An Effective Cable Sizing Procedure Model For Industries and Commerial Buildings

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)

Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2016, pp. 34~39

ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v6i1.8391  34

An Effective Cable Sizing Procedure Model for Industries and

Commerial Buildings

M. Pratap Nair*, K. Nithiyananthan+

* Faculty of Engineering and Computer Technology, AIMST University Bedong, Kedah, Malaysia
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore,

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper mainly focuses on the cable sizing methods and calculation of
electrical cables according to the various international standards. For
Received Jul 19, 2015 instance, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), National
Revised Oct 30, 2015 Electrical Code (NEC), British Standard (BS) and Institute of Electrical and
Accepted Nov 12, 2015 Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The basic philosophy underlying any cable
sizing calculations are the same. The main objective of this research work is
to develop effective cable sizing model for building services.
Cable sizing
Current carrying capacity
Voltage drop Copyright © 2016 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:
K. Nithiyananthan,
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India
Email: [email protected]

There are four primary reasons that the cable sizing is very important at design stage. First and
foremost, cable sizing is important to function endlessly under full load condition exclusive of being
damaged. Moreover, it is necessary to hold up the worst short circuit current flow and ensure that the
protective devices are effective during an earth fault. Ensure that, the supply to the load with a suitable
voltage and avoid excessive voltage drops.


Sizing Cable sizing methods follow the unchanged basic step process. Firstly, it’s vital to gather
data about the cables, installation surroundings, and the load that it will carry. In addition, it’s crucial to find
the current carrying capacity (A, ampere) and voltage drop per ampere meter (mV/A/m) of the cable [1]. The
current carrying capacity of a cable is the maximum current that can flow continuously through a cable
without damaging the cable's insulation and other components [2]. Short circuit temperature rise and earth
fault loop impedance are significant factors to verify the cable size.
Each conductors and cables except superconductor have some amount of resistance. This resistance
is directly proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the diameter of the conductor.

R α L/a [Laws of resistance R = ρ (L/a)] [1]

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35  ISSN: 2088-8708

Voltage drop occurs in every conductor as the current flows through it. According to Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) rule B-23, at any point between a power supply terminal and
installation, voltage drop should not increase above 2.5% of provided (supply) voltage [3].
The cable should withstand the temperature and heat emmisionwith using good insulation materials
such as conductors, and bedding. Table 1 shows the current carried by any conductor for continuous periods
during normal operation shall be such that the suitable temperature limits.

Table 1. Maximum operating temperatures for types of cable insulation

Type of insulation Temperature limit
Thermoplastic 70°C at the conductor
Thermosetting 90°C at the conductor
Mineral 70°C at the sheath and more

Cables with larger cross-sectional areas have minor resistive losses. Bigger cable able to dissipate
the heat better than smaller one. Hence a 15 mm2 cable will have a higher current carrying capacity than a 4
mm2 cable. Table 2 explains the difference between current carrying capacity of 16 mm2 and 25mm2.

Table 2. Current carrying capacity and voltage drop of different types of cable size [4]
Cable size Current-carrying capacity Voltage drop
≤16mm2 0.95 1.10
≥25mm2 0.97 1.06

  Type of Cable

Select suitable cable type  
from any cable  manufacturer 
d t h t

Size of circuit protection

Adjust Ampacity

Apply voltage drop

Final Cable size

Figure 1. Flow chart shows the steps to determine the cable sizing and voltage drop

IJECE Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2016 : 34 – 39

IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708  36


International standards and cable manufacturers will provide derating factors for a range of
installation conditions, for example ambientor soil temperature, grouping or bunching of cables, and soil
thermal resistivity. The installed current rating is calculated by multiplying the base current rating with each
of the derating factors.

I c= I b x k d [2]

Where Ic is the installed current rating (A), Ib is the base current rating (A) and Kd are the product of all the
derating factors.
Upstream protective device circuit breaker is not required to protect the cable against overloads. As
a result, cables need only to be sized to cater for the full load current of the motor [5].

Il ≤ Ic [3]

Where Il is the full load current (A), Ip is the protective device rating (A) Ic is the installed cable current rating
Cable Impedances is a function of the cable size (cross-sectional area) and the length of the cable.
Most cable manufacturers will quote a cable’s resistance and reactance in Ω/km. The following typical cable
impedances for low voltage AC single core and multicore cables can be used in the absence of any other data

For single circuit


Where the protective device is is a semi enclosed fuse to BS 3036, Cf=0.725 otherwise Cf=1. The
cable installation method is ‘in a duct in the ground’ or ‘buried direct’, Cc= 0.9. For cables installed above
ground Cc= 1. Ca= Ambient temperature, Cs= Soil resistivity, Cd=dept of burial, Ci= Thermal Insulation, Ib=
the design of current of circuit, It= the value of current for ingle circuit at ambient temperature. For cables
installed above ground Cs and Cd =1.

For group


For cables having cross sectional area 16mm2 or less, the design value of mV/A/m is obtained by
multiplying the tabulated value by factor Ct given by:


For AC three phase system


Where V3ø is the three phase voltage drop (V), I is the nominal full load or starting current as
applicable (A), Rc is the ac resistance of the cable (Ω/km), Xc is the ac reactance of the cable (Ω/km) cos ø is
the load power factor (pu) L is the length of the cable (m) [7].

An Effective Cable Sizing Procedure Model for Industries and Commerial Buildings (Dr. K. Nithiyananthan)
37  ISSN: 2088-8708

For AC single phase system


It is standards to indicate maximum permissible voltage drops, which is the maximum voltage drop
that is permissible across a cable. If the cable exceeds this voltage drop, then a bigger cable size should be
Greatest voltage drops across a cable are specified because load consumers will have an input
voltage tolerance range. If the voltage at the electrical device is lower than its rated minimum voltage, then
the appliance may not work appropriately [8].
It may be more precise to calculate the maximum length of a cable for a particular conductor size
given a maximum permissible voltage drop 5% of nominal voltage at full load rather than the voltage drop
itself. To construct tables showing the maximum lengths corresponding to different cable sizes in order to
speed up the selection of similar type cables.

For a three phase system


For a single phase system

Table 3. Shows the percentage of low voltage installation supplied voltage

Lighting Other Uses
Low voltage installation supplied 3% 5%
directly from a public low voltage
distribution system
Low voltage installation supplied 6% 8%
from private LV supply (*)


A high amount of current will flow through a cable for a short time when there is short circuit
happens in the circuit. This surge in current flow causes a temperature rise within the cable.
High temperatures can trigger unnecessary reactions in the cable insulation, sheath materials and
other components, which can degrade the condition of the cable. Bigger cable cross-sectional area can
dissipate higher fault currents. Therefore, cables should be sized to withstand the largest short circuit.
The minimum cable size due to short circuit temperature rise is typically calculated with an equation
of the form:


The temperature rise constant is calculated based on the material properties of the conductor and the
initial and final conductor temperatures as per equation 12.


IJECE Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2016 : 34 – 39

IJECE ISSN: 2088-8708  38

Figure 2 shows rating factors to be included for more than one circuit and cables buried directly in
the ground with cable- to cable clearance (α).

Figure 2. Reduction factors for more than one circuit, single-core or multi-core cables laid directly in the


Table 4. Voltage drop for different Electrical Components

Cable to cable clearance (a)a
Number of
Nil (cables One cable
circuits 0.125 m 0.25 m 0.5 m
touching) diameter
2 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.90
3 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85
4 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.75 0.80
5 0.55 0.55 0.65 0.70 0.80
6 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.80

Table 5. Sample of calculation of voltage drop using V=IR


FROM TO (m) (W) (W) (V) (A) (mm2) (%) (v)

1 DB Light 10 42 84 240 0.35 2.5 18 0.2 0.38 239.63

Table 5 explains the voltage drop between the origin of an installation and any load point should be
greater than the values in the table below expressed with respect to the value of the nominal voltage of
installation. Table 6 shows a sample of calculation method to calculate the voltage drop.
The voltage drop for any particular cable run must be voltage drop does not exceed 2.5% of the
nominal voltage. The nominal voltage drop should be not more than 2.5% voltage from main switch board to
any point of installation.

Selecting power cable and types of cables with the sizing of the conductors for specific applications
is a very essential part of the plan of any electrical system. This task that is often performed with a least
amount of effort and with minimum reflection for all of the applicable design issues. The consequential
catastrophe is that inappropriate selection and sizing can easily amplify the installed cost of a facility while
also dropping the reliability of the complete system.This paper highlights on some of the considerations that
should be practice for cable selection each and every time. It then suggests the right design tool to calculate
and facilitate the selection process without resorting to simplifications.

An Effective Cable Sizing Procedure Model for Industries and Commerial Buildings (Dr. K. Nithiyananthan)
39  ISSN: 2088-8708

Parametes and constraints
Ic : Installed current rating (A)
Ib : Base current rating (A)
Kd : Product of all the derating factors
Il : Full load current (A)
Ip : Protective device rating (A)
Cc : Circuit buried in the ground
Ca: Ambient temperature
Cs: Soil resistivity
Cd : Depth of burial
Ci : Thermal Insulation
It: The value of current for ingle circuit at ambient temperature
Cf : Semi-enclosed fuse to BS 3036
Cg: For grouping
V3ø: Three phase voltage drop (V)
I: current (A)
Rc: AC resistance of the cable (Ω/km)
Xc: AC reactance of the cable (Ω/km)
cos ø: Load power factor (pu)
L: Length of the cable (m)
A: Short circuit temperature rise
k: Cable material properties
θf: Final conductor temperature
θi: Initial conductor temperature
α: cable- to cable clearance

[1] IEC 60364-5-52, (2009), "Electrical installations in buildings - Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical
equipment - Wiring systems", is the IEC standard governing cable sizing.
[2] National Electricity Code (NEC)
[3] NFPA 70, (2011), "National Electricity Code", is the equivalent standard for IEC 60364 in North America and
includes a section covering cable sizing in Article 300.
[4] BS 7671, (2008), "Requirements for Electrical Installations - IEE Wiring Regulations", is the equivalent standard for
IEC 60364 in the United Kingdom.
[5] Research paper of Assessment of the Quality of Cables produced in Nigeria by ADETORO, K. ADEBAYO
[6] Coker AJ, Turner WO, Josephs ZT, (1991). Electrical Wiring. Redwood Press Limited, 12 – 28.
[7] J.R Jancauskas, “Cable sizing avoid shortcut and do it right”, IECEC 96 Proceedings of the 31st Inersociety Energy
Conversion Engineering Conference IECEC-96, 1996.
[8] Nithiyananthan.K, Elavenil V, (2011), ‘CYMGRD Based Effective Earthing Design Model for Substation’,
International Journal for Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences Asia, Vol. I, No 3, pp. 341-346.

IJECE Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2016 : 34 – 39

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