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Generation of Cross-Lingual Word

Vectors for Low-Resourced
Languages Using Deep Learning
and Topological Metrics in a Data-
Efficient Way

Sanjanasri JP, Vijay Krishna Menon, Soman KP, Rajendran S and Agnieszka Wolk

Special Issue
Creative and Generative Natural Language Processing and Its Applications
Edited by
Dr. Krzysztof Wołk, Dr. Ida Skubis and Dr. Tomasz Grzes

Generation of Cross-Lingual Word Vectors for Low-Resourced
Languages Using Deep Learning and Topological Metrics in a
Data-Efficient Way
Sanjanasri JP 1, *, Vijay Krishna Menon 2 , Soman KP 1 , Rajendran S 1 and Agnieszka Wolk 3,4

1 Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN), Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore 641112, India; [email protected] (S.K.); [email protected] (R.S.)
2 Gadgeon Systems Privated Limited, Kochi 682021, India; [email protected]
3 Multimedia Department, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Koszykowa 86,
02-008 Warsaw, Poland; [email protected]
4 The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warsaw, Poland
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Linguists have been focused on a qualitative comparison of the semantics from different
languages. Evaluation of the semantic interpretation among disparate language pairs like English
and Tamil is an even more formidable task than for Slavic languages. The concept of word embedding
in Natural Language Processing (NLP) has enabled a felicitous opportunity to quantify linguistic
semantics. Multi-lingual tasks can be performed by projecting the word embeddings of one language
onto the semantic space of the other. This research presents a suite of data-efficient deep learning
 approaches to deduce the transfer function from the embedding space of English to that of Tamil,

deploying three popular embedding algorithms: Word2Vec, GloVe and FastText. A novel evaluation
Citation: JP, S.; Menon, V.K.; KP, S.; S, paradigm was devised for the generation of embeddings to assess their effectiveness, using the
R.; Wolk, A. Generation of original embeddings as ground truths. Transferability across other target languages of the proposed
Cross-Lingual Word Vectors for model was assessed via pre-trained Word2Vec embeddings from Hindi and Chinese languages.
Low-Resourced Languages Using We empirically prove that with a bilingual dictionary of a thousand words and a corresponding small
Deep Learning and Topological
monolingual target (Tamil) corpus, useful embeddings can be generated by transfer learning from a
Metrics in a Data-Efficient Way.
well-trained source (English) embedding. Furthermore, we demonstrate the usability of generated
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372. https://
target embeddings in a few NLP use-case tasks, such as text summarization, part-of-speech (POS)
tagging, and bilingual dictionary induction (BDI), bearing in mind that those are not the only possible
Academic Editor: Rui Pedro Lopes applications.

Received: 10 May 2021 Keywords: semantic interpretation; transfer learning; bilingual embedding; cross-lingual embedding;
Accepted: 26 May 2021 English–Tamil; low resourced languages; topological measures; ontology engineering
Published: 8 June 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

with regard to jurisdictional claims in 1. Introduction
published maps and institutional affil- The mapping of a word to a representation of its meaning is termed semantic represen-
tation. Such abstract representations can be comprehended by human cognition, but their
reproductions have so far been mainly qualitative. The definition of semantics is largely
based on linguistic theory, which encompasses lexical, syntactic, morphological, and other
complex phenomena, such as ambiguity, negation, inferences, and lemmas [1,2].
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Prior work apropos analysis and quantification of semantics has been exclusively
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. approached either by statistical techniques such as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [3] or
This article is an open access article by leaning on lexicographic knowledge bases such as WordNet and Thesauri. LSA applies
distributed under the terms and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to the term-document matrix, in order to learn
conditions of the Creative Commons
word representations. Lexicographic databases [4] encode certain relations among words—
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
synonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy. In general, these resources are a reproduction
of human interpretation, which is qualitative and example-based, representing only a

Electronics 2021, 10, 1372. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10121372 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics

Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 2 of 23

fragment of semantic information. The creation of lexical resources requires linguistic

human expertise, a time- and labor-intensive manual process. Unfortunately, this process
is not amenable to automation.
Quantitative representation of semantics is made possible with the evolution of word
embeddings; these are densely distributed vector representations of words. These vectors
translate relative semantics between words to spatial positions. The first-ever word em-
bedding model learned the word vector representation by predicting the next word in a
sequence within a local context window, using a neural network model [5]. Subsequently,
all NLP tasks were effectively rebooted using deep neural networks [6]. Their overwhelm-
ing success in terms of state-of-the-art accuracy and excellent benchmark results, compared
to extant statistical and other traditional methods, were supervised by the features of the
deep learning network, automatically extracted from the corpus. In addition, the process is
completely unsupervised. These neural features are now what we call word vectors or word
embeddings. The ability of word embeddings to represent semantic relations between words
as spatial distances is called the semantic property of the whole embedding set of vectors.
GloVe [7] and Word2Vec [8] and other contemporary vector training algorithms [9] are
more accurate in capturing word-to-word semantics (relative semantics) than conventional
vector space models such as LSA; the former performs better in almost all downstream
tasks in NLP [10–12]. Vectors, pre-trained on a very large text [(1–10) ×106 ] corpus (one
to ten million words), are readily available for almost all European languages and Asian
languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, and Korean [13–15]. Morphologically rich
languages like Slavic can also have equally effective vector representations [16–20].

1.1. Overview
In this paper, cross-lingual embedding is accomplished by mapping the vectors from
one language’s embedding space into that of the other language through a transfer function.
Multiple experiments with various methodologies are carried out to obtain target word
vectors for English–Tamil language pairs. Recently developed contextual embeddings
methods such as Contextual word Vectors (CoVe), Embeddings from Language Models
(ELMo), and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) do not
support the transfer of knowledge across languages, mainly from resource-rich to resource-
poor languages as they use robust baseline architectures specific to each task. Hence,
experiments are carried with the three most popular embedding algorithms, Word2Vec,
Glove, and FastText. The trained cross-lingual model, Transfer Function-based Generated
Embedding (TFGE) synthesizes new vectors for unknown words by transfer learning with
a minimal seed dictionary (five thousand words) from a resource-rich source language
(English) to a resource-poor target language (Tamil).
The topology-based comparative assessment (neighborhood analysis) was considered
to assess the quality of the generated embedding, as word embedding has no ground truth
data available [21]. The trained cross-lingual model is language-independent. The built-in
model can be shared by the languages that share a lot of common syntax and vocabulary
with the target language. Hence pre-trained Hindi and Chinese embeddings (Word2Vec)
were piped through the cross-lingual model on the target side to show the sharing prop-
erty (transferability). The generated embeddings were further validated with real NLP
tasks such as Text Summarisation, a multi-class model of the Part-Of-Speech Tagging and
Bilingual Dictionary Induction (BDI) for low-resource languages featuring Tamil.

1.2. Motivation
The primary downside of vector representations is that they quantify only relative
semantics between words. It is evident that for the same corpus, vectors will manifest
disparately each time a different vector training algorithm is used. These vectors have no
absolute position. In linear algebraic terms, the vector space spanned by each embedding
model is different [22]. The embeddings offer the best opportunity to address NLP use
cases such as machine learning (ML) tasks, which call for comparison of vectors (projections
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 3 of 23

and linear combinations) in multilingual scenarios. Evidently, this creates a problem, as

embeddings are not in the same vector space; they are trained from multiple disparate
corpora. The vectors cannot be compared. To attain comparability, the generated vectors need
to be mapped independently to a single vector space or have a transfer function to project
them to other vector spaces. This was the main motivation for the exploration of bilingual
and cross-lingual models. In the subsequent sections, transfer learning monolingual
embeddings were devised for the generation of cross-lingual target vectors, using an ML
model and a bilingual dictionary (English–Tamil language pair). The results were validated
by verification of the semantic and topological properties of the generated vectors.

2. Bilingual Embeddings and TFGE

Several approaches have been adopted to bring about the common semantic repre-
sentation (preserving common vector space) of words across languages. Consider the
word “boy” in English. Suppose we built a bilingual representation between English and
Esperanto; then, the Esperanto lexicon “knabo” should mimic the same semantic behavior
as “boy”. The goal of any bilingual model is to capture the common semantics between
languages. Another example is the word “run” in English, which has the equivalent Tamil
word “Oodu”. However, “run” and “Oodu” have other incompatible synonyms, such as
in an English sentence, “A small river runs into the sea”. Bilingual embeddings typically
capture the common semantics to the exclusion of alternative interpretations; an obligatory
trade-off in the interest of a common vector space.
Mapping of bilingual embeddings can be effectuated in two broad approaches. One
method purely leverages bilingual training with sentence/document-aligned bilingual
corpora [23–27]. The other method is to learn transfer functions, noted before, that will
project the vectors from the embedding space of one language to that of the other. We call
this method TFGE. Bilingual embeddings call for heavy resources in the form of parallel,
comparable corpora with word-aligned and sentence-aligned subsets. Bilingual embed-
dings are a trade-off between the actual semantics of both languages. These embeddings
may not be the felicitous choice for monolingual tasks, punctuated by the compromise over
language-specific semantics, in the interest of common vector space. This is yet another
justification to consider the cross-lingual transfer function model where the embedding
spaces are monolingually trained.

2.1. Case of a Low-Resource Target Language

When a language pair is such that one language is corpus-rich with resources and
the other is low-resourced, the cross-lingual embedding model can be used to augment
the embedding space of the low-resourced target language. The augmentation is a multi-
purpose process:
• Vectors for the unknown words of the target language can be generated using a
bilingual dictionary
• The effectiveness of the target language embeddings can be improved
The suitability of “embeddings” can be evaluated, which simply connote better repre-
sentation of relative semantics between the translational equivalence (bilingual) words of
languages. Bilingual embeddings require an aligned corpus from which bilingual infor-
mation is derived. A transfer learned cross-lingual model derives bilingual information
merely from a bilingual dictionary. The creation of a bilingual dictionary is of much less
effort compared to the creation and alignment of a parallel corpus. This paper explores the
following applications:
• Transfer learning functions that generate cross-lingual embeddings for the target
– Transfer functions defined on three word embeddings, Word2vec, GloVe, and Fast-
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 4 of 23

– Three techniques are used, linear mapping as mentioned in [8] and two deep
learning networks, One Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN)
and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP);
– A standard bilingual embedding algorithm, Bilingual Bag-Of-Words without
Alignments (BilBOWA) is also considered for relative comparison;
• Achieve the above objective in a data-efficient way;
– Transfer functions over various embedding is learned using different dictionary
size as low as 1000 English–Tamil word pair;
– Parallel or comparable corpora are not used to generate embedding, only the
learned transfer function;
• Evaluation of the generated embeddings for their efficacy;
– Embeddings are evaluated quantitatively using topological measures using Pair-
wise Accuracy and Neighborhood Accuracy;
– Visually verified using t-SNE plots for each of the TFGEs categories;
– Usability is tested for real NLP use-cases POS tagging, Extractive summarization,
and BDI.
The three most popular contemporary vector training algorithms, namely Word2Vec,
GloVe and FastText [7,28,29], are used to generate cross-lingual embedding. Bilingually
trained BilBOWA [26] embeddings were used as a baseline reference to compare our TFGEs.
The primary dataset used is a cEnTam English–Tamil corpus [30], which has monolingual
English, Tamil, and sentence-aligned English–Tamil data.

2.2. Premise
A transfer function (F) enables mapping from a pre-trained source embedding (X), to
the target embedding (Y). The target embedding is derived by the use of a contemporary
vector training algorithm on a limited target corpus. Source embeddings are pre-trained on
a billion-word text corpus, readily retrievable from various online sources. ML model (M)
is used to learn the mapping from X to Y. However, this is possible only if the bilingual
information of X matches with that of Y. The bilingual information is obtained from the
dictionary (D), which has to be created. This method obviates the use of any aligned
bilingual corpus.
Once the model M is trained, it provides the transfer function F, which is used to
generate vectors for unknown target words by providing a vector of the known source word.
It is imperative to note that the target is the low-resource language. Figure 1 schematically
explains the flow of the working premise. The creation of a bilingual dictionary is easier
and is a well-defined process in preference to the creation of an aligned corpus.
Transfer learning is achieved in two ways. The embedding set (not all words) for a
language is not a feature set by itself, but a fairly good language model. One way is to
use pre-trained source embedding to generate vectors of the unknown target words by
mapping the vector spaces, i.e., by transferring the information in the source embedding to
improve the target embedding. It is of vital significance that the target embedding is obtained
with the same vector training algorithm that was employed for pre-trained source embedding.
The generated vectors exist in the target embedding space.
Similar languages may roughly align their embedding spaces. This will enable re-
use of the transfer function trained on a target language, directly with another language,
which shares common semantic properties. Empirical proof of this hypothesis is presented
in future sections. The second transfer learning method fits parlance with ML, where a
model trained with one pair serves another without augmentation/retraining. In sum-
mary, instead of generating embedding from a large monolingual corpus, the pre-trained
embedding of one language is used to generate a bulk of the unknown vectors, using a
machine-learned transfer function. The generated cross-lingual embedding exists in the
same space of monolingual embedding of the target language. Doing so averts the need to
compromise on language specific semantics, unlike bilingual models.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 5 of 23

Figure 1. Flow chart of the proposed transfer learning model.

In order to test the effectiveness and usability of the generated embedding, two
evaluation metrics are proposed:
• Pairwise cosine accuracy—a measure of semantics between similar words
• Global cosine neighbourhood, which measures how words are separate from each other.
These relative measures compare generated embeddings with the original target

3. State-of-the-Art Transfer Learning Techniques in NLP

In a typical deep learning algorithm, a model is trained to learn patterns from training
data to efficiently classify and predict unseen data [31,32]. With transfer learning, a model
is generalized by reuse of knowledge learned from one task to an entirely different task.
With NLP, transfer learning is anticipated to be a useful option in the development of
efficient models, given the noisy, diversity, and unstructured characteristics of text data.
The principal challenge in the application of transfer learning across languages in NLP is
the language dependency of numerous tasks, which are inexpedient for processing by ML
models generally.
Optimal leveraging of existing datasets is crucial as creation of parallel corpora for
low-resourced language is expensive. With the proliferation of word embedding methods
like Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText, pre-trained (generic) embeddings are exploited in a
wide variety of tasks, even if there is a lack of adequate data. Leveraging prior knowledge
from pre-trained embedding to solve a completely different task is a perfect example of
transfer learning.
The following research papers highlight some current developments in transfer learn-
ing techniques in NLP. Doc2Vec [33] leverages the information in pre-trained word em-
beddings (Word2Vec) for the generation of the embedding for larger chunks of text, like
sentences and documents. CoVe is a type of word embedding learned by an encoder in
an attentional seq-to-seq machine translation model [34]. CoVe are learned on top of the
original word vectors, Word2Vec, GloVe, or FastText vectors to generate slightly different
embeddings for each word based on its context. The authors of CoVe devised the Ma-
chine Translation–Long Short-Term Memory (MT-LSTM) system that encodes words in
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 6 of 23

context and decodes them into another language. This model uses a two-layer bidirectional
LSTM-based encoder initialized with GloVe and a two-layer unidirectional LSTM with
an attention mechanism as the decoder. The pre-trained encoder of MT-LSTM, CoVe, is
applied across various downstream NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis and question clas-
sifier based on the transfer learning idea. CoVe and GloVe embedding’s unified approach
is said to be more reliable than the application of GloVe alone.
Differently from CoVe, the recently developed contextualized word embedding al-
gorithms such as Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo) [35] and Bidirectional
Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) [36] learn contextual word represen-
tation by pre-training a language model in an unsupervised way. The vector generated
is a weighted combination of all layers in the network. ELMo uses a combination of in-
dependently trained bidirectional LSTMs. BERT uses the Transformer, a neural network
architecture based on a self-attention mechanism. The Transformer has demonstrated
superior performance in modelling long-term dependencies in the text, compared to the
RNN architecture [37]. Thus, the ELMo and BERT capture the syntax, semantics, and
polysemy of a word using the deep embeddings from the language model and can be
used for a multitude of NLP activities. The integration of the contextual word embeddings
into neural architectures has led to consistent improvements in important NLP tasks such
as sentiment analysis, question answering, reading comprehension, textual entailment,
semantic role labelling, co-reference resolution, and dependency parsing.
Although traditional word embedding algorithms, including Word2Vec, GloVe, Fast-
Text and the contextualized embedding, transfer knowledge from a general-purpose source
task to a more specialized target task, there are some significant differences. The features
of attention models such as ELMo and BERT are more specific since they are context-
dependent and cannot be generalized to a new task (transfer learned across languages)
because specific features are less useful for transfer learning. The standard word embed-
ding algorithms are not context-dependent, and the various semantics concerning the word
are mixed, hence a generic representation. The contextualized embedding computes vec-
tors dynamically as a sentence or a sequence of words is being processed, so it is necessary
to provide a model for the downstream tasks. The standard word embedding algorithms
generate a matrix of word vectors that can be plugged into the neural network model to
perform a lookup operation by mapping a word to a vector.
A few propitious examples of transfer learning in NLP based on topological prop-
erties are noted next. The authors of [38] present a comprehensive study of the machine-
translation-based cross-lingual approach of sentiment analysis in Bengali. The paper
compares and provides a detailed analysis regarding the performance of ML classifiers in
the Bengali and machine-translated datasets (English). The performance of simple transfer
learning that utilizes the cross-domain data is presented. The authors use multiple cross-
domain datasets from the English language, IMDB, TripAdvisor, etc. to train the Logistic
Regression (LR) classifier. The trained model predicts the semantic orientations of reviews
from the machine-translated (Bengali–English) corpus. The authors of [39] use monolingual
resources and unsupervised techniques to induce cross-lingual task-specific word embed-
dings for the tasks of emoji prediction and sentiment classification of micro-blog posts from
Twitter and Sina Weibo. Enormous Mandarin Chinese language datasets were utilized
to train a monolingual model for emoji prediction, and the trained embedding layer was
adapted to support the English language. The cross-lingual English models achieved 11.8%
accuracy at emoji prediction (out of 64 emojis) and 73.2% at binary sentiment classifica-
tion. Lastra-Díaz et al. [40] developed a software Half-Edge Semantic Measures Library
(HESML) to implement various ontology-based semantic similarity measures proposed to
evaluate word embedding models and have shown an increase in performance time and
scalability of the models.CLassifying Interactively with Multilingual Embeddings (CLIME)
efficiently specializes cross-lingual embedding using the annotated task-specific key-words
by bilingual speakers [41].
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 7 of 23

Therefore, the proposed methodology uses standard word embedding algorithms

such as Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText to build a learning conversion (cross-lingual) model
trained with limited resources from English to Tamil. Furthermore, the model can be reused
for languages with comparable semantics with Tamil as the features learned are generic.

4. Dataset Description
We used cEnTam, an English-Tamil bilingual dataset [30]. The dataset consists of
a sentence-aligned English–Tamil corpus, a good chunk of crawled monolingual corpus
of Tamil, and a stand-alone comparable corpus of English. We used this dataset for the
generation of Tamil embeddings for all our experiments, and the bilingual embeddings
were generated using BilBOWA algorithms. Details of the dataset used for training cross-
lingual embedding are shown in Table 1. The data are organized as four instances.

Table 1. Dataset descriptions and dictionary sizes.

#. of Dic.
Source Data Target Data Algorithm Attribute
Wikipedia pre-trained (en) Wikipedia pre-trained (ta) FastText 10,786 Comparable
GloVe 840b pre-trained (en) GloVe 10,861 Monolingual
Tamil (ta)
Google new pretrained (en) Word2Vec 10,723 Monolingual
Tamil (ta)
cEnTam (en) cEnTam (ta) BilBOWA 6088 Parallel/Comparable

The first instance was trained using the Word2Vec algorithm. The English source is
constituted of pre-trained Google news embeddings trained on 100 billion words. Corre-
spondingly, cEnTam is trained on Word2Vec for Tamil.
The second instance had to be trained with the GloVe algorithm. Here, the source
was a set of pre-trained English embeddings, which use a common crawled corpus of
840 billion words. The Tamil GloVe embeddings were obtained from the cEnTam corpus.
With FastText models, pretrained Wikipedia corpus embeddings and a cEnTam corpus for
Tamil embedding were used.
The cEnTam corpus was used for training bilingual embedding using BilBOWA. All
four dictionaries were carefully hand-crafted while maintaining good dispersion of all
categories of words over the Tamil vocabulary.
Pre-trained Hindi and Chinese vectors were sourced online [42], along with the
respective online dictionaries [43,44]. Hindi and Chinese dictionary sizes were capped at
1000 words in order to induce a resource constraint. The purpose of these embeddings is to
demonstrate transferability.

5. Learning Transfer Functions

In Section 2.2, we introduced the premise of a transfer function that maps word
embeddings from one language to another. We employed ML and Deep Learning (DL)
techniques to learn these mappings. No effort was spent in tuning the hyper-parameters of
these models in order to improve their model accuracy. Deep Neural networks are used as
a transformative model to generate the transfer function that will map a known English
Vector to an unknown Tamil vector. As the physicality of the numbers is not known,
the only way to map vectors sensibly is to use deep learning architectures, which are
data-driven and hence self-guided. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and One Dimensional
Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN) were specifically chosen for this experiment as
MLP is a fully-connected network and the latter is a non-fully connected network.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 8 of 23

5.1. Linear Mapping

An elementary way of mapping to and from and between vector spaces is by projection.
A vector in English embedding space is projected to the Tamil embedding space. If x
represents a vector for an English word and y represents a vector for a Tamil word, then
we can compute a matrix T. Here, x is 300 × 1, T is 300 × 300, and y is 1 × 300.

Tx = y (1)

Now consider matrix X spanning the embedding space of English and matrix Y
spanning the embedding space of Tamil. Then T can be computed as shown in Equation (2),
where X + is Moore–Penrose pseudo inverse and X + = ( X T X )−1 X T . Equation (2) presents
the transfer function as a matrix operator, T [45].

TX = Y
T = YX +

T will be more accurate if X and Y are synthesized appropriately such that their
columns are populated by the most diverse (semantically unrelated) word, from the corre-
sponding embedding spaces. Here, we apply the concept of semantics between words as a
linear combination of semantics of the other words. The projection TX is the target embed-
ding space. The linear operator is easy to compute as it does not have any iterative training.
T is an m × m square matrix, where m is the embedding dimension and X is m × n, where
m is the word embedding dimension and n is the bilingual vocabulary/dictionary size.

5.2. Multi-Layer Perceptron

Although linear mapping seems amicable, it may be inadequate for distinct language
pairs, like English–Tamil. Attainment of better accuracy with disparate language pairs calls
for non-linear projections. In addition, as the vocabulary size increases, it exacerbates the
computation complexity of the transformation matrix. Linear mapping is not a scalable
approach, although [28] presented it using Stochastic Gradient Descent. This stimulates the
search for more apt ML approaches besides linear transformation. Initially, we considered
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), which is a basic deep-learning neural network (DNN)
with fully connected layers. MLP will attempt to learn non-linear vector valued function
f such that f ( x ) = y, where x is the English vector and y is the Tamil vector. The loss
function has cosine proximity between the predicted (ŷ) and actual monolingual vectors
(y) from the Tamil embedding space. The training phase typically implies minimization
of a loss function over target vectors. Cosine proximity loss is usually negative (making
proximity as high as possible by minimizing a negative scalar). Equation (3) presents the
inverse cosine proximity, where the cosine proximity (K) between predicted (ŷ) and actual
monolingual vectors (y) is maximized.

cos_proxinv = 1 − K (ŷ, y)
ŷ T × y (3)
K (ŷ, y) =
||ŷ|| × ||y||

This was implemented in the Keras library in Python. Figure 2 shows the basic archi-
tectural pipeline for MLP, enabled by usage of certain hyper-parameter values. The MLP
architecture is constituted of three dense layers: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) as its acti-
vation layer, and the dense layer followed by the Dropout Layer, to avert over-fitting in
training. The cosine proximity is used as the loss function and the RMSprop as the opti-
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 9 of 23

Dropout (30%)
Source 300 300 Target
embedding embedding
Dense layer Dense layer
(ReLU) (Loss: Cosine proximity)

Figure 2. Architecture of MLP.

5.3. One Dimensional—Convolutional Neural Network

Groundbreaking results for computer vision with the advent of DNNs, like AlexNet
and ResNet, accentuated Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) [46,47]. In NLP, instead
of convolving over pixels, convolutional filters were applied and pooled sequentially, over
individual or groups of word vectors [48]. MLPs work well by capturing the non-linearities
of the transfer function. MLPs, being fully connected (dense network), are unable to ignore
noisy aspects of the data, whereas CNN is ideally suited for disregarding noise and filtering
in the aspects that are most prominent in the data. Transfer function learned by CNN can
be more focused without loss of generality. Figure 3 explains the architectural pipeline of
the CNN network employed in the study reported in this paper.
(Conv + Max pooling)

Flatten layer
Source Filter: 22, Strides: 2 Target
embedding Kernel: 7 embedding
Dense layer
(Loss: Cosine proximity)

Figure 3. Architecture of CNN

The network has three layers, a CNN layer followed by a Max Pooling layer and a
Dense layer; each layer uses ReLU as an activation function. The CNN filter defines the
number of features to be learned; this investigation used twenty-two filters of kernel size
seven. Cosine proximity and RMSprop were used as the loss function and optimizer, re-

6. Comparison of Various Monolingual Word Embedding Models

The three most popular generic embedding algorithms in NLP are Word2Vec, GloVe,
and FastText. Word2Vec [28] remembers the forward–backward context of a word. It is
designed as a pair of feed-forward neural networks—a Continuous Bag Of Words (CBOW)
model and the skip-gram model. GloVe [7] is another popular count-based model, trained
on counts of global co-occurrent words and minimization of least-square error to produce
a word vector representation.
FastText [29] is an open-source library, designed by the Facebook research team for
learning efficient word representations and classification of text/documents. As FastText
treats each word as character n-grams, the word embedding generated for rare words can
come in handy, as character n-grams are shared with other words. In Word2Vec and GloVe,
a rare word that occurs less than 10 times and has fewer neighbors has poor embedding
quality compared to the vector of a word that occurs more than 100 times. Both of the
algorithms fail to provide good vector representations for OOV and compound words.
For instance, if a compound word “earache” is not in vocabulary, Word2Vec and GloVe may
return either a zero vector or a random numbered vector with low magnitude. However,
FastText can produce a vector whose magnitude is closer either to the vector ‘ear’ or ‘ache’
by breaking the word ‘earache’ into chunks.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 10 of 23

FastText training is computationally heavy compared to Word2Vec and GloVe. Since

the training is at character n-gram level, it takes longer to generate FastText embedding.
As the corpus size grows, the memory requirement grows too; the number of n-grams that
are hashed into the same n-gram bucket would grow.

7. Evaluation Tasks
Word embeddings have no measurable ground truths to verify their semantic proper-
ties [49]. Evaluation of these vector representations requires conception of precise linguistic
use cases. Word vectors translate semantic relationships to spatial distances. When two
words are semantically related, their respective embeddings are expected to have high
similarity measures. Assessment of word embeddings, using a crowd-sourced scoring
scheme, is detailed in [50].
Here, the original monolingual embedding is treated as ground truth for the evaluation
of TFGE. Embeddings can be evaluated quantitatively with respect to original ones and
qualitatively by visualization, by plotting them on two-dimensional graphs that show
the position of words in relation to other words, followed by visualization using the t-
distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) method [51]. Visual verification of
the quality of the embeddings facilitates precise estimation of their usability. Nevertheless,
one has to have a basic idea of the semantic relation of a target language space prior to
visual inspection. In this case, this gap shall be filled by comprehensive explanation of the
t-SNE plots.

7.1. Quantitative Evaluation

Instead of evaluating vectors in an absolute sense, the requirement is to compare the
original target vectors to the generated target vectors. Semantic relationships between
words translate to neighborhood distances between word vectors. The entire semantics is
captured in the topology of position vectors in word embeddings. Neighborhood analysis
is a direct measure of the information captured by the generated vectors [40].
Two complementary measures were used: one that deals with ontologically related
words such as synonyms and antonyms [40], and the global neighborhood, which is the
bearing of the current word in relation to the rest of the language representation (a set
of prime words from the corpus). Both the approaches are topological measures; one is
specific and the other is general. Both measures have almost an equal amount of semantic
information for a word.

7.1.1. Pairwise Accuracy of Similar Words

This evaluation model assesses the efficacy of the obtained embedding in reciprocating
the semantic relatedness among the word pairs with respect to the original embedding.
For assessment, semantically related word pairs are collected based on known linguistic
relations (synonyms, antonyms, meronyms, and any kind of etymological relationship).
A target language version of word pairs similar to the Simlex999 [52] English word pair
dataset was developed in a prior study. A sample of word pairs used for computing
pairwise cosine accuracy of three languages is listed in Table 2. In Section 7.1, we put to use
Hindi and Chinese word pairs as shown in Table 2 to evaluate the transferability of trained
DNNs and linear mapping. Figure 4 explains the process flow pipeline for computing
pairwise cosine accuracy (P.accuracy). The cosine of word pairs in Figure 4 is calculated as
given in Equation (3), where K is the cosine distance between any two vectors.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 11 of 23

Table 2. A sample word pairs list for computing pairwise cosine accuracy for all three evaluating

Tamil Hindi Chinese

mother–motherhood fruit–Chinese English–Chinese
attracted–attractive grand–majestic representative–administrative
attractive–ugly charming–wonderful enter–entry
liver–cell liver–cell political–democracy,
critised–uninomous cultivation–paddy time–period

Original Generated original Cosine of

embedding embedding word pairs
Word pair Sum of
list Gradients(SoG)
Crosslingual Generated crosslingual Cosine of
embedding embedding word pairs
Total word pairs)


Percentage error

Figure 4. Pipeline for computing pairwise accuracy for similar words.

7.1.2. Neighborhood Accuracy

While pairwise cosine accuracy measures the retention of known linguistic relations
as it was in the original embedding, global neighborhood accuracy (N.accuracy) measures
the retention of the overall topology with respect to the original embedding. Clarifying
further, the neighborhood measures the distance between a word and every other word
in the vocabulary for the generated embedding and compares it with the same measure
in the original embedding. Figure 5 shows the pipeline of computing the neighborhood
accuracy. Empirical observations show that the neighborhood follows at least some linear
relationship between the word pairs. This is discussed further in Section 8. The similarity
metric between two words is cosine distance, K, as given in Equation (3).

Generated original Cosine of a word with

embedding every other word
Gradients(SoG) Total word pairs)
Generated crosslingual Cosine of a word with
embedding every other word

Percentage error

Figure 5. Pipeline for computing cosine neighborhood accuracy.

7.2. Qualitative Evaluation

Word embedding maps semantic relations between words as spatial distances in the
vector space. Since word vectors are of very high dimensionality (generally 300 dimen-
sional vectors), ideally, it is an insurmountable challenge for most humans to visualize the
vectors or their relations. This calls for employment of a dimensionality reduction algo-
rithm that will help enervate them to visualizable dimensions (two- or three-dimensional).
Application of a normal Principle Component Analysis (PCA) for such drastic reductions in
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 12 of 23

dimensionality is ineffective. An alternative to this is to resort to t-SNE [51], which affords

minimal loss transformation. t-SNE is an ideal tool for visualization of word vectors and
generation of word clouds. In this context, t-SNE is used to visualize the semantic relations
between word pairs in the evaluation dataset. Figure 6 shows the t-SNE visualization of
vectors over word pairs, selected for assessment of Tamil embedding from Table 2. There
are three t-SNE plots
• Embedding generated by original embedding algorithm
• Embedding generated by trained MLP and
• Embedding generated by trained CNN networks
Figure 6b,c displays plots of the generated embeddings; the distance between word
pairs either have changed or have been retained from the original embedding. This is a
direct qualitative measure of neighborhood accuracy. A fair evaluation of such accuracy
calls for clear perception of the semantic relations of word pairs. For example, the relation
between the word pairs “attracted”–“attractive” and “mother”–“motherhood” are main-
tained in both MLP and CNN. The distance between the pairs may have changed, but the
nature of relationships between similar word pairs is preserved.

(a) (b)


Figure 6. t-SNE visualization of transfer-learned Tamil vectors (MLP& CNN) and original vectors gen-
erated by Word2Vec. (a) Original Embeddings; (b) Embeddings generated by MLP; (c) Embeddings
generated by CNN.

7.3. Evaluation Based on Usability Tests

Standard NLP tasks were employed that utilize the embeddings to generate results.
The accuracies of these results can be quantitatively assessed as they are mainly ML, data-
driven tasks. However, a successful task implies that a set of good-quality vectors was
used versus unsuccessful tasks, which point to poor quality. Hence, the assessment of the
vectors is qualitative. To gauge TFGE vectors, the following three NLP use cases were
employed: Text Summarization, Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging, and Bilingual Dictionary
Induction (BDI).

7.3.1. Text Summarization

For the text summarization task, an extractive SVD-based summarization algorithm
was used [53]. Every sentence in the text had a pairwise score with every other sentence.
Word embeddings were used to perform sentence-level alignments and derive sentence-
to-sentence pairwise scores. The summary from texts of varying sizes with the original
embeddings, and TFGE are observed separately.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 13 of 23

The generated summary with original embeddings is taken as a benchmark summary,

and that generated by TFGE is considered a referring summary. For example, if the original
summary consists of sentence indexes 1, 8, 10, and 18 and the referring summary has 1, 7,
10, and 18, then the count of differing sentences is 1 (sentence # 7 is extracted in the referee
summary instead of sentence # 8 in the benchmark summary). Differing sentences in the
referring summary are counted and used as an entropy measure—the higher the entropy, the
poorer the quality.

7.3.2. Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging

Part-of-Speech Tagging forms the part of all downstream tasks like Name Entity
Recognition (NER), Semantic Role Labelling (SRL), Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD),
Chunking, Machine Translation (MT), and Parsing (syntax analysis). POS tags include
nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and their subcategories. POS tagging is a string-labeling
exercise where the sentence is fed in as an input, and each word in the sentence is labeled
with the name of a tag indicating the POS category. The standard Pen Tagset was employed
for tagging POSs in Tamil, which is the target embedding space. Another CNN was trained
using an annotated Tamil corpus provided with the cEnTam dataset [30].
Figure 7 shows the pipeline architecture of a POS Tagger using a CNN network.
The class-wise testing accuracy of each of the categories and the average accuracy of
prediction over all POS classes are measured in the prediction of the right POS tag for
each word. This accuracy is used as a measure of success. Typically, similar to the text
summarization tasks, the CNN trained on the original Tamil embedding is deemed as a
benchmark, and the one trained on TFGE is used as the referee.

(Conv + Max pooling)

Flatten layer

Source Filter: 32, Strides: 2

embedding Kernel: 3
Dense layer

PoS tagged
(Loss: Categorical cross-entropy)

Figure 7. Pipeline of POS Tagger trained using CNN.

7.3.3. Bilingual Dictionary Induction

BDI entails the task of guessing the source word for a given foreign word. Traditionally,
there are various methods to induct dictionaries, especially the bilingual embedding
method [25]. Recently, [54] used topological metrics to induct BDI, but the authors only
used linear mapping and global neighborhood measures (Iterative Mapping). We have,
however, observed that BDI can be achieved using TFGEs [55]. This paper uses cross-
lingual embeddings, aka TFGEs, to study an ML model and reverse lookup of the source
embedding. This method achieves high accuracy.

8. Results and Discussion

This section presents and discusses all the results of evaluation carried out on TFGEs
apropos original embeddings. DNNs were trained using cosine proximity as the loss
function. With minimal data (dictionary size of 10,000+ words noted in Table 1) and diverse
vector spaces, it would be impetuous to expect the networks to yield high testing/training
(model) accuracies. This can be improved if we have more data to tune the hyper-parameter
of the network. Resource-constrained target language impeded trainability of the proffered
model and supervened by the unavailability of a large dataset. Even in the best-case
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 14 of 23

scenario, the highest TFGE model’s testing accuracy achieved was limited to 62% with any
of the transfer learning models. In spite of moderately high training error (MSE as high as
(30–40)%), the model still yielded fairly good embedding. Figure 8a,b shows the 1D-CNN
TFGE model’s training accuracy/loss vs. epoch. In addition, the TFGE model afforded all
the desirable semantic properties that were verified and evaluated, using the quantitative
(topological) and qualitative metrics, mentioned in Section 7.

(a) (b)

Figure 8. Graphical representation of Training Accuracy/Loss vs. Epochs for 1D-CNN model of
TFGE. (a) Training Accuracy vs. Epochs; (b) Training Loss vs. Epochs.

8.1. Quantitative Evaluation Results

We used three transfer function models, Linear Mapping (LM), MLP, and CNN and
a bilingual model, BilBOWA. Each model was trained on the three respective word em-
bedding algorithms: Word2Vec (W), GloVe (G), and FastText (F). As a composite, twelve
experiments were performed—combining four models across three different word embed-
dings (4 × 3 = 12). The experiments were designated using the model name subscripting
the embedding algorithm name. For example, LMW refers to the Linear Mapping (LM)
model trained on Word2Vec (W) algorithm. Table 3, enlists pairwise cosine accuracy
(P.accuracy) and neighborhood accuracy (N.accuracy) for all of the models trained across
various algorithms.
In Table 3, global neighborhood accuracy (N.accuracy) was cross-validated on random
validation datasets of 300 words over 50 epochs, whereas pair-wise accuracy, P.accuracy,
was computed from the pairwise data retrieved from [50]. It is a set of 146 word pairs, sam-
pled and translated from SimLex-999 [52]. Among the topological accuracies, P.accuracy
is the most difficult to achieve compared to N.accuracy, as the former are linguistically
verifiable and not linear, like the latter. This explains why linear mapping was able to
achieve better scores in N.accuracy, rather than P.accuracy.
In order to measure the transferability, another experiment was undertaken that used
Hindi and Chinese as target languages. Hindi, semantically distant from Tamil, is another
Indian language that has readily available pretrained vectors. Chinese, quite distinct from
Tamil, also has readily available rich resources. We hypothesize that if we are able to find
Hindi and Chinese monolingual vectors trained with the same Word2Vec algorithm that
was used to train the Tamil embeddings, they may reveal semantic alignment. As the
CNN model gained better accuracy than MLP, CNN was used to validate the property of
Initially, Hindi and Chinese vectors were used only to evaluate the CNNW —generated
vectors for Tamil. Surprisingly, the model gave a good pairwise accuracy of 76.95% for
Hindi and 70.52% for Chinese. In addition, retraining the models for Hindi and Chinese
embeddings yielded considerably augmented accuracies, with Hindi reaching 83.02%
and Chinese reaching 87.59%. Table 4 depicts the accuracy measurements for Hindi and
Chinese, with and without retraining, on linear mapping and CNN models.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 15 of 23

Table 3. Neighborhood and Pairwise Accuracy (N.accuracy and P.accuracy) of English–Tamil TFGE
trained on various models. LM, MLP, and CNN refers to the transfer function learning models, Linear
Mapping, Multi Layer Perceptron, and Convolutional Neural Network, respectively. The subscripts
W, ,G and F refer to the vector training algorithms, Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText, respectively.

Transfer Functions N.accuracy P.accuracy

LMW 81.70 12.13
LMG 76.40 20.64
LMF 77.28 11.96
MLPW 80.56 82.68
MLPG 87.36 89.70
MLPF 89.72 90.67
CNNW 85.53 86.34
CNNG 89.95 91.38
CNNF 80.33 92.68
BilBOWAW 78.36 73.12
BilBOWAG 68.97 71.38
BilBOWA F 77.28 73.61

Table 4. Neighbourhood and Pairwise Accuracy (N.accuracy and P.accuracy) of Asian TFGE Embed-
dings trained by various models.

Language Transfer Function Model Type P.accuracy N.accuracy

Eng-Tam Matrix 12.91 77.16

Linear Mapping
Re-computed Matrix 17.34 88.47
Eng-Tam Network 76.95 72.15
Re-trained Network 83.02 80.40
Eng-Tam Matrix 12.08 75.13
Linear Mapping
Re-computed Matrix 17.28 90.23
Eng-Tam Network 70.52 71.32
Re-trained Network 87.59 84.21

One of the priorities of transfer learning embedding is data efficiency. This implies
that the transfer function can be trained to obtain TFGEs with dictionaries that contain
no more than 1000 words. All the TFGE models were trained with this premise in mind.
The resource constraint was simulated by reduction of the size of the dictionary and
training the model on varying data instances. As the linear mapping model achieved good
neighborhood accuracy but failed miserably on pairwise accuracy, the data efficiency study
was restricted to deep learning models. This study was limited to pairwise accuracies as
they are based on linguistic ground truth (for every embedding model, the formation of
word pairs is supervened by known linguistic relationships). Table 5 shows the pairwise
accuracy of deep-transfer-learned Tamil and English vectors on MLP and CNN networks,
for every embedding model. Albeit computationally intricate, P.accuracy was chosen in
preference to N.accuracy, as it is linguistically verifiable. The loss functions for the same
are shown in Figures 9 and 10.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 16 of 23

Table 5. Pairwise Accuracy of MLP and CNN Network over various dictionary lengths. P.accuracy
was chosen because it is more difficult to achieve than N.accuracy and is linguistically verifiable.

#. of Word Pairs
Word2Vec GloVe FastText Word2Vec GloVe FastText
1000 80.39 88.88 85.14 82.42 90.99 90.94
2000 81.99 87.34 86.71 83.47 91.21 91.05
3000 81.79 87.28 89.69 83.66 91.58 90.99
5000 82.27 88.20 89.82 83.98 92.55 92.36
7000 82.77 88.10 89.57 84.49 89.75 92.21
8000 82.35 87.70 89.77 85.13 90.93 92.48
10,000 82.68 89.70 90.67 86.34 91.38 92.68

Figure 9. Graphical representation of Pairwise Accuracy of MLP Network over various dictionary
lengths. The X-axis represents the dictionary sizes, and the Y-axis represents the accuracy.

Figure 10. Graphical representation of Pairwise Accuracy of CNN Network over various dictionary
lengths. The X-axis represents the dictionary sizes, and the Y-axis represents the accuracy.

Neighborhood accuracy was also measured across various POS categories. The vo-
cabulary was divided into the top four categories: nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjec-
tives. Cosine neighborhood accuracies were measured individually, within each category,
as showcased in Table 6.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 17 of 23

Table 6. Category-based Neighbourhood Percentage Accuracy of Tamil Embeddings.

Embedding Models
Word2Vec GloVe FastText
Nouns 80.13 91.79 80.97
Verbs 82.19 91.63 77.85
Adjectives 80.34 89.44 78.77
Adverbs 85.97 90.42 80.40

8.2. TSNE Plots and Qualitative Interpretation

t-SNE can be conceived as a two-dimensional projection of the original high dimen-
sional embedding space. The position of the words in the original embedding space is
correspondingly brought down to lower dimensions (two dimensions in this case), such
that topologically closer (neighboring) words will remain so, even in the lower dimension.
This affords an opportunity to perceive the behaviors of different word pairs when the
vectors are transformed by TFGE models. The word pairs list used for the t-SNE plot is
given in Table 2. The word pairs in Table 2 are semantically similar words in the target lan-
guage. Semantically similar words in Tamil are chosen to understand semantic preserving
property of cross-lingual embedding visually. The t-SNE plot for Word2Vec is presented
in Figure 6. Here, Figures 11 and 12 do the same, for GloVe and FastText, respectively.
The semantics between the related word pairs, “attracted” and “attractive”, “mother” and
“motherhood”, are preserved in the TFGE as well. Figures depict only a small portion of the
actual embedding in order to demonstrate the qualitative inferences. t-SNE is computed
by a non-convex optimization method, which implies that positions of the embeddings in
the t-SNE plot may not be the same every time, when recomputed.

(a) (b)


Figure 11. t-SNE visualization of transfer-learned Tamil vectors (MLP and CNN) and original vectors
generated by GloVe. (a) Original Embeddings; (b) Embeddings generated by MLP; (c) Embeddings
generated by CNN.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 18 of 23

(a) (b)


Figure 12. t-SNE visualization of transfer learned Tamil vectors (MLP and CNN) and original vectors
generated by FastText. (a) Original Embeddings; (b) Embeddings generated by MLP; (c) Embeddings
generated by CNN.

9. Usability Evaluation Results

Three NLP use cases were employed to appraise the usability of TFGE vectors in-
troduced in Section 7.3. Discussions in this subsection address their input and results,
followed by qualitative assessment of their success. Text summarization tasks involved four
textual input files, with 20, 50, 80, and 110 sentences in each. This extractive summarization
algorithm was implemented in Scala and runs on the Apache Spark® Framework. This is a
data-intensive process. A text file with twenty sentences is transformed into a Cartesian
product, pairing each sentence with every other sentence. The size of the Cartesian product
is 20 × 20, which is used to align the sentence-pairs on word similarity. The algorithm uses
SVD to rank sentences in the text, according to the intensities of their topics. It extracts
top-ranking sentences and constructs a summary. The maximum size of the summary is
the hyper-parameter; a fraction of the total number of sentences. All original embeddings,
Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText, extract the same sentence for summary in all four instances.
This shows how the semantics are captured in all of these three embeddings. When the
experiment was repeated with the TFGE vector, the same output was observed with TFGE
from all the models (CNNW,G,F ), as may be seen in Table 7. The number of differing
sentences was zero for all cases. This qualitatively shows that the semantics, captured by
the original embedding, are equivalent to those captured by TFGE; the transfer of relative
semantics from original embeddings to TFGEs was empirically asserted. We provided it
with randomly generated embeddings to ensure neutrality of the summarization algorithm.
Table 8 depicts the anticipated results as to the count of differing sentences compared to
the benchmark summary depicted in Table 7. For a summary size of twenty, the random
summary differed in 17 sentences from the benchmark summary.

Table 7. Text summarization results of learned embedding models.

Size of the Summary

Size of Text Document # of Different Sentences
Original Transfer Learned Through CNN
20 2 2 0
50 6 6 0
80 14 14 0
110 20 20 0
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 19 of 23

Table 8. Text summarization results of random vectors.

Size of the Summary

Size of Text Document # of Different Sentences
Original Random Vectors
20 2 2 2
50 6 6 6
80 14 14 12
110 20 20 17

The POS Tagger, depicted in Figure 7, takes input from an annotated Tamil corpus
of the cEnTam dataset to predict the tag label. Even though the network predicts thirty
tags, the accuracies of only four classes—noun, verb, adverb, and adjective—are compared.
Table 9 tabulates the class-wise accuracy of these four POS categories trained with different
embeddings. The first column provides the accuracies; when trained with random vectors,
as expected, they gave very poor results. The original embedding, however, fared much
better with average accuracy over four classes of 70%, 71%, and 81% for Word2Vec, GloVe,
and FastText, respectively. Linear Mapping performed even better, with an average of over
82%. TFGE has the highest average accuracy of prediction in this whole exercise; they even
outperformed the original embedding, on which they were transfer-learned from. They
are trained on a very small monolingual target corpus compared to a pre-trained source
(<100 billion words). However, TFGE was generated from a transfer process, where the
input comes from an embedding space trained with a billion-word corpus (pre-trained
embeddings). Some ineffable properties of the pre-trained embeddings may have been
concurrently transferred to TFGEs, which outfits them with an upper hand in the POS
tagging task. TFGE vectors dominated this usability test.

Table 9. Category-based accuracy for Deep Learned POS Tagger trained on different embedding
models and Linear Mapping on Word2Vec.

Embedding Models
Random Vectors Word2Vec GloVe FastText TFGE Linear Mapping
Noun 0.53 0.65 0.69 0.70 0.86 0.84
Verb 0.52 0.75 0.71 0.86 0.84 0.74
Adverb 0.57 0.65 0.65 0.89 0.91 0.85
Adjectives 0.69 0.74 0.80 0.81 0.86 0.88

Our next use case task is BDI. The authors of [25] used their bilingual embedding
to perform BDI on three separate language pairs. We conducted a reverse lookup of the
transferred learned vector using the original monolingual embedding to elicit a word
translation of the source word. Provided a series of source and target words < wsi , wti > as
well as their corresponding embeddings (original monolingual embeddings) < wvsi , wvti >
and transfer learned target embedding < wvti∗ >. The correct target word wti is identified
for each query source word wsi by finding the target embedding wvti that is the closest
neighbor to the transition learned/projected target word embedding wvti∗ , where cosine
similarity is computed as a measure between the embeddings. The reported highest
accuracy is 68.9 over their dictionary size of 1000 words. Reference [55] describes a shared
task system, where bilingual pairs are inducted over German–English (de–en) and Tamil–
English(ta–en). The study employed cross-lingual (TFGE) embeddings to induct a bilingual
dictionary, in both cases. Table 10 summarizes BDI accuracy, derived using TFGE [55];
TFGEs performed very well in the BDI task.
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 20 of 23

Table 10. Accuracy of German–English and Tamil–English BDI system as reported in [55].

Language Pairs
de–en ta–en
Linear Mapping 73.01 76.05
MLP 80.67 85.52
CNN 85.16 90.33

Empirical Observations on the Properties of Different Embeddings

The t-SNE plots for all the transfer-learned embeddings and the original embed-
dings were computed using the three reputed embedding algorithms—Word2Vec, GloVe,
and FastText [7,28,29]. A close review of key observations inferred from Table 5 and
Figures 6, 11, and 12 are summarized hereunder as empirical characteristics.
The Word2Vec algorithm is focused on preserving neighborhood information of each
embedding. By far, Word2Vec can best capture and preserve the relational semantics of
etymologically proximal words; it preserves ontology in the form of neighborhoods. Neigh-
borhood can only be perceived with availability of profuse data. Table 5 empirically verifies
this fact as the accuracy of Word2Vec consistently improves with more data (word pairs)
provided. Our cosine neighborhood accuracy is not a direct measure of this neighborhood;
this can only be measured through clustering.
Global Vectors (GloVe) embedding algorithm, on the other hand, is designed on co-
occurrence relationships. The co-occurrence relation of cross-lingual dictionary words
is almost the same, with little room for improvement, when more data are pumped in.
In Table 5, the accuracy of transfer-learned vectors using GloVe simply oscillates between
some range for a steady increase in the number of word pairs. Since accuracy is a measure
using pairwise relation (relative semantics), GloVe has a natural advantage as it accounts
for co-occurrence relations as well.
FastText shows behavior similar to, but more accurate than, Word2Vec. Fast Text’s
ability to account for substring n-grams affords a clear advantage in the case of extremely
agglutinative Tamil.

10. Discussions
This paper’s empirical studies entailed trained models on word sets as low as 1000 for
Tamil, the target language. Even with such a low word count and corresponding vectors, a
cross-lingual transfer learning network could be devised that generated reasonably good
quality vectors from English words for unknown Tamil words. The generated vectors
were assessed over an unseen set of word pairs. The cosine distance obtained over the
pair of words using original embeddings and the cosine distance obtained using generated
embeddings were compared. The resultant error was used for calculation of accuracy.
The pairwise accuracy is expressed as the complement of root-mean-square percentage
error (RMSPE). However, the networks were trained on absolute prediction error with the
known monolingual target vectors (of Tamil in this case). The trained model is further
validated with real NLP tasks for verification of the propriety of the generated embeddings.
Summaries from the same text document were generated with the algorithm presented
in [53]. The summary generated with the original embeddings and the transfer learned
embeddings were identical for all embedding types. The generated embeddings were
tested on a POS classification network for BDI over German–English and Tamil–English
pairs. In all these cases, the generated embeddings (TFGE) were as effective as the original
embeddings. This conclusively proves the aptness of the learned vectors.

11. Conclusions
The primary objective of this investigation was to devise an efficient transfer learning
scheme for attainment of cross-lingual word embeddings obviating the need for large
monolingual and bilingual corpora. Multiple experiments were conducted, employing
Electronics 2021, 10, 1372 21 of 23

different methodologies, to attain target word vectors for the English–Tamil bilingual
pair. Tamil, a popular Asian language, is linguistically similar to many other south Asian
languages. We created sufficient corpora for (monolingual and bilingual) Tamil for the eval-
uation of the proffered methodologies and empirical outcomes. Furthermore, pre-trained
Hindi and Chinese embeddings were marshalled to validate the transfer learning model.
Target word vectors were successfully generated with a minimal corpus (monolingual)
size of 5000 words, approximately the size of a textbook. Such a modest-sized corpus was
apposite for achievement of useful word vectors—89% using GloVe vectors and at least an
accuracy of 80% using Word2Vec—with proven cross-validated topological (pairwise and
neighborhood) accuracy. The cosines were scaled between [0, 2], and the error was also
computed in the same interval. The accuracies obtained were compared with the standard
bilingual embedding algorithm BilBOWA [26], which uses a sentence-aligned parallel
and comparable corpora. It also considers a minimal word-aligned model to improve the
accuracy of the target vectors. This paper’s investigators are convinced that a bilingual
model is a compromise between the languages’ semantics. The ineluctable semantic gap
between the languages is traded off in the interest of a common vector space. The proffered
model is a cross-lingual transfer learning model that takes a source language vector and
projects it to the target space, maintaining the semantic integrity of the target language.
The deep learning networks essentially learn the semantic gap between the languages and
incorporates the source vector into the target vector space. In contrast, the cross-lingual
model requires only monolingual corpora in both the languages with a dictionary.
As a reconfirmation of the submitted approach, pre-trained Hindi and Chinese embed-
dings (Word2Vec) were piped through the tendered model. The model that was trained on
Tamil as the target language yielded accuracies of 77% with Hindi and 70% with Chinese.
In their own ways, the Hindi and Chinese languages are very distinct from Tamil, as em-
pirically observed from their accuracies. When the models were re-trained with respective
languages using a word set of 1000 words, an accuracy of 83% was reported with Hindi,
versus an accuracy of 88% observed with Chinese. These findings corroborate that the
method put forth is language-independent. We are optimistic that the word embedding
strategy will work seamlessly on syntactically similar target languages, foreclosing the
prerequisite of re-training on the second target language.

12. Future Work

In the case of other resource-indigent languages, this proposed robust model can
generate word embeddings by creation of a minimal bilingual dictionary and just enough
monolingual corpus. Furthermore, the paradigm can be applied to other languages with
semantics similar to Tamil. Morphology is an important phenomenon that influences word
embeddings. Word vectors augmented by a piece of separate morphology information will
surely improve in quality. The accuracy computation used in this paper partially reflects
the neighborhood preservation characteristics of any embeddings. Nevertheless, this may
admittedly not be an accurate measure of the neighborhood; an accurate measure will be
to compute a relative clustering coefficient for a set of words that are ontologically related
to the word of interest.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.J. and V.K.M.; methodology, S.J. and V.K.M.; software,
S.J.; validation, S.J. and V.K.M.; formal analysis, S.J. and V.K.M.; investigation, S.J. and V.K.M.;
resources, S.J.; data curation, S.J.; writing—original draft preparation, S.J.; writing—review and
editing, V.K.M. and A.W.; supervision, V.K.M., R.S. and S.K.; project administration, V.K.M. and S.K.;
funding acquisition, S.J., V.K.M. and A.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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