A Business Continuity Management Maturity

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The paper discusses developing a Business Continuity Management (BCM) maturity model tailored for the banking sector in the United Arab Emirates. It aims to address the need for a tool to assess the maturity of existing BCM processes in organizations.

The purpose of developing the BCM maturity model is to provide a standard situational analysis tool for the banking sector in the UAE to address the gap in assessing the maturity level of their BCM processes.

The different process areas considered in developing the BCM maturity model are: planning and analysis, development of BCM plan, implementation, and maintenance.

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18,3 A business continuity
management maturity model for
the UAE banking sector
Kasim Randeree
Saı̈d Business School and Kellogg College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Ashish Mahal
RAK Bank, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and
Anjli Narwani
University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Purpose – Organisations utilise Business Continuity Management (BCM) to support sustained
performance of electronic systems on which their core activities are based. These organisations require
a tool that can be used to assess the maturity of their existing BCM processes. Through the
examination of the banking sector of the United Arab Emirates, the purpose of this paper is to address
the need for a BCM maturity model.
Design/methodology/approach – A tailored BCM maturity model was developed using a
two-stage approach; the first stage was developing a model based on the analysis of five existing
models; and the second stage was validation of the developed model against the formulated objectives
through the use of focus groups with ten UAE banks, comprising of three BCM experts for each bank.
Findings – The research found that the provision of a standard maturity model for BCM as a
situational analysis tool for the banking sector is functional and can be the basis of a tool to address
the gap in organisations in general to assess the maturity level of their BCM processes.
Research limitations/implications – The developed model is limited to validation within a specific
sector and geographically, with generic model validation being outside the scope of this research.
Practical implications – The framework provides different areas to which maturity can be
assigned, various levels across quality and scope and how an overall BCM maturity of an organisation
can be determined.
Originality/value – The development of a maturity model which could be used as a BCM self
analysis tool is a significant addition to the BCM knowledge base.
Keywords United Arab Emirates, Banking, Business continuity, Business continuity management,
Maturity model, Banking sector
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Forces in the global context and pressures of competition are constantly pressing
demands on organisations to take measures to assure the continuity of their business.
Business continuity has thus become a topic of high interest to organisations striving
Business Process Management to overcome negative forces (KPMG, 2006). To achieve operational and business
Vol. 18 No. 3, 2012
pp. 472-492 The authors would like to thank: the BT Centre for Major Programme Management and The
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Oxford Centre for Corporate Reputation, Saı̈d Business School, University of Oxford; Santander
DOI 10.1108/14637151211232650 Universities; and The British University in Dubai for their support for this work.
continuity, there is a management process that addresses the processes and people that BCM maturity
are critical for the survival of the organisation. This approach of ensuring continuity of model for
critical processes is called business continuity management (BCM).
Dayan and Evans (2006) explain that a process is a set of practices to achieve a given banking sector
purpose. It may include tools, methods, material and/or people. A process is therefore a
leverage point for an organisation’s sustained improvement. According to Lockamy and
McCormack (2004), the concept of process maturity proposes that a process has a 473
lifecycle that is assessed by the extent to which the process is explicitly defined,
managed, measured and controlled. The process maturity concept is analogous to that of
a lifecycle, which occurs in developmental stages. This concept also implies growth in
the areas of process capability, richness and consistency across the entire organisation
(Dorfman and Thayer, 1997). This process maturity can be determined using maturity
models, which assumes that progress towards goal achievement comes in stages.
As Smit (2005) states:
The scope of a maturity model can vary from a constituent process or a process within a
certain function (e.g. software development Capability Maturity Model (Paulk, 1995)), to an
integrated whole of the main processes that form the business (Instituut Nederlandse
BCM itself, has its roots in disaster recovery, which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s as
companies began to store backup copies of their critical data, paper or electronic, at
alternate sites. The functions of security and disaster recovery systems rely on the
continuity of information technology (IT) systems. National and international disasters
together reinforced the need for organisations to rethink their processes and systems
along the lines of BCM principles. Although organisations recognise the need for BCM,
they often do not know how to implement BCM processes properly and integrate them
through their entire organisation (end-to-end).
The Business Continuity Institute (BCI, 2007) defines BCM as:
A holistic management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organisation
and provides a framework for building resilience with the capability for an effective response
that safeguards the interests of key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating
Nowhere is this truer than in the banking sector. The need for agility of banks to
address the diverse needs of a varied customer base and evolution in its essence has
driven banking institutions towards computerisation and IT enabled systems across
all operations (Mohan and Rai, 2006; IBM Global Services, 2000; BSI, 1999). Realising
that these electronic systems have been the major factor that differentiates between
competitors in today’s demanding banking business environment, banks are moving
to protect themselves from system failures. However, protecting against such system
failures is not enough. Banks need to be more concerned about the risks that threaten
the operational continuity of their businesses as well. After all what good is a computer
system, when there are no business processes to use them? Information possessed by
banks is no longer only used by employees, but by customers and partners as well on a
real time basis (usually through intranet systems). These users expect continuous
availability of and instantaneous access to organisational information. Protecting their
information is essential to ensure that the business has a competitive edge and
maintains cash flow and a good commercial image (BSI, 1999). In order to ensure that
BPMJ a bank maintains its competitive edge, the information must be kept confidential,
18,3 accurate and continuously available.
Though banks utilise BCM to support sustained performance of their electronic
systems, effectiveness of their systems lack maturity. Thus, by examination of the
banking sector of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), this paper addresses the need for a
BCM maturity model.
2. Business continuity management
Noakes-Fry and Diamond (2001) articulated that there is continuously increasing
pressure that forces banks to take steps to address the continuity of their business. This
includes the demanding customers who enforce requirements (of uninterrupted and
continuous service) and by supervising bodies (regulatory institutions,
compliances, etc.). Further, ensuring business continuity has become more difficult
because of increasing threats, supply chain integration and dependency on complex
information systems. BCM addresses operational continuity by concentrating on
mission critical business processes. Although the awareness that something should be
done to assure business continuity is present in many organisations, especially in the
banking sector, they often do not know how to implement BCM processes in the
appropriate manner and integrate them across their entire organisation. According to a
BCM survey conducted by KPMG (2006), this is also true within organisations in the
UAE, where only 20 per cent of organisations have an integrated organisation-wide
BCM system. The other 80 per cent of organisations in the UAE have BCM processes in
place in one form or another, but are not clear as to how to take these processes forward.
Usually, organisations consider BCM as a new and complex process and thus seek
specialised external advisors and consultants to develop a BCM program.
Multiple BCM best practices and methodologies exist (Kenny, 2006; Koch, 2001) but
their contents do not vary much. These best practice models and methodologies provide
information as to how to implement BCM process but do not provide any mechanism to
prescribe the extent to which an organisation should implement the BCM process. The
methodologies do not offer a way to assess where an organisation currently stands in
terms of BCM maturity, how far they have to go and what they need to do to get there.
The BCI released a BCM standard called BS25999 in 2007, which too does not provide
any kind of framework against which organisations can benchmark their current status.
Software-based maturity models, such as the capability maturity model (CMM), rely on
the fact that a target maturity level can be achieved only after going through several
phased steps. The need for organisations to create formal BCM systems has been
discussed by researchers (e.g. Mohan and Rai, 2006). They point out that there has been a
significant increase in perceived importance by management for implementing business
continuity planning (BCP). For example, Digital Research, Inc. (2002)) reported that three
in four companies with plans in place to deal with such disruptions have reviewed the
adequacy of their plans in light of the events of 11 September 2001. Initially, the focus of
BCP had been on IT (Savage, 2002). However, writers are recognising that one of the
most critical activities inherent in managing risk is ensuring the flow of inbound
products and services as inputs to production (Burt et al., 2003; Gilbert and Gips, 2000).
According to Zsidisin et al. (2005), supply chains are increasingly susceptible to
unplanned disruptions. With the implementation of total quality management (TQM),
time-based competition and other supply chain improvement initiatives, managers now
realise that their supply chains are fragile, particularly to environmental disruptions BCM maturity
outside their control (Randeree, 2010). The BCM: Best Practices Guidelines document model for
(2002) as adapted in Publicly Available Specification (PAS 56) Guide to BCM (BCI, 2006)
portrays BCM as an activity: banking sector
[. . .] that unifies a broad spectrum of business and management disciplines in both the
private and public sectors, including crisis management, risk management and technology
recovery, and should not be limited to IT disaster recovery. 475
BCM is not only a professional specialist discipline but also a business owned and driven
issue that unifies a broad spectrum of business and management processes. These
include risk, facilities, supply chain and quality management; disaster recovery;
security; crisis communication and PR; and health and safety (Burtles, 2005). In
particular, BCM provides the strategic and operational framework to both review, and
where appropriate, redesign the way an organisation provides its product and services
whilst increasing its resistance to disruption, interruption or loss. BCM is about
managing risk and ensuring an organisation can continue operating. Zsidisin et al.
(2005) state that business continuity is a system that has been developed by practitioners
to minimise the effects of unanticipated events on the firm’s ability to meet customer
requirements. Elliott et al. (1999) view BCP from a finance market perspective, as:
[. . .] planning which identifies the organisation’s exposure to internal and external threats
and synthesises hard and soft assets to provide effective prevention and recovery for the
organisation, whilst maintaining competitive advantage and value system integrity.
Shaw and Harrald (2004) recognise that BCP is an essential facet of BCM, which
consists of business practices that provide focus and guidance for the decisions and
actions required for a firm to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, resume,
recover, restore and transition from a crisis event. BCP involves developing a collection
of procedures for the various business units that will ensure the continuance of critical
business processes while the data centre is recovering from the disaster. BCP can also
be defined as a complete process of developing measures and procedures to ensure an
organisation’s disaster preparedness. This includes ensuring that the organisation
would be able to respond effectively and efficiently to a disaster and that their critical
business processes can continue as usual.
From the existing definitions of BCM some important features identified include:
The objective of BCM is to ensure the continuity of the organisation’s mission
critical processes, which are core to the business at at-least the minimum
acceptable level.
BCM activities should be prioritised with major attention towards mission
critical business processes.
BCM covers both the prevention of disasters/disruptions and reducing the
impact to business in case of a disaster/disruption. Hence, it has preventive,
repressive and corrective actions.
BCM is an iterative management process – not a one-off project. BCM becomes
obsolete if not maintained or tested.

Processes that are not critical also need to be recovered in the end, but not necessarily
within a given (often short) timeframe. Of course their protection and recovery
BPMJ is also important, but it does not belong within the scope of BCM. Thus, a successful
18,3 BCM process requires an organisation to identify its critical processes and to determine
all resources these processes depend on. However, the focus is not primarily on these
resources, but on the critical business processes. All BCM demands should therefore be
derived from requirements regarding the critical business processes.

476 3. The importance of BCM

The focus of BCM is on essential processes as opposed to business functions.
Organisations have thus undergone a paradigm shift in their thinking, with a
realisation that process-based approaches, like business process reengineering/
redesign (BPR), business process improvement (BPI) and TQM create value for
organisations in a way that business functions alone do not (Smit, 2005). Further, BCM
aids in overcoming issues such as disruption to the supply chain, risk and meeting the
growing demands of regulation.

3.1 Supply chain disruptions

Supply chains are increasingly susceptible to unplanned disruptions. With the
implementation of practices such as TQM, time-based competition and other supply
chain improvement initiatives, managers now realise that their supply chains are
fragile, particularly to environmental disruptions outside their control. Therefore, it is
becoming increasingly important to address the continuity of supply chains.
In order to address supply risk, many managers are now adopting an approach for
dealing with these specific types of disruptions-disruptions that are difficult to predict,
have a small probability of occurring but that, when they occur, have an immediate
and significant impact on the ability of the supply chain to meet customer demands.
This approach is BCP or BCM (Zsidisin et al., 2005).

3.2 Customer demands amidst rising competition

Smit (2005) argues that customers now demand round the clock e-commerce services
and this can only occur if they can ensure the continuity of their IT systems supporting
these services. Disruption would likely incur financial loss and contribute to
diminishing brand value and reputational damage. In an aggressive and competitive
environment, this could result in customer attrition to opponent organisations and, as a
result, customers are in the driving seat, demanding guaranteed service continuity
from supplying companies. Rising demand also leads to a need for cost efficiency
(Randeree, 2010) and means organisations outsource more of their secondary activities
allowing a more dedicated approach to primary activities.

3.3 Regulation and risk

Increasing regulation warrants greater need for BCM as companies are impacted through
regulation to ensure continuity of business processes. The requirements of
“De Nederlandsche Bank” (DNB) regarding Dutch financial institutions, BASLE II, the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
(SOXA) and the regulations for municipalities regarding the municipal base
administration (GBA) are examples ever increasing regulation. Furthermore, external
dangers such as terrorism, natural disaster, industrial espionage and fraudulent
behaviour at all organisational levels have increased in recent years, putting business
continuity at ever increasing risk. The perception of risk is further heightened through the BCM maturity
media spotlight, which often over emphasises or exaggerates risk (Randeree and El model for
Faramawy, 2011; Randeree, 2008). A further risk factor is the dependency of corporations
on their IT systems and the robustness of all related infrastructure (Randeree and Gaad, banking sector
2008), which increases their susceptibility to interruption or crisis (Randeree and Ninan,
2011; Smit, 2005).
4. Maturity models
Based on the description of the Gartner Maturity Model (Mingay, 2002) a maturity
model can be defined as a staged structure of maturity levels, which defines the extent
to which a specific process is defined, managed, measured, controlled and/or effective,
assuming the organisation develops and adopts new processes and practices, from
which it learns, optimises and moves on to the next level, until the desired level is
reached. Thus, are enlisted the following objectives of the maturity models:
(1) to measure the maturity of the process under consideration, i.e. assign a level to
the existing process;
(2) to compare the maturity of an organisation to other organisations and with best
practices; and
(3) to provide a mechanism of learning to improve the maturity level.

Smit (2005) identified two BCM maturity models that demonstrate the required merits,
namely the Complete Public Domain Business Continuity Maturity Model (BCMM) and
the Gartner BCP Maturity Model (Mingay, 2002). The former measures the extent to
which an organisation is prepared for a serious negative eventuality, such as a disaster.
It classifies according to six maturity levels, where levels one to three represent
organisations that are immature, to the extent that preliminary phases have yet to be
completed in order to instigate an enterprise-wide business continuity system, whereas
levels 4-6 represent organisations in the process of achieving maturity towards this goal.
Smit (2005) cites Mingay (2002) who purports that the Gartner BCP Maturity Model
is designed and functions to allow corporations to realise four objectives, namely, the
evaluation of BCP processes; allow high-ranking personnel to understand the
requirements needed to achieve enterprise-wide BCP application; “complete a gap
analysis so realistic targets can be set; and provide a basis for peer-group comparison
and establishment of industry standards.” The distinctive levels of maturity the model
classifies are based on the COBIT maturity model, which are partially based on the
CMM maturity levels. Gartner identifies 19 performance measures required for of an
organisation’s BCP maturity. However, the criticism levelled against BCMM also
applies to the Gartner BCP Maturity Model.
Overall, the findings of this review demonstrated that the two maturity models
presented for BCM are inadequate in their entirety to satisfy all the needs of the required
maturity model and cannot be consolidated. The resolution was therefore to create a
tailored BCM maturity model, which concurs with the conclusions of Smit (2005).

5. Developing a BCM maturity model

The final BCM maturity model developed is shown in Figure 1. Arriving at this model
was based on several stages. First, a consolidation exercise of inputs from five existing


Figure 1.
Developed BCM
maturity model

BCM/maturity models (five models); second, an iterative process, which comprised of

seven steps applied across (third) maturity levels within five areas. Finally, the focus
group validation process was undertaken to test the validity of the developed model
within the context of banks in the UAE.

Five models
(1) CMM and CMMI models for software process improvement.
(2) Business process orientation (BPO) maturity model (SEI, 2002).
(3) Business continuity model for banks in India (Mohan and Rai, 2006).
(4) Maturity model for the implementation of software process improvement
(Niazi et al., 2005).
(5) GPIS model (Saleh and Alshawi, 2005).

CMM assigns a maturity level to the whole software development process based on the
process areas covered. The process is for instance either repeatable or managed based on
the number of process areas covered by the organisation. Therefore, each maturity level
will cover a different number of process areas. The same concept holds good for the BPO
maturity model. The business continuity model developed by Mohan and Rai (2006)
identifies five components namely organisational soft issues, processes, people,
technology and facilities management and defines a variety of metrics at four levels
(corporate/policy level, tactical/organisational level, tools/methods, up gradation/
review/testing mechanism level) to measure the “resilience” and “vulnerability” of a BCM maturity
bank in the event of business disruption. model for
Seven steps banking sector
(1) Initiate BCM program, develop a BCM charter (containing strategy/policy) and
assign responsibility/accountability.
(2) Perform a business impact analysis (BIA).
(3) Perform a risk analysis.
(4) Select the business recovery strategies.
(5) Develop the complete BCP along with preventive, corrective and repressive
measures (incident response crisis management, PR and media).
(6) Implement BCP by embedding in organisation culture through training and
(7) Test, audit and maintain the BCP (Smit, 2005).

Five areas
Within the framework, five areas are identified to which one of five maturity levels is
assigned (Figure 2). The detailed description of each of the five areas is given in
Appendix 1. The seven step iterative process is thus executed as follows:
(1) AREA 1: BCM program management (step 1).
(2) AREA 2: planning and analysis (steps 2-4).
(3) AREA 3: development of the BCP (step 5).
(4) AREA 4: implementation (step 6).
(5) AREA 5: maintenance (step 7).

Validation process
The final model is validated by applying it to organisations and through focus group
sessions to determine whether all its objectives are met or not. Through the use of the
focus groups, the maturity level within each area (Figure 3) could now be established
for any UAE bank. During these sessions, the attendees gave feedback on the
practicality of the model based on their industry experience, taking the requirements of
the model into account. To illustrate the process, focus group responses to structured
questions addressing those aspects were divided into several standard answer
categories. For example: the answers to the level of BCM policy of an organisation was
divided into: “No BCM Policy”, “Part of IT security”, “‘Basic BCM policy’, organisation
wide BCM policy” and “Strategy driven BCM policy.” For each area, a similar
categorisation of standard answers is followed to derive five different maturity levels
(which are independent of each other) among organisations in UAE.
Figure 2 thus shows maturity of each area separately.

Developed model
The developed model (Figure 1) is further enhanced by an organisation’s maturity
across two dimensions – BCM process quality ( y-axis) and the BCM process scope
(x-axis) as shown in Figure 3. By defining maturity on both axes, the maturity level
18,3 BCM Program No BCM Policy/ Policy–part of IT Basic BCM Policy
Gulding company
wide BCM Policy
BCM policy–
Integral part of
Management Budget Securuty exists exists Management

480 BIA for all

BIA for all BIA for all
Adhoc Planning– dependencies
BIA exists for only dependencies dependencies
No RA/not based incl. all external
Planning & Analysis IT Dependencies excluding chain including chain
on BIA parties & other
partners partners
Business units

Bc plans for IT, All BCM plans

Basic BC– business. Crisis Comprehensive
inter linked
No documented Disaster Recovery Mgmt, incident BC plan covering
Development of BC between business
BC plans plans for IT exists escalation & other all critical
Plan units & processes
preventive plans functions

Plans spread Plans spread

Plan available &
Plan not spread/ internally across communicated Plans part of daily
Implementation communicated at
communicatied the organization & and practiced management
high levels
extermally regulariy

Only the IT plans Planned & Planned out Complete BCM

BCM–as a one-
Figure 2. Maintenance off project (not an are maintained implemented for a
part of the whole
as part of change
iterative process
maintained &
ongoing process) exercised &
Maturity levels from the audited BC plan mgmt process. audited

data collections exercise

based on the occupied grid space (known as a scope quality box (SQB)) for which an
organisation meets its goals can be derived. Each SQB is described by specific process
areas (Appendix 2) and each area is specified by a specific goal. Each goal has certain
generic practices associated with it, which provides a roadmap on how to improve
organisational maturity level.

6. Results and analysis

The focus group session performed a check on whether the model satisfies the

1. Substantiated judgement of BCM process maturity within an organisation

It was agreed that the model met this requirement. None of the attendees criticised the
model with respect to this requirement. However, certain questions were raised on the
completeness of the requirements of each aspect/goal and it was agreed that it would
require further research to achieve completeness.
There was also a remark for the addition of a level 0 for process quality indicating
an organisation that does not have practice of BCM. This was then challenged as to
which scope level 0 would be applicable. The overall assessment was that it is complete
and gives a fair judgment of the current situation of BCM in an organisation.
BCM maturity
model for
ity Optimized banking sector




Ad hoc

Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Level5

Figure 3.
BCM maturity model
Y Axis: BCM Scope based on the five
models described

2. Easily communicable model

During the focus group sessions, this particular requirement was not challenged at all.
The SQB with certain process areas and goals were easily understood by all.
The diagrammatic representation was remarked as user friendly (Figure 3).

3. Model must give recommendation to improve maturity in terms of action oriented

The determination of recommendation is done in two steps. First, the current status of
the organisation is determined. Second, the target level is to be determined. Ideally, in
order to reach a target level, organisations must work towards attaining all level on the
way. For instance, if an organisation is in managed level covering all scope levels and if
it wants to achieve integrated level across all scope levels, it must first achieve all
defined levels across all scope levels. It was agreed that not all organisations follow
this growth strategy and the model must provide recommendations to directly jump to
a level without having to go through levels on the way. Also the current model is
limited to defining the goals under each process area but the detail requirement of
achieving this goal requires further research.

4. The model must be suitable for benchmarking with other organisations and industry
best practices
It was agreed that for a model to be used in comparisons, it should have
distinguishing capabilities to position organisations with different BCM maturity
within the model.
BPMJ 5. The model must be based on a generally accepted best practices methodology
18,3 Since the development of this model is a bespoke version of existing best practice, this
requirement has been met. The focus group also validated this by trying to map
process areas with best practice existing in the field of BCM.

7. Conclusions
482 Given increasing regulation and rising competition in the UAE coupled with a demand for
continuous and uninterrupted service, organisations in the UAE are beginning to pay
attention to BCM. The extent to which they need to incorporate BCM in their organisations
(IT-based, critical site-based, organisation wide or integrated) depends on the complexity
and criticality of their businesses. Moreover, compliance to industry standards and
regulators also drives decisions on the scope of BCM that an organisation intends to
implement. Based on these observations, the maturity model developed serves as an
analysis tool to aid organisations on how to achieve their target maturity. Thus, through
the examination of the banking sector of the UAE, this paper addresses the need for a BCM
maturity model. The research has yielded a highly successful BCM maturity model, which
was validated through focus groups with BCM experts across ten banks in the UAE.
The scope for broadening the model across organisational sectors is proven. It can further
be stated that volatile sectors, such as the UAE construction sector, need great attention in
this regard (Randeree and Chaudhry, 2012; Randeree and Chaudhry, 2007).
The reason for development of a BCM maturity model is based on the underlying
assumption that a more mature BCM process will result in better business continuity
capability/results. If an organisation has better control over BCM processes, it is also
more likely to have a higher maturity level when tested.

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Further reading
Barnes, D. (2002), “The manufacturing strategy formation process in small and medium-sized
enterprises”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 9 No. 2,
pp. 130-49.
Randeree, K. (2009), “Strategy, policy and practice in the nationalisation of human capital:
‘project emiratisation’”, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, Vol. 17
No. 1, pp. 71-91.

Appendix 1
AREA 1: BCM program management

Responsibility A person placed high in the organisation hierarchy must be

responsible for BCM. The person should have enough
authority to over right functional reporting line for any person
in case of a crisis
Budgeting Importance of BCM in an organisation is determined based on
whether it has a separate BCM budget and also how large is
this budget?
Top management commitment Successful BCM require resources and cooperation from
various departments, which consider BCM as an added
burden. So, commitment from the top management is
necessary to drive BCM initiative
BCM charter/policy A clear, transparent and communicated BCM policy/charter
give the BCM program the right direction. It defines the scope
and quality of the BCM process
Integration of BCM in other processes Integration of BCM into other management processes and
projects ensures pro active incorporation of continuity rather
than considering continuity aspects at a later stage of projects
or processes
BCM awareness Without staff awareness, BCM can never be implemented as
Table AI. per their intention (scope and quality)
AREA 2: planning and analysis BCM maturity
model for
Process analysis and selection of BCM Using a standard (industry specific) BCM
banking sector
methodology methodology can clearly indicate the quality of
the BCM process in an organisation
Quality of BIA Whether or not an organisation has classified its 485
business areas/system/processes based on their
criticality, will indicate the scope of BIA and its
associated quality
Quality of risk analysis Same as “Quality of BIA”. Whether or not an
organisation identifies its critical processes and
how it analysis the risks determines the quality of
BCM process
Quality of selecting business recovery strategies The way an organisation selects its business
recovery strategies highlight the quality of BCM
process. Whether this selection is based on result
of BIA and RA?
Level of analysis The extent of analysis – what minute details and
dependencies are considered in BIA/RA will
influence the quality of BCM in an organisation
Tuning with external stakeholders The extent to which external stakeholders
(vendors, suppliers, etc.) are involved in the BCM
process also determines the quality of the BCM
process Table AII.

AREA 3: development of the BC plan

The number of available plans indicates the quality of the BCM process in an organisation
Test plan Describes the test (schedules based on the criticality of areas) for
the BCM plans
Maintenance plan Gives the procedure of how to maintain BCM plans. How can
stakeholders communicate the changes?
Crisis communication plan Highlights how communication should occur in case of a crisis?
Responding to Media, etc.
Incident response plan This gives the reactive measures to be undertaken in case of a
crisis/disruption, parties involved, etc.
Security plan Gives the preventive continuity measures
Escalation plan Describes the procedures to be followed to be followed by staff in
case of a disruption. Who to escalate and when? This forms a
basis whether contingency plan must be activated or not?
Disaster recovery plan Gives the recovery procedures of IT (corrective and repressive
Process salvage and recovery plan Describes, how critical processes can be resumed from an other
site in case of a disaster and how to return back to “Business as
Training plan Describes the training (schedules) for the BC plans, which help in
embedding BCM in the organisation’s culture
Form of the plan Not just having a plan is sufficient! What’s important is whether it
is written in a usable format? Table AIII.
BPMJ AREA 4: implementation
Execution of the plan Whether an organisation considers BCM is an ongoing exercise, or a
ad hoc project which has just started or already finished, will indicate
the quality of the BCM process. Has the plan been executed in all
486 facilities of the organisation? Does it cover all processes? Are the
employees trained? All these are indicators of BCM quality
Disaster response organisation Is there an execution of a virtual body, in case of a disaster, which will
coordinate all activities (corrective and repressive measure)? Are the
succession plans for key staff executed (preventive measure)? These
Table AIV. also indicate the BCM process quality

AREA 5: maintenance

Tests and exercises Regular testing and exercising of plans under simulated or live
situations, help in gaining confidence and prepare to face disasters. Whether
the gaps arising out of tests are addressed or not, is also an indicator of the
BCM process quality? Which facilities are tested? – is an indicator of BCM
Maintenance of all plans An organisation must treat BCM as an iterative process. It should not
remain as a project which is over some day. It should be treated as a cyclic
process, keeping it up to date
BCM audit An independent check on the BCM process can provide a useful insight and
Table AV. recommendations to improve

Appendix 2
I. SQB I: ad hoc – level 1 (technology):
a. Process area: BCM program management:
i. Goal 1: responsibility – not defined.
ii. Goal 2: budgeting – no dedicated budget for disaster planning.
iii. Goal 3: top management commitment – no commitment.
iv. Goal 4: BCM charter and policy – no format charter.
v. Goal 5: integration of BCM in other processes – no integration taken into
vi. Goal 6: BCM awareness – no training/awareness.
b. Process area: planning and analysis:
i. Goal 1: process analysis and selection of BCM methodology – no formal
methodology in place.
ii. Goal 2: quality of BIA – no prioritisation of IT services based on their impact is in
place. Quality of BIA is very low.
iii. Goal 3: quality of risk analysis – low quality as no formal risk assessment is BCM maturity
model for
iv. Goal 4: quality of selecting business recovery strategies – low quality as it is not
based on BIA or RA. banking sector
v. Goal 5: level of analysis – only limited to certain IT services without any process
related dependencies/integration.
vi. Goal 6: tuning with external stakeholders – no external stakeholder dependencies 487
taken into consideration.
c. Process area: development of BCM plan:
i. Goals 1: test plan – do not exist.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance plan – do not exist.
iii. Goal 3: crisis communication plan – do not exist.
iv. Goal 4: incident response plan – do not exist.
v. Goal 5: security plan – do not exist.
vi. Goal 6: escalation plan – may or may not exist as a part of BAU.
vii. Goal 7: disaster recovery plan – may exist for random systems.
viii. Goal 8: process salvage and recovery plan – do not exist.
ix. Goal 9: training plan – do not exist.
x. Goal 10: format of the plan – not very easy. Cumbersome in nature.
d. Process area: implementation:
i. Goal 1: execution of the plan – only for random systems. Does not prioritise the
critical ones.
ii. Goal 2: disaster response organisation – do not exist.
e. Process area: maintenance:
i. Goal 1: tests and exercises – not tested or exercised. May happen for one odd case
during implementation of the system.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance of all plans: no formal process in place.
iii. Goal 3: BCM audit – not audited.
II. SQB II: managed – level 1 (technology):
a. Process area: BCM program management:
i. Goal 1: responsibility – a middle level IT manager.
ii. Goal 2: budgeting – no dedicated budget but part of IT budget.
iii. Goal 3: top management commitment – low commitment.
iv. Goal 4: BCM charter and policy – charter is a part of IT services charter.
No dedicated BCM charter.
v. Goal 5: integration of BCM in other processes – integration is limited to mission
critical systems.
vi. Goal 6: BCM awareness – limited training/awareness to mission critical systems.
b. Process area: planning and analysis:
i. Goal 1: process analysis and selection of BCM methodology-methodology is a part
of IT services.
BPMJ ii. Goal 2: quality of BIA – basic first level BIA is conducted to identify mission
critical systems. Quality is still low.
iii. Goal 3: quality of risk analysis – detailed RA is not done. Only a high level RA is
carried out.
iv. Goal 4: quality of selecting business recovery strategies – quality is moderate as
basic BIA and RA is conducted.
488 v. Goal 5: level of analysis – only limited to certain critical IT services with direct
process related dependencies/integration.
vi. Goal 6: tuning with external stakeholders – no external stakeholder dependencies
taken into consideration.
c. Process area: development of BCM plan:
i. Goals 1: test plan – exists.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance plan – do not exist.
iii. Goal 3: crisis communication plan – do not exist.
iv. Goal 4: incident response plan – do not exist.
v. Goal 5: security plan – exists.
vi. Goal 6: escalation plan – exists.
vii. Goal 7: disaster recovery plan – exists for mission critical systems.
viii. Goal 8: process salvage and recovery plan – exists.
ix. Goal 9: training plan – may or may not exist.
x. Goal 10: format of the plan – not very easy. Cumbersome in nature.
d. Process area: implementation:
i. Goal 1: execution of the plan – only for critical systems.
ii. Goal 2: disaster response organisation – may or may not exist. It may be defined
but never practiced.
e. Process area: maintenance:
i. Goal 1: tests and exercises – only tested for mission critical systems.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance of all plans: no formal process in place.
iii. Goal 3: BCM audit – audited as a part of IT.
III. SQB III: defined – level 1 (technology):
a. Process area: BCM program management:
i. Goal 1: responsibility – a senior level IT manager.
ii. Goal 2: budgeting – dedicated budget for BCM.
iii. Goal 3: top management commitment – high commitment.
iv. Goal 4: BCM charter and policy – dedicated BCM charter.
v. Goal 5: integration of BCM in other processes – integration is limited to mission
critical systems. All processes, people and facilities dependencies are taken into
vi. Goal 6: BCM awareness – good amount of training and awareness exists.
b. Process area: planning and analysis:
i. Goal 1: process analysis and selection of BCM methodology – best practice BCM
practices are followed.
ii. Goal 2: quality of BIA – detailed BIA is conducted to prioritise business processes BCM maturity
and underlying IT systems.
model for
iii. Goal 3: quality of risk analysis – detailed RA is done covering all aspects
of business processes. banking sector
iv. Goal 4: quality of selecting business recovery strategies – quality is good as it
is based on BIA and RA.
v. Goal 5: level of analysis – covers all critical IT services with process related 489
dependencies/integration. Less priority systems are also covered.
vi. Goal 6: tuning with external stakeholders – external stakeholder dependencies are
considered for mission critical systems/processes.
c. Process area: development of BCM plan:
i. Goals 1: test plan – exists.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance plan – exists.
iii. Goal 3: crisis communication plan – exists.
iv. Goal 4: incident response plan – exists..
v. Goal 5: security plan – exists.
vi. Goal 6: escalation plan – exists.
vii. Goal 7: disaster recovery plan – exists for all systems.
viii. Goal 8: process salvage and recovery plan – exists.
ix. Goal 9: training plan – exists.
x. Goal 10: format of the plan – easy and user friendly.
d. Process area: implementation:
i. Goal 1: execution of the plan – covers all systems and underlying processes, people,
infrastructure, etc..
ii. Goal 2: disaster response organisation – exists. A virtual body is identified which
would be activated to handle disasters. Other supporting groups like logistics and
IT support are also identified.
e. Process area: maintenance:
i. Goal 1: tests and exercises – all plans are tested. Especially mission critical ones are
tested every year.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance of all plans: plans are maintained on a regular basis. This
could be triggered by test results, process changes, incidents, etc.
iii. Goal 3: BCM audit – a separate audit is carried out.
IV. SQB IV: integrated – level 1 (technology):
a. Process area: BCM program management:
i. Goal 1: responsibility – a senior level IT manager.
ii. Goal 2: budgeting – dedicated budget for BCM.
iii. Goal 3: top management commitment – high commitment.
iv. Goal 4: BCM charter and policy – dedicated BCM charter, which covers external
v. Goal 5: integration of BCM in other processes – integration for all systems,
processes, people and facilities dependencies are taken into account.
BPMJ vi. Goal 6: BCM awareness – good amount of training and awareness exists including
supply chain training.
18,3 b. Process area: planning and analysis:
i. Goal 1: process analysis and selection of BCM methodology – best practice BCM
practices are followed and in certain cases modified according to the organisation’s
490 ii. Goal 2: quality of BIA – detailed BIA is conducted to prioritise business processes
and underlying IT systems.
iii. Goal 3: quality of risk analysis – detailed RA is done covering all aspects of
business processes.
iv. Goal 4: quality of selecting business recovery strategies – quality is good as it is
based on BIA and RA.
v. Goal 5: level of analysis – covers all IT services with process related
dependencies/integration with supply chain and cross functional processes.
vi. Goal 6: tuning with external stakeholders – external stakeholder dependencies are
taken into consideration for all systems/processes.
c. Process area: development of BCM plan:
i. Goals 1: test plan – exists.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance plan – exists.
iii. Goal 3: crisis communication plan – exists.
iv. Goal 4: incident response plan – exists.
v. Goal 5: security plan – exists.
vi. Goal 6: escalation plan – exists.
vii. Goal 7: disaster recovery plan – exists for all systems.
viii. Goal 8: process salvage and recovery plan – exists.
ix. Goal 9: training plan – exists.
x. Goal 10: format of the plan – easy and user friendly.
d. Process area: implementation:
i. Goal 1: execution of the plan – covers all systems and underlying processes, people,
infrastructure, etc. Also these are tested.
ii. Goal 2: disaster response organisation – exists. A virtual body is identified which
would be activated to handle disasters. Other supporting groups like logistics and
IT support are also identified and trained.
e. Process area: maintenance:
i. Goal 1: tests and exercises – all plans are tested. Especially mission critical ones are
tested twice a year and less priority one once a year.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance of all plans: plans are maintained on a regular basis. This could
be triggered by test results, process changes, incidents, etc..
iii. Goal 3: BCM audit – a separate audit is carried out. These include both external
as well as internal audit.
V. SQB V: optimised – level 1 (technology):
a. Process area: BCM program management:
i. Goal 1: responsibility – a senior level IT manager or BCP manager reporting to CEO
or COO.
ii. Goal 2: budgeting – dedicated budget for BCM. BCM maturity
iii. Goal 3: top management commitment – high commitment. model for
iv. Goal 4: BCM charter and policy – dedicated BCM charter, which covers external banking sector
stakeholders and reviewed regularly.
v. Goal 5: integration of BCM in other processes – integration for all systems,
processes, people and facilities dependencies are taken into account.
vi. Goal 6: BCM awareness – good amount of training and awareness exists including
supply chain training. External training is also included.
b. Process area: planning and analysis:
i. Goal 1: process analysis and selection of BCM methodology – best practice BCM
practices are followed and in certain cases modified according to the organisation’s
ii. Goal 2: quality of BIA – detailed BIA is conducted to prioritise business processes
and underlying IT systems. BIA also covers the non availability of supply chain
iii. Goal 3: quality of risk analysis – detailed RA is done covering all aspects of
business processes.
iv. Goal 4: quality of selecting business recovery strategies – quality is good as it is
based on BIA and RA.
v. Goal 5: level of analysis – covers all IT services with process related
dependencies/integration with supply chain and cross functional processes.
vi. Goal 6: tuning with external stakeholders – external stakeholder dependencies are
taken into consideration for all systems/processes.
c. Process area: development of BCM plan:
i. Goals 1: test plan – exists.
ii. Goal 2: maintenance plan – exists and updated regularly.
iii. Goal 3: crisis communication plan – exists.
iv. Goal 4: incident response plan – exists.
v. Goal 5: security plan – exists.
vi. Goal 6: escalation plan – exists.
vii. Goal 7: disaster recovery plan – exists for all systems.
viii. Goal 8: process salvage and recovery plan – exists.
ix. Goal 9: training plan – exists.
x. Goal 10: format of the plan – easy and user friendly.
d. Process area: implementation:
i. Goal 1: execution of the plan – covers all systems and underlying processes, people,
infrastructure, etc. Also these are tested.
ii. Goal 2: disaster response organisation – exists. A virtual body is identified which
would be activated to handle disasters. Other supporting groups like logistics and
IT support are also identified and trained.
e. Process area: maintenance:
i. Goal 1: tests and exercises – all plans are tested. Especially mission critical ones are
tested twice a year and less priority one once a year. Crisis management plans and
BPMJ disaster recovery teams undergo regular drills and results are captured to make
changes to existing plans.
18,3 ii. Goal 2: maintenance of all plans: plans are maintained on a regular basis. This
could be triggered by test results, process changes, incidents, etc..
iii. Goal 3: BCM audit – a separate audit is carried out. These include both external as
well as internal audit. Recommendations are incorporated in the plans.
These first five levels give the process quality for technology. Similarly these five levels will be
repeated across each of the scope areas, i.e. facilities management (premises), processes, people
and organisational soft issues:
VI. SQB VI: ad hoc – LEVEL 2 (facilities management).
VII. SQB VII: managed – level 2 (facilities management).
VIII. SQB VIII: defined – level 2 (facilities management).
IX. SQB IX: integrated – level 2 (facilities management).
X. SQB X: optimised – level 2 (facilities management).
XI. SQB XI: ad hoc – level 3 (processes).
XII. SQB XII: managed – level 3 (processes).
XIII. SQB XIII: define – level 3 (processes).
XIV. SQB XIV: integrated – level 3 (processes).
XV. SQB XV: optimised – level 3 (processes).
XVI. SQB XVI: ad hoc – level 4 (people).
XVII. SQB XVII: managed – level 4 (people).
XVIII. SQB XVIII: defined – level 4 (people).
XIX. SQB XIX: integrated – level 4 (people).
XX. SQB XX: optimised – level 4 (people).
XXI. SQB XXI: ad hoc – level 5 (organisational soft issues).
XXII. SQB XXII: managed – level 5 (organisational soft issues).
XXIII. SQB XXIII: defined – level 5 (organisational soft issues).
XXIV. SQB XXIV: integrated – level 5 (organisational soft issues).
XXV. SQB XXV: optimised – level 5 (organisational soft issues).

Corresponding author
Kasim Randeree can be contacted at: [email protected]

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