韦斯特兰飞龙S4飞行手册 PDF

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1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

Pilot’s Notes
1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

Wyvern S.4

i. The Wyvern S.4 is a single-seat Naval strike aircraft powered by a single Python 3
reverse axial flow propeller-turbine engine, driving two four-bladed counter-rotating
constant-speed propellers and developing 3605 shaft horsepower plus 1340lb static
thrust at sea level.
ii. Numbers in brackets refer to the illustrations at the end of this document.

Fuel System

i. Fuel is carried in three fuselage tanks, two inner wing tanks and two outer wing
tanks. Two external tanks may also be carried.
ii. The capacities of the tanks, in gallons, are:-

Main tank - 67
Fuselage rear tank - 106
Fuselage front tank - 95
Inner wing tanks (2 x 29) - 58
Outer wing tanks (2 x 95) - 190
Total (internal) - 526
Drop tanks (2 x 90) - 180
Total (all tanks) - 706
iii. The four positions of the fuel selector cock (6):-
iv. When less than 245 gallons remain in the fuselage tank group indicator (39) will
illuminate, this is just under 50% internal fuel.
v. Three electric fuel contents gauges (34)(37) & (38) indicate the contents of the
Fuselage tank group
Inner wing tanks
Outer wing tanks.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

Engine Controls

i. The throttle lever gives complete control over the engine and propeller through the
fuel control unit and the propeller control unit.
ii. The propeller control unit acts as a constant-speed unit, controlling propeller pitch
to maintain constant rpm.
iii. Reverse torque is indicated by illumination of (30).
iv. In the event of complete engine failure the blades will move to the feathered
v. Fire indicators are located on the starboard panel (35) next to the fire extinguisher
controls (36)
vi. Engine instruments are located on the starboard panel. The fuel distributer
pressure gauge (31) is intended for ground fault diagnosis, there is no correlation
between fuel pressure and consumption.

Electrical System

i. A single 3000-watt engine-driven generator supplies the whole of the electrical

system. A failure lamp (26) illuminates whenever the generator is not supplying

Aircraft Controls

i. The flying controls are conventional. A combined indicator for rudder and aileron trim is
located on the port instrument panel (46). The elevator trim is controlled by a hand wheel
(3) with trim marking.
ii. The undercarriage is operated by a switch (15) above the standard indicator (14).
Emergency operation is by the U/C EMERGENCY release pedal removing the locks and
allowing gravity to extend the gear.
iii. The tail wheel lock (1) is located to the left of the ejector seat.
iv. External lights are controls are located on the starboard cockpit wall (49)-(51)
v. An API Mk.2 (7) and its control unit are situated on the cockpit port shelf and provide a
latitude and longitude readout, and true heading inidication.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

vi. A Radio Altimeter (41) is located on the port instrument panel with the limit setting knob on
its left. Warning lamps (19) are to the left of the GGS.
vii. A Contact Altimeter (43) is to the left of the Radio Altimeter with the associated warning
lamp (27) to the right of the GGS.
viii. The Gyro Gun Sight (GGS) is mounted above the centre of the instrument panel, the master
switch (20) to its left allows for the sight to be energised and moved to the operational
position. An emergency retraction switch (25) is to the right.


Maximum all up weights

Take off - 24500lb

All permitted forms of flying - 21200lb

Airfield landing - 20700lb

Deck landing - 18500lb

Note: Gentle manoeuvres only are permitted at all up weights in excess of 21200lb.

Maximum speeds in knots

Clean aircraft - 435 or 0.7M

With external tanks - 435 or 0.7M

Airbrake operation - No Limit post Mod 258 (incorporated)

Flaps at first stage - 305

Flaps at second and third stage - 170

Undercarriage extension - 170

Hood opening - 205

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

Flying Limitations

i. The aircraft is released for universal land or carrier based operation.

ii. Intentional spinning, all aerobatics (other than barrel rolls at speeds above 250
knots) and the carriage and use of RATOG are prohibited.

Starting Checks

Before switching on electric power, check:

Undercarriage selector (15) DOWN

Jettison control SAFE

Electrical controls All on

Flying controls Full and free

Tailwheel lock (1) Unlocked

Elevator trim (3) Full and free

Throttle (5) Fully aft

Mixture (4) Fully aft

Flap lever (11) Up

Tank selector (7) ALL

Airbrakes (8) Closed

Ignition switch (45) Off, Light (44) out

Power failure lamp (26) On

Engine fire lamp (35) Out

Lighting As required

Ignition switch On, Lamp on

Starter (42) Engaged

Mixture Fully open

Once engine is self sustaining, Starter – Off, Ignition – Off, Lamp out.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

After Starting Checks

Fire warning lights Out

Flaps (11) Operate, check movement against gauge (12)

Compass (21) Check against standby

Oil temperature (33) 90C max

JPT (32) 500C

Generator warning lamp (26) Out

Before Take Off Checks

Elevator Trim Set

Airbrakes Closed

Flaps 2 Stages

Instruments Set

Canopy As required

Tailwheel Locked

Once airborne retract the undercarriage and then the flaps, retrimming as necessary.

Recommended climb speed is 165kts from sea level to 10000ft, thereafter reducing by two
knots per 1000ft.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.


Approximate stall speed in knots.

18500lb 19400lb 21200lb

Power off
Flaps & u/c UP 105 110 115
Flaps & u/c DOWN 90 95 105

Power on
Flaps & u/c Down 85 90 95

Checks Before Landing

Brakes Off

Airbrakes Closed

Undercarriage Down and Locked

Tailwheel Lock On, if landing ashore

Flaps 2nd Stage, Fully down on final approach

Fuel Note contents

Approach and Landing

The circuit should be made at 140-150kts. The turn on to final approach should be made at
120-130kts, and the airfield boundary crossed at 105-110kts.

If necessary cycle the cockpit view (A) to raise the eyepoint for landing.

Deck landing, the recommended speed by day at all weights on the final approach is 105kts.

At low fuel levels it may be necessary to use fuel aft trim to avoid reaching the limits of elevator
effectiveness. N.b. this was a ‘feature’ of the real aircraft, the mind boggles.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

Shut Down Checks

Run the engine at 60% rpm for 30 seconds.

Close the throttle to the ground idle position and stop the engine by fully closing the Mixture

When the propellers have ceased turning:-

Electrical services Off

Notes on the FSX Model

Certain simplifications have been made to the operation of the FSX Wyvern. In some cases due
to the constraints of the program, in others because either it was more fun or it exceeded the
limits of the teams knowledge!

The engine controls were more sophisticated than modelled with the throttle control (and an
additional switch) limiting the minimum pitch that could be applied to the prop. This ensured
level flight could be maintained in the event of a control unit failure, as FSX doesn’t allow direct
control of the prop pitch the code was simplified to allow carefree handling of the throttle

Additionally the mixture control operated a propeller brake and activated a number of systems
as it was advanced. These systems are not directly modelled in FSX and although some could
have been implemented the end user was unlikely to notice eg. Low Pressure fuel cock.

As far as any of the references consulted could reveal the real aircraft didn’t have a landing
light! Therefore the position chosen was a best guess. The Wyvern also featured a number of
external signalling lights which are not currently modelled, in the event of some form of bribe
by an interested party (we all like beer) these could be implemented.

The API was actually a Doppler fed navigation computer which would require an initial fix.
These systems are also prone to drift due to inaccuracies in their operation of the order of more
than two miles in a twenty minute period. This hasn’t been modelled, the system simply
showing the aircraft’s position from the simulation value, however an enterprising programmer
could alter the gauge coding to reduce the accuracy of the instrument.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

There are no wing fold or parking brake controls modelled in the virtual cockpit, in the real
aircraft they appear to have been on the floor either side of the ejector seat. As this would
require the virtual aviator to shift his eyepoint around it was decided not to model them as
their actual use would probably be limited.

The version modelled does not feature the folding wingtips. These were only a feature of the
early production Wyvern (VZ791 and prior) and were unpopular with the aircrew as the tips
were ideally positioned to hit their heads on leaving the aircraft. As post war carrier hangars
were higher than those the Wyvern was originally designed for they were deleted, additionally
as the outer sections were manually folded it was possible for the early aircraft to dispense with
folding them.

Carrier landings are possible, if tricky. With the eyepoint in the raised position (Press A to cycle
the VC viewpoints) the aim point should be just on top of the engine cowling. Approach speed
as per the notes above, so far in tests on achieving a successful trap the aircraft will tip
forwards on its main gear and suffer a tip strike. It may be possible to avoid this with a better
three point landing or it may be a problem with the way FSX conducts arrested landings. In the
event of a tip strike either conduct an aircraft reload (key can be assigned in FSX) or de-activate
the failure and carry out a restart.

The Pilot doesn’t disappear on shutdown. We tried to include this but due to the hierarchy of
the model and the animations used for his legs when we did all kinds of weird things happened.
We’ll sort it on the next model.

Unfortunately the only surviving Wyvern is a TF.1 Eagle engined prototype which has a number
of detail differences from the production S.4 aircraft. To this end we had to make some
guesses as to what some items did and or where they were located or what colour they were.
If anyone has more accurate information we’d love to hear about it, and if it doesn’t threaten
what’s left of our sanity we might include it in an update.

External stores. If you load up the external tanks with fuel in the Fuel and Payload settings they
should appear, similarly if you add 1000lb to any of the weapons stations a 1000lb bomb will
appear in the correct position. You can add bombs and external fuel which is unrealistic,
however only the bombs will show. The bombs are the later UK style with a cruciform tail,
rather than the earlier circular unit. The Wyvern carried both through its life but the first
pictures we examined were at Suez where it had the later style so we stuck with that.

Bombs can also be added as droppable objects, save a flight near the area you want to blow up.
Locate the file in your My Documents/Flight Simulator X Files folder and add the following lines
at the end:

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.



Reload the flight and you’ll be set to go. To drop the ordinance either use Shift + D, or flick the
master arm switch (57) and use the trigger button on your joystick (should be mapped to the
brake as per default). Unfortunately FSX seems to be setup for level bombing rather than dive
or toss bombing so take care not to fly into your own bombs.

We hope you enjoy the Wyvern for FSX and take some time to remember that of the 90 S.4
built 68 had accidents and 39 were lost including 13 fatalities and 14 ejections. For more
information we’d like to recommend ‘Wyvern’ From the Cockpit by Michael J. Doust and
published by Ad-Hoc Publications. Amazon are probably a good bet, they sell most things.

Comments, Information and offers of beer to [email protected], subject:Wyvern

Due to the frankly ridiculous gestation time of this project a large number of people were in
some way involved. For providing the initial cutaways and other technical resources Richard
Harris and Andrew Goodair were invaluable, even if they’ve probably forgotten they ever sent
me anything! The posters at the Free Flight Design Forums, Combatace and Classic British Flight
Sim all provided inspiration, advice and information throughout the two and a half years and
three sims that the Wyvern has been going.

Richard Ruscoe - The Flight Model

Fraser Paterson - Graphics

Philip Chandler - Models

Ian Kirby - Alpha, Beta and possibly Gamma testing

Mark Barber - Beta Testing

Steve Beeny - Web Guru

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.


1 Tail Wheel Lock

2 Arrestor Hook Switch
3 Pitch Trim
4 Mixture
5 Throttle
6 Fuel Tank Selector (Off – All – Centre – External)
7 Air Position Indicator (Lat/Long and True Heading)
8 Dive Brake
10 Emergency Flap Extension
11 Normal Flap Extension


12 Flap Position Indicator

13 Arrestor Hook Deployed Light
14 Gear Indicator
15 Undercarriage Switch
16 Mach Meter
17 Pressure Altimeter
18 ASI
19 RAD ALT Warning Lamps
20 Gyro Gun Sight Retraction Switch
21 Gyro Compass
22 Attitude Indicator
23 Turn and Slip Indicator
24 RCDI (Rate of Climb and Descent Indicator)
25 GGS Emergency Retraction
26 Generator Warning Lamp
27 Contact Altimeter Warning Lamp
28 RPM Gauge
29 Torque Gauge
30 Reverse Torque Warning Lamp

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

31 Fuel Pressure
32 Exhaust Gas Temperature
33 Oil Temperature
34 Fuselage Fuel Tank Contents
35 Fire Warning Lamps
36 Fire Extinguisher Switches (Guarded)
37 Inner Wing Fuel Tank Contents
38 Outer Wing Fuel Tank Contents
39 Low Fuel Lamp (245 Gallons Remaining)
40 Oil Pressure Gauge
41 Radar Altimeter
42 Starter Switch (Guarded)
43 Contact Altimeter
44 Igniters Warning Lamp
45 Ignition Switch
46 Trim Indicators


47 Wing Pylon State

48 Fuselage Pylon State
49 Navigation Lights
50 Strobe Light
51 Landing Light
52 Canopy
53 Cockpit Lighting
54 Battery
55 Avionics
56 Generator
57 Master Armament

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.

1st Edition V.A.P.4272C-P.N.


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