TAU Seminar1 Material Part2

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Project number: NPAD-2017/10097 TAU project

Seminar 1 Material [Part 2]

Educating different audiences
Creation of favorable educational
environment, management and
planning work with adult learners
Document details

Country: Finland

Company: Learnmera Oy

Elaborated by: Inês Messias

Date of submission 13.12.2017

Seminar details
Seminar date 22.11.2017

Partners present Ingmarie Rohdin - SE

Åsa Kajsdotter - SE
Yulia Bazyukina - FI
Inês Messias - FI
Marja-Liisa Helenius - FI
Veronica Gelfgren - FI

Responsible All partner countries. Activity to be held by each partner in their institution
for its participants.

Result Participants will improve their educational and management competence.

Topics addressed

4 Folk high 5 At a vocational 6 Special education

school school, people train for adults - Särvux
for a profession

7 What’s Different 8 Learn To Learn

About Teaching
Adults With Migrant
Topic 4
Folk high school
❖ Alternative to upper secondary school and municipal adult
education (Komvux) for those who have turned 18.
❖ Courses at the basic and upper secondary level in order to qualify
for university, college or vocational school.
❖ The student starts at the level they have reached.
❖ Those who need it can get extra support in Swedish.
❖ Has vocational training programmes.
❖ Certain vocational training programmes are at the post-secondary
level, while others are at the upper secondary level.
Topic 5
At a vocational school, people train for a profession
❖ This happens after upper secondary school.
❖ There are hundreds of occupations to choose from.
❖ The programmes are most often between one and three years
long, and weave theory in school with practice out at workplaces.
❖ Sufficient knowledge of Swedish to manage the programme is a
requirement; the school determines whether it is sufficient.
❖ A number of schools provide extra support in vocational Swedish.
Topic 6
Special education for adults – Särvux
In special education for
Offered to people with
adults you can: developmental disabilities
or some type of brain
damage have the right to
special education for adults.
Study at the
Choose Study
elementary Study in a
between Swedish for
or upper vocational
various Immigrants The school helps the
secondary programme
courses in parallel
level student find out what they
already know so that their
studies can be adapted to

Topic 7
What’s Different About Teaching Adults With Migrant Background?
To be effective in teaching adults with migrant background,
you will need to

Understand how Know many

adults with Be aware of Be aware of
migrants have
migrant their conflicts
Know your to learn to Use blended
background between
learn and have reasons to learn and how
audience to organise methodologies
learnt in their study as an individual
previous adult. their own
and/or groups
education. learning
It is your responsibility as a teacher to find out who will be in the audience
and what kind of education and training they have already received.

Can determine the student's’ educational backgrounds, this will help in

determining the depth of information to cover in your class?

Will some
Who is my What are Why are they What kind of How large Which
people need
target their learning attending this training do should my barriers are
more training
audience? needs? education? they need? class be? there?
than others?
Barriers can be:
Not used to
No or less Long time since Never used taking so much
Lack of No previous
knowledge in they studied learning responsibility
Swedish; education;
ICT; last time; platforms; for their
Being empathetic, understanding and respecting other
points of view and demonstrating that you are able to
listen to others and respect their opinions.

SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) Many migrants don’t want to

Explain the Swedish is not only learning to read study anymore, and they
education system, laws and and write Swedish but also don’t understand why they
rules at the labour market learning about Swedish need to, they just want to get
society and culture. a job.
To best reach migrant adults (as well as all adults), there are five key
factors you should focus on in the development of your training:

The training The training should

environment be presented in a
The material
The material should be The training respectful manner,
presented should
presented should welcoming so that presentation where learners
have immediate
be relevant to adult all learners feel should be have an
usefulness to the
learners’ lives. safe to participate; engaging. opportunity to
be aware of share their
conflicts. experiences.
Make your training
relevant to the learner Show them how the
by recognizing the course and its material
unique background and is relevant for them.
Topic 8
Learn To Learn
Applying basic learning strategies and establishing learning objectives.

Organising their own Time Management Use of ICT-skills – TEAM WORK

learning ❖Applying tools and minimum level ❖Applying methodologies
❖Evaluate their work and to methodologies to manage ❖Applying techniques and to ensure effective team
actively seek information time effectively and tools for confident and working activity.
and advice and support efficiently; learner will be critical use of ICT for work,
when appropriate able to manage time and learn to search for
effectively and efficiently; information: compared
concentrates the efforts on with earlier ‘fed’ with
the most important information
priorities; adeptly handles
several tasks at once.

If you are using a learning platform

Present the learning outcomes. This Give concrete introduction – be aware that it can be the first
gives the learners a possibility to time the learners hear the word
know when they are ready, that they and instructions for new ‘learning platform’. Repeat how to
progressed and learnt something new. learning methods. use it every lesson until the
learners feel confident.

Be flexible, the time of activities

depends on the target group and the
Have the same structure with a step
previous knowledge of the target
by step description so it’s easy to
group. It is more time-consuming
follow even if the activities are used in
teaching non-Europeans migrants;
self-directed learning.
one reason can be the differences in
education systems and culture.
❖Time Management
Introduce tools and methodologies to manage time effectively and
efficiently. Learners will be able to concentrates their efforts on the
most important priorities; adeptly handle several tasks at once.

Pick the right communication medium according to the conversation
topic and target group. Try to convey your message in as few words as
possible, avoiding talking excessively and/or confusing your audience.
❖What are the learning objectives for this training?
Your purpose should meld the key components of your audience, their training
needs, their skill and knowledge deficits, and what you want to accomplish in
your course. Think through what you want participants to learn as a result of
your training. They should leave the training with new information and/or skills
that they didn’t possess prior to taking it. Learning objectives serve as a type of
contract with your audience and help put the purpose of your training in
concrete, measurable terms. If participants know the objectives from the
beginning, they know what they are expected to learn.
Objectives should be
written from the
participants’ point of One way to start writing learning objectives
view. They should
emphasize what you is by answering three questions:
want students to
value, understand, or
do with the
information or skills
being taught. What are the conditions or
circumstances where the
What will participants be participants will perform
able to do as a result of the this activity, and what Information?
course, training, or class? knowledge or materials
does he/she need to do this
There are several different models that have been
created to help in designing learning objectives.
For considering objectives that may
For developing practical objectives, you might relate more to behavioural change,
consider the SMART Model. you might consider the A-B-C-D

A is for C is for
B is for D is for
Audience. Condition.
S is for Behaviour. Degree. To
State the State the
Specific; M is for A is for R is for T is for Time- State the what degree
learning conditions
specify what Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. bound. behaviour will the
audience where the
to achieve. you wish to learner be
within the behaviour will
see exhibited. enabled?
objective. occur.
What Will it be a
kind of
course or a
How intensive, basic, or elaborate
training series? Will it
be face-to-
your training will be depending on
should I face, online, determining the following:
develop? or blended?

What are some What content

potential needs to be
challenges to created? Do I What evaluation
What resources this training (for need to use instruments
are available? example, signs and need to be
format, class pictures for created?
size, minimal better
resources)? understanding?
How do I Developing training materials involves writing, creating learning
develop exercises, and working with content experts and trainers. It is the most
training time-consuming phase, but it is also key to making sure your training is
materials? successful.

Complete the process below for each of your learning objectives for the
course or training:

Choose an instructional
Determine what kind of method (activity, hand- Explain how this
Identify one of your learning domain the out, team project, etc.) learning experience will
clearly stated learning outcome involves This helps participants help your students meet
objectives. (knowledge, skill, or accomplish your stated the learning objectives
attitude). learning objective by you have identified.
Folkuniversitetet normally tries to look at
It’s important to design a framework of motivational
strategies strategies in order to broaden the range of choice
available to teachers.
• Dörnyei offers his own framework, based upon three key units:

❖Creating/generating the basic motivational conditions – i.e. setting the scene

for motivational strategies: for young male learners, focusing on “integration”
granted by a second language knowledge;

❖Maintaining learners’ motivation - a main challenge for teachers and could be

done through self-assessment tools as well as by facilitating the learners

❖Encouraging a positive learner self-evaluation - working on the way learners

feel about their accomplishments in order to make each feeling “positive”.
Folkuniversitetet normally tries to look at
Dörnyei shows three strategies:
❖ Relating attributions to effort rather than ability;

❖ Providing motivational feedback;

❖ Increasing the learner satisfaction experience

after task completion.
Folkuniversitetet normally tries to look at
Following this framework of motivational strategies, it’s clear that
motivation the real challenge for a teacher and trainer is the second key unit.
Maintaining a student’s motivation during a learning process could
be made easier by encouraging learner autonomy. During the
learning process it’s important for teachers to guide them into
autonomy on what and how they learn, that means to be “among”
and not “above” learners. Trainers have to encourage learners to
imagine a conversational situation in which they could be involved,
to select their own topics and start a discussion, or to share an
experience with the rest of the class.
Students have to be able to use what is learned rather than just
learning about it. By expressing a personal interest, older learners
feel that they’re actively involved and that they are not limited to a
passive learning process.
Folkuniversitetet normally tries to look at
Instrumental motivation

“Integrative” motivation is the real driving force behind young students’ progress.

The “integration” goal is more important for them than the others. Such goals could also be a school certification to
fulfil occupational aspirations, or other kinds of skill certifications.

Teachers should be aware of maintaining and enhancing instrumental motivation through a goal-oriented programme
which focuses on encouragement:
❖Because learners engage in order to meet specific goals, it is important for teachers to clearly understand what those goals are and to organise a
programme so that they are met.
❖It’s good practice to set up an individualised “packaging” of teaching which targets learners’ specific goals.
❖Instrumental motivation (i.e. engagement) is enhanced by teachers and trainers giving praise and encouragement, particularly when given one-on-
one attention.
❖Beware: overuse of praise and encouragement can reduce its reward value and even seem condescending to learners
❖knowing how and when to provide encouragement is a part of the trainers’ professional development and will mostly be a process of trial and error.
It can be concluded that motivation plays a significant role in learning.

Teachers cannot effectively teach if they do not understand the

relationship between motivation and its effect on learning.

Encourage participation

Materials and tasks are

essential for increasing
motivation for learning. They
have to be exciting, workable, Designing a curriculum that
appropriately challenging and engages students, gives them
Male students in particular
presented in an regular feedback and a sense
often lack the motivation for
understandable manner, of accomplishment, as well as
success in school, which very
allowing the promotion of giving them real choice (as
often leads to a lack of self-
successful performance by opposed to variety) is the
students. This is a way to teacher's strongest, and most
change any negative attitudes powerful tool.
and stereotypes that can
undermine the motivation of
students to learn.

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