Importance of Economy
Importance of Economy
Importance of Economy
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Journal of Economics.
Through what selling strategy can a multiproduct monopolist
maximize his profits when his knowledge about individual consum-
ers' preferences is limited? One possibility, extensively studied in
the context of a single-good monopoly, is to use quantity-dependent
pricing as a means of discriminating among customers with dif-
fering tastes (see, for example, Oi [1971] and Maskin and Riley
An alternative technique for price discrimination, first sug-
gested by Stigler [1968] and analyzed further by Adams and Yellen
[1976], is for the monopolist to package two or more products in
bundles rather than selling them separately.' Through a series of
examples Adams and Yellen illustrate that bundling can serve as a
useful price discrimination device, even when all consumers' will-
ingnesses to pay for each of the goods individually are unaffected by
whether they are also consuming the other product. A typical
example is illustrated in Figure I (adapted from Figure IV in Adams
and Yellen), where there are two goods, three consumers (AB,C)
who consume at most one unit of each good (with reservation values
for each good that are independent of whether the other good is
consumed), and zero costs of production. There, a bundle offered at
a price of 100 fully extracts all potential surplus, which would be
impossible pricing the goods independently. Unfortunately,
though, these authors do not provide any general characterization
of the circumstances in which bundling is actually a multiproduct
monopolist's optimal strategy. Their examples, however (such as
Figure I), create the impression that the profitable use of bundling
good 2
other things, that bundling can be optimal even when the correla-
tion between reservation values in the population is nonnegative.
Spence [1980], in an elegant paper, considers the multiproduct
quantity-dependent pricing problem. Though much of Spence's
focus is on computational aspects of the problem, in an appendix he
provides an example with an independent distribution of prefer-
ences for two goods in which the multiproduct seller's optimal
strategy differs from the outcome that would arise with two single-
product monopolists engaged in quantity-dependent pricing. Given
the differences between Spence's example and our model, his
findings provide an interesting complement to the results here.3
In Section II we briefly describe the model. In Section III we
present our results, distinguishing between cases where monitoring
is and is not possible. Finally, in Section IV we briefly discuss the
implications of our results for models of multiproduct oligopoly.
+ (P* - > 0.
ci) [1 - G2(P2* IPr)]hl(Pr)
Proof of Proposition 1. The proof proceeds by arguing that a
local improvement can be made regardless of whether purchases
can be monitored if condition (1) holds.
Suppose that the inequality in (1) is satisfied. First, introduce a
bundle whose price is PB = Pi* + P2* (and leave the single-good
offers unchanged). Clearly, profits are unchanged since the bundle
is irrelevant due to its pricing. Now consider a small increase in the
price of good 2 to P2 = P2* + E,where e> 0. Note that the ability to
monitor purchases is irrelevant here since PB < Pi* + P2. The
resulting pattern of purchases, which is depicted in Figure II, is
given by
Good 1 only:
(i) V -P* 0
(ii) V2 - P2* ' ?
Good 2 only:
(i) V2-P2*- 2 0
(ii V - P* + e '< 0
(i) V1 + V2 -Pi* -P2* >- 0
(ii) V2-P2* 2 0
(iii) V - P* + E 2- 0.
V 2 onlyf
~~~Good Supportof f (,
221d l B
0 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~o onlon y
Pt-E P* V1
Since the actions of and profits from consumers with v1 > P* are
unaffected by this change in P2, we need only focus on the change in
profitability from sales to those with v1 < P*. Profits from this
group as a function of e are given by
But, if P* is the optimal unbundled price for good 2, then the first
term in (2) is equal to zero, so that (1) reduces to
(3) (Pr - ci) h1 (Pr)[1 - H2(P*)]> 0.
Now, by the assumptions of no atoms and existence of a positive
measure of valuations above cost, (Pr - c1) [1 - H2(P*)] > 0. Also,
under our continuity assumption it must be that h1(Pr) > 0 (again,
from the nonbundling first-order condition). Thus, condition (3)
holds, and a local gain from bundling is possible.
It is worthwhile to consider the independence case graphically.
In Figure II one can see three first-order effects of locally raising
P2.9 First, there is a direct price effect from raising revenues
received from consumers in the set {(v1,v2)lvl < P*, V2 2 P2*}.
Second, sales of good 2 fall by the measure of area (abcd). Third,
sales of good 1 increase by the measure of area (defg) due to
consumers switching from purchasing only good 2 to purchasing the
bundle. The sum of the first two of these effects is exactly the local
gain if the monopolist was able to slightly raise the price of good 2
only to consumers with valuations less than P*. With indepen-
dence, however, this local gain must be zero at the optimal price P*2
Good2 only
V2 c b
2 V d1ol
10. The effects noted here and in the previous paragraph have interesting
parallels to those in Spence's [1980] example. There he shows that if the bundles for
types (0,0), (0,0), (0,0), and (0,) are (x,x), (y,z), (z,y), and (e,e), that z = e = the
first-bestlevel for type A,while x < x* < y, where x* is the level purchased by type 0
in the independent goods (quantity-dependent) pricing scheme. The motivation foir
setting y > x* there is that a small reduction in the charge to type (04) allows an
increase in profits from both types (0,0) and (O0,0)through an increase in their
consumption that is equal to what would arise in a single-good pricing problem with
just groups (0,0) and (0,0); an effect that closely parallels the effect here of lowering
PB. Likewise, the driving force behind having x < x * is that increasing the charges to
types (, 0) and (0,b) and lowering x from the single-good quantity dependent pricing
levels has no first-order effect, but relaxes the constraints between type (04) and
types (0,0) and (#0,0),thereby allowing profits to be raised by increasing the latter
groups consumption levels; an effect analogous to what occurs when we raise P2
marginally here.
11. This interpretation of condition (4) and what follows assumes that the
problem of picking an optimal price for good i given a value of v; is concave.
12. On the other hand, if the inequality in condition (1) is not satisfied, and if
profits are concave in (P1,P2,PB) on the set {(P1,P2,PB) IP1 + P2 ; PB1, then single-
good pricing is optimal when purchases cannot be monitored. To see this, note that
the gradient of profits at the single-good optimal prices (with PB = P* + P*), Vir*,
satisfies V7r* * AP < 0 for all AP such that AP1 + AP2 < APB. Unfortunately,
however, we have not found any general condition under which profits are concave in
this manner. In fact, the profit function in this problem appears to have inherent
nonconcavities. The usual sorts of monotonicity assumptions on f(., .), for example,
do not ensure concavity (e.g., note that the value of the shift of marginal consumers
on segment fh in Figure II from single-good to bundled sales may increase or de-
crease as P2 increases depending upon whether (PB - C1- C2)is larger or smaller
than (P1 - cl)).
(4) sind
sign () = sign - P
dvj dvj
-signn d [1 GP*Iv
'I -gi(GPi*l
dgi(Pj v)_gPIv) dGi(P Iv
=sign f[l - Gi(PI Iv)] d i(PI ' v
Now, it can be shown that dGi(Pi Ivj/dvj > 0 (respectively, < 0) for
all Pi implies a strictly negative (respectively, positive) correlation
between v1 and v2.14But, the presence of the expression dgi(Pi Ivj)l
dvj in (4) (which cannot be signed a priori), indicates that the sign of
the first term in condition (1) cannot be tied solely to the level of
correlation between reservation values.
Our final result demonstrates that if purchases can be moni-
tored, then mixed bundling will dominate unbundled sales for
virtually any joint distribution of reservation values.
PROPOSITION2. Let (Pr ,P*) be the optimal nonbundling prices.
Suppose that the monopolist can monitor sales. Then bundling
dominates unbundled sales if
13. For a slightly different interpretation of the sufficient condition for bun-
dling to be profitable, note that the expression {[1 - G*(-) ]/gj(* )} commonly arises
in adverse-selection problems (see, for example, Myerson [1981], Maskin and Riley
[1984], McAfee and McMillan [1987]). Its expectation is the expected difference
between the first-order and second-order statistics, which is exactly the amount of
rent the buyer must be left with if he is not to understate his valuation. If this
informational rent decreases in the valuation of the other good, then the optimality
of bundling is ensured.
14. The covariance between vl and v2 can be written as f{J[v2 - E(V2)]
2(V2Ivl)dv2} [vl - E(vD)]hj(vj)dvj. If, for example, G2(. Ivj) is decreasing in vi, then
the expression in curly brackets is increasing in vl (see Milgrom [1981] ), and thus the
entire expression is positive.
Good2 only
V2 Bundle
P* P +E VI
It is reasonably straightforward to apply the results above to
the case of multiproduct oligopoly. For example, consider a duopoly
15. We omit the mathematical details; the point should be obvious from Figure
IV and is analogous to the argument in the proof of Proposition 1.
16. Spence also considers the use of bundling for nonindependent distributions
of preferences in his example. Interestingly, in contrast to our result here, he finds
that a range of (positive) levels of correlation exists such that independent pricing is
optimal. This finding arises in Spence's model because of a discontinuity in the
derivative of profits with respect to a change in the charge to type (0, 0) at the
independent goods (quantity dependent) pricing outcome (recall footnote 10). Here,
no corresponding discontinuity exists.
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18. The reservation values for product 1 are said to be independent of those for
product2 if the density of (v1A,v1B,v2A,v2B),0( ), can be written as 0v1A,v1B,v2A,v2B)
g(V1A V1B) - h(v2A,v2B) -
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