Design of A Shallow Foundation

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Found1 Design of a shallow foundation

Soil Foundation
Unit weight (above WT), g (kN/m2): 19 Select "r" = rectangle default = s
Saturated unit weight, gsat (kN/m2): 19 SHAPE "s" = strip s
Undrained strength, cu (kPa): 130 Breadth, B (m) 3.28
Cohesion, c' (kPa); 0 Length, L (m)
Angle of friction, f' (deg): 26 Founding Depth, D (m) 2
Coeff. of vol. compressibility, mv (m2/MN): 0.095 Load (inc. self wt), Q (kN or kN/m) 900
Elastic stiffness modulus, E (Mpa): 26 Factor of safety required, F 3
Poisson's ratio, n: 0.5 Applied bearing stress, q (kPa) 274
Depth to water table, zw: 20 Net bearing stress, qnet (kPa) 236

Ultimate Bearing Capacities Allowable bearing capacities

qf = cNcsc + (g'(D-zw) + gzw)(Nq-1)sq + 0.5g'Bgsg Drained safe BC (kPa) 274
Drained qf (gross) (kPa) 747 Undrained safe BC (kPa) 301
Drained qf (net) (kPa) 709 Settlement
Undrained qf (gross) (kPa) 826 Immediate settlement, si (mm) 30
Undrained qf (net) (kPa) 788 Consolidation settlement, sc (mm) 100
Total (mm) 130

Page 1

Calculations Ultimate Bearing Capacities

UD ubc? UD  38 qf = cNcsc + (g'(D-zw) + gzw)(Nq-1)sq + 0.5g'Bgs
D ubc? Drd B/L 0 Drained qf (gross) (kPa)
f 0.4537856055 Drained qf (net) (kPa)
g 9.19 g 19 Undrained qf (gross) (kPa)
Shape S Length = ¥ Undrained qf (net) (kPa)
Bearing Capacity Factors
Nq 11.85 (Prandtl-Reisner) Allowable bearing capacities
Nc 22.25 (Prandtl-Reisner) Drained safe BC (kPa)
Ng 9.53 (Brinch-Hansen) Undrained safe BC (kPa)
Nc 6.064 (Skempton)
Shape Factors With s Without s
sq 1.00 (deBeer) Term 1 0 0
sc 1.00 & Vesic) Term 2 450.459716 450.4597
sg 1.00 Term 2 296.926987 296.927
qf 747.386703 747.3867
Settlement Calculations
Length, L 99999 Depth to Depth to Influence
Depth/Width ratio 2.5 Layer layer layer centre Factor
Depth of Calc 8.20 No. base (m) z (m) m n Ir
Thickness, dz 0.55 1 0.55 0.27 ### 6.00 0.9981
Equiv Radius, R 0.00 2 1.09 0.82 60975.00 2.00 0.9595
dz/R= #DIV/0! 3 1.64 1.37 36585.00 1.20 0.8708
4 2.19 1.91 26132.14 0.86 0.7657
5 2.73 2.46 20325.00 0.67 0.6682
6 3.28 3.01 16629.55 0.55 0.5855
7 3.83 3.55 14071.15 0.46 0.5175
8 4.37 4.10 12195.00 0.40 0.4618
9 4.92 4.65 10760.29 0.35 0.4158
10 5.47 5.19 9627.63 0.32 0.3775
11 6.01 5.74 8710.71 0.29 0.3453
12 6.56 6.29 7953.26 0.26 0.3179
13 7.11 6.83 7317.00 0.24 0.2944
14 7.65 7.38 6775.00 0.22 0.2740
15 8.20 7.93 6307.76 0.21 0.2562

Test line 10 10 0.9993

Page 2

HELP Glossary

List of
For square choose "r" Workbooks
and enter B = L

Length = infinity

Note: Since this sheet can handle

calculations for both sands and
clays, and drained and undrained
loading, some anomalies may occur.

Therefore, select parameters

carefully and enter zero values
where appropriate (e.g..for cu, f',
etc.) to maintain clarity.

For all equations and full explanation

please refer to Basic Soil Mechanics,
Section 11.4

Page 3

sq + 0.5g'Bgsg


Stress ElasticConsolidation
Change SettlementSettlement Influence factor calculation table
(kN/m²) (mm) (mm) k mn J1 J2 IR(centre)
235.9 3.7 12.3 3.35E+10 1E+06 0.32432 -0.3429 0.9981
226.8 3.6 11.8 3.72E+09 121950 0.8 -1.3333 0.95948
205.9 3.2 10.7 1.34E+09 43902 0.98361 -5.4545 0.87081
181.0 2.9 9.4 6.83E+08 22399 0.98824 6.46154 0.76569
157.9 2.5 8.2 4.13E+08 13550 0.92308 2.4 0.66816
138.4 2.2 7.2 2.77E+08 9070.66 0.84076 1.55294 0.58552
122.3 1.9 6.4 1.98E+08 6494.38 0.76098 1.17293 0.51751
109.2 1.7 5.7 1.49E+08 4878 0.68966 0.95238 0.46176
98.3 1.5 5.1 1.16E+08 3797.75 0.62769 0.80632 0.4158
89.2 1.4 4.6 92691291 3040.3 0.57431 0.70154 0.37754
81.6 1.3 4.2 75876544 2488.78 0.5283 0.62222 0.34533
75.2 1.2 3.9 63254360 2074.76 0.4885 0.55984 0.31795
69.6 1.1 3.6 53538490 1756.08 0.45386 0.50934 0.29442
64.8 1.0 3.4 45900626 1505.56 0.42353 0.46753 0.27402
60.6 1.0 3.1 39787820 1305.05 0.39681 0.4323 0.25619
Total 30.2 99.5 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
236.2 3.7 12.3 201 100 0.27796 -0.2894 0.99926

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Page 6

Found1 Allowable bearing capacity using SPT N-values Shallow footing on SAND

Field & Lab data

Depth (m) 1.2 2.2 3 3.8 4.6 5.4 5.4
N-value 7 9 12 12 17 20 20
Unit weight, g (kN/m3) 19.4
Depth to WT, zw (m) 3.6 Founding layer thickness (m) 7

Loading Foundation
Founding depth, D (m) 1.5 Select "r" = rectangle default = s For square choose "r"
Load (inc. SW), Q (kN or kN/m) 400 SHAPE "s" = strip s and enter B = L
Applied bearing stress, q (kPa) 66.67 Breadth, B (m) 6
Net bearing stress, qnet (kPa) 37.57 Length, L (m) 4 Length = infinity
Ultimate Limit State (Shear Failure) Serviceability Limit State (Settlement)
Using Terzaghi's equation Burland and Burbidge Method
Factor of safety required 3 Allowable settlement, sL (mm)
Estimated angle of friction, f' (deg) 31.1 Average N in zone of influence:
Net allowable bearing capacity, qan (kPa) 472 Net allowable bearing capacity, qan (kPa)
Allowable bearing capacity, qa (kPa) 501 Allowable bearing capacity, qa (kPa)

The design criterion is the Serviceability Limit State (settlement) Working allowable BC (kPa)

BC Coefficient Nq 20.8 Influence depth (m):

BC Coefficient Ng 21.5 Shape correction:
Shape factor Sq 1.000 Founding layer thickness correction:
Shape factor Sg 1.000 Coefficient of compressibility:
Water table factor Dq 0.000
Water table factor Dg 0.650

Page 7

Calculation table - do not alter

Selection of N-values within influence zone
Count? 0 1 1 1 1 1 #REF!
N-value 0 9 12 12 17 20 #REF!
Average 14
Length use 9999999
Breadth 6
L/B 1666667

Page 8

Shallow footing on SAND


List of

For square choose "r"

For all equations and full
and enter B = L explanation please refer to
Basic Soil Mechanics,
Sections 11.5 & 11.8
Length = infinity
t State (Settlement)

e settlement, sL (mm) 50
N in zone of influence: 14.0
g capacity, qan (kPa) 215
ng capacity, qa (kPa) 234

g allowable BC (kPa) 234

Influence depth (m): 3.97

Shape correction: 1.562
thickness correction: 1.000
ent of compressibility: 0.0425

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