De Toate
De Toate
De Toate
Mihaela Comãnescu
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
[email protected]
Theoretical and Applied Economics
Radical changes in the labour market which highlight his knowledge and develop
have major implications on professional his skills.
careers management. In carrying on his activities, a person
Careers are more diverse and more crosses along his career a number of
difficult to administer, which determines successive stages among which:
giving increased importance to different exploration; stabilization; advancement;
professional and life experiences of a preservation; end of career.
person, materialized in the development of Exploration is the confrontation
its own quality and competence. between the often unrealistic visions
formed in adolescence and the real world.
2. Characteristics of professional An individual learns about and chooses
career among the roles explored.
Meanwhile, the person discovers and
Career planning is a process identifying develops his talents, skills, interests and
the needs, aspirations and the career values. It is an important moment in the
opportunities within an organization and the formation of professional identity and
implementation of human resources choice of activity for the future.
development programs, to support the Stabilizing or fixing on a career is to
respective career (Myers, 1986). acquire an adequate degree of knowledge,
A career can be long or short, and an expertise in a given field.
employee can have multiple careers, Considering that he has demonstrated
consecutive or simultaneous. his competence, the employee passes the
Individual career includes both relationship of dependency to self activity,
professional and family life, and the links being continually tested on his aptitudes,
between them. Wishing to control the two knowledge, skills, to find if they match or
components of existential activity, any not the initial choice.
person develops a concept through which Advancing and preserving the
it evaluates its own qualities and values. profession, opted for, follow the
This process is dynamic and takes place stabilization in different occupational roles
throughout life. and involve the focusing on realistic, key
The Civil Servants Career Development
Theoretical and Applied Economics
n periodic evaluation of progress offer and reaches a state of discontent, of
achieved, allowing identification of possible frustration.
delays from the original plan and of any The ideal situation is fully enjoying the
impediment and those subjective or current success, while also focussing on the
objective factors which have led to delays; future development.
n removing subjective factors that n Neglect giving due attention to family
prevent achievement of the objectives duties. For example, some jobs may require
laid down, lack of consistency in pursuing an employee to go on extended work
the goals proposed, passivity, superfi- program, to travel and/or work during
ciality, etc.; weekends, inter-organizational and
n adjustment of the set targets, if certain geographical mobility, which could have
objective factors or unpredictable elements negative effects on family life.
require it - the employee discover he has Some people may be more interested
new talents, his organization goes through in combining efficiency in work with
a reorganization process, changes in personal life, rather than in rising on the
legislation governing the area where the professional hierarchy.
employee performs activity etc. Therefore, linking aspects of the career
Getting through these stages is to the family aspects permits to avoid
designed to effectively exploit opportunities conflict situations which generate tension.
for career development. Besides all the above issues, career
At the same time, it is however, development also involves valuing the idea
necessary to pay attention to the obstacles that “there is always something to learn” –
which could have a strong negative impact continuous training and upgrading skills and
on career development: knowledge to generate new ideas and thus
n Occurrence of unforeseen changes in keep with change.
economic environment, family, etc. To Harmonious combination of these
counteract their effect, the employee must elements, together with much passion and
show flexibility, adaptability and openness dedication, offer the employee all the
to new. chances to build a successful career, and
However, such an attitude must not be ensure an upward evolution.
The Civil Servants Career Development
Theoretical and Applied Economics
there from, that occur, under the law, from n Authorities and public institutions, by
the beginning of the activity of a civil applying the principle of equal
servant to the cessation of these respective opportunities and motivation;
relationship. n Civil servant itself, through a consis-
Among the principles underlying the tent application of the principles of
organization of civil servant career, we can competence and professionalism in order
mention (GD no. 611/2008): to secure individual improvement.
n jurisdiction requires that individuals A particularly important step in the civil
wishing to enter or promote to a public servants career consist in the individual and
function, hold and confirm the know-how the working teams’ assessment on both the
and skills necessary for the exercise of the results obtained and the possibilities to work
respective public function; better in the public interest.
n competition the confirmation of the Evaluation and appreciation of a civil
knowledge and skills necessary for the servant is an important potential source for
exercise of public functions is done through career development that may affect the
competition or examination; person’s motivation to work and
n equal opportunities the career in the professional satisfaction for the results
civil service can be pursued by any person obtained.
that meets the conditions established by law; In this respect, it is necessary to use
n professionalism effective performance correctly and precisely set out criteria for
in exercising public power prerogatives; the respective function.
n motivation the authorities and the In order to maintain high professional
public institutions are required to identify civil servants, it is necessary that they enjoy
and apply, in the respect of law, instruments stability in the career, but in respect of legal
of moral and material motivation of civil responsibility for breach of service
servants, and to support initiatives for obligations.
professional development of the individual; In general, the career of a civil servant
n transparency authorities and public consists in two periods: until the age of 45,
institutions are required to provide all there is a continuous process of professional
interested parties, information of public achievements, providing business efficiency
interest related to career in public function. and growth in labour productivity. Follows
In accordance with this government the second part of the career where one can
decision, the career management in the see there is stagnation; efficiency in
public service is provided through: performance is due to the accumulated
n The National Agency of Civil experience.
Servants, by developing the legal The civil servants are required to
framework and the required instruments for learn continuously to meet new
the organization and career development in developments and legislation in the field
civil service; they operate.
Professional competence must be relations between administration and
therefore maintained and continuously citizens.
upgraded in order to fulfil efficiently and We believe that the system of values
in good conditions their attributions. on which the institutional reform should be
Promoting quality management comes in based requires the following:
support of the civil servant by improving n professionalism and performance
the individual and collective activity, with that any civil servant should prove;
direct impact on the quality of services n transparency of the administrative act
provided and, increasing citizens’ and of the activities of the administrative
satisfaction. structures;
In this way, one contributes to n ethics of civil servants enshrined in
achieving the public institutions goals and a code of ethics;
especially to improve relations with citizens n dignity on professional and extrapro-
to solve favourable the personal or public fessional behaviour, i.e. the civil servants
problems for which they call support. should abstain from actions and behaviours
Achieving this goal begins with that affect the prestige of the public
professional preparation and periodic function, as well as the public institution in
training of civil servants. which they activate;
In this context, it is necessary that they n team spirit, which is absolutely
know in detail the activities to be carried necessary in order to increase the
on, the working procedures, the behaviour functionality of public institutions.
requirements towards the citizens, the However, the motivation of civil
methods of investigation and analysis, the servants should not be addressed globally,
techniques of communication, the access to but as a process with a strong individual
databases and the legal framework for the character, because it is complex and has a
solution of citizens´ requirements. number of particular features.
In addition to high wages or other
5. The need for an institutional material benefits, the motivation also
reform involves safety of person and job security,
possibility of expressing own views and
The Civil Servants Career Development
Theoretical and Applied Economics
On the one hand, most of the managers increased mobility and specialization in the
are of the opinion that it is more efficient performed function.
and safer, to seek to capitalize on existing The concept of public function
staff – as they are – than to appeal to people identifies with the public authority and
from outside, recommended or recruited includes the persons invested with public
through competition, but which could cre- power prerogatives.
ate problems in the future. At the same time, the concept evokes
On the other hand, for the institutional the status of any person exercising a public
reform it is necessary to reduce the civil function prerogatives, regardless of the type
servants expenditure, which will require an of institution or the level at which it occurs.
assessment of their work so as to maintain In this context, one should mention that
only specialized employees, highly skilled, there is a distinction between civil servants
able to provide quality services to citizens and contractual employee. Thus, the civil
in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. servant has public authority and its legal
Actions to reduce the number of civil regime is governed by the public law rules,
servants have been until now sporadic, slow while the contractual employee is an
and fragmented, even in cases of employees exponent of some activities corresponding
that proved to be insufficient in training to to its profile and its specialty, subject to the
meet the requirements of the job. rules of labour law.
In addition, we noted that until At the level of the central public
relatively recently there were no clear rules administration, it is necessary to maintain a
on civil service and the public management flexible, restructured body, which have the
has been empirical. capacity to intervene effectively in its own
The reduction of personnel expenditure program.
in institutions, the need that the private Bureaucracy need also to be reduced
sector enter into partnership with a modern so as the increase performance and
and flexible public administration, as well delegation of authority to ensure greater
as the expansion of the introduction of efficiency in the administrative
modern computing techniques in order to mechanisms.
respond efficiently to the citizens Within the limits of resources allocated
applications represent major requirements and the strategy adopted, the civil servants
of the institutional reform in Romania. should have the freedom to choose the
To accomplish these goals, it is tactics and procedures on the condition of
necessary to adopt and implement a periodic assessment of the relationship
government strategy on public adminis- “resources – strategic objectives – results”.
tration reform to define and ensure Romania’s integration into European
professionalizing civil servants, improving Union requires reforming the public
recruitment and selection system, and administration, as well as economic, social
developing mechanisms that result in and cultural institutions, developing local
autonomy, in line with the principles of the policies, strategies and monitor national
European Charter of Local Autonomy. programs.
Decentralization should be a primary It is also necessary to pursue the
dimension of institutional reform, aiming at decentralizing of both decision and
increasing awareness and involvement of administrative action, from the central level
local communities in managing local and to territorial service.
regional issues. This means the gradual To achieve these goals, it appears
transfer of competence and authority from necessary to maintain and promote honest
the state to local communities. and responsible professional civil servants,
Ministries would thus become more since they are in direct contact with citizens
flexible, with a small number of staff, but and on how they perform their duties
highly qualified and able to develop depends largely the institution image.
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