24 - 25 PF Furnace'12

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Pulverized coal fired boiler

•  Most widely used coal fired plant.

PULVERIZED COAL (PC) •  Coal, ground to 75% below 74 micron,
burns in a flame like gas fuels
•  Types:
1. Wet bottom (slagging)
2. Dry bottom (85% fly ash)
Unit 24-25
3. Front fired
4. Tangential fired

435 MWe
tangential Tangential burner- Plan view
fired PF

Tangential burner - Front view Heat release rates
•  Volumetric heat release rate:
w f LHV
qv = kW/m 3 (1)
•  wf = kg/s fuel burnt, Vf = furnace volume, m3; LHV = lower
heating value, KJ/kg
•  Grate heat release rate
w f LHV
qF = kW/m 2 (2)
A =axb

Furnace size depends on Fuel

Typical values of Volumetric Heat release rate, qv Amount of flue gas, burning rate of fuel & slagging propensity also affects furnace volume.
Boiler & Burner p- 121-122 Following diagram is for comparison. Not to be used for design

Coal Type Dry-bottom furnace

* Grate heat
release rate for
MW/m3 PF boiler for
Anthracite biomass is highly
subjective as Pf
Semi anthracite 0.116-0.163 boiler are not
designed to fire
Bituminous coal 0.14-0.20 biomass
Lignite 0.09-0.15
Oil (utility boiler) 0.23-0.35

Biomass 0.024 – 0.176*

Gas 0.35

Furnace volume is shown by
Upper limits of average Grate heat release rate, qF
hatched area
Steaming Upper limit of qF in MW/m2
Superheater capacity (ST= Softening Temperature)
(tons/h)* ST ≤1300 °C ST =1300°C ST≥1300 °C

130 2.13 2.56 2.59

500 3.91 4.65 5.44
1000 4.42 5.12 6.16
1500 4.77 5.45 6.63
Biomass 1.5-3.5
• One ton/h steam is roughly equivalent to 0.75 MW heat input
• To get the electrical power output (MWe) of the plant multiply heat input with (plant
efficiency/100), which gives 1 t/h approx equal to 0.3 MWe.

Minimum depth of furnace (bminimum) Shortest distance between burner

It ensures that flame does not hit the wall facing the burner causing damage
and Heating surface (Hfu)
It avoids any potential flame impingement on the Superheaters
hanging from the wall, which might rupture the tubes
Steaming 130 220 420 670 >670
(t/h) Boiler capacity 65-75 130 220 420 670
Coal (m) 6.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 ≥(5-6)dr * (t/h)
Oil (m) 5.0 5.0 6.0 7.5 5 Anthracite (m) 8 11 13 17 18

Bituminous (m) 7 9 12 14 17
dr *-maximum nozzle diameter of swirl burner

Note: A square cross-section is good for tangential firing. However Oil (m) 5 8
the depth must not be shallower than the above limit Hfu is the height between top of the burner zone and superheater section

A video of interior of a
Burner region heat release rate, qb pulverized boiler furnace in
qb =
w f LHV
2(a + b)H b
B.LHV = Furnace heat release in MW

It ensures that the peak heat flux and temperature is not too
high to cause dry out and other severe conditions in wall
•  http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Fuel qb in MW/m2 •  http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Brown coal & Bituminous coal 0.93 -1.16
Anthracite and semi-anthracite 1.4 - 2.1

Lignite 1.4 - 2.32

Burner inclination
Practice problem Air nozzle Tertiary Upper Upper
upward downward
•  A dry bottom pulverized coal fired furnace is to fire 19.8 kg/s bituminous
coal having HHV of 28.91 MJ/kg . Ash softening temperature is 1350 C.
Secondary Secondary
Take appropriate design values from tables in lecture notes. Take the
closest value to your output while reading a table.. Assume the furnace to
Inclination 5 - 15 0-12 5-15
have uniform crosssection and neglect its volume below the burner zone for angle
volume calculation. Burner nozzle dia 1.5 m. Allow 15% safety margin while
calculating the depth of furnace.
A.  Breadth and width of the furnace
B.  Height of the burner zone
C.  Height between top of the burner and superheater bottom
D.  Height of furnace above superheater bottom
The amount of flue gas produced from coal is 0.63 kg/ MJ heat input while the value for
biomass is 0.70 kg/MJ under typical boiler operating condition. It was decided to cofire
biomass (HHV 13.97 MJ/kg) by 10% of heat input. It is necessary to keep the superficial
velocity through the furnace constant.
E) What would be maximum allowable of energy input into the furnace.
F) Calculate the feed rate of coal and biomass

A PC boiler plant STOKER    FIRED    BOILER  (1800-­‐)  

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