Watermarked - Draft Interview Plan ABH Pocket Sergeant PDF

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Interviewee Custody No Date

Solicitor Appropriate Adult

Potential Offences Disclosed

Points to Prove-Actual Bodily Potential Defences/Excuses

Harm. Sec 47 (Include General Defences)
Self defence
Date and location
ID issue
A person
Thereby occasioning him/her actual bodily Had permission
**assault is intentional or reckless act causing
the victim to fear immediate and unlawful
violence. **

When suspect has previous convictions on PNC for like offences: these can be put to the suspect in interview as
“bad character” evidence if they deny the offence. CPS expect that this will be done on every appropriate

Facts Already Established Facts to be determined
(Include significant statements and silences, and (e.g. where was the interviewee at the time of the offence)
did you assault her last night
relevant comments)
List of questions for no-comment interview.
Date, time and location of offence.
Relationship between victim and suspect.
You’ve been arrested on suspicion of an assault that took
Victim’s intentions re pressing charges
place on xx date and at xx location.
Nature and extent of injury.
What can you tell me about it?
How caused.
Where were you at that time?
Whether photographed by SOCO.
Who were you with?
Any forensic evidence – bloodstained
What were your plans?
clothing/weapon etc – seized.
Whether there is CCTV of assault; whether it can be What were you wearing?
Describe yourself physically?
viewed in police station.
Had you been drinking alcohol?
Whether all possible statements have been obtained.
If so, what?
Previous history, if a domestic violence incident.
How much?
Whether wanted for another offence.
How does it affect you?
Previous convictions.
Did you take any other drug last night?
If so, what?
How affect you?
Do you have any medical conditions you feel you should
Are you taking any prescription medication?
If so, what? Any side effects?
Do you have a clear recollection of the events that took
place at that time?
Were you aware of what you were doing at that time?
(If victim known to suspect):
Do you know male/female called xx
How know them?
How long known them?
What is nature of relationship between you?
Any previous disputes with this person?
(All assaults):
Were you at xx location at that time?
What happened?
Did an argument break out?
What was it about?
Who started it?
How did it escalate?
At what point did the argument become physically
Were you required to act in self defence at any time?
What injuries, if any, have you sustained?
Did you assault anyone?
Who gave you permission to do this?
How did you assault them?
How were you feeling?
What did you use to assault them?
Whereabouts on the body did you assault them?
How many times did you assault them?
How much force did you use?

What was your intention when you assaulted them?
What injuries did you cause?

Go through statements/view cctv as appropriate.

Put possible forensic evidence to suspect, asking how

they will account for a forensic link between themselves
and seized objects/ victim.

Are there any further enquiries you feel the police

should make on your behalf?
Are there any other people you feel the police should
speak to on your behalf?

Special warning/bad character evidence as appropriate.

Interview concludes.


Tell Who?
Explain What?
Describe Where?


Exhibits to be produced

Exhibit Ref. No. Where Recovered & By


Special Warnings

Identify all evidence for which a Special Warning may apply. Plan your delivery

Special Warnings should normally be given at the end of the interview and after the challenge phase.

S37 –Special Warning for being found in a place

S36 – Special Warning for objects, substances and marks.

Other Notes


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