Action Plan For Barkada Kontra Droga

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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Cebu
District of San Francisco
Secondary Level
Po, Esperanza, San Francisco, Cebu


S.Y.: 2017-2018


1. Develop students’ a. Lead and monitor SPG Officers,
love of country, moral students’ discipline during Classroom Officers,
character and flag ceremony and flag Teachers, School
personal discipline. retreat. Police Unit and SPG Whole Year Round
b. Monitor students’ Adviser. (June-March) NONE
discipline inside the school
and coordinate with
Classroom Officers
regarding the moral
character and discipline of
their classmates.
c. Peer Counseling.
2. Train members for a. Conduct Small Group SPG Officers, a. Twice a week (after
effective and efficient Sharing Regarding Good Student Leaders, class or noon breaks) 2, 000 pesos for the
leadership. Leadership. PTA Officials, School b. Once every Month. Resource materials School MOOE/
b. Conduct Monthly Principal, Resource and Resource School Funds
School-Based Leadership Speakers and SPG Speakers
Training Seminar. Adviser.
3. Help develop a. Conduct after class Students, SPG Whole Year Round 500 pesos
students’ self- talent shows, competitions Officers, Games and (June-March)
confidence. and presentations. Amusement Office, For Certificates of
School Police Unit, Allotted 3pm-5pm for Recognition to be
PTA Officials, School Finals and/or Grand given to winning and
Principal, Teachers Presentations and Runner-up School MOOE/
and SPG Adviser. Competitions Participants School Funds

(Whole Year Round)

4. Promote unity a. Train Leaders on Public Students, Student

among leaders and Relations. Leaders, School Whole Year Round
the student body. b. Implement Friendly Principal, Teachers (June-March) NONE
programs and activities and SPG Advisers.
that promote unity and
5. Help promote a. Conduct Tutorial and Students, Parents, Whole Year Round
quality education and Remedial Sessions. PTA Officials, Student (June-March)
academic excellence. b. Conduct School-Based Leaders, Student
Quiz bee for Average Legislative Office, 500 pesos
Learners. School Principal,
c. Create Special Teachers and SPG For Certificates of School MOOE/
Organization/Team that will Advisers. Recognition to be School Funds
lead Tutorial and Remedial given to winning
Sessions. Participants
d. Encourage Parents’
Participation and support (Whole Year Round)
on the teaching-learning

6. Serve and Protect a. Educate students on Students, SPG

students’ right and their rights and Officers, School NONE
welfare. responsibilities. Police Unit, Student
b. Provide accessibility to Legislative Office,
Student Suggestion Box to PTA Officials, School Whole Year Round
voice out student Principal, Teachers, (June-March)
complaints and SPG Adviser.
c. Provide Hotline and
Email for Students’
Grievances and
7. Represent the a. Represent students SPG Officers,
studentry in the policy during General PTA Student Leaders,
making body of the Assembly and Board Student Legislative Whole Year Round
school concerning Meetings. Office, PTA Officials, (June-March) NONE
students’ welfare. b. Recommend policies School Principal and
concerning students’ SPG Adviser.
welfare to the School
Principal and PTA Officials.
8. Create 10 Point a. Plan and prepare SPG Officers, June
Action Plan as priority Programs and Projects to Student Leaders, (Drafting and creation
programs and be implemented. PTA Officials, School of the 10 Point Action NONE
projects to be Principal and SPG Plan)
implemented. Adviser.
Whole Year round
9. Help improve a. Lead and monitor Students, SPG
school cleanliness students on their task and Officers, School NONE
and beauty. responsibilities regarding Police Unit, School
cleanliness and Principal, Teachers, Whole Year Round
beautification. SPG Adviser. (June-March)
b. Create ad hock
committees and/or
organizations that will help
on the cleanliness drive.
10. Help minimize and a. Monitor and search for Students, SPG
prevent dengue cases dengue mosquito breeding Officers, School Whole Year Round NONE
inside the school. areas inside and outside Police Unit, School (June-March)
the classroom. Principal, Teachers,
SPG Adviser.
Prepared by:

SPG Adviser
Noted by:
Head Teacher I

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