DNA Foot Printing

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DNA footprinting

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DNA footprinting is a method of investigating the sequence specificity of DNA-binding proteins. This
technique can be used to study protein-DNA interactions both outside and within cells.

The regulation of transcription has been studied extensively, and yet there is still so much that is not
known. Transcription factors and associated proteins that bind promoters, enhancers, or silencers to
drive or repress transcription are fundamental to understanding the unique regulation of individual
genes within the genome. Techniques like DNA footprinting will help elucidate which proteins bind
to these regions of DNA and unravel the complexities of transcriptional control.Contents [hide]

1 Method

1.1 Labeling

1.2 Cleavage agent

2 Advanced Applications

2.1 In vivo footprinting

2.2 Quantitative footprinting

3 History

4 References



Figure 1. DNA footprinting workflow

The simplest application of this technique is to assess whether a given protein binds to a region of
interest within a DNA molecule. The wet lab methodology is summarized, with appropriate selection
of reagents discussed, below.[1]

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplify and label region of interest that contains a potential
protein-binding site, ideally amplicon is between 50 to 200 base pairs in length.
Add protein of interest to a portion of the labeled template DNA; a portion should remain separate
without protein, for later comparison

Add a cleavage agent to both portions of DNA template. The cleavage agent is a chemical or enzyme
that will cut at random locations in a sequence independent manner. The reaction should occur just
long enough to cut each DNA molecule in only one location. A protein that specifically binds a region
within the DNA template will protect the DNA it is bound to from the cleavage agent.

Run both samples side by side on a polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The portion of DNA template
without protein will be cut at random locations, and thus when it is run on a gel, will produce a
ladder-like distribution. The DNA template with the protein will result in ladder distribution with a
break in it, the "footprint", where the DNA has been protected from the cleavage agent.

Note: Maxam-Gilbert chemical DNA sequencing can be run alongside the samples on the
polyacrylamide gel to allow the prediction of the exact location of ligand binding site.



The DNA template can be labeled at the 3' or 5' end, depending on the location of the binding site(s).
Labels that can be used are:

Radioactivity has been traditionally used to label DNA fragments for footprinting analysis, as the
method was originally developed from the Maxam-Gilbert chemical sequencing technique.
Radioactive labeling is very sensitive and is optimal for visualizing small amounts of DNA.

Fluorescence is a desirable advancement due to the hazards of using radio-chemicals. However, it

has been more difficult to optimize because it is not always sensitive enough to detect the low
concentrations of the target DNA strands used in DNA footprinting experiments. Electrophoretic
sequencing gels or capillary electrophoresis have been successful in analyzing footprinting of
fluorescently tagged fragments. [1]


Cleavage agent

A variety of cleavage agents can be chosen. Ideally a desirable agent is one that is sequence neutral,
easy to use, and is easy to control. Unfortunately none available meet all these all of these
standards, so an appropriate agent can be chosen, depending on your DNA sequence and ligand of
interest. The following cleavage agents are described in detail:

DNase I: a large protein that functions as a double-strand endonuclease. It binds the minor groove of
DNA and cleaves the phosphodiester backbone. It is a good cleavage agent for footprinting because
its size makes it easily physically hindered. Thus is more likely to have its action blocked by a bound
protein on a DNA sequence. In addition, the DNase I enzyme is easily controlled by adding EDTA to
stop the reaction. There are however some limitations in using DNase I. The enzyme does not cut
DNA randomly; its activity is affected by local DNA structure and sequence and therefore results in
an uneven ladder. This can limit the precision of predicting a protein’s binding site on the DNA
molecule. [1] [2]

Hydroxyl radicals: are created from the Fenton reaction, which involves reducing Fe2+ with H2O2 to
form free hydroxyl molecules. These hydroxyl molecules react with the DNA backbone, resulting in a
break. Due to their small size, the resulting DNA footprint has high resolution. Unlike DNase I they
have no sequence dependence and result in a much more evenly distributed ladder. The negative
aspect of using hydroxyl radicals is that they are more time consuming to use, due to a slower
reaction and digestion time. [3]

Ultraviolet irradiation: can be used to excite nucleic acids and create photoreactions, which results in
damaged bases in the DNA strand. Photoreactions can include: single strand breaks, interactions
between or within DNA strands, reactions with solvents, or crosslinks with proteins.

The workflow for this method has an additional step, once both your protected and unprotected
DNA have been treated, there is subsequent primer extension of the cleaved products. The
extension will terminate upon reaching a damaged base, and thus when the PCR products are run
side-by-side on a gel; the protected sample will show an additional band where the DNA was
crosslinked with a bound protein.

Advantages of using UV are that it reacts very quickly and can therefore capture interactions that are
only momentary. Additionally it can be applied to in vivo experiments, because UV can penetrate cell
membranes. A disadvantage is that the gel can be difficult to interpret, as the bound protein does
not protect the DNA, it merely alters the photoreactions in the vicinity. [4]


Advanced Applications


In vivo footprinting

In vivo footprinting is a technique used to analyze the protein-DNA interactions that are occurring in
a cell at a given time point. DNase I can be used as a cleavage agent if the cellular membrane has
been permeabilized. However the most common cleavage agent used is UV irradiation because it
penetrates the cell membrane without disrupting cell state and can thus capture interactions that
are sensitive to cellular changes. Once the DNA has been cleaved or damaged by UV, the cells can be
lysed and DNA purified for analysis of a region of interest.

Ligation-mediated PCR is an alternative method to footprint in vivo. Once a cleavage agent has been
used on the genomic DNA, resulting in single strand breaks, and the DNA is isolated, a linker is added
on to the break points. A region of interest is amplified between the linker and a gene-specific
primer, and when run on a polyacrylamide gel, will have a footprint where a protein was bound. [5]
In vivo footprinting combined with immunoprecipitation can be used to assess protein specificity at
many locations throughout the genome. The DNA bound to a protein of interest can be
immunoprecipitated with an antibody to that protein, and then specific region binding can be
assessed using the DNA footprinting technique. [6]


Quantitative footprinting

The DNA footprinting technique can be modified to assess the binding strength of a protein to a
region of DNA. Using varying concentrations of the protein for the footprinting experiment, the
appearance of the footprint can be observed as the concentrations increase and the proteins binding
affinity can then be estimated. [1]



In 1978, David Galas and Albert Schmitz developed the DNA footprinting technique to study the
binding specificity of the lac repressor protein. It was originally a modification of the Maxam-Gilbert
chemical sequencing technique. [7].
DNA Footprinting was developed in 1977 and is an analytical procedure in molecular biology for
identifying the specific sequence of DNA (the binding site) that binds to a particular protein. DNA
Footprinting is most commonly performed on proteins that are thought to play some significant
functional role such as gene regulation. This method can be performed on proteins which bind both
double and single-stranded DNA. Additionally, DNA-binding proteins can be split into two groups,
namely site-specific DNA-binding proteins and non-specific DNA–binding proteins.

DNA Footprinting uses a damaging agent such as a chemical reagent, radical or a nuclease that can
cut or modify DNA at every base pair. However, where the ligand binds to DNA, the cleavage is
restrained. DNA Footprinting discovers which specific parts of a DNA molecule have sites for specific
proteins to attach to them. Using this technique, DNA that has first been in the presence of DNA-
binding proteins and then exposed to a damaging agent, can be compared to DNA that was never
exposed to the binding protein (and thus not protected against the damaging agent). The DNA
sequence that is protected from cleaving can then be identified as the binding site.

DNA Footprinting can provide information that is, conceptually, much like fingerprinting in the sense
that it can be used to identify a unique individual. DNA Footprinting can extract a banding pattern, or
electropherogram, much like a bar code, that can identify a species or individual (some genes will be
vary at the species level and others at the individual level).
DNA Technology - What is DNA Footprinting?

Article by Rishi Prakash (2,738 pts )

Edited & published by Paul Arnold (16,776 pts ) on Aug 14, 2009

1 comment See More About: Dna Molecule

With diverse applications in the fields of biology and medical diagnostics, DNA footprinting is also a
boon for researchers. It is used to detect DNA sequences to which DNA-binding proteins bind. In the
following article you'll find more about the technique and its uses.


Before tackling the topic of DNA footprinting, we need to look at some essential aspects of RNA
synthesis i.e. transcription.

When DNA is converted into RNA, the process is called DNA transcription. Initiation of RNA synthesis
does not take place at random points in a DNA molecule. Instead, the RNA polymerase enzyme binds
to specific DNA sequences, called promoters, which direct the transcription of adjacent segments of
DNA. The DNA sequences where RNA polymerases bind can be quite variable.

A process that provides information about the interface between RNA polymerase and promoters is
called DNA footprinting. It is a technique that identifies the DNA sequences bound by particular

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DNA Footprinting Procedure

A DNA fragment thought to contain sequences recognized by a DNA-binding protein is isolated and
radio labeled at one end of one strand.

Once the DNA fragments are labeled, they are mixed in a test tube with a DNA-binding protein and

In a separate test tube, same labeled DNA with DNAse is mixed without the DNA-binding protein.
This is for comparison.

DNAse is a cleavage agent which cuts the DNA in both samples. No cuts are made in the area where
RNA polymerase has bound. It has protected the DNA.

Only labeled strands are detected in next step.

Separation of fragments is done by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and visualized by


Missing bands (hole or footprint) indicate where RNA polymerase was bound to DNA.

Binding of proteins to DNA sequences both near to and distant from the promoter can also affect
levels of gene expression. Protein binding activates transcription by facilitating RNA polymerase
binding or facilitating steps further along in the initiation process or it can repress transcription by
blocking the activity of the polymerase.

DNA footprinting helps identify the promoter region and thereby the gene expression level.

DNA Footprinting Applications in Research

DNA footprinting is often used to identify the binding sites of proteins in a DNA molecule.
Researchers often use this technique to identify whether a particular protein can activate or inhibit
transcription. In addition, scientists also use this method to detect where proteins bind to DNA in a
living cell. In this kind of experiment, scientists often grow cells under artificial conditions where the
protein of interest would be more likely to bind to DNA. The resulting DNA-protein complexes are
then purified from the cell, and the DNA sequences are identified.
Since DNA footprinting is being used to identify DNA sequences where proteins bind to DNA, it is of
great importance in genetic research, especially in work coming from the Human Genome Project. It
enables researchers to identify many functional genes present in large human DNA sequences.

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Footprinting is a method for determining the exact DNA sequence to which a particular DNA-binding
protein binds. Examples:

hormone-receptor complexes that bind to their hormone response elements

transcription factors that bind eukaryotic operators, enhancers, and silencers

the lac repressor that shuts down the lac operon in E. coli [Discussion of the lac operon]

How, for example, does one determine the DNA sequence to which the lac repressor binds?

The procedure:

Clone a piece of DNA that contains the operator site to which the repressor binds.

Label one end of the DNA molecules with a radioactive molecule, e.g. radioactive ATP.

Digest the DNA with DNase I.

DNase I cuts DNA molecules randomly (in contrast to restriction enzymes that cut where they find a
particular sequence)

Choose such gentle conditions that most molecules will be cut only once.

The result will be a mixture of radioactive fragments of varying length, with the smallest increment
in length represented by a single nucleotide.

Separate the fragments by electrophoresis.

Binding of the lac repressor to the sequence of 24 base pairs in the operator prevents DNase I from
attacking that region of the molecule.

When the fragments are separated by electrophoresis, those representing the lengths covered by
the repressor will be missing from the autoradiogram.

The resulting gap is the "footprint".

The same sample of DNA (unprotected by the repressor) is subjected to normal DNA sequencing and
the resulting ladder aligned with the footprint autoradiogram.

The exact sequence of bases in the lac operator can then be read directly because they represent
the rungs of the ladder missing in the footprint.
DNA sequencing

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The term DNA sequencing refers to sequencing methods for determining the order of the nucleotide
bases—adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine—in a molecule of DNA.

Knowledge of DNA sequences has become indispensable for basic biological research, other research
branches utilizing DNA sequencing, and in numerous applied fields such as diagnostic,
biotechnology, forensic biology and biological systematics. The advent of DNA sequencing has
significantly accelerated biological research and discovery. The rapid speed of sequencing attained
with modern DNA sequencing technology has been instrumental in the sequencing of the human
genome, in the Human Genome Project. Related projects, often by scientific collaboration across
continents, have generated the complete DNA sequences of many animal, plant, and microbial

The first DNA sequences were obtained in the early 1970s by academic researchers using laborious
methods based on two-dimensional chromatography. Following the development of dye-based
sequencing methods with automated analysis,[1] DNA sequencing has become easier and orders of
magnitude faster.[2]Contents [hide]

1 History

2 Maxam–Gilbert sequencing

3 Chain-termination methods

3.1 Dye-terminator sequencing

3.2 Challenges

3.3 Automation and sample preparation

4 Amplification and clonal selection

5 High-throughput sequencing

5.1 454 pyrosequencing

5.2 Solexa sequencing

5.3 SOLiD sequencing

6 Future methods

7 Major landmarks in DNA sequencing

8 See also

9 References



RNA sequencing was one of the earliest forms of nucleotide sequencing. The major landmark of RNA
sequencing is the sequence of the first complete gene and the complete genome of Bacteriophage
MS2, identified and published by Walter Fiers and his coworkers at the University of Ghent (Ghent,
Belgium), between 1972[3] and 1976.[4]

Prior to the development of rapid DNA sequencing methods in the early 1970s by Frederick Sanger
at the University of Cambridge, in England and Walter Gilbert and Allan Maxam at Harvard,[5][6] a
number of laborious methods were used. For instance, in 1973, Gilbert and Maxam reported the
sequence of 24 basepairs using a method known as wandering-spot analysis.[7]

The chain-termination method developed by Sanger and coworkers in 1975 soon became the
method of choice, owing to its relative ease and reliability.[8][9]


Maxam–Gilbert sequencing
In 1976–1977, Allan Maxam and Walter Gilbert developed a DNA sequencing method based on
chemical modification of DNA and subsequent cleavage at specific bases.[5] Although Maxam and
Gilbert published their chemical sequencing method two years after the ground-breaking paper of
Sanger and Coulson on plus-minus sequencing,[8][10] Maxam–Gilbert sequencing rapidly became
more popular, since purified DNA could be used directly, while the initial Sanger method required
that each read start be cloned for production of single-stranded DNA. However, with the
improvement of the chain-termination method (see below), Maxam-Gilbert sequencing has fallen
out of favour due to its technical complexity prohibiting its use in standard molecular biology kits,
extensive use of hazardous chemicals, and difficulties with scale-up.

The method requires radioactive labelling at one end and purification of the DNA fragment to be
sequenced. Chemical treatment generates breaks at a small proportion of one or two of the four
nucleotide bases in each of four reactions (G, A+G, C, C+T). Thus a series of labelled fragments is
generated, from the radiolabelled end to the first "cut" site in each molecule. The fragments in the
four reactions are arranged side by side in gel electrophoresis for size separation. To visualize the
fragments, the gel is exposed to X-ray film for autoradiography, yielding a series of dark bands each
corresponding to a radiolabelled DNA fragment, from which the sequence may be inferred.

Also sometimes known as "chemical sequencing", this method originated in the study of DNA-
protein interactions (footprinting), nucleic acid structure and epigenetic modifications to DNA, and
within these it still has important applications.


Chain-termination methods

Part of a radioactively labelled sequencing gel

Because the chain-terminator method (or Sanger method after its developer Frederick Sanger) is
more efficient and uses fewer toxic chemicals and lower amounts of radioactivity than the method
of Maxam and Gilbert, it rapidly became the method of choice. The key principle of the Sanger
method was the use of dideoxynucleotide triphosphates (ddNTPs) as DNA chain terminators.

The classical chain-termination method requires a single-stranded DNA template, a DNA primer, a
DNA polymerase, radioactively or fluorescently labeled nucleotides, and modified nucleotides that
terminate DNA strand elongation. The DNA sample is divided into four separate sequencing
reactions, containing all four of the standard deoxynucleotides (dATP, dGTP, dCTP and dTTP) and the
DNA polymerase. To each reaction is added only one of the four dideoxynucleotides (ddATP, ddGTP,
ddCTP, or ddTTP) which are the chain-terminating nucleotides, lacking a 3'-OH group required for
the formation of a phosphodiester bond between two nucleotides, thus terminating DNA strand
extension and resulting in DNA fragments of varying length.

The newly synthesized and labeled DNA fragments are heat denatured, and separated by size (with a
resolution of just one nucleotide) by gel electrophoresis on a denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gel
with each of the four reactions run in one of four individual lanes (lanes A, T, G, C); the DNA bands
are then visualized by autoradiography or UV light, and the DNA sequence can be directly read off
the X-ray film or gel image. In the image on the right, X-ray film was exposed to the gel, and the dark
bands correspond to DNA fragments of different lengths. A dark band in a lane indicates a DNA
fragment that is the result of chain termination after incorporation of a dideoxynucleotide (ddATP,
ddGTP, ddCTP, or ddTTP). The relative positions of the different bands among the four lanes are then
used to read (from bottom to top) the DNA sequence.

DNA fragments are labeled with a radioactive or fluorescent tag on the primer (1), in the new DNA
strand with a labeled dNTP, or with a labeled ddNTP. (click to expand)

Technical variations of chain-termination sequencing include tagging with nucleotides containing

radioactive phosphorus for radiolabelling, or using a primer labeled at the 5’ end with a fluorescent
dye. Dye-primer sequencing facilitates reading in an optical system for faster and more economical
analysis and automation. The later development by Leroy Hood and coworkers [11][12] of
fluorescently labeled ddNTPs and primers set the stage for automated, high-throughput DNA

Sequence ladder by radioactive sequencing compared to fluorescent peaks (click to expand)

Chain-termination methods have greatly simplified DNA sequencing. For example, chain-
termination-based kits are commercially available that contain the reagents needed for sequencing,
pre-aliquoted and ready to use. Limitations include non-specific binding of the primer to the DNA,
affecting accurate read-out of the DNA sequence, and DNA secondary structures affecting the
fidelity of the sequence.


Dye-terminator sequencing

Capillary electrophoresis (click to expand)

Dye-terminator sequencing utilizes labelling of the chain terminator ddNTPs, which permits
sequencing in a single reaction, rather than four reactions as in the labelled-primer method. In dye-
terminator sequencing, each of the four dideoxynucleotide chain terminators is labelled with
fluorescent dyes, each of which with different wavelengths of fluorescence and emission. Owing to
its greater expediency and speed, dye-terminator sequencing is now the mainstay in automated
sequencing. Its limitations include dye effects due to differences in the incorporation of the dye-
labelled chain terminators into the DNA fragment, resulting in unequal peak heights and shapes in
the electronic DNA sequence trace chromatogram after capillary electrophoresis (see figure to the
left). This problem has been addressed with the use of modified DNA polymerase enzyme systems
and dyes that minimize incorporation variability, as well as methods for eliminating "dye blobs". The
dye-terminator sequencing method, along with automated high-throughput DNA sequence
analyzers, is now being used for the vast majority of sequencing projects.



Common challenges of DNA sequencing include poor quality in the first 15–40 bases of the sequence
and deteriorating quality of sequencing traces after 700–900 bases. Base calling software typically
gives an estimate of quality to aid in quality trimming.

In cases where DNA fragments are cloned before sequencing, the resulting sequence may contain
parts of the cloning vector. In contrast, PCR-based cloning and emerging sequencing technologies
based on pyrosequencing often avoid using cloning vectors. Recently, one-step Sanger sequencing
(combined amplification and sequencing) methods such as Ampliseq and SeqSharp have been
developed that allow rapid sequencing of target genes without cloning or prior amplification.[13]

Current methods can directly sequence only relatively short (300–1000 nucleotides long) DNA
fragments in a single reaction. The main obstacle to sequencing DNA fragments above this size limit
is insufficient power of separation for resolving large DNA fragments that differ in length by only one


Automation and sample preparation

View of the start of an example dye-terminator read (click to expand)

Automated DNA-sequencing instruments (DNA sequencers) can sequence up to 384 DNA samples in
a single batch (run) in up to 24 runs a day. DNA sequencers carry out capillary electrophoresis for
size separation, detection and recording of dye fluorescence, and data output as fluorescent peak
trace chromatograms. Sequencing reactions by thermocycling, cleanup and re-suspension in a buffer
solution before loading onto the sequencer are performed separately. A number of commercial and
non-commercial software packages can trim low-quality DNA traces automatically. These programs
score the quality of each peak and remove low-quality base peaks (generally located at the ends of
the sequence). The accuracy of such algorithms is below visual examination by a human operator,
but sufficient for automated processing of large sequence data sets.


Amplification and clonal selection

Genomic DNA is fragmented into random pieces and cloned as a bacterial library. DNA from
individual bacterial clones is sequenced and the sequence is assembled by using overlapping DNA
regions.(click to expand)

Large-scale sequencing aims at sequencing very long DNA pieces, such as whole chromosomes.
Common approaches consist of cutting (with restriction enzymes) or shearing (with mechanical
forces) large DNA fragments into shorter DNA fragments. The fragmented DNA is cloned into a DNA
vector, and amplified in Escherichia coli. Short DNA fragments purified from individual bacterial
colonies are individually sequenced and assembled electronically into one long, contiguous
sequence. This method does not require any pre-existing information about the sequence of the
DNA and is referred to as de novo sequencing. Gaps in the assembled sequence may be filled by
primer walking. The different strategies have different tradeoffs in speed and accuracy; shotgun
methods are often used for sequencing large genomes, but its assembly is complex and difficult,
particularly with sequence repeats often causing gaps in genome assembly.

Most sequencing approaches use an in vitro cloning step to amplify individual DNA molecules,
because their molecular detection methods are not sensitive enough for single molecule sequencing.
Emulsion PCR[15] isolates individual DNA molecules along with primer-coated beads in aqueous
droplets within an oil phase. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) then coats each bead with clonal
copies of the DNA molecule followed by immobilization for later sequencing. Emulsion PCR is used in
the methods by Marguilis et al. (commercialized by 454 Life Sciences), Shendure and Porreca et al.
(also known as "Polony sequencing") and SOLiD sequencing, (developed by Agencourt, now Applied
Biosystems).[16][17][18] Another method for in vitro clonal amplification is bridge PCR, where
fragments are amplified upon primers attached to a solid surface, used in the Illumina Genome
Analyzer. The single-molecule method developed by Stephen Quake's laboratory (later
commercialized by Helicos) is an exception: it uses bright fluorophores and laser excitation to detect
pyrosequencing events from individual DNA molecules fixed to a surface, eliminating the need for
molecular amplification.[19]

High-throughput sequencing

The high demand for low-cost sequencing has driven the development of high-throughput
sequencing technologies that parallelize the sequencing process, producing thousands or millions of
sequences at once.[20][21] High-throughput sequencing technologies are intended to lower the cost
of DNA sequencing beyond what is possible with standard dye-terminator methods.[22]


454 pyrosequencing

Main article: 454 Life Sciences#Technology

A parallelized version of pyrosequencing was developed by 454 Life Sciences. The method amplifies
DNA inside water droplets in an oil solution (emulsion PCR), with each droplet containing a single
DNA template attached to a single primer-coated bead that then forms a clonal colony. The
sequencing machine contains many picolitre-volume wells each containing a single bead and
sequencing enzymes. Pyrosequencing uses luciferase to generate light for detection of the individual
nucleotides added to the nascent DNA, and the combined data are used to generate sequence read-
outs.[16] This technology provides intermediate read length and price per base compared to Sanger
sequencing on one end and Solexa and SOLiD on the other.[23]


Solexa sequencing

Solexa has developed a sequencing technology based on reversible dye-terminators. DNA molecules
are first attached to primers on a slide and amplified so that local clonal colonies are formed (bridge
amplification). One type of nucleotide at a time is then added, and non-incorporated nucleotides are
washed away. Unlike pyrosequencing, the DNA can only be extended one nucleotide at a time. A
camera takes images of the fluorescently labeled nucleotides and the dye is chemically removed
from the DNA, allowing a next cycle.[24]


SOLiD sequencing

Main article: ABI Solid Sequencing

Applied Biosystems' SOLiD technology employs sequencing by ligation. Here, a pool of all possible
oligonucleotides of a fixed length are labeled according to the sequenced position. Oligonucleotides
are annealed and ligated; the preferential ligation by DNA ligase for matching sequences results in a
signal informative of the nucleotide at that position. Before sequencing, the DNA is amplified by
emulsion PCR. The resulting bead, each containing only copies of the same DNA molecule, are
deposited on a glass slide.[25] Similar to Solexa sequencing, this technology produces short read
lengths at a low price per base.[23]


Future methods

Sequencing by hybridization is a non-enzymatic method that uses a DNA microarray. A single pool of
DNA whose sequence is to be determined is fluorescently labeled and hybridized to an array
containing known sequences. Strong hybridization signals from a given spot on the array identifies
its sequence in the DNA being sequenced.[26] Mass spectrometry may be used to determine mass
differences between DNA fragments produced in chain-termination reactions.[27]

DNA sequencing methods currently under development include labeling the DNA polymerase,[28]
reading the sequence as a DNA strand transits through nanopores,[29][30] and microscopy-based
techniques, such as AFM or electron microscopy that are used to identify the positions of individual
nucleotides within long DNA fragments (>5,000 bp) by nucleotide labeling with heavier elements
(e.g., halogens) for visual detection and recording.[31][32]

In microfluidic Sanger sequencing the entire thermocycling amplification of DNA fragments as well as
their separation by electrophoresis is done on a single glass wafer (approximately 10 cm in diameter)
thus reducing the reagent usage as well as cost.[citation needed] In some instances
researchers[who?] have shown that they can increase the throughput of conventional sequencing
through the use of microchips.[citation needed] Research will still need to be done in order to make
this use of technology effective.

In October 2006, the X Prize Foundation established an initiative to promote the development of full
genome sequencing technologies, called the Archon X Prize, intending to award $10 million to "the
first Team that can build a device and use it to sequence 100 human genomes within 10 days or less,
with an accuracy of no more than one error in every 100,000 bases sequenced, with sequences
accurately covering at least 98% of the genome, and at a recurring cost of no more than $10,000
(US) per genome."[33]
DNA Sequencing

DNA sequencing is the determination of the precise sequence of nucleotides in a sample of DNA.

The most popular method for doing this is called the dideoxy method or Sanger method (named
after its inventor, Frederick Sanger, who was awarded the 1980 Nobel prize in chemistry [his second]
for this achievment).

DNA is synthesized from four deoxynucleotide triphosphates. The top formula shows one of them:
deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP). Each new nucleotide is added to the 3′ -OH group of the last
nucleotide added. Link to discussion of DNA synthesis.

The dideoxy method gets its name from the critical role played by synthetic nucleotides that lack the
-OH at the 3′ carbon atom (red arrow). A dideoxynucleotide (dideoxythymidine triphosphate —
ddTTP — is the one shown here) can be added to the growing DNA strand but when it is, chain
elongation stops because there is no 3′ -OH for the next nucleotide to be attached to. For this
reason, the dideoxy method is also called the chain termination method.

The bottom formula shows the structure of azidothymidine (AZT), a drug used to treat AIDS. AZT
(which is also called zidovudine) is taken up by cells where it is converted into the triphosphate. The
reverse transcriptase of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prefers AZT triphosphate to the
normal nucleotide (dTTP). Because AZT has no 3′ -OH group, DNA synthesis by reverse transcriptase
halts when AZT triphosphate is incorporated in the growing DNA strand. Fortunately, the DNA
polymerases of the host cell prefer dTTP, so side effects from the drug are not so severe as might
have been predicted.

The Procedure

The DNA to be sequenced is prepared as a single strand.

This template DNA is supplied with

a mixture of all four normal (deoxy) nucleotides in ample quantities





a mixture of all four dideoxynucleotides, each present in limiting quantities and each labeled with a
"tag" that fluoresces a different color:





DNA polymerase I

Because all four normal nucleotides are present, chain elongation proceeds normally until, by
chance, DNA polymerase inserts a dideoxy nucleotide (shown as colored letters) instead of the
normal deoxynucleotide (shown as vertical lines). If the ratio of normal nucleotide to the dideoxy
versions is high enough, some DNA strands will succeed in adding several hundred nucleotides
before insertion of the dideoxy version halts the process.

At the end of the incubation period, the fragments are separated by length from longest to shortest.
The resolution is so good that a difference of one nucleotide is enough to separate that strand from
the next shorter and next longer strand. Each of the four dideoxynucleotides fluoresces a different
color when illuminated by a laser beam and an automatic scanner provides a printout of the

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