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Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System

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Edwaren Liun
Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional


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J. Energy Power Sources Journal of Energy
Vol. 2, No. 3, 2015, pp. 90-98 and Power Sources
Received: December 30, 2014, Published: February 28, 2015 www.ethanpublishing.com

Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC

Transmission System

Edwaren Liun
National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Indonesia
Corresponding author: Edwaren Liun ([email protected])

Abstract: To estimate the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) system costs would involve many kind of technical and economics
parameters. Each system components and elements are influencing the total cost of system. Therefore, to estimate completely the
total cost of a HVDC system requires a big effort and a lot of kind of resources. The objective of this paper is to simplify the effort to
be a mean that overcome many difficulties of the big effort to obtain a simpler estimation conclusion. Previously it was used for an
Indonesian case study to estimate a HVDC system cost and would almost be able to apply for anywhere HVDC cases in the world.
Methodology applied for the costs calculations are based on data processing and analysis by stochastic method. The scattered data in
the international applications are described into cost components by unit costs. Obtained curve formulas lead the calculation to the
unit cost differential, where the available costs data is broken down into unit costs. In this case the unit costs are used as basic
information for calculating the total cost of transmission line in kilometers and power capacity in megawatts. In describing the main
focus lead to available data to use with stochastic methodology in estimating the generic cost on HVDC projects. Obtained curves
result formulas to the absolute value of the project cost according to unit size and length of transmission routes.

Keywords: High voltage direct current (HVDC), stochastic method, trend line, equation, cost estimation.

1. Introduction delivery [1]. High generation cost of diesel fuel in the

countryside has been weighing on the countries budget
1.1 Objective of Description
subsidy burden in many parts of the world. While
This study originally aims to discuss various electricity prices adjusted to high fuel prices and
technical and mainly economic aspects, discussing the volatile from diesel oil is significantly very difficult for
advantages and disadvantages of direct current the lower level economy consumers. While power
transmission system in terms of the development of transmission with Alternating Current (AC) faces any
nuclear power plants in Indonesia. The study was based constrain such as limited by the high costs, and line
on the conventional theory on technical aspects, losses increased according to the transmission distance
economic, and summarizes the latest information about [2-3].
the development of direct current transmission system, In the HVDC system the capital cost comprises the
as well as reviewing the existing of the system in terminal converters, AC input/output, filter, and
various parts of the world. transmission line. For AC systems, the cost of capital is
to step-up/step-down transformer, submarine cable,
1.2 Economy Overview
overhead transmission line, light load compensation if
In many parts of the world attempt to propose the necessaries, compensate reactive power, circuit
lower cost is through High Voltage Direct Current breakers, and civil buildings. Cost of control system
(HVDC) power transmission system. In addition, should be considered for both cases, AC and Direct
reducing the cost of the system is also reliable power Current (DC) systems [4].
Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System 91

Cost of power losses is also very important in the HVDC cases in the world. In describing the main focus
evaluation of the costs and energy losses. During lead to available data to use with stochastic
transmission utilization time horizon this issue should methodology in estimating the generic investment cost
be taken into account. At the end of the period, on HVDC projects. The study was based on the simple
depreciation rate and the desired rate of return (or technical parameter mentioning economic aspects, and
discount rate) is an important factor that must be summarizing the latest information about the
considered [5]. Therefore, to estimate the overall cost development of direct current transmission system, as
of the HVDC system, cost analysis needs to do based well as reviewing the existing of this system in various
on the economic lifetime. parts of the world.
To obtain primary information it is necessary to
2. Methodology
communicate with manufacturers about the costs and
alternatives. Manufacturers must be able to provide a The methodology used in this study was based on
budget price based on a number of data, such as: Power, some valid implemented projects information from
type of transmission, AC network voltage level, and the several sources. The information is composed to obtain
place where the converter will be connected. Voltage the trend of cost characteristic to approach actual
selections of DC level side have a direct impact on the HVDC costs [6]. The transmission line may through
total cost of installation. At the design stage of the submarine cables and overhead transmission line. The
optimization is performed to determine the optimal costs include the cost of investment and operation
level voltage and losses of the DC from an investment containing fixed and variable cost components. This
standpoint. investment cost includes land acquisition, towers, and
transmission airways. Generally submarine cable line
1.3 Scope of Description
transmission was free in terms of land acquisition, but
Previously the study of HVDC estimation cost with the submarine cables are more expensive than the
the stochastic method was objected for assessment overhead transmission line [9].
Indonesia’s HVDC planning would spread from Furthermore, collected data from any sources were
Bangka Island to Sumatra and Java areas. The islands explored and followed up to arrange them as composed
are an archipelago area with vast territorial waters. statistic data.
Between the islands to the others are separated by the Transmission cost is determined by length of the
straits varying width [6]. As Indonesia has no transmission line and the total transmitted power.
experience in HVDC system implementation beside However, between the two variables do not reflect a
limited resources to conduct the physical project study, linear relationship. Location, time, vendor companies
the stochastic methodology was applied. The distance and a variety of other variables may have an influence
between regions or islands was considerable causing that will not be able to describe in detail. To overcome
loss of energy in transmission of alternating current and this problem all the variables that are included
a variety of technical issues such as frequency, phase, implicitly in the cost data used as criteria in the
capacitive load, inductive load and network system calculation to determine its characteristics.
stability problems [7-8]. To be able to draw, the amount of cost on any
This paper is discussing investment cost estimation available data is broken down into unit costs for each
of HVDC transmission system using such as limited affecting variables. Scattered data in the worldwide
data and resources that was used for Indonesia HVDC implementation is describing into cost components by
case and would almost be able to apply for anywhere unit costs. Furthermore, obtained curve formulas from
92 Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System

unit cost calculation lead to the unit cost differential by conductors. Geometrically this cable is a long coaxial
unit capacity of the HVDC projects. In this case the capacitor. If the cable used for the transmission of
unit cost is used as basic information for calculating the alternating current, parallel capacitance appears with
total cost of transmission line in kilometers and power the load. Extra current flowing in the cable has to
capacity in megawatts. charge the cable capacitance, which results in
additional losses in the conductor wires [11]. In
3. Description
addition, there are component dielectric losses in the
3.1 Technical Aspects insulation material consuming power. If direct current
is used, the cable capacitance is charged only when the
HVDC can carry more power per conductor for a
cable is first energized or when the voltage is changed,
given power rating. Constant voltage in the DC line is
there is no steady flow of additional necessary.
the same as the peak voltage in AC line. The
For a long AC submarine cable, current-carrying
transmitted power in the AC system is defined by a
capacity of the whole conductor can be used to supply
rectangular area (root mean square, RMS) of the AC
charging current alone. Capacitance problems limit the
voltage, but RMS is only about 71% of the peak
length of the cable and the power carrying AC. While
voltage. AC peak voltage determines the thickness of
DC cables have no such restrictions, and basically bound
the insulation and conductor actual distance [7].
by Ohm’s Law only. Although some DC leakage current
Because the DC operating at constant maximum
continues to flow through the dielectric insulator, it is
voltage, then allow the existing transmission line
corridor with the same sized conductors and insulation very small compared to the rating of the cable and it is
to bring more power to the regions of High Voltage much less than AC transmission cable [12]. Furthermore,
Alternating Current (HVAC) power users, so as to economically long distance transmission by DC rather
lower the cost [10]. than AC system [4].
Because HVDC allows power transmission between Underground cables have a high electrical
asynchronous AC distribution system, it can help to capacitance too, because of relatively thin of insulation
improve system stability by preventing cascading layer between metal conductor and sheathing metal.
failures of the distribution system of others wider power For the long high voltage conductor, this becomes a
transmission network portion. Load changes causing its significant losses problem also. Contrary, if the direct
parts become unsynchronized AC networks and separate, current is used, the cable capacitance is charged only
that will not affect the same DC line, and the flow of when the cable at first time such as submarine cable
electricity through the DC channel will tend to stabilize [12].
the AC network. Magnitude and direction of the flow of In AC transmission, the existence of ground (zero
electricity through the DC channel can be directly set, sequence) current cannot be permitted in steady-state
and modified as needed to support the AC network at due to high magnitudes of ground impedance which
both ends of the DC line. This has caused a lot of power will not only affect power transfer efficiency, but also
system operators to consider the wider use of HVDC result in telephone interference [5]. The ground
technology in terms of stability benefits alone. impedance is negligible for DC currents and a DC link
Long distance high voltage underground cable has a can operates using one conductor with ground return
high electrical capacitance, because the conductor is (monopole operation).
surrounded by an insulating layer and a relatively thin
3.2 The Advantages of HVDC
sheathed metal. Whereas, its surface area consist of the
area multiplied by the length of the cable between the As known, that an HVDC system offers not only the
Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System 93

capability to transfer electrical power, reducing the cost direct current system (Ad) than alternating current
of conductor because HVDC requires conductor bit and system (Aa). Suppose Rd and Ra is the conductor
does not need to support multiple phases, no skin effects resistance values for DC and AC, skin resistance is
suffer on the HVDC, but also a number of advantages as ignored.
compared to AC transmission [2], such as: (1) For DC
 No limits in transmitted distance, valid for both Current:
overhead lines and submarine/underground cables; P
I (1)
 Fast and accurate control of power flow which Vm
improves the power system stability; Power losses:
2 2
 Direction of power flow can be changed quickly; P   P  ρl
R 
L V  d V   A 
P  . (2)
 An HVDC link does not increase the short-circuit  m  m   d 
power in the point of connection, implying that it will
(2) For AC
not be necessary to change other equipment in the Current:
existing network from the viewpoint of short-circuit
P P 2
power; I  (3)
(Vm / 2 ) cos  Vm cos 
 HVDC can carry more power for a given size of
Power losses:
conductor as compared to the AC system, which 2
 P 2 
implies that when transmitting the same amount of P  R (4)
L V cos   a
active power, the need for Right-of-Ways (RoW) is  m 
less than for an AC connection; or
 Power can be transmitted between two AC  P
 ρl
P  2  . (5)
systems operating at different nominal frequencies or L 2
 Vm
 Aa cos 
at the same frequency without being synchronized.
Equation for DC and AC power losses is:
With direct current transmission above mentioned 2 2
problems can be much simplified, so that the power  P  ρ l  P  ρ l
  . 
 2 
 . (6)
delivery from one island to another can massively,  Vm  Ad  Vm  Aa cos 
efficiently and reliably be done. The system allows the Above equation gives ratio as:
direct current power transmission between the network Ad cos 2   0.5 at pf  1.0
  (7)
and the different frequencies, free of inductive and Aa 2  0.32 at pf  0.8
capacitive parameters that limit the capacity and The results have been calculated at power factor one
maximum length of transmission. and 0.8 lag to describe the effect of power factor on its
ratio. It is obviously that a HVDC requires half the
3.3 Quantitative Ratio
amount of conductor material only to transmit the same
In practice, AC transmission is conducted by using a power at a power factor of one, and requires less than
single or double circuit transmission of 3 phase using 3 one-third at power factor of 0.8 lag.
or 6 conductors [7]. In this case the ratio of power must
3.4 Cost Estimation
be multiplied by 2/3 or 4/3. Generally, the quantity is
the given power to the level of isolation at the given HVDC transmission system costs depend on many
efficiency to a given transmission. For the same power factors, such as the electrical capacity to be transmitted,
P transmitted, same losses PL and the same peak transmission media types, environmental conditions and
voltage can reduce the conductor cross-section of other safety, regulatory requirements etc. Traditional
Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System 93

capability to transfer electrical power, reducing the cost direct current system (Ad) than alternating current
of conductor because HVDC requires conductor bit and system (Aa). Suppose Rd and Ra is the conductor
does not need to support multiple phases, no skin effects resistance values for DC and AC, skin resistance is
suffer on the HVDC, but also a number of advantages as ignored.
compared to AC transmission [2], such as: (1) For DC
 No limits in transmitted distance, valid for both Current:
overhead lines and submarine/underground cables; P
I (1)
 Fast and accurate control of power flow which Vm
improves the power system stability; Power losses:
2 2
 Direction of power flow can be changed quickly; P   P  ρl
R 
L V  d V   A 
P  . (2)
 An HVDC link does not increase the short-circuit  m  m   d 
power in the point of connection, implying that it will
(2) For AC
not be necessary to change other equipment in the Current:
existing network from the viewpoint of short-circuit
P P 2
power; I  (3)
(Vm / 2 ) cos  Vm cos 
 HVDC can carry more power for a given size of
Power losses:
conductor as compared to the AC system, which 2
 P 2 
implies that when transmitting the same amount of P  R (4)
L V cos   a
active power, the need for Right-of-Ways (RoW) is  m 
less than for an AC connection; or
 Power can be transmitted between two AC  P
 ρl
P  2  . (5)
systems operating at different nominal frequencies or L 2
 Vm
 Aa cos 
at the same frequency without being synchronized.
Equation for DC and AC power losses is:
With direct current transmission above mentioned 2 2
problems can be much simplified, so that the power  P  ρ l  P  ρ l
  . 
 2 
 . (6)
delivery from one island to another can massively,  Vm  Ad  Vm  Aa cos 
efficiently and reliably be done. The system allows the Above equation gives ratio as:
direct current power transmission between the network Ad cos 2   0.5 at pf  1.0
  (7)
and the different frequencies, free of inductive and Aa 2  0.32 at pf  0.8
capacitive parameters that limit the capacity and The results have been calculated at power factor one
maximum length of transmission. and 0.8 lag to describe the effect of power factor on its
ratio. It is obviously that a HVDC requires half the
3.3 Quantitative Ratio
amount of conductor material only to transmit the same
In practice, AC transmission is conducted by using a power at a power factor of one, and requires less than
single or double circuit transmission of 3 phase using 3 one-third at power factor of 0.8 lag.
or 6 conductors [7]. In this case the ratio of power must
3.4 Cost Estimation
be multiplied by 2/3 or 4/3. Generally, the quantity is
the given power to the level of isolation at the given HVDC transmission system costs depend on many
efficiency to a given transmission. For the same power factors, such as the electrical capacity to be transmitted,
P transmitted, same losses PL and the same peak transmission media types, environmental conditions and
voltage can reduce the conductor cross-section of other safety, regulatory requirements etc. Traditional
94 Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System

HVDC system costs are more because of the need for system voltage 345 kV, 500 kV and 765 kV for
filters, capacitors and other auxiliary equipment. The distances that are given as follows [4]:
designed system for transmitting of large amounts of  American Electric Power Co.: 765 kV line from
energy is measured in the hundreds of megawatts. Prices Wyoming, V Va. to Jackson’s Ferry, Va., 90 miles @
should be based on some data, such as power rating, the an estimated cost of $287 M or $3.2 M/mi, ~ 2200 MW
transmission distance, transmission type and level AC capacity—Cost per kW-yr = $16.52;
voltage in the network where the converter will be  American Transmission Co.LLC: 345 kV line
connected [13]. from Duluth, Minn. to Wausau, Wis., 220 miles @ an
Estimated costs for circuit breakers and transformers estimated cost of $396 or $1.8 M/mi, the capacity of ~
include cost of control and protection systems, bus 300 MW—Cost per kW yr = $165.87;
work, disconnecting switches, control structures and  Bonneville Power Administration: 500 kV line
buildings. Based on information from a study of the Schultz-Wautoma, 64 miles @ cost $175 million or
World Bank report the total cost for the sender and $2.7 M/mi, capacity - 1200 MW—The cost per kW-yr
receiver station AC power capacity of 1854 MW for = $18.38.
the voltage of 500 kV is approximately $37.69 million Based on this information an idea of the cost of
[5]. The cost is equal to the cost in 1985. By taking overhead HVDC system can presents a graph resulting
computation of inflation, the cost in 1985 can be trend line as Fig. 1.
converted to the equivalent cost today, with a The trend line of this data results a unit cost equation
multiplier factor [4]. (k$/MW-km) of y = 216.5 x-0.71, so that the cost of
Methodology applied in HVDC transmission system overhead line is
costs calculations are based on data processing and 216.5 P (0.29)  LOH
COH  (8)
analysis by stochastic method. The scattered data in the 1000
international application is described into cost COH = cost of overhead transmission in million US$;
components by unit costs. Obtained curve formulas P = power capacity (MW); LOH = length of the
lead the calculation to the unit cost differential. To be transmission line (km).
able to draw on a more focused, the amount of cost on Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) in its
any available data is broken down into unit costs for report revealed that the development cost estimates are
each variable affecting. In this case the unit cost is used based on cost estimates used in the 2012 National
as basic information for calculating the total cost of Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP),
Australia. The Table 1 below provides details of the
transmission line in kilometers and power capacity in
estimated cost of submarine cable transmission unit of
megawatts. Therefore, cost data broken down into units
the HVDC system with cost characteristics [14].
of $/MW-km. Furthermore, data is described in
Cartesian graph with variable power transmission 4.00
Unit Cost (k$/MW‐km)

capacity. Provided data becomes a more representative

picture to reflect the characteristics of the relationship y = 216.5x‐0.71
between unit cost and power capacity transmitted.
A variety of information and data collected can 1.00

produce certain characteristic based on HVDC costs 0.00

trend line either through overhead line and submarine 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Capacity (MW)
cables. Here is the latest example of the cost of the
overhead transmission project. The costs involved Fig. 1 Differential curve of HVDC overhead line cost.
Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System 95

Table 1 HVDC Submarine cable cost. Table 2 HVDC Submarine cable cost (older data).
Power Cost Length CostCap.
Voltage System Location
(MW) (M$/km) (km) (MW)
352 ± 150 kV Bipole submarine cable 1.57 Galatina-arachthos Ita/Gre 165 240 500
704 ± 300 kV Bipole submarine cable 1.64 Cross-sound cable USA 50 110
1,306 ± 300 kV Bipole submarine cable 3.12 Basslink Australia 480 350 484
770 ± 300 kV Bipole on-shore cable 1.49 Moyle Scot/NI 2*250 63 180
1,253 ± 300 kV Bipole on-shore cable 2.18 Norned Norway 600 580 284
Source: Estimation of Australian Energy Market Operator Source: Cost and Risk Analysis for a Norway—Netherlands
(AEMO) HVDC Interconnector

5.00 10.00

Unit cost (k$/MW‐km)
Unit cost (k$/MW‐km)

4.00 8.00
y = 107.0x‐ 0.56
3.00 6.00
y = 140.2x‐0.70
2.00 4.00
0 500 1000 1500
0 200 400 600 800
Power Capacity (MW) Power capasity (MW)
Fig. 2 Differential curve of submarine cable cost. Fig. 3 Differential curve of submarine cable cost (older
By similar method the data about HVDC submarine
cables and converter can be used to obtain a trend line submarine cable as y = 140.2 x-30. Furthermore the trend
formula as Fig. 2 line of Fig. 3 characterizes the submarine cable cost of
From the formulas, cost components are calculated the transmission that can be formulated by Eq. (10).
to obtain total cost of the HVDC system. The Table 2 provides simple information that can
information form Table 1 can be composed to have a produce Fig. 3 resulting an unit cost equation in the
trend line resulting that unit cost of submarine cable as trend line. In the trend line euro currency is converted
y = 107.0 x-56. Furthermore the trend line of Fig. 1 to US$. Therefore, cost equation can be obtained as:
characterizes the submarine cable cost of the 140  P ( 0.30 )  LSC
C SC  (10)
transmission that can be formulated by Eq. (9). 1000
107  P (0.44)  LSC CSC = cost of submarine cables; P = power capacity
C SC  (9)
1000 (MW); LSC = length of submarine cables (km)
CSC = cost of submarine cables in million US$; P = The converter stations are the key component to
power capacity (MW); LSC = length of submarine make an economical comparison between DC and AC
cables (km) transmission system [7]. In the reports from different
In the other submarine HVDC there is information vendors, additional quotations from Florida Power and
that can be considerate as the older data, as shown in Light Energy (FPLE) for HVDC converter economic
Table 2. Although author did not use this data, this data analysis includes only the HVDC line for long distances
has shown consistent correlation of cost characteristic with different values [16]. On March 11, 2008, Electric
for submarine HVDC line and results slightly different Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) stakeholders
than without use it [15]. and RPG-CREZ received are as follows. Received three
Table 2 provide the information that can be citations for 3,000 MW converter station was $500
composed to have a trend line resulting that unit cost of million, $515 million, and $540 million.
96 Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System

Unit cost (k$/MW)

y = 3306.x‐0.35
0 2000 4000 6000
Power capacity (MW)
Fig. 4 Differential curve of converter cost.

To ensure that the prices used in the evaluation

reflects the market availability of several vendors,
ERCOT is reported as the elected vendor with a value
of $525 million as a reasonable estimate of the cost
[16]. The differential curve can be drawn as Fig. 4 to Fig. 5 One of probable routes of Bangka HVDC line.
reflect the cost of the unit converter according to the
power capacity. The value is based on the data in the done to summarize latest information about the
above quote vendors [14]. development of direct current transmission system, as
3306  P 0.35 well as reviewing the existence of this system in
CC  (11)
1000 various parts of the world.
CC = cost of converter; P = power capacity (MW) Based on Indonesian long-term energy planning as
Such information provides a clear enough picture of stipulated in the on Study on Comprehensive
the unit cost after depicted in the form shown in Assessment of Different Energy Source for Electricity
Figs.1-4. The characteristics are then used as an Generation in Indonesia (CADES, 2003), it can be
approach to estimate the cost range based on the concluded that Indonesian energy demand in 2025 will
relevant variables with wanted transmission long and be doubled compared to the energy demand in 2000,
capacity to know for any desired location. and the demand for electricity will increase four times
Cost estimation for the converter is much simpler. higher than in 2000. In order to be able to supply the
Converter does not depend on the distance and the energy needs in 2025, it is necessary to the implement
various parameters that exist in the environment. the energy mix from vary kind of energy sources.
Converter is a stationary component that sits still in one Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) will be introduced into the
location with varied terrain. Therefore, the information Java-Bali and/or Sumatra’s power network to meet the
about the converter is easier to quote for comparison. main electricity demand in Indonesia.
In the electricity expansion planning program
3.5 Implementation of the Formulas
Indonesia has implemented energy models using
The study initially aims to assess technical and nuclear option for national energy mix. Bangka Island
economic aspects the advantages and disadvantages of lying near south part of Sumatra is one of NPP site
direct current transmission system in terms of any candidates.
aspects of the development of nuclear power plants in Electricity energy produced in Bangka Island will
Indonesia. Because of less or no experience HVDC need to transmit to Sumatra or Java Island requiring
cases in Indonesia, most of the information come from HVDC transmission system consideration. Fig. 5 shows
country have had HVDC system. The study had been the Bangka Island and the NPP potential site candidate.
Stochastic Methodology to Estimate Costs of HVDC Transmission System 97

Table 3 Length of Bangka’s HVDC route. and (11) for overhead transmission line, submarine
Path (km) cable, and converter equipment from Bangka Island to
Origin Destination
Submrn Land Total
Java Island and to Muara Enim in Sumatra. The tables
West Bangka South of Jakarta 55.36 514.26 570.62
South Bangka South of Jakarta 39.31 455.32 494.63
refer to power capacity of 2000 MW and 4000 MW
West Bangka Muara Enim 30.22 252.02 282.24 respectively. Tables 4-5 are cost estimation of HVDC
South Bangka Muara Enim 13.65 245.90 259.55 system as the results for 2000 MW and 4000 MW
Table 4 2000 MW cost estimation of Bangka’s HVDC.
Cost estimation (million US$) 4. Conclusions
Origin Destin.
Submrn Overhd Conv. Total
West South of Investment cost of HVDC can be predicted with
168 1,009 462 1,639
Bangka Jakarta
stochastic model. Although the cost depend on the
South South of
119 893 462 1,475
Bangka Jakarta magnitude of the applied system power capacity and
West Muara
92 495 462 1,049 length of the transmission route in addition to other
Bangka Enim
South Muara variables that may differ from one country or region to
41 483 462 986
Bangka Enim
another country or region and from one company or
Table 5 4000 MW cost estimation of Bangka’s HVDC. suppliers to another company or suppliers, reference
Cost estimation (million US$) cost based on implemented data is the useful
Origin Destin.
Submrn Overhd Conv. Total information to account.
West South of
Bangka Jakarta
228 1,234 726 2,187 Methodology applied in HVDC transmission costs
South South of
162 1,092 726 1,980
from Bangka to Java Island calculations uses stochastic
Bangka Jakarta
West Muara
method. The scattered data in the some implementation
124 605 726 1,454
Bangka Enim is breakdown to be k$/MW-km in processing and
South Muara
Bangka Enim
56 590 726 1,372 analysis of actual cost data. Obtained curve formulas
lead the calculation to the unit cost differential.
The need for Indonesia to develop direct current Therefore, cost data broken down into units of
transmission system is based on the consideration that k$/MW-km is a key quantity unit. Furthermore, data is
availability of electrical energy potential for the entire described in Cartesian graph with variable power
Indonesia which are unevenly distributed in the region transmission capacity. By this way provided data
or particular islands that have greater potential, while becomes a more representative to reflect the
the demand was low, while in other regions the characteristics of the relationship between unit cost and
situations are reverse. power capacity transmitted.
In the study, cost estimation HVDC system was
produced by above formulas, i.e. Eqs. (8)-(9) and (11) References
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