Teaching Programming With The Kernel Language Approach: 1 Existing Approaches
Teaching Programming With The Kernel Language Approach: 1 Existing Approaches
Teaching Programming With The Kernel Language Approach: 1 Existing Approaches
1 Existing Approaches
For the purposes of this paper, let us consider a broad definition of computer
programming as bridging the gap between specification and running program.
This consists in designing the architecture and abstractions of an application
and coding them in a programming language. The discipline of programming has
two essential parts: a technology and its scientific foundation. The technology
consists of tools, techniques, and standards, allowing to do programming. The
science consists of a broad and deep theory with predictive power, allowing to
understand programming. The science should be practical, that is, able to explain
the technology, making it useful for a practicing programmer.
Teaching programming means to teach both the science and the technology.
Surprisingly, we find that programming is almost never taught in this way. Sur-
veying existing textbooks, we find that programming is taught in three different
1.1 As a Craft
The most popular approach is to teach programming as a craft in the context of
a single programming paradigm, embodied in a single language. The science is
limited to the chosen paradigm or language. Some popular paradigms are object-
oriented programming [23, 26, 27, 16], imperative programming [24], functional
programming [11, 19, 7, 14, 25], logic programming [33, 8], and concurrent imper-
ative programming [4, 5]. Only the textbooks on functional programming and
concurrent imperative programming give a formal semantics. Some languages
are Java [23, 26, 22, 6], C++ [34], Eiffel [27], Prolog [33, 8], Erlang [5], Objective
Caml [10], and Leda [9]. Leda is presented as a multiparadigm language but it
contains only a few paradigms and these are presented in isolation.
Teaching programming in terms of a single paradigm or language has a detri-
mental effect on programmer competence and thus on program quality. A con-
crete example illustrating this is concurrent programming in Java. Concurrency
with shared state and monitors, as used in many languages including Java, is so
complicated that it is taught only in advanced courses [22]. Furthermore, the im-
plementation of concurrency in current versions of Java is expensive. Java-taught
programmers reach the conclusion that concurrency is always complicated and
expensive. They write programs to avoid concurrency, often in a contorted way.
But these limitations are not fundamental at all: there are useful forms of concur-
rency, such as dataflow concurrency (e.g., streams in Unix) and active objects,
which are almost as easy to use as sequential programming. Furthermore, it is
possible to implement threads almost as cheaply as procedure calls. Teaching
concurrency in a broader way would allow programmers to design and program
with concurrency in systems without these limitations, including improved im-
plementations of Java.
Programming with recursion
Data and control abstraction
language Genericity, instantiation, components
nondeterministic explicit
choice state
Databases, relations Modularity
Logic programming Component−based programming
concurrency inheritance
How can we teach programming as a unified discipline? There are simply too
many programming languages to teach them all. Teaching a few carefully-
selected languages, say one per paradigm (for example Java, Prolog, and
Haskell), is a stopgap solution. It multiplies the intellectual effort of the stu-
dent and instructor (since each language has its own syntax and semantics) but
does not show the deep connections between the paradigms.
A better approach would not be based on a single language (or a few lan-
guages), but on the underlying concepts. This is the approach taken by Abelson
et al [1] and its successors, which we mentioned in the previous section. We
have extended this approach to be both broader and deeper than has been done
before. We organize the concepts into simple languages called kernel languages.
Practical languages in all their richness are translated into the kernel languages
in a straightforward manner. This approach is truly language-independent: a
wide variety of languages and programming paradigms can be modeled by a
small set of closely-related kernel languages.
The kernel languages are easy to understand and have a simple formal se-
mantics that allows practicing programmers to reason about correctness and
complexity at a high level of abstraction. We give an operational semantics for
all kernel languages and axiomatic and logical semantics for those kernel lan-
guages for which it is appropriate. This is in contrast to [1, 2, 15], which define
languages in terms of interpreters. Compared to giving a simple operational
semantics, we find that using interpreters is obscure (since language features
interact in nonobvious ways) and makes it harder to reason abstractly about
program correctness and complexity. Our operational semantics is carefully fac-
tored by concept. This makes the semantics easy to understand and makes it
easy to define a single operational semantics that can be subsetted for many
different kernel languages.
In the kernel language approach, programming paradigms and their requisite
languages are emergent phenomena, depending on which concepts one uses. The
advantages and limitations of each paradigm show up clearly. This gives the
student a deep and broad insight into programming concepts and how to use
them to design abstractions. For example, many of our students who were already
proficient Java programmers have told us that they first understood what Java
objects really were after following our course.
– The most basic kernel language does strict functional programming. This can
already express most of the programming techniques of the later kernel lan-
guages. It can express data and control abstraction, genericity, instantiation,
and components.
– The second kernel language adds dataflow variables, which are a kind of
single-assignment variable, i.e., a weak form of state. (State is such a strong
addition that it is useful to have a weaker form of it.) This has two important
consequences. It is a prerequisite for declarative concurrency. It also means
that the second language is a deterministic logic programming language.
– We add nondeterministic choice to the second language. This gives relational
programming and nondeterministic logic programming.
– We add concurrency to the second language. This gives a form of dataflow
programming that is both purely functional and concurrent. We call it declar-
ative concurrency. It is as easy to reason in as sequential functional pro-
gramming. Eager and lazy execution are the two complementary ways to
use declarative concurrency.
– We add explicit state to the second language. State is essential for modu-
larity, because it allows changing a component’s behavior over time without
changing its interface. Object-oriented programming can be seen as a rich set
of programming techniques with state, centered around encapsulation (pro-
grams as collections of abstract data types) and subtyping (the incremental
definition of abstract data types). It emphasizes structuring techniques such
as inheritance, delegation, and forwarding.
– Using both concurrency and state together gives a language that is very
expressive but also hard to program and reason in. There are two main
approaches to master its complexity [21]. One approach is to use atomic
actions on shared state, such as monitors in Java [22]. Another approach is
to use message passing between active objects, as in Erlang [5].
Within these languages and others we discuss different forms of abstraction, non-
determinism, encapsulation, compositionality, capability-based programming,
and other important concepts.
This approach has a strong element of creativity. Each concept brings some-
thing novel that was not there before. We therefore call it the creative extension
principle. It is the foundation of how we organize the kernel languages. The or-
ganization we propose is not the only possible one, however. By following the
same approach, you may find a different organization. We would be interested
to exchange ideas with anyone who has done this.
3 Teaching Experience
We first explain how we have realized the kernel language approach for educa-
tional purposes and our teaching experience with it. Based on this experience, we
give recommendations on how to use the approach in an informatics curriculum.
We have realized the kernel language approach in the textbook Concepts, Tech-
niques, and Models of Computer Programming, which is currently being com-
pleted. The latest draft is always available at the URL cited in the bibliography
[35]. This draft is updated frequently and currently has more than 800 pages of
material. It is intended for different levels of sophistication, ranging from second-
year undergraduate courses to graduate courses. It assumes a previous exposure
to programming and basic knowledge of simple mathematical concepts such as
sequences, graphs, and functions. We have also prepared slides and lab sessions,
which we offer to interested parties on request.
The textbook does not target first-year students, although the approach could
probably be adapted for such a purpose. We would be interested in contacting
anyone attempting such an adaptation.
The textbook is supported by the Mozart Programming System, a full-
featured open-source development platform that can run all program fragments
in the book [28]. Full information including downloadable sources and binaries
is available at the Mozart Web site. Mozart was originally developed as a vehicle
for research in language design and implementation.
We chose Mozart for the textbook because it implements the Oz language,
which supports the kernel language approach perfectly well. Other reasons for
picking Mozart are its implementation quality and its support for both Unix and
Windows platforms. Of course, the kernel language approach could be supported
by other languages and software platforms. We encourage efforts in this direction
and we would be happy to exchange ideas with anyone undertaking such an effort.
The textbook mentions many languages and gives an in-depth treatment
of four languages that are representative of widely-different paradigms, namely
Erlang, Haskell, Java, and Prolog. In a few pages it gives the essentials of each
with respect to the kernel language approach and it gives the formal semantics
of particularly interesting features.
3.2 Courses Taught
The book draft and accompanying materials have so far been used at four uni-
versities for the following courses:
– DatalogiII 2G1512 (Computer science II, Fall 2001 and Fall 2002, 90 students
in Fall 2001, instructors Seif Haridi and Christian Schulte). Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH), Kista, Sweden. For second-year students including
both CS majors and non CS majors.
– INGI2650 (Structure of algorithmic programming languages, Fall 2001, 55
students, instructor Peter Van Roy). Université catholique de Louvain
(UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. For third-year CS students.
– LINF1251 (Introduction to programming, part 2, Spring 2002, 27 students,
instructor Peter Van Roy). UCL. For second-year CS students. This follows
a first-year introductory course based on a subset of Java.
– INGI2655 (Syntax and semantics of programming languages, Spring 2002,
44 students, instructor Peter Van Roy). UCL. For fourth-year CS students.
The book’s operational semantics was used as a realistic example.
– 2G1915 (Concurrent programming, Spring 2002, 70 students, instructor
Vladimir Vlassov). KTH. For fourth-year CS students. The chapter on con-
currency and state was used.
– EE 490/590 (Electrical and Computer Engineering Special Topics course,
instructor Juris Reinfelds). New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New
Mexico. Two graduate courses: Distributed computing (Fall 2001, 4 students)
and A programmer’s theory of programming (Spring 2002, 5 students). These
courses and their motivation are covered in [32].
– CS437 (Distributed systems, Spring 2001, 45 students, instructor Reem Bah-
gat). Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt. For fourth-year CS students.
– CS532 (Declarative programming systems, Fall 2001, 16 students, instructor
Reem Bahgat). Cairo University. For master’s students in CS (fifth year).
Feedback from these courses was used to improve the book’s content and or-
ganization. DatalogiII and INGI2650 in Fall 2001 were the first major uses of
the book for teaching. LINF1251 was the second major use. Just for informa-
tion, 64% passed the first instance of DatalogiII,3 85% passed INGI2650, and
96% passed LINF1251. DatalogiII tried to teach too much material and the stu-
dents (non CS majors) were less motivated. LINF1251 was more pedagogical: we
adjusted the pace and all lectures were accompanied with live demonstrations.
We have discussed the effects of the kernel language approach on the informatics
curriculum with our colleagues at UCL, at workshops and conferences where we
presented the approach, notably WCCE 2001 [3], MPOOL 2001 [12], WFPL 2001
[18], and ICTEM 2002 [36], and with other universities (notably the Katholieke
This percentage does not count students who will retake the exam in the future.
Universiteit Leuven in Louvain, Belgium). Based on these discussions, we pro-
pose the following natural division of the discipline of programming into three
core topics:
We have given a brief overview and motivation of the kernel language approach to
teaching programming. The approach focuses on programming concepts and the
techniques to use them, not on programming languages or paradigms. Practical
languages are translated into closely-related kernel languages, simple languages
that present the essential concepts in an intuitive and precise way. This gives
students a view that is both broad and deep. The approach covers many program-
ming paradigms and shows the deep relationships between them. It has a simple
formal semantics that is usable by practicing programmers. It extends similar ap-
proaches, e.g., by Abelson et al [2], with more concepts, a better methodological
foundation, and formal semantics.
For further reading we recommend the overview talk, which introduces the
kernel languages and their semantics and gives two highlights, in concurrent
programming and graphic user interface programming [36]. We also recommend
reading the Preface and Appendix E (General Computation Model) of the draft
textbook. Appendix E is especially relevant: it explains the creative extension
principle, which is the foundation we use to determine which concepts to put in
the kernel languages and how to classify the kernel languages.
An early version of this paper appeared in ICTEM 2002 in July 2002 [36].
We thank our teaching assistants Raphaël Collet, Frej Drejhammer, Sameh El-
Ansary, and Dragan Havelka. We also thank Juris Reinfelds, Dave Parnas, Elie
Milgrom, and Yves Willems. We thank an anonymous reviewer for his useful
comments that helped improve the paper’s presentation. This research is partly
financed by the Walloon Region of Belgium in the PIRATES project.
1. Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, and Julie Sussman. Structure and Interpre-
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2. Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, and Julie Sussman. Structure and Interpre-
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3. Jane Andersen and Christine Mohr, editors. Seventh IFIP World Conference on
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15. Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher T. Haynes. Essentials of
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23. Barbara Liskov and John Guttag. Program Development in Java: Abstraction,
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24. Bruce J. MacLennan. Principles of Programming Languages, Second Edition. Saun-
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27. Bertrand Meyer. Object-Oriented Software Construction, Second Edition. Prentice
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28. Mozart Consortium. The Mozart Programming System version 1.2.3, December
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31. Dave Parnas. Private communication, 2002.
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36. Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi. Teaching programming broadly and deeply: the
kernel language approach. In Informatics Curricula, Teaching Methods, and Best
Practice (ICTEM 2002). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Also two talks (short
and long), available at http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/people/PVR/book.html.
37. Glynn Winskel. The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages. Foundations
of Computing Series. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1993.