposition by Michael Spence.
2A simple exposition is given by Peter Diamond and 3See the articles by Harold Hotelling, Nicholas
Daniel McFadden. Stern, Kelvin Lancaster, and Stiglitz.
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taken to be Cobb-Douglas, but V has a for a function s which depends on the form
more general additive form. Thus the for- of U. Writing a(q) for the elasticity of sub-
mer allows more general intersector rela- stitution between xo and y, we define 0(q) as
tions, and the latter more general intra- the elasticity of the function s, i.e., qs'(q)/
sector substitution, highlighting different s(q). Then we find
Income distribution problems are ne- (6) 0(q) = 11 - o(q)} $1 - s(q)} < 1
glected. Thus U can be regarded as repre- but 0(q) can be negative as a(q) can ex-
senting Samuelsonian social indifference ceed 1.
curves, or (assuming the appropriate aggre-
gation conditions to be fulfilled) as a mul-
4Sec p. 21 of John Green.
tiple of a representative consumer's utility. 5These details and several others are omitted to save
Product diversity can then be interpreted space, but can be found in the working paper by the
either as different consumers using different authors, cited in the references.
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Turning to the second stage of the prob- downward. The conventional condition that
lem, it is easy to show that for each i, the dd curve be more elastic is seen from (9)
and (12) to be
(7) =
(13) + (q)>?
where y is defined by (4). Consider the effect
of a change in pi alone. This affects xi di- Finally, we observe that for i + j,
rectly, and also through q; thence through y
as well. Now from (4) we have the elasticity
(14) xi Pi ]
(15) Pe = C(I + _
(12) Ig - - - l (q)] p
d logp
6See Edwin Chamberlin, Nicholas Kaldor, and
Then (6) shows that the DD curve slopes Robert Bishop.
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The second condition for equilibrium is stant budget share for the monopolistically
that firms enter until the next potential competitive sector. Note that in our para-
entrant would make a loss. If n is large metric formulation, this implies a unit-
enough so that I is a small increment, we elastic DD curve, (17) holds, and so equi-
can assume that the marginal firm is exactly librium is unique.
breaking even, i.e., (pn - c)xn = a, where xn Finally, using (7), (1 1), and (16), we can
is obtained from the demand function and a calculate the equilibrium output for each
is the fixed cost. With symmetry, this im- active firm:
plies zero profit for all intramarginal firms
as well. Then I = 1, and using (I I) and (15) (18) Xe
we can write the condition so as to yield the
number ne of active firms: We can also write an expression for the
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they have the same number of firms as well, We can now compare these magnitudes
and the values for all other variables can be with the corresponding ones in the equilib-
calculated from these two. Thus we have a rium or the constrained optimum. The most
rather surprising case where the monopo- remarkable result is that the output of each
listic competition equilibrium is identical active firm is the same in the two situations.
with the optimum constrained by the lack The fact that in a Chamberlinian equilib-
of lump sum subsidies. Chamberlin once rium each firm operates to the left of the
suggested that such an equilibrium was "a point of minimum average cost has been
sort of ideal"; our analysis shows when and conventionally described by saying that
in what sense this can be true. there is excess capacity. However, when
variety is desirable, i.e., when the different
D. Unconstrained Optintunt
products are not perfect substitutes, it is not
These solutions can in turn be compared in general optimum to push the output of
to the unconstrained or first best optimum. each firm to the point where all economies
Considerations of convexity again establish of scale are exhausted.7 We have shown in
that all active firms should produce the one case that is not an extreme one, that the
same output. Thus we are to choose n firms first best optimum does not exploit econo-
each producing output x in order to maxi- mies of scale beyond the extent achieved in
mize the equilibrium. We can then easily con-
ceive of cases where the equilibrium exploits
(23) u = U(1 - n(a + cx),xn'+')
economies of scale too far from the point of
where we have used the economy's resource view of social optimality. Thus our results
balance condition and (10). The first-order undermine the validity of the folklore of ex-
conditions are cess capacity, from the point of view of the
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(35) w(X) = yp (x) With zero pure profit in each case, the
[,yp(x) ? (I - Y) points (Xe, Pe) and (xc, pc) lie on the same
xv ' (x) declining average cost curve, and therefore
p (x) =v(x)
(42) Pc f? Pe according as xc > Xe
We assume that 0 < p(x) < 1, and therefore
have 0 < w(x) < 1. Next we note that the dd curve is tangent to
Now consider the Chamberlinian equilib- the average cost curve at (Xe, Pe) and the
rium. The profit-maximization condition DD curve is steeper. Consider the case
for each active firm yields the common XC > Xe. Now the point (xc, pC) must lie on
equilibrium price Pe in terms of the common DD curve further to the right than (Xe, Pe),
equilibrium output xe as and therefore must correspond to a smaller
number of firms. The opposite happens if
(36) Pe = c[D + /3(Xe)]
XC < xe. Thus,
Note the analogy with (15). Substituting
(43) nc ? neaccording as xc > Xe
(36) in the zero pure profit condition, we
have xe defined by Finally, (41) shows that in both cases that
arise there, p(xc) < Pp(Xe). Then w(xc) <
(37) CXe _ 1 W(Xe), and from (34),
a + cxe I + A(Xe)
(44) XOc > XOe
Finally, the number of firms can be calcu-
lated using the DD curve and the break- A smaller degree of intersectoral substitu-
even condition, as tion could have reversed the result, as in
Section I.
(38) ne - W(Xe) An intuitive reason for these results can
be given as follows. With our large group
For uniqueness of equilibrium we once assumptions, the revenue of each firm is
again use the conditions that the dd curve is proportional to xv'(x). However, the con-
more elastic than the DD curve, and that tribution of its output to group utility is
entry shifts the DD curve to the left. How- v(x). The ratio of the two is p(x). Therefore,
ever, these conditions are rather involved if p'(x) > 0, then at the margin each firm
and opaque, so we omit them. finds it more profitable to expand than what
Let us turn to the constrained optimum. would be socially desirable, so Xe > Xc.
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Given the break-even constraint, this leads This is in each case transitive with (41), and
to there being fewer firms. therefore yields similar output comparisons
Note that the relevant magnitude is the between the equilibrium and the uncon-
elasticity of utility, and not the elasticity of strained optimum.
demand. The two are related, since The price in the unconstrained optimum
is of course the lowest of the three. As to
x p(x)
P' (x)1+1(3(x)
l_ -px
p(x) the number of firms, we note
- (x8) __ __
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111 eqm
and consider a higher cl or a,. This in-
II opt creases q1 and moves the point into region
B, making it optimal to produce the low-
sc2/(s-a2) 1 cost group alone while leaving both (53a)
and (53b) as possible equilibria, until the
difference in costs is large enough to take
REFER TO EQUATION (53b) the point to region D. The change also
moves the boundary between A and C up-
ward, opening up a larger region G, but
parameter values. Moreover, we can com- that is not of significance here.
pare the location of the points correspond- If both q1 and q2 are large, each group is
ing to different parameter values and thus threatened by profitable entry from the
do some comparative statics. other, and no Nash equilibrium exists, as in
To understand the results, we must ex- regions E and F. However, the criterion of
amine how qi depends on the relevant constrained optimality remains as before.
parameters. It is easy to see that each is an Thus we have a case where it may be neces-
increasing function of ai and ci. We also sary to prohibit entry in order to sustain the
find constrained optimum.
If we combine a case where c1 > c2 (or
a, > a2) and /3, > 02, i.e., where commodi-
(58) da Iog0 = -log ni ties in group 2 are more elastic and have
lower costs, we face a still worse possibility.
and we expect this to be large and negative. For the point (4q, 42) may then lie in region
Further, we see from (9) that a higher j3i G, where only (53b) is a possible equilib-
corresponds to a lower own-price elasticity rium and only (53a) is constrained opti-
of demand for each commodity in that mum, i.e., the market can produce only a
group. Thus qi is an increasing functionlow
of cost, high demand elasticity group of
this elasticity. commodities when a high cost, low demand
Consider initially a symmetric situation, elasticity group should have been produced.
with scl/(s - a,) = SC2/(S - a2), I, = /2 Very roughly, the point is that although
(the region G vanishes then), and suppose commodities in inelastic demand have the
the point (q-I 42) is on the boundary be- potential for earning revenues in excess of
tween regions A and B. Now consider a variable costs, they also have significant
change in one parameter, say, a higher own- consumers' surpluses associated with them.
elasticity for commodities in group 2. This Thus it is not immediately obvious whether
raises q2, moving the point into region A, the market will be biased in favor of them
and it becomes optimal to produce com- or against them as compared with an opti-
modities from group 1 alone. However, mum. Here we find the latter, and inde-
both (53a) and (53b) are possible Nash pendent findings of Michael Spence in other
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with elastic demands with commodities with presented here, in conjunction with other
inelastic demands. studies cited, offer some useful and new
IV. Concluding Remarks
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