BCAW2015 Simple Audit Checklist PDF

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The following checklist is designed to assess your Business Continuity Management (BCM) arrangements
and to highlight further actions required. This audit should be conducted every year.

Checklist Questions Completed (C) Comments

Further work
required (F)

1. Management
a. Is there a clear BCM policy?
b. Is there a designated BCM sponsor at senior level?
c. Is day to day responsibility for BCM clearly delegated
to a team or an individual?
d. Is there a designated BCM budget?
e. Has a BCM representative been identified within
each department?

2. Business Impact and Risk Assessment

a. Have the potential impacts that could result from
business interruption been quantified (loss of
reputation, revenues, customers, trading licence;
incursion of penalties, fines)?
b. Is there an up to date inventory of business services
and processes which identifies those which are
c. Have recovery priorities and timescales been agreed
for mission-critical services and processes?
d. Have the resources (systems, premises, equipment,
skills, supplies) required to reinstate each critical
service and process been itemised?
e. Has a risk assessment been carried out to identify
potential threats to business continuity? Consider
suppliers too.
f. Have risk mitigation measures been introduced to
reduce or eliminate threats where possible?

3. Contingency Arrangements
a. Do arrangements exist to support the recovery of
critical resources (systems, premises, equipment,
skills, supplies)?
b. Do they address business interruption on site, plus
off site recovery in case of exclusion from main site?
c. Do they meet the recovery time objective for the re-
instatement of critical services and processes?
d. Are these arrangements formally binding and
supported with contracts?
e. Has it been established how long it would take to
restore critical computer and communications
f. Has this been successfully tested?
g. Have data recovery tests been successfully
h. Are individual recovery processes fully documented?
i. Do your critical suppliers have suitable business
continuity arrangements of their own?

Checklist Questions Completed (C) Comments

Further work
required (F)

4. Documented Plans
a. Have your business continuity arrangements been
documented in a Business Continuity Plan?
b. Does it contain the contact details you would need –
staff (including home), suppliers, customers and
c. Do you have a contact plan for quickly reaching all
staff and key stakeholders, e.g. a contact cascade or
an SMS messaging capability?
d. Does the Plan clearly specify roles and
e. Does it identify suitable alternative sites?
f. Does it list the actions required for:
 Activating the plan?
 Assessing the incident?
 Escalating the response?
 Standing down?
g. Does it contain the details of third party agreements
that would be called upon?
h. Do all those who would need to refer to a copy of the
plan in the early phase have a copy at home?

5. Training and testing

a. Have all staff been made aware of your business
continuity arrangements?
b. Have those who have responsibilities within the Plan,
plus their deputies, received familiarisation training?
c. Is refresher training provided every year?
d. Have you undertaken a desk top exercise to help
participants understand how the Plan would be used
in a realistic scenario?
e. Have all key components of the plan been
successfully tested?
f. Do key individuals have specialist knowledge and
skills you would rely on? Have others been cross
trained to provide cover?

6. Review and Update Process

a. Who is responsible for ensuring the Plan remains up
to date?
b. Have clear procedures been developed for making
sure that changes in the business are reflected in the
Plan (personnel, processes, resource requirements,
c. Is a full review undertaken annually?
d. Do you include critical suppliers in this process?
e. Are updated copies of the Plan distributed on a
suitably regular basis?

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