Principles of Grafting

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Grafting has been used for thousands of years and can allow plants to be grown in new conditions or provide disease resistance. Success depends on the rootstock and scion healing together.

Grafting has been practiced since ancient times by cultures like the Chinese and was discussed by Aristotle and Theophrastus. It allows the propagation of superior varieties and adaptation to new environments.

Grafting allows plants to be grown in new conditions by using rootstocks tolerant of soils or climate. It can provide disease resistance, increase yield and plant quality.


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Principles of Grafting
and Budding
INTRODUCTION learning objectives
• Describe the role of grafting in
Since the beginning of civilization, fruit and nut trees have been grafted
human history.
because of the difficulty in propagating by cuttings, and the superiority
• Distinguish between the
and high value of the grafted crop. Grafting is among the most expensive
use of seedling and clonal
propagation techniques, surpassing even micropropagation. Budding,
which is a form of grafting, is three times more costly than cuttings and
• Describe how natural grafting
fourteen times more expensive than seedling propagation (89). The horti-
can affect tree performance.
culture and forestry industries have sought to develop clonal propagation
• Describe how the rootstock
systems that avoid labor-intensive graftage. Yet, traditional and highly
and scion heal together during
efficient grafting and budding systems are essential for the propagation of grafting.
many woody plant species. New markets continue to require grafted and
• Define how specific genetic,
budded plants for improved plant quality, fruit yield, superior forms, and environmental, and manage-
better adaptation to greater ecological ranges. In the southeastern United ment factors and polarity
States, where high temperatures and periodic flooding of soils (low soil affect graft success.
oxygen) are the norm, cultivars of birch, fir, oak, and other species are • Determine what kinds of
grafted onto adapted rootstock (Fig. 11–1) (129). The propagator bene- plants can be grafted.
fits via new markets, while the consumer gains a greater variety of better- • Define graft incompatibility—
adapted landscape plants. The acid-loving blueberry can be produced in its symptoms, causes, and
more basic pH soils when grafted to pH-tolerant rootstock (Fig. 11–2). control.
With the greater reliance on integrated pest management and • Describe important ways the
reduced availability of pesticides and soil fumigants, disease-tolerant rootstock (root system) influ-
rootstocks are playing a greater role not only with woody perennial fruit ences the scion (shoot system)
crops and ornamentals, but also with grafted vegetable crops (Figs. 11–3 and vice versa.
and 11–4, page 417) (34, 39, 67, 82, 85, 86). Organic growers of high
value heirloom tomatoes are using grafted plants as a management tool
to reduce crop loss from soilborne diseases (131).
This chapter reviews the biology of grafting and budding.
Chapters 12 and 13 describe the techniques of grafting and budding,
respectively. Chapter 19 enumerates grafting and budding systems for
selected fruit and nut trees, as Chapter 20 does for selected woody orna-
mental plants. A better understanding of the fundamental biology of graft-
ing (and the causes of graft incompatibility) will enhance the development
of superior cultivars and increase the ecological range of species for new
markets in horticulture and forestry.


The origins of grafting can be traced to ancient times (110).
There is evidence that the art of grafting was known to the
Chinese at least as early as 1560 BC. Aristotle (384–322 BC)
and Theophrastus (371–287 BC) discussed grafting in their
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416 part three vegetative propagation

Figure 11–1
English Holly on Ilex ‘Nellie
Stevens’ rootstock adapted
to the high temperature,
periodic flooding, low oxygen
soils of the southeastern
(a) (b) United States.

Figure 11–2
Pushing the ecological
envelope. Using an inlay bark
graft of ‘Tif Blue’ blueberry
(Vaccinium ashei) on a
farkelberry (Vaccinium
arboreum) rootstock, which
tolerates a more basic soil
pH, allows the acid-loving
blueberry to be produced
in a site with higher soil pH.
(a) New scion growth with
aluminum foil and poly bag
protecting the graft area.
(b) Healed graft union, and
(a) (b) (c) (c) ‘Tif Blue’ blueberry crop.



Figure 11–3
Grafting vegetables is a common practice in Japan, Korea, the Mediterranean basin, and Europe. It is used for managing soil-borne
diseases, enhancing tolerance of low temperature and salinity, and for increasing plant vigor and yield. (a) Grafted melon scion
on curcurbita rootstock with a grafting clip. (b) Melons grafted (white arrow) on Fusarium-resistant Curcurbita rootstock in Israel,
(b) compared to susceptible, non-grafted melons (black arrows). Courtesy M. Edelstein.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 417

Grafted Boron 10 mg/l Non-grafted

Early crop

(a) (b)

Grafted Non-grafted

Figure 11–4
(a and c) Melon grafted onto
boron-resistant Cucurbita
rootstock. (b) Non-grafted
melon showing boron
susceptibility early in crop
1-month later
cycle and (d) 1 month later
(c) (d) Photos courtesy M. Edelstein.

writings with considerable understanding. During the on the anatomy of the graft union. Development of
days of the Roman Empire, grafting was very popular, some of the early grafting techniques have been
and methods were precisely described in the writings of reviewed by Wells (178).
that era. Paul the Apostle, in his Epistle to the Romans, Liberty Hyde Bailey in The Nursery Book (8), pub-
discussed grafting between the “good” and the “wild” lished in 1891, described and illustrated the methods of
olive trees (Romans 11:17–24). grafting and budding commonly used in the United
The Renaissance period (AD 1350–1600) saw a States and Europe at that time. The methods used today
renewed interest in grafting practices. Large numbers differ very little from those described by Bailey.
of new plants from foreign countries were imported
into European gardens and maintained by grafting.
By the 16th Century, the cleft and whip grafts were
widely used in England and it was realized that the cam- Grafting is the art of joining grafting The union
bium layers must be matched, although the nature of two pieces of living plant of a root system
this tissue was not then understood or appreciated. tissue together in such a (understock) with
Propagators were handicapped by a lack of a good manner that they will unite a shoot system
grafting wax; mixtures of wet clay and dung were and subsequently grow and (scion) in such a
used to cover the graft unions. In the 17th Century, develop as one composite manner that they
orchards in England were planted with budded and plant. As any technique that subsequently grow
grafted trees. will accomplish this could and develop as
Early in the 18th Century, Stephen Hales, in his be considered a method of one composite
studies on the “circulation of sap” in plants, approach- grafting, it is not surprising (compound) plant.
grafted three trees and found that the center tree stayed that innumerable procedures
alive even when severed from its roots. Duhamel studied for grafting are described in the literature. Through the
wound healing and the uniting of woody grafts. The years, several distinct methods have become established
graft union at that time was considered to act as a type that enable the propagator to cope with almost any
of filter that changed the composition of the sap flow- grafting problem. These are described in Chapter 12
ing through it. Thoüin (163), in 1821, described 119 with the realization that there are many variations of
methods of grafting and discussed changes in growth each, and that there are other forms that can give simi-
habit resulting from grafting. Vöchting (171), in the lar results. Figure 11–5 illustrates a grafted plant and
late 19th Century, continued Duhamel’s earlier work the parts involved in the graft.
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Figure 11–5
In grafted plants the shoot system
consists of growth arising from one
(or more) buds on the scion. The
root system consists of an extension
of the original rootstock. The graft
union remains at the junction of
the two parts throughout the life of
the plant.

budding A form of Budding is a form The rootstock (understock, stock) is the lower
grafting that uses a of grafting. However, the portion of the graft, which develops into the root system
smaller scion piece— scion is reduced in size of the grafted plant. It may be a seedling, a rooted cut-
sometimes just a piece and usually contains only ting, a layered or micropropagated plant. If the grafting
of the stem with an one bud. An exception to is done high in a tree, as in topworking, the rootstock
axillary bud. this is patch budding of may consist of the roots, trunk, and scaffold branches.
pecan, where secondary The interstock (intermediate stock, interstem)
and tertiary buds are adjacent at the same node to the is a piece of stem inserted by means of two graft unions
primary bud. The various budding methods are between the scion and the rootstock. Interstocks are
described in Chapter 13. used to avoid incompatibility between the rootstock
The scion becomes the new shoot system of the and scion, to produce special tree forms, to control dis-
graft. It is composed of a short piece of detached shoot ease (e.g., fire-blight resistance), or to take advantage of
containing several dormant buds, which, when united their growth-controlling properties.
with the rootstock, comprises the upper portion of the Vascular cambium is a thin tissue located between
graft. The stem, or branches, or both, of the grafted the bark (periderm, cortex, and phloem) and the wood
plant will grow from the scion. The scion should be of (xylem) (see Fig. 11–6). Its cells are meristematic; that
the desired cultivar and free from disease. is, they are capable of dividing and forming new cells.

Figure 11–6
Top: Grafting terminology of the “bark”
and “wood” and associated tissues with
schematic drawing of a stem cross section
of a young woody plant stem. Bottom:
Schematic longitudinal section of the stages
of graft union formation: (Stage 1) Lining up
vascular cambiums of the rootstock and
scion, and (Stage 2) subsequent wound
healing response. (Stage 3) Callus bridge
formation. (Stage 4) Wound-repair xylem
and phloem occur in the callus bridge just
prior to initial cambium formation. (Stage 5)
The vascular cambium is completed across
the callus bridge and is forming secondary
xylem and phloem.
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For a successful graft union, it is essential that the cam- Utilization and Propagation
bium of the scion be placed in close contact with the of Clonal Rootstock
cambium of the rootstock. Clonal rootstocks are those vegetatively propagated by
callus Tissue
Callus is a term applied stool layering, rooted cuttings, or micropropagation.
composed of
to the mass of parenchyma Micropropagation of clonal rootstocks makes possible
parenchyma cells,
cells that develop from and the production of great numbers of such plants, upon
which is a response
around wounded plant tis- which the scion cultivar can be grafted or budded
to wounding. Callus
sues. It occurs at the junction (76, 77). Rootstock of citrus is produced from apomic-
development is
of a graft union, arising from tic seed and is genetically uniform; this is a more cost-
important in graft
the living cells of both the effective method of propagating clonal rootstock than
union formation.
scion and rootstock. The traditional asexual techniques.
production and interlocking Clonal rootstocks are desirable not only to pro-
of these parenchyma (or callus) cells constitute one of duce uniformity, but also to utilize special characteris-
the important steps in callus bridge formation between tics such as disease resistance. Clonal rootstock also
the scion and rootstock in a successful graft. influence the size and growth habit of the grafted plant
and flowering and fruit development of the scion. Each
particular scion-rootstock combination requires an
extensive evaluation period in different environments
ROOTSTOCK SYSTEMS before its future performance can be predicted.
Rootstocks can be divided into two groups: seedling Historically, clonal rootstocks for fruit crops
and clonal. received much attention in European and Middle
Eastern countries, going back centuries. Today, much
of the apple production around the world is on clonal
Utilization and Propagation
rootstocks for size control and fruit yield. Other fruit
of Seedling Rootstock
crops, such as pear, quince, plum, cherries, grapes, cit-
Seedling rootstocks propagated from seed can be mass- rus, and others are routinely propagated on clonal root-
produced relatively simply and economically. Viruses stock (179).
are transmitted from parent to progeny in very low Only pathogen-free scions and rootstock material
percentages or not at all except in specific instances. should be utilized in the nursery. To maintain rootstock
Seedling plants tend to have deeper rooted and more influence, deep planting of the nursery tree or grafted
firmly anchored plants than rootstocks grown from vegetable—which may lead to “scion rooting”—must
cuttings (e.g., plum and apple rootstock). be avoided, as illustrated in Figure 11–7. The deeper
Seedling rootstock may show genetic variation the graft union below the soil surface, the higher the
leading to variability in growth and performance of the incidence of scion rooting is likely to be (31).
scion variety. The variation can arise from natural het-
erozygosity of the source or from cross-pollination—both
are more likely if the rootstock is from an unknown, REASONS FOR GRAFTING
unselected source. Selection of special mother-tree AND BUDDING
(elite) seed source trees or a special clone can provide
Grafting and budding serve many different purposes:
uniform, special seedling rootstocks for specific crops
(see Chapter 5). • Perpetuating clones desired for their fruiting, flower-
Uniformity of seedling variability can be con- ing, or growth characteristics that cannot be readily
trolled by managing production conditions in the nurs- maintained or economically propagated by other
ery, including digging nursery trees of the same age, asexual means
one row at a time, and discarding off-type or slow- • Combining different cultivars into a composite plant
growing seedlings or budded trees. In most nurseries, as scion, rootstock, and interstock—each part pro-
the young trees are graded by size, and all those of the viding a special characteristic
same grade are sold together. Many fruit crops grown • Changing cultivars of established plants (topwork-
on uniform seedling rootstocks show no more variabil- ing), including combining more than one scion culti-
ity resulting from the rootstock than from unavoidable var on the same plant
environmental differences in the orchard—principally • Repairing graftage for injuries—including inarching
soil variability. and bridge graftage
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(Araucaria cunninghamii), slash pine (P. elliottii),

Caribbean pine (P. caribaea), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
nitens), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), and others
(120). The major advantage of using grafts is that
superior germplasm from older, elite trees can be clonally
regenerated as parent trees for seed orchards. Frequently,
trees selected for breeding or seed orchard purposes are
so old (often greater than 15 or 20 years) that clonal pro-
duction by rooted cuttings is either impossible or far
more costly than grafting. Where graft incompatibility is
not a serious problem, grafting scions of elite trees onto
established seedling rootstock is a quick, straightforward,
and cost-effective way of developing seed orchards.

Combining Different Cultivars into a

Composite Plant as Scion, Rootstock,
and Interstock—Each Part Providing a
Special Characteristic
Obtaining the Benefits of Certain Scions Grafting
selected cultivars can enhance plant growth rates, fruit
characteristics and yield, and plant form. “Weeping”
Figure 11–7 forms of landscape plants can be obtained by grafting
An incompatible graft with the melon scion forming (Fig. 11–8). Cactus and succulents are easily grafted to
adventitious roots above the grafted Cucurbita rootstock.
produce unusual plant forms, as shown in Figure 11–9.
The melon will establish its own roots above graft, which is
not desirable. Courtesy M. Edelstein. Obtaining the Benefits of Certain Rootstocks There
are a number of benefits of grafting onto selected root-
stock, including greater plant resistance to biotic and
• Disease indexing—testing for virus diseases
• Study of plant developmental and physiological
Each of these reasons is discussed in detail in the fol-
lowing pages.

Perpetuating Clones Desired for Their

Fruiting, Flowering, or Growth
Characteristics That Cannot Be Readily
Maintained or Economically Propagated
by Other Asexual Means
Cultivars of some groups of plants, including most fruit
and nut species and many other woody plants, such as
selected cultivars of fir, eucalyptus, beech, oak, and
spruce, are not propagated commercially by cuttings
because of poor rooting. Additional individual plants
often can be started by the slow and labor-intensive
techniques of layering or division. But for propagation
in large quantities, it is necessary to resort to budding
or grafting scions of the desired cultivar on compatible
seedling rootstock plants.
Figure 11–8
In forestry, grafting is used almost exclusively for “Weeping” plant forms may be obtained by grafting.
the clonal production of genetically improved seed Rootstock of an upright willow is grafted at the top by a side
orchards of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), hoop pine graft with another cultivar having a hanging growth pattern.
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Figure 11–9
Grafted ornamental (a) cactus and (b) succulents. An easily rooted cultivar is used as
the rootstock and an unusual attractive type is used as the scion. These grafts are
made in large quantities in Japan and Korea, and shipped to wholesale nurseries in
(a) other countries for rooting, potting, and growing until ready for sale in retail outlets.

abiotic stress abiotic stress, size con- to become dwarfed (Fig. 11–10). Scions grafted onto
A condition caused by trol, enhanced reproduc- selected rootstock of some citrus, pear, and apple root-
environmental factors tive growth, reduction in stocks produce larger size and/or better-quality fruit
such as drought, low nursery production time, than when grafted onto other rootstock (179).
temperature, low and increased transplant-
Hastening Reproductive Maturity. Scions of many fruit
oxygen, and salinity, ing success.
crops can be established more quickly in the orchard and
which reduce growth
come into bearing more rapidly when grafted onto dwarf-
and can sometimes kill Greater Resistance to
ing rootstock (169), as opposed to being grown as
plants. Environmental Stress
seedlings or as rooted cuttings. (An exception to this is
biotic stress and Disease. For many
peach production in Mexico, where very vigorous
A condition caused by kinds of plants, root-
seedlings are selected for fruit production—seedling
living organisms such stocks are available that
plants fruit as rapidly as grafted plants.) It is also possible
as insects, pathogens, tolerate unfavorable abi-
to hasten the onset of maturity by grafting cultivars onto
and nematodes that otic stress conditions—
larger, established trees. Such grafting takes advantage of
reduce growth and can such as heavy, wet soils,
an existing large root system of the rootstock plant to
sometimes kill plants. salinity, and drought
speed up maturation of the scion.
(Figs. 11–1, 11–2, and
11–4) (47, 124–126, 129). Other rootstocks may resist Hastening Plant Growth Rate and Reducing Nursery
biotic stresses such as soil-borne insect, nematodes, Production Time. In nursery production of shade
viruses, or pathogens (34, 86) better than the plant’s own trees, budded or grafted trees grow more rapidly than
roots (Fig. 11–3). See Chapters 19 and 20 for detailed seedling or cutting-produced trees; for example, Acer
discussions of the rootstocks available for the various platanoides ‘Crimson King’ budded on a vigorous root-
fruit and ornamental species. Special rootstocks for stock (see Fig. 13–4), and budded Tilia cordata or bud-
glasshouse, poly-covered high tunnel production and ded Zelkova serrata grow more in 1 year than rooted
field production of vegetable crops are used in Europe, cuttings will in 3 or 4 years (53).
the Middle East, Asia, and North America to avoid Improving Transplanting Success. Some plants
root diseases such as Monosporascus, Fusarium and rooted by cuttings make such poor root systems that
Verticillium wilt (34, 131). In the Netherlands, green- they are difficult or impossible to transplant; for
house cucumbers are grafted onto Cucurbita ficifolia, example, the Koster spruce (Picea pungens) can be
and commercial tomato cultivars are grafted onto vig- rooted in commercial numbers, but cannot be suc-
orous F1 hybrid, disease-resistant rootstocks (21). cessfully transplanted unless the root system is pro-
Controlling Size of Grafted Plant. For some species, duced from grafted plants (53). Many Asiatic maples
size-controlling rootstocks are available that can cause form poor root systems from cuttings and must be
the composite grafted plant to have exceptional vigor or grafted (170).
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Malling 27 Malling 9 Malling 26 Malling 7a MM106 MM 111 Antonovka % of
EMLA 9 EMLA 106 Malling 2 Malling 16 Standard
Mark M7EMLA Malling 25 MM109 Full Size

Figure 11–10
Relative size of apple trees on different rootstock. The reduction in tree size ranges from dwarfing (25 to 50 percent of a
standard full-size tree) to semi-dwarfing (60 to 70 percent) to vigorous to very vigorous (same size as a seedling tree). With the
exception of Antonovka, all listed are clonal rootstock. The absolute size of the mature, composite tree is determined by soil,
climate, culture, and the vigor of the scion cultivar (e.g., the scions of the vigorous cultivar ‘Mutsu’ are twice as large as ‘Golden
Delicious’ on ‘Malling 9’ dwarfing rootstock).

Obtaining the Benefits of Certain Interstocks • Obtaining special forms of plant growth. By grafting
(Double-Working) In addition to the rootstock and certain combinations together it is possible to pro-
scion, one may insert a third plant system between duce unusual types of plant growth, such as “tree”
them by grafting. Such a section is termed an roses (Fig. 11–12) or “weeping” cherry, birch, or wil-
interstock, interstem, intermediate stock, or low cultivars (Fig. 11–8).
intermediate stem section. This is done by making Nurseries supplying trees on seedling or clonal
two grafts (see Fig. 12–50), or double budding. For rootstocks, or with a clonal interstock, should identify
example, a thin plate (minus the bud) of ‘Old Home’ such stocks on the label just as they do for the scion
pear interstock is budded on the quince rootstock, cultivar.
then a shield bud of the ‘Bartlett’ scion is inserted
directly over the ‘Old Home’ plate and wrapped with
a budding rubber (see Changing Cultivars of Established
double-working The Plants (Topworking)
Fig. 13–21).
grafting or budding of
There are several A fruit tree, or an entire orchard, may be replaced with a
an interstock (interstem)
reasons for using double- more desirable cultivar. It could be unproductive, or an
between the rootstock
working in propagation: old cultivar whose fruits are no longer in demand; it
and scion.
could be one with poor growth habits, or possibly one
• The interstock makes it possible to avoid certain that is susceptible to topworking
kinds of incompatibility. prevalent diseases or The grafting of a new
• The interstock may possess a particular characteristic insects. Topworking cultivar onto established
(such as disease resistance or cold-hardiness) not pos- has sometimes been trees in the orchard.
sessed by either the rootstock or the scion. done by California pro-
• A certain scion cultivar may be required for disease ducers of peach, plum, and nectarine every 2 to 3 years
resistance in cases where the interstock characteristics to take advantage of newer, more promising cultivars
are the chief consideration, such as in the control of and thus remain competitive on the market. Examples
leaf blight on rubber trees (Hevea) (84). of topworking are shown in Figure 11–13, page 424.
• The interstock may reduce vegetative growth and In an orchard of a single cultivar of a species requir-
enhance reproductive growth of the tree. For exam- ing cross-pollination, provision for adequate cross-
ple, when a stem piece of the dwarfing ‘Malling 9’ pollination can be obtained by topworking scattered trees
apple rootstock is used as an interstock and inserted throughout the orchard to a proper pollinating cultivar.
between a vigorous rootstock and a vigorous scion A single pistillate (female) plant of a dioecious (pistillate
cultivar, it reduces growth of the composite tree and and staminate flowers borne on separate individual
stimulates flowering and fruiting in comparison plants) species, such as the hollies (Ilex), may be unfruit-
with a similar tree propagated without the interstock ful because of the lack of a nearby staminate (male) plant
[Fig. 11–11 (132).] to provide proper pollination. This problem can be
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 423

(a) (b)

Figure 11–11
Effect of interstock on the size
of six-year-old ‘Cox’s Orange
Pippin’ apple scion grafted
on a vigorous ‘MM 104’
rootstock: (a) Cox/’M 9’
dwarfing interstock/’MM 104’,
(b) Cox/’M 27’ dwarfing
interstock/’MM 104’,
(c) Cox/’MM 104’ vigorous
interstock/’MM 104’,
(d) Cox/’M 20’ dwarfing
(c) (d) interstock/’MM 104’.

corrected by grafting a scion taken from a staminate plant

onto one branch of the pistillate plant.
The home gardener may be interested in growing
several cultivars of a fruit species together on a single
tree of that species by topworking each primary scaffold
branch to a different cultivar. In a few cases, different
species can be worked on the same tree. For example, a
single citrus tree would grow oranges, lemons, grape-
fruit, mandarins, and limes; or plum, almond, apricot,
and nectarine can be grafted on peach rootstock. Some
different cultivars (or species), however, grow at differ-
ent degrees of vigor, so careful pruning is required to
cut back the most vigorous cultivar on the tree to pre-
vent it from becoming dominant over the others.
Walnut and pistachio are difficult to transplant.
(a) (b) Producers will plant seedling rootstock in the orchard
and then graft 2 years later.
Figure 11–12
Double-working. (a) Used in the production of specialty “tree” Repair Graftage for Injuries
roses, where the interstock (arrow) of Multiflore de la Grifferaie
forms the straight trunk of the tree rose. (b) Doubleworking Occasionally, the roots, trunk, or large limbs of trees
citrus in Sicily with micrografted scion grafted on Troyer are severely damaged by winter injury, cultivation
citrange interstock (arrow) grafted onto sour orange rootstock. implements, diseases, or rodents. By the use of bridge
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Figure 11–13
TopWorking. (a) Inlay bark graft in
top working an orchard. (b) Top
worked citrus grove in Sicily using an
inlay bark graft. (c) Smaller citrus
(a) (c) liner with inlay bark graft.

grafting, or inarching, such damage can be repaired and another technique used to clean up viruses and bacterial
the tree saved. This is discussed in detail in Chapter 12. problems with budwood (112).

Disease Indexing—Testing Study of Plant Developmental

for Virus Diseases and Physiological Processes
Virus diseases can be transmitted from plant to plant Grafting has enabled plant biologists to study unique
by grafting. This characteristic makes possible testing physiological and developmental processes, beginning
for the presence of the virus in plants that may carry the in the 1700s with Stephen Hale’s studies on the circula-
pathogens but show few or no symptoms. By grafting tion of plant sap. Grafting has been used successfully to
scions or buds on a plant suspected of carrying the study transmissible factors (98) in flowering (42), tuber
virus onto an indicator plant known to be highly sus- initiation, the control of branching (20), and promo-
ceptible, and which shows prominent symptoms, tion of cold-hardiness between induced and nonin-
detection is easily accomplished. This procedure is duced organs. The use of multiple graft combinations,
known as indexing (see Chapter 16). including reciprocal and autografting, has facilitated
In order to detect the presence of a latent virus in studies on promoters and inhibitors in adventitious
an asymptomatic carrier, it is not necessary to use com- rooting (57), root regeneration potential, and rejuvena-
binations that make a permanent, compatible graft tion of mature phase plant material (119).
union. For example, the ‘Shirofugen’ flowering cherry
(Prunus serrulata) is used to detect viruses in peach,
plum, almond, and apricot. Cherry does not make a NATURAL GRAFTING
compatible union with these species, but a temporary,
Occasionally, branches become naturally grafted
incompatible union is a sufficient bridge for virus trans-
together following a long period of being pressed
fer (see Fig. 16–30).
together without disturbance. In commercial orchards,
Thermotherapy Thermotherapy is a heat treatment limbs of fruit trees are sometimes deliberately “braced”
used to rid scion material of viruses (see Fig. 16–34). together and allowed to naturally graft, forming a
After the virus-free material is indexed, as indicated pre- stronger scaffold system to better support the fruit load
viously, or tested with serological techniques, it can be of the tree (see Fig. 12–34).
multiplied by traditional grafting/budding techniques. Natural grafting of roots is not as obvious but is
Micrografting under aseptic tissue culture conditions is more significant and widespread, particularly in
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 425

stands of forest species of pine, hemlock, oak, and graft interface or callus bridge, and vascular differen-
Douglas-fir (59, 97). Such root grafts are common tiation across the graft interface (106).
between roots of the same tree or between roots of The scion will not resume its growth successfully
trees of the same species. Grafts between roots of trees unless a vascular connection has been established so
of different species are rare. In the forest, living that it may obtain water and mineral nutrients.
stumps sometimes occur, kept alive because their Likewise, degeneration of the rootstock will occur if the
roots have become grafted to those of nearby intact, phloem in the graft union is disrupted from sending
living trees, allowing the exchange of nutrients, water, carbohydrates and other metabolites from the scion to
and metabolites (95, 97). the root system. In addition, the scion must have a ter-
The anatomy of natural grafting of aerial roots minal meristematic region—a bud—to resume shoot
has been studied (128). Natural root grafting also per- growth and, eventually, to supply photosynthate to the
mits transmission of fungi, viruses, and phytoplasmas root system.
from infected trees to their neighbors (128). This prob- Considering in more detail the steps involved in
lem can occur in orchard and nursery plantings of trees graft union formation (Figs. 11–6 and 11–14), the
and in urban shade tree sites where numerous root first one listed below is a preliminary step, but never-
grafts may result in the slow spread of pathogens theless, it is essential, and one over which the propaga-
throughout the planting. Natural root grafting is a tor has control.
potential source of error in virus-indexing procedures
where virus-free and virus-infected trees are grown in
close proximity (60). In addition, fungal pathogens
causing oak wilt and Dutch elm disease can be spread
by such natural root connections.

A number of detailed studies have been made of graft
union formation, with woody (9, 11, 35, 49, 133, 156,
168) and herbaceous plants (52, 91, 101, 105, 123,
152, 159, 164, 188). Just as de novo meristems are
necessary for adventi-
de novo meristems
tious bud and root
New meristematic
formation, a de novo-
areas initiated from
formed meristematic
parenchyma cells such
area (new vascular cam-
as the vascular cambium
bium) must develop
that must develop in
between the scion and
the callus bridge of a
rootstock if successful
grafted plant.
graft union formation is
to occur (188). The parts of the graft that are originally
prepared and placed in close contact do not themselves
move about or grow together. Rather, the union is
accomplished entirely by cells that develop after the
actual grafting operation has been made. The graft
union is initially formed by rapidly dividing callus cells,
originating from the scion and rootstock, which later
differentiate to form the vascular cambium (a lateral Figure 11–14
Graft union formation in grafted pea roots (91, 159). This
meristem) and the associated vascular system.
sequence of grafting events is common to topgrafting and
The development of a compatible graft is typi- root grafting in many other woody and herbaceous plant
cally comprised of three major events: adhesion of the species. What will vary is the time period in grafting events
rootstock and scion, proliferation of callus cells at the with different species.
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426 part three vegetative propagation

1. Lining Up Vascular Cambiums of the Rootstock 3. Callus Bridge Formation

and Scion Callus formation is a prerequisite for successful graft
The statement is often made that successful graft- union formation. New parenchymatous callus pro-
ing requires that the cambium layers of rootstock liferates in 1 to 7 days from both the rootstock and
and scion must “match.” Although desirable, it is scion (Figs. 11–6, 11–14, 11–15, and 11–16) (164,
unlikely that complete matching of the two cam- 168). The callus tissue continues to form by further
bium layers occurs since they are only one to sev- cell divisions of the outer layers of undamaged
eral cell layers thick. In fact, it is only necessary that parenchyma cells [in the cambial region, cortex, pith
the cambial regions be close enough together so (159)—or xylem ray parenchyma (9)] in the scion
that the parenchyma cells from both rootstock and and rootstock. The actual cambial tissue plays a
scion produced in this region can become inter- lesser role in callus formation of the wound perid-
locked. In a mismatched rootstock and scion, erm and callus bridge formation than originally sup-
where one partner has a greater diameter than the posed (146, 159). New parenchyma cells produced
other, lining up the periderm on at least one side of are adjacent and internal to the necrotic layer; soon
the rootstock and scion generally assures that their they intermingle and interlock, filling up the spaces
vascular cambia are close enough to interconnect between scion and stock (Fig. 11–17, page 428).
through the callus bridge (see Figs. 12–5 and In grafting scions on larger, established root-
13–6). The cambium is critical for maintaining stocks (e.g., topworking in the field), the rootstock
vascular connections in the callus bridge. produces most of the callus. However, when the
Two badly matched cambial layers may delay graft partners are of equal size, the scion forms much
the union or, if extremely mismatched, prevent the more callus than does the rootstock (35, 159, 164).
graft union from taking place, leading to graft failure This difference is explained by natural polarity, since
(152). With vanilla, which is a herbaceous, mono- the root-tip–facing end of the scion (proximal end)
cotyledonous plant, the cambium layer is not neces- forms more callus than the shoot-tip–facing (distal
sarily required for forming the graft union, since any end) (see Fig. 11–26, page 437) (24). In budding,
parenchyma cells capable of dividing will produce the sizes of the cut surfaces are so different that it is
callus tissue and lead to the formation of a union difficult to distinguish which grafting partner con-
between the rootstock and scion (111). However, a tributes the most callus (28).
continuous cambium layer in the graft union is nec- Adhesion between cells of the scion and root-
essary for successful graft union formation with stock is aided by “cement” or binding material,
woody perennial angiosperms and gymnosperms. which projects in a beadlike manner from the sur-
It is essential that the two original graft com- face of the callus cells of both grafting partners.
ponents be held together firmly by some means, A general fusion of the cell walls then follows (9, 72,
such as wrapping, tying, stapling, or nailing, or 159). The beadlike projections are a mix of pectins,
better yet, by wedging (as in the cleft graft, or carbohydrates, and proteins (96). The cells do not
machine-notched chip budding)—so that the parts need to divide to produce the cement, and the
will not move about and dislodge the interlocking cement can bond the graft partners, regardless of
parenchyma cells after proliferation has begun. the absence or presence of the necrotic layer (159).
2. Wounding Response It is not clear if a specific cell-to-cell recognition
A necrotic layer or isolation layer forms from the in grafting is required as part of adhesion and the
cell contents and cell walls of the cut scion and root- events that follow successful graft union formation.
stock cells. Cells are killed at the cutting of the scion The formation of
plasmodesmata Minute
and rootstock at least several cell layers deep. Much superimposed sieve
cytoplasmic threads that
of the necrotic layer material later disappears, or it areas and sieve plates
extend through openings
may remain in pockets between subsequently formed (in phloem sieve
in cell walls and connect
callus produced by actively dividing parenchyma elements), pits and
the protoplasts of
cells. Undifferentiated callus tissue is produced from perforation plates
adjacent living cells at
uninjured, rapidly dividing parenchyma cells (adja- (in xylem elements),
the graft interface.
cent and internal to the necrotic layer). The callus and the plasmod-
tissue initially forms a wound periderm. esmata (in vascular parenchyma) may require cellular
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 427


(b) (c) (d)

Figure 11–15
Early callus bridge formation in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis). (a) Scanning electron photos of a cross section of rootstock
wound surface at seven days with a cluster of callus cells (arrow) formed in the cortical region. (b) Scion wound surface at seven
days with callus cells (arrow) associated with the needle trace (nt) in the outer cortex. (c) Rootstock wound surface of a nine-
day-old graft with well-established callus originating from ray cells in the xylem (x) close to the cambium (arrow). (d) Scion
wound surface of a nine-day-old graft showing callus formation mainly in the cambium region. Callus is also produced from ray
cells in the xylem (arrow), and from phloem parenchyma cells. Courtesy of J. R. Barnett (9).

recognition or cellular communication (101). For

cell recognition, the pectin fragments during the
adhesion process may act as signaling molecules. Cell
recognition is discussed later in the section on graft
Un d e r n e a t h
the necrotic layer, dictyosomes A series of
parenchyma cells flattened plates or double
show an increase in lamellae that accumulate
cytoplasmic activ- along the graft interface—
ity with, in some one of the component
plants at least, a parts of the Golgi appara-
very pronounced tus. They secrete materials
accumulation of into the cell wall space
Figure 11–16
Callus production from incompletely differentiated xylem, dictyosomes along between the graft compo-
exposed by excision of a strip of bark. ¥120. Photo courtesy the graft interfaces nents via vesicle migration
K. Esau. (Fig. 11–18) (101, to the plasmalemma.
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428 part three vegetative propagation

Figure 11–18
Figure 11–17 Accumulation of dictyosomes along the cell walls adjacent to
Cross section of a Hibiscus wedge graft showing the the necrotic layer at six hours after grafting in the compatible
importance of callus development in the healing of a graft autograft in Sedum telephoides. ×17,500. Courtesy R. Moore and
union. Cambial activity in the callus has resulted in the D. B. Walker (101).
production of secondary tissues that have joined the vascular
tissues of the stock and scion ×10. Photo courtesy K. Esau.

4. Wound-Repair Xylem and Phloem:

105, 106). These dictyosomes appear to secrete Differentiation of Vascular Cambium Across the
materials into the cell wall space between the Callus Bridge
graft components via vesicle migration to the In both woody and herbaceous plants, the initial
plasmalemma, resulting in a rapid adhesion xylem and phloem are generally differentiated prior
between parenchymatous cells at the graft to the bridging of vascular cambium across the cal-
interface. lus bridge (Figs. 11–6 and 11–14) (35, 56, 159).


Some literature refers to a “wound healing response” (25), activity, which results in the initial formation of a wound
“wound healing process” (33), or “healing of the graft periderm between the necrotic layer and uninjured tissue—
union.” A wounded area of a plant is not healed per se by the wound periderm becomes suberized to further reduce
the replacement of injured tissues; rather, it is compartmen- pathogen entry (33). In grafting, the close physical contact
talized or walled-off from the rest of the plant as a defen- of scion and stock cells, and pressure exerted on the graft
sive mechanism to eliminate invasion of pathogens, and so union area from the scion and rootstock tied or wedged
on (139, 142, 150, 151). This is all part of the response or together prevents the necrotic layer from forming a barrier
reaction to wounding, which occurs in grafting, budding, or to graft union formation. Profuse callusing causes the
the propagation of a cutting. A necrotic plate or isolation majority of the necrotic layer to disappear (in most situa-
layer at the graft interface is first formed, which helps tions) (159, 164). Further meristematic activity occurs in
adhere the grafted tissues together, especially near the vas- graft union formation, culminating with the formation of a
cular bundles (164). Wound repair occurs by meristematic vascular cambium in the callus bridge area.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 429


In the callus bridge, parenchyma cells of the graft part- strands (80). In the de novo formation of plasmodesmata,
ners are interconnected by plasmodesmata (72, 104); development of continuous cell connections starts with
these cytoplasmic strands form continuous, symplastic the thinning and loosening of local wall regions, opening
cell connections, linking cell membranes that form a the chance of fusion of plasmalemma (cell or protoplast
potential pathway of communication among cells in the membrane) and endoplasmic reticulum between the
graft bridge. This pathway may be important in cell adjoining cells (80). Golgi vescicles bud off from individ-
recognition and compatibility/incompatibility response, ual dictyosomes and secrete cell wall material as part of
which is discussed later. Apoplastic connections occur this process (Fig. 11–19). Sieve elements in the connect-
during adhesion of the graft with cell walls of both graft ing phloem of the grafting partners are also intercon-
partners coming together and adhering by means of their nected, further demonstrating symplastic connections
extracellular pectin-containing beads. between the graft partners (100).
In a compatible graft, the wound response is followed Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) A membrane system
by dissolution of the necrotic layer, perhaps as a prerequi- that divides the cytoplasm into compartments and chan-
site to the formation of secondary plasmodesmata nels. Rough ER is densely coated with ribosomes, whereas
between cells of the graft partners (164). smooth ER has fewer ribosomes.
The secondary plasmodesmata are formed de novo
across the fused callus walls, particularly near cut vascular


Callus Bridge { Callus Cells




(2) (3) ER
Figure 11–19
Schematic diagram of secondary (de novo) formation
GV of plasmodesmata at the graft interface (callus bridge).
(1) Approaching callus cells of scion (sc) and rootstock
(rs). Pectic material (p) between adjoining callus cell
walls. Region between arrows: wall parts where
secondary plasmodesmata will be formed, as shown in
(4) (5) detail. Formation of continuous cell connections (2 to 7)
GV ER by plasmalemma and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) fusion
of adjoining cells (5, 6) within wall parts that have been
w thinned synchronously with both cell partners.
Elongation of the branched and single strands during
w rebuilding the modified wall parts (6, 7). W = cell wall,
GV = golgi vesicles, *new deposited wall material.
(6) (7) ER Redrawn from Kollman and Glockmann (80).
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430 part three vegetative propagation

The wound-repair wound-repair xylem wound cambium differentiates prior to the bridg-
xylem (wound-type (Wound-type vascular ing of vascular tissue, and in autografts of Sedum
vascular elements) elements) generally the (Crassulaceae) where procambial differentiation
is generally the first first differentiated tissue occurs before vascular differentiation (101). With
differentiated tissue to bridge the graft budding, the scion is considerably smaller and nor-
to bridge the graft union, followed by mally limited to one bud and a short shoot piece;
union, followed by wound-repair phloem. hence, any early vascular differentiation from callus
wound-repair cells is probably limited by lower phytohormone
phloem (Fig. 11–20). Initial xylem tracheary ele- levels. The vascular cambium can form independ-
ments and, frequently, initial phloem sieve tubes ent of any xylem or phloem (28), or the cambium
form directly by differentiation of callus into these may differentiate between the wound-bridging
vascular elements. A vascular cambium layer subse- xylem and phloem (159). It is important that the
quently forms between the vascular systems of the vascular cambium unite so that the continuity of
scion and rootstock. wound-bridging xylem and phloem can be main-
Exceptions to this developmental sequence are tained, and so that secondary vascular development
in bud graftage in citrus, apple, and rose where a occurs for successful graft union formation.



Figure 11–20
Vascular connections between melon and Cucurbita rootstock. (a) Early
vascular strands in callus bridge area which are from wound-repair xylem
and wound-repair phloem. (b) Vascular connections after 14 days.
(c) Schematic of vascular connections (dotted red lines between scion
(c) and rootstock. Courtesy M. Edelstein.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 431


The first vascular tissues produced in the callus bridge are Induction of vascular tissues in callus is under the con-
wound-repair xylem and phloem. The new wound-repair trol of phytohormones (principally auxins) and other
xylem tissue originates from the activities of the scion tis- metabolites originating from growing points of shoots
sues, rather than from that of the rootstock (147, 187). The (166). Auxins (IAA or NAA) will cause the induction of
amount of initial graft-bridging xylem is strongly influ- wound-repair xylem, while auxins and carbohydrates can
enced by the presence of leaves and branches on the induce wound-repair phloem in callus tissue (3, 115).
scion, and not by the presence of the rootstock (159). The Auxin can also induce cambial formation when applied to
scion buds are effective in inducing differentiation of vas- wounded vascular bundles of cactus rootstock (152). For
cular elements in the tissues onto which they are grafted. successful graft union formation of in vitro grafted intern-
Such bud influence has been shown by inserting a scion odes, auxin is an absolute requirement, cytokinin stimu-
bud into a root piece of Cichorium rootstock. Under the lates graft development, but gibberellic acid is inhibitory
influence of auxin produced by the bud, the old (118). Auxins enhance grafting success in root-grafting
parenchyma cells differentiate into groups of conducting pecan trees (186). In cactus grafts, auxin can also promote
xylem elements (59). vascular connections (Fig. 11–21) (152).

Figure 11–21
Schematic of tip grafting of cactus. Top: In Method I,
the vascular bundles of the scion and rootstock were
placed together, or 1 mm (Method II) or 3 mm
(Method III) apart. Bottom: Auxin in lanolin paste
promoted vascular connections between misaligned
graft partners and increased the diameter of the
connecting vascular bundle. Redrawn from Shimomura and
Fuzihara (152).

At the edges of the newly formed callus mass, bridge, until a continuous cambial connection
parenchyma cells touching the cambial cells of the forms between rootstock and scion.
rootstock and scion differentiate into new cam- 5. Production of Secondary Xylem and Phloem
bium cells within 2 to 3 weeks after grafting. This from the New Vascular Cambium in the Callus
cambial formation in the callus mass proceeds far- Bridge
ther and farther inward from the original rootstock The newly formed cambial layer in the callus
and scion cambium, and on through the callus bridge begins typical cambial activity, laying down
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432 part three vegetative propagation

new secondary xylem toward the inside and cambial zone remains attached to the inside of the
phloem toward the outside. bark flaps. Very shortly after the bud shield is
In the formation of new vascular tissues fol- inserted, a necrotic plate or layer of material develops
lowing cambial continuity, the type of cells formed from the cut cells. Next, after about two days, callus
by the cambium is influenced by the cells of the parenchyma cells start developing from the rootstock
graft partners adjacent to the cambium. For exam- xylem rays and break through the necrotic plate.
ple, xylem ray cells are formed where the cambium Some callus parenchyma from the bud scion ruptures
is in contact with xylem rays of the rootstock, and through the necrotic area in a similar manner. As
xylem elements where they are in contact with additional callus is produced, it surrounds the bud
xylem elements (122). shield and holds it in place. The callus originates
Production of new xylem and phloem thus almost entirely from the rootstock tissue, mainly
permits the vascular connection between the scion from the exposed surface of the xylem cylinder. Very
and the rootstock. It is essential that this stage be little callus is produced from the sides of the bud
completed before much new leaf development shield (scion).
arises from buds on the scion. Otherwise, the Cell proliferation continues rapidly for 2 to
enlarging leaf surfaces on the scion shoots will have 3 weeks until all internal air pockets are filled with
little or no water to offset that which is lost by callus. Following this, a continuous cambium is estab-
transpiration, and the scion quickly will become lished between the bud and the rootstock. The callus
desiccated and die. It is possible, however, even then begins to lignify, and isolated xylem tracheary
though vascular connections fail to occur, that elements appear. Lignification of the callus is com-
enough translocation can take place through the pleted between 5 to 12 weeks after budding (108,
parenchyma cells of the callus to permit survival of 172). The developmental stages and time intervals for
the scion. In grafts of vanilla orchid, a monocot, graft union formation in T-budded citrus are listed in
scions survived and grew for 2 years with only Box 11.4.
union of parenchyma cells; however, the grafted
plants did not survive when subjected to transpira- More Rapid Union Development
tional stress (111). in Chip Budding
Anatomical studies (155) have been made comparing
graft union formation in T- and chip budding. Early
GRAFT UNION FORMATION union formation between ‘Lord Lambourne’ apple
scion and ‘Malling 26’ dwarfing rootstock showed a
IN T- AND CHIP BUDDING more rapid and complete union of xylem and cambial
bark (In grafting) In T-budding, the bud tissues of the scion and rootstock after chip budding
composed of tissues piece usually consists of compared to T-budding. This is probably due to a
from the periderm, the “bark” (periderm, much closer matching of the scion tissue to the root-
cortex, phloem, and cortex, phloem, cambium), stock stem (Fig. 11–22). Also in T-budding, the cam-
vascular cambium. and often some “wood” bium of the rootstock is lifted in the flap of “bark,” so
wood (In grafting) (xylem tissue). Attached considerable callus in-filling and development of new
composed of externally to this is a cambium must occur. There is more flexibility in chip
secondary xylem with lateral bud subtended, budding, which can be done over longer periods on
some pith (in younger perhaps, by a leaf petiole. either an active or dormant rootstock, than T-budding,
woody plants). In budding, this piece of which requires an active rootstock. In part this advan-
tissue is laid against the tage to chip budding is due to less callus filling being
exposed xylem and cam- needed, and because there is no requirement for an
bium of the rootstock, as shown diagrammatically in active cambium to lift the flap of rootstock bark, as
Figure 11–22. there is with T-budding.
Detailed studies of the grafting process in T-budding The previously mentioned advantages of chip
have been made for the rose (28), citrus (93, 94), and budding compared with T-budding have also been
apple (108). demonstrated with ‘Crimson King’ maple on Acer pla-
In the apple, when the flaps of bark on either tanoides rootstock, ‘Conference’ pear on ‘Quince A’
side of the “T” incision on the rootstock are raised, rootstock, and ‘Rubra’ linden on Tilia platyphyllos
separation occurs from the young xylem. The entire rootstock.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 433

Figure 11–22
(a) Tissues involved in healing of an
inserted T-bud as prepared with the
“wood” (xylem) attached to the scion
bud piece. Graft union formation occurs
when callus cells developing from
the young xylem of the rootstock
intermingle with callus cells forming
from exposed cambium and young
xylem of the T-bud piece. As the bark is
lifted on the rootstock for insertion of
the bud piece it detaches by separation
of the youngest xylem and cambial cells.
(b) A cross section of a chip bud (CB),
T-bud (TB), and rootstock (RS). Because
the chip bud substitutes exactly for the
part of the rootstock that is removed,
the cambium of the roots and scion are
placed close together, resulting in a
rapid and strong union. When a T-bud
(right) is slipped under the “bark,” the
cambium of the rootstock and scion are
not adjacent, and the initial union
formation can be weak and slow. Redrawn
(b) from B. H. Howard (68).



Stage of development Approximate time after budding

• First cell division 24 hours

• First callus bridge 5 days
• Differentiation of cambium
a. In the callus of the bark flaps (rootstock) 10 days
b. In the callus of the shield bud (scion) 15 days
• First occurrence of xylem tracheids
a. In the callus of the bark flaps 15 days
b. In the callus of the shield 20 days
• Lignification of the callus completed
a. In the bark flaps 25 to 30 days
b. Under the shield 30 to 45 days

FACTORS INFLUENCING GRAFT influence the healing of graft unions. Factors that influ-
ence graft union success include:
As anyone experienced in grafting or budding knows, • Incompatibility
the results are often inconsistent. An excellent percent- • Plant species and type of graft
age of “takes” occur in some operations, but in others • Environmental conditions during and following
the results are disappointing. A number of factors can grafting
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434 part three vegetative propagation

• Growth activity of the rootstock

• Polarity
• The craftsmanship of grafting
• Virus contamination, insects, and diseases
• Plant growth regulators and graft union formation
• Post-graftage—bud-forcing bethods

One of the symptoms of incompatibility in grafts
between distantly related plants is a complete lack, or a Figure 11–23
very low percentage, of successful unions. Incompatibility Some species form profuse callusing
is discussed in greater detail starting on page 441. Grafts (arrow), which helps increase graft union
between some plants known to be incompatible, initially success. Pear is easily grafted by a whip-
will make a satisfactory union, even though the combina- and-tongue graft.
tion eventually fails.
grafting certain stone fruits, such as peaches and apri-
Plant Species and Type of Graft cots, requires more care and attention to detail.
Some plants—including hickories, oaks, and beeches— Strangely enough, grafting peaches to some other com-
are much more difficult to graft than others even when patible species, such as plums or almonds, is more suc-
no incompatibility is involved. Nevertheless, such cessful than reworking them back to peaches. One
plants, once successfully grafted, grow very well with a method of grafting may give better results than another,
perfect graft union. In grafting apples, grapes, and pears or budding may be more successful than grafting, or
(Figs. 11–23 and 11–24), even the simplest techniques vice versa. For example, gymnosperms are grafted,
usually give a good percentage of successful unions, but whereas many angiosperm cultivars tend to be budded,


(c) (d)
Figure 11–24
A high take occurs when grapes are saddle grafted, but the same graft is unsuccessful with roses, which did
not form sufficient callus. (a) Heitz saddle graft bench graft tool. (b) Unsuccessful saddle graft with rose.
(b) (c and d) Successful saddle-grafted grape with profuse callusing in the callus bridge area.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 435

rather than grafted (19). In topworking native black

walnut ( Juglans regia) to the Persian walnut ( Juglans
hindsii) in California, the bark graft method is more
successful than the cleft graft. In nursery propagation of
pecans, patch budding in Texas is preferred to the whip
graft, which does better in climates with higher humid-
ity, such as Mississippi.
Some species, such as mango (Mangifera indica)
and camellia (Camellia reticulata) are so difficult to
propagate by the usual grafting and budding methods
that they are approach grafted (see Fig. 12–27, page
437). Both graft partners are maintained for a time
after grafting onto their own roots as containerized
plants. This variation among plant species and cultivars
Figure 11–25
in their grafting ability is probably related to their abil- Influence of temperature on the callusing of walnut (Juglans)
ity to produce callus parenchyma, and differentiate a grafts. Callus formation is essential for the healing of the graft
vascular system across the callus bridge. union. Maintaining an optimum temperature following grafting
The genetic limits of grafting are discussed on is very important for successful healing of walnut grafts. Adapted
from data of Sitton (154).
page 439.

Environmental Conditions During (85°F) or higher results in profuse formation of a soft

and Following Grafting type of callus tissue that is easily injured during trans-
Certain environmental requirements must be met for planting operations. At 20°C, callus formation is slow,
callus tissue to develop. and below 15°C (60°F) it almost ceases. Mango
(Mangifera indica) is a tropical evergreen species that can
Temperature Compared to field grafting and bud-
be grafted year-round, provided the temperature is suit-
ding, temperature levels for greenhouse containerized
able for callusing. Optimum grafting temperature for
rootstock and bench grafting can be readily con-
mango is comparable to temperate-zone grape cultivars
trolled, thereby permit-
bench grafting (24 to 28°C) (4). However, callusing of mango is some-
ting greater reliability
A grafting procedure what more tolerant to high temperature than grapes [i.e.,
of results and more
that is done on a bench at 38°C (100°F) unions formed within 20 days, even
flexibility of scheduling
in a protected though further high temperature exposure caused tissue
grafting and budding
environment with bare- injury and death of callus cells]. Conversely, mangoes are
over a longer period of
root or containerized less tolerant of low temperatures—grafts failed to
time. Temperature has a
rootstock. develop at 20°C or lower (4).
pronounced effect on
Outdoor grafting operations should thus take
the production of callus tissue (Fig. 11–25). In apple
place at a time of year when favorable temperatures are
grafts, little, if any, callus is formed below 0°C (32°F)
expected and the vascular cambium is in an active state.
or above about 40°C (104°F). At 32°C (90°F) and
These conditions generally occur during the spring
higher, callus production is retarded and cell injury
months. Delay of outdoor grafting operations per-
increases with higher temperatures. Cell death occurs
formed late in the spring (e.g., in the southern United
around 40°C (104°F). In bench grafting, callusing may
States where excessively high temperatures may occur)
be allowed to proceed slowly for several months by
often results in failure. For top-grafting walnut in
storing the grafts at relatively low temperatures, 7 to
California during high temperature conditions, white-
10°C (45 to 50°F), or, if rapid callusing is desired, they
washing the area of the completed graft union pro-
may be kept at higher temperatures for a shorter time.
moted healing of the union. The whitewash reflected
Maintaining too high a temperature in order to induce
the radiant energy of the sun, which lowered the bark
rapid callus development of bench-grafted plants can
temperature to a more optimal level.
deplete needed carbohydrate reserves, which limits
field survival (see Fig. 10–3) (38). Moisture and Plant Water Relations The cambium
Following bench grafting of grapes, a temperature of the graft partners and parenchyma cells comprising
of 24 to 27°C (75 to 80°F) is about optimal; 29°C the important callus tissue are thin-walled and tender,
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436 part three vegetative propagation

with no provision for resisting desiccation. If exposed Initiation of cambial activity in the spring results
to drying air they will be killed. This was found to be from the onset of bud activity, because shortly after the
the case in studies of the effect of humidity on the heal- buds start growth, cambial activity can be detected
ing of apple grafts. Air moisture levels below the satura- beneath each developing bud, with a wave of cambial
tion point inhibited callus formation; desiccation of activity progressing down the stems and trunk. This
cells increased as the humidity dropped. In vitro studies stimulus is due, in part, to production of auxin originat-
(43) of stem pieces of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) have ing in the expanding buds (175). Callus proliferation—
shown that callus production on the cut surfaces was essential for a successful graft union—occurs most read-
markedly reduced as the water potential decreased. ily at the time of year just before and during “bud-break”
Water is one of the driving forces for cell enlarge- in the spring, because auxin gradients diminish through
ment and is necessary for callus bridge formation the summer and into fall. Increasing callus proliferation
between the stock and scion. Water must be utilized takes place again in late winter, but this is not dependent
initially from scion tissue, and if below a certain water upon the breaking of bud dormancy.
potential, insufficient water is available for callus for- When T-budding seedlings in the nursery in late
mation. Failed grafts of well-hydrated Sitka spruce summer, it is important that they have an ample supply
rootstocks produced no callus at the graft union, sug- of soil moisture just before and during the budding oper-
gesting that callus formation at the cut surface is con- ation. If they should lack water during this period, active
trolled or dependent on the formation of callus from growth is checked, cell division in the cambium stops,
the scion (10). Until vascular connections are formed and it becomes difficult to lift the bark flaps to insert the
between the rootstock and scion, the callus bridge pro- bud. At certain periods of high growth activity in the
vides the initial pathway for water, bypassing damaged spring, plants exhibiting strong root pressure (such as
xylem vessels and tracheids of the scion and rootstock. the walnut, maple, and grape) show excessive sap flow or
Within the first 3 to 4 days of callus bridge formation, “bleeding” when cuts bleeding A process in
there is a recovery of scion water potential (10); with are made preparatory to which a plant has strong
maturation of the connecting tracheids, water potential budding and grafting. root pressure that
and osmotic potential continue to increase (15, 16). Grafts made with such causes excess sap flow
Photosynthesis declines and does not increase until moisture exudation that can reduce grafting
xylem connections become reestablished (18). around the union will success.
Unless the adjoining cut tissues of a completed not heal properly. Such
graft union are kept at a very high humidity level, the “bleeding” at the graft union can be overcome by mak-
chances of successful healing are poor. With most ing slanting knife cuts below the graft around the tree.
plants, thorough waxing of the graft union or sealing of Cuts should be made through the bark and into the
the graft union with polyethylene grafting tape, xylem to permit such exudation to take place below the
Parafilm, or Buddy Tape (Aglis & Co. Ltd.) helps retain graft union. Containerized rootstock plants of Fagus,
the natural moisture of the tissues, which is all that is Betula, or Acer are relocated to a cool place with reduced
necessary. Often root grafts are not waxed but stored in watering until the “bleeding” stops. Then plants are
a moist (not overly wet) packing material during the grafted after the excessive root pressure subsides.
callusing period. Slightly damp peat moss or wood On the other hand, dormant containerized root-
shavings are good media for callusing, providing ade- stocks of junipers or rhododendrons, when first brought
quate moisture and aeration. into a warm greenhouse in winter for grafting, should
be held for several weeks at 15 to 18°C (60 to 65°F)
Growth Activity of the Rootstock until new roots begin to form. Then the rootstocks are
Some propagation methods, such as T-budding and bark physiologically active enough to be successfully grafted.
grafting, depend on the bark “slipping,” which means When the rootstock is physiologically overactive
that the vascular cambium is actively dividing, producing (excessive root pressure and “bleeding”), or underactive
young thin-walled cells on each side of the cambium. (no root growth),
These newly formed cells separate easily from one some form of side graft top-grafting A form of
another, so the bark “slips” (Fig. 11–22). Chip budding can be used, in which grafting in which the shoot
can be done on a dormant or active rootstock. Hence, the rootstock top is of the rootstock is com-
there is much more flexibility in scheduling chip bud- initially retained. On pletely removed at the time
ding, because there is no requirement for an active cam- the other hand, top- the graft is made (e.g.,
bium to lift the flap of rootstock bark, as with T-budding. grafting, in which in-lay bark graft of pecan).
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 437

Figure 11–26
Polarity in grafting. In topgrafting, the proximal end of the scion is
attached to the distal end of the rootstock. In root grafting,
however, the proximal end of the scion is joined to the proximal
end of the rootstock.

the top of the rootstock is completely removed at the In nurse-root grafting, the graft union is purposely set well
time the graft is made, is likely to be successful in plants below the ground level, and the scion itself produces
in which the rootstock is neither overactive nor underac- adventitious roots, which ultimately become the entire
tive (44). root system of the plant. See Figure 12–26, page 487 for
greater detail of nurse-root grafting systems.
Polarity in Grafting In T-budding or patch budding, the rule for
observance of correct polarity is not as exacting. The
Distal and Proximal Ends Correct polarity is strictly
buds (scion) can be inserted with reversed polarity and
observed in commercial grafting operations. As a gen-
eral rule, (and as shown in Fig. 11–26), in top-grafting,
the proximal end of the scion should be inserted into
the distal end of the rootstock. But in normal root graft-
ing, the proximal end of the scion should be inserted
into the proximal end of the rootstock.
Should a scion be inserted with reversed polar-
ity “upside-down,” it is possible for the two graft
unions to be successful and the scion to stay alive for
a time (Fig. 11–27). But in bridge grafting, the
reversed scion does not increase from its original size,
whereas the scion with correct polarity enlarges nor-
mally (Fig. 11–28).
Nurse-Root Grafting Nurse-root grafting is a
temporary graft system to allow a difficult-to-root plant
to form its own adventitious roots. The rootstock may be
turned upside-down, its polarity reversed, and then
grafted to the desired scion. A temporary union will form,
Figure 11–27
and the rootstock will supply water and mineral nutrients Inverse graft of grape with graft union forming between the
to the scion, but the scion is unable to supply necessary distal end of the scion to the distal end of the rootstock.
organic materials to the rootstock, which eventually dies. Notice that the shoot reorients itself via gravitational response.


The proximal end of either the shoot or the root is that Proximal end The end closest to the crown of the
which is nearest the stem-root junction (crown) of the plant, whereas the distal end is farthest away from the
plant. The distal end of either the shoot or the root is that crown.
which is farthest from the stem-root junction of the plant Crown The junction of the root and shoot system of
and nearest the tip of the shoot or root. a plant.
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438 part three vegetative propagation

translocation and water conduction. However, it is still

desirable to maintain polarity when budding.

The Craftsmanship of Grafting

The art and craftsmanship in grafting and budding is
critical for successful grafting. This is particularly true
with difficult-to-graft species, such as conifers (e.g.,
Picea pungens), which callus poorly, making alignment
of the cambial layers of the rootstock and scion critical.
Conversely, the grafting technique is less critical in
grape or pear grafts, which callus profusely and have
high grafting success (Figs. 11–23 and 11–24).
Sometimes the techniques used in grafting are so
poor that only a small portion of the cambial regions of
the rootstock and scion are properly aligned. Graft union
formation may be initiated and growth from the scion
may start; however, after a sizable leaf area develops, and if
high temperatures and high transpiration occurs, water
movement through the limited conducting area is insuffi-
cient, and the scion subsequently dies. Other errors in
technique resulting in graft failure include insufficient or
Figure 11–28 delayed waxing, uneven cuts, use of desiccated scions, and
Bridge graft on a pear tree five months after grafting. Center
scion was inserted with reversed polarity. Although the scion
girdling that occurs when polyethylene wrapping tape is
is alive it has not increased from its original size. The two not removed expeditiously after graft “take” occurs.
scions on either side were inserted with normal polarity and
have grown rapidly. Virus Contamination, Insects,
and Diseases
still make permanently successful unions. As shown in Some delayed incompatibilities are caused by viruses
Figure 11–29, inverted T-buds start growing down- and phytoplasma (mycoplasma-like organisms). The
ward, then the shoots curve and grow upward. In the cherry leaf roll virus causes blackline in walnut when it
inverted bud piece, the cambium is capable of contin- is initially spread by virus-infected pollen of the symp-
ued functioning and growth. There is a twisting config- tomless English walnut ( Juglans regia). The virus then
uration in the xylem, phloem, and fibers formed from travels down the scions of J. regia into the susceptible
cambial activity that apparently allows for normal rootstocks—California black walnut ( J. hindsii) or
Paradox walnut ( J. hindsii × J. regia ). The black walnut
rootstock (used for resistance to Phytophthora root-rot in
the soil) has a hypersensitive reaction and puts down a
chemical barrier to wall-off the virus, which causes the
graft to fail, and a characteristic black line forms at the
graft union. Apple union necrosis and decline (AUND)
(37) and brownline of prune (99) is caused by the tomato
ring-spot virus that is transmitted by soil-borne nema-
todes to the rootstock and then to the graft union. Graft
unions appear to be normal until the virus has moved,
either from the rootstock or the fruiting branches to the
graft union. Because of tissue sensitivity and death of the
scion cells (in prunes and apples) or rootstock cells (in
walnut), the graft union deteriorates and graft failure
Figure 11–29
occurs. Virus and phytoplasma-induced delayed incom-
Two-year-old ‘Stayman Winesap’ apple budded on
‘McIntosh’ seedling by inverted T-bud (reversing the scion patibility is probably more common than expected (142).
bud polarity). Note the development of stronger, wide-angle Using virus-infected propagating materials in
crotches. Courtesy Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, MA. nurseries can reduce bud “take,” as well as the vigor of
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 439

the resulting plant (121). In stone fruit propagation, halfway through the rootstock shoot above the bud union
bud-wood, free of ring-spot virus, has consistently and breaking the shoot over the rootstock stem), girdling,
greater “takes” than infected bud-wood. or totally removing the rootstock above the scion bud
Top-grafting olives in California is seriously hin- union, apical dominance is broken and the scion bud rap-
dered in some years by attacks of the American plum idly elongates (Fig. 11–30) (50).
borer (Euzophera semifuneralis), which feeds on the soft With budded citrus, plants on which rootstock
callus tissue around the graft union, resulting in the shoots remained attached (lopping, or bending the
death of the scion. In England, nurseries are often rootstock shoot to its base and tying it in position)
plagued with the red bud borer (Thomasiniana had the greatest gains in scion growth. This was due
oculiperda), which feeds on the callus beneath the bud- to the greater transfer of photosynthate from the root-
shield in newly inserted T-buds, causing them to die. stock leaves to scion shoots during growth flushes,
and to roots during periods between growth flushes
Plant Growth Regulators and Graft (181, 182).
Union Formation
Plant growth regulators, particularly auxin, applied to
tree wounds or to graft unions give variable results in GENETIC LIMITS OF GRAFTING
wounding response and graft union formation (93, 118,
Since one of the requirements for a successful graft
152). Auxin (IBA, NAA) and cytokinin (BA) enhance
union is the close matching of the callus-producing
graft success when applied to the base of side-grafted
tissues near the cambium layers, grafting is generally
Picea scions, while the plant growth retardant, dikegulac,
confined to the dicotyledons in the angiosperms, and
stimulated scion growth by retarding rootstock develop-
to gymnosperms. Both have a vascular cambium layer
ment (17). Cytokinins enhance patch budding of
existing as a continuous tissue between the xylem and
Persian walnut. The eloquent work of Shimomura (152)
the phloem. Grafting is more difficult, with a low per-
in tip grafting of cactus demonstrated how auxins
centage of “takes” in monocotyledonous plants.
enhanced vascular connections of deliberately mis-
Monocots have vascular bundles scattered throughout
aligned scions (Fig. 11–21). TIBA, a well-known
the stem, rather than the continuous vascular cam-
inhibitor of basipetal transport of auxin, inhibited vascu-
bium of dicots. However, there are cases of successful
lar connections in the graft union; however, by subse-
graft unions between monocots. By making use of the
quent reapplication of auxin, the inhibitory effect of
meristematic properties found in the intercalary tis-
TIBA was eliminated and vascular connections occurred.
sues (located at the base of internodes), successful
However, unlike auxin usage in cutting propaga-
grafts have been obtained with various grass species as
tion, no plant growth regulators are routinely used in
well as the large tropical monocotyledonous vanilla
commercial grafting and budding systems. In general,
orchid (111).
plant growth regulators do not uniformly enhance
Before a grafting operation is started, it should be
grafting, nor do they overcome graft incompatibility.
determined that the plants to be combined are capable
of uniting and producing a permanently successful
Post-Graftage—Bud-Forcing Methods union. There is no definite rule that can exactly predict
After graft union formation has occurred in grafting or the ultimate outcome of a particular graft combination
budding, it is often necessary to force out the scion or the except that the more closely the plants are related
scion bud. In field budding of roses, 2 to 3 axillary buds botanically, the better the chances are for the graft
of the rootstock remain distal to the scion bud. The union to be successful (71). However, there are numer-
axillary buds of the rootstock, which develop into photo- ous exceptions to this rule.
synthesizing branches,
crippling The bending are initially important
(restriction) or cutting for the growth of the Grafting Within a Clone
halfway through the composite plant. But A scion can be grafted back onto the plant from which
rootstock stem above they can inhibit growth it came, and a scion from a plant of a given clone can
the bud union to helps of the scion through be grafted onto any other plant of the same clone. For
force out the bud and apical dominance, which example, a scion taken from an ‘Elberta’ peach tree
maintain growth of the is an auxin response. could be grafted successfully to any other ‘Elberta’
grafted plant. By “crippling” (cutting peach tree in the world.
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440 part three vegetative propagation


(c) (d)

Figure 11–30
Forcing or “crippling” of (a and b) T-budded apples; (c and d) Chip budded roses. The rootstock is partially severed on the same
side (arrows) that the rootstock was budded. This breaks the apical dominance of the rootstock shoot system on the scion, and
helps force out the scion bud. By not totally severing the rootstock top, growth of the composite plant is maximized, since the
shock of total severance to the composite plant is avoided, and photosynthate is still produced by the rootstock (182). The
rootstock shoot system will be totally severed later, and the scion will fully develop into the shoot system of the composite plant.

Grafting Between Clones persica). But on the other hand, almond and apricot,
Within a Species both in the same genus, cannot be intergrafted success-
In tree fruit and nut crops, different clones within a fully. The ‘Beauty’ cultivar of Japanese plum (Prunus
species can almost always be grafted without difficulty salicina) makes a good union when grafted on almond,
and produce satisfactory trees. However, in some but another cultivar of P. salicina, ‘Santa Rosa,’ cannot
conifer species, notably Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men- be successfully grafted on almond. Thus, compatibility
ziesii), incompatibility problems have arisen in grafting between species in the same genus depends on the par-
together individuals of the same species, such as ticular genotype combination of rootstock and scion.
selected P. menziesii clones onto P. menziesii seedling Reciprocal interspecies grafts are not always
rootstock (36). Incompatibility is also a problem in successful. For instance, ‘Marianna’ plum (Prunus
grafting clones of deciduous species, such as red maple cerasifera × P. munsoniana) on peach (Prunus persica)
(Acer rubra), Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), roots makes an excellent graft combination, but the
and red oak (Quercus rubra). reverse—grafts of the peach on ‘Marianna’ plum roots—
either soon die or fail to develop normally (2, 90).
Grafting Between Species
Within a Genus Grafting Between Genera
For plants in different species but in the same genus, Within a Family
grafting is successful in some cases but unsuccessful in When the plants to be grafted together are in the same
others. Grafting between most species in the genus family but in different genera, the chances of a success-
Citrus, for example, is successful and widely used com- ful union become more remote. Cases can be found in
mercially. Almond (Prunus amygdalus), apricot (Prunus which such grafts are successful and used commercially,
armeniaca), European plum (Prunus domestica), and but in most instances such combinations are failures.
Japanese plum (Prunus salicina)—all different species— Intergeneric grafts are rarely used in conifers. However,
are grafted commercially on rootstock of peach (Prunus high success rates occur between Nootka cypress
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 441

(Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) grafted on Chinese GRAFT INCOMPATIBILITY

arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis) rootstock (71).
Trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) is used com- The ability of two different plants, grafted together,
mercially as a dwarfing rootstock for the orange (Citrus to produce a successful union and to develop satis-
sinensis), which is a different genus. The quince factorily into one
graft compatibility
(Cydonia oblonga) has long been used as a dwarfing composite plant is
The ability of two
rootstock for certain pear (Pyrus communis and P. pyri- termed graft compat-
different plants, grafted
folia) cultivars. The reverse combination, quince on ibility (142). Graft
together, to produce a
pear, though, is unsuccessful. The evergreen loquat failure can be caused
successful union and to
(Eriobotrya japonica) can be grafted on deciduous and by anatomical mis-
develop satisfactorily into
dwarfing quince rootstock (Cydonia oblonga). See matching, poor crafts-
one composite or
Westwood (179) for other examples of graft compati- manship, adverse
compound plant.
bility between related pome genera. environmental con-
ditions, disease, and graft failure An unsuc-
Intergeneric grafts in the nightshade family, cessful graft caused by
Solanaceae, are quite common. Tomato (Lycopersicon graft incompatibility.
Graft incompatibil- anatomical mismatching,
esculentum) can be grafted successfully on Jimson weed poor craftsmanship,
(Datura stramonium), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), ity occurs because
of (a) adverse phys- adverse environmental
potato (Solanum tuberosum), and black nightshade conditions, disease, or
(Solanum nigrum). iological responses
between the grafting graft incompatibility.

Grafting Between Families partners, (b) virus or graft incompatibility

phytoplasma trans- An interruption in cambial
Successful grafting between plants of different botanical
mission, and (c) and vascular continuity
families is usually considered to be impossible, but there
anatomical abnor- leading to a smooth break
are reported instances in which it has been accomplished.
malities of vascular at the point of the graft
These are with short-lived, herbaceous plants, though, for
tissue in the callus union, causing graft
which the time involved is relatively brief. Grafts, with
bridge (Figs. 11–31 failure. It is caused by
vascular connections between the scion and rootstock,
and 11–32). adverse physiological
were successfully made (114) using white sweet clover,
Graft incombal- responses between the
Metilotus alba (Leguminosae) as the scion, and sunflower,
ity is an interruption grafting partners, disease,
Helianthus annuus (Compositae) as the rootstock. Cleft
in cambial and vascu- or anatomical
grafting was used, with the scion inserted into the pith
lar continuity leading abnormalities.
parenchyma of the stock. The scions continued growth
with normal vigor for more than 5 months. To date, there to a smooth break at
are no reported instances in which woody perennial the point of the graft union. Normal vaccular tissue
plants belonging to different families have been success- does not develop in the graft union (Figs. 11–31
fully and permanently grafted together. and 11–32). Consequently, the gap formed is filled



(a) (b)
Figure 11–31
Graft incompatibility in ‘Jonagold’ apple scions budded to dwarfing ‘Mark’ rootstock. (a) Unstained section, with callus tissue
between the rootstock and scion. (b) Section stained with toluidine blue O. The xylem (x) in the graft union is interrupted by
parenchyma tissue (arrows) which limits water flow and survival of the scion. Courtesy of M. R. Warmund (176).
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442 part three vegetative propagation

(a) (b)
Figure 11–34
Figure 11–32 Graft incompatibility occurring some 15-plus years after the
(a) Compatible apple chip bud with vascular continuity indicated Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) was grafted.
by red dye, azosulfonate. (b) Unsuccessful chip bud with vascular
discontinuity, as indicated by no visible dye. Courtesy M. R. Warmund.

in by proliferating ray tissue that does not lignify with apparent success (Figs. 11–33 and 11–34) (35)
normally (109). but gradually develop distress symptoms with time,
Incompatiblity can occur within a period of days due either to failure at the union or to the develop-
or years (Figs. 11–33 and 11–34). Delayed incompatibil- ment of abnormal growth patterns . Incompatibility of
ity can take as long as 20 years to occur with confiers and citrus and Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) may occur 15
oaks. Some apricot cultivars grafted onto myrobalan or more years after grafting (Fig. 11–34). Nelson (113)
plum rootstick will not break at the graft union until the has developed an extensive survey of incompatibility
trees are fully grown and bearing crops (46). in horticultural plants which should be consulted
The distinction between a compatible and an before attempting graft combinations between species
incompatible graft union is not always clear-cut. whose graft reactions are unknown to the grafter.
Incompatible rootstock-scion combinations can com- Other summaries of graft compatibility have been
pletely fail to unite. Frequently they unite initially published (2).

External Symptoms of Incompatibility

Graft union malformations resulting from incompati-
bility can usually be correlated with certain external
symptoms. The following symptoms have been associ-
ated with incompatible graft combinations:
• Failure to form a successful graft or bud union in a
high percentage of cases.
• Yellowing foliage in the latter part of the growing
season, followed by early defoliation. Decline in veg-
etative growth, appearance of shoot die-back, and
general ill health of the tree, including drought stress
(Fig. 11–35).
• Premature death of the trees, which may live for only
a year or two in the nursery.
(a) (b)
• Marked differences in growth rate or vigor of scion
Figure 11–33 and rootstock.
Breakage at the graft union resulting from incompatibility. • Differences between scion and rootstock in the time at
(a) One-year-old nursery trees of apricot on almond seedling
rootstock. (b) Fifteen-year-old ‘Texas’ almond tree on
which vegetative growth for the season begins or ends.
seedling apricot rootstock, which broke off cleanly at the • Overgrowths at, above, or below the graft union
graft union—a case of “delayed incompatibility” symptoms. (Fig. 11–36).
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Figure 11–35
Graft compatibility affects
water uptake. (a) Arava
melon showing hotter scion
and cooler temperature in
Cucurbita rootstock (arrow)
with noncompatible grafting
combination. (b)
Compatible graft showing
uniform temperature
between scion and
rootstock. Differences in
temperature gradients
determined with a thermal
(a) (b) camera. Courtesy M. Edelstein.

• Suckering of rootstock (Fig. 11–37). roots (see Fig. 11–33), or much later with conifers and
• Graft components breaking apart cleanly at the graft oaks (Fig. 11–34). While the scion overgrowing the root-
union. stock (or rootstock outgrowing the scion) at the graft
union is not a reliable indicator, it is sometimes associated
An isolated case of one or more of the preceding
with incompatibility (Figs. 11–38 and 11–39) (2, 26).
symptoms (except for the last) does not necessarily mean
the combination is incompatible. Incompatibility is
clearly indicated by trees breaking off at the point of Anatomical Flaws Leading
union, particularly when they have been growing for to Incompatibility
some years and the break is clean and smooth, rather than With incompatible cherry (Prunus) grafts, the number
rough or jagged. This break may occur within a year or of well-differentiated phloem sieve tubes is much lower
two of the union, for instance, in the apricot on almond at and below the union. There is a greater autolysis of
cells, and generally a very low degree of phloem differ-
entiation (149). Poor differentiation of the phloem
below the union may be due to a lack of hormones, car-
bohydrates, and other factors—the size of the sieve
tubes depends on auxin, cytokinin, and sucrose levels
(149). With incompatible apricot/plum (Prunus)
grafts, some callus differentiation into cambium and
vascular tissue does occur; however, a large portion of
the callus never differentiates (Fig. 11–40) (48). The
union that occurs is mechanically weak.
With incompatible apple grafts, vascular disconti-
nuity occurs with xylem interrupted by parenchyma tissue
(Figs. 11–31 and 11–32) (176), which disrupts normal
xylem function leading to death of the budded scion.

Nontranslocatable (Localized)
For lack of better terminology, physiological factors of
graft incompatibility has been traditionally classified as
Figure 11–36 nontranslocatable (localized) or translocatable
Physiological incompatibility between scion and rootstock. (109). It is difficult to distinguish differences between
Scion overgrowth caused by blockage of assimilates
the symptoms of nontranslocatable and translocatable
translocating from the scion to the rootstock, causing a weak
root system. The melon scion grafted on Cucurbita rootstock incompatibility. Anatomical symptoms of incompati-
later died as a result of insufficient support from the bility can include phloem degeneration or phloem
rootstock. Photo courtesy M. Edelstein. compression, and cambial or vascular discontinuity in
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444 part three vegetative propagation

Figure 11–37
Undesirable suckering of
rootstocks. (a) Hamamelis
vernalis ‘Sandra’ grafted on
Hamamelis vernalis rootstock,
and (b) rootstock suckers on
recently grafted Ulmus alata
‘Lace Parasol’ grafted onto
seedling Ulmus alata. The
suckers will need to be
removed. Photo courtesy
(a) (b) B. Upchurch.

Figure 11–38
While rootstock outgrowth
is not desirable, a large,
strong tree can still develop.
(a) Sweet orange rootstock
used for dwarfing, overgrow-
ing the grapefruit scion.
(b) Rootstock overgrowing
scion on Morus alba
‘Platanifolia.’ Photo b courtesy
(a) (b) B. Upchurch.

Figure 11–39
Scion or rootstock outgrowth
can still lead to a large, strong
tree. Such outgrowth (arrows)
is more related to the genetic
tendency for growth, than to
incompatibility. (a) Scion
overgrowing rootstock:
Acer pentaphyllum on A.
pseudoplatanus rootstock,
and (b) grapefruit scion on
sour orange rootstock, which
tolerates alkaline, heavy soils,
but can be susceptible to
Trestiza. Photo a courtesy
(a) (b) B. Upchurch.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 445


Anatomical Flaws Translocatable Incompatibility
• Incompatible cherry (Prunus) grafts with poor phloem • ‘Hale’s Early’ peach on ‘Myrobalan B’ plum roots
development and/or weak unions • ‘Nonpareil’ almond on ‘Marianna 2624’ plum roots
• Incompatible apricot/plum (Prunus) grafts—mechani- • Peach cultivars on ‘Marianna 2624’ plum roots
cally weak unions
• Some budded apple (Malus) combinations—vascular Pathogen-Induced Incompatibility (Virus,
discontinuity Phytoplasma)
• Citrus quick decline or Tristeza
Nontranslocatable (Localized)
• Pear decline
• Walnut blackline
• ‘Bartlett’ pear on quince roots; incompatibility over-
come with ‘Old Home’ interstock • Apple union necrosis and decline (AUND)
• Prune brownline

the union area, causing mechanical weakness and sub- example of nontranslocatable incompatibility is
sequent breakdown of the union. Nontranslocatable ‘Bartlett’ (‘Williams’) pear grafted directly onto dwarf-
incompatibility includes graft combinations in which a ing quince rootstock. When mutually compatible ‘Old
mutually compatible interstock overcomes the Home’ or (‘Beurré Hardy’) is used as an interstock, the
incompatibility of the scion and rootstock. The inter- three-graft combination is completely compatible, and
stock prevents physical contact of the rootstock and satisfactory tree growth takes place (107, 122, 132).
scion and affects the physiology of the normally incom-
patible scion and rootstock. In some innovative Translocatable Incompatibility
research, membrane filters placed between graft part- Translocatable incompatibility includes certain
ners demonstrated that physical contact is not neces- graft/rootstock combinations in which the insertion of a
sary to develop compatible grafts (104, 106). A good mutually compatible interstock does not overcome

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 11–40
Callus bridge formation in graft union of compatible and incompatible Prunus spp. (a and b) Compatible ‘Luizet’ apricot grafted
on ‘Myrobalan’ standard plum rootstock. (a) Callus in graft union from a compatible graft 21 days after grafting. The cells show
an orderly disposition and are uniformly stained (160× magnification). (c) Callus from incompatible graft of ‘Monique’ apricot on
‘Myrobalan’ standard plum rootstock ten days after grafting. The cells show an irregular disposition and the cell walls are thick
and irregular. Courtesy P. Errea (48).
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446 part three vegetative propagation

incompatibility. Apparently, some biochemical influence

moves across the interstock and causes phloem degenera-
tion. This type of incompatibility can be recognized by
the development of a brownline or necrotic area in the
bark at the rootstock interface. Consequently, carbohy-
drate movement from the scion to the rootstock is
restricted at the graft union.
‘Hale’s Early’ peach grafted onto ‘Myrobalan B’
plum rootstock is an example of translocatable incom-
patibility. The tissues are distorted and a weak union
forms. Abnormal quantities of starch accumulate at the
base of the peach scion. If the mutually compatible
‘Brompton’ plum is used as an interstock between the
‘Hale’s Early’ peach and the ‘Myrobalan B’ rootstock
the incompatibility symptoms persist, with an accumu-
lation of starch in the ‘Brompton’ interstock.
‘Nonpareil’ almond on ‘Marianna 2624’ plum root-
stock shows complete phloem breakdown, although
the xylem tissue connections are quite satisfactory. In
contrast, ‘Texas’ almond, on ‘Marianna 2624’ plum Figure 11–41
rootstock produces a compatible combination. Latent viruses in the scion portion of graft combination may
Inserting a 15-cm (6-in) piece of ‘Texas’ almond as an cause symptoms to appear in a susceptible rootstock
following grafting. Here “stem pitting” virus symptoms
interstock between the ‘Nonpareil’ almond and the (arrow) have developed in the sensitive ‘Virginia Crab’ apple
‘Marianna’ plum rootstock fails to overcome the rootstock. The wood of the scion cultivar—above the graft
incompatibility between these two components. Bark union—is unaffected. Courtesy H. F. Winter.
disintegration occurs at the normally compatible
‘Texas’ almond/‘Marianna’ plum graft union (79).
world. Incompatibility was believed due to production
of a substance by the scion that was toxic to the root-
Pathogen-Induced Incompatibility stock (167). Subsequent studies involving Tristeza or
“quick decline” of orange in Brazil and California made
Viruses and phytoplasmas (mycoplasma-like organ-
clear that the toxic substance from the sweet orange
isms) cause pathogen-induced incompatibility. Cases of
scions was instead a virus tolerated by the sweet orange,
this incompatibility are
phytoplasmas but lethal to sour orange rootstock (22, 177).
widespread, and more
(mycoplasma-like Other examples of virus-induced incompatibility
are continually being
organisms) Organisms include blackline in English walnut (Juglans regia),
found. In certain cases
that can cause which infects susceptible walnut rootstock; apple union
abnormalities first
pathogen-induced necrosis and decline (AUND) (37); and brownline of
attributed to rootstock-
incompatibility in prune (99), which is caused by tomato mosaic virus
scion incompatibility
grafted plants. that is transmitted by soil-borne nematodes to the root-
were later found to be
stock, and then to the graft union. Pear decline is due
due to latent virus or phytoplasma introduced by graft-
to a phytoplasma, rather than a virus.
ing from a resistant, symptomless partner to a suscepti-
The major causes for graft incompatibility
ble partner (32, 41, 95). Figure 11–41 shows such an
include (a) physiological and biochemical factors;
occurrence in apple.
(b) modification of cells and tissues at the graft union;
Tristeza, which comes from the Spanish and
and (c) cell recognition between grafting partners.
Portuguese word triste, meaning “sad” or “wretched,” is
an important example of virus-induced incompatibility
in citrus. Failure of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) bud- Causes and Mechanisms
ded onto sour orange (C. aurantium) rootstock in of Incompatibility
South Africa (1910) and in Java (1928) was at one time Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms Tissue
blamed on incompatibility, even though this combina- compatibility or incompatibility in plants can be
tion was a commercial success in other parts of the regarded as a physiological tolerance or intolerance,
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 447

respectively, between different cells (103, 105, 106). reaction cannot be considered a universal cause of
Although incompatibility is clearly related to genetic graft incompatibility.
differences between rootstock and scion, the mecha- Phenolic compounds have also been implicated in
nisms by which incompatibility is expressed are not graft incompatibility (49). Phenolic compounds are
clear. The large number of different genotypes that can widespread in plants and present in the biochemical
be combined by grafting produces a wide range of dif- responses to stress and wounding. They play a role in lig-
ferent physiological, biochemical, and anatomical nification (27), which occurs in graft union formation.
interactions when grafted. Several hypotheses have
Modification of Cells and Tissue The lignification
been advanced in attempts to explain incompatibility.
processes of cell walls are important in the formation of
One proposed physiological and biochemical
strong unions in pear-quince grafts. Inhibition of
mechanism concerns incompatible combinations of
lignin formation and the establishment of a mutual
certain pear cultivars on quince rootstock (61). The
middle lamella results in weak graft unions. In compat-
incompatibility is caused by a cyanogenic glucoside,
ible pear-quince graft combinations, the lignin in cell
prunasin, normally found in quince but not in pear
walls at the graft union is comparable to adjacent cells
tissues. Prunasin is translocated from the quince into
outside the union (27). Conversely, adjoining cell walls
the phloem of the pear. The pear tissues break down
in the graft union of incompatible combinations con-
the prunasin in the region of the graft union, with
tain no lignin, and are interlocked only by cellulose
hydrocyanic acid (cyanide) as one of the decomposi-
tion products (Fig. 11–42). The presence of the
With incompatible apricot-plum (Prunus) grafts,
hydrocyanic acid leads to a lack of cambial activity at
some callus differentiation into cambium and vascular
the graft union, with pronounced anatomical distur-
tissue does occur; however, a large portion of the callus
bances in the phloem and xylem at the resulting
never differentiates (Fig. 11–40) (48). The union that
union. The phloem tissues are gradually destroyed at
occurs is mechanically weak.
and above the graft union. Conduction of water and
materials is seriously reduced in both xylem and Cell Recognition of the Grafting Partners It has been
phloem. The presence of cyanogenic glycosides in woody postulated that the critical event deciding compatible and
plants is restricted to a relatively few genera. Hence, this incompatible grafts may occur when the callus cells first

Figure 11–42
Nontranslocatable incompatibility of Bartlett pear scion overcome with `old Home’ interstock on quince rootstock (61).
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448 part three vegetative propagation

cellular recognition touch (189). There response to wounding. Callus proliferation is not related
The union of specific may be cellular recog- to graft compatibility-incompatibility systems, since it
cellular groups on the nition that must occur does not require a recognition event to occur; that is, cal-
surfaces of the interacting in successful graft lus proliferation occurs in wounded cuttings, as well as in
cells that results in a union formation. incompatible and compatible graft systems (101, 103).
specific defined response Alternatively, the failure Vascular differentiation in the callus bridge, which
[e.g., pollen-stigma of procambial differen- typically occurs from the severed vascular strands of the
compatibility- tiation in incompatible scion and rootstock, can occur even when the scion and
incompatibility grafts may be the result rootstock are physically separated by a porous membrane
recognition responses of a direct form of cel- filter (inserted in order to prevent direct cellular contact
with glycoprotein surface lular communication without impeding the flow of diffusible substances
receptors in flowering between the graft between the graft partners) (102, 104); this was done
plants (30)]. partners (101). with autografts of autograft The scion and
In a compatible Sedum (a herbaceous rootstock are from the
graft, the wound response is followed by a dissolution species), which may same plant or species.
of the necrotic layer, perhaps as a prerequisite to the not be representative
formation of secondary plasmodesmata between cells of graftage in woody perennial plants. Nonetheless, it is
of the graft partners (165). There is direct cellular con- evidence that successful graft union formation can occur
tact of plasmodesmata (minute cytoplamic threads that in the absence of direct cellular contact, and does not
extend through openings in cell walls and connect the require a positive recognition system.
protoplasts of connecting cells) in the callus bridge that Tissue alignment [e.g., vascular cambium of woody
symplastically connects the grafting partners plants, vascular bundles of cacti (152)] determines what
(Fig. 11–19) (81). This forms a potential communica- cell types and tissue will be differentiated in the callus
tion pathway among cells in the graft bridge, which bridge. It has been proposed that phytohormones are
may be important in cell recognition and compatibil- released from wounded vascular bundles into the
ity/incompatibility responses. surrounding tissue where they function as morphogenic
Conversely, cellular recognition may not be a fac- substances inducing and controlling the regeneration of
tor in grafting compatibility/incompatibility. Partners of cambium and vascular tissue (3). This hypothesis can be
compatible and incompatible grafts adhere during the applied to graft union formation, with phytohormones
early stages of graft union formation; this passive event such as auxin as potential morphogens needed for graft
does not require mutual cell recognition [grafted Sedum union formation. Auxin should not be considered as a
will even adhere to inert wooden objects (101, 103)], specific recognition molecule per se because of its com-
nor is it related to compatibility (106). Adhesion of graft mon occurrence and involvement in numerous other
partners results from the deposition and subsequent developmental processes (104, 106). Phytohormones
polymerization of cell wall materials that occur in (and carbohydrates, etc.), predominantly released from


It is currently not known if some kind of cell-to-cell recog- as polypeptides in the phloem, could be significant in cell
nition in grafting must occur as part of adhesion and the recognition and compatibility between the graft partners.
events that follow in successful graft union formation. (In graft incompatibility, phloem degeneration frequently
Possibly, the formation of superimposed sieve areas and takes place at the graft union.)
sieve plates (in sieve elements), pits and perforation plates Pectin fragments formed during the adhesion process
(in xylem elements), and the plasmodesmata (in vascular of grafting may act as signaling molecules—and influence
parenchyma) require some sort of cellular recognition or cell recognition. In Sitka spruce, the beadlike projections
cellular communication (101). Evidence suggests that in from callus formed during graftage are in part composed
the graftage of Cucumis and Cucurbita, changes in pro- of pectins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fatty acids. These
tein banding may be due to polypeptides migrating sym- beadlike projections, besides binding or cementing cells,
plastically across the graft union via the connecting may serve a more active role in cell recognition and the
phloem (165). Translocation of signaling molecules, such successful merging of tissues of the grafting partners (96).
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 449

the scion, enable vascular connections to develop and join heterografts, compared heterograft The scion
as a functional unit in the graft union, without any cellu- with compatible auto- and rootstock are from
lar recognition required. grafts, and adjacent root- a different cultivar or
A model for graft compatibility-incompatibility stock and scion cells species.
is presented that suggests grafts will be incompatible must produce similar
only if naturally occurring morphogens that promote lignins and have identical peroxidase enzyme patterns to
the formation of a successful graft (e.g., auxin) are ensure the development of a functional vascular system
overridden by toxins [e.g., hydrocyanic acid, ben- across the graft union (40). With electrophoresis, if the
zaldehyde (62, 63)] that elicit graft incompatibility peroxidase bands match, the combination may be com-
(Fig. 11–43) (106). patible; if they do not, incompatibility may be predicted.
There is probably no universal cause of graft Using electrophoresis is an important step in developing
incompatibility in plants (145). Most likely, graft com- diagnostic tests for graft compatibility. Perhaps serological
patibility-incompatibility is a combination of the tests for graft compatibility may be developed in the
auxin-toxin interactions of Figure 11–43 and/or some future, to complement those currently used in disease
chemical recognition response. To date, we have little diagnostic kits of plant pathogens.
understanding of the molecular chain of events that The introduction of new Prunus rootstock can be
occurs during wounding (180) and graft union forma- difficult (and very costly!) because incompatibility can
tion, or how those chains of events vary between com- occur some years after grafting. The composite tree can
patible-incompatible graft partners. In Douglas-fir, grow “normally” for years, and then a breakdown occurs
graft incompatibility is apparently controlled by multi- at the graft union area. It is now known that with incom-
ple genes with additive effects (36). patible apricot-plum (Prunus) grafts, some callus differen-
tiation into cambium and vascular tissue does occur;
however, a large portion of the callus never differentiates
Predicting Incompatible Combinations (Fig. 11–40) (48). Early detection of graft incompatibility
Accurately predicting whether or not the components of in fruit trees is greatly facilitated since this process can be
the proposed scion-stock combination are compatible detected histologically Magnetic Resonance
would be tremendously valuable. An electrophoresis test was within weeks after Imaging (MRI)
used for testing cambial peroxidase banding patterns of the grafting (48). A diagnostic imaging tech-
scion and rootstock of chestnut, oak, and maple (138, Magnetic reso- nique that can be used for
140–145). Peroxidases mediate lignin production. nance imaging detecting vascular conti-
Increased peroxidase activity occurs in incompatible (MRI) can be used to nuity in the callus bridge.

Figure 11–43
A model to explain the development of a
compatible graft union. The stages are
adhesion of the scion and rootstock,
proliferation of callus cells to form the callus
bridge, and vascular differentiation across
the graft interface. The outer callus cells are
from the periderm and outer cortex.
The pressure exerted on the graft is from
the physical contact of the scion to the
rootstock—and the development of a
suberized periderm. Auxin is a potential
morphogen, enhancing vascular dediff-
erentiation. In this model, incompatibility is
not caused by specific cellular recognition
events between the graft partners. Rather,
incompatibility may occur when a toxin,
such as hydrocyanic acid (HCN) or
benzaldehyde, counteracts naturally
occurring morphogens (e.g., auxin), thus
inhibiting or degenerating vascular tissues
in the graft union (106).
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450 part three vegetative propagation


At the cellular level, the initial stages of graft union forma- formed a necrotic layer of increasing thickness (Fig. 11–44)
tion were similar between the incompatible combination (101, 103). Associated with this cellular senescence in
(heterographs) of Sedum telephoides (Crassulaceae) on Sedum cells was a dramatic increase in a hydrolytic
Solanum pennellii (Solanaceae) and those occurring in a enzyme, acid phosphatase (102). Rather than callus cells
compatible autograft of Sedum on Sedum. However, after interlocking, the thick necrotic layer prevented cellular
48 hours, Sedum cells in the incompatible graft deposited connections, which led to scion desiccation and eventual
an insulating layer of suberin along the cell wall. The cell death. Interestingly, the Solanum rootstock did not show
walls later underwent lethal senescence and collapse and the rejection response that the Sedum scion did.

Figure 11–44
The graft interface of an incompatible graft
between Sedum telephoides and Solanum
pennellii at eight days after grafting. Lethal
cellular senescence in Sedum has resulted in
the formation of a necrotic layer of collapsed
cells that separates the two graft partners.
×5,000. Courtesy R. Moore and D. B. Walker (101).

detect vascular discontinuity in bud unions of apple SCION-ROOTSTOCK (SHOOT-

(176). A high MRI signal intensity is associated with
bound water in live tissue and the establishment of vas-
cular continuity between the rootstock and scion. MRI Combining two (or more, in the case of interstocks)
may be useful for detecting graft incompatibilities different plants (genotypes) into one plant by
caused by poor vascular connections. grafting—one part producing the top and the other
part the root system—can produce growth patterns
that are different from those that would have occurred
Correcting Incompatible Combinations if each component part had been grown separately.
There is not a practical, cost-effective way to correct Some of these effects are of major importance in horti-
large-scale plantings of incompatible graft partners. culture and forestry, while others are detrimental and
Plants are normally rogued and discarded. With some should be avoided. These altered characteristics may
isolated specimen trees of value, if the incompatibility result from (a) specific characteristics of the graft part-
were discovered before the tree died or broke off at the ners not found in the other; for example, resistance
union, a bridge graft could be done with a mutually to certain diseases, insects, or nematodes, or tolerance
compatible rootstock. Another costly alternative is to of certain adverse environmental or soil conditions;
inarch with seedlings of a compatible rootstock. The (b) interactions between the rootstock and the scion
inarched seedlings would eventually become the main that alter size, growth, productivity, fruit quality, or
root system (see Chapter 12). other horticultural attributes; and (c) incompatibility
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 451

reactions. In practice, it may be difficult to separate with dwarfing rootstocks, and delay in fruiting with
which influencing factor is dominant in any given graft vigorous rootstocks. Apple rootstocks are used prima-
combination growing in a particular environment. rily for reducing tree size and for increasing precocity
Long-term results depend on the rootstock-scion and yield efficiency.
combination, environment (climate, edaphic factors Besides being more precocious, intensive plant-
such as soil), propagation, and production manage- ings of small trees resulting from dwarfing rootstock
ment, which affects yield, quality, plant form, and intercept more light and have less internal shading,
ornamental characteristics (if applicable), and by exten- which is related to greater dry matter production and
sion, the economics of production. fruit yield. The higher ratio of fruit weight to trunk and
branch weight (partitioning of photosynthate to fruit
Effects of the Rootstock rather than wood formation) may also contribute to
on the Scion Cultivar higher yield efficiencies for trees growing on dwarfing
rootstock than more vigorous clonal and seedling root-
Size and Growth Habit Size control, sometimes
stock (121, 160).
accompanied by change in tree shape, is one of the
Vigorous, strongly growing rootstocks, in some
most significant rootstock effects. Rootstock selection
cases, result in a larger plant that produces a bigger crop
in apple has produced a complete range of tree sizes—
(per individual tree) over many years. On the other
from dwarfing to very vigorous—by grafting the same
hand, trees on dwarfing rootstocks are more fruitful,
scion cultivar to different rootstocks (Fig. 11–10).
and if closely planted, produce higher yields per hectare
That specific rootstocks can be used to influence
(acre). The producer’s cash flow and return on invest-
the size of trees has been known since ancient times.
ment are much improved because an apple crop on
Theophrastus—and later the Roman horticulturists—
dwarfing rootstock produces more fruit earlier.
used dwarfing apple rootstocks that could be easily
Furthermore, the management costs of harvesting,
propagated. The name “Paradise,” which refers to a
pruning, spraying, and general maintenance are much
Persian (Iranian) park or garden—pairidaeza—was
greater on large trees.
applied to dwarfing apple rootstocks about the end of
the 15th Century.
Size, Quality, and Maturity of Fruit There is consider-
A wide assortment of size-controlling rootstocks
able variation among plant species in regard to the effect
has now been developed for certain of the major tree fruit
of the rootstock on fruit characteristics of the scion cul-
crops. Most notable is the series of clonally propagated
tivar. However, in a grafted tree there is no transmission of
apple rootstocks collected and developed at the East
fruit traits characteristic of the rootstock to the fruit pro-
Malling Research Station in England, beginning in 1912.
duced by the grafted scion. For example, quince, com-
These apple rootstocks were classified into four groups,
monly used as a dwarfing pear rootstock, has fruits with
according primarily to the degree of vigor imparted to the
a pronounced tart and astringent flavor, yet this flavor
scion cultivar: dwarfing, semi-dwarfing, vigorous, and
does not appear in the pear fruits. The peach is often
very vigorous—same size as seedling rootstock
used as a rootstock for apricot, yet apricot fruits do not
(Fig. 11–10). Similarly, the size-controlling effects of the
have any characteristics of peach fruits.
rootstock on sweet cherry (Prunus avium) scion cultivars
Although there is no transfer of fruit characteristics
has been known since the early part of the 18th Century.
between the rootstock and the scion, certain rootstocks
Mazzard (P. avium) seedling rootstocks produce large,
can affect fruit quality of the scion cultivar. A good exam-
vigorous, long-lived trees, whereas P. mahaleb seedlings, as
ple of this is the “black-end” defect of pears. ‘Bartlett,’
a rootstock, tend to produce smaller trees that do not live
‘Anjou,’ and some other pear cultivars on several different
as long. However, individual seedlings of these species,
rootstocks often produce fruits that are abnormal at the
when propagated asexually and maintained as clones, can
calyx end. While the fruit quality and yield of tomatoes
produce different, distinct rootstock effects. Rootstock
and cucurbits is generally enhanced with the correct
effects on tree size and vigor are recognized also in citrus,
stock-scion combination, sometimes melon fruit quality
pear, peach, olive and other species. A discussion of spe-
is impaired when grafted on disease resistant Cucurbita
cific rootstocks for the various fruit and nut crops is given
rootstock (39). Rootstocks of chili peppers (Capsicum
in Chapter 19.
annuum) can increase the level of capsaicin, which influ-
Fruiting Fruiting precocity, fruit bud formation, fruit ences the “hotness” of peppers (185).
set, and yield of a tree can be influenced by the root- In citrus, striking effects of the rootstock appear
stock used. In general, fruiting precocity is associated in fruit characteristics of the scion cultivar (23). If sour
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452 part three vegetative propagation

cucumber (Cucumis sativus) scions are grafted onto

figleaf gourd rootstocks (Cucurbita ficifolia), there is
greater low-root temperature resistance compared to
own-rooted cucumber plants, a phenomenon is
attributed to greater water absorption capacity of the
figleaf gourd rootstock exposed to root temperatures of
less than 20°C (68°F), which causes own-rooted
cucumber plants to wilt, as the result of reduced water
absorption (1).

Increased Nitrogen Efficiency. Grafted vegetable

crops with very vigorous root systems can absorb more
inorganic nutrients than own-rooted plants (82, 85).
The organic nitrogen and fruit yield increased with
grafted melon cultivars (Cucumis melo) on Cucurbita
(a) (b) maxima xmoschata rootstock, compared with own-
Figure 11–45 rooted plants (137). There was greater nitrogen utiliza-
Stock-scion relations. (a) Seedless ‘Marsh White’ grapefruit tion and assimilation in the grafted than own-rooted
scion on rough lemon rootstock (left top & bottom), plants. Mini-watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus)
compared to (b) ‘Marsh White’ on sour orange rootstock grafted on Cucurbita rootstock had a higher marketable
(right top & bottom), which has a thinner peel (arrows)—and
yield, higher nutritional status (including nitrogen,
is also sweeter and juicer.
potassium, and phosphorus), photosynthesis, and
orange (Citrus aurantium) is used as the rootstock, water uptake than non-grafted plants under limited-
fruits of sweet orange, tangerine, and grapefruit are water supply (136).
smooth, thin-skinned, and juicy, with excellent quality,
and they store well without deterioration (Fig. 11–45). Extending Scion Tolerance of Adverse Edaphic
Sweet orange (C. sinensis) rootstocks also result in thin- Conditions. For many kinds of plants, rootstocks are
skinned, juicy, high-quality fruits. The larger fruit size available that tolerate unfavorable conditions, such as
of ‘Valencia’ oranges is associated with the dwarfing tri- heavy, wet soils (124–126, 129), or high soil pH
foliate orange rootstock, whereas sweet orange root- (Fig. 11–2). In the southeastern United States, where
stocks produce smaller fruits. Semi-dwarfing clonal high temperatures and periodic flooding of soils (low
rootstock will enhance the fruit size of ‘Red Delicious’ soil oxygen) are the norm, cultivars of birch (Betula),
and ‘Granny Smith’ apples, compared with seedling fir (Abies), and oak (Quercus) are grafted onto root-
rootstock, while ‘Gala’ is unaffected by rootstocks (69). stock that tolerate these atmospheric and edaphic envi-
ronments (Fig. 11–1) (125, 126, 129) . ‘Whitespire’
Miscellaneous Effects of the Rootstock on the Scion Japanese birch (Betula populifolia) is an excellent land-
Cultivar Rootstocks can also increase cold-hardiness, scape tree for the southeastern United States. It toler-
nitrogen efficiency, enhance tolerance of adverse edaphic ates heat and drought but will not tolerate poorly
conditions, and increase disease and insect resistance of drained soils. The ecological niche of ‘Whitespire’ may
the grafted scion. be expanded by grafting it onto flood-tolerant root-
Cold-Hardiness. In citrus, which rootstock is used stock of river birch (B. nigra) (125). Compared with
can affect the winter-hardiness of the scion cultivar. many other genera of temperate woody plants, trees in
Grapefruit cultivars on ‘Rangpur’ lime rootstock sur- the genus Prunus are often intolerant of poor drainage
vive cold better than those on sour orange or rough conditions. Ornamental Prunus cultivars can be
lemon rootstock. The rootstock can affect the rate of adapted to poorly drained landscape sites by grafting
maturity of the scion onto more flood-tolerant ‘Newport’ plum (Prunus
own-rooted The wood as it hardens-off hybrida) and ‘F-12/1’ Mazzard cherry (P. avium)
propagation of a plant in the fall (54). Greater (124). Japanese Momi fir (Abies firma) is one of the
by rooted cutting, as low-root temperature few firs that will tolerate the heavy clay, wet soil condi-
opposed to resistance can occur in tions, and heat of the southeastern United States.
propagating the cultivar grafted, herbaceous Consequently, it is being recommended as the root-
on a grafted rootstock. vegetable crops. When stock for more desirable fir cultivars (129).
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 453

Disease and Pest Resistance. Some rootstocks are interstock, even in rootstock types that normally do not
more tolerant to adverse soil pests, such as nematodes sucker freely. Today, apple interstocks are rarely used
(Meloidogyne spp.), than others; for example, except in China (G. Fazio, personal communication).
‘Nemaguard’ peach rootstock. The growth of the scion
cultivar is subsequently enhanced by the rootstock’s
Possible Mechanisms for the Effects
ability to withstand these soil pests. Grape cultivars sus-
of Rootstock on Scion and Scion
ceptible to the insect pest, phylloxera (Dacylosphaera
vitifoliae), are grafted onto resistant rootstocks. Many on Rootstock
cucurbits and solonaceous crops are grafted for While many of the effects of rootstock-scion relations are
enhanced disease resistance and tolerance of abiotic known, the fundamental mechanisms of control, partic-
stress (Figs. 11–3 and 11–4) (34, 39, 82, 86, 131). ularly on the molecular basis, are not well understood.
Grafting with disease-resistant rootstock also offers new A better understanding of the mechanisms controlling
IPM management strategies for organic vegetable pro- growth and development in grafted plants would speed
duction (131). up the design, development, and commercialization of
new composite plant systems. By understanding these
Effect of the Scion Cultivar mechanisms, breeders could better predict the growth
on the Rootstock responses of new potential graft partners (while they are
still on the “drawing board”) and develop more efficient
Although there is a tendency to attribute all cases of
screening tests—rather than relying on cumbersome trial
dwarfing or invigoration of a grafted plant to the root-
and error processes that may take up to 10 years or more
stock, the effect of the scion on the behavior of the com-
in evaluating grafted, woody perennial plants.
posite plant may be as important as that of the rootstock.
Without question, the nature of the rootstock-scion
Effect of the Scion on the Vigor and Development of the relationship is very complex and differs among genetically
Rootstock Scion vigor can have a major effect on root- different combinations. Furthermore, in a composite
stock growth, just as rootstocks can affect scion growth. plant system, size control, plant form, flowering, fruiting,
If a strongly growing scion cultivar is grafted on a weak disease resistance, flood tolerance, etc. are not controlled
rootstock, the growth of the rootstock will be stimulated by the same genes or physiological/morphological mech-
so as to become larger than it would have been if left anisms. Theories advanced as possible explanations for
ungrafted. Conversely, if a weakly growing scion cultivar the interaction between the rootstock and scion include:
is grafted onto a vigorous rootstock, the growth of the (a) anatomical factors, (b) nutritional and carbohy-
rootstock will be lessened from what it might have been drate levels, (c) absorption and translocation of nutri-
if left ungrafted. In citrus when the scion cultivar is less ents and water, (d) phytohormones and correlative
vigorous than the rootstock cultivar, it is the scion culti- effects, and (e) other physiological factors.
var rather than the rootstock that determines the rate of
growth and ultimate size of the tree (66). Anatomical Factors The roots and stems of dwarfing
apple rootstocks, which can reduce vegetative growth and
increase flowering, are characterized by several anatomical
Effect of Interstock on Scion features. These include: (a) a high ratio of bark (periderm,
and Rootstock cortex, and phloem tissue) to wood (xylem tissue); (b) a
The ability of certain dwarfing rootstock clones, large proportionate volume occupied by living cells (axial
inserted as an interstock between a vigorous top and parenchyma and ray parenchyma cells) relative to func-
vigorous root, to produce dwarfed and early bearing tionally dead xylem cells (vessels and fibers); and (c) fewer
fruit trees has been used for centuries to propagate and smaller xylem vessels (13, 14, 92, 153).
dwarfed trees. The degree of size control induced Much of the functional wood tissue of roots of
in apples by various dwarfing rootstock is shown in dwarfing apple stocks is composed of living cells, whereas
Figure 11–10. Dwarfing of apple trees by the use of a in nondwarfing, vigorous rootstocks, the wood consists of
‘Malling 9’ as an interstock was a common commercial a relatively large amount of lignified tissue without living
practice for many years (Fig. 11–11). This dwarfing cell contents (i.e., a larger vessel/tracheid system for more
method had the advantage of allowing the use of well- efficient water transport). At the graft interface between
anchored, vigorous rootstock rather than a brittle, the scion bud and dwarfing apple rootstock, xylem vessels
poorly anchored dwarfing clone. Sometimes excessive with smaller than normal diameter are formed, whereas
suckering from the roots occurred due to the dwarfing semi-dwarfing rootstock produces normal xylem after a
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454 part three vegetative propagation

brief interruption (157). It has been proposed that failure harvested, the insoluble root starch supply is greater, but
of auxin to cross the bud-union interface in the case of soluble sucrose and sorbitol are less in vigorous root-
the dwarfing rootstock leads to reduced rootstock xylem stock compared with dwarfing rootstock.
formation, and hence a reduced supply of water and min- It appears that apple rootstock does not influence
erals to the scion, thus causing the dwarfing effect (87). mineral nutrition at the site of flower formation (65).
Defects in the graft union that cause a partial discontinu- Most likely, rootstock effects on flowering are due to
ity of the vascular tissues may in part explain the marked internal control mechanisms that affect the proportion
depletion of solutes, nutrients, and cytokinins (produced of spurs that become floral (64).
from root apices) in the sap contents of dwarfing inter- To summarize, dwarf apple rootstocks do affect
stocks and rootstocks (73). precocity and flowering, in part, because of differences
Conversely, with kiwifruit, the roots of flower- in carbohydrate metabolism and the greater carbon
promoting rootstock tend to have more and larger xylem partitioning to the reproductive areas. The contribut-
vessels, more crystalline idioblasts, and more starch grains ing influence of hormones, which also affects carbon
(173, 174). Most likely the greater water supply from the partitioning and flowering, is discussed below.
rootstock to the scion in early spring determines the
abundance of flower production of the kiwifruit scions. Absorption and Translocation of Nutrients and Water
Morphologically, dwarfing rootstock have fewer Apple rootstocks affect Ca, Mg, Mn, and B uptake, but
coarse roots (diameter greater than 2 mm) and fewer there is no apparent direct relationship of mineral sta-
fine roots (diameter less than 2 mm) than more vigor- tus with rootstock vigor, productivity, or spur charac-
ous apple rootstocks (5, 6). There is not always a clear teristics (65).
relationship between root length growth and size con- Rootstocks do differ in their ability to absorb and
trol characteristics of dwarfing versus vigorous root- translocate P (74), but a direct role of phosphorus at
stock. However, there are fewer active root tips in the site of flower formation induced by rootstock seems
dwarfing than vigorous apple rootstock (51). The unlikely (65). In a study of the translocation of radioac-
roots and shoots of vigorous apple rootstocks also have tive phosphorus (32P) and calcium (45Ca) from the
a longer growing season than dwarfing rootstock (78). roots to the tops of 1-year ‘McIntosh’ apple trees grown
Nutritional and Carbohydrate Levels Dwarfing root- in solution culture, it was shown that more than three
stock of apple tends to partition a greater proportion of times as much of both elements was found in the scion
carbon to reproductive areas (spurs, spur leaves, fruit) and top when vigorous rootstock was used in comparison
less to the tree branch and frame dry weight, compared with the dwarfing rootstock (29). This may indicate a
with nondwarfing rootstocks (160). The greater water and superior ability of the vigorous rootstock to absorb and
nutrient uptake of the vigorous rootstock contributes translocate mineral nutrients to the scion in compari-
to the production son with the dwarfing rootstock. Or it may only mean
spurs The principal fruiting of new vegetative that roots of the dwarfing rootstock, with their higher
unit in apple, which may be growth, which is a percentage of living tissue, formed a greater “sink” for
classified as short shoots. competing sink these materials, retaining them in the roots.
The terminal bud of a spur with reproductive Interstocks of such dwarfing apple clones as
may be either vegetative, growth. ‘Malling 9’ will cause a certain amount of dwarfing,
containing only leaves, or The root- suggesting reduced translocation due to partial block-
reproductive. Reproductive stock affects the age at the graft unions or to a reduction in movement
buds of apple are mixed partitioning of the of water or nutrient materials (or both) through the
buds that produce both dry matter between interstock piece. Differences among rootstocks in water
flowers and leaves. above- and below- translocation have been demonstrated with a steady-
competing sink The ground tree com- state, heat-balance technique that accurately measures
competition of two ponents. Vigorous xylem sap flow rate and sap flow accumulation over
independent growth rootstocks accumu- time. Under nonstress conditions, sap flow was greater
processes (such as flowering late more dry mat- in ‘Granny Smith’ apple scions grafted to very vigorous
and adventitious root ter in the shoot and seedling (standard) rootstock, while sap flow was simi-
formation) for the same root system than lar between the dwarfing and semi-dwarfing rootstock
limited metabolic resources dwarfing stock (6, (70). Moisture stress affects the sap flow of the vigorous
(e.g., carbohydrates, 161). At the time seedling rootstock the least and reduced sap flow on the
proteins). apples are being dwarfing rootstock the most.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 455

Sweet cherries grafted on dwarfing rootstock have into the root system, where they affect root growth.
smaller and fewer xylem vessels in the scion and graft Cytokinins are produced predominantly from root
union, and irregular vessel orientations in the vascular apices, and are translocated primarily through the
tissue compared to non-dwarfing rootstock; this differ- xylem, where they can influence physiological responses
ence could contribute to greater hydraulic resistance in and growth in the scion.
the graft union, resulting in reduced scion growth Of the phytohormones, auxin plays one of the
(dwarfing) (116). With peach trees grafted on rootstocks most important roles in dwarfing rootstock control of
with differing size-controlling potentials, the higher root apple scion growth (75). The dwarfing effect may be
resistance (reduced sap flow) plays a central role in the explained by reduced auxin transport into the graft
dwarfing mechanism induced by size-controlling root- union of the dwarf rootstock (87); this could alter the
stock (semi-dwarfing). Interestingly, the root system hormonal balance between shoots and roots, and
accounted for the majority of resistance of water flow account for the reduced vegetative growth and vigor of
through the tree and had no effect on hydraulic conduc- the scion. Auxin affects vascular differentiation, and is
tance through the scion or graft union (12). important for stimulating cambial activity and xylem
Conversely, with olive trees (Olea europaea L.), development (1) in the graft union area and the vascular
while there was lower hydraulic conductance in dwarf- system of the grafting partners. Dwarfing yields greater
ing than vigorous rootstock during the first several reduction in cambial activity and xylem formation in the
months, but after 1 year hydraulic conductivity was the graft union than vigorous rootstock (158) because of the
same between dwarfing or vigorous rootstocks (55). dwarfing’s reduced capacity to support polar auxin trans-
In summary, as long as mineral elements are not port (not auxin uptake into cells), and a reduced capacity
limiting, the greater uptake of P and Ca by the more for auxin efflux from transporting cells (158). Since
vigorous rootstock does not adequately account for auxin is known to stimulate its own transport (58), lower
dwarfing effects (29). While rootstocks can influence endogenous auxin levels in the dwarfing rootstock may
leaf mineral nutrition, results have been inconsistent limit its capacity to support polar auxin transport. A
(65). In general, sap flow is greatest in vigorous and least chain of events is set off with less auxin being trans-
in dwarfing rootstock. While differences in sap flow ported, which leads to reduced cambial activity and sub-
may be attributed to differences in root characteristics, sequently reduced xylem formation. Reduced xylem for-
xylem anatomy or other features of the hydraulic archi- mation limits conduction in the dwarf rootstock, which
tecture from the roots to the graft union, or the union concurs with the reports on lower xylem sap flow (70).
itself, the primary influence probably lies more in the There is evidence for greater auxin accumulation
nature of the growth characteristics of such rootstocks. in the scion of dwarfing apple understock. With apple,
hydraulic conductivity of the graft tissue was lower for
Phytohormones and Correlative Effects Plants main- grafted trees on dwarfing rootstocks, compared to
tain a constant root/shoot ratio, and any attempt to alter semi-vigorous rootstocks. The amount of functional
this ratio results in the plant redirecting its growth pat- xylem tissue in the graft union and scion initially
tern until the ratio is reestablished. This also applies to increased with rootstock vigor (7). However, as the
grafted plants and plants grafted tree aged, any differences in sap flow become mar-
correlative effects
transplanted into a land- ginal. The dwarfing tree compensated for hydraulic
The influence of one
scape site or orchard. limitations imposed by the graft tissue and abnormal
organ over another, due
Producing a composite xylem anatomy (compared to more vigorous rootstock)
to phytohormones (e.g.,
plant by grafting onto a by initially reducing its transpiring leaf area, and pro-
high ABA produced in
dwarfing rootstock is an ducing a smaller canopy (smaller tree). As the dwarfed
the root tips of dwarfing
alteration in the normal tree aged, the cross-sectional area of the graft union
apple rootstock reduces
growth pattern (87). increased (7), brought about by greater auxin accumu-
the vegetative growth
Growth in the composite lation (reduced transport) in the graft tissue of the
of the scion).
plant will be redirected dwarfing rootstock, which led to increased xylem devel-
until equilibrium is reached between the rootstock-scion opment later, as the dwarf tree aged.
system. Intimately involved in redirecting plant growth Auxin can indirectly affect cytokinin production.
are the correlative effects of root (rootstock)/shoot Reduced auxin transport leads to a smaller root system
(scion) systems, mediated by phytohormones. Auxins, in the dwarf rootstock that produces less cytokinin,
which are produced predominantly in the shoot system, and/or the root metabolism is sufficiently altered to
are basipetally translocated through the phloem and affect cytokinin synthesis. Subsequently, there is less
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456 part three vegetative propagation

cytokinin translocated upward from the roots to the concluded there was little evidence to support a role for
shoots and reduced top growth occurs; hence, the gibberellin in vigorous, compared to dwarfing rootstock
dwarfing effect. This correlative effect is mediated by (87, 134, 135). However, in other studies, dwarfing
auxin and cytokinin as growth in the composite plant is (M9) interstock labeled GA3 was lower, and glycosyl
redirected and equilibrium is reached between the conjugated GA3 (inactive GA3 form) was higher com-
dwarf rootstock/scion system. pared to nondwarfing (MM115) interstocks (130).
Abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA) However, a problem with hormonal studies is that the
may also play a role in the correlative effects of dwarf- composition of the xylem sap often has very little resem-
ing rootstock. Root apices are an important site of blance to that flowing through the intact, transpiring
ABA synthesis. The dwarfing ‘Malling 9’ apple root- trees. Hormone and ion concentrations in osmotically
stock contains lower amounts of growth-promoting exuding sap do not always reflect the condition of the
materials—but more growth inhibitors—than does intact plant (5). For instance, slow-flowing sap concen-
the very vigorous ‘Malling 16’ rootstock (88). ABA trates solutes faster than fast-flowing sap diluted solutes.
levels are also reported to be higher in dwarfing root- Apparently, xylem-borne substances are not delivered in
stock (184), and in the stems of dwarfed apple trees, proportion to sap flow, suggesting that differences in
than in more vigorous ones (135). tree transpiration or leaf area have considerable influ-
There are higher ratios of ABA:IAA (auxin) in ence on signal molecule concentration and delivery (5).
dwarfing than vigorous apple rootstock, a finding con- In summary, with apple, auxin is directly involved
firmed using gas chromatography-mass spectropho- in dwarfing rootstock effects, and cytokinins (which are
tometer selective ion affected by auxin-mediated root growth and subse-
marker A morpho- monitoring techniques quent cytokinin biosynthesis) are either directly or
logical, biochemical, (78). Higher ABA:IAA indirectly involved in plant size control. There is a
genetic indication of a ratios may lead to strong case for ABA-mediated dwarfing effects, while
trait (e.g., higher ABA in greater differentiation there are conflicting reports on the role of GA. Most
shoot bark of dwarfing of phloem and related likely, there is an interaction of factors affecting dwarf-
compared with a tissues in dwarfing root- ing phenomena such as phytohormones, anatomical
vigorous apple stocks, which could factors, nutrition and carbohydrate levels, sap flow, and
rootstock). explain why dwarfing translocation of carbohydrates across the graft union.
rootstocks have higher
bark (periderm, cortex, phloem, vascular cambium) to Other Physiological Factors A wide range of physio-
wood (xylem) ratios than vigorous rootstocks. The logical characteristics have been found to affect root-
higher concentration of ABA in shoot bark of dwarfing stocks, scions, and their resulting interactions (87, 127,
compared with vigorous rootstock is a potentially useful 162). For example, rootstocks have been found to influ-
marker in selecting for dwarfing apple rootstock (78). ence transpiration rate and crop water-use efficiency in
There are conflicting reports that higher GA is peach; leaf conductance and osmotic potential in apple;
found in more vigorous rootstock. Earlier reports and midday leaf water potential in citrus, peach, and


There has been recent progress with homografts and het- potato scion (83). In grafting of transgenic tobacco, gene
erografts of Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system for graft silencing was transmitted by a diffusible messenger that
union development. Using mutants of A. thaliana could lead mediated the de novo, post-transcriptional silencing from
to a greater understanding of the fundamental genetic and silenced rootstock to non-silenced scions (117). Hence,
molecular aspects of graft union formation and plants’ grafting enables signaling in plants via RNA and protein
stock-scion relations (52). In other developments, the movement. While plant yield, desirable dwarfing character-
phloem sap transports carbohydrates, amino acids, other istics, and disease resistance are complex, multi-gene traits,
nutrients, and specific RNA molecules [small regulatory RNA there is future potential for genetic engineering to manipu-
(183)]. In heterographs of potato (scion) and tomato (under- late desirable RNA that could enhance or suppress scion
stock) graft, transmittable RNA from the leafless tomato phenotype characteristics (110). See Box 2.2, pages 35–6 for
rootstock caused changes in the leaf morphology of the discussion of micro RNA and gene silencing.
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principles of grafting and budding chapter eleven 457

apple trees. Rootstock-scion combinations can also Cytokinins are known to promote photosynthesis, and
influence net photosynthesis and growth characteristics root-produced ABA—translocated in xylem sap—can
of grafted Prunus species under droughted conditions reduce stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rates
(127). The greater tolerance to flooding found in in the shoot system.
selected rootstock of Prunus (124) and fir (Abies) is More needs to be done with the molecular basis
probably due to physiological and/or morphological of rootstock-scion relations. It is possible that certain
mechanisms (45) that allow selected rootstock to handle genes are being turned on and off and/or that genetic
anaerobic conditions better than other rootstock. information may be transmitted between the graft part-
Net photosynthesis of leaves tends to be higher ners of the composite plant (115). Epigenetic changes
with apple scions on vigorous rootstock than on dwarf- occur in grafting with the speeding up of maturation
ing rootstock (148). But photosynthetic rates cannot on grafted versus seedling-grown plants (see discussion
be used to explain differences in yield and yield effi- on epigenetic changes in Chapter 16). Conversely,
ciencies induced by the rootstock. Part of this complex- micropropagated dwarfing apple rootstocks that are
ity is because the presence of fruit increases leaf net grafted can have more juvenile-like characteristics,
photosynthesis by some unknown mechanism (148). which delays bearing and fruit cropping of trees (76).

1. What have been some historical reasons for graft- 8. Why is there potentially more rapid graft union
ing compared to other propagation methods? development and frequently a higher percentage of
2. Compare budding and grafting. “takes” in chip budding compared to T-budding?
3. What are the differences between seedlings and 9. What environmental conditions are desirable dur-
clonal rootstock? What are the advantages of each ing and following grafting?
system? 10. What are the genetic limits of grafting,(i.e., when
4. Using an interstock (double working) is expensive. is grafting most likely to be successful)?
Why is it still used as a propagation technique? 11. What are the different types of graft incompatibil-
5. What are some of the ecological advantages of nat- ity, and what causes them?
ural root grafting? How can it be a disadvantage in 12. What are some techniques to help predict graft
the dissemination of diseases, such as oak wilt and incompatibility?
Dutch elm disease? 13. What are some possible mechanisms for size con-
6. What are the stages of graft union formation? trol (dwarfing) in stock-scion relations?
7. Does cellular recognition take place in grafting,
and, if so, how might that be important to graft

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