AN176 Using The DS1631 Temperature Sensor in DS1621 Applications
AN176 Using The DS1631 Temperature Sensor in DS1621 Applications
AN176 Using The DS1631 Temperature Sensor in DS1621 Applications
This application note is aimed at users interested in transitioning from the DS1621 to the DS1631. For
new designs incorporating the DS1631, please refer to the DS1631 data sheet for usage instructions, as
information in this application note will not be pertinent. Users switching from the DS1621 to the
DS1631 will also need to reference the DS1631 data sheet for device specifications and other information
not covered in this application note.
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The DS1631 is available in 150mil 8-pin SO and 8-pin mSOP packages. The DS1621 is available in
150mil 8-pin SO, 208mil 8-pin SO, and 300mil 8-pin PDIP packages. In the 150mil 8-pin SO package,
both devices have the same pinout. Table 2 summarizes the part numbers for each package type for the
DS1621 and DS1631.
DS1621 DS1631
8-pin mSOP ¾ DS1631U
150mil 8-pin SO DS1621S DS1631Z
208mil 8-pin SO DS1621V ¾
300mil 8-pin PDIP DS1621 ¾
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Most electrical specifications are the same for both the DS1631 and the DS1621. However, there are a
few specification differences, which are summarized in Table 3. Please note that Table 3 is for reference
only and does not contain all the information needed for design purposes. Consult the DS1621 and
DS1631 data sheets for complete specification information.
For most applications the DS1631 is reverse compatible with the DS1621 since the DS1631 was designed
to respond to all DS1621 commands and can provide all the data needed for DS1621-style high-resolution
temperature calculations. Thus, architectural differences between the parts are outwardly invisible to the
user, making it a simple matter to switch from the DS1621 to the DS1631.
If you require further information about transitioning your application from the DS1621 to the DS1631,
please contact our technical support team. The DS1631 and DS1621 data sheets can be downloaded
from the Maxim website at
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