Enerio Vs Alampay

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G.R. No.

L-40010 May 26, 1975

YANSON, Respondents.

Jose O. Macaso, Sr., Bernardo B. Pablo and Benito C. Jalandoni, Sr. for plaintiffs.chanrobles
virtual law library

Yulo, Sedonio, Alejano and Associates for respondents.


The Court sets aside respondent court's dismissal order for alleged lack of jurisdiction. The
totality of the demand in suits for recovery of sums of money between the same parties
furnishes the jurisdictional test and since petitioners' total claim for actual, moral and exemplary
damages and attorney's fees was clearly in excess of P10,000.00 and came close to
P30,000.00, it properly fell within the jurisdiction of respondent court of first
instance.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

On May 27, 1974, petitioners as plaintiffs filed with respondent court of first instance of Negros
Occidental presided by respondent Judge Nestor B. Alampay a complaint for the recovery of
actual, moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees and costs of litigation totalling close
to P30,000.00 against private respondents Sonetran Co., Inc., Ernesto Kho and Max Villegas y
Yanson as defendants as a result of the physical injuries caused petitioner-minor, Russel
Enerio, eight years of age (herein represented by his parents, the co-petitioners) when bumped
on the road on January 15, 1974 by a passenger bus of respondents driven allegedly "in a very
reckless, negligent and imprudent manner" by respondent Max
Villegas.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Respondents filed in due course their answer with counterclaim for P20,000.-moral damages
and P2,000.-attorney's fees.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Pre-trial was held by respondent court on November 27, 1974 and on said date, without its
jurisdiction having been questioned or placed in issue by respondents, it issued moto proprio an
order dismissing the complaint on the ground that "without the claims for moral and exemplary
damages, this case will not fall within the jurisdiction, of the court of first instance," without
prejudice to re-filing in the court of proper jurisdiction and without costs, as petitioners-plaintiffs
had been allowed by it to file the case as paupers-litigants. The pertinent portion of the
dismissal order reads as follows:

At the pre-trial of this case the attention of the counsel for the plaintiffs was drawn to the
allegations of the complaint which limit the claim for actual damages of the plaintiff minor,
Russel Enerio, to the amount of P478.00 corresponding to hospital and doctor's bills and
medicines and for the miscellaneous expenses attendant to his care after he was bumped by a
passenger bus of the defendant company. In same complaint, plaintiff Darrow O. Enerio, father
of said minor, claims the amount of P500.00, representing his alleged loss of income during the
period while attending to his injured son. All such claim for actual damages would thus be in the
total amount of only P978.00. Along with these considerations, the court notes that plaintiffs
seek moral damages in the sum of P10,000.00, exemplary damages in the sum of P15,000.00
and an award for attorney's fees of P3,000.00 and expenses of litigation in the sum of P500.00.
Without the claims for moral and exemplary damages, this case will not fill within the jurisdiction
of the Court of First Instance.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

It is therefore the considered view of the court, considering the minimal amount of the claim of
the plaintiffs for actual damages, that the moral and exemplary damage recited and claimed for
in the complaint is but an obvious means taken to circumvent the provisions of the Judiciary Act
with respect to the jurisdiction of inferior courts and the Courts of First Instance, respectively.
The disproportionate and bloated claims for moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees
in this instance reflect that such were merely placed in the complaint in order to shift jurisdiction
to this court, but that under the recited facts this case should not be taken cognizance of due to
the limited amount that is actually involved. To tolerate the imposition of this case on this court
can open the floodgates to parties who may then institute slight physical injury in the Courts of
First Instance on mere assertions of clearly disproportionate and imprudent claims for moral and
exemplary damages and attorney's fees, with the resulting effect of adding burden to the docket
and load of the superior courts. ... .

Hence, the present petition for review on certiorari of the dismissal order. Upon consideration of
respondents' comment and of petitioners' reply thereto, the Court resolved to treat the case as a
special civil action and dispense with the filing of briefs for an expeditious determination of the
simple issue of jurisdiction involved.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

It is well settled and beyond question that the jurisdiction of a court over a case, is determined
by the allegations of the complaint, and since petitioners' complaint asserted a total demand,
exclusive of interest of over P10.000.00 (and sought recovery of damages of close to
P30,000.00) the case clearly falls within the original jurisdiction of respondent court of first
instance as provided by section 44 of the Judiciary Act, Republic Act 296 as
amended.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

The totality of the demand in suits for recovery of sums of money between the same parties, i.e.
the total or aggregate amount demanded in the complaint constitutes the basis of jurisdiction
and for determining the jurisdictional amount in civil cases. 1Here petitioners' total claim of
P978.00 for actual damages, P10,000.-moral damages, P15,000.-exemplary damages and
P3,000.-attorney's fees, etc., was clearly in excess of P10,000.00 and therefore properly fell
within the jurisdiction of respondent court of first instance. Respondent court could not arbitrarily
isolate petition lesser claim for actual damages and without hearing and proofs rule out
petitioners' other claims for moral and exemplary damages as "bloated" and summarily
dismiss motu proprio the case as not failing within its jurisdiction contrary to the very allegations
on the face of the complaint.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

Petitioners contend with reason that their complaint asserted lawful demands for the imposition
of moral and exemplary or corrective damages against respondents "to serve as deterrent
against reckless driving" on the basis of their specific allegations in their complaint that
respondents' bus "was running very fast and was being driven ... in a very reckless, negligent
and imprudent manner, in utter violation of the Revised Motor Vehicle Law and the traffic rules
and regulations and without due regard to life and property," and "that as a result of the injuries
received by minor plaintiff, plaintiffs suffered physically and underwent mental torture and
worried, wounded feelings, serious anxiety. ..." 2chanrobles virtual law library

Petitioners have disclaimed any "bloating" of their claim for moral and exemplary damages as
merely surmised by respondent court without having given petitioners their day in court and
without having received the proofs of the parties. Petitioners rightfully contend that it is not the
lesser nature of the injuries suffered by the minor or the relatively modest amount of actual
damages incurred by them in the hospitalization of the injured son and the father's loss of
income but the gross and wanton negligence of private respondents in the operation of their
public vehicle which resulted in the injuries inflicted upon the minor (as alleged and if proven by
them at the trial) that would be decisive and controlling on the matter of moral and exemplary
damages claimed by them. Petitioners have cause to complain, therefore, that respondent court
in refusing motu proprioto take cognizance of the case on the ground that the claims for
damages were "bloated" in effect prejudged the case without hearing and without the evidence,
and wrongfully barred them from seeking moral and exemplary damages in excess of
P10,000.00 by dismissing their suit before it and requiring them to file their action in the inferior
courts, where their total claim for damages would be limited to not more
P10,000.00.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

There appears no valid justification in the record for respondent court's bare conclusion that
petitioners' claim for damages were "bloated" in order to shift jurisdiction to it rather than to the
inferior courts and that the filing of the case with it amounted to an "imposition of this case on
this court."chanrobles virtual law library
Respondents' contention in their comment that "since the award of said amount (of moral and
exemplary damages) is discretionary on its (respondent court) part, it believed that plaintiffs
cannot recover a total amount in excess of P10,000.00, hence, there is basis for the court in
dismissing the complaint on ground of lack of jurisdiction" is manifestly erroneous. If such were
the case, respondent court should have narrowed down the issue at the pre-trial to the question
and amount of recoverable damages, if any, and proceeded to receive the parties' proofs
thereon and thereafter rendered judgment on the merits, even utterly refusing any award of
moral or exemplary damages to petitioners if this were its determination. This simply means that
it should have properly assumed and exercised its jurisdiction and disposed of the case on the
merits rather than erroneously dismissed the complaint for alleged lack of jurisdiction with all the
attendant delay caused thereby and the remand of the case back to
it.chanroblesvirtualawlibrarychanrobles virtual law library

ACCORDINGLY, the dismissal order appealed from is hereby annulled and set aside and the
case is ordered remanded to the court a quofor trial and adjudication on the merits. Without

In criminal cases, the court’s jurisdiction in the first instance is determined by the facts alleged in
the complaint or information. The complaint or information must be examined for the purpose of
ascertaining whether or not the facts set out therein and the punishment provided for by law for
such acts fall within the jurisdiction of the court in which the complaint or information is
presented. If the facts set out in the complaint or information are sufficient to show the court in
which the complaint or information is presented has jurisdiction, then the court has jurisdiction

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