Westinghouse Lighting Promenade Series Post Top Spec Sheet 6-79

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Calalog sect on 60-330 Paoe 1

@ t,nn,,r,n Area Lighting
Post Top Luminaire

Available in the lollowing wallages:

High Presslrre Sodium 70 100 150 250
Metal Hal de 400
l\l e rcu ry 100 175 250 400

Weslinghouse Eleclric Corporalion

Lighting Division

Design Fealures:

Posl Top Mounting P or6r ddp,s dF-

signed for posi top mounling on 3" to 3la"
dianreter pole.

Cast Aluminum Sliptitter and Base Hlgh y

corrosion and weather res stant. Finished
with a gray baked enamel lor extra pro-

Hing6d Aluminum Canopy Supported by a

top dilfuser ring and iour alumin!m sLrp
oo 'iI g b"'s. t'e r"1opy'r9o. 'o' . o' -
tenance simplicily. Bars also hold refractor
assembly in place.

Elechical Comparlment Access Plale-

Easily removable access plate al ows c ear
.llJJ to e e. rr ^al 'or por pr l\ lo'li\r 1
sla ation and easy maintenance. lncludes U.L. Listed Pholocontrol Receplacle
ny on retaininq cord to prevent loss. Rotdra Lp lo 350' 'or rccrrate phoLo.
control ainring. Built- n stop prevents over
Porcelain Terminal Block-Equipped wlth rotation-
quality connectors to insure pos tive con-
nections. lnsla lation or rewir ng s iast, Colonial Design Features decorative
sirnple and secure. scrol work and black matte fin sh as
Porcelain Enclosed Mogul Socket fq . p-
ped with antivibralion lamp grips to prevent Prismalic Relractors-G ass or acrylic re- control light output, Po ycarbonate avail-
lamp loosening due to vibrat on. fractors (depending on watlage) accurate y able ior special applications.

timension in lnches-Dimeasions not lor construclion purposes.

2AY4 Colonial Design

Proj. Area 2.35 Sq. Ft. Prol. Area 2.35 Sq. Ft.
Add 0.1. Sq. Fl. For Add 0.1. Sq. Ft. For
Photocontrol Photocontrol

if Pole Exceeds
Diameter Shown if Pole Exceeds Diameter Show.r
3 to 37a O.D. Pole 3 to 3/a O.D
Tenon Must be at Tenon Must be at Least 3/2 Long
Least 3/z Long
Cala og Seclion 60 330 Paqe 2

Promenade Area Lighling

Post Top Luminai.e

Ordering lnformation

Lamp Ballast Distribution Relraclor

fype Wattage Type Voltageo Power Factor TvpeO Material Catalog Numbero
HPS 70 Reactoa 120 tc APR-ASDR.A554
HPS 100 CW 120 tc APR-ASGG-A55A
1 120
250 CW 120 G.A55A
400 cwA 120/ 240 Glass

'175 CWA 120 /240

25O CWA "t20 / 240 APR.ACNA-F55A
Mercurv 400 CWA 120/240 High APR.GCP

O Other voltaqes available. Conlact lactory.

O Orher dislribulions available. Contacl tactory.
@ Units calaloged above do .ot include lamps or pholoconlrols.
@ 1oo volt !amp.

Photomelric Data: Promenade Cai. No. APR-ACLA-Fs5A

so ux Lines ol Horlzontal Foor candles

vaL!es Based on 20 Foot Mounlinq lle 9h1




Ralio oi Longiiud nal D sla.ce to MounlinO l-le !hl

Westinghouse Lightlng Division

Vicksburg,,4ississlppi 391 B0

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