Lesson Plan Responsible Use of Wiki
Lesson Plan Responsible Use of Wiki
Lesson Plan Responsible Use of Wiki
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Define Wikipedia
B. Practice safe and use of responsible Wiki
C. Appreciate the importance of safe and responsible use of Wiki
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Using a PowerPoint, the pupils will identify the different parts and
function of the computer.
4. Review: In the list I will give, identify who is buyer and who is the seller?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
“Complete Me”
1. S _ fe = Safe
2. R_s p_n_I b_e = Responsible
3. W_k_p_di_a = Wikipedia
4. T_ _hno_ _gy = Technology
5. I_nfo_m_t_on = Information
3. Word Enrichment:
Wiki – A web site or set of web pages that allows almost anyone to edit
and add content.
Web – the system of connected documents on the internet.
4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Define what is Wiki?
A wiki is a website that allows visitors to make changes, contributions, or
An accessible online software and a learning tool that permits multiple users
working together and produce web content particularly for references
An instructional tool used to disseminate information.
1. Use of Wiki
C. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Using Wiki, students are given an opportunity to create and work on
collaboratively on a certain topic or projects.
2. Assessment
Direction: Complete the sentence below by filling the blanks with the correct
Key to Correction:
1. Information
2. Wikipedia
3. Collaboratively
4. Online
5. Revise
D. Assignment
Follow-up Assignment:
1. Try to go to website of wiki then create a wiki account you make your
account public, private and protected. Use a target of advertising product
and don’t forget to put pictures and references.
Advance Assignment:
2. Research about Audio video conferencing?
________________________ ___________________________
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez Mrs. Mary Ann E. Mendoza
Student-teacher Cooperating Teacher