DNV Rule Ship Desin

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JULY 1999
This booklet includes the relevant amendments and corrections
shown in the July 2010 version of Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3.

Sec. 1 Procedures and Application........................................................................................................ 5
Sec. 2 Wave Loads and Motions........................................................................................................... 7
Sec. 3 Global Strength analysis............................................................................................................. 9
Sec. 4 Local Structure Models ............................................................................................................ 10
Sec. 5 Ultimate Strength analysis........................................................................................................ 11
Sec. 6 Fatigue Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 12


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
General will, as a consequence of this chapter, correspond better with the
acceleration levels found from hydrodynamic analyses and full-
This is a new chapter to the rules approved by the Board in June 1999. scale measurements.
These new rules come into force on 1 January 2000.
This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Supple-
ments will not be issued except for an updated list of minor amend- Amendments as of January 2003
ments and corrections presented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is
normally revised in January and July each year. This chapter has been amended since its latest issue in print, see “Gen-
eral” above. The latest amendments are described under “Main chang-
Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the Rules. es” below. They are incorporated in the present version and enter into
Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of Rule chap- force on 1 July 2003. A complete list of the current amendments and
ters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current. corrections is found in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3.

Main changes
— As craft size and service speed increase accurate prediction of
wave loads and structural strength is necessary, for building a • Sec. 2 Wave Loads and Motions
lightweight structure, without violating the overall safety. — Item C205 has been amended.
— This new chapter includes requirements for global and local fi-
nite element models, which embrace hydrodynamic analysis and
ultimate strength and fatigue strength analyses.
— The new rules include verification and documentation of compu- Corrections and Clarifications
ter programs.
— The new chapter defines the design acceleration as an extreme In addition to the above stated rule amendments, some detected errors
value (equivalent to the "20 year" value in the Rules for Classifi- have been corrected, and some clarifications have been made in the
cation of Ships). The specified minimum acceleration values existing rule wording.

The electronic pdf version of this document found through http://www.dnv.com is the officially binding version
© Det Norske Veritas

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Amended, Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010 Pt.3 Ch.9 Contents – Page 3



A. General...................................................................................5 A. General .................................................................................. 9
A 100 Objective ...........................................................................5 A 100 Documentation..................................................................9
A 200 Application........................................................................5
B. Finite Element Analysis ....................................................... 9
B. Documentation ......................................................................5 B 100 Model ................................................................................9
B 100 Hydrodynamic analyses ....................................................5 B 200 Loads.................................................................................9
B 200 Structural analyses ............................................................5 B 300 Results...............................................................................9
B 300 Computer programmes......................................................5
SEC. 4 LOCAL STRUCTURE MODELS ................... 10
C. Levels of Direct Calculations ...............................................5
C 100 Level 1: Local analysis .....................................................5 A. Local Finite Element Models............................................. 10
C 200 Level 2: Rule verification analysis....................................5 A 100 Compartment model........................................................10
C 300 Level 3: Alternative rule analysis .....................................6 A 200 Frame and girder model ..................................................10
A 300 Local structure models....................................................10
D. Water Jets with Adjacent Structure....................................6 A 400 Stress concentration models............................................10
D 100 General ..............................................................................6
D 200 Models...............................................................................6 SEC. 5 ULTIMATE STRENGTH ANALYSIS ........... 11
SEC. 2 WAVE LOADS AND MOTIONS....................... 7 A. Acceptance Criteria ........................................................... 11
A 100 General............................................................................11
A. General...................................................................................7 A 200 Allowable stresses...........................................................11
A 100 Wave loads and motions ...................................................7 A 300 Buckling control..............................................................11
A 200 Appendages.......................................................................7 A 400 Hull girder capacity.........................................................11
B. Static Loads ...........................................................................7 SEC. 6 FATIGUE ANALYSIS ...................................... 12
B 100 Loading conditions............................................................7
A. General ................................................................................ 12
C. Wave Loads and Motions Analyses.....................................7 A 100 Introduction.....................................................................12
C 100 Numerical methods ...........................................................7
C 200 Design wave loads ............................................................7 B. Loads and Design Criteria ................................................ 12
C 300 Global design loads...........................................................8 B 100 Loads...............................................................................12
C 400 Motions and accelerations.................................................8 B 200 Design criteria.................................................................12
C 500 Impact pressures................................................................8 B 300 Calculation methods........................................................12


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999 Amended,
Pt.3 Ch.9 Contents – Page 4 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010


Amended, Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010 Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.1 – Page 5


A. General C. Levels of Direct Calculations

A 100 Objective C 100 Level 1: Local analysis
101 The principal objective of the requirements specified in 101 For all high speed and light craft designs, it may be nec-
this chapter is to provide a framework for performing and doc- essary to perform local analyses of parts of the structure. Ch.2
umenting direct strength and hydrodynamic analyses for a high Sec.9 and Ch.3 Sec.9 gives the background and assumptions
speed and light craft. for such analyses as well as allowable stresses.
A 200 Application 102 The different finite element models that may be applied
in the local strength analysis are described in Sec.5. These
201 Direct strength and hydrodynamic analyses are to be models are as follows:
based on the operational restrictions for the craft. These re-
strictions are normally based on Ch.1 Sec.2 B200, which deter- — compartment model
mines the relationship between maximum allowed speed and — frame and girder model
significant wave height for a given design vertical accelera- — local structure model
tion. The operational restrictions may also be based on hydro- — stress concentration model.
dynamic analysis or model tests.
202 Sec.1 to Sec.4 apply to high speed and light craft designs Beam element models may normally be applied as an alterna-
of any material defined in Pt.2. Sec.5 to Sec.6 apply to craft of tive to finite element models in the compartment and frame and
steel or aluminium only, i.e. for craft classified in accordance girder analyses.
with Ch.2 and Ch.3. 103 Direct stress analyses of local structures may be based
Craft of fibre composites and sandwich constructions are not on loads derived from hydrodynamic analysis. The applied
explicitly mentioned in this chapter, but the principles de- loads are however not to be less than the minimum loads given
scribed are applicable for such craft. The acceptance criteria by the rule formulas in Ch.1 Sec.2.
are to be adjusted accordingly. 104 In Sec.2 the requirements for direct calculations of mo-
203 Calculated global design wave loads can, if calculated tions, accelerations and pressures are given.
and documented in accordance with the requirements in Sec.2, 105 Local analyses of water jet ducts and the surrounding
be used as an alternative to the global design wave loads as giv- structures are treated separately in D.
en in Ch.1 Sec.3.
C 200 Level 2: Rule verification analysis
The Society reserves the right to evaluate received documenta-
tion and determine the design load level in each case. 201 The level 2 procedure as described below may be ap-
plied for high speed and light craft designs with length above
204 The calculations specified in this chapter are to be car- 50 m, of monohull or twin hull type, i.e. craft for which there
ried out by computer programmes recognised by the Society. exist a set of formulas for global design loads as given in Ch.1
Recognised programmes are considered as all programmes Sec.3.
where reliable results have been demonstrated to the satisfac-
tion of the Society. Guidance note:
Novel designs are to be documented in accordance with the pro-
Wave load analysis programmes are to be documented in ac- cedure as described in 300. Level 2 procedure may be applied for
cordance with B300. initial design purposes only.

B. Documentation 202 The local strength requirements in Ch.1 to Ch.3 are to be

fulfilled. Local analyses of parts of the structure are to be car-
B 100 Hydrodynamic analyses ried out in accordance with 100.
101 Hydrodynamic analyses are to be documented in a tech- 203 A linear wave load and motion analysis is, as a mini-
nical report and submitted for information. The report is to mum, to be carried out for verification of the global design
give a detailed description of the analysed loading conditions, loads given in Ch.1 Sec.3. The non-linear effects are to be in-
the model and the results from the analyses. cluded if the design load level is to be reduced below the values
specified by the formulas in Ch.1 Sec.3.
B 200 Structural analyses 204 A global finite element model is to be established and
201 The finite element analysis shall be documented in a analysed for the relevant global design loads for that craft.
technical report and submitted for information. The report is to Loads are to be modelled as line loads or better. Weights may
give detailed information about the model with its boundary be modelled as line loads or nodal loads.
conditions and the analysis performed. Results are to be pre- 205 The allowable global stresses in level 2 analysis are giv-
sented as plots giving an overview of the stress distribution and en in Ch.2 Sec.4 and Ch.3 Sec.4, for steel and aluminium struc-
numerical values for detailed results. The strength is to be eval- tures, respectively.
uated against the relevant acceptance criteria.
206 A buckling control in accordance with Ch.2 Sec.10 and
B 300 Computer programmes Ch.3 Sec.10 is to be carried out for steel and aluminium struc-
301 The computer program applied in the wave load and mo- tures, respectively.
tion analysis is, upon request, to be documented in a technical 207 The fatigue life for the craft is considered sufficient if
report which is to be submitted for information. The report is the rule design load level is applied in combination with the al-
to document that the numerical method is valid for that partic- lowable stresses in 205. However, in areas with high stress
ular design and investigated speed range. concentrations or areas defined as special areas, a fatigue anal-


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999 Amended,
Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.1 – Page 6 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010

ysis in accordance with Sec.6 may be required. D. Water Jets with Adjacent Structure
C 300 Level 3: Alternative rule analysis D 100 General
301 The level 3 procedure as described below may be ap-
plied for all high speed and light craft designs with length 101 For all type of high speed and light craft designs a direct
above 50 m. For designs which are not specified by the global strength analysis of the water jet ducts and surrounding struc-
rule loading formulas in Ch.1 Sec.3, the level 3 procedure is to ture may be required.
be applied as a minimum. 102 In Ch.5 Sec.1 I100 to I400 the requirements for the duct
For high speed craft designs referred to in 201, the level 3 pro- design, design loads and allowable stresses for the water jet
cedure is to be applied in the following cases: duct and transom structure design are given.
— when the hull form is such that the rule formulas in Ch.1 103 Classification Note 30.8 gives guidance on the model-
Sec.3 are not expected to give reliable results ling of loads, the analysis and evaluation of results.
— when the operational profile of the craft is such that the
rule requirements in Ch.1 to Ch.3 are not adequate D 200 Models
— when the designer or yard wants to deviate from the rule 201 The extent of direct analysis needed is dependent upon
requirements to global strength. the size of the water jet and the complexity of the structure, and
has to be decided on a case by case basis.
302 The local strength requirements in Ch.1 to Ch.3 are to
be fulfilled. Local analyses of parts of the structure shall be 202 A finite element model of the water jet compartment
carried out as described in 100. may be required if the reaction forces from the water jets are
303 The global design load level is to be based on a hydro- expected to give high stresses in the supporting structure or
dynamic analysis. The non-linear effects of the hull form are to cause deflections above the level specified by the manufactur-
be taken into account. er of the water jet/shaft installation. The model is, as a mini-
mum, to extend from the transom to the nearest transverse
304 A global finite element model is to be established and bulkhead in the longitudinal direction. Vertically, the model is
analysed for all extreme load combinations which are relevant to normally extend up to the main deck. The element fineness
to that craft. The pressure distribution from the hydrodynamic is to be as described in Sec.4 A203 for the frame and girder
analysis is to be applied to the structural model. model.
305 Frame and girder models as described in Sec.4 are to be
included in the global strength analysis, at least, for part of the 203 For the evaluation of the secondary stiffening subject to
hull amidships and in the fore and aft body. high cycle loads, a fine mesh finite element model of the entire
duct may be required. This model may be included in the mod-
Guidance note: el described in 202 or run separately with prescribed boundary
For craft with long and slender foreship (such as SWATH, semi- conditions. The element’s fineness is to be as described in
SWATH or wave piercer), the case with impact pressure on one Sec.4 A303 for local structure models.
side of the hull(s) is of special importance.
204 Critical details such as connection of duct flange to tran-
som and/or discontinuities along the length of the duct shall
306 An ultimate strength analysis in accordance with Sec.5 normally be analysed by stress concentration models. The ele-
is to be performed. ment size is to be as described in Sec.4 A400. The model is to
be included in the model described in 203.
307 A fatigue analysis in accordance with Sec.6 of critical
areas is to be performed, which may require local finite ele- 205 An axis-symmetric model as described in Classification
ment analyses for determination of the stress concentration Note 30.8 may in some cases be used as an alternative to the
factors. model in 204.


Amended, Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010 Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.2 – Page 7


A. General 104 For twinhulls and multihulls, hydrodynamic interaction

between the hulls is to be considered for the lower speeds. The
A 100 Wave loads and motions hydrodynamic interaction may usually be disregarded for
higher speeds.
101 Direct wave load calculations are to be performed in ac-
cordance with procedures accepted by the Society. 105 Craft with large flare, wet deck or centre bow, which
may be exposed to significant wave impact, are to be analysed
A 200 Appendages by non-linear analyses for the ultimate limit state load predic-
201 High speed and light craft designs equipped with ap- tion. Alternatively, the non-linear effects can be taken into ac-
pendages such as motion damping devices are to be analysed count as correction factors from model tests or experience
with and without such equipment. Local design loads on the from comparable designs.
damping devices are to be determined in the analysis. 106 Linear modelling of the craft responses is normally suf-
ficient for fatigue assessment purposes.
Guidance note:
B. Static Loads For craft with high degree of non-linearities, e.g. wave piercers,
the non linear effects on the fatigue strength should be assessed.
B 100 Loading conditions ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
101 The design loading conditions are normally to include
the ballast, full load and part load conditions. The considered 107 Model tests may be used in combination with or as an al-
load conditions are to cover the full range of still water bending ternative to the numerical method. For craft with unusual hull
moments from maximum sagging to maximum hogging. form, model tests may also be required for verification of the
hydrodynamic analysis.
102 Different loading conditions should normally be used
for the fatigue and ultimate load predictions. For the ultimate C 200 Design wave loads
limit state analysis, the loading condition giving the worst mo-
ment/shear force is to be applied. 201 Design wave loads are to be calculated based on a 20-
year return period or equivalent, and are to be based on the op-
For the fatigue limit state analysis, "average voyage" condi- erational restrictions for the craft.
tions, i.e. the most frequent loading conditions giving the best
representation of the long term distribution of stresses are to be 202 The loads are to be determined based on both a short
applied. term and long term design load evaluation. The worst response
from each of these procedures is to be applied.
The loading conditions should cover an envelope of at least
90% of the operational life time. 203 Loads for the fatigue analysis are to be based on a long
103 For high speed and light craft with the additional nota- term design load evaluation.
tion Cargo, the harbour conditions are normally to be consid- 204 Wave scatter diagrams and methods accepted by the So-
ered in addition to the conditions in 102, in the ultimate load ciety are to be used. In a long term design load evaluation the
prediction. For harbour conditions, only static loads are to be wave loads can be calculated assuming that the amount of time
considered. Harbour conditions with asymmetric loadings are in each wave heading is equal. A minimum of 8 headings is to
relevant to the extent that they do not result in unacceptable be calculated as a basis for the total distribution of waves.
Guidance note:
104 For craft with the additional notation Passenger, Car In the case that a craft is to be designed for a specific route, the
Ferry A (or B), Naval or Crew, i.e. craft with relatively small expected distribution of wave headings should be taken into ac-
variations of the deadweight, it is sufficient to base the wave count. This applies for both the ultimate limit state and the fa-
load analysis on the full load condition, both for the ultimate tigue limit state load prediction. The applied loads should
limit and fatigue limit state analyses. If this approach is used, however not be less than the loads in 204, i.e. when assuming
the calculated wave load should be combined with the static equal distribution of headings.
load condition giving the most unfavourable design load for ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
the craft.
205 In a short term design load evaluation, the extreme value
equivalent to the 20 years long term value is defined as fol-
C. Wave Loads and Motions Analyses
Linear analysis:
C 100 Numerical methods
Rlinear = 5 [σ (Τz, μ,V) HS, max (V)] worst
101 The numerical method is to be valid for the investigated
speed range. Speed effects on the sea keeping behaviour are to Rlinear = linear design response
be accurately incorporated.
102 Transfer functions are to be calculated based on a recog- σ (Τz, μ,V) = standard deviation (or RMS) value in a sea
nised linear strip theory method or better. Conventional strip state with Hs = 1 m, function of zero crossing
theory approaches have to be applied with care for wave period (Tz), wave heading (μ) and
· speed (V)
V ⁄ L > 2 4 (or Fn> 0.4). Alternative theories must then be
considered. HS,max (V) = maximum operational significant wave
103 Transom stern effects are to be accounted for if such ef- height as function of speed, see speed/sea
fects influence the seakeeping performance and wave loads. state table for craft.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999 Amended,
Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.2 – Page 8 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010

amidships and in way of the fore and aft quarter lengths

The torsional wave bending moments should be determined in all
[σ (Τz, μ,V) HS, max (V)] worst = highest product of standard relevant transverse cuts, at least amidships and in way of the fore
deviation and significant and aft quarter lengths. The torsional moment should be calculat-
wave height within steep- ed about the shear centre of the section.
ness criteria in Classifica-
tion Note 30.5 and speed/ ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
seastate table for the craft.
For twin hulls/multihulls the additional load cases are to be de-
Non-linear analysis: termined:

Rnon-linear = 1.25 Rmost prop, 3h [HS, Tz, μ, V]worst — transverse bending (split moment)
— pitch connecting/torsional moment.
Rnon-linear = non-linear design response.
303 For high speed and light craft of novel design any other
Rmost prop, 3h [HS, Tz, μ, V]worst = most probable largest loads or combinations of loads that may be relevant are to be
value during 3 hours in a considered.
seastate with worst combi-
nation of significant wave C 400 Motions and accelerations
height, zero crossing wave 401 Transverse design accelerations, which are to be applied
period, wave heading and in the racking analysis, are to be calculated based on a 20 year
speed within steepness cri- return period or equivalent short term value in 205.
teria in Classification Note
30.5 and speed/seastate ta- 402 Vertical design accelerations are to be calculated based
ble for the craft. on a 20 year return period or equivalent short term value in
The linear and non-linear response expressions listed above
are approximations for the extreme values with 1% probability C 500 Impact pressures
of exceedance in a 3 hour seastate. 501 For craft with large flare, shallow draft, wet deck or cen-
C 300 Global design loads tre bow, local design impact pressures are to be considered.
301 The global design loads for the ultimate strength analy- Guidance note:
sis are to be derived by combining the design wave loads cal- Design impact pressures can be taken as the space averaged pres-
culated by the procedures in 200 with the most unfavourable sure over the design load area for element considered. The defi-
nition of design load area as given in Ch.1 Sec.2 C201 can
still water loading condition. normally be applied.
302 Global design loads (still water loads + wave loads) are
to be determined for loading conditions giving maximum val-
ues for the following: 502 Impact coefficients may be based on model test, direct
— vertical bending moment/shear force along the hull girder numerical analysis, or Classification Note 30.5.
— horizontal bending moment/shear force along the hull 503 For twin hulls or multihulls wet deck slamming pres-
girder sures are to be calculated based on the relative motion and the
— torsional bending moment along the hull girder relative velocity between craft and wave. For craft with the no-
— racking due to transverse accelerations, see also C400. tations; Passenger or Car Ferry A (or B) the relative mo-
tions can be used for determining the required wet deck
Guidance note: clearance, i.e. the clearance that is necessary to avoid slam-
Longitudinal wave bending moments, both vertical and horizon- ming in normal operation.
tal moments, and the corresponding shear forces should be deter-
mined in all relevant transverse cuts and neutral axes. As a 504 Impact pressures are to be calculated in accordance with
minimum, the moments and shear forces should be determined 205.


Amended, Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010 Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.3 – Page 9


A. General 104 Stiffened panels may be modelled by means of aniso-

tropic elements. Alternatively, a combination of plate elements
A 100 Documentation and beam elements may be used. It is important to have a good
101 The global finite element analyses are to be carried out representation of the overall membrane panel stiffness in the
and documented in accordance with the Classification Note longitudinal/transverse directions and for shear.
30.8. B 200 Loads
201 Loads are to be modelled as either line loads or as the
disturbed pressure distribution from the hydrodynamic analy-
B. Finite Element Analysis sis depending on which of the calculation procedures, as de-
scribed in Sec.1 C, is applicable.
B 100 Model 202 The global strength analysis is to include all the relevant
101 In this model a mesh extending over the total hull length global loads referred to in Sec.2 C300. In addition, the worst
is to be used to represent the overall stiffness and global stress combinations of these loads are to be considered.
distribution of the primary members of the hull. 203 When the line load approach is used for the modelling of
102 The following effects are to be taken into account: loads, the combined wave loading conditions in 202 are to be
established based on the correlation between the loads in the
— vertical hull girder bending including shear lag effects hydrodynamic analysis.
— vertical shear distribution along the hull
— horizontal hull girder bending including shear lag effects B 300 Results
— horizontal shear distribution along the hull 301 Stresses and deflections from each of the analysed load
— pitch connecting/torsion of the hull girder cases are to be presented.
— transverse bending and shear. 302 Results are to be presented as plots giving an overview
103 For high speed and light craft designs requiring a level 3 of the stress distribution and numerical values for detailed re-
procedure, as defined in Sec.1 C300. A frame and girder mod- sults.
el, as described in Sec.4, is to be included in the global strength 303 Plots of directional as well as equivalent stresses are to
analysis, at least for a section amidships and in the fore- and af- be presented. For analysis in accordance with Sec.1 C300,
tbody. principle stresses are to be submitted in fatigue prone areas.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999 Amended,
Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.4 – Page 10 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010


A. Local Finite Element Models in local areas. Such areas may be water jet ducts, intersection
between wet deck and hull sides, engine/gear foundations,
A 100 Compartment model hatch, or laterally loaded local stiffeners subject to large rela-
101 This model aims to analyse the deformation response tive deformation between girders, frames and bulkheads. Local
and nominal stresses in primary members, in different parts of structure models may also be used to determine the edge stress-
the craft. es in way of critical hatch corner openings for e.g. container
102 The compartment model may be included in the global
stiffness model. 302 Local structure models may be included in the compart-
103 The compartment model may provide the boundary con- ment model or the frame and girder model or run separately
ditions for the frame and girder model. with prescribed boundary deformations or boundary forces
from the frame and girder model.
104 The element mesh is to be fine enough to enable the
analysis of nominal stress variations in the main framing and 303 If 8-noded elements are applied, 3 elements are neces-
girder system. In areas of special importance, the element size sary over the girder height. Corresponding element sizes are to
is to be as the frame and girder model in 200. be applied for plate and flanges.

A 200 Frame and girder model A 400 Stress concentration models

201 The frame and girder analysis is to be used to analyse the 401 Fine mesh finite element models are to be applied at crit-
stresses and deformations in the frame and girder system. Ref- ical stress concentration details, which are required for fatigue
erence is made to Classification Note no. 30.8 for applicable assessment.
requirements and guidelines for such analysis.
402 The size of the model is to be sufficiently large so that
202 The model may be included in the compartment analysis the calculated results are not significantly affected by assump-
model. Alternatively, it may be run separately with prescribed tions made for boundary conditions and application of loads.
boundary deformations or boundary forces from the compart-
ment model. 403 Element size for stress concentration analysis is to be at
203 The element mesh should be fine enough to be able to the order of the plate thickness. Normally, shell elements are to
describe stress increase in critical areas (such as bracket with be used for the analysis, while solid elements may be used on
continuous flange). Normally an element’s size equal to the a comparative basis to investigate the stress concentration fac-
stiffener spacing is acceptable, while a finer mesh may be re- tor in special areas.
quired in areas of large variation in the stresses (e.g. in way of Guidance note:
hard chine and areas with curvature). A minimum of 3 ele-
ments, over the girder heights, is normally necessary if 4-nod- If solid modelling is used, the element size of the area of the hot
spot may have to be reduced to half the plate thickness in case the
ed elements are applied, while 2 elements are normally overall geometry of the weld is included in the model represen-
sufficient if 8-noded elements are applied. tation. For further details, reference is made to Classification
Note 30.7.
A 300 Local structure models
301 Local structure analysis is to be used to analyse stresses ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---


Amended, Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010 Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.5 – Page 11


A. Acceptance Criteria when applied in the above criteria, respectively.

Guidance note:
A 100 General Areas above yield determined by a linear FEM analysis may
101 The hull girder and main girder system nominal and lo- give an indication of the actual area of plastification. Otherwise,
cal stresses derived from the global strength analysis carried a full non-linear FEM analysis may need to be carried out in or-
out in accordance with the "Alternative rule analysis", as de- der to trace the full extent of the plastic zone.
fined in Sec.1 C300, is to be checked according to the criteria ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
specified in 200 to 400.
A 200 Allowable stresses A 300 Buckling control
201 Allowable equivalent nominal stresses referred to 20 301 The buckling control of panels (plate and stiffener com-
year conditions are for steel: binations) is to be performed as given in Classification Note
30.1. The usage factor for stiffened panels is not to exceed 0.9.
Seagoing conditions:
302 The buckling control of girders is to be performed as
σe = 0.95 σf N/mm2 given in Classification Note 30.1. The usage factor for girders
Harbour conditions: is not to exceed 0.75.
σe = 0.85 σf N/mm2 A 400 Hull girder capacity
For aluminium structures the corresponding stresses are: 401 The ultimate longitudinal sagging and hogging bending
Seagoing conditions: capacity of the hull girder is to be determined. The require-
σe = 0.85 σf N/mm2 ments specified assume intact condition. Damage conditions
are normally not relevant to consider, but such analyses may be
Harbour conditions: required in special cases and for novel designs.
σe = 0.75 σf N/mm2 402 The ultimate hull girder bending capacity is to comply
with the following limits:
σf = yield stress of material. For steel structures it is re-
ferred to Ch.2 Sec.2. For aluminium structures the re- MU
duced strength in heat affected zone shall be used. The M S + 1.1 M W ≤ ------------
yield stress in heat affected zone is not explicitly given 1, 15
in Ch.3 Sec.2, but is to be derived from the definition
of the factor f1. See also 202. MS = maximum design sagging/hogging still water bending
σe = equivalent stress. moment applied in the global strength analysis
MW = design wave sagging/hogging bending moment ap-
The harbour condition is normally relevant to check for craft plied in the global strength analysis
with the additional notation Cargo, only. MU = ultimate hull girder bending moment capacity
202 Local linear peak stresses in areas with pronounced ge- 1.15 = material factor
ometrical changes, as in hatch corners, single frame corners, 1.1 = partial safety factor on the environmental loads.
single bracket toes etc., may need special consideration. Local
peak stresses in this context are stresses calculated with local 403 The hull girder capacity may be calculated for the intact
structure models and stress concentration models which have a midship section by summing up the buckling and the yield ca-
finer finite element mesh representation than used for nominal pacities of the intact structural elements for the whole section:
stress determination.
Local peak stresses, as given below, may be accepted provided MU = ∑ σcrj Aj zj + ∑ σfk Ak zk
plastic mechanisms are not approached (developed) in the as- j k
sociated structural parts.
For extreme 20 year loads the allowable equivalent plastic A = area of panel
strain corresponding to a linear peak stress is for steel: z = distance from panel to plastic neutral axis using the ac-
tual yield and or buckling capacities in the tension and
σe = 400 f1 or compression side, respectively
The corresponding allowable stress for aluminium structures σcr = critical buckling stress of panels on the compression
is: side according to Classification Note 30.1
σe = 300 f1 σf = yield stress of panels on the tension side
j = includes all panels on compression side
The reduced strength of aluminium in the heat affected zone k = includes all panels on tension side.
shall be used when calculating the allowable equivalent stress.
The tabulated f1 factors in Ch.3 Sec.2 Table B4 for the alloys MU is to be calculated for both sagging and hogging condi-
NV-5083 and NV-5383 shall be reduced by 13.5 % and 9.0 % tions.


Rules for High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, July 1999 Amended,
Pt.3 Ch.9 Sec.6 – Page 12 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 July 2010


A. General loads.

A 100 Introduction 102 The fatigue strength evaluation is to be based on the

most frequently used design load conditions. The fraction of
101 The following areas are normally critical and are to be lifetime operating under each considered loading condition is
considered in a fatigue strength analysis: to reflect the intended operational trading pattern for the craft.
— stiffener transition through web frames or bulkheads in B 200 Design criteria
critical sections
— cross structure in a twin hull or a multihull craft, particu- 201 The fatigue analysis is to be based on a period of time
larly in the transition between cross structure and pontoon equal to the planned life and usage profile of the craft. The pe-
— details in the midship area with large stress concentrations riod is, however, normally not to be taken less than 20 years,
such as tripping brackets etc. using wave scatter diagrams representative for the service re-
— engine foundations and water jet area (high cycle loading) strictions for the craft and accepted by the Society.
— areas with doublers 202 The cumulative effect of the stress history may be ex-
— pillar connections pressed by linear cumulative damage usage factor (Miner-
— cross bracing connections Palmgren). In structures where a failure is local and can be de-
— at discontinuities tected before it leads to any critical event, the damage usage
— tapered riders factor is not to exceed the value h = 1.0. For structures with
— termination of primary and secondary members. low/no redundancy or the failure is difficult to detect, the ac-
Other areas where the dynamic stress level is considered as ceptable usage factor is to be considered in each individual
high, and/or subject to high cycle loading, the fatigue strength case.
is to be considered. The design criteria specified are to be fulfilled based on S-N
data for mean value minus 2 times the standard deviation.
B 300 Calculation methods
B. Loads and Design Criteria
301 The Society can provide support documentation, in re-
B 100 Loads gard to acceptable calculation methods.
101 The craft is to be evaluated for global and local loads. 302 The influence of corrosive environments are to be taken
For local loads, stresses due to internal and external pressures into account where applicable, e.g. bilge and water ballast
may be calculated separately and combined using a correlation tanks, through appropriate SN-curves or an equivalent correc-
factor between sea pressure loads and internal pressure/inertia tion to the damage usage factor.


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