Automobile Materials and Manufacture
Automobile Materials and Manufacture
Automobile Materials and Manufacture
Given a modern application, be competent in specification and use of advanced materials and exhibit
appropriate levels of understanding in manufacturing using the material.
Mazumdar, Sanjay. Composites manufacturing: materials, product, and process engineering. CrC
press, 2001.
Mueller, Bernhard. "Additive manufacturing technologies–Rapid prototyping to direct digital
manufacturing." Assembly Automation 32, no. 2 (2012).
Rowe, Jason, Advanced materials in automotive engineering. Woodhead Publishing., 2016.
Aerospace Materials and manufacture
Be competent in describing the key aerospace structures/ component materials and exhibit appropriate
levels of understanding in manufacturing of it.
Anatomy of an aircraft , Distribution of material usage in airframe, advanced Aerospace metals, laser beam
welding and friction stir welding , aeroceramics , GFRP, Carbon and graphene composites, Glare, Digital
composites – cellular solids, Metal foams, Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics, Automatic tape laying,
automatic fiber placement, Resin infusion , Resin transfer molding and Resin Film Infusion processes.
Cantor, Brian, Hazel Assender, and Patrick Grant, eds. Aerospace materials. CRC Press, 2015.
Rana, Sohel, and Raul Fangueiro, eds. Advanced composite materials for aerospace engineering:
Processing, properties and applications. Woodhead Publishing, 2016.
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Energy Materials and manufacture
Materials are the primary way that we harvest, store, and control energy. We are reaching a point where new
materials with improved physical properties are urgently needed for energy innovation. In many areas of energy
research, simply observing and using materials available in nature is no longer enough to drive significant changes.
Our ability to actively design and control materials properties will define what is possible in our energy future.
Thermo-electric and Piezo-electric energy harvesting, Energy-efficient solid state cooler, Allotropic forms of Carbon-
Diamond, Graphite(3D), Graphene(2D), and CNT(1D), Fullerene(0D) – Structure, properties and applications.
Batteries- Primary, Secondary, Lead-acid batteries, Li-ion, Ni-Metal Hydride and Ni-Hydrogen, Next generation
batteries. Capacitors-Dielectric and Supercapacitors, Fuel Cell, Photovoltaic Cell (Solar cell)
Synthesis of Nanostructures- Top down and Bottom up approaches, Physical methods-high energy ball milling,
Physical vapor deposition (PVD), Laser ablation, sputter deposition methods (Qualitative), Chemical vapor deposition
(CVD). Chemical methods-Sol-gel technique, Hydrothermal synthesis.