Menasco - Art Aero Digest 1936

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Menasco Model C4S and B6S Engines

The four-cylinder inverted "Pirate" engine rated at 150hp

and the 6-cylinder 200hp "Buccaneer"

0 Commercial production of two new strength and heat dissipation. Piston pins made more efficient due to the exposed
supercharged engines of the inverted in- float in both the connecting rod and piston supercharger scroll and long intake mani-
line type has been inaugurated at the and are located by end buttons. fold which together provide an inter-
Menasco Manufacturing Co. plant in Los Nickel iron cylinders are standard on cooler effect. This cools the compressed
Angeles. One of these is the four-cylinder both engines, although steel cylinders may charge and allows the use of high mani-
Pirate model C4S rated 150 hp at 2260 be obtained where lighter weight is de- fold pressures without excessive heating.
rpm at 3000 ft., and the other is the six- sired. Separable heads are held to the Although construction of the crankcase
cylinder Buccaneer model B6S rated 200 cylinder and through to the crankcase by is similar for both engines, the four-cyl-
hp at 2250 rpm at 4500 ft. long nickel steel studs to provide easy serv- inder unit is split on the center line of
Basic features of these engines are sim- icing as any cylinder head may be the crankshaft and major stresses are
ilar to other Menasco models which have detached by removing four nuts and dis- carried through the lower case, the upper
preceded them. They offer the advantages con ecting the intake manifold. Heads are case serving as a cover. In the six-cyl-
of the inverted in-line type such as low of Menasco cast aluminum alloy with one inder model, the crankcase is of the one-
frontal area, improved streamlining possi- intake and one exhaust valve per head piece type with a cast Dowmetal cover
bilities, reduction of exhaust noise and spread laterally to provide ample cooling plate, finned both internally and externally
fumes, improved forward visibility, high area over the head itself and with gen- for strength and cooling. Engine mount-
propeller thrust line, low center of grav- erous finning for efficient cooling. ing ledge is cast integral with the case on
ity, and accessibility to engine and parts. The crankshaft has a splined propeller the B6S engine, although the C4S engine
Featuring ruggedness and simple con- hub end of the No. 10 SAE type. Stand- uses four separable cast aluminum mount-
struction, these engines carry their ac- ard SAE mounting flanges are incor-
cessories, including the supercharger, in porated inthe accessory case for mounting don ingchrome
legs. The nickel
steel isSAE
3240 of
the rear in such a manner as to be readily the generator and starter. Magneto igni- one-piece construction in both cases.
accessible. Crankcases are ribbed for tion is standard, but battery ignition can Without the air scoop, fuel pump or
strength, while the crankshaft is carried be supplied if desired. propeller hub, the C4S weighs 305 lbs.,
on five main bearings in the four-cylinder Aluminum castings throughout the en- and the B6S, 415 lbs. Fuel consumption
model and seven in the six-cylinder en- gines are of Menasco foundry production, for both engines is .56 lb./hp/hr while
gine with a ball thrust bearing in either and the superchargers are also of Men- oil consumption for the smaller horsepow-
case to locate the shaft against thrust. asco design and manufacture. Both en- ered engine is .010 lb./hp/hr and .018
Main and connecting rod bearings are gines incorporate a special type cushion lb./hp/hr for the 200 hp model. Ignition
of standard babbitt metal type. Pistons in the supercharger gear train which per- for the C4S is supplied by two Robert
are the full skirt waffle head type mits direct drive without provision of a Bosch, or Edison-Splitdorf, while only
with underhead cross ribbing for added slip clutch, and supercharging has been {Continued on following page)

Installation drawing of the four-cylinder inverted Menasco model C4S engine




front rank of Plone^.Horizoos and

AlWaYdA Ait
Unite Mr u been i"
U-es have standa * more

DtacB-l Gjr°eS Educed to «— »

««e o. co„«olled flig"
sht years
ument s g
„nth automatica lly co asseng«
To provide ^°*'their ne« fleet °f ^/combi„a.
they are equrppmg „ the most effecn nts


Seventeen of the World's Leading Airlines are

flying =,0,000 miles per day by Sperry Gyropilot.

JULY 1936 47
The Model B6S six-cylinder Menasco engine
(Continued from preceding page) Mike. Both of these engines were of
the former are standard on the B6S. standard commercial type with practically
Equipment furnished with both engines 0/ no special features to increase perform-
includes a side air scoop, lifting eye bolts, ance for racing purposes other than that
tool kit, steel exhaust flanges, propeller they weremended operated
hub cones and nut. Mounting supports are / commercial atrpm. higher than recom-
The Model B6S Buccaneer, prior to its
supplied with the C4S only. Extra equip-
ment furnished on order includes an elec- / // commercial introduction, powered the
y //
tric or hand starter, fuel pump, hub for o/ Polish P.Z.L. monoplane that finished
wooden propeller, battery ignition, and an first in the 1934 Challenge Tourisme
electric generator. Race. While this plane did not win the
The unsupercharged models B4 and C4 C sweepstakes event (which is based on
four-cylinder engines of 95 and 125 hp /f technical considerations other than
respectively, of which the C4S and B6S speed), its performance and that of the
are a development, have been used com- J* engine from a speed and endurance stand-
mercial y in Waco, Fairchild, Ryan and point over the course were noteworthy.
other types. In racing circles they have This engine is also used in Australia
since 1931 won all official events in their 1U L
power class. The American air racing by the Tugan Aircraft Co., in their Aus-
championship for 1934 was awarded to tralian-built Gannet monoplane (formerly
rm LICH the Codock). Also in connection with the
Lee Miles for his flying with the C4S / • JLL i recent sale of the manufacturing rights
Pirate-powered Miles and Atwood Spe- E F for current models of Menasco engines to
cial. For 1935, the award was made to
Harold Neumann who won the Greve Phillips & Powis Aircraft Ltd., of Read-
Trophy Race for 550 displacement 0 ing, England, itI-is understood that the
aircraft at the National Air Races with Performance curves and (below) views oi£ the Model(Continued
B6S will be offered as optional
on following page)
his Menasco B6S-powered Howard racer four-cylinder Menasco Model C4S engine8£


Announcing— a new 1936

Westinghouse Transmitter


The Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company now celebrating its

Golden Jubilee, after a careful investigation of what pilots wanted in a radio
transmitter, is happy to announce its latest achievement — a 100% modulated,
20 watt aircraft telephone transmitter which operates from a standard 12 volt

Check these features


sets completely installed per watt out- —3105 kc., 3120 kc.
put. Minimum deduction for pay load. COMPACT — Single unit construction,
POWER OUTPUT— 20 watts, giving dynamotor built in. Measures 12%"
unusual range. long, 8" high, 8 14" wide.
INEXPENSIVE TUBES— Readily ob- Compact — single unit construction. standard aircraft instrument case.
tained in any radio store. Dynamotor built in.
SIDE TONE. — luminous dial.
one cable and plug to connect with re- — adds long life to tubes.
mote control. Small installation charge ANY LENGTH REMOTE CONTROL
because of simplicity. No expert — Set may be mounted in most con-
needed for installation. Actual installation venient place.
by quick heat tubes. possible able as a unit.

— Healer Franchises Available in certain localities —

Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company

Chicopee Falls, Mass.


Roosevelt Field Mineola, Long Island49
JULY 1936
i 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 4 8 12 16 20
Altitude performance curves of the Menasco BBS Buccaneer engine superchanged 8:75 to 1. A = hp available for take-off (manifold pressure
37.5" Hg. abs. allowable for one minute). B = critical altitude 4600 ft. 200 hp at 2250 rpm. (manifold pressure 35.8" Hg. abs.)
{Continued from preceding page) also offered as optional equipment by the Model C4S Model B6S
equipment in the new Miles Peregrine Ryan Aeronautical Co. in their model Bore 4.75 in. 4.50 in.
which is being introduced shortly. S-T, and Neumann and S. J. Wittman 5.125 in. 5.125 in.
The C4S and B6S have been flight are each now building new racers which .363 cu. in. 489 cu. in.
tested throughout the United States in are being powered with this engine. Compression ratio . .. 5.5:1
such commercial airplanes as the twin- Both engines hold approved type cer- Supercharger ratio 8.75:1
engined Allan Lockheed Alcor monoplane tificates, the C4S having No. 134, and the Horsepower 9.6:1
150 200
and the Crusader which is powered by B6S, No. 139. Their specifications are as RPM 2260 2250
two C4S engines. This latter engine is shown in the adjoining column. Altitude 3000 ft. 4500 ft.

The New Ryan S-T for 1936

• Ryan Aeronautical Co. is presenting other article in this issue), offers a rate stantaneous adjustment to any one of
for 1936 a New Ryan S-T series showing of climb of approximately 1000 ft./min. three positions, the control allowing the
numerous refinements in design and im- at more than 10,000 ft., and a cruising flap to be applied and released in the
provements inperformance. Three models speed of 138 mph at 2000 ft. same manner as a brake is used on an
are available, and all are being manu- Ryan S-Ts have always been equipped automobile. With the former crank me-
factured under approved type certificates with full flaps, but an added feature on chanism eliminated, the floor is clear.
541 and 571. The Standard S-T is the new series is an improved flap con- A new tail wheel swivel lock has been
equipped with the 95 hp (1975 rpm) trol. A direct acting lever on the right provided as optionalfromequipment. Thisbyde-a
Menasco B4 engine, the S-T-A with the side of the cockpit provides almost in- vice is controlled the cockpit
125 hp (2175 rpm) Menasco C4, and the 3-in. lever at the base of the stick. In the
S-T-A Special with the 150 hp (2260 locked position, the wheel is held rigidly
rpm) Menasco C4S supercharged en- in line, virtually eliminating the possi-
gine. bility of ground looping in cross winds
The 150 hp series is the latest addition or other adverse conditions.
to the line, and due to its supercharged Another optional feature is an auxiliary
engine (described in more detail in an- (Continued on following page)

Front view of the Ryan S-T powered by the 95 horsepower Menasco B4 inverted in-line engine


150 hp. 200hp.

F&uts md Sixes


In England: Phillips & Powis Aircraft, Ltd., Reading

LUSCOMBEPi a m torn


strength of metal, its iire-resisting qualities, its low maintenance costs
are well recognized Phantom facts. The refinements and little niceties
engineered into this advanced airplane leave it without a counterpart
for comparison at this time.
Mercer Airport, West Trenton, N. J.



E. Burke Wilforlv pres.

Engineers and managers of new projects, dealing in patents and developments concerning basic
improvements in aircraft. Unbiased opinion and advice relative to the aviation industry.
AUGUST 1936 69
In England: Phillips 8 Powis Aircraft, Ltd., Reading
Buys his first New Cub in May
'he One Special Book
or the Airplane Mechanic Then another
and another
Neu; "CUB"
By Daniel J. Brimm and H. Edward Boggess
Covers as no other book cov-
Recent Pitman Bonks ers the whole attractive and
On Aviation important trade of the airplane
Aircraft Performance Testing mechanic. Thoroughly quali-
—$4.00 fied and experienced men tell,
in practical detail, what to do
How to Build Flying Boat Hulls and how to do it. A book for
and Seaplane Floats — $2.00
student, beginner or experi- First CUB earns $800 first three months
Practical Aircraft Stress An- enced shop worker to study W N MAY of this year Fred Larson, Jamestown,
PAY JUST started ■■- N. Y., with only a few dollars to his name,
alysis— $2.50 and to refer to at every oppor- of three a New CUB CUBs Flying. .Club.
. busyToday
most heof hasthe a time.
going first CUB
strong. has over 700
No replacements, still
hours and it's
Practical Performance Predic- tunity. Clear, accurate, prac-
CASH has either
Larson is hisNootherrepairs.
of enthusiastic busyabout
CUBs. his CUBs. So is
tion of Aircraft— $1.50 tical, and complete.
$4 and90 yet everyhighotherin CUBquality owner, because buy it's
and loweasyin toprice,
Fly it inexpensive to own; easy and toeconomical to operate. fly ;
Seaplane Float and Hull De- 6" x 9". 493 pp. lllus. Students like to fly a CUB. The low cost of learn-
sign— $2.25 ing to fly in a CUB greatly increases the students
EASY . . . and the profits.
S2.00 Monthly
home — No wondermadethen,thenearly
aircraft 30% ofof all
first half non-military
Stresses in Aeroplane Struc- CUBs! Present production of 3 this
CUBsyeara were day
promises to increase this overwhelming preference
tures— $5.00 for the New
Payments immediate CUB.
delivery. Yes, now you may expect
Write for Descriptive Catalog ■ You TAYLOR
too, can make money withCOMPANY a New "CUB".
2 West 45th Street New York, N. Y. No. 10 D Street, BRADFORD, Pennsylvania

CTOBER 1936 71
The Miles "Mohawk" British
Long Range Light Monoplane

• The Miles Mohawk was built by the

British firm of Phillips & Powis to
meet the requirements of Col. Lindbergh
whose conferences with F. G. Miles,
director and chief designer of Phillips &
Powis, resulted in the production of the
Mohawk, a long range, high speed mono-
plane. Essentially a typical Miles two-
place job, the new plane differs from its
predecessors in the cockpits, landing
gear, tail unit, and the use of a super-
charged American-built Menasco engine.
Structurally it is all-wood construc-
tion following standard Miles practice.
Fuselage is of the box structure using
plywood and spruce with stressed skin
construction. Seats are arranged in
tandem and are mounted on front and
rear spars. The sliding canopy top en-
closure, incorporating a long fairing
which tapers away to the fin, is of an
inverted V section. Between the seats is
a fixed portion of the enclosure, but
flexible panels above each occupant meet signed that they can be laid flat with the outer panels incorporate two spars and
on the center line of the fuselage. These seat bottoms to form a bed. Provision is
panels can be pushed down into the sides made for dual controls which incorporate a plywood covering taking drag and tor-
sional stresses. The center section, built
of the fuselage. an elevator trimming device. Since the into the fuselage, consists of two built-up
Aft of the rear seat there is a large elevator tabs become comparatively inef- wood box spars and wood ring type box
baggage compartment accessible both fective at low speeds, the operating gear ribs. In addition to the tanks in each of
from the cockpits and the starboard side is designed to adjust the tabs in the con- the outer panels, there are two in the
of the fuselage. Behind this compartment ventional manner at high speeds, and at center section. Miles-type split trailing
is stowage space for a tent, a 10-lb. col- low speeds
lapsible life-raft and other articles which vator control.for landing, to load the ele- edge flaps also are provided.
Cantilever design has been followed in
might be taken on a long trip. Backs of Wings are in three sections — the two construction of the empennage in which
the seats are removable and are so de- outer panels and the center section. The wood covered with fabric has been used.

Wide World photo

Colonel Lindbergh flying bis Miles Mohawk which is powered by a 200 bp Menasco Buccaneer engine
Undercarriage is of the fixed single leg GERMAN AIRCRAFT
type incorporating brakes, airdraulic {Continued from page 27)
struts and streamlined fairings. The tail
wheel is fully swivelling. A float under- Observation Planes
carriage has also been designed for this
job, being noteworthy in that there are There are only two observation or
no cross struts. reconnaissance types now in active use
Three International parachute flares although a number of new models are in
are mounted horizontally in the rear end the process of development and are ex-
of the fuselage. pected to be put into general use just as
Power is supplied by a Menasco B6S soon as production schedules permit.
six-cylinder in-line engine which was The Focke-Wulf 58 was produced in
made in this country, although Phillips & quantity in 1935-1936 as a trainer-obser-
Powis have the license to manufacture vation-bomber type as well as for civil
these engines abroad. This engine, use. The illustrations on page 26 show
actually a preview of Menasco's 1937 clearly the transformation from the com-
Buccaneer, delivers 200 hp at 2250 rpm mercial plane to the military type.
at 4500 ft. The 1936 model was described Equipped with inverted 240 hp Argus
in detail in the July 1936 issue of Aero engines, the FW 58 attains a maximum
Digest. Changes incorporated in the new speed of 190 mph, a range of 710 miles,
engine over prior models are primarily and a service ceiling of 19.000 ft. Weight
the provision for an electric generator fully loaded is approximately 11.500 lbs.
and a hydraulically controllable pitch Armament consists of machine guns,
propeller, although the Mohawk at Scarff-mounted fore and aft
present has a Fairey fixed-pitch metal Installation drawings of the Menasco The only pure observation type in gen-
propeller. The new innovations in the Buccaneer engine eral use is the Henschel 122, a two-place
engine involved the use of a heavier high-wing rigidly braced metal- and
crankcase with #20 SAE spline hub end stallation of the engine and controls in fabric-covered monoplane. The swept
and provision for oil passages and mount less space than originally expected. back metal two-spar wing has tapering
for hydraulic control mechanism, which Complete performance figures are not ailerons and camber changing flaps from
incidentally is not on the Lindbergh available at this time, but maximum speed the ailerons to the center section cut-out.
engine. Menasco also has provided a new is believed to be about 200 mph. Fuselage is elliptical and of metal mono-
type cover incorporating a detachable Specifications of the Miles Mohawk coque construction. A Siemens SAM 22
generator mount and drive. with the 200 hp Menasco B6S Buccaneer: nine-cylinder radial air-cooled engine
The engine is mounted in blocks of Wing span 35 feet (NACA cowled) provides a maximum
brake lining and small springs, allowing Overall length 25 feet 6 inches speed of 168 mph, landing speed of 51
a .125 in. compression. While the super- Overall height 6 feet 6 inches mph, service ceiling of 21,648 ft., and a
charger gives a somewhat longer engine Wing area 182.75 square feet range of 375 miles. Empty the Hs 122
than is usually seen in small, light planes, Empty weight 1605 pounds weighs 3696 lbs. and fully loaded, 5632
the use of rudder pedals (which are ad- Useful load 1095 pounds
justable) instead of a bar, permitted in- Gross weight 2700 pounds (To be continued in the January issue)
DECEMBER 1936 31

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