Guia de Remediación de Bario - Alberta
Guia de Remediación de Bario - Alberta
Guia de Remediación de Bario - Alberta
Alberta Environment
February 2009
ISBN No. 978-0-7785-7690-7 (Printed Edition)
ISBN No. 978-0-7785-7691-4 (On-line Edition)
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1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Changes from Previous Version................................................................................... 1
2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION......................................................................................... 2
2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties ................................................................................2
2.2 Analytical Methods ...................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Soil................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.2 Water............................................................................................................. 5
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The following report compiles and summarizes applicable background information and
develops soil remediation guidelines for barite (barium sulphate). Typically, guidelines are
developed for trace elements, rather than for inorganic compounds of the elements. However,
a specific guideline for barite is justified and required on account of (i) the very low solubility
and availability of barite in comparison with the soluble barium compounds that were used to
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
develop the CCME (1999 and updates) barium soil quality guideline, and (ii) the ubiquitous
presence of barite in the soil of former oil and gas drilling sites owing to its use as a major
component of oilfield drilling muds.
The barite soil remediation guidelines developed herein follow Alberta Environment (2009)
protocols wherever applicable and appropriate, and only deviate from these protocols where
dictated by particular issues relevant to barite.
Note that guideline values in this document are presented to “1.5 significant figures” which in
the context of this report means the calculated values are rounded to 1 significant figure with
a “5” or a “0” in the second figure.
This document supersedes the AENV (2004) barite guideline document. The main changes in
the current document from the previous version are as follows:
1. The human tolerable daily intake for barium has been updated to reflect new findings
by the US EPA.
2. The daily threshold effect dose (DTED, toxicological reference value for mammalian
wildlife and livestock) for barium has been updated to reflect new findings by the US
3. A more detailed review and discussion of the issues affecting barite bioavailability has
been added.
4. The section on analytical methods for barium in soil has been revised to reflect new
requirements for analysis of barite-barium.
5. A requirement has been added that the barite guidelines can only be used where
measured barium concentrations are based on a true total barium analysis. True total
barium must be measured by Fusion ICP or Fusion XRF (see Section 9.1.2).
Barite Guidelines 1
2. Background Information
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Barite (BaSO4; CAS No. 7727-43-7) is a mineral in the anhydrous sulphate series and is one
of the most common naturally occurring forms of barium United States Environmental
Protection Agency, (US EPA, 2005a). Synonyms of barite include barium sulphate, barytes,
heavy spar, and blanc fixe World Health Organization, (WHO, 2001). Barite is often found
as underground ore deposits and is commercially mined in China, USA, India, Morocco,
Kazakstan, Mexico, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Canada, and other countries (NRC, 2007). The
physical and chemical properties of barite make it useful in a variety of industrial and
commercial applications.
The physical and chemical properties of barite are summarized in Table 1. Barite exists as
colourless to white, orthorhombic dipyramidal powder or crystals (WHO, 2001). Impurities
associated with barite include aluminum oxide, arsenic, barium, calcium, copper, fluorine,
iron (III) oxide, lead, manganese, silica, strontium sulphate, zinc (WHO, 2001), cadmium
(Nelson et al., 1984), mercury (Creselius, 2007), or radium (Phillips et al., 2001).
Barite is brittle with a hardness of 3 to 3.5 on the Mohs scale (CRC, 1983) and has a specific
gravity of 4.5, which is heavy for translucent minerals (CRC, 1983). Barite is practically
insoluble in water (US EPA, 2005a), organic solvents (CEPA, 2002), and weak acids due to
the very strong affinity of barium (Ba2+) for sulphate (SO42-) ions (US EPA, 1997).
2.2 Analytical Methods
No published procedures were found for the quantitative measurement of barite in soil, water,
or air. Generally, published analytical methods measure the concentration of barium and do
not provide information on the speciation of barium compounds (WHO, 2001).
The following sections refer to quantitative analytical methods for barium rather than barite.
Barite Guidelines 2
2. Background Information
2.2.1 Soil
Soil methods are generally also applicable to sediment and oilfield waste. Typically, methods
to measure barium concentrations in soil samples involve an extraction or fusion process
followed by analysis of the digest. A range of different methodologies has been used to
generate a digest. The methods vary in the amount of barium that they extract, and fall into
three general groups (given names here for convenience only).
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Fusion Methods
These methods are in common use in the mineralogical analysis of rock samples, but have
previously not been widely used in the analysis of environmental samples. Techniques rely
on fusing the sample mixed with a flux at high temperatures (1,000 to 1,200°C) in a crucible.
Commonly used fluxes include sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), potassium carbonate (K2CO3),
borax (Na2B4O7), lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7), and lithium metaborate (LiBO2). ASTM
(2008) provides a standard method based on LiBO2. A range of fusion methods are discussed
in Johnson and Maxwell (1989). ICP and XRF techniques have each been used to analyze
barium in the digest. Fusion methods typically extract essentially all the barium in a sample.
Strong acid methods typically involve sample dissolution using a single strong acid or a
mixture of strong acids (e.g., HNO3, HCl) to dissolve the sample at an acid:sample ratio
typically between 5:1 and 20:1. Other elements such as the addition of hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) or microwave heating may be included. Standard methods for strong acid digestion
include US EPA (2008) Methods 3050B, 3051A, and 3052, and the British Columbia “Strong
Acid Leachate Method” (SALM).
One significant variation on the strong acid methods is the “Louisiana” Method. The
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) has developed an extraction method for
barium specifically for use on oilfield exploration and production waste. The LDNR (1988)
method uses HNO3 at a lower concentration than the US EPA (2008) methods, but at a higher
acid to sample ratio (LDNR, 1988). Deuel and Holliday (1998) found that this method
provided significantly better recovery of barium from barite than the US EPA methods. The
LDNR method has been revised since the Deuel and Holliday (1990) work (LDNR, 2001a).
Barite Guidelines 3
2. Background Information
Extractable Methods
These methods extract the sample with a neutral solvent and recover principally barium
adsorbed to soil particles, present as soluble salts, or bound to organic material. These
methods typically recover a much smaller proportion of barium than either fusion or strong
acid methods, but have been used to estimate the amount of barium that might be available to
plants and soil invertebrates. Deeley and Canter (1986) used H2O, KNO3, and EDTA, to
extract barium from drilling fluids. They found that the amount of barium extracted varied
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between different drilling wastes and that KNO3 and EDTA were more effective than H2O at
extracting barium. The method developed for measuring extractable barium in Alberta is
based on an extraction with 0.1M CaCl2. Details are provided in Appendix III. Note that the
British Columbia Ministry of the Environment has also developed a similar method for
extractable barium, with the primary difference being the use of 1 M, rather than 0.1 M CaCl2
as the extractant.
Analytical Methods
The digest produced by the above methods can be analyzed by one or more of the following
techniques: atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), flame atomic absorption
spectrophotometry (FLAA), graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAA),
inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), or x-ray fluorescence (XRF). US EPA (2008) Methods
include 6010B and 6020. Environment Canada (1999) states that US EPA Method 6010 is
the recommended analytical measurement for barium in soil.
The true total barite-barium guidelines in this document were developed to be compared to
true total barium concentrations. Thus, barium must be characterized using an analytical
technique that is capable of measuring true total barium. Soil samples taken for comparison
to the true total barite-barium guidelines must be analyzed by fusion techniques (e.g., fusion-
ICP or fusion-XRF).
Note that fusion methods typically use a very small sample size. Consideration should be
given to either thorough sample homogenization and/or analyzing multiple replicates from a
sample container to reduce random elements introduced by sample heterogeneity.
Barite Guidelines 4
2. Background Information
2.2.2 Water
US EPA (2008) recommends that the digestion of water and other aqueous samples follow
Methods 3005A, 3010A, 3015, or 3020. These methods are based on acid digestion or
microwave-assisted acid digestion for analysis of total recoverable, dissolved, or total metals
(including barium). These digestion methods are suitable preparation for analysis by US EPA
(2008) Methods 7080A and/or 7081 using FLAA, GFAA, ICP-AES, or ICP-MS.
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Two environmental analytical laboratories in Alberta use US EPA Methods 3005A, 3015 or
modifications thereof for digestion, depending on the solid content of the aqueous sample.
Analyses are conducted using ICP-AES or ICP-MS.
2.2.3 Air
Methods to measure barium compounds in air include an ashing procedure prior to a flame
atomic absorption method (NIOSH, 1987 cited in WHO, 2001) or gravimetric assessment of
respirable dust samples (OSHA, 1990 cited in WHO, 2001). Atomic absorption spectroscopy
(AAS) has also been used to measure barium in air (Miner, 1969 cited in ATSDR, 1992).
In 2006, approximately 24,936 tonnes of barite was used in Canada (NRC, 2006). Up to
90% of the barite produced is used as a weighting agent in oil and gas drilling muds. Drilling
muds are pumped down into the borehole during the drilling of oil and gas wells to lubricate
and cool the drill bit, float cuttings out, seal rock strata that are porous, and apply hydrostatic
pressure to prevent water from filling the borehole (Nelson et al., 1984). Barite is an
excellent drilling mud additive because it is soft, easily crushed and milled, virtually
chemically inert, has no magnetic effects, is not abrasive, and has a high specific gravity that
can withstand high downhole pressure (WHO, 2001).
Barite Guidelines 5
2. Background Information
The above list was generated using information from the following sources: ADMMR, 2001;
USGS, 2001; CEPA, 2003; Williams, 2003; and Code of Federal Regulations (2008).
2.4.1 Atmosphere
Barite is not volatile (Quantum Chemicals, 2005) but may be present in the atmosphere as
dust and suspended particles (Environment Canada, 1999). Barite and barium carbonate are
the most likely forms of barium found in atmospheric particulate matter (WHO, 2001).
Atmospheric barite may be emitted during anthropogenic activities or as dust originating from
barite-containing soil or mining activities (WHO, 2001). Although barite is present in the air
where dust levels are naturally high (WHO, 1990 cited in Environment Canada, 1999), the
primary source of barium in the atmosphere is from industrial activities (US EPA, 2005a). In
1976, the mining and processing of barite ore released approximately 3,200 tonnes of barite to
the atmosphere. Fugitive dusts from the use of barite in drilling activities released an
additional 100 tonnes of barite (WHO, 1990 cited in Environment Canada, 1999). Barite is
also emitted to the atmosphere in the exhaust of diesel-powered vehicles. Pierson et al. (1981
Barite Guidelines 6
2. Background Information
cited in Environment Canada, 1999) reported approximately 95% of the barium added to
diesel fuel was emitted as barite in exhaust.
Although a proportion of airborne house dust likely contains barite, studies evaluating the
concentration of barite in indoor air have concentrated on factory situations. In factories
where barite is added to mixing hoppers, barite concentrations of 3.5 to 9.1 mg/m3 (8-h time-
weighted-average) were measured in air. Barite levels in air ranged from 1.3 to 3.7 mg/m3 in
factories where barite ore is processed and from 1 to 3.5 mg/m3 in factories where plastics and
coatings are formulated (WHO, 2001).
2.4.3 Soil
Barite occurs naturally in soil and is precipitated into geological faults when soluble barium
minerals (resulting from limestone, feldspar, and/or shale deposit weathering) encounter
sulphate solution (WHO, 1990 cited in Environment Canada, 1999). Barite deposits are
commonly associated with quartz, fluorspar, calcite, and metallic sulphides and may be
present at the soil surface (in outcrops, hillsides, or soil concretions) or deep below the earth’s
surface (ADMMR, 2001; WHO, 2001). The majority of barite is found in sedimentary
formations, as nodules resulting from the weathering of barite-rich sediments, in veins in
limestone and sandstone, or in beds (WHO, 2001; Deuel, 2003).
Measured barium concentrations from two background samples from a clay till soil at a site in
southwest Alberta were 281 mg/kg and 224 mg/kg, respectively (ESG, 2003b). This site was
also the source of the soil used in the studies reported in Appendices IV, V, VI, and VII.
Barite Guidelines 7
2. Background Information
The mean barium concentration in 1,128 samples of ambient soil from Alberta was 325
mg/kg, based on strong acid digest methods. (Alberta Environment database, Gordon
Dinwoodie, pers. comm). This value is used here as a reference background soil
The disposal of waste drilling muds containing barite is the primary anthropogenic input of
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
barite to soil systems (CEPA, 2002). Once a well is completed, drilling muds are often
incorporated into the surface soil of the site or placed in lined or unlined earthen pits
(“sumps”) on-site, and subsequently mixed, buried and covered with subsoil. Water-based
and/or hydrocarbon-based (i.e., “invert’) drilling muds often contain barite, bentonite, and
other additives (Nelson et al., 1984). The barite concentration in drilling mud used for deep
wells may exceed 100,000 mg/kg (Deuel, 2003) and was reported for three sources of barite
to range from 429,000 to 509,000 mg/kg (Nelson et al., 1984). The trace elements arsenic,
cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and/or zinc were also present in the barite
or drill cuttings (Nelson et al., 1984).
Barite supplied by Dynatec Corp. (one of the two main suppliers of barite to the Canadian
oilfield), between 1992 and the present, has typically contained between 87% and 94%
barium sulphate, with the majority of the balance being silica (information supplied by
Dynatec Corp. to Chris Meloche, Chevron Canada Resources, 12 February 2003). Maximum
levels of trace metals, based on the information supplied, were as follows. Only data for
metals for which has soil remediation guidelines are included.
• Arsenic 9 ppm
• Cadmium 0.5 ppm
• Chromium 10 ppm
• Copper 180 ppm
• Lead 6 ppm
• Mercury 5 ppb
• Nickel 10 ppm
• Selenium 0.1 ppm
• Vanadium 6 ppm
• Zinc 16 ppm
All these values are below the CCME (1999 and updates) agricultural guidelines, except for
copper (guideline = 63 mg/kg).
Soil/drilling fluid mixtures collected from drilling sumps and flare pits throughout Alberta
often contain total barium concentrations in excess of the CCME (1999 and updates) barium
guidelines (750 mg/kg for agricultural land use and 2,000 mg/kg for commercial/industrial
Barite Guidelines 8
2. Background Information
land use). Soil and soil/drilling fluid samples collected from 5 flare pits, 7 drilling sumps, and
2 oilfield landfarm areas, yielded elevated total barium concentrations up to 20,700 mg/kg.
The majority of soil/drilling fluid samples from sumps and flare pits contain barium at
concentrations between 1,000 and 4,000 mg/kg (Komex International Ltd, unpublished data).
The majority of barium in sediments is in the form of barite (Environment Canada, 1999).
Barite may be present in the water column as a suspended solid, but is usually removed by
sedimentation (US EPA, 1997).
Information regarding the barite content of drinking water in Canada was not found.
However, treatment systems typically remove suspended matter (including barite) from
drinking water. Barite in water can dissolve to release low concentrations of barium and
sulphate ions. Health Canada (1990) provides a review of barium concentrations in raw,
treated, and distributed drinking water in Canada and CCME (1999 and updates) lists barium
concentrations in raw water, some Canadian rivers, sediments, and groundwater. The
distribution of dissolved barium in drinking water is beyond the scope of the current report.
2.4.6 Biota
Plants and animal tissues are not expected to absorb high concentrations of barite due to its
very low solubility; however, barite may be deposited onto plant leaves or be present in the
respiratory or digestive systems of animals. Under certain conditions, the solubilization of
barite may occur, making barium available to organisms (these processes are discussed in
Section 3). Freeman and Deuel (1984) studied the impacts of land treating drilling wastes
(containing barite) in wetland areas and reported the tissue from plants growing on closed
drilling waste pits yielded up to 4.6 times more barium than the tissue of plants grown in
background soil. Deuel (2003) also reported that plants grown in wetland areas where barite-
rich oilfield waste had been deposited in pits contained average barium concentrations of 541
mg/kg, whereas plants grown in background wetland soils contained average barium
concentrations of 304 mg/kg. In contrast, Nelson et al. (1984) conducted a greenhouse study
and found barium levels in plants grown on non-saturated background and soil-drilling mud
mixtures to be similar.
Barite Guidelines 9
2. Background Information
The Alberta Research Council (ARC, 1992) conducted a study of the trace metal content of
samples of 651 drilling muds. The mean measured total barium concentration in the solids
from the drilling muds was 322 mg/kg, though the maximum measured value was much
higher at 23,400 mg/kg. On average, invert muds (i.e., diesel-based muds) had a higher total
barium content than water-based muds. The analytical method used to determine the total
barium concentrations involved an aggressive digestion technique using a mixture of HHO3,
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ARC (1992) also analyzed saturated paste extracts to investigate the concentrations of soluble
trace metals present in drilling muds. The mean barium concentration in saturated pastes
from all 651 muds was 0.32 mg/L, while the maximum was 11.4 mg/L. On average, invert
muds had a higher saturated paste barium content than water-based muds.
2.4.8 Other
Information on barite or barium (as barite) concentrations in biota used as human food,
commercial food, or breast milk was not found. Barite is sometimes used in food production
and has been ruled safe for use in the manufacturing of resinous and polymeric coatings in
contact with food (Code of Federal Regulations, 2008).
No Canadian guidelines that regulate barite levels in air, water, sediment, or soil have been
developed. Although risk-based guidelines for total barium concentrations in drinking water
and soil exist (CCME, 1999 and updates), they are not considered applicable to barite as they
were developed using literature on soluble barium salts (e.g., barium chloride). Soluble forms
of barium have very different fate, transport, and toxicological behaviours than those of
2.5.1 Air
Barite Guidelines 10
2. Background Information
US EPA (2008) Region 9 derived preliminary remediation goals (PRGs) for sites
contaminated with barium and/or barium compounds. The risk-based PRG calculated for
ambient air is 0.52 µg/m3 (US EPA, 2008).
Barium guidelines for drinking water of 1 mg/L were developed by CCME (1999 and
updates) and Health Canada (1990). The US EPA guideline for barium in drinking water is 2
mg/L (US EPA, 2003).
2.5.3 Soil
Louisiana developed criteria for total barium levels in exploration and production wastes.
Louisiana Statewide Order 29-B (amended) provided a total barium criterion of 20,000 mg/kg
for the closure of pits, containing residual oil and gas exploration and production wastes,
located on submerged or elevated wetland sites (LDNR, 2001b). Guidelines of 40,000 mg/kg
(LDNR, 2001b) and 100,000 mg/kg (LDNR, 1990 cited in API, 1995) were provided for
upland land resources and commercial landfill operations, respectively.
Following the study of many more Louisiana sites, Deuel (2003) recommended a barium
guideline of 100,000 ppm for the passive closure of sites containing residual oil and gas
exploration and production wastes. Deuel (2003) also suggested that the need for a barium
guideline was negated for passive closure sites where sufficient agricultural grade gypsum is
topically applied as a sulphate source to precipitate the barium ions into barite.
In 1995, the American Petroleum Institute (API) derived risk-based guidelines for barium in
exploration and production wastes. A maximum barium concentration of 180,000 mg/kg
(measured using the LDNR extraction method for “true total barium”) was determined for soil
(API, 1995).
US EPA (2008) Region 9 PRGs for sites contaminated with barium and/or barium compounds
are 15,000 mg/kg for residential soil and 190,000 mg/kg for industrial soil. Soil barium
concentrations of 82 and 300 mg/kg were calculated for the protection of drinking water
Maximum Concentration Limits (MCL) or systemic toxicity-based limits respectively on the
assumption that no dilution or attenuation in the soil occurs (US EPA, 2008).
CCME (1999 and updates) provides soil quality guidelines for barium that are based on
soluble barium compounds. CCME (1999 and updates) guidelines for agricultural,
Barite Guidelines 11
3. Environmental Fate and Behavior
residential/parkland, commercial, and industrial land uses are 750 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, 2,000
mg/kg, and 2,000 mg/kg, respectively.
Barite is not very mobile or bioavailable under most atmospheric, water, or soil conditions
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and does not undergo photolysis, abiotic, or biotic oxidation to yield barium ions (US EPA,
1991). Information on the environmental fate and behaviour of barite or barium (as barite) is
limited because the barium cycle has not been investigated (Baldi et al., 1996). The
following sections provide a limited discussion on the environmental fate and behaviour of
barite in the environment.
3.1 Atmosphere
Barite solubility is very low in water due to the strong affinity of barium ions for sulphate
ions (US EPA, 1991). Because barite readily forms and precipitates out of solution, barium
ion availability in water is usually inversely related to the sulphate concentration (WHO,
2001). US EPA (1997) states that natural waters containing barium usually contain enough
sulphate and carbonate to precipitate barite and/or barium carbonate. Once formed, barite is
very sparingly soluble under neutral pH and oxidized conditions (Carbonell et al., 1999).
Deeley and Canter (1986) completed chemical analyses on the aqueous phase of a drilling
mud pit and found that while high levels of total barium were present in the sediments, much
lower aqueous phase concentrations of barium were present. Barium formed compounds that
were insoluble over a wide range of pH values.
Deuel (2003) reports the soluble barium released from barite in water increased from 1.38
mg/L (with 1,000 mg barite/L) to 24.9 mg/L (with 1,000 mg barite and 30,000 mg NaCl/L)
with the addition of salts. Subsequent addition of 10,000 mg gypsum/L to the barite/salt
Barite Guidelines 12
3. Environmental Fate and Behavior
mixture reduced the soluble barium concentration in water to 0.02 mg/L. The low availability
of barium from barite is a function of its low solubility and the high affinity of barium ion for
the sulphate ion (US EPA, 1991).
Barite suspended in the water column usually deposits onto the sediments (US EPA, 1997).
Suspended barite may be transported for great distances if high flow and low sedimentation
rates are present (WHO, 2001).
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In anaerobic environments under low sulphate conditions, anaerobic bacteria can enhance
barite solubility in aqueous environments and potentially result in increased concentrations of
dissolved barium. In nature, anaerobic, sulphur-poor aquatic environments exist, but are
often present in northern glaciated regions in isolated water bodies (i.e., not connected to
flowing surface and groundwater). These remote aquatic systems are unlikely to release
barium ions at concentrations that are ecologically significant (US EPA, 1997).
As barite is dissolved under certain pH, temperature, and dissolved sulphate level conditions,
sulphur-reducing bacteria utilise the sulphate, disrupt the dissolved / solid equilibrium and
cause more barite to be dissolved. Microbial solubilization of barite in anaerobic
environments can release barium ions from barite at concentrations greater than expected
based on barite solubility (US EPA, 1997; McCready et al., 1980) and potentially release
trace elements co-precipitated in the barite (e.g., arsenic). Some anaerobic microorganisms
use dissolved sulphate as an electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration and thus reduce
sulphate to sulphite. Barium ions do not form stable compounds with sulphite ions, and
accordingly dissolved barium concentrations may increase (US EPA, 1991). Soluble barium,
released from barite via the process described above can form other barium compounds (e.g.,
BaCO3, BaS) (Baldi, et al., 1996), which may be more bioavailable to aquatic organisms than
barite itself. McCready et al. (1980) found that sterilised sediments, containing no
microorganisms, released minimal barium.
Under reducing conditions, barite solubilization has been reported by Huck et al. (1989) and
Fedorak et al. (1986) who investigated the bacterial reduction of barium/radium sulphate
sludges in mine tailing pond sediments and the subsequent release of soluble barium to the
overlying water. Fedorak et al. (1986) found the sulphate-reducing activities of
microorganisms in radium mining sludges to be carbon limited and Phillips et al. (2001)
reported that barium ion release in three oilfield wastes was dependant on the respiration rates
of sulphate-reducing bacteria. Carbonell et al. (1999) also demonstrated the release of soluble
barium from barite in sediments under low pH and highly anaerobic conditions and
McCready et al. (1980) found soluble barium release from barite in sediments was dependent
on pH and the sulphate concentration. The greatest amounts of barium were released at high
and low pH (McCready et al., 1980). Desulfovibrio vulgaris was identified as the sulphate-
reducing organism responsible for metabolising barite in radium mine sludge under neutral
Barite Guidelines 13
3. Environmental Fate and Behavior
While barite solubilization under reducing conditions has been demonstrated, the resulting
concentrations of dissolved barium may be lower than expected based on stoichiometry.
Phillips et al. (2001) reported that while sulphate-reducing bacteria released soluble barium
from barite in three different oil-field materials, Ba2+ release was not stoichiometric with
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
sulphide production and released less than 0.1% of the barium present in barite. Baldi et al.
(1996) reported that the concentration of soluble barium released (1.2 mg Ba/L was
measured) was well below the concentration expected based on the amount of H2S evolved
(109 mg Ba/L was expected). McCready et al. (1980) also found precipitated barite becomes
less soluble with age.
3.3 Soil
Barite in soil has very low mobility due to its insolubility (US EPA, 1997) and inability to
form soluble complexes with humic and fulvic matter (US EPA, 1984 cited in WHO, 2001).
Due to the strong affinity of barium ions for sulphate, the amount of barium present in well-
aerated, neutral soils is dependant on sulphate availability (US EPA, 1991). Under non-
saturated conditions and natural fluctuations in pH, barite solubility in soil is unlikely to
increase (Deeley and Canter, 1986).
A study by Deuel and Freeman (1989) found that barite in drilling mud remains in the solid
phase even after being pumped downhole and subjected to heat and alkaline conditions during
drilling. API (1995) stated that in many cases, the addition of barite to soil in the form of
Barite Guidelines 14
3. Environmental Fate and Behavior
drilling fluids may have no effect on barium concentrations in soil solution. Deuel and
Holliday (1998) concluded that the majority of barium present in drilling solids is in the
residual fraction, which is “inconsequential to barium bioavailability, mobility or reaction in
the natural environment”. Results from ESG (2003a) (see Appendix VI) showed soluble
barium concentrations in pore water within soil-plant microcosms increased over 14 days
after barite was added; however, final soluble barium concentrations remained low. The
greatest increase was observed for 100% barite, where soluble barium increased from 0.3 to
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
2.4 mg/L over 14 days. Nelson et al. (1984) reported that the barium present as barite in
drilling mud was not bioavailable to Swiss chard or ryegrass during a greenhouse study.
However, trace elements co-precipitated into barite were available for plant uptake. Nelson et
al. (1984) concluded that plants took up arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc from
drilling fluids.
Deverel et al. (1986) state that for sulphate to be reduced to sulphide in soil (and hence for
soluble Ba2+ to be released from barite), highly reducing conditions are required. Sulphate
reduction can occur in soil at a redox potential of approximately –240 mV (Lindsay, 1979
cited in Branch et al. 1990), which is considered “much reduced” (Branch et al. 1990).
Branch et al. (1990) evaluated barium solubility in flooded and aerated non-hazardous oilfield
waste and found that flooded oil field waste could develop very low redox potentials;
however, the presence of high sulphate ions (either present in the oilfield waste originally or
added as gypsum) prevented the increase of barite solubility under flooded and high soluble
salt conditions. The authors suggest that increased barite solubility could occur under low
sulphate conditions.
Deuel and Freeman (1989) demonstrated the conversion of barite to soluble barium in soil
under anaerobic conditions in the laboratory. Deverel et al. (1986) also reported anaerobic
reduction of sulphate to sulphide in three organic soils. In contrast, Deuel and Holliday
(1990), Campbell Wells Corporation/K. W. Brown and Associates Inc. (1989; cited in US
EPA, 1991), and Branch et al. (1990) found that anaerobic conditions did not result in
increased barium ion concentrations in drilling mud waste. Deuel and Holliday (1990)
conducted their experiment under anaerobic conditions normal for drill pit fluids in the
absence of air. US EPA (1991) reviewed these studies and concluded that the anaerobic
solubilization of barite can generate soluble forms of barium that may be transported to
surface water and groundwater.
Freeman and Deuel (1984) reported that plants grown in barite-rich oilfield waste in wetlands
contained more barium than plants grown in wetland background soil; however, the increase
in barium content was not significant and barium concentrations in plants were below those
shown to adversely affect plant yield (Freeman and Deuel, 1984). In addition, this study
found that for one plant species (Bacopa monnieri) 65% of the variability in plant barium
Barite Guidelines 15
4. Behaviour and Effects in Biota
content could be explained by soil pH; this plant species absorbed less soil barium at a lower
The addition of barite at concentrations up to 300,000 mg/kg was found to increase soil pH
and decrease soil moisture; however, conditions remained within the range supportive of plant
and soil invertebrate survival and growth. Soil electrical conductivity was not affected by the
addition of barite (ESG, 2003a). Miller (1980) reported a slight increase in pH (from 6.0 to
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
6.7) and a substantial increase in electrical conductivity (0.34 to 1.01 mmhos/cm) upon the
addition of bentonite and barite to soil.
Fedorak and Gamez (2003) (see Appendix IV) investigated the effect of different redox
conditions on barite solubilization with a matrix of Alberta clay-till soils. The range of
reducing conditions that they considered included aerobic, nitrate-reducing, manganese-
reducing, iron-reducing, sulphate-reducing, and methanogenic conditions. Their microcosms
included soils contaminated with barite and hydrocarbon (from diesel-based muds disposed of
in an old oilfield sump), and background soils either spiked or not spiked with barite. Some
microcosms were supplemented with an electron donor (glucose or lactate) while others were
not supplemented. The results of this work indicate that:
A study commissioned for this project investigated the possible mobilization of barium by
salts, and is reported in Appendix V. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a
release of oilfield brine could result in the mobilization of barium from barite. The study
concluded that the addition of sodium chloride could result in the release of barium from soil;
however, sodium chloride did not cause the release of barium from barite.
The following section discusses the behaviour and effects of barite in terrestrial biota.
Barite Guidelines 16
4. Behaviour and Effects in Biota
No information was found concerning the effects of barite on soil microorganisms or soil
microbial processes. Barite has a very low aqueous solubility and its biological uptake by soil
microorganisms is expected to be limited under most natural soil conditions. Under non-
saturated conditions and within the typical range of environmental pH values, barite solubility
in soil is unlikely to increase (Deeley and Canter, 1986).
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Dissolved barium may, however, be released from barite under sulphate-reducing conditions
and could then have a negative effect on some soil microorganisms. Intracellular barium
concentrations of 0.58 µg/mg (dry weight) were sufficient to inhibit microbial growth in
sulphur-reducing bacteria (Baldi et al., 1996). However, information in the scientific
literature on the effects of barium to soil microorganisms is limited (CCME, 1999 and
Although barite may be deposited onto leaves or be present in soil, barite is not considered
bioavailable to plants due to its low aqueous solubility (CCME, 1999 and updates). Nelson et
al. (1984) concluded that barium from barite was not available to Swiss chard and ryegrass
grown in soil containing drilling fluids and that the concentration of barium in soil/drilling
fluid mixtures was not predictive of total of barium concentrations in plant tissues. Freeman
and Deuel (1984) found that plant uptake of barium in wetlands was not dependent on the
concentration of measured plant-available barium in the soil/drilling fluid due to temporal
variability in available barium measurements.
Soluble forms of barium (released from barite) may become available to plants for uptake
under reducing conditions (Freeman and Deuel, 1984; Deuel and Holliday, 1998). The
metabolic fate, behaviour, and toxicity of barium in terrestrial plants are discussed by CCME
(1999 and updates).
Barium is not an essential plant nutrient (Vanselow, 1966 cited in Deuel, 2003). A discussion
of the metabolic fate of barite was not possible due to a lack of available information.
4.2.2 Toxicity
Barite Toxicity
Selected toxicological studies on the effects of barite on plants are presented in Table 2.
Barite Guidelines 17
4. Behaviour and Effects in Biota
Toxicity studies by ESG (2003a) (reproduced in Appendix VI) indicated that the toxicity of
barite to three plant species is very low. Plant toxicity tests for barite were conducted using
alsike clover (21-d), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata; 14 d), and perennial ryegrass (Lolium
perenne; 14-d) grown in a clay till soil amended with barite to achieve concentrations ranging
from 1,000 mg barite/kg dry weight soil to 100% barite (1,000,000 mg barite/kg dry weight
soil). Seedling growth was generally unaffected by barite content and the reduced root length
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
in alsike clover observed at 50,000 mg barite/kg dry weight soil during the range finding test
was not confirmed in following tests. The only adverse effects observed were the following:
• alsike clover emergence was reduced in 100% barite, but not at lower concentrations;
• alsike clover shoot length was reduced in 100% barite, but not at lower concentrations;
• perennial ryegrass root length was reduced in 100% barite, but not at lower
Emergence in alsike clover may have been reduced because barite is a very dense growing
matrix and not due to a toxicity response (ESG, 2003a). Where possible, linear regression
analysis was performed on data to calculate inhibition concentrations (IC). The only IC
values that were lower than 100% barite were IC20 values of 850,000 and 960,000 mg/kg for
root length in orchardgrass and perennial ryegrass, respectively (ESG, 2003a).
Miller et al. (1980) added barite to soil to assess potential impacts to the growth of green
beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L., ‘Tendergreen’) and sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata
(Sturtev.), ‘Bailey’ Northrup King-199). To simulate two ways in which barite could be
introduced to the soil of an oilfield site, barite was 1) incorporated into soil at 227,500 mg
barite/kg air dry soil to imitate barite disposal and disking into the soil and 2) added at a
higher concentration (795,300 mg barite/kg air dry soil) to imitate an accidental barite release.
Neither barite treatment significantly reduced the growth of above ground green bean plant
parts. A barite concentration of 795,300 mg/kg reduced sweet corn growth by 20%, but a
concentration of 227,500 mg/kg had no effect.
Stantec (2003) conducted a study of the toxicity of barium acetate to plants, specifically for
this project. The rationale for the study is discussed further in Section 6.2.3, the study itself is
reproduced in Appendix VII and the data analyzed in Appendix VIII. Essentially, the Stantec
Barite Guidelines 18
4. Behaviour and Effects in Biota
(2003) study correlates the toxic response from barium acetate to the concentration of
extractable barium measured in the soil. Extractable barium is a measure of the barium in
solution in the porewater together with the barium sorbed to clay surfaces, and is intended as
an approximation of the barium available to plants and soil invertebrates. The methodology
for analyzing extractable barium is discussed in Section 6.2.2.
No information on the metabolic fate and behaviour of barium (as barite) in soil invertebrates
was found.
4.3.2 Toxicity
Barite Toxicity
Selected toxicological studies of barite effects on soil invertebrates are presented in Table 3.
Three studies on four species of terrestrial invertebrate found no adverse effect on survival at
the maximum concentrations investigated. Simini et al. (2002) investigated the effect of
barite on the earthworm Eisenia fetida, and found no effect at their highest concentration of
17,000 mg barite / kg soil (10,000 mg barium / kg soil). Kuperman et al. (2002) investigated
the effect of barite on the Enchytraeid worm Enchytraeus crypticus, and found no effect at
their highest concentration of 17,000 mg barite / kg soil.
Studies by ESG (2003a) found no effect on invertebrate survival at any concentration. A 14-d
acute toxicity test for barite was performed on earthworms (Eisenia andrei) and springtails
(Onychiurus folsomi) using a clay till soil amended with barite to achieve concentrations
ranging from 1,000 mg barite/kg dry weight soil to 100% barite (1,000,000 mg barite/kg dry
weight soil). No earthworm or springtail mortality was observed during the duration of the
Barite Guidelines 19
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
No information on the metabolic fate and behaviour of barium (as barite) in livestock or
wildlife was found. There is no known function of barium in animals (Vanselow, 1966 cited
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
in Deuel, 2003)
4.4.2 Toxicity
No information on the toxicity of barium (as barite) in livestock or wildlife was found.
4.5 Bioaccumulation
No information was available on bioconcentration factors from barite into soil or plants.
However, bioconcentration factors for barium in soil into a variety of plants (0.4) and
bioaccumulation factors for terrestrial insects (0.2) were developed following a field study
with one sampling event (Hope et al., 1996 cited in WHO, 2001).
5.1 Pharmacokinetics
5.1.1 Absorption
In the respiratory system, the solubilization of inhaled barite and subsequent absorption of
barium has been demonstrated in a number of studies by clearance of barite from the
respiratory system followed by the excretion of barium in urine (Morrow et al., 1964; Cember
Barite Guidelines 20
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
et al., 1961 cited in Cuddihy and Griffith, 1972) or the presence of barium in the lymph
system (Takahashi and Patrick, 1987).
The time taken to clear barite from the respiratory system was found to be proportional to the
solubility of barium compounds as inhaled BaCl2 was cleared more readily from the
pulmonary system than barite (Cuddihy et al., 1974). Morrow et al., (1964) also found that
in the first 24 h after inhalation, the clearance of insoluble dusts from the lungs of beagles
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Barite may be cleared from the respiratory tract by mucociliary mechanisms, lung-to-blood
transfer, or potentially, solubilization in the tracheal wall. In beagle dogs, approximately 75%
of inhaled barite was deposited to the pulmonary region and 25% entered the tracheobronchial
and nasopharyngeal regions (Cuddihy et al., 1974). In rats, 15.3% of intratracheally-injected
barite was cleared from the lungs within 24 h; 7.9% was cleared by mucociliary mechanisms
(removed material is eventually swallowed) and 7.4% was cleared by lung-to-blood transfer.
The half time for each process was 9 h during the first 24 h after administration (Spritzer and
Watson, 1964). Barite inhaled at a concentration of 1.1 µg/L for 30 to 90 min had a
biological half time of 8 days in the lower respiratory tract of beagles (Morrow et al., 1964).
Takahashi and Patrick (1987), intratracheally administered barite to the caudal trachea
(injection site). After 7 days 0.41% of the original barium dose remained; 10 times this level
of barium had moved to the cranial region of the trachea. After 7 days, barite was cleared
exponentially from the caudal trachea with a half time of 88 days and from the cranial trachea
with a half time of 66 days. Barium in the trachea of rats was detected up to 6 months after
injection. Takahashi and Patrick (1987) concluded it was possible that some of the barite had
been cleared from the tracheal wall by solubilization, but barium concentrations in blood, and
the entire carcass (including skeleton) were found to be low. US EPA (1991) stated that in
rats following intratracheal installation, approximately 1.3% of the barium in barite was
absorbed via solubilization (US EPA, 1991).
In the body, barite particles are often engulfed by macrophages, which do not appear to suffer
any toxic effects at a dose of 10 barite particles per macrophage cell (Rae, 1977).
Macrophages have been reported to engulf barite particles in the lungs (Parkes, 1982 cited in
BIBRA, 1994), tracheal wall (Stirling and Patrick, 1980, cited in Takahashi and Patrick,
1987), and gastrointestinal tract (Najjar et al., 1973 cited in Shackleton et al., 2000;
Shackleton et al., 2000). Takahashi and Patrick (1987) were not able to determine whether
barite particles retained in the trachea by macrophages had become solubilized in situ.
Barite solubilization and subsequent barium absorption has been demonstrated from the
gastrointestinal tract as evidenced by increased barium concentrations in blood and urine. A
single, low dose of barite (0.5 mg/kg body weight) given to rats by gavage was absorbed at an
Barite Guidelines 21
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
equivalent rate to a similar concentration of BaCl2 (a much more soluble barium salt).
McCauley and Washington (1983) attribute the absorption of barium at low barite
concentrations to solubilization in the gastrointestinal tract by stomach acids.
When large doses of barite are administered orally, only a very small fraction of the barite is
solubilized by gastric hydrochloric acid and absorbed (e.g., prior to gastrointestinal x-ray).
However, barium levels in the blood and urine of humans were found to increase significantly
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Dodd et al. (2007) report on a series of bioaccessibility studies for barite in soil. This report
is included as Appendix II. Bioaccessibility studies attempt to simulate the conditions (pH,
enzyme mix, temperature, agitation, residence time etc.) in the stomach and small intestine
under in vitro conditions, and determine how much of the metal in question becomes
solubilized and hence available for absorption. Metal that does not become solubilized is not
available for absorption in the small intestine, and accordingly, in vitro bioaccessibility
measurements are often taken as a conservative estimate of bioavailability. Dodd et al.
(2007) interpreted the results of a wide range of bioaccessibility tests for barite-contaminated
soils to indicate a bioaccessibility of 55% based on low concentrations of barite (30 to 300 μg
of barite-barium in 100 mL of solution. These authors noted that a lower proportion of
barium was extracted at lower fluid:soil ratios.
No information on the dermal absorption of barite was available found, but dermal absorption
of barite is not expected (US EPA, 1991).
5.1.2 Distribution
In the body, the greatest concentrations of barium are found in the skeletal system (US EPA,
2005a) and absorbed barium from inhaled barite has been measured in the skeletal system.
Cuddihy et al. (1974) reported approximately 25% of absorbed barium (from inhaled barite)
was transported to the skeleton. In contrast, Takahashi and Patrick (1987) found that only
0.84% of the barium (as barite) injected into the tracheas of rats, was present in the carcass
(including the skeleton) after 7 days, 1.3% was present after 4 weeks, and 1.1% was present
Barite Guidelines 22
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
after 24 weeks. Differences in the results of these two studies may have been due to the
preparation and resulting solubility of barite particles (Takahashi and Patrick, 1987). Within
10 days of an intratracheally-injected dose of barite, rats excreted approximately 5% of the
initial dose in urine (Cember et al., 1961 cited in Cuddihy and Griffith, 1972).
Takahashi and Patrick (1987) demonstrated that barite administered to the tracheal lumen
drained to the lymph nodes in the thoracic cavity and the deep and superficial cervical
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
regions, but the proportion of barium cleared from the trachea through these routes was
impossible to quantify. Alveolar macrophages can also remove barite from alveoli in the
lungs to regional lymph nodes (Buschman, 1991).
McCauley and Washington (1983) compared the absorption and distribution of barium from
barite and BaCl2 (administered orally at low doses) to rats over a 2-hour period. Similarities
in barium absorption and distribution to the eye 2 hours after exposure led them to conclude
that the distribution of barium from both compounds to heart, liver, kidney, and skeletal
muscle was similar. Measured concentrations of absorbed barium in the heart, eye, skeletal
muscle, and kidneys were greater than the whole blood concentration, which suggests barium
may concentrate in soft tissue.
5.1.3 Metabolism
5.1.4 Elimination
Absorbed barium from inhaled barite is primarily excreted from the body in feces and urine.
Cuddihy et al. (1974) found approximately 75% of absorbed barium (from inhaled barite) was
excreted in the urine and feces over a 2 wk period by beagles. Approximately 6% of the
initial lung deposit of intratracheally-injected barite was excreted in the urine of rats (Spritzer
and Watson, 1964). Cember et al. (1961 cited in Cuddihy and Griffith, 1972) found that
within 10 days of an intratracheally injected dose of barite, rats excreted approximately 5% of
the initial dose in urine. Morrow et al. (1964) reported that barium (from inhaled barite) was
so rapidly excreted in the feces and urine of beagles within one week of exposure, the study
of barite elimination over a long period of time was not possible.
Some barium taken up by organisms may accumulate in their body tissues. Bioaccumulation
factors for white-footed mice (0.02) and hispid cotton rats (0.02) were developed following a
field study with one sampling event. Barium was lost from these receptors at a fairly rapid
Barite Guidelines 23
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
rate and depuration rates of 0.4/day and 0.2/day were estimated for white-footed mice and
hispid cotton rats, respectively (Hope et al., 1996 cited in WHO, 2001).
Acute and chronic toxicological studies of barite effects on mammalian species are presented
in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
A single intratracheal dose of 0.6 ml/kg Ba147 (a preparation containing 85% barite) to
rabbits did not cause treatment-related effects to pulmonary ventilation, blood gas levels, or
lung weights up to 4 weeks after administration. Dose related shadows were observed in
lungs and 78% of animals exhibited bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, or bronchiolitis one week
after dosing. Further details on this study were not available as US EPA was only able to
obtain an English abstract (Uchiyama, et al., 1995 (abstract) cited in US EPA, 2005a).
Stirling and Patrick (1980, cited in Takahashi and Patrick, 1987) reported that 1 to 7 days
after barite was injected into the trachea of rats, barite particles retained in the tracheal wall
were located within macrophages.
Oral/Gastrointestinal Tract
Boyd and Abel (1966) administered barite to rats through an intragastric cannula. No deaths
were caused by dosages up to 160 g barite/kg body weight in a pilot test. Definitive tests
found a single intragastric administration of barite to rats at doses of 25 to 40% body weight
caused death by stomach rupture or bowel obstruction, intestinal bleeding and generalized
blood clotting. The LD50 for stomach rupture was 307 +/- 29 g barite/kg body weight and for
bowel obstruction was 364 +/- 41 g barite/kg body weight (Boyd and Abel, 1966).
Barite may cause brief inflammatory responses or ulcers in wounds. The intestinal tissue of
20 dogs exhibited an inflammatory response (especially by neutrophilic granulocytes) when
exposed to barite. Once the barite had been engulfed by macrophages, the inflammatory
response rapidly decreased (Najjar et al., 1973 cited in Shackleton et al., 2000). In dogs,
ulceration was observed when a deep colorectal biopsy was immediately followed by a
Barite Guidelines 24
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
barium enema; however, the healing process was comparable to wounds with no barite added
(Maglinte et al., 1983 cited in Shackleton et al., 2000). Shackleton et al. (2000) reported no
effect of barite application on wound healing, granuloma formation, weight gain, activity, and
survival of rats with gastrointestinal wounds (stomach, small bowel and colon).
5.2.4 Immunotoxicity
Holusa et al. (1973, cited in BIBRA, 1994) exposed rats to atmospheres containing 40 mg/m3
barite for 5 h/day for up to two months. Following barite exposure, the lungs and associated
lymph nodes were examined at a microscopic level. Holusa et al. (1973, cited in BIBRA,
1994) described inhaled barite as an “inert dust” based on the pattern of tissue changes
observed in the lungs.
To determine whether heavy metals (including barium) could be safely used as nutrient
markers, Hutcheson et al. (1975) fed barite, scandium, chromium, lanthanum, samarium,
europium, dysprosium, terbium, thulium, and ytterbium oxides to three generations of mice.
The barite concentration of this mixture ranged up to 8 ppm (approximately 1.2 mg/kg
bw/day). The body weight gain, mortality rate, reproduction, lactation, and general
appearance of mice in the 8 ppm barite treatment, and the gross appearance of organs and
blood chemistry of mice in the 0.8 ppm barite treatment were not overtly affected by barite
consumption at these levels.
5.2.6 Carcinogenicity
Studies on the potential carcinogenicity of barite were not available for any route of exposure;
however, NTP (1994) found no evidence of carcinogenic activity of barium chloride
dihydrate in rats or mice exposed for 2 years via drinking water. Barium chloride dihydrate is
more soluble than barite and so the barium bound in barium chloride dihydrate is expected to
be more bioavailable to organisms. Extrapolation of the NTP (1994) study results to barite
Barite Guidelines 25
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
lead to the conclusion that barite is not likely a carcinogen in mammals. A toxicity review by
US EPA (1991) found no evidence for cancer associated with barite exposure.
A local cancer (mesothelioma) developed in 1 of 30 treated rats which had barite injected
directly into the pleural cavity (Wagner et al., 1973 cited in BIBRA, 1994).
5.2.7 Mutagenicity
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (NIOSH, 1994 cited in BIBRA, 1994)
describes barite as a mutagen because chromosome damage was reported for mice that
received an intraperitoneal injection of 12.5 mg barite/kg bw. However, “the study report in
question is in Chinese (Laifu et al., 1986), but the English abstract refers to the testing of a
beryllium compound and not barium sulphate” (BIBRA, 1994).
5.2.8 Neurotoxicity
5.2.9 Reproduction
Three generations of mice fed barite at concentrations up to 8 ppm (approximately 1.2 mg/kg
bw/day) along with a number of lanthanide metal oxides, showed no effects on the number of
females having litters, average litter size, or average weaning weight (Hutchenson et al.,
5.2.10 Teratology
No information on the teratology of barite to mammalian species was found during the
preparation of this report.
The aspiration of small amounts of barite into lungs is almost always inconsequential (Ott and
Gelfand, 1983) and has led to its use as a bronchiographic contrast agent. Buschman (1991)
reported that barite suspensions, administered during bronchography, were retained for years
in the lungs through alveolarization and the likely incorporation of barium into macrophages.
Retained barite was present in the peripheral airways and alveoli, beyond the ciliated mucosa,
Barite Guidelines 26
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
and could not be effectively cleared from the lungs. This residual barite did not cause any
fibrotic pulmonary changes or toxicity problems after 6 months of retention, but interfered
with subsequent imaging procedures (Bushchman, 1991).
During administration of barite as a contrast agent, perforation of the esophagus, stomach or
duodenum may allow the extravasation of barite to into the mediastinum or peritoneal cavity,
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Boyd and Abel (1966) extrapolated the results of their experiments on albino rats and
concluded that humans could not orally ingest enough barite in a single dose to be acutely
toxic. However, impaction of the colon has been reported in some case studies following the
oral ingestion of large doses of barite prior to gastrointestinal x-ray (US EPA, 1991) and may
be fatal (Pélissier-Alicot et al., 1999). Pélissier-Alicot et al. (1999) describe a case study
where an unknown intestinal occlusion caused impaction of the colon and led to the
intravasation or venous embolization of barite, which had been ingested prior to
gastrointestinal x-rays.
The impaction of barite particles into the skin, resulting from the explosion of golf balls, may
cause the formation of granulomas (a mass or nodule of chronically inflamed tissue produced
in response to foreign particles) (Honda and Nishi, 1978 and Ishii et al., 1982 cited in
BIBRA, 1994). Imperfectly administered enemas have also been reported to cause rectal
granulomas, barium inflammation of the abdomen, and embolization (e.g., Beddoe et al.,
1954; Carney and Stephens, 1973; Weitzner and Law, 1972 cited in BIBRA, 1994).
Low incidences of severe adverse reactions have been reported by a number of researchers
following the administration of barite meals or enemas. These severe reactions are listed by
BIBRA (1994) and include respiratory difficulties, generalized skin rash, abrupt decreases in
blood pressure, and fatalities. Most researchers concluded these hypersensitivity reactions
were not caused by barite, but by other components in the barite suspension although this
hypothesis was rarely confirmed (BIBRA, 1994)
Barite Guidelines 27
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
Repeated use of barite as a contrast agent prior to gastrointestinal x-rays has little
physiological effect other than volume and fluidity changes (Ott and Gelfand, 1983).
5.3.4 Immunotoxicity
No information on the immunotoxicity of barite to humans was found during the preparation
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
of this report.
Chronic inhalation of barite dust causes baritosis (a benign pulmonary reaction) characterized
from x-rays by dense, discrete, small opacities. These opacities are barite particles not tissue
lesions (US EPA, 1991). Macrophages engulf the particles and negligible effects to the lung
tissue occur (Parkes, 1982 cited in BIBRA, 1994). Baritosis does not have any symptoms and
does not decrease pulmonary function (US EPA, 1991). Once exposure has ended, opacities
slowly reduce (Doig, 1976).
No studies that addressed the potential carcinogenicity of barite to humans were found during
compilation of this report. Barium is classified as Group D – not classifiable to human
carcinogenicity by US EPA (2005a) because animal studies have not adequately addressed
barium carcinogenicity through the inhalation route of exposure.
5.3.6 Neurotoxicity
Neurological and cardiovascular effects were observed following the barium poisoning of a
patient who had been orally administered barite prior to gastrointestinal x-rays. An intestinal
occlusion of unknown origin caused the barite to remain in the digestive tract. Convulsive
seizures and encephalopathy were observed prior to death; these symptoms have been
described by previous reports of barium poisoning (Pélissier-Alicot et al., 1999).
5.3.7 Reproduction
No information on potential human reproduction effects from barite exposure was found
during the preparation of this report.
Barite Guidelines 28
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
5.3.8 Teratology
No information on the teratology of barite to humans was found during the preparation of this
5.3.9 Epidemiology
No information on the epidemiology of barite exposure for humans was found during the
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Much of the available data suggest that barite is likely to be significantly less toxic to humans
than soluble forms of barite. However, none of the available studies were suitable for
developing a human tolerable daily intake (TDI) for barite. In the absence of such studies, the
conservative assumption is made that the TDI for barite is the same as for soluble forms of
The toxicology of barium has been reviewed by Health Canada and the US EPA. Health
Canada developed a Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline (CDWQG) of 1.0 mg/L
(Health Canada 1990), based on an epidemiological study of barium in drinking water by
Brenniman and Levy (1984). Health Canada (2004) calculated a TDI of 0.016 mg/kg-bw/day
based on the CDWQG developed in Health Canada (1990).
More recently, the US EPA (2005a) reviewed the toxicology of barium and revised their
previous (US EPA, 1999) reference dose (RfD, equivalent to a TDI) to give a new value of
0.2 mg/kg-bw/day. The previous US EPA (1999) RfD was based on a weight-of-evidence
approach that focused on four coprincipal studies: the Wones et al. (1990) experimental study
in humans, the Brenniman and Levy (1984) epidemiological study, and the NTP (1994)
subchronic and chronic rat studies. The McCauley et al. (1985) study of unilaterally
nephrectomized rats was used to support the identification of the kidney as a cocritical target.
The US EPA (2005a) concluded that three out of the four studies previously considered
(including the Brenniman and Levy (1984) study used by Health Canada, 1990) as
coprinciple did not show convincing dose-response relationships, and accordingly, re-derived
the reference dose based on the NTP (1994) 2 year barium chloride drinking water study in
mice, with chemical-related nephropathy identified as the critical effect.
The point of departure used by the US EPA in deriving the reference dose was 63 mg/kg-
bw/day which was the lower 95% confidence limit on the 5% modelled benchmark dose
(BMDL05) for male mice, corresponding to the dose that would be expected to cause no more
than a 5% increase in chemical-related nephropathy in either sex of mouse. An uncertainty
Barite Guidelines 29
5. Behavior and Effects in Human and Mammalian Species
factor of 300 was applied to this departure point, which was rationalized as a factor of 10 for
extrapolating from mice to humans, a factor of 10 to account for variability in human
sensitivity, and a factor of 3 for deficiencies in the database. This resulted in a calculated
barium reference dose of 0.21 mg/kg-bw/day, which was rounded to 0.2 mg/kg-bw/day.
In considering the relative merits of the US EPA (2005a) RfD and the Health Canada TDI
based on their 1990 toxicological review, the following points were considered.
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• The US EPA (2005a) conducted a careful review of all the available literature.
• The US EPA (2005a) based their reference dose on a study (NTP, 1994) that was not
available at the time of the Health Canada (1990) derivation.
• The US EPA (2005a) determined that the NTP (1994) study was a better basis for
developing a reference dose than the Brenniman and Levy (1984) study used by Health
Canada (1990).
Based on the above considerations, it was decided that the more recent US EPA (2005a)
reference dose of 0.2 mg/kg-bw/day was more relevant than the older Health Canada TDI,
and hence the US EPA (2005a) reference dose of 0.2 mg/kg-bw/day was used in this project
to assess safe levels for human exposure.
The information on oral absorption presented in Section 5.1.1 is conflicting. It is clear that
barium can be solubilized from barite in the gastrointestinal tract and absorbed. At high
barite doses (approximately 500-3,000 mg/kg-bw), only a small fraction of the barite is
absorbed. Based on the work of McCauley and Washington (1983), at lower doses (0.5
mg/kg-bw) it appears that barite is absorbed at an equivalent rate to soluble forms of barium,
implying a relative bioavailability of 100%. The bioaccessibility work by Dodd et al. (2007)
includes barite concentrations equivalent to doses even lower than those used by McCauley
and Washington (1983), and the authors suggest a bioaccessibility of 55% for barite-barium.
Estimates of bioavailability of soluble barium compounds range from 0.7 to 85% (US EPA,
2005). Data is not available to estimate the bioaccessibility of soluble forms of barium used
to derive the US EPA (2005) reference dose. Considering the conflicting nature of the
available information, and applying the precautionary principle, it is considered that there is
insufficient evidence at this time to support a barite-barium bioavailability of less than 100%
relative to soluble barium for the purposes of guideline development, and accordingly, this is
the value used in this document.
Barite Guidelines 30
6. Special Considerations in the Development of Barite Guidelines
Insufficient information was available to assess the typical exposure of the Canadian
population to barite. However, Health Canada (1990) has assessed the exposure of the
Canadian population to barium. According to Health Canada (1990) intake of barium through
inhalation would be negligible compared with the amount ingested and the primary exposure
to barium is through food, with drinking water being significant in areas where barium levels
in drinking water are high (0.6 mg/L). Health Canada (1990) estimated the mean daily intake
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
of barium to be slightly more than 1 mg/day, which corresponds to an estimated daily intake
of 0.014 mg/kg-bw/day for a 70.7 kg adult.
6.1 Introduction
Typically guidelines for metals are developed for a single element (e.g., barium), rather than a
compound such as barite. Developing guidelines for inorganic compounds presents particular
challenges, some of which are discussed below.
A typical situation at upstream oil and gas sites (and potentially other sites where barite has
been used) is that barium is present at levels above generic guidelines, but, based on the site
history, the source of the barium is assumed to be barite. Before barite guidelines can be
applied at such a site, it will be necessary to demonstrate:
Studies were commissioned as part of the current project to help resolve these two issues.
The studies and their application are discussed in Sections 6.2 and 6.3.
Barite Guidelines 31
6. Special Considerations in the Development of Barite Guidelines
As noted above, there is no commercially available method for determining the speciation of
barium in a soil sample. However, the question of whether the available barium in a soil
sample is above or below the level that might cause adverse effects to plants or soil
invertebrates can be addressed by correlating the toxic response in plants and invertebrates
with the level of available barium. The selection of an analytical method for available barium
is discussed in Section 6.2.1. The recommended method for analysis of extractable barium is
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
provided in Section 6.2.2. A toxicity testing program using barium acetate is discussed in
Section 6.2.3.
Three techniques for barium analysis were investigated to determine which of them would
provide good correlations between the amount of barium measured and the toxic responses of
the plants or invertebrates to barium acetate (see following Section). The three techniques
1. conventional soil analysis for barium involving an acid digest, followed by inductively
coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) detection;
2. ICP-OES analysis of a saturated paste extract; and,
3. ICP-OES analysis of the extractable barium (see Section 6.2.2).
Conducting these analyses on samples from the toxicological work reported in Appendices VI
and VII indicated that neither technique 1 nor technique 2 was a good predictor of toxic
response in plants or invertebrates. Technique 1 appeared to respond to barium that was not
available to the biota, presumably because barium was released from mineral grains during
the acid digest. Technique 2 did not respond to barium that was causing a toxic response in
plants, possibly because barium sorbed to clay surfaces is available to plants but is not
measured by the technique.
Initial tests of technique 3, however, indicated a much better correlation between analytical
results and toxicological response. Accordingly, it was determined that extractable barium
was likely to be the best measurement of available barium. John Ashworth and Warren Greig
of EnviroTest Laboratories in Edmonton and Saskatoon, respectively, developed an analytical
methodology for extractable barium. Method development was conducted in two phases.
The first phase involved a number of trials to select the most effective extraction
methodology. The technique presented in the following Section (6.2.2) was developed to
maximize recovery of sorbed barium, and to minimize ICP-OES interference from high
concentrations of cations in the extractant. The second phase of method development
involved ruggedness testing on the proposed analytical method to determine to what extent
Barite Guidelines 32
6. Special Considerations in the Development of Barite Guidelines
the method might be sensitive to small changes in technique. The results of ruggedness
testing are included in Appendix III, and indicate that the methodology presented below is
suitably rugged.
The recommended procedure for determination of extractable barium (see also Appendix III)
is as follows:
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• Prepare 0.1 M calcium chloride (14.7 g of pure dihydrate per litre of de-ionized
• Use a representative sub-sample of air-dried, <2 mm soil, weighing at least 10 g.
• Add 0.1 M calcium chloride at a 1:10 ratio, e.g., 10 g soil plus 100 mL, leaving
adequate headspace for agitation.
• Agitate for at least 2 h on either a platform or end-over-end shaker.
• Filter the extract either by gravity or under suction, using a filter paper fine enough to
yield a clear filtrate.
• Make up standard solutions (e.g. of barium acetate or chloride) either in DI water or in
the extracting solution.
• Analyze the filtrate and standards by ICP within 24 h.
A program of acute and definitive toxicity testing using barium acetate with three species of
plants and two species of invertebrates was commissioned for this report (Stantec, 2003;
reproduced in Appendix VII). The purpose of this testing was to correlate the toxic response
observed in plants and soil invertebrates with the concentration of extractable (i.e., available)
barium. It should be noted, however, that the results in Stantec (2003) are all presented in
terms of nominal concentrations (i.e., the mass of barium acetate added), rather than the mass
of barium in the sample.
An analysis of selected samples from the toxicity testing program for extractable barium is
presented in Appendix VIII. The regression of extractable barium was analysed against the
mass of barium acetate added, and the toxicity testing results were expressed in terms of
measured concentrations of extractable barium.
Two studies were commissioned through the Microbiology Department of the University of
Alberta, supervised by Dr. Phil Fedorak, to help determine whether the possibility of future
mobilization of barium from barite was a significant concern.
Barite Guidelines 33
7. Derivation of Environmental Soil Remediation Guidelines
This study (Fedorak and Gamez, 2003, included in Appendix IV and discussed in Section 3.3)
investigated the possible mobilization of barium from barite as a result of microbial
degradation, particularly the action of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) on barite. Previous
studies had shown that SRBs could mobilize barium from barite under favourable conditions,
but none of the studies had used conditions that were particularly relevant to typical upstream
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Fedorak and Gamez (2003) showed that while SRBs were capable of mobilizing barium from
barite when a supplementary electron acceptor (glucose or lactate) was added, no barium was
mobilized from barite in the absence of added glucose or lactate. In particular, the SRBs in
these experiments did not seem able to utilize the contaminant hydrocarbon (weathered diesel
fuel) in the soil as an electron acceptor. Even in the experiments where glucose or lactate was
added, the amount of barium released from barite was relatively small (in all cases less than
12 mg barium released from barite per kg of soil, even though samples were spiked with
2,000 or 10,000 mg of barite per kg of soil).
Overall, it is not anticipated that barium mobilization due to bacterial activity will be a
concern at typical upstream oil and gas sites.
This study (included in Appendix V and discussed in Section 3.3) investigated whether salt
(such as that associated with a release of oilfield brine) could result in the mobilization of
barium from barite. The study found that while salt could release (naturally occurring)
barium from soils, no barium was released from barite. Accordingly, barium mobilization
from barite due to interactions with salt will not be a concern.
Environmental soil remediation guidelines were developed for five standard land uses: natural
areas, agricultural, residential/parkland, commercial and industrial (AENV, 2009).
Two soil remediation guidelines for ecological soil contact were developed. The first is based
on the concentration of extractable barium and is used as a screening tool to determine
Barite Guidelines 34
7. Derivation of Environmental Soil Remediation Guidelines
whether the barite guideline can be applied. The second is the guideline for barite, and is
based on the total barium concentration. Guideline application is discussed in Section 9.
The development of the soil contact guideline for extractable barium is described in detail in
Appendix VIII, and summarized here.
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Soil sample concentration series from either the beginning or end of five different toxicity
tests from the Stantec (2003) program were analyzed for extractable barium. Since all five
barium acetate/extractable barium curves essentially formed part of the same data set, it
appeared that the measured concentration of extractable barium was independent of the
species that was present in the toxicity test, and whether the sample was collected at the
beginning or the end of the test. Accordingly, all five data sets were combined before
generating a regression equation. A linear regression was fit to the data (Appendix VIII).
All the toxicity data in Stantec (2003) Appendix VII) were presented on a nominal barium
acetate basis. In the present document, the 20th percentile effect data (i.e., IC20, EC20, and
LC20) were used to compute the soil contact guidelines. The nominal 20th percentile data
from Stantec (2003) were converted to an extractable barium basis by applying the regression
equation to the nominal toxicity data. The different growth endpoints for each plant species
were considered redundant, as were the different reproduction endpoints for springtails. Each
group of redundant endpoints was combined as their geometric mean. The soil contact
guideline for natural areas, agricultural land, and residential/parkland land uses was
calculated as the 25th percentile of the geometric means, and was 250 mg/kg (rounded to 1.5
significant figures; Table 6). The soil contact guideline for commercial and industrial land
uses was calculated as the 50th percentile of the geometric means and was 450 mg/kg
(rounded to 1.5 significant figures; Table 6).
If extractable barium concentrations at the site comply with the applicable extractable barium
criterion, then the total barium at the site may be assessed against the total barium guideline
for Barite Sites.
The soil remediation guideline for total barium at Barite Sites (see Section 9 for definition) is
based on the barite plant and soil invertebrate studies discussed in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. Most
studies found minimal effects on either plants or soil invertebrates. The soil remediation
guideline for total barium at Barite Sites is conservatively set at the no observed adverse
effect level (NOAEL) from the ESG (2003a) definitive plant tests on alsike clover and
Barite Guidelines 35
7. Derivation of Environmental Soil Remediation Guidelines
perennial ryegrass. Both these tests had a NOAEL of 300,000 mg barite per kg soil, which
corresponds to 180,000 mg barium per kg soil (Table 6).
Insufficient data were available to calculate the food ingestion part of this guideline.
However, it is not anticipated that bioconcentration of barite into plants will be significant.
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Nelson et al. (1984) reported that the barium present as barite in drilling mud was not
bioavailable to Swiss chard or ryegrass during a greenhouse study. Freeman and Deuel
(1984) reported that plants grown in barite-rich oilfield waste in wetlands contained more
barium than plants grown in wetland background soil; however, the increase in barium
content was not significant.
Accordingly, and consistent with the approach taken for similar cases in AENV (2009), a
guideline (SQGESI) was calculated for ecological soil (but not food) ingestion for natural area
and agricultural land use. A meadow vole was selected as the most exposed organism for
both land uses, based on soil ingestion rate and body weight. The following equation was
Substituting these values in the above equation and rounding to 1.5 significant figures yields a
value of 10,000 mg/kg for wildlife soil ingestion and 30,000 mg/kg for livestock soil
ingestion (Table 6).
Barite Guidelines 36
7. Derivation of Environmental Soil Remediation Guidelines
The CCME (2006) protocol for developing soil quality guidelines includes a procedure for
developing a daily threshold effect dose (DTED) for grazing ungulates. Based on the
requirements of the CCME (2006) protocol, insufficient toxicological data were available,
and accordingly a DTED could not be calculated for barium by this method. However, it is
noted that the CCME (2006) protocol for calculating DTEDs is not intended to apply to
receptors other than grazing ungulates, and the limiting receptor being evaluated in this
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The US EPA (2005b) developed a wildlife toxicity reference value (TRV, equivalent to a
DTED) for barium as part of their efforts to develop an Ecological Soil Screening Level (Eco-
SSL). They conducted an extensive literature review which identified 837 papers with
possible toxicity data for barium for either mammalian or avian species. Of these papers, 826
were rejected for various reasons, and of the remaining papers, 10 contained data for
mammalian species. These papers were reviewed and data extracted and scored according to
the standard procedures established for Ecological Soil Screening Level (Eco-SSL)
The US EPA (2005b) identified a total of 27 results, all for laboratory rodents, for relevant
endpoints which had a data evaluation score of >65 and were considered in the derivation of
the TRV. A geometric mean of the NOAEL values for growth and reproduction effects was
calculated to be 51.8 mg/kg-bw/day. This value was lower than the lowest bounded LOAEL
for reproduction, growth, or survival, and accordingly was adopted by US EPA (2005b) as the
Given that sufficient data were not available to meet the CCME (2006) protocol requirements,
and also that all the 27 data points used to develop the US EPA (2005b) TRV were based on
rodents of the family Muridae, the same family as the receptor being evaluated for this
pathway (meadow vole), it was decided to adopt the US EPA (2005b) barium mammalian
wildlife TRV of 51.8 mg/kg-bw/day as the DTED in this project.
The soil ingestion rate was calculated using the following equations:
Barite Guidelines 37
7. Derivation of Environmental Soil Remediation Guidelines
Where: SIR = soil ingestion rate (meadow vole: 0.058 g/day, calculated
FIR = food ingestion rate (meadow vole: 2.41 g dry weight/day;
calculated below);
PSID = percent soil in diet for meadow vole (2.4% – US EPA, 1993);
BW = body weight (meadow vole: 0.017 kg); and,
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Substituting these values in the above equation yields value for FIR of 2.41 g dry weight/day
and for SIR of 0.058 g day.
The off-site migration check for ecological endpoints is calculated to ensure that wind and
water erosion of contaminated material from a commercial or industrial site could not cause
unacceptable contaminant concentrations on an adjacent property with a more sensitive land
use. The check is calculated using the equation provided in AENV (2009):
Substituting these values in the above equation, and rounding to 1.5 significant figures, yields
a value of 140,000 mg/kg, which is the ecological off-site migration check (Table 6).
This check was not calculated because it is not applicable to metals (CCME, 1999 and
Barite Guidelines 38
8. Derivation of Human Health Soil Remediation Guidelines
The available data were sufficient to develop soil contact guidelines both for total barium and
for extractable barium.
Data on the effects of barite on soil microbial communities would be required to calculate the
nutrient cycling check. However, based on the chemical inertness of barite, it is not
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Further data on the bioaccumulation of barium from barite into plants would be required to
calculate the food ingestion part of the livestock/wildlife soil and food ingestion guideline.
However, based on the assumed low bioavailability of barite it is not anticipated that
bioconcentration of barite from soil into plants would be significant.
Human health soil remediation guidelines were developed for four standard land uses:
agricultural, residential/parkland, commercial and industrial (AENV, 2009).
The guideline for this exposure pathway was calculated based on the standard (AENV, 2009)
equation provided below:
SQCSI = human health soil ingestion guideline (mg/kg);
TDI = tolerable daily intake for barium (0.2 mg/kg-bw/day; see
Section 5.4);
EDI = estimated daily intake (0.014 mg/kg-bw/day; see Section 5.6);
SAF = soil allocation factor (0.25; see Section 8.1.1 below);
BW = body weight (16.5 kg: toddler (agricultural, residential/parkland
and commercial land uses); 70.7 kg: adult (industrial land use);
AENV, 2009);
AFG = absorption (bioavailability) factor for gut (conservatively
assumed to be 1.0; see Section 5.5);
Barite Guidelines 39
8. Derivation of Human Health Soil Remediation Guidelines
Substituting the appropriate values for each land use in the above equation, and rounding to
1.5 significant figures, yields values of 10,000 mg/kg (agricultural and residential/parkland),
15,000 (commercial), and 250,000 mg/kg (industrial). These values are the soil remediation
guidelines for the human soil ingestion pathway (Table 6).
AENV (2009) indicates that humans are potentially exposed to environmental contaminants
through one or more of 5 media: soil, water, air, food, and consumer products. Accordingly,
by default, a soil allocation factor (SAF) of 0.2 is used in calculating generic guidelines for
human health pathways to ensure that the total exposure from all media does not exceed
acceptable limits. However, AENV (2009) allows the SAF to be calculated by only
considering environmental media through which significant exposure is likely to occur.
In the case of barium, significant exposure through air is unlikely. Health Canada (1990)
states that “at the levels of barium measured in U.S. air, intake of barium through inhalation
would be negligible compared with the amount ingested.” This leaves four environmental
Barite Guidelines 40
8. Derivation of Human Health Soil Remediation Guidelines
media through which exposure is considered possible, and accordingly an SAF of 0.25 was
used in this project.
Barite is non-volatile, and accordingly this check is not relevant and is not calculated.
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The off-site migration check for human health endpoints is calculated to ensure that wind and
water erosion of contaminated material from a commercial or industrial site could not cause
unacceptable contaminant concentrations on an adjacent property with a more sensitive land
use. The check is calculated using the equation provided in AENV (2009):
Substituting these values in the above equation, and rounding to 2 significant figures, yields a
value of 140,000 mg/kg, which is the ecological off-site migration check (Table 6).
8.4 Groundwater Check (Drinking Water)
This check was not calculated because it is not applicable to metals (CCME, 1999 and
This check applies only to non-polar organic compounds, and is not calculated for metal
contaminants (CCME, 1999 and updates).
The major data gap in the derivation of the soil remediation guideline for barite is the lack of
a high quality, sub-chronic or, preferably, chronic toxicological study of the effects of barite
on a mammalian laboratory test species (e.g., rat). In the absence of such a study, it was
necessary to make the (likely conservative) assumptions that the tolerable daily intake
Barite Guidelines 41
9. Application of Barite Soil Remediation Guidelines
(reference dose) developed by the US EPA for soluble barium compounds was applicable to
barite, and that the bioavailability of barite-barium was 100%.
In order to apply the soil remediation guidelines for barite correctly, it is necessary to
understand two analytical definitions.
In this document, “extractable barium” refers to the results of soils analyses conducted using
the method described in Section 6.2.2. Extractable barium is the barium that is present in soil
pore water plus the barium that is sorbed to clay surfaces. Extractable barium has been shown
to correlate with the barium that is bioavailable to plants and soil invertebrates.
9.1.2 Non-Barite Barium
Non-barite barium refers to barium that is not in the form of BaSO4. Barium is classified as
non-barite barium if extractable barium concentrations exceed the guidelines in Table 6.
Non-barite barium is measured by the strong acid digest techniques described in Section
2.2.1, or may also be measured by fusion-XRF or fusion-ICP.
9.1.3 True Total Barium
In this document, “true total barium” refers to the barium results of soils analyses conducted
using fusion-XRF or fusion-ICP methods. The guidelines for Barite Sites (see below) are
expressed in terms of true total barium concentrations.
9.2 Guideline Application (Figure 1)
At sites where barium contamination is suspected, the assessor may first measure non-barite
barium by strong acid digest and compare to the Alberta Tier 1 guideline (AENV, 2009) for
barium at non-barite sites (Row C of Table 6). Since these are the most stringent guideline
values, no further action will be necessary if soil barium concentrations fall below the
applicable Tier 1 guideline.
Where the assessor suspects or has confirmed that barium concentrations in soil exceed the
Alberta Tier 1 guideline for barium at non-barite sites (AENV, 2009), the following
procedure should be used. This procedure is based on using the guideline for extractable
barium to determine whether the Alberta barite guidelines can be used at a particular site.
The steps for applying the barite soil remediation guidelines are as follows:
Barite Guidelines 42
9. Application of Barite Soil Remediation Guidelines
Barite Guidelines 43
10. References
ADMMR (Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources), 2001. Prospecting for
Barite. Accessed on 10 December 2008 at
AENV (Alberta Environment), 2004, Soil Quality Guidelines for Barite: Environmental
Health and Human Health. Science and Standards Branch, Pub. No: T/738.
AENV (Alberta Environment), 2009. Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation
Guidelines. January 2009.
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Barite Guidelines 44
10. References
Brenniman, G.R., and P.S. Levy, (1984). Epidemiological study of barium in Illinois
drinking water supplies. In: Advances in modern toxicology. Calabrese, EJ, ed.
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Buschman, D.L. 1991. Barium Sulfate Bronchography. Report of a Complication. Chest
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Campbell Wells Corporation K.W. Brown and Associates, Inc, 1989. Determination of Soil
Conditions that Adversely Affect the Solubility in NOW. 22 pp. Cited in US EPA
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Carbonell, A.A., R. Pulido, R.D. DeLaune, and W.H. Patrick, Jr., 1999. Heavy Metals in the
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Barite Guidelines 45
10. References
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Chromium and Lead in Drilling Fluid Wastes. Ph.D. thesis, University of Oklahoma,
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Barite Guidelines 46
10. References
Barite Guidelines 47
10. References
Lindsay, W.L, 1979. Chemical Equilibria in Soils. Wiley – Interscience Pub. 449 p. Cited in
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Barite Guidelines 48
10. References
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NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), 1994. Registry of Toxic
Effects on Chemical Substances. National Institute for Occupational Safety and
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Barite Guidelines 49
10. References
Phillips, E.J.P, Landa, E.R. and T. Kraemer, 2001. Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Release
Barium and Radium from Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material in Oil-Field
Barite. Geomicrobiology Journal, 18: 167-182.
Pierson, W.R., Truex, T.J., McKee, D.E., Shelef, M. and R.E. Baker, 1981. Effects of barium
fuel additive and fuel sulphur level on diesel exhaust. Environmentla Science and
Technology, 14(9): 1121-1124. Cited in Environment Canada (1999).
Quantum Chemicals, 2005. MSDS for Barium Sulfate. Accessed on 12 December 2008 at
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Rae, T, 1977. Tolerance of Mouse Macrophages in vitro to Barium Sulfate used in
Orthopedic Bone Cement. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 11(6): 839-846.
Seaman, W.B. and J. Wells, 1965. Gastroenterology, 48: 278. Cited in BIBRA (1994).
Shackleton, K., Stewart, E.T., Henderson, J.D., Demeure, M.J. and G.L. Telford, 2000. Effect
of Barium Sulfate on Wound Healing in the Gastrointestinal Tract of the Rat.
Radiology, 214(2): 536-567.
Simini, M., R.T. Checkai, R.G. Kuperman, C.T. Phillips, J. Speicher, and D. Barclift (2002).
Toxicity Assessments of Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, and Manganese for
Development of Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSL) Using Earthworm
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Edgewood Chem. Biol. Ctr., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD :81 p.
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Stantec (Stantec Consulting Ltd.), 2003. Ecotoxicity Evaluation of Reference Site Soils
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Barite Guidelines 50
10. References
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US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), 1997. Federal Register
Document. January 3, 1997. Volume 62, Number 2.
This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
Barite Guidelines 51
10. References
WHO (World Health Organization), 1996. Guidelines for drinking water quality, 2nd Ed. Vol.
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WHO (World Health Organization), 2001. Concise International Chemical Assessment
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This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
on 12 December 2008 at
Wones, R.G., B.L. Stadler, and L.A. Frohman, (1990). Lack of effect of drinking water
barium on cardiovascular risk factor. Environmental Health Perspectives, 85: 355-359.
Barite Guidelines 52
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This copy is for archival purposes only. Please contact the publisher for the original version.
na = not applicable
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Alsike Clover Emergence (32%) LOEC 1,000,000 8.3 – 9.1 Clay loam; 1.2% organic matter ESG (2003a)
Orchardgrass Emergence NOEC 1,000,000 8.3 – 8.6 Clay loam; 1.2% organic matter ESG (2003a)
Perennial ryegrass Emergence NOEC 1,000,000 8.3 – 8.7 Clay loam; 1.2% organic matter ESG (2003a)
Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Plant dry mass NOEC 227,500 6.2 Dagor silt loam; 8.1% organic Miller et al. (1980)
‘Tendergreen’) matter
Plant dry mass NOEC 795,300 6.2
Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata Plant dry mass NOEC 227,500 6.2 Dagor silt loam; 8.1% organic Miller et al. (1980)
(mg barite /
kg dry soil)
Organism Effect Endpoint One Time Dose Exposure Exposure Route Reference
(mg/kg body weight) Period
CBL-Wistar Mortality NOEL 160,000 Acute – 1 time Intragastric cannula Boyd and Abel (1966)
albino rats Mortality (from stomach rupture) LD50 307,000 Acute – 1 time Intragastric cannula
Mortality (from bowel obstruction) LD0 163,000 Acute – 1 time Intragastric cannula
Mortality (from bowel obstruction) LD50 364,000 Acute – 1 time Intragastric cannula
Mortality (from bowel obstruction) LD100 564,000 Acute – 1 time Intragastric cannula
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Organism Effect Endpoint Exposure Exposure Exposure Estimated Dose Reference
Concentrations Period Route (mg/kg bw per day)
(mg/kg food)
1 2
CF-1 mice General appearance NOEL 8 (maximum concentration) 3 generations oral 1.067 Hutcheson et al. (1975)
Morbidity and mortality NOEL 8 (maximum concentration) 3 generations oral 1.067
Abnormalities at necropsy NOEL 0.8 (maximum concentration) 3 generations oral 0.107
Weight gain NOEL 8 (maximum concentration) 3 generations oral 1.067
Reproduction and lactation (number of NOEL 8 (maximum concentration) 3 generations oral 1.067
1. Calculated from food concentration using a value of 0.03 kg for body mass (Health Canada, 1994) and an ingestion rate of 4 g/day
(Health Canada, 1994).
2. Hutcheson et al. (1975) fed mice food containing barite and oxides of scandium, chromium, lanthanum, samarium, europium,
terbium, dysprosium, thulium, and ytterbium.
Table 6. Soil Remediation Guidelines for Barite
Natural Area Agricultural Residential/ Commercial Industrial
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(mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
A: Guideline for Extractable Barium 250 250 250 450 450
B: Guideline for True Total Barium
10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 140,000
at Barite Sites
Human Health
SQGHH --- 10,000 10,000 15,000 250,000
Soil ingestion guideline --- 10,000 10,000 15,000 250,000
a a a a
Inhalation of indoor air check --- NC NC NC NC
Off-Site migration check --- --- --- 140,000 140,000
b b b b b
Groundwater check (drinking water) NC NC NC NC NC
c c c c
Produce, meat, and milk check --- NC NC NC NC
SQGE 10,000 10,000 200,000 140,000 140,000
Soil contact guideline 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Livestock soil ingestion guideline 30,000 30,000 --- --- ---
Wildlife soil ingestion guideline 10,000 10,000 --- --- ---
d d d d d
Nutrient and energy cycling check NC NC NC NC NC
Off-site migration check --- --- --- 140,000 140,000
b b b b b
Groundwater check (aquatic life) NC NC NC NC NC
C: Alberta Tier 1 Guideline for Barium
750 750 500 2,000 2,000
at Non-Barite Sites
--- = guideline/check value is not part of the exposure scenario for this land use and therefore is not calculated.
NC = not calculated.
NA = not applicable: pathway not part of the exposure scenario for this land use or calculated guideline value exceeds 1,000,000
a. This guideline is not calculated because barite is non-volatile.
b. Applies to organic compounds and is not calculated for metal contaminants.
c. The produce, milk and meat check applies to organic contaminants and is thus not calculated for inorganic contaminants.
d. Data are insufficient/inadequate to calculate these guidelines/check values.
Figure 1. Guideline Application Procedure
Initial Assessment
Barium meets Alberta
Tier 1 non-barite
Measure extractable**
barium* or
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(Table 6, Row C)
Exceeds extractable
No Yes
barium** guideline?
(Table 6, Row A)
Exceeds Alberta
No Yes
barite-barium guidelines?
(Table 6, Row B)