Recall Questions September 2014
Recall Questions September 2014
Recall Questions September 2014
b. TSH
21. Rhabditiform larvae: Thread worm c. T3 uptake
22. Stool sample enrichment: Selenite 8. Chloride and Bicarbonate relationship?
broth Reciprocal
23. Vinegar: flukes can’t be killed 9. Active male hormone? Testosterone
24. True of schistosomiasis: Skin 10. Screening test for Cushing’s syndrome
penetration of cercaria in a. Low dexamethasone -----
contaminated water b. 24 hour urine cortisol
25. Normal oral flora: Viridans c. All items
26. Common pathogen: Group A d. Insulin hypoglycaemia test
27. Stool contaminated with S. aureus 11. Hepatic jaundice: Increase in direct and
what to do? Plate with MSA (7.5%NaCl) indirect bilirubin (both)
28. 8 nuclei: Entamoeba coli. 12. Cholelithiasis: Increase in unconjugated
29. Differentiate histolytica and hartmanii: bilirubin (increase TB > 90% is
size conjugated)
30. 90% cause of malaria: Falciparum and 13. In case of liver transplant which are
vivax monitored? Hepatic enzymes, Bilirubin,
31. POCT for dx of malaria: Falciparum, Coagulation factos
vivax, malariae 14. Glucose oxidase negative; Benedict’s
32. Dwarf: H. nana test positive in new born: Inborn error
33. Herpesviridae-ether sensitive of metabolism
34. True of W.bancroftii: no terminal nuclei 15. TAG has fasting 12-15 hrs (ideal- 12hrs)
(B. malayi yun) 16. RACE meaning = rescue, alarm, contain,
35. Cutaneous larva migrans: Ancylostoma extinguish
brasilense 17. <50 mg/dl alcohol level or 0.05%. What
36. Used in coagulase test: is the presumption
a. Sheep a. Not under influence of alcohol
b. Human b. Presumed to be under influence
c. Goat of alcohol
CC c. No presumption can be done
1. What does U stand for in Clearance = 18. Endogenous TAG: VLDL
urine UxV/P? Urine Creatinine in mg/dl 19. Exogenous TAG: Chylomicrons
2. 12 mg/dl of uric acid to mmol/l = 0.71 20. HEPA meaning= high efficiency
3. TC=200; HDL=30; TAG=150 compute for particulate air
LDL = 140mg/dl 21. Uricase: Enzymatic:H202
4. Which one is not needed in 22. Fahey and Mancini method: Fahey 48-
computation for LDL? 72 hours and sensitive
LDL = TC – (HDL + VLDL) 23. Convert 0.5mg/dl IgD to mmol/L: 5.0
a. HDL 24. pH measurement: Potentiometry
b. VLDL 25. Involved in female hormones:
c. TAG- indirectly needed a. Hirsutism
d. TC b. Polycistic ovarian dse
5. Abrupt change to new mean in Levy c. Infertility
Jenning’s chart d. All
a. Dispersion 26. pC02: increase 3% when increase 1’
b. Shift temp
c. Trend 27. Blood with no anticoagulant blood
6. Hypothyroidism T3 and T4 uptake are? glucose decreases: 7mg/dl per hour
a. Both high 28. Activity depends on increase substrate
b. Both low
concentration. Increase in substrate - - -
c. One is very high and one is
- -for enzyme excess: First order kinetics
moderately high
29. Rape victims: ACP
d. Inversely proportional
30. Renal threshold for glucose: 160-
7. Primary hyperthyroidism with normal
T4. Confirm with
31. Which enzyme is the least specific?
a. TBG
a. LDH
Histopath-MT laws