Agri Pumping Eff in India

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Agricultural pumping efficiency in India: the

role of standards
Girish Sant and Shantanu Dixit
Energy Group, PRAYAS, Amrita Clinic, Athawale Corner, Karve Road, Pune - 411 004, India

The end-use efficiency of agricultural pump sets in India is dismally low. The agricultural power
tariff is highly subsidised and is usually linked to the connected load (not consumption). Farmers
therefore have little incentive for efficient use of electricity. Nearly 500,000 pumps are added each
year to the stock of functioning agricultural pumps, and most of these are not efficient. This paper
evaluates ways in which they can be made efficient. The role of efficiency standards in achieving
this goal and the appropriateness of existing standards is evaluated. The implementability of modi-
fied standards and their possible benefits are quantified.
Pump efficiency standards need substantial improvements. Raising the minimum allowable effi-
ciency and allowing for the effect of deterioration in pump efficiency, which changes with operating
conditions, are the important issues. Standards for pipe-sizing need to be revised. Past work has
not considered the full implications of better standards. Improved standards for agricultural pumps
alone can save India over US$ 129 million per year through the avoided expansion of the power
generation and distribution system and fuel-saving. These savings are far greater than is commonly
believed. The incremental investment necessary for this is just over one-tenth of the savings.

1. Introduction efficiency standards are not mandatory, it is important to

The Indian power sector is facing severe capital and ca- evaluate whether the improved standards would have a
pacity shortages. Scheduled and unscheduled power cuts real impact in the field. The last two sections examine
are common in most parts of the county. The low power this issue and quantify the likely benefits.
tariffs for irrigation pump sets (IPS) are said to be the
major reason for the poor financial health of the power 1. Typical IPS installation and factors affecting
sector. The electricity subsidy for IPS was Rs. 101.13 bil- efficiency
lion (US$ 2.89 billion) in 1995. The subsidised power A typical configuration of IPS, as shown in Figure 1, con-
tariff (based on the connected load) and poor efficiency sists of a piping system (foot valve, suction and delivery
of pumping systems is a cause of concern for the power pipe) and the pump set. Centrifugal monobloc pump sets
sector. In the last two decades, the growth rate of elec- installed on open dug wells are most common. This paper
tricity use by IPS has been about 12% per annum. This mainly deals with centrifugal pumps.
growth rate is twice as high as that of other sectors. In The efficiency of a pumping system is a function of
1995, IPS consumption, as claimed by the power sector, the efficiency of its components, i.e.,
was 28% of total sales (Planning Commission 1995).[1] ηsystem = f(ηpumpset, ηpiping) ... (1)
And nearly 500,000 IPS continue to be added to the num- 1.1. pump set
ber in service each year. Pump efficiency characteristics are represented as total
The efficiency of IPS is dismally low. Field studies and head vs. discharge, as shown in Figure 2. The total head
pilot projects have demonstrated that IPS electricity con- (the vertical axis in the figure) is the sum of the suction
sumption can be reduced by 30 to 50% by simple meas- head, delivery head and the frictional head due to piping.
ures, such as the use of higher efficiency pump sets and With increasing total head, the flow rate decreases. The
pipes of larger diameter. The payback period for such in- pump efficiency is also plotted against flow on the same
vestments is 1 to 2 years [NABARD, 1984; Patel and graph. With increasing discharge (or decreasing head) the
Pandey, 1993]. But past efforts have been mostly directed pump efficiency first increases and then falls. The highest
towards rectification of old IPS and a lot needs to be done efficiency point is referred to as the ‘‘best efficiency
to ensure efficient installation of half a million new IPS point’’ (BEP).
each year. The efficiency characteristics of the pump also depend
This paper evaluates the role of efficiency standards in on the suction head. The broken lines in the figure show
ensuring installation of efficient IPS. The first section of the pump characteristics at a higher suction head. It can
the paper describes the factors affecting the efficiency of be seen that pump efficiency deteriorates as suction head
IPS. The second and third sections evaluate the appropri- increases.
ateness of the standards, i.e., whether standards are suf- In field conditions, due to changing water level and, at
ficiently stringent or need to be improved. Since Indian times, change in the water delivery point, the suction and

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Figure 1. Typical configuration of IPS on well

The figure shows a typical configuration of a monobloc IPS on a well. The suction and delivery pipe as well as the suction/ delivery head (static) are
also shown. The change in water level (drawdown) during pump operation is indicated.

the total head change. Hence, most IPS operate with vary- C = Hazen Williams’s constant, a function of pipe sur-
ing total head and suction head. Therefore, the in-field face
pump efficiency depends on: D = inside diameter of pipe in mm
1. BEP efficiency, and L = length of pipe in m
2. the change in pump efficiency with changing suction It can be seen that, for a given discharge and length of
and total head. pipe, the piping efficiency can be increased (i.e., frictional
Squirrel-cage induction motors are generally used for IPS. loss can be reduced) by: (1) using a low friction pipe,
The difference between the efficiencies of a standard mo- such as rigid PVC (RPVC) pipe; (2) proper layout to re-
tor and an efficient motor (available in the market) ranges duce the pipe length; and, most importantly, (3) increasing
from 5 to 11 percentage points. Efficient motors are suit- the pipe diameter.
able for IPS operation but standard motors are used be- The foot valve (a non-return valve) is the most impor-
cause of cost considerations. tant accessory in piping. The loss of head due to friction
1.2. Piping in the foot valve (Hfv) is proportional to K and V2
The piping efficiency can be defined as:[2] where K = foot-valve characteristics (determined by ma-
ηpiping = useful energy output ÷ total energy input terial, construction and design of footvalve), and
= (Hs + Hd) ÷ (Hs + Hd + Hf) ... (2) V = flow velocity (m/s)
where The K value of the foot valve ranges from 13 to below
Hs = static suction head 0.8 [Patel and Pandey, 1993]. For a given flow velocity
Hd = static delivery head, and the frictional loss is directly proportional to the K value.
Hf = frictional head loss in pipe and accessories 1.3. Efficiency standards for agricultural pumping systems
(in metres of water column) The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the National
The frictional losses in the pipe (Hf) can be estimated Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
by following equation: have laid down standards/ norms for various aspects of
Hf = 1.213×1010×(Q÷C)1.852×(L÷D)4.87 ... (3) the pumping system.
where BIS, a statutory body of the Government of India, has
Q = rate of discharge in litres per second (lps) developed standards for a number of industrial and do-

30 Energy for Sustainable Development ! Volume III No. 1 ! May 1996


Figure 2. Typical pump characteristics

The figure shows the typical head-flow and efficiency-flow characteristics of a centrifugal monobloc pump used for IPS. The solid lines indicate
characteristics at suction head of 4.5m and broken lines those for suction head of 7.5m. With increasing head, the efficiency of centrifugal pumps first
increases and then starts declining. The highest efficiency, the rated pump efficiency, is indicated on the efficiency curve by the large dot. This is also
called the ‘‘best efficiency point’’ (BEP). At high suction head, the pump performance substantially deteriorates.

mestic products. Adoption of BIS standards is voluntary The standard does not specify a procedure for pump
for appliance manufacturers. BIS has prescribed elaborate selection, and in practice, pump selection is totally arbi-
standards and testing procedures for pumps, motors, pipes trary. Farmers are rarely aware of the importance of
and foot-valves. Manufacturers conforming to BIS stand- proper pump selection or even the relation of head with
ards get an ISI mark, a logo indicating a quality product. flow. Our observations of pump purchase deals (at pump
NABARD is a public sector developmental bank. It ex- dealer shops) revealed that farmers usually decide pump
tends loans for agricultural schemes such as digging power (kW) and the pump dealer implicitly decides pump
wells, installation of IPS or land preparation. It operates head. To determine the most suitable pump, the dealer
mainly by refinancing the loans extended by other com- does not refer to the pump literature. Where water levels
mercial banks to these schemes. NABARD has also pre- are not too deep, a pump for 25m head is sold by default.
pared norms for selection of IPS system components. All For proper pump selection, which is one of the toughest
farmers availing themselves of NABARD credit have to tasks and also the most important, the following condi-
abide by these norms. For small pumping systems, tions need to be satisfied:
NABARD has adopted the BIS norms. But for large • Farmers as well as pump dealers (authorised as well
pumping systems, NABARD has evolved its own norms as unauthorised) need to be made aware of the impor-
for pipe sizing, layout, and pump selection. tance of pump selection relative to head.
• The technical literature written for this purpose needs
2. Evaluation of BIS standards for pumps to be simplified.[3]
For achieving high operating efficiency in a pump, two • Most importantly, farmers need a clear incentive for
factors are important: (1) proper pump selection, and (2) efficient pump use (such as consumption-based power
high pump efficiency. This section analyses BIS norms tariff).
for pump selection and pump efficiency. Hence, the standards have little role in proper pump se-
2.1. Selection of pump lection.
Pump selection involves specification of head as well as 2.2. Pump efficiency
the flow rate, head selection being the most important The BIS standards for minimum pump efficiency (for ag-
aspect. The Indian standard for ‘‘Recommended pumping ricultural use) were introduced in the late 1980s. Pumps
system for agricultural purpose’’ (IS 10804:1994) says: are tested at the design head (BEP head) with a suction
‘‘The pump should be selected in such a way that it head of 6m. This is a one-point test. But, as discussed
shall operate at near maximum efficiency during peak de- earlier, the in-field operating efficiency of a pump de-
mand period in the ranges of discharge and head. It should pends on three aspects:
also be capable to discharge in summer season (when the 1. pump efficiency at the design head (at BEP);
head is likely to be the maximum).’’ 2. change in efficiency with change in total head; and

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Figure 3. Change in pump efficiency with variation in total head

For a varying head operation, the average operating efficiency of A-1 and B-1 would be superior to that of their counterparts. This is reflected in 2%
to 10% more energy consumption by the inferior pumps, just on account of non-flat efficiency curve. Data for pumps A-1, A-2 are based on measurements
reported by Boothra and Bajaj [1995] and data for pumps B-1, B-2 are from the manufacturer’s literature.
3. change in efficiency with change in suction head. show lower deterioration in efficiency compared to their
The following sections deal with these three aspects. counterparts (i.e., pump A-2 and B-2 respectively).
2.2.1. Pump efficiency at design head Considering pump operation evenly spread over the
The BIS-specified minimum pump efficiency varies from head range, pumps A-1 and B-1 would perform better.
55 to 70% depending on the rated duty point (of head and The average operating efficiency of pump A-1 and A-2
flow). The BIS standards were expected to be upgraded would be 95% and 87% of their rated efficiency (at BEP).
every 3 years. But the efficiency standard for monobloc Hence, even if the rated efficiency of both pumps (A-1
agricultural pumps, IS-9079, has not been revised since and A-2) was to be identical, pump A-2 would consume
1989. About the appropriateness of these standards, the 10% more energy than A-1. For pumps B-1 and B-2, the
Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Indian Pump average efficiency works out to be 92% and 90%. Hence,
Manufacturers’ Association (IPMA) says: pump B-2 would consume 2% more energy than B-1, just
‘‘There is a wide gap between the minimum efficiency re- on account of its non-flat efficiency curve.[5]
quired for ISI certification and [the efficiencies] achieved 2.2.3. Change in efficiency with change in suction head
by reputed manufacturers, which are very near interna- As seen earlier, pump efficiency also deteriorates at high
tional efficiencies. So, there is a big scope for improving suction heads. The maximum suction head of a pump de-
the efficiencies of pumps manufactured in the country.’’ pends on its net positive suction head (NPSH) charac-
[Jain, 1994] teristics. When the suction head approaches the maximum
This gap in efficiency is 8 to 10 percentage points, im- suction head, the pump efficiency can dramatically fall.
plying an energy-saving of 12 to 14% by the efficient The maximum suction head of ill-designed pumps can be
pumps [Boothra and Bajaj, 1994].[4] The BIS standards substantially lower than that of well-designed pumps. For
need to be upgraded to remove this gap. open dug wells, the change in water level (and hence the
2.2.2. Change in efficiency with change in total head suction head) can frequently be 3 to 4m. Figure 4 shows
The declared efficiency at BEP represents the maximum the change in efficiency for two pumps with change in
achievable pump efficiency. When the operating head is suction head. To eliminate the difference in the rated
different from the head at BEP, the pump efficiency is pump efficiency (at BEP), here the efficiency is repre-
lower than the declared efficiency. For well-designed sented as a percentage of rated efficiency. In the shown
pumps such fall in efficiency can be small, i.e., the effi- range of suction head, the average (simple average) effi-
ciency curve is flat in relation to variation in total head. ciency of pump A is 92% of its BEP efficiency. For pump
Figure 3 shows the change in efficiency of two sets of B it is only 79%.[6] Hence, even if both pumps had the
pumps with change in total head. All four pumps conform same rated efficiency, pump B would consume 16% more
to the BIS standards. Pumps A-1 and A-2 are designed energy than pump A for the varying head operation.
for low head, while pumps B-1 and B-2 are designed for For agricultural operations the total head as well as the
medium head. The BEP efficiency of these pumps as well suction head is highly variable. Hence, operating effi-
as their design heads are different from one another. To ciency can be substantially lower than the rated pump ef-
eliminate such differences, the figure shows efficiency as ficiency. For well-designed pumps this deterioration in
a percentage of BEP efficiency and the head as percentage efficiency would be far less than for ill-designed pumps.
of maximum head. It can be seen that pumps A-1 and B-1 The present BIS norms based on a one-point test neglect

32 Energy for Sustainable Development ! Volume III No. 1 ! May 1996


Figure 4. Effect of suction head on pump efficiency.

With increasing suction head, efficiency of pump B declines faster than that of pump A. For an operation evenly spread over the shown range of suction
head, pump B would consume 16% more energy than pump A, just on account of bad suction characteristics. A delivery head of 7.5m was considered
for both pumps. Pump performance data based on measurements reported by Boothra and Bajaj [1995].
the change in efficiency with change in total as well as norm.
suction head. Hence, in addition to increasing the mini- For a given flow rate, the frictional loss in pipe de-
mum rated efficiency (at BEP), the BIS standards should creases if the pipe size is increased. And correspondingly,
also consider these issues. the electricity usage and the pump power needed to over-
As mentioned earlier, the problem of improper pump come the friction also decrease. Hence, with increasing
selection can only be addressed by education and incen- pipe size, the running cost of electricity and investment
tives and not by standards. Even with improved BIS cost of pump decreases but the investment cost of pipe
standards, improper pump selection can continue. But a increases. It is important to minimise the total cost, com-
pump with better suction characteristics and flat efficiency prising the running cost and the annualised investment
curve (in relation to head) would show better performance cost (of pump and pipe). There exists an optimum pipe
than an inefficient pump even in case of improper selec- size at which the total cost is minimum. The following
tion. In other words, the inefficiency due to improper sections calculate such optimum pipe sizes for various
pump selection can be reduced by better pump standards. flow rates and compare them with the BIS and NABARD
piping standards.
3. Evaluation of BIS and NABARD standards for 3.1. Calculation of optimum pipe diameter
pipe sizing Figure 5 shows the calculations to arrive at the optimal
Piping system efficiency mainly depends on the pipe size pipe size for a flow rate of 20 litres per second (l/s). For
and also on the quality of accessories such as foot-valve, this flow, the frictional head loss per metre of pipe is
bends and piping layout. This section evaluates the ap- calculated using Equation 3. The electricity usage to over-
propriateness of pipe-sizing standards of BIS and come the frictional loss is calculated for the typical pump
NABARD. The issue of accessories and foot-valves is efficiency, and annual pump operation of 2,000 hours per
covered at the end of the section. year. The running cost (of electricity) is calculated for the
For pipe sizing, the BIS and NABARD each have a set average cost of electricity supply in Maharashtra. The in-
of norms. Depending on the flow rate, BIS specifications vestment cost has two components: the pipe cost and the
require the pipe frictional loss to be lower than 3.5 to incremental cost of pump to overcome pipe friction. The
9.5m (of water column) per 100m of pipe length (IS pipe cost is based on the prevailing price of RPVC (rigid
10804:1994). NABARD norms specify much higher pipe PVC) pipes. The investment is annualised to make it com-
size; they allow frictional loss of only 3 to 4m per 1,000m parable with the annual running cost.
of pipe length [NABARD, 1991] Hence, 100m of pipe Figure 5 shows the change in (a) annualised investment
sized as per the BIS norms would offer the same frictional cost (of pipe and pump), (b) running cost of electricity
loss as 1,000 to 3,000m of pipe sized as per the NABARD use, and (c) the total cost (i.e., a+b). The costs are shown

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Figure 5. Social cost as a function of pipe diameter and selection of optimum pipe diameter
For a flow of 20 l/s, the optimum pipe size is 140 mm, while the BIS recommends a pipe size of 110 mm. The total cost rises rapidly if smaller pipe
is used. Most farmers use pipes smaller than even the BIS recommendation. Such decisions result in marginally lower investment for the farmer and
substantially higher electricity cost for society.
as a function of pipe size. With increasing pipe diameter, optimum pipe size.
electricity cost decreases rapidly, but the investment cost The running cost of electricity use is a function of du-
increases. The optimum pipe size, which minimises total ration of pump usage. Hence, the optimum pipe size also
cost, can be arrived at from the figure. This calculation depends on the pump usage. For a given flow, optimum
is based on the average cost of electricity supply (in Ma- pipe sizes at different levels of pump usage have been
harashtra) but farmers do not pay the full cost of electric- calculated. Pump usage levels of 250, 2000 and 6000
ity. Hence, the above calculation reflects the optimum pipe hours per year have been considered. The results are
size from the social point of view. The assumptions made shown in Figure 6.
are listed below: NABARD has evolved piping norms for lift irrigation
1. economic life of RPVC pipe and pump = 10 years, schemes, which usually operate for more than 3000 hours
2. pump set cost = Rs. 1,876 (US$ 50.7) per kW, per year [NABARD, 1991]. For this level of operation,
3. pump set efficiency = 60%, NABARD norms are close to the optimum. The BIS
4. electricity cost Rs. 1.73/kWh (4.7 US cents/kWh) norms are targeted at small pumps. These norms are suit-
[Planning Commission, 1994], able for pump operation below 250 hours per year. Con-
5. 12% (real) discount rate. sidering the national average for pump usage of 1700
The optimum pipe size calculated above considers the av- hr/yr, the BIS norms need to be substantially upgraded.
erage cost of electricity for the power utilities. But Indian 3.3. Accessories and pipe layout
farmers do not pay the full cost of electricity. Hence, they The foot-valve is the most important accessory in piping.
have no incentive to use the optimum pipe size. But the The BIS norms for foot-valves specify that the K value
standards need to consider the social perspective and of the foot-valve should be less than 0.8. Foot-valves
should try to minimise the total cost from this perspective. made by small non-standard manufacturers have K values
In other words the BIS norms for pipe size should be the between 2.5 and 13 [Patel and Pandey, 1993, p. 31]. Re-
same as the optimum pipe size calculated above. searchers and manufacturers have developed ISI-marked
3.2. Comparison of BIS and NABARD piping norms with foot-valves. These efficient foot-valves (of RPVC) are
optimum pipe size widely available in sizes up to 100 mm. Efficient metal
Based on the above calculation, the optimum pipe sizes foot-valves are available in higher sizes also.
for different flow rates are arrived at after considering As regards the pipe layout, the BIS standards specify
commercially available pipe sizes. The BIS and the that low-loss accessories such as ‘‘long radius bends’’
NABARD piping norms are compared with the calculated should be used; the number of bends and length of pipe

34 Energy for Sustainable Development ! Volume III No. 1 ! May 1996


Figure 6. Comparison of optimum pipe size with NABARD and BIS norms
The square and triangular marks indicate the NABARD and BIS-recommended pipe sizes for different flows. The lines indicate the optimum pipe sizes
at three levels of pump usage. The BIS norms for pipe sizing are appropriate for pump operation of 250 hr/yr. Considering the Indian average pump
usage of 1,750 hr/yr, BIS norms need to be revised upwards. The NABARD norms applicable for lift irrigation schemes, which usually operate for over
3,000 hr/yr, seem appropriate.

should be reduced. Hence, the BIS specifications are ap- Table 1. Analysis of pipe size data collected during
propriate. rectification projects.

4. Possible impact of standards and norms on Number of IPS analysed 100

IPS energy consumption
3.7 kW pumps 9
The technical knowledge required for proper selection of
pump set and pipe sizing is clearly out of the reach of 2.2 kW pumps 91
farmers, who are the final consumers. Moreover, farmers Pipe size same as flange size 99
have no incentive to reduce electricity consumption. On
the contrary, for reducing the initial cost, farmers may Pipe smaller than BIS recommendation
resort to cheap, low-quality equipment. In addition, the
- Before rectification 94
BIS norms are not mandatory for IPS manufacturers. Due
to these factors, it is usually believed that standards and - After rectification 12
norms have little role in improving the efficiency of new
IPS installations. Even the World Bank expresses the same
opinion [World Bank, 1996]. This section evaluates if this and dealers in Maharashtra also revealed that farmers do
belief is correct. ask for ISI-marked pumps. Hence, improved BIS stand-
About 350 pump manufacturers in India have opted for ards would have a direct effect on new pump installa-
the ISI mark and do follow BIS standards. Most low-fric- tions.[7] But no information or analysis was available as
tion (PVC) pipes in the market carry the ISI mark. ISI- to how the pipe size is decided. This issue was studied
marked foot-valves are widely available. As such, the further, leading to the analysis given below.
availability of ISI-marked IPS system components is not Discussions with pump dealers revealed that farmers
a problem. rarely select the pipe size. Usually, the dealer simply gives
Most large pumping schemes avail themselves of them a pipe that fits the pump flange size. This is also
NABARD loans and are designed by NABARD-approved confirmed through analysis of data for 100 IPS. The
consultants. Hence, the NABARD norms are usually fol- Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) has
lowed. Small pumping systems are usually not designed carried out thousands of IPS piping rectifications and has
by consultants. An internal study conducted by NABARD data for these IPS. An analysis of 100 randomly selected
observed that small pumping systems usually install ISI- pumps was carried out. In 99% of the cases, the pipe used
marked pump sets but BIS norms for pipe size are not was of the same size as that of the pump flange. Table 1
followed [NABARD, 1995]. Our discussions with farmers shows details of the analysis.

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Figure 7. Comparison of pump flange size with BIS-recommended pipe size and the optimum pipe size.
The solid columns in the figure represent the smallest RPVC pipe that fits on the flange. This is the most likely pipe size to be used by farmers. The
* represent the BIS-recommended pipe size for flow at the BEP condition of the pump. The hollow columns indicate the optimum pipe size (for BEP
discharge) that minimises the total cost. In all cases flange size is smaller than the optimum size, while in four cases it is smaller than even the
BIS-specified pipe size.

In the case of small pumping systems it can be gener- sponding to the pump BEP conditions) is shown in Figure
ally assumed that farmers use pipes of the same size as 7 by hollow columns. For all pumps the flange size and
that of the flange. Hence, the implementability of BIS pip- hence the likely pipe to be installed is significantly
ing norms depends on pump flange sizes. And, in turn, smaller than the optimum size.
evaluation of the pump flange sizes becomes important. Government-sponsored projects have rectified the prob-
An analysis of flange sizes of 12 pumps (four pumps of lem of undersized pipes in more than one 100,000 pumps
three manufacturers each) was carried out. in India. But there is an urgent need to prevent piping
The pipe fitting the pump flange size is assumed to be inefficiency in new pumps. Undersized piping seems to
used. Most farmers now use RPVC (rigid PVC) pipes. originate primarily from inappropriate flange sizes.
Hence, the use of RPVC pipe is assumed. The likely pipe Hence, this problem can be largely solved by upgrading
size used is compared with the BIS recommended pipe the BIS norms for pipe and flange sizes. The pump flange
size (at BEP flow condition).[8] Pump operation of 2,000 size should correspond to the improved BIS-recommended
hr/yr and the average cost of electricity supply for the pipe sizes.
utility has been considered for this calculation. Figure 7
shows the expected pipe sizes by bars and the BIS-rec- 5. Economic implications of improved standards
ommended pipe sizes by square points. In the cases of 4 This section evaluates the expected increase in efficiency
pumps, the flange is smaller than the BIS recommenda- of new IPS due to the improved standards and the corre-
tions. As mentioned earlier, if the pump is improperly se- sponding avoided expansion of power supply infrastruc-
lected and operates at a head substantially lower than the ture. The modified BIS standards can improve the
BEP head, the conditions would be worse. Pump dis- efficiency of only new IPS. Nearly half a million new
charge would increase, requiring a higher pipe size as per pumps are added each year in India. It is assumed that
the BIS standards. In that situation, the likely pipe size the benefits of improved efficiency standards (higher
would be smaller than the BIS recommendation for 9 of pump efficiency and higher pipe sizes) can be achieved
12 pumps. for only half of new IPS.
In the light of the earlier conclusion that BIS piping Upward revision of BIS standards for minimum pump
norms need to be upgraded, it is important to compare efficiency would reduce pump consumption by 12 to 14%.
the expected pipe size with the optimum pipe size. The The benefits of improved suction characteristics and flat-
calculated optimum pipe size (for the discharge corre- tening of the head-efficiency curve would be added bene-

36 Energy for Sustainable Development ! Volume III No. 1 ! May 1996


fits. Thus it can be safely assumed that improved pump vourable economics, the government and power utilities
efficiency standards can result in 15% energy saving. should spare no effort to upgrade the BIS standards.
Considering such improvement in half of all new pumps,
the total saving would be 140 million kWh/year. This is
equivalent to the useful energy generation of a 26 MW Acknowledgement

(base-load) power plant.[9] This paper is part of a broader study analysing electricity use by irrigation pump sets in
the state of Maharashtra (in western India). This was funded by the International Energy
Installing pipes sized as per the BIS standards can fre- Initiative, Bangalore, India. We are grateful to the IEI staff and Dr. Rangan Banerjee for
quently reduce the electricity consumption by 20% or so reviewing an earlier draft of this paper.
[Jain, 1994; Patel and Pandey, 1993]. After improvement
of BIS standards, flange sizes would be the same as the Notes
optimum pipe sizes, which would be higher than the pre- 1. Most IPS are not metered. The tariff is linked to the connected load (kW). Hence, the
sent BIS standards. If half of all new pumps reduce con- sales to IPS are estimated by the power sector and have been a controversial issue.

sumption by 20%, the national saving works out at 186 2. This definition assumes no water leakage and neglects the velocity head of water, which
is usually small.
million kWh per year. This is equivalent to the saving of
3. The present literature specifies pump characteristics for total head. In effect, it expects
a 35 MW (base-load) power plant each year. the farmer/pump dealer to estimate the required flow and static head, and calculate the
Against such savings the incremental cost of the effi- frictional loss to arrive at the total head. This is too complicated even for the pump
cient pump and higher sized pipe would be about Rs. dealer. Some manufactures already distribute simplified literature based on standard
piping layout and corrections for deviation from the assumed layout.
2,000 per IPS.[10] Hence, the incremental investment cost
4. This assumes the base efficiency of the pump to be 60%.
for 250,000 efficient pumps would be Rs. 500 million
5. For a detailed discussion, see [Sant and Dixit, 1996].
(US$ 14 million). The total saving to the power sector
6. For a constant delivery head of 7.5m considered here, pump B cannot achieve its BEP
would be 61 MW of installed capacity, implying an efficiency.
avoided investment of Rs 3.05 billion (US$ 87 million). 7. The pump manufacturers may need financial and technical support to improve the pump
This is a cost-benefit ratio of below 1:6. quality quickly. The utilities can easily give this support, and would actually benefit
In addition, the power sector will also save fuel corre- substantially from doing so.

sponding to the energy not consumed. At present prices, 8. The pump discharge is a function of the head. At low heads, discharge is high and at
high heads it is low. For simplicity only the flow rate under BEP conditions has been
the fuel cost of 326 million kWh/yr is Rs 260 million per considered in the figure.
year. Considering a pump life of 10 years, and a discount 9. This calculation assumes average pump usage of only 1,000 hr/yr (against the national
rate of 12% (real), the net present value of fuel saved is average of 1,770 hr/yr claimed by the power sector). It is further assumed that a base-
Rs. 1,470 million (US$ 42 million). This takes the cost- load power plant has a PLF of 80%, auxiliary consumption of 8% and T&D losses are
18%. The investment for generating plant and distribution network is assumed at Rs.
benefit ratio to 1:9! 50 million/MW (US$ 1.4 million/MW).
In other words, each year’s delay in improving the BIS 10. This assumes an incremental cost of (i) 20% for efficient pump (i.e. Rs 1,000/- per
standards for IPS efficiency is costing India US$ 115 mil- pump) and (ii) Rs 1,000 for higher sized pipe (corresponding to an average pipe length
lion! of 30m).
6. Conclusion Boothra, K.C., and Bajaj, N.K., 1994. ‘‘Energy conservation in agricultural electric pumping
system’’, National Seminar on Conservation of Energy in Agricultural Pumping Systems,
The BIS norms for pump set efficiency need substantial organised by Central Institute for Rural Electrification, Hyderabad, December.
improvements on the following accounts: (1) upward re- Boothra, K.C., and Bajaj, N.K., 1995. Presentation at MSEB, Bombay, October 21.
vision of minimum efficiency, (2) accounting for changing IS 10804:1994, ‘‘Indian Standard, Recommended pumping system for agricultural purposes
pump efficiency with changing suction and total head, (second revision)’’, Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg,
(3) upward revision of recommended pipe sizes, and New Delhi.

(4) appropriate flange sizes for pumps. Jain, P.C., 1994, ‘‘Energy conservation awareness through high efficiency of utilisation in
pumping systems’’, National Seminar on Conservation of Energy in Agricultural Pumping
Contrary to the common belief, the improvements in Systems, December.
standards can result in substantial reduction in IPS elec- NABARD, 1984. ‘‘Pilot project studies for quality control of agricultural pumpsets’’, National
tricity consumption. Improvements in standards would re- Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Bombay.
sult in a 326 million kWh/yr reduction in electricity NABARD, 1991. ‘‘Report of the working group on lift irrigation schemes’’, Bombay.
consumption of the new IPS added each year. This NABARD, 1995. Personal communication from J.R. Khale, DGM (Technical), NABARD, De-
amounts to avoided capacity expansion of 61 MW each cember.

year. Each year’s delay in improving the BIS standards Patel, S.M., and Pandey, M.K., 1993. ‘‘Report on complete rectifications of agricultural
pumps in Gujarat state’’, Institute of Cooperative Management, Ahmedabad.
for agricultural pumps is costing India US$ 115 million.
Planning Commission, 1995. ‘‘Annual report on the working of the State Electricity Boards
The benefit would be higher if BIS standards were also and the Electricity Departments’’, Planning Commission, Government of India.
made mandatory for all pump manufacturers. Sant, G., and Dixit, S., 1996; ‘‘Analysis of electricity consumption of irrigation pumpsets in
The government, funding agencies, multilateral banks the state of Maharashtra’’, Report of PRAYAS project, under publication.
and the power sector, in general, need to appreciate the World Bank, 1996. Letter from Heinz Vergin, Director, India Country Department, to Peter
importance of standards and norms. Considering such fa- Bosshard, Berne Declaration, Switzerland, November 1.

Energy for Sustainable Development ! Volume III No. 1 ! May 1996 37

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