Table Analysis Collect
Table Analysis Collect
Table Analysis Collect
In Table 8.1 both upper and lower groups selected the keyed response which most
students have got item right. None of students selected other alternatives letters which
is called distracters.
Table 8.2 Difficulty Index of the Test Items
1 16 0.72 Easy
2 5 0.22 Difficult
3 15 0.68 Easy
4 16 0.72 Easy
5 9 0.40 Difficult
6 15 0.68 Easy
7 12 0.54 Ideal Difficulty
8 11 0.5 Very Difficult
9 8 0.36 Difficult
10 10 0.45 Ideal Difficult
Item No.1 Item No.2 Item No.3
Difficulty =R1/T Difficulty =R2/T Difficulty =R3/T
16/22 5/22 15/22
=0.72 =0.22 0.68
Item No.10
Difficulty =R10/T
In table 8.2 it is evident that the larger the value of difficulty index the easier the item is.
It is called measure be item ease and not item difficulty. The result in difficulty index can
be explain in verbal interpretation and all item no. are determined if it’s difficult or not
and any item might be revised or it can also be retain depending on judgment of the
result weather the difficulty is necessary.
Item No.1 Item No.2
Discrimination= 1 Discrimination= 1
2 2
10−6 5−0
=0.36 =0.45
11 11
7−2 9−6
=0.45 =0.27
11 11
9−3 10−1
=0.54 =0.81
11 11
4−4 7−3
=0 =0.36
11 11
Table 8.3 the item’s discrimination index refers to the degree by which it separate the
upper and lower group of students base on the data all item’s said to possess this
characteristic by observing number of students from both group who got the item
correctly, and both of group got item correctly mostly the upper group it’s already
happened not in poor functioning.
Table 8.4 Plausibility of the alternatives from Test Items
Item No Groups Verbal
(upper and Interpretation
Lower 27%) A B C D
Upper 0 10 0 1
1 Lower 2 6 2 1 Option D is not
plausible; all the
Difference -2 4 -2 0 other option are
Upper 6 0 0 5
2 Lower 4 5 2 0 All option are
Difference 2 -5 -2 5
Upper 10 1 0 0
3 Lower 5 2 4 0 Option D is not
Plausible; all
Difference 5 -1 -4 0 the others are
Upper 1 9 1 0
6 Lower 2 6 2 1 All options are
Difference -1 3 -1 -1
Upper 9 2 0 0
All options are
7 Lower 3 4 3 1 Plausible
Difference 6 -2 -3 -1
Upper 0 0 10 1
8 Lower 4 4 1 2 All options are
Difference -4 -4 9 -1
Upper 4 0 2 5
9 Lower 4 5 2 0 Option A and C
are not
Difference 0 -5 0 -5 Plausible; B and
D are Plausible
Upper 2 0 2 7
10 Lower 3 4 1 3 All options are
Difference -1 -4 -1 4
In the resulting of Table 8.4 of a simple plausibility analysis, can be deduced that some
of the alternatives is plausible and all can be plausible. The result will be hint on why
both item obtained to low discrimination index and difficulty, it can be revise the items
including its corresponding alternatives or totally discard the items.
I use this technique for initially establishing the credibility of the test item and can easy
decide if can retain or discard the particular item the formula I use to easy know the
result and determined the status of each item for students test.
Ma.Teresa A. Lopez Dr. Barbacena
BSIE-HE/3A Saygo
Table 8.1
Alternatives No. Of
Item No Groups (upper Students Total
and Lower A B C D who got
5%) the item
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 7 3 0 0 7 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
2 Lower 2 0 8 0 8 10
Upper 2 2 6 0 6 10
Lower 3 4 3 0 3 10
Upper 0 0 0 10 10 10
Lower 3 0 2 5 5 10
Upper 9 1 0 0 9 10
5 Lower 6 1 2 1 6 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 5 1 4 0 5 10
Upper 9 1 0 0 9 10
Lower 3 2 5 0 3 10
Upper 0 7 2 1 7 10
Lower 1 3 3 3 3 10
Upper 2 1 7 0 7 10
Lower 4 1 5 0 5 10
Upper 3 1 1 5 5 10
Lower 1 4 3 2 2 10
Table 8.1 reveals the distribution of response of the sudents. For example in the
number 1, none of the students from the upper group alternative (in the number ) A and
B, while from the lower group none of he students selected alternative b. most of the
students from both grops selected the keyed response which is alternative D.
No. Of Students
Item No. who got the Item Difficulty Index Verbal
Right (From Both Interpretation
1 17 0.77 Easy
2 18 0.81 Very Easy
3 9 0.40 Difficult
4 15 0.68 Easy
5 15 0.68 Easy
6 15 0.68 Easy
7 12 0.54 Ideal Difficulty
8 10 0.45 Ideal Difficulty
9 12 0.54 Ideal Difficulty
10 7 0.31 Difficult
Item No. 1 Item No. 2 Item No.3 Item No. 4
Diffculty=R1/T Diffculty=R2/T Diffculty=R3/T Diffculty=R4/T
17/22 18/22 9/22 15/22
=0.77 =0.81 =0.40 =0.68
At this Table 8.2 it is the evident that the large the value of the difficulty index, the
easier the item is. This is the reason why some suggest that this measure be called
item ease and not item difficulty.
Item 1,4,5,6 are suggested to either be totally rejected or revised since difficulty . item
no. 2 got very easy and item 10 might be revised or it can also be retained depending
on the judgment of the teacher wether the difficulty is necessary.
Item No. 10
Discrimination = RU10-RU10
Index ½T
= 5-2
= 0.03
In this Table 8.3 the item 1-10 cannot be retained because their discrimination index
are not acceptable level . an items discrimination index refers to the degree by which is
separates the upper and lower group of students.
Guide in Interpreting the computed Discrimination Index
Upper 10 0 0 0 Option A is
1 plausible. All the
Lower 7 3 0 0
other options are
Difference 3 -3 0 0 not plausible.
Upper 10 0 0 0 Option A and C are
2 plausible. Option B
Lower 2 0 8 0
and D are not
Difference 8 0 2 0 plausible.
Upper 2 2 6 0 Option C is
3 plausible. Option A,
Lower 3 4 3 0
B and D are not
Difference -1 -2 3 0 plausible.
Upper 0 0 0 10 Option A, B and C
4 are not plausible.
Lower 3 0 2 5
Option D is
Difference -3 0 -2 5 plausible.
Upper 9 1 0 0 Option A and B are
5 plausible. Option C
Lower 6 1 2 1
and D are not
Difference 3 0 -2 -1 plausible.
Upper 10 0 0 0 Option A is
6 plausible. Option B,
Lower 5 1 4 0
C and D are not
Difference 5 -1 -4 0 plausible.
Upper 9 1 0 0 Option A is
7 plausible. Option B,
Lower 3 2 5 0
C and D are not
Difference 6 -1 -5 0 plausible.
Upper 0 7 2 1 Option A, C and D
8 are not plausible.
Lower 1 3 3 3
Option B is
Difference -1 4 -1 -2 plausible.
Upper 2 1 7 0 Option A and D are
9 not plausible.
Lower 4 1 5 0
Option B and C are
Difference -2 0 2 0 plausible.
Upper 3 1 1 5 Option A, B and C
10 are not plausible.
Lower 1 4 3 2
Option D is
Difference 2 -3 -2 3 plausible.
In the resulting table (table 8.4) of the simple plausibility analysis it can be deduced that
some of the alternatives for item 1,8,9,10 are not plausible while all the alternatives for
items 2,3,4,5,6 item were found to be plausible these results are in line with earlier
findings from other indicate that item 1,8,9,10 are somewhat problematic. Simple
plausibility analysis a hint on why both items obtained low discrimination index and the
item difficulty.
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez Dr. Barbacena
BSIE-HE 3C Mallari
Table 8.1
Item Groups Alternative Alternativ Alternative Alternativ Number of Total
numbe (Upper s es s es D students
r and A B C who got
Lower) the item
Upper 9 0 0 1 9 10
Lower 2 2 2 4 2 10
Upper 0 0 10 0 10 10
Lower 5 2 2 1 2 10
Upper 0 0 10 0 10 10
Lower 3 2 4 1 4 10
Upper 3 0 0 7 7 10
Lower 1 4 2 3 3 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 5 2 1 2 5 10
Upper 0 0 10 0 10 10
Lower 3 2 4 1 4 10
Upper 2 0 0 8 8 10
Lower 1 5 2 2 2 10
Upper 0 10 0 0 10 10
Lower 3 4 2 1 4 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 3 3 2 2 3 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 4 2 4 0 4 10
Table 8.1 reveals the distribution of responses of the students. In item Number 1 none
of the students from the upper group selected alternative B and C, while from the lower
group, most of the students selected the keyed responses which is alternative D. In Item
number 2 none of the students from the upper group selected alternative A,B and D.
while from the lower group, most of the students selected the keyed responses which is
alternative A. In item Number 3 none of the students from the upper group selected
alternative A,B and D. while from the lower group, most of the students selected the
keyed responses which is alternative. In item Number 4 none of the students from the
upper group selected alternative B and C. while from the lower group, most of the
students selected the keyed responses which is alternative B. In item Number 5 none of
the students from the upper group selected alternative B,C and D, while from the lower
group, most of the students selected the keyed responses which is alternative A. In item
Number 6 none of the students from the upper group selected alternative A,B and D.
while from the lower group, most of the students selected the keyed responses which is
alternative C. In item Number 7 none of the students from the upper group selected
alternative B and C. while from the lower group, most of the students selected the
keyed responses which is alternative B. In item Number 8 none of the students from
the upper group selected alternative A,C and D. while from the lower group, most of the
students selected the keyed responses which is alternative B. In item Number 9 none of
the students from the upper group selected alternative B, C and D. while from the lower
group, most of the students selected the keyed responses which is both alternative A
and B. And the last item which is number 10 none of the students from the upper group
selected alternative B, C and D. while from the lower group, most of the students
selected the keyed responses which is both alternative A and C.
Table 8.2
Looking at Table 8.2 it is evident that the larger the value of the Difficulty index
the easier the item is. This is The reason why some suggest that this is measure be
called item ease and not item difficulty.
Item 1 is retained due to their ideal difficulty. Item No.2,3,4,6,7,8 and are might be
retained or revised because the level is Very difficult for the students but still it depends
on the judgment of teacher. If necessary. Item 5 and 9 is going to be retained since it
appears to be a easy one. The decision to other reject or retain a particular item is not
solely based on its difficulty but rather based on a combination of other indices. It is
rarely than an item is revised based only on the difficulty index.
Item No.1 Item No.2 Item No.3 Item No.4 Item No.5
Difficulty=R1/T Difficulty=R2/T Difficulty=R3/T Difficulty=R4T 11/20
12/20 14/20 10/20 15/20
=0.55 =0.6 =0.7 =0.5 =0.75
Item No.6 Item No.7 Item No.8 Item No.9 Item No.10
Difficulty=R6/T Difficulty=R7/T Difficulty=R8/T Difficulty=R9/T
14/20 10/20 14/20 13/20 14/20
=0.7 =0.5 =0.7 =0.65 =0.7
Table 8.3
In this Table 8.3 Item 4 and 7 can be retained because their discrimination
indices are at an acceptable level. An Item's discrimination index refers to the degree by
which it separates the upper and lower group of students. Based on the data, items 4
and 7 are said to possess this characteristics. By observing the number of students
from both groups who got the item correctly,, we can say that the items 4 and 7, there
are more students from the upper group who answerd the item correctly. Conversely in
items number 1,2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10 there is an balanced number of students from the
lower group and upper group who got the item right which means that the item slightly
separate the upper and lower group. In extreme cases a negative value for
discriminating index might occur. This would mean that there are more students in the
lower group who got the item wrong..If this happens, the item should be revised at the
very least, as there might be a high degree of ambiguity in the test item.
Item No.10
Table 8.4
1 Lower 2 2 2 4 Plausible
Difference 7 -2 -2 -3
Upper 0 0 10 0 All Option are
2 Lower 5 2 2 1 Plausible
Difference -5 -2 8 -1
Upper 0 0 10 0 All Option are
3 Lower 3 2 4 1 Plausible
Difference -3 -2 6 -1
Upper 3 0 0 7 All Option are
4 Lower 1 4 2 3 Plausible
Difference 2 -4 -2 4
Upper 10 0 0 0 All Option are
5 Lower 5 2 1 2 Plausible
Difference 5 -2 -1 -2
Upper 0 0 10 0 All Option are
6 Lower 3 2 4 1 Plausible
Difference -3 -2 6 -1
Upper 2 0 0 8 All option are
7 Lower 1 5 2 2 Plausible
Difference 1 -5 -2 6
Upper 0 10 0 0 All Option are
8 Lower 3 4 2 1 Plausible
Difference -3 6 -2 -1
Upper 10 0 0 0 All Option are
9 Lower 3 3 2 2 Plausible
Difference 7 -3 -2 -2
Upper 10 0 0 0 Option D is
10 Lower 4 2 4 0 Not Plausible
In the resulting Table 8.4 of a simple plausibility analysis, it can be deduced that the
alternatives for items 10 is not plausible while all the alternatives for items 1-9 were
found to be plausible.These results are in line with earlier findings from the other indices
that item 10 are somewhat prablematic.Simple plausibility analysis gave ahint on why
both items obtained low discriminating index and item difficulty.The Teachers can either
revise the items including its corresponding alternatives or totally discard the items.
Item No.1
Difference = UA – LA UB - LB UC - LC UD - LD
=9-2 =0-2 =0-2 =1-4
=7 =-2 =-2 =-3
Item No.2 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-5 =0-2 =0-2 =1-1
=-5 =-2 =-2 =0
Item No.3 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-3 =0-2 =10-4 =0-1
=-3 =-2 =6 =-1
Item No.4 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=3-1 =0-4 =0-2 =7-3
=2 =-4 =-2 =4
Item No.5 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=10-5 =0-2 =0-1 =0-2
=5 =-2 =-1 =-2
Item No.6 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-3 =0-2 =10-4 =0-1
=-3 =-2 =6 =-1
Item No.7 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=1-1 =0-5 =0-2 =8-2
=0 =-5 =-2 =6
Item No.8 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-3 =10-4 =0-2 =0-1
=-3 =6 =-2 =-1
Item No.9 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=10-3 =0-3 =0-2 =0-2
=7 =-3 =-2 =-2
Item No.10 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=10-4 =0-2 =0-4 =0-0
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez Dr. Barbacena
BSIE-HE3C Galido
Table 8.1
Item Groups Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Number of Total
numbe (Upper s s s sD students
r and A B C who got the
Lower) item right
Upper 0 10 0 0 10 10
Lower 4 6 0 0 6 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 3 5 1 1 3 10
Upper 0 0 0 10 10 10
Lower 4 3 1 2 2 10
Upper 0 0 0 10 10 10
Lower 3 5 0 2 2 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 6 1 1 2 6 10
Upper 10 0 0 0 10 10
Lower 7 3 0 0 13 10
Upper 9 1 0 0 9 10
Lower 7 1 3 0 7 10
Upper 0 1 2 7 7 10
Lower 2 0 2 6 6 10
Upper 9 0 0 1 9 10
Lower 6 3 1 0 6 10
Upper 0 10 0 0 10 10
Lower 4 5 1 0 5 10
Table 8.1 reveals the distribution of response of the students. For example in the
number 1, none of the students from the upper group alternative B is the key answer (in
the number items ) and lower group answer alternative B while none of the students
selected other alternative A,C and D. most of the students from both groups selected
the keyed response.
Table 8.2
Looking at Table 8.2 it is evident that the larger the value of the Difficulty index
the easier the item is. This is The reason why some suggest that this is measure be
called item ease and not item difficulty.
Item 1 is retained due to their ideal difficulty. Item No,3,4,6,,8 and are might be
retained or revised because the level is Very difficult for the students but still it depends
on the judgment of teacher. If necessary. Item 5 and 9 is going to be retained since it
appears to be a easy one. The decision to other reject or retain a particular item is not
solely based on its difficulty but rather based on a combination of other indices. It is
rarely than an item is revised based only on the difficulty index.
Item No.1 Item No.2 Item No.3 Item No.4 Item No.5
Difficulty=R1/T Difficulty=R2/T Difficulty=R3/T Difficulty=R4T
16/20 13/20 12/20 12/20 15/20
=0.8 =0.65 =0.6 =0.6 =0.75
Item No.6 Item No.7 Item No.8 Item No.9 Item No.10
Difficulty=R6/T Difficulty=R7/T Difficulty=R8/T Difficulty=R9/T
12/20 15/20 12/20 14/20 15/20
=0.6 =0.75 =0.6 =0.7 =0.75
Table 8.3
Item No.10
Table 8.4
2 Lower 3 5 1 1 plausible
Difference 7 -5 -1 -1
Upper 0 0 0 10 All option is
3 Lower 4 3 1 2 plausible
Difference -4 -3 -1 8
Upper 0 0 0 10 Option A,B and
5 Lower 6 1 1 2 plausible
Difference 4 -1 -1 -2
Upper 10 0 0 0 Option A,B are
6 Lower 7 3 0 0 Plausible,option
7 Lower 7 1 3 0 Are
Difference 2 0 -3 0 B and D are not
Upper 0 1 2 7 Option A,Band D
9 Lower 6 3 1 0 plausible
Difference 3 -3 -1 1
Table 8.4 of a simple plausibility analysis, can be deduced that some of the alternatives
is plausible and all can be plausible. The result will be hint on why both item obtained to
low discrimination index and difficulty, it can be revise the items including its
corresponding alternatives or totally discard the items..
In this table we can identify the test ease to determine if it effective for both groups and
it helps to understand the discrimination index and difficulty.
Item No.1
Difference = UA – LA UB - LB UC - LC UD - LD
=0-4 =10-6 =0-0 =0-0
=-4 =4 =0 =0
Item No.2
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=10-3 =0-5 =0-1 =0-1
=7 = -5 =-1 = -1
Item No.3
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-4 =0-3 =0-1 =10-2
= -4 =-3 =-1 =8
Item No.4
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-0 =0-5 = 0-0 =10-2
=-3 = -5 =0 =8
Item No.5
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=10-6 =0-1 =0- 1 =0-2
=4 =-1 =-1 = -2
Item No.6
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=10-7 =0-3 =0-0 =0-0
=3 =-3 =0 =0
Item No.7
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=9-7 =1-1 =0-2 =0-0
=2 =0 =-2 =0
Item No.8
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
= 0-2 = 1-0 =2-2 =7-6
= -2 =1 =0 =1
Item No.9
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=9-6 = 0-3 =0-1 =1-0
=3 = -3 =-1 =1
Item No.
Difference 10 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
= 0-4 =10-5 =0-1 =0-0
=-4 =5 =-1 =0
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez Dr. Barbacena
BSIE-HE 3C Perante
Table 8.1
Item Groups Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Number of Total
numbe (Upper s s s sD students
r and A B C who got the
Lower) item right
Upper 8 0 0 2 8 10
Lower 3 2 2 3 3 10
Upper 0 8 2 0 8 10
Lower 3 2 5 0 2 10
Upper 3 0 7 0 7 10
Lower 4 3 2 1 2 10
Upper 7 1 1 1 7 10
Lower 1 1 4 4 1 10
Upper 1 8 0 1 8 10
Lower 3 2 3 2 2 10
Upper 1 0 1 8 8 10
Lower 3 3 1 3 3 10
Upper 7 2 1 0 7 10
Lower 3 3 1 3 3 10
Upper 2 5 2 1 2 10
Lower 2 1 2 5 2 10
Upper 0 7 1 0 7 10
Lower 5 2 3 0 2 10
Upper 0 10 0 0 10 10
Lower 1 6 2 1 6 10
Table 8.3
Item No.10
Index ½ T
= 0.4
Item No.1
Difference = UA – LA UB - LB UC - LC UD - LD
=8-3 =0-2 =0-2 =2-3
=5 =-2 =-2 =-1
Item No.2
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-5 =8-2 =2-5 =0-0
= -5 =6 =-3 =0
Item No.3
1. Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=3-4 =0-3 =7-2 =0-1
= -1 =--3 =5 = -1
Item No.4
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=7-1 =1-1 = 1-4 =1-4
=6 =0 =-3 = -3
Item No.5
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=1-3 =8-2 =0- 3 =0-3
=6 =6 =-3 = -3
Item No.6
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=1-3 =0-3 =1-1 =8-3
= -2 =-3 =0 =5
Item No.7
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=7-3 =2-3 =1-2 =0-2
=4 =-1 =-1 = -2
Item No.8
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=2-2 = 5-1 =2-2 =1-5
=0 =4 =-2 =0
Item No.9
Difference = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
=0-5 = 7-2 =1-3 =0-0
= -5 = -5 =-2 =0
Item No.
Difference 10 = UA – LA UB – LB UC – LC UD – LD
= 0-1 =10-6 =0-2 =0-1
=-1 =4 =-2 =-1