Comparative Fatigue Resistance of Overhead Conductors Made of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy: Tests and Analysis

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Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232

6th Fatigue Design conference, Fatigue Design 2015

Comparative fatigue resistance of overhead conductors made of

aluminium and aluminium alloy: tests and analysis
R.B. Kalomboa, J.M.G. Martíneza, J.L.A. Ferreiraa, C.R.M. da Silvaa, J.A. Araújoa,*
University of Brasília, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brasília, CEP 70910-900


This paper presents a comparative study for the fatigue behavior between an All Aluminium Alloy Conductor (AAAC) and a
Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR). These cables use Aluminium Alloys (AA) 6201-T81 and 1350-H19,
respectively. This test program was carried out at a resonant fretting fatigue bench for overhead conductors at the University of
Brasília. The results showed that the ACSR conductor fails by fatigue when is subjected to bending amplitude stress levels which
are in average more than 1.25 times greater than that sustained by AAAC conductors (for the life ranges studied). In terms of
durability, the ACSR has a fatigue life 5 times greater than the AAAC. A notch sensitivity analysis using Neuber’s approach was
invoked to try to explain this “anomalous behavior” for the cables fatigue performance, considering that the AA 6201-T81 has a
significantly higher fatigue limit than the AA 1350 -H19.

2015Published by Elsevier
The Authors. Ltd. This
Published is an open
by Elsevier access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of CETIM.
Peer-review under responsibility of CETIM
Keywords: Fatigue, fretting fatigue, ACSR Conductor, AAAC Conductor, transmission line.

1. Introduction

The conductor is perhaps the most important component in transmission lines. It conducts the electricity and its
contribution to the total cost of the line is significant. Therefore, the design and the maintenance of this component is
vital for transmission line companies. One of the mechanical problems faced by power line conductors during their
operation is fretting fatigue due to the Aeolian vibration. Fretting is caused by the small relative movement between
wires and by the contact between the conductor and the suspension clamp (or other hardware such as spacer clamps
or dampers, etc) [1,2]. Aeolian vibration is caused by the vortices produced due to fluid (air)-structure (conductor)
interaction. The vortices formed alternately from the top and bottom of the conductor cause its bending in the
hardware attachment points like in the suspension clamp [1,2]. This bending stress generated by the aeolian
vibration, associated with the mean stretching load of the conductor, may provoke the fatigue of wires. Even though

1877-7058 © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of CETIM
224 R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232

the fatigue phenomenon appears to be a more well-understood problem for some structures, it is clearly not the case
for overhead conductors [3].
Traditionally, most high voltage transmission lines in the world have been constructed using the ACSR
conductors stretched with Every Day Stress (EDS) between 18 and 20% of the conductor Rated Tensile Strength
(RTS). The preference for the ACSR conductor is primarily because the steel wires in the internal conductor layer
allow it to sustain higher tensile loads than pure aluminium conductors. The use of this EDS range is to ensure a long
fatigue life due to a low static and dynamic mechanical stress. All Aluminium Alloy Conductors (AAAC) have been
considered as an alternative to the ACSR as the absence of a steel core allows the AAAC conductor to transmit a
larger amount of energy than the ACSR for the same conductor diameter. Additionally, the aluminium wires of the
AAAC present better mechanical properties than those in the ACSR. Therefore, the AAAC conductors have been
strung at higher tensions and longer spans than traditional ACSR. However, there are few data and publication on
the fatigue behavior of AAAC. This paper will present a comparative study on the fatigue behavior between AAAC
and ACSR conductors.

2. Fundamental theories

2.1. Fatigue of power line conductor and its S-N graph

The fundamental cause of conductor fatigue failure is the cyclic bending stress due to aeolian vibration. This
bending stress has been estimated between 200 and 1400 micro strains [3]. This type of failure occurs in the regions
where there are restrictions on the vibratory motion of the conductor, such as the suspension clamps, spacers and
dampers [1-6]. This restriction causes the conductor’s wires to slip across each other and the friction forces from this
relative movement cause fretting between the wires and the contact area between the conductor and restriction
component like the suspension clamp. Once crack-induced fretting has formed, it may lead to fatigue and
eventually, to a brutal facture of the conductor [7].
One way to characterize the material in engineering related to the fatigue life is the application of Wöhler’s graph
(S-N graph). This graph correlates the number of cycles required to break a specimen subjected to a nominal cyclic
stress. Due to its complex configuration the wire stress generated by bending of the pre-loaded conductor and used
to construct the Wöhler’s graph is obtained by the Poffemberger and Swart (P-S) formula [8]. This mathematical
expression has been adopted by IEEE as a standard for the measurement of vibration in conductors since 1966.
Another feature of the Wöhler’s graph for conductors is associated with the criterion selected to characterize the
conductor failure. One criterion established by CIGRÉ [4] considers that the conductor fails by fatigue when the
number of wires broken is equal to either three or 10% of the total number of aluminium wires, whichever is greater.
Because of the difficulty and the high cost involved in the conductor fatigue test, the CIGRE committee proposed
a safety limit line, well-known as the CIGRÉ Safe Boder Line (CSBL). This permits the companies involved in
designing transmission lines to determine the conductor’s life without making a substantial investment. The CSBL is
a S-N curve derived from the diverse fatigue tests made on various components such as conductors and aluminium
wires [2]. This graph is considered to be a very conservative limit on conductor fatigue life. The CSBL equation can
be expressed as follows:

ߪ௔ ൌ ‫ ܣ‬ή ܰ௜஻ (1)

Where σa is the stress amplitude in MPa; Ni is the fatigue life in number of cycles for a specific stress; A and B
are material constants. Table 1 reports the values of A and B as a function of the fatigue life and of the number of
layers of the conductor.

2.2. Poffemberger-Swart formula

Based on an analogy with Euler beam theory (Fig. 1), Poffemberger and Swart [8] developed a formula which
establishes a relation between the displacement and the bending stress amplitude for an aluminium wire in the
external layer of the conductor:
R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232 225

ߪ௔ ൌ ‫ ܭ‬ή ܻ௕ (2)

Table 1. Constants (A and B) of the CIGRÉ Safe Border Line (CSBL)

Number of cycles
NO of layers of aluminium wire conductor N < 2x107 N > 2x107
1 730 -0.2 430 -0.17
>1 450 -0.2 263 -0.17

Figure 1. Schematic figure of the conductor/clamp assembly showing the standard position to measure the bending displacment Yb and the local
on the aluminium wire of the external layer where the stress amplitude is computed.

Where σa is the dynamic bending stress amplitude (zero to peak), Yb is the bending displacement range (peak to
peak) of the conductor measured vertically at a position on the cable 89 mm from the last point of contact between
the conductor and the cable (LPC) and K is the constant of Poffenberger:

ாೌ ௗ௣మ
‫ܭ‬ൌ ቂܰൗ݉݉ଷ ቃ (3)
ସሺ௘ ష೛ೣ ିଵା௣௫ሻ

The parameters Ea [MPa], d [mm], x and p are, respectively, the Young's modulus for aluminium, the diameter of
the aluminium wire of the outer layer of the conductor, the distance on the conductor between the last point of
contact (LPC) and the position where the vertical displacement (usually x = 89 mm) is measured and p is given by:

‫݌‬ൌට (4)

being T [N] the static conductor tension (Every Day Stress: EDS); and EI [N˜mm2] is the conductor's flexure
stiffness whose expression is given in Eq. 5:

గௗೌ గௗೞర
‫ܫܧ‬௠௜௡ ൌ ݊௔ ‫ܧ‬௔ ൅ ݊௦ ‫ܧ‬௦ (5)
଺ସ ଺ସ

Where na, Ea, and da are, respectively, the number, the Young's modulus and the diameter of an aluminium wire;
and ns, Es, and ds are, respectively, the number, the Young's modulus and the diameter of a steel wire.

2.3. Characteristics of the aluminium alloys used in the fabrication of ACSR and AAAC

As presented above, the aluminium alloys 1350-H19 and 6201-T81 are used, respectively, for the production of
the ACSR and the AAAC conductors.
226 R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232

2.3.1. AA 1350-H19

The AA 1350 is a series 1xxx alloy. This series has not experienced a heat treatment and have a strict control on
the percentage of impurities, as they can dramatically reduce the electrical conductivity of the material. As a result
of this control, the electrical conductivity is equal to 62% (International Annealed Copper Standard -IACS). This
essentially means that the wire has an electrical conductivity equal to 62% of the conductivity of a wire copper with
the same diameter. On top of that, the AA 1350 presents a high corrosion resistance, good formability, good
weldability and good response to anodizing. Naturally, this alloy is ductile but there is an extra hardening due to the
cold hardening process (H19) suffered by the material to produce the thread. The chemical composition, as well as
the mechanical properties of this alloy are reported in Tables 2 and 3.

2.3.2. AA 6201-T81

The AA 6201 is a 6xxx alloy. This series contains magnesium and silicon as their main alloying elements. The
combination of these alloying elements results in the intermetallic element Mg2Si, which is responsible for
hardening before reaching equilibrium in the over-aging. When the treatments of this alloy are made properly, the
presence of Mg2Si favors the formation of fine precipitates homogeneously distributed in the material, which results
in a substantial increase in the hardness.
The electrical conductivity of the AA 6201-T81 is equal to 52%, and though not as good as the one for AA 1350.
It has a higher mechanical strength and resistance to corrosion than the AA-1350. The AAAC conductors are hence
recommended for lines close to the coast and/or requiring a higher mechanical strength than obtained with the
ACSR conductor. The AA 6201 undergoes a solubilization treatment, cold working and artificial aging to achieve a
specific degree of stretch (Classification T81). Tables 2 and 3 report the chemical composition and the mechanical
properties of the AA 6201-T81, respectively.
Table 2. Chemical composition of AA 1350-H19 and AA 6201-T81 [9,10]

All Alloy Al B Cr Cu Ga Fe Mn Mg Si V+Ti Zn Cada Total

AA 1350-H19 ≥ 99.5 ≤0.05 ≤0.01 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 ≤0.4 ≤0.01 -------- ≤0.1 ≥0.02 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 ≤0.1
AA 6201-T81 97.3-98.9 ≤0.06 ≤0.03 ≤0.1 ------- ≤0.5 ≤0.03 0.6-0.9 0.5 - 0.9 ------- ≤0.1 ≤0.03 ≤0.1

Table 3: Basic mechanical properties of AA 1350-H19 and AA 6201-T81 [9,10]

Limit of Resistance
Young's Hardness Strain (Deformation)
All Alloy Yield Strength Ultimate Strength Fatigue σe
Modulus [GPa] [HBn] at rupture [%]
σrt [MPa] σy [MPa] [MPa]

AA 1350-H19 68.9 186 165 48.3 50 ≥ 1.7

AA 6201-T81 69.0 330 310 105 88 6.0

2.4. Fatigue strength reduction factor and notch sensitivity

In fatigue analysis, it is important to define the effect of geometrical discontinuities on the fatigue strength of the
material. This can be done by introducing the concept of a strength reduction factor and of notch sensitivity. The
fatigue strength knock-down factor Kf, is an empirical parameter which attempts to evaluate the effect of the stress
concentration on the fatigue strength of the piece. Kf is defined as:
‫ܭ‬௙ ൌ (6)

where σf is the fatigue limit of the plain specimen and σnotch is the corresponding limit for a notched specimen.
The notch sensitivity factor, q, is another empirical parameter which quantifies the effect of the stress concentrator
on the material fatigue resistance. In general, when the material is more ductile, its sensitivity to notches is lower
R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232 227

and brittle materials are more sensitive to discontinuities. The ductility and the brittleness of metals are strongly
correlated to their strength and hardness. Therefore, materials with a low strength and less hardness have a tendency
to be less sensitive to discontinuities, while the ones with high strength and hardness have a tendency to be more
Notch sensitivity depends not only on the mechanical characteristics of the material but also on the notch radius.
It was found empirically that as the notch radius tends to zero, the sensitivity of the material decreases and also
approaches zero. Several classic models have been developed to determine the sensitivity of the material to the
presence of notches. However, the model developed by Neuber [11] which is written in terms of Neuber´s constant
(ξܽ) and the notch radius (r) seems to be the most commonly used.

‫ݍ‬ൌ ξೌ

The Neuber's constant is a parameter that depends on the material type and it is related to the tensile strength of
the material. Figure 2 shows the behaviour of the Neuber's constant as a function of the tensile strength for two
aluminium alloys, annealed and hardened. The aluminium alloys in this study are hardened alloys, hence Neuber's
constant for AA 6201-T81 and AA 1350-H19 can be obtained from this graph (Fig. 2) and are 0.977 and 1.517,
respectively [12]. It is possible to evaluate the notch sensitivity for these two materials by replacing these values in
Eq. 7 and by writing the expression as a function of the square root of the notch radius.

a 83.94 ˜V rt0.768

a 353.2˜Vrt1.123

Figure 2. Behaviour of the Neuber’s constant as a function of the tensile strength of the aluminium alloys – (Adapted from [12]).

2.5. Correction of the fatigue resistance as function of the fatigue knock-down factor

From Eq. 6, one can obtain an expression which allows us to evaluate the fatigue resistance of the notched
component, σnotch. This requires the fatigue resistance of material, σf, and the fatigue knock-down factor, Kf, which
depends on the stress concentration factor, ‫ܭ‬௧ :

‫ܭ‬௙ ൌ ͳ ൅ ‫ ݍ‬ή ሺ‫ܭ‬௧ െ ͳሻ (8)

being ‫ܭ‬௧ defined as:

‫ܭ‬௧ ൌ (9)

where σmax is the local stress observed in the hot spot and σnom is the nominal stress.
228 R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232

Substituting (6) in (8), σnotch becomes

ߪ௡௢௧௖௛ ൌ (10)
ଵା௤ήሺ௄೟ ିଵሻ

3. Experimental programme

3.1. Materials

For this research, one sample of an ACSR conductor (named A) and two samples of AAAC conductors (named B
and C) were considered. All tests were performed using mono-articulated suspension clamps suitable to each
conductor diameter. The conductor Rate Tensile Strength (RTS) and the Poffenberger-Swart’s constant for the
conductors tested are reported in Table 4. The respective stretching loads (Every Day Stress: EDS) used for the test
are also presented in Table 4. For all tests, the EDS have been limited to 20% of the RTS.
Table 4. The Rate Tensile Strength (RTS) and geometrical properties of the conductors
Rate Tensile Material, Number and Diameter of Constant of
Conductor Conductor Stretching loads
Strength (RTS) wire [mm] Poffenberger
Identification Type EDS[kgf]
[kgf] Steel Aluminium [MPa/mm]

A ACSR 7394 7 x 2.440 26 x 3.140 31.35 1479

B AAAC 13485 37 x 3.962 34.75 2697
C AAAC 15445 61 x 3.340 32.6 3089

The fixation of the conductor on the bench has been made by using a mono-articulated suspension clamp with the
diameter ranging between 17 to 27 mm for samples A and B and between 28 to 38 mm for sample C.

3.2. Apparatus used for the experimental work

A series of tests have been conducted in the resonant bench of the Laboratory of Fatigue and Structural Integrity
of Overhead Conductors in the University of Brasília (UnB). The schematic drawing of the test bench is shown in
Fig. 3.
The active span for the test bench was set to 40 m length. The laboratory temperature is controlled to avoid
changes in the conductor’s tension load as a result of temperature variations. More details on the description of the
laboratory as well as of the bench can be found elsewhere [7,11].

Figure 3. Scheme of Conductor Fatigue Test Bench at the University of Brasilia (UnB).

3.3. Experimental Procedure

The fatigue performance of the three conductors has been compared based on the bending stress (and not on ܻ௕ ).
R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232 229

During the test, the bending amplitude ܻ௕ was measured on the conductor by means of a accelerometer located at 89
mm from the LPC between the conductor and the suspension clamp. The bending (nominal) stress,ߪ௔ , in the
aluminium wire of the conductor’s outer layer in a point diametrically opposite to the LPC has been found by using
the Poffenberger-Swart’s equation (Eq. 2). One should bear in mind that this bending stress amplitude is a function
of the conductor’s displacement amplitude at a point 89 mm from the LPC, which is test control variable. This
means that such a bending stress has also been controlled during the entire fatigue test. The different stress
amplitudes considered in the experimental program and used to plot the S-N graph are reported in Table 5, as well
as their respective bending amplitude at 89 mm from the LPC.
Table 5: Bending stress at Last Point of Contact (LPC) and bending amplitude at 89 mm from LPC

Condutor Bending Stress, P-S [MPa] 27.8 28.1 31,0 31.3 34.5 32.6 34.2 34.5 39.8 43.5

A 0.9 1,00 1.1 1.27 1.39

Bending Amplitude at 89 mm
B 0.8 0.89 0.98
from LPC [mm]
C 0.86 0.96 1,00 1.06

4. Results and Discussions

Figure 4 shows the S-N curves generated for these fatigue tests. Again the termination criterion was the one
suggested by CIGRE, i.e., tests were interrupted after 3 aluminium wire breaks or after 10% of the number of
Aluminium wires were broken, whichever is greater. The qualitative analysis of these results indicates that the
AAAC conductors (B and C) have significantly less fatigue strength than the ACSR conductor (A). It can also be
observed that the results of these experimental points obtained for the conductors B and C are apparently very close
one to the other. This may indicate that these data sets could represent the same fatigue behaviour for the conductors
B and C. In order to verify this hypothesis, the life data sample for conductors B and C were classified by stress
levels and the statistic t-student law was applied. It has statistically been noted that usually fatigue life follows the
log-normal distribution. The statistical analysis shows that data from the fatigue life of conductors B and C could be
considered as data from the same sample.

Figure 4. S-N graph for the conductor A, B and C.

The two AAAC conductors (B and C) used in this study have different geometrical characteristics –the number of
230 R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232

layers and aluminium wires, the overall diameter – and therefore the suspension clamps used for testing these
conductors (B and C) have different dimensions. In addition to these, all conductors tested (A, B and C) have been
stretched to the same loads (20% EDS) for the duration of the experiment. Therefore, one can could in principle
infer that the smaller resistance to fatigue of AAAC is primarily caused by the “stress concentration” sensitivity of
the AA 6201-T81.
Assuming that the experimental fatigue data obtained for conductors B and C represent the typical behaviour of
AAAC conductors, then their life data could be expressed by a single S-N curve (Fig. 5). In order to carry out a
comparative analysis in terms of fatigue performance not only between the conductors tested, but also with the
CSBL, the fatigue strength for the data set produced for the Cables A, B and C have been normalised with respect to
the CSBL stress (Fig. 6). In Figure 7 these data was regrouped considering again that cables B and C have a fatigue
behavior typical of AAAC conductors and then plotted together with the ACSR data. Further, a line of the fatigue
resistance ratio between the ACSR and AAAC conductors for different lives was added. It seems clear from Figs. 6
and 7 that, for a life ranging from 106 to 107 cycles, the fatigue strength of the ACSR is 50 to 60% greater than those
estimated by the CSBL, while the fatigue strength for the AAAC are only around 20 to 40% greater. It can also be
seen that for smaller lives (106 cycles) the fatigue resistance of the ACSR is approximately 40% greater than the one
observed for AAAC. This additional fatigue resistance of the ACSR with respect to the AAAC nevertheless tends to
reduce for larger lives.

Figure 5. S-N graph of different conductor’s type (ASCR and AAAC).

Figure 6. Normalized S-N graphs for the conductor A, B and C in relation of the CSBL stress.
R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232 231

5. Discussion and Conclusions

A comparison between the mechanical properties of the AA 6201-T81 and the AA 1350-H19 (Table 3) revealed
that the AA 6201-T81 has a higher yield and ultimate strength than the AA 1350-H19. Consequently, its fatigue
resistance also proved higher than the one for the AA 1350-H19, as it is usually the case. Therefore, one could in
principle expect that the AAAC conductor (made of AA 6201-T81) would also have a higher fatigue strength than
the ACSR (AA 1350-H19). However, care must be exercised as, due to the contact loads and the fretting between
wires and between the wires of the outer layer and the suspension clamp, a complex stress state (with stress
concentration) and micro notches may arise. Indeed, as just shown in the previous section, the fatigue strength of the
AAAC conductor was significantly lower than that observed for the ACSR conductor. In this setting, notch
sensitivity may well explain this behavior.

Figure 7. Normalized S-N graphs for the ACSR and AAAC conductors in relation of the CSBL stress and their fatigue resistance ratio for
different lives.

From Eq. 10, one can observe that the fatigue resistance of a conductor is a function not only of the fatigue
resistance of the wire material, but also of the notch sensitivity and the stress concentration factor associated to
discontinuities, grooves (notches) and fretting marks. Figure 8(a) shows the variation of notch sensitivity with notch
radius, r, for the two aluminium alloys present in AAAC and ACSR cables. The analysis of these graphs allows to
verify that, for the same r, the AA 6201-T81 has a greater notch sensitivity than the AA 1350-H19. An alternative
way to visualize this behavior is shown in Fig. 8(b). Such a graph depicts the ratio between the notch sensitivity for
AA 6201-T81 and for 1350-H19 against r. It is clear from this graph that for small values of the notch radius the
notch sensitivity for the AA 6201-T81 (‫଺ݍ‬ଶ଴ଵି଼்ଵ ) is significantly higher than the one for AA 1350-H19. For
instance, for ‫ ݎ‬՜ Ͳ this ratio is around 1.87.
This article discussed the theoretical aspects associated with the effect of notch sensitivity on the fatigue strength
of the aluminium alloys AA 6201-T81 and AA 1350-H19 used respectively for the manufacturing of AAAC and of
ACSR conductors. In addition, a comparative test program was conducted to determine the life of these two
conductor types: AAAC and ACSR. The following main conclusions can be drawn from this work:
x The fatigue performance of the AAAC conductor is qualitatively much lower than that observed for the ACSR
x For a same life, the ACSR conductor failed when subjected to bending stresses which were 1.25 times greater
than the ones necessary to break the AAAC conductor;
x For the same stress amplitude, the ACSR conductor has, in average, a fatigue life five times greater than the one
for the AAAC; and
x The greater notch sensitivity of AA 6201-T81 with respect to AA 1350-H19 is one of the possible reasons to
explain such “anomalous” behavior.
232 R.B. Kalombo et al. / Procedia Engineering 133 (2015) 223 – 232






0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2
Notch Radius, r [mm]
(a) (b)

Figure 8. (a) The notch sensitivity and (b) the notch sensitivity ratio versus the notch radius for the two aluminium alloys.

The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of TAESA, ATE II, ATE III, EATE, TME, AETE and
Brasnorte for this research (contract number 4600001511) by means of the R&D program of ANEEL. The support
of Finatec is also acknowledged.

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[11] V.F. Volker, R.B. Kalombo, R.M.S. Cosme, M.N. Nogueirab, J.A. Araújo, Effect of chromium nitride coatings and cryogenic treatments on
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