Male Infertility

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Karthik Gunasekaran

N Pandiyan

Male Infertility

A Clinical Approach

Male Infertility
Karthik Gunasekaran • N Pandiyan

Male Infertility
A Clinical Approach
Karthik Gunasekaran N Pandiyan
Metromale Clinic, Department of Andrology and Reproductive
Gunasekaran Hospital Pvt Ltd Medicine
Chennai Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute
India Chennai

ISBN 978-81-322-3602-3 ISBN 978-81-322-3604-7 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7

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Infertility in men is an important cause of barren marriage. Male infertility is on the

rise and the world wide prevalence of male infertility now stands at 7 %, an incidence
even more than diabetes mellitus. Yet sadly, we, the medical community at large, have
chosen to ignore this problem. Until a few decades ago, this area was wide open with
almost all medical practitioners handling the field. Besides urologists, gynecologists,
and embryologists who are probably the rightful inheritors of the field, specialists in
venereology, dermatology, endocrinology, and internal medicine were also practicing
male infertility with very little or formal training in the field. Universities offering
training in this branch of reproductive medicine were also few.
The advent of assisted reproductive technologies and intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI) made a paradigm change in the management of male infertility.
However, an increase in failed ICSI procedures and declining male fertility have
made physicians dwell deep into the realm of male infertility. Many hitherto
unproven therapies have fallen into disrepute. Many conditions untreatable few
decades ago have become treatable now with the introduction of ICSI and sperm
retrieval techniques. There is an urgent need for good understanding of the princi-
ples and practice of male infertility. This book hopes to fulfill this need.
The chapters in this book have been hand-picked to provide the gynecologists,
urologists, endocrinologists, and fertility specialists in-depth information about
male infertility and aim to serve as a reference point with detailed descriptions and
practical analysis by leading practitioners in the field of men’s health.
We would like to thank our teachers, our patients, the andrology fellows, our
contributing authors, and all other research staff, without whom this book would not
have been possible. We specially acknowledge the great contribution rendered by
Dr. C. Siddharth, Embryologist and Andrologist, in the initial phase of the project.
We value your feedback; this will help us improve the future editions of the

Chennai, India Karthik Gunasekaran

Chennai, India N. Pandiyan


The Editors gratefully acknowledge the help rendered by many people to make this
book a reality.
Dr. Shah Dupesh Khan, Chief Consultant in Andrology and Men’s Health,
Women’s Center, Chennai, has been a source of continuous, constant, and great sup-
port in getting this book to the present shape. Besides contributing chapters in time,
he also helped immensely in the numerous correspondences with the authors and in
editing this book.
Authors from various parts of the world contributed chapters, mostly on time,
despite their numerous professional commitments, thus helping the timely release
of this book.
Our publisher, Springer and its dynamic executives: Ms. Eti has been instrumen-
tal for the launch of this book; Mr. Kumar and Mr. Mahesh gently but constantly
prodded us and helped in completion of this book by their continuous reminders to
all of us.

Chennai, India Karthik Gunasekaran

Chennai, India N. Pandiyan


1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System . . . . . . . . 1

Sneha Guruprasad Kalthur and Guruprasad Kalthur
2 Physiology and Endocrinology of Spermatogenesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
R. Bharath
3 Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Priya Kannan
4 A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
N. Pandiyan and Shah Dupesh Khan
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Satya Srini Vasan
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Satya Srini Vasan
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia
due to Spermatogenic Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Sandro C. Esteves
8 Management of Infertility in Klinefelter Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Ranjith Ramasamy and Affan Zafar
9 Varicocele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Karthik Gunasekaran
10 Sperm DNA Damage: Causes and Laboratory Detection . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Satish Kumar Adiga and Guruprasad Kalthur
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Impact on Male Fertility . . . . . . 167
Gulfam Ahmad, Stefan S. du Plessis, and Ashok Agarwal
12 Ionizing Radiation and Male Fertility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Gulfam Ahmad and Ashok Agarwal
13 Aging and Male Reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Shah Dupesh Khan

x Contents

14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Sasikala Natarajamani
15 Fertility Preservation in Men and
Prepubertal Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Shubhashree Uppangala, Guruprasad Kalthur,
and Satish Kumar Adiga
16 Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Narayana Reddy, Varsha Swamy, N. Pandiyan, and Shah Dupesh
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
About the Editors

Karthik Gunasekaran graduated from Madras Medical College in General Surgery

with a gold medal in Urology. Interest in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction made him pursue
a Fellowship in Urogynecology from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA. On his
return, he founded the Indian Urogynecological society, the first society for
Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in India. An avidly sought after
speaker and surgical demonstrator, he pioneered the use of mesh in pelvic floor
surgery in India.
Men’s health, a field which spawned his interest, was yet a nascent area in medi-
cine in India, and Dr. Karthik began his training with Prof. Pandiyan at the Chettinad
Hospital and Research Institute in Chennai. Preceptorships in male infertility at the
Turek Clinic in the United States under Dr. Paul Turek and sexual health in San
Diego Sexual Medicine under Prof. Irwin Goldstein followed. A certification in
sexual health training was obtained when Dr. Karthik completed his FECSM from
Oxford University, UK. He is of the firm belief that men’s health is taking a back
seat in India, especially in fertility and sexual health. He founded the Metromale
Clinic, a first of its kind all male clinic for male fertility and sexual health in Chennai.
His weekly live talk show, Dr. X, on the Sun Network, is critically acclaimed and
has over a million hits on YouTube. He currently serves as Director of Metromale
Clinic and is also the Managing Director of Gunasekaran Hospitals Pvt Ltd in
He lives in Chennai with his wife Manu and children Sara and Arav.

Prof. Dr. N. Pandiyan currently is the Head of the Department and Chief Consultant
in Andrology and Reproductive medicine, Dept. of Andrology and Reproductive
medicine, Chettinad Super Specialty Hospital, Kelambakkam, Chennai, and the
Chief Editor of Chettinad Health City Medical Journal. He has had a long and dis-
tinguished academic and professional career. He won many gold medals and prizes,
during his undergraduate and postgraduate medical courses. He was awarded first
rank in the University of Madras for excellence in Post Graduate Diploma and
Degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He scored first rank at All India level in
MNAMS examination. He was the only Scholar from India in Gynaecology for the
prestigious Commonwealth scholarship programme in 1985, which earned him
Fellowship in Male and Female infertility at University of Nottingham, UK, for

xii About the Editors

2 years. Upon his return to India, he established the first joint Infertility Clinic in
Government General Hospital, Chennai, in 1987, earning the unique distinction of
pioneering the beginning of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine, the new sub-
specialty of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, in the country.
Dr. Pandiyan was also responsible for setting up of Infertility Centres in many
private institutions and trained numerous aspiring gynaecologists from all over
India. On the academic side, he held many prestigious posts as Head of Departments
in Chennai and Brunei Darussalam; Examiner for many local, national, and interna-
tional level examinations; invited speaker for many national and international con-
ferences; serving on the expert committees of ICMR and Department of Science
and Technology; one among the doyens in this specialty to formulate National
Guidelines for the practice of ART; and author of several publications and books
related to human reproduction. The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University rec-
ognized his yeoman services in this field and awarded him with “Life time achieve-
ment award”. He is still continuing his academic mission of training young medical
graduates in all aspects of human reproduction, motivating research and innovative
thinking in this sub-specialty.
Anatomy and Development of the Male
Reproductive System 1
Sneha Guruprasad Kalthur and Guruprasad Kalthur

The male reproductive system includes the gonads, external genitalia, reproductive
tracts, and accessory sex glands (Fig. 1.1). It has two major functions: production of
male gametes known as spermatozoa and delivery of the male gametes into the
female reproductive tract (Table 1.1).

Penis It is the male organ of copulation which comprises of an attached portion

called root (that lies within the perineum) and a free, pendulous part called body
which is completely covered by a thin, dark colored skin. At the neck of the penis,
the skin is folded upon itself to form the prepuce (foreskin) which covers the glans
to a varying extent and that can be retracted back and forth. The root consists of
three masses of erectile tissue, which includes two crura and a bulb, while the body
is composed of three masses of erectile tissue (two corpora cavernosum and one
corpus spongiosum). The shape of the penis in a flaccid state is cylindrical, and dur-
ing erection, it resembles a triangular prism with rounded angle. Erection of the
penis is a neurovascular phenomenon independent of muscular compression.
Factors responsible for the erection are the rapid inflow of blood from the helicine
arteries which fill the spaces of corpora cavernosa leading to distention of the erec-
tile tissue. The distended corpora cavernosa retards the outflow of blood by com-
pressing the veins (Woodhouse and Kellett 1984).

S.G. Kalthur (*)

Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University,
Manipal, Karnataka 576104, India
e-mail: [email protected]
G. Kalthur
Division of Clinical Embryology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka 576104, India

© Springer India 2017 1

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_1
2 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur

Urinary bladder
Prostate Seminal vesicle
Bulbourethral gland
Erectile tissue

Vas deferens
Prepuce Epididymis
Glans penis Testis

Fig. 1.1 Parts of male reproductive system

Table 1.1 Outlines the components of the male reproductive system

Components of the male reproductive system
External genital organ Penis
Gonads A pair of testicles
Reproductive tracts Epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, penile part of urethra
Accessory sex glands Prostate, seminal vesicle, and bulbourethral glands

Scrotum It is a cutaneous fibromuscular sac containing the testes and the lower
part of the spermatic cords (Fig. 1.2). The layers of this sac from outside to inside
include the skin, dartos muscle, external spermatic, and cremasteric and internal
spermatic fasciae. The scrotum is divided into right and left halves by a cutaneous
raphe. The scrotal skin is thin and pigmented and bears scattered hairs. In addition,
it has numerous sweat glands and sebaceous glands whose secretion has a charac-
teristic odor. The external appearance of the scrotum varies according to the
temperature and age of the male. It is smooth, elongated, and flaccid in elderly men
and under warm conditions, whereas it is short, corrugated, and closely applied to
the testes in cold conditions and also in the younger age groups. The movement of
the testes away from and close to the body depending on the temperature is possible
due to the contraction and relaxation of the dartos muscle (Waites 2012).

Testes Testes are the primary reproductive organs or male gonads. They are respon-
sible for sperm production (gametogenesis) and testosterone production (steroido-
genesis) in the male. During the fetal period of life, these organs are located high in
the abdominal cavity. However, before birth, they descend downward to the inguinal
canal into a sac known as the scrotum. An adult man has a pair of testis which mea-
sures about 4–5 cm in length, 3 cm in width, and 2.5 cm in thickness, weighing
around 10–15 g each. Each testis lies obliquely within the scrotum with a convex
anterior aspect and nearly straight posterior aspect which is attached to the sper-
matic cord. The testis is covered by three layers, which are, from outside to inside,
1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 3

Shaft of penis
Pampiniform plexus
Vas deferens
Tunica vaginalis Appendix of epididymis
Internal spermatic Sinus of epididymis
Cremasteric fascia
External spermatic External urethral
fascia meatus
Dartos muscle


Fig. 1.2 Scrotum and its contents

Head of epididymis
Tunica vaginalis
Vaginal sac
Testicular artery
Rete testes

Body of epididymis

Tunica albuginea
Vas deferens

Tail of epididymis

Fig. 1.3 Cross section of testis and epididymis

the tunica vaginalis, a thick fibrous layer of tunica albuginea, and tunica vasculosa.
The testis invaginates the tunica vaginalis from behind, and hence the layer covering
closely to testis becomes the visceral layer, while the other is called the parietal
layer. Both the layers are (Fig. 1.3) separated from one another by a space filled with
serous fluid which acts as a lubricant and allows the movement of the testis within
the scrotum. The testicular capsule is made up of collagenous and hard tunica albu-
ginea which covers the testis all round and is thickened in the posterior aspect to
form the mediastinum testis. A thin layer of connective tissue with blood vessels is
present below this layer. The blood vessels, lymphatics, and the genital ducts enter
or leave the testis at mediastinum (Johnson 2012).

Septa from the mediastinum of the testis extend internally in a fanlike fashion to
divide it into approximately 250 lobules. The largest and longest lobules are found
in the center of the testis with each lobule having one to four convoluted seminifer-
ous tubules. The free ends of the seminiferous tubules open into channels known as
4 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur

rete testis within the mediastinum. The connective tissue between the seminiferous
tubules contains the Leydig cells and several layers of contractile peritubular myoid
cells (Standring 2015).

Seminiferous Tubules Each testis contains around 400–600 seminiferous tubules

measuring 70–80 cm in length and 0.12–0.3 mm in diameter. Each tubule is sur-
rounded by a basal lamina which has stratified epithelium consisting of spermato-
genic stem cell and the support cells called Sertoli cells (Tubules 1992).

(a) Sertoli cells: They are the epithelial support cells present in the seminiferous
tubules. Structurally, Sertoli cells are tall, simple columnar cells, which extend
from the basement membrane to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule (Fig. 1.4).
They are connected to each other by tight junctions to form the blood-testis bar-
rier that divides the tubule into basal (close to the basal lamina) and adluminal
(toward the lumen) compartment. The blood-testis barrier isolates the sper-
matogenic cells and the mature spermatozoa from blood. Differentiating sper-
matozoa nestle in pockets, in the peripheral cytoplasm of these cells. Sertoli
cells produce the testicular fluid and androgen binding protein which binds to
and concentrates testosterone. They also help to translocate the differentiating
spermatogenic cells to the lumen and phagocytose the degenerating germ cells.
They also remove the surplus cytoplasm remaining after the process of sper-
miogenesis (Grisworld 1998).
(b) Leydig cells: These cells are present in the interstitial connective tissue of the
testis. They have round nuclei and a polygonal cell body found individually or
in clusters. There are two types of Leydig cells: fetal type and adult type. The
fetal type starts appearing from the 8th week of intrauterine development and is
replaced by the adult type by the third week of neonatal life. Leydig cells secrete
testosterone and thus play a significant role in spermatogenesis (Saez 1994).
(c) Spermatogonia: They are the stem cells from which spermatozoa are produced.
Spermatogonial cells are located on the basal lamina of the seminiferous
tubules. Based on their nuclear dimension and chromatin structure, they are
classified into dark A type (Ad), pale A type (Ap), and type B cells. The sper-
matogonial cell population is maintained by mitotically dividing Ad cells which
are under the control of androgens. Ap cells also divide mitotically and are the
precursors of type B cells that enter the spermatogenic cycle (Rooij and Russell
(d) Spermatocytes: Primary spermatocytes are diploid but have duplicated sister
chromatids. Therefore, the DNA content of these cells is 4 N. Primary sper-
matocytes are large cells with large round nuclei in which the nuclear chromatin
is condensed into dark, threadlike coiled chromatids at different stages in the
process of crossing over. These cells give rise to secondary spermatocytes with
haploid chromosome and DNA content of 2 N (Rooij and Russell 2000).
(e) Spermatids: The secondary spermatocytes rapidly undergo second meiotic divi-
sion to form haploid spermatids. One primary spermatocyte gives rise to four
1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 5

Late spermatid
Early spermatid


Sertoli cells
Basal lamina
Myoid cells

Interstitial cells

Capillary endothelium

Fig. 1.4 Histology of seminiferous tubule

spermatids. However, few may degenerate during the process of further matura-
tion. Spermatids undergo a series of cytoplasmic and nuclear changes in a pro-
cess known as spermiogenesis. Finally, the functionally mature spermatozoa
will be released from the wall of the seminiferous tubule into the lumen by a
process called spermiation (Rooij and Russell 2000).

Epididymis The efferent ductules perforate the tunica albuginea at the mediasti-
num and leave the testis to form the epididymis. It can be divided into three parts: a
globular head or caput, body, and tail or cauda region. In the head region, the duct-
ules form conical lobules which open into the single duct of epididymis through
lobular ducts measuring 15–20 cm in length. The lobular ducts coil and form the
body and tail of epididymis. The coils are held together by fibrous connective tissue.
The epithelial lining of the epididymal duct contains mainly principal and basal
cells and few apical and clear cells. The principal cells are tall columnar cells with
apical microvillus termed as stereo cilia. The cells help in reabsorbing the fluid
generated from the testicular secretions (Bedford 1978).

Spermatic Cord It is a collection of vessels (testicular artery, testicular veins, tes-

ticular lymph vessels, cremasteric artery, and artery of vas deferens), nerves (auto-
nomic nerves and genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve), remnants of the
processus vaginalis, and vas deferens which suspends the testis in the scrotum. The
left cord is slightly longer than the right, and therefore left testis is at a lower level
than the right (Moore et al. 2013).

Vas Deferens It is a cordlike structure which can be palpated between the finger
and thumb in the upper part of the scrotum. It is a thick-walled muscular duct mea-
suring approximately 45 cm in length that helps in transporting the spermatozoa
6 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur

from the epididymis to the urethra. It is tortuous in its initial part but becomes
straight as it ascends upward (Moore et al. 2013).

Male Urethra It is about 20 cm in length and extends from the neck of the bladder
to the external meatus of the glans penis. It can be divided into three parts: prostatic
urethra, membranous urethra, and penile urethra. Prostatic urethra is around 3 cm in
length which passes through the prostate from base to the apex. It is the widest and
the most dilatable portion of the urethra. The membranous urethra on the other hand
is the least dilatable portion of urethra measuring about 1.25 cm in length and lies
between the urogenital diaphragm, surrounded by the sphincter urethra muscle
fibers. The penile urethra is about 15.75 cm in length and is enclosed in the bulb and
corpus spongiosum of the penis (Standring 2015).

Seminal Vesicles These are a pair of accessory sex glands located between the
bladder and rectum. It is a pyramidal, contorted tube measuring 5 cm in length with
the base directed upward lying on the posterior surface of the bladder. The upper
ends of the glands are widely separated and their lower ends are close together. On
the medial side of the each vesicle, the terminal part of the vas deferens is present.
Each seminal vesicle narrows down and joins with the vas deferens of the same side
to form the ejaculatory duct (Standring 2015).

The walls of the seminal vesicle contract during ejaculation and expel their
secretions into the ejaculatory duct. This helps in washing the spermatozoa out of
the urethra. It produces an alkaline secretion which contributes to approximately
70 % of the ejaculate. It is rich in substances which help in nourishing the

Prostate Gland It is a fibromuscular glandular organ shaped like an inverted cone

which surrounds the prostatic urethra. It is approximately 3 cm long and lies in
between the neck of the bladder above and the urogenital diaphragm below. The
prostate has numerous glands which are embedded in connective tissue and smooth
muscles. The ducts of the prostate gland open into the prostatic urethra. The poste-
rior wall of the penile urethra has a longitudinal ridge called urethral crest on either
side of which the prostatic sinus are present. The prostatic glands open into these
grooves. On the summit of the urethral crest, the prostatic utricle is present, which
is an analog of the uterus and vagina in females. On the edge of the mouth of the
utricle, openings of the two ejaculatory ducts are present. The prostate gland pro-
duces a thin milky fluid which is rich in citric acid and acid phosphatase.
Approximately 30 % of the seminal plasma is from the prostatic secretion which is
added to the seminal fluid at the time of ejaculation. The smooth muscles of the
prostate gland contract to squeeze the prostate and empty their secretion into pros-
tatic urethra (Standring 2015).

Ejaculatory Ducts It is around 2 cm in length which is formed on either side by

the union of duct of the seminal vesicle with the ampulla of the vas deferens. The
1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 7

Table 1.2 Neurovasculature of male reproductive system

Region Blood supply Nerve supply
Penis Internal pudendal artery (deep and dorsal S2, 3, 4
artery of penis, artery of bulb)
Scrotum Femoral artery (external pudendal), internal Anterior
pudendal artery (scrotal) 1/3rd – L1
2/3rd – S3
Testis Testicular artery T10, 11
Epididymis Testicular artery T 10, 11
Vas deferens Artery of vas deferens Pelvic plexus
Seminal vesicle and Internal pudendal artery (inferior vesical and Pelvic plexus
ejaculatory duct middle rectal)
Prostate Internal pudendal artery Prostatic plexus
Bulbourethral glands Internal pudendal artery (artery to bulb) Pelvic plexus

two ejaculatory ducts pierce the posterior surface of the prostate and open into the
prostatic part of the urethra (McNeal 1981).

Bulbourethral Glands Also known as Cowper’s glands are a pair of small, round,
and lobulated masses of 1 cm diameter which lies lateral to the membranous urethra
above the perineal membrane and the penile bulb. The excretory ducts pass obliquely
and penetrate the perineal membrane. It opens by a small orifice on the floor of the
bulbar urethra. The secretions are poured into the urethra as a result of erotic

Ejaculation It is the process by which the spermatozoa mixed with the seminal
fluid are ejected from the penile urethra. During sexual excitement, the external
urethral meatus of the glans penis become moist due to secretions of the bulboure-
thral gland. At the time of orgasm, friction on the glans penis and also the simulta-
neous stimulation of sympathetic nerve fibers supplying the smooth muscles of duct
of the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland take place; as
a result, the smooth muscle contracts, and the spermatozoa along with secretions
from seminal vesicle and prostate gland are discharged into prostatic urethra.
Rhythmic contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle compress the urethra as a
result of which the semen is ejected antegrade from the penile urethra. During this
process, the reflux of semen into the bladder is prevented by contraction of the
sphincter of the bladder (Giuliano and Clément 2005) (Table 1.2).

1.1 Development of Male Reproductive System

The genetic sex of an embryo is determined at the time of fertilization by the sperm
that fertilizes the oocyte. However, the distinct morphological characteristics of
male and female gonads do not appear until about week 7 of development. The
8 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur


Mesonephric duct
germ cell

Primitive sex Paramesonephric

cord duct


Fig. 1.5 Transverse section through lumbar region showing indifferent gonad with primitive
sex cord

early genital system is called as indifferent stage of development due to the similar-
ity in the development of gonads of both sexes. Therefore, in the early stage of
development, all human embryos are potentially bisexual (Rao and Burnett 2013).
The gonads develop from three sources: coelomic epithelium (mesothelium), inter-
mediate mesoderm (mesenchyme), and primordial germ cells (Fig. 1.5).

1.2 Stages of Development of the Bipotential Gonad

The primordial germ cells are large, spherical primitive sex cells of about 25–30 mm,
with a granular cytoplasm and are rich in lipids. The human primordial germ cells
are discernible at about day 21 of embryonic life and are seen among the endoder-
mal cells in the wall of the yolk sac near the origin of the allantois. Thus, they are at
first, at some distance away from their eventual definitive location in the genital or
gonadal ridge. During the 5th week, the primordial germ cells migrate, probably by
an amoeboid movement, along the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut (Fig. 1.6) and
reach the 10th thoracic level region of the developing embryo, the future gonadal
ridge. During their migration, they proliferate by mitosis and are approximately
30,000 in number by the time they reach the genital ridge. Even though the mecha-
nism of migration is not clearly understood, several factors such as SCF (stem cell
factor) and its receptor C-kit (a tyrosine kinase receptor) are proven to be crucial for
their migration and survival. The coelomic epithelium which lines the anterior inter-
nal side of the mesonephric (Wolffian) body thickens to form the genital or gonadal
ridge. The Intermediate mesoderm (mesenchyme) forms the stromal cells which
later become Leydig cells in the testis and thecal cells in the ovary. By week 6, the
primordial germ cells invade the genital ridges and are incorporated into the primary
sex cords (Fig. 1.7a, b), which proliferate and grow from the coelomic epithelium
into the underlying mesenchyme to form the primary sex cords. At this stage, the
“indifferent gonad” consists of an outer cortex and an inner medulla. In embryos
with an “XX” chromosomal constitution, the cortex forms an ovary, and the medulla
regresses; in one with an XY chromosome complex, the medulla differentiates into
a testis, and the cortex regresses (Rao and Burnett 2013).
1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 9

Adrenal medulla

Aorta Adrenal cortex

Germ cell

Yolk sac

Fig. 1.6 Transverse section through lumbar region showing migration of primordial germ cell
through dorsal wall of yolk sac


Primordial germ

Sex cords

b abdominal wall

Dorsal mesentry

Sex cords

Primordial sex cells


Fig. 1.7 (a) Transverse section through lumbar region showing migration of primordial germ cell
through dorsal wall of yolk sac and formation of sex cords from coelomic epithelium. (b)
Transverse section through lumbar region showing proliferation of primitive sex cords and
incorporation of primordial germ cell in sex cord
10 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur

1.3 Testicular Differentiation

The male gonad develops into the testis during week 7 of development which is
driven by the “XY” genetic constitution of the embryo. The primary sex cords pro-
liferating from the coelomic epithelium condense and extend into the medulla of the
gonad. In the medulla, the cords branch, their deep ends anastomose, and they form
the rete testis. These events are regulated by “SRY” gene (termed as sex-determining
region) on the short arm of “Y” chromosome present on the somatic cells – Sertoli
cells. The expression of SRY gene upregulates the SOX-9 gene (Morais et al. 1996)
and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Under the influence of SRY protein, the sur-
rounding mesenchymal cells differentiate in to Leydig cells which secrete testoster-
one (Fig. 1.8).
The prominent sex cords become the seminiferous or testicular cords which
soon lose their connections with the coelomic epithelium because of the develop-
ment of a thick fibrous capsule, the tunica albuginea which is interposed early,
between the coelomic epithelium and the rest of the gland. Development of the
tunica albuginea is a characteristic and diagnostic feature of testicular develop-
ment. The seminiferous or testicular cords develop into the seminiferous tubules,
whose deep portions narrow to form the tubuli recti, which converge on the rete



Sertoli cell

Rete testis

Leydig cell

Tunica albuginea

Fig. 1.8 Transverse section through lumbar region showing canalization of seminiferous tubule
and formation of Leydig cell
1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 11

testis. By 4th month the testicular cords become horseshoe shaped to form the
seminiferous tubule and are solid until puberty. The seminiferous tubules become
separated by mesenchyme which gives rise to the interstitial cells of Leydig. The
walls of the seminiferous tubules, as a result of their cellular duality of origin, are
composed of two types of cells: supporting or sustentacular cells of Sertoli,
derived from the coelomic epithelium, and the spermatogonia, derived from the
primordial germ cells (Hanley et al. 2000).

1.4 Descent of Testis

Toward the end of the second month, the urogenital mesentery attaches the testis
and mesonephros to the posterior abdominal wall. With degeneration of the meso-
nephros, the attachment serves as a mesentery for the gonad. The testis is con-
nected to the scrotal swelling by caudal genital ligament and a fibrous cord called
the “gubernaculum testis.” The continuous shortening of the gubernaculum
pulls the testis from the upper part of the abdomen to the scrotum along with the
peritoneal sac “processus vaginalis” which gets later obliterated at birth and forms
a covering of testis known as the tunica vaginalis. Normally, the testes reach iliac
fossa by the 3rd month of intrauterine (IU) life, inguinal canal by the 7th month
of IU life, superficial inguinal ring by the 8th month of IU life, and scrotum by the
9th month of IU life. The process is influenced by hormones, including androgens
and Mullerian inhibitory substance (Hutson et al. 1997). During descent, blood
supply to the testis from the aorta is retained, and testicular vessels extend from
their original lumbar position to the testis in the scrotum (Fig. 1.9).

1= T10 level
2= Iliac fossa 3
3= Inguinal canal
4= superficial inguinal ring
5= scrotum 4

Fig. 1.9 Descent of testis during intrauterine life

12 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur

1.5 Development of Genital Tracts

The genital tracts have the same appearance in both male and female embryos until
week 7 of development, consisting of the two paramesonephric or Mullerian ducts
and two mesonephric or Wolffian ducts (Fig. 1.10). Under the influence of testoster-
one and AMH, the Mullerian duct system starts regressing, while the Wolffian duct
system persists. The persistent mesonephric tubules, after regression of the meso-
nephric (Wolffian) body, participate in the formation of the excretory tracts of the
testis, forming the vasa efferentia or efferent ductules. The efferent ductules open
into the adjacent mesonephric duct which becomes the ductus epididymidis (epi-
didymis), vas deferens, and ejaculatory duct. The cranial most part of mesonephric
duct forms the appendix of epididymis (Standring 2015) (Fig. 1.11).

1.6 Development of Male Genital Glands

The three accessory glands – seminal vesicle, prostate, and bulbourethral gland – all
develop near the junction between the mesonephric ducts and pelvic urethra. At the
10th week of development, from mesonephric duct near the attachment of pelvic
urethra, a glandular sprout arises giving rise to seminal vesicle. The portion of vas
deferens (mesonephric duct) between the seminal vesicle and urethra gives rise to
ejaculatory duct. Multiple endodermal outgrowths arising from the prostatic part of

Mesonephric duct
Paramesonephric duct


Fig. 1.10 Genital ducts in the 6th week in both sexes

1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 13

Seminal vesicle

Utriculus prostaticus

Appendix testis

Appendix epididymis Testis cord

Ductuli efferentes
Rete testis



Fig. 1.11 Fate of genital ducts in male in 4th month of IUL

Vas deferens


Seminal vesicle
Bulbourethral gland

Fig. 1.12 Development of seminal vesicle, prostate, bulbourethral gland during 10–12 week of
intrauterine life

urethra differentiate into prostatic glandular epithelium to form the prostate gland
(Macleod et al. 2010). Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s) develop from paired out-
growths from the spongy part of urethra, and the mesenchyme differentiates into the
stroma and smooth muscle (Fig. 1.12).

1.7 Development of External Genitalia

The cloacal membrane is surrounded by cloacal fold which meets anteriorly to form
genital tubercle. The cloacal membrane is divided by the urorectal septum into uro-
genital and anal membrane. Likewise, the cloacal fold is divided into genital
14 S.G. Kalthur and G. Kalthur

Urethral outlet
Urethral plate
Phallus Penile urethra Glans penis

Solid epithelial cord

Urethral septum

Scrotal Glandular part of

swellings urethra

Lumen of penile
urethra Perineum
Anal folds

Anal folds

Fig. 1.13 Development of external genitalia in male

Table 1.3 Embryonic origin of the parts of male reproductive system

Embryonic structure Adult male structure
Bipotential gonad Testes
Primordial germ cell Sperm
Somatic support cell Sertoli cells
Stromal cells Leydig cells
Cranial part of mesonephric duct Appendix of epididymis
Mesonephric duct Epididymis, vas deference, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory
Mullerian duct Appendix of testes, prostatic utricle
Urogenital sinus Prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
Genital tubercle Penis
Urogenital folds and urethral plate Penile urethra/ventral penis
Labioscrotal folds Scrotum

(urethral) and anal folds. A genital swelling is formed just lateral to the urethral
fold. The genital tubercle, the genital fold, and the genital swelling are at an indif-
ferent stage because the male and female genitalia cannot be differentiated at this
stage. Elongation of the genital tubercle begins in the 10th week during which geni-
tal tubercle enlarges to form the phallus (penis) and urethral folds close over the
urethral plate forming the penile urethra. A solid cord of ectoderm is formed in the
glans which becomes canalized to form the glandular urethra. The genital swellings
form the scrotum. All these changes are mediated by dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
(Macleod et al. 2010) (Fig. 1.13, Table 1.3).
1 Anatomy and Development of the Male Reproductive System 15

The development of the male reproductive system is a very complex process well
organized in time and space. A problem with any one of the key developmental
steps may affect a man’s future fertility and/or capacity to father a conception.
Further research into the developmental anatomy of the male reproductive sys-
tem is warranted as much is yet to be discovered.

Bedford JM. Anatomical evidence for the epididymis as the prime mover in the evolution of the
scrotum. Am J Anatomy. 1978;152(4):483–507.
Giuliano F, Clément P. Physiology of ejaculation: emphasis on serotonergic control. Eur Urol.
Griswold MD. The central role of Sertoli cells in spermatogenesis. 1998.
Hanley NA, Hagan DM, Clement-Jones M, Ball SG, Strachan T, Salas-Cortes L, McElreavey K,
Lindsay S, Robson S, Bullen P, Ostrer H. SRY, SOX9, and DAX1 expression patterns during
human sex determination and gonadal development. Mech Dev. 2000;91(1):403–7.
Hutson JM, Hasthorpe S, Heyns CF. Anatomical and functional aspects of testicular descent and
cryptorchidism 1. Endocr Rev. 1997;18(2):259–80.
Johnson AD, editor. The testis: biochemistry. Oxford: Elsevier; 2012.
Macleod DJ, Sharpe RM, Welsh M, Fisken M, Scott HM, Hutchison GR, Drake AJ, Van Den
Driesche S. Androgen action in the masculinization programming window and development of
male reproductive organs. Int J Androl. 2010;33(2):279–87.
McNeal JE. The zonal anatomy of the prostate. Prostate. 1981;2(1):35–49.
Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AM. Clinically oriented anatomy. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2013.
Morais DS, Hacker A, Harley V, Goodfellow P, Swain A, Lovell-Badge R. Sox9 expression during
gonadal development implies a conserved role for the gene in testis differentiation in mammals
and birds. Nat Genet. 1996;14(1):62–8.
Rao PK, Burnett AL. Development of the male reproductive system. In: Clinical urologic endocri-
nology. London: Springer; 2013. p. 11–24.
Rooij DG, Russell LD. All you wanted to know about spermatogonia but were afraid to ask.
J Androl. 2000;21(6):776–98.
Saez JM. Leydig cells: endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine regulation. Endocr Rev.
Standring S, editor. Gray’s anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice. London: Elsevier
Health Sciences; 2015.
Tubules AR. Testosterone and spermatogenesis. J Androl. 1992;13(2):172–84.
Waites GM. Temperature regulation and the testis. Testis. 2012;1:241–79.
Woodhouse CR, Kellett MJ. Anatomy of the penis and its deformities in exstrophy and epispadias.
J Urol. 1984;132(6):1122–4.
Physiology and Endocrinology
of Spermatogenesis 2
R. Bharath

2.1 Introduction

Spermatogenesis is the process by which the primordial germ cells, called the
spermatogonial stem cells, transform into highly specialized mature spermatozoa.
This is a complex process which takes place in the male gonad (Testis) and involves
several steps. Spermatogenesis is controlled by several endocrine and paracrine/
autocrine testicular factors (Mahmoud and Eitan 2004). Most of the current knowl-
edge on the exact sequence of mammalian spermatogenesis and its regulation
emerge from studies on rodent models. Though the basic sequence of spermatogen-
esis remains the same among mammals, the number and type of cells, their relation-
ship with each other, and the duration of different stages vary greatly among the
species (Kerr and De Kretser 2010). Differences in the life expectancy and offspring
number play a major role in the differences seen in spermatogenesis among different
species, i.e., primates and rodents (Ehmcke et al. 2006).

2.2 Testis

Testis, the male gonad, subserves two important functions in an adult male: (1)
production of male sex hormones, specifically testosterone, and (2) production of
the male gamete, the spermatozoa. Gametogenesis or spermatogenesis occurs in the
seminiferous tubules which occupies the bulk of the testicular volume. These

R. Bharath, MD, DNB (Endo)

Arka Center for Hormonal Health Pvt. Ltd.,
G-67, (Old no.125), First Avenue, Anna Nagar East, Chennai 600102, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 17

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_2
18 R. Bharath

tubules are separated by intertubular space which contains Leydig cells, blood
vessels, nerves, and lymphatics.

2.3 Stages of Spermatogenesis

The basic steps of spermatogenesis include (1) generation of daughter cells which
can transfer the genetic material to the next generation through the process of repro-
duction and (2) maintenance of a self-renewable germ cell line for sustaining the
abovementioned process (Joachim et al. 2007). In order to fulfill both the aims, the
germ cells undergo two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. The entire pro-
cess occurs in a specialized compartment of testis called “seminiferous tubules.”
The spermatogenic process is divided into four important steps:

1. The proliferation and differentiation of spermatogonia into spermatocytes

2. Meiotic division of spermatocytes to spermatids
3. Spermiogenesis – the process of transformation of round spermatids to elon-
gated spermatozoa
4. Spermiation – release of spermatozoa into the lumen of seminiferous tubules

2.3.1 Seminiferous Tubules

Seminiferous tubules constitute around 60 % of the testicular volume indicating

their importance in determining the testicular size. There is an ethnic difference in
the testicular weights with Hispanic men having greater testicular weight compared
to White and Chinese men. This difference is due to the contribution of seminif-
erous tubules to the testicular volume. The tubule length varies between 450 and
600 m in different ethnic groups. The tubules are divided into basal and luminal
compartments and are supported by layers of myofibroblasts. Seminiferous epithe-
lium contains two types of cells: (1) Sertoli cells (SC) and (2) germ cells (GC) (Kerr
and De Kretser 2010).

2.3.2 Sertoli Cells

Sertoli cells are somatic cells present in the seminiferous tubules and they constitute
25 % of the tubular cell population. SC increase in number till approximately 15
years of age beyond which their numbers remain constant. They are the supporting
cells for the proliferating germ cell population. Each SC supports a defined number
of germ cells (Griseold 1995). SC not only provides structural support to germ cells
but also give nutritional and immunological support to them. They are the most
important paracrine mechanism of spermatogenic control. Structurally, Sertoli cells
are tall columnar cells extending from the basement membrane of seminiferous
2 Physiology and Endocrinology of Spermatogenesis 19

epithelium. Along with several proteins, they form a physiological barrier for the
germ cells called the “blood-testis barrier” (BTB) (discussed below). SC have
receptors for gonadotropins (FSH and LH) and testosterone. The important func-
tions of SC include:

1. Providing nutrition to germ cells

2. Maintenance of integrity of seminiferous epithelium
3. Secretion two important hormones – anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and
4. Production of various factors like androgen-binding protein, plasminogen
activator, lactate, transport and functional proteins like transferrin and
ceruloplasmin, growth factors, etc.
5. Facilitating spermiation

2.3.3 Blood-Testis Barrier

As mentioned above, the BTB is formed by SC and also by several component proteins
like actin filaments, actin-binding proteins, and cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum.
Structurally BTB divides seminiferous tubule into basal compartment and ad-luminal
compartment. Functionally, it divides the pre-leptotene/leptotene spermatocyte from
postmeiotic germ cells. The main purpose of the BTB include (1) maintenance of
immunological barrier for developing germ cells to prevent autoimmune orchitis and
(2) providing a suitable intratubular milieu for effective germ cell development as
against a blood milieu in the intertubular space. While the tight junctions of BTB
prevent the exposure of postmeiotic germ cell antigens to the immune system, the gap
junctions facilitate the migration of pre-leptotene/leptotene spermatocytes to the ad-
luminal compartment and also provide suitable hormonal milieu for gem cell devel-
opment. The BTB is a dynamic barrier because of the constant restructuring process
it undergoes in order to facilitate germ cell migration (Yan et al. 2008).

2.3.4 Spermatogenic Stages

As mentioned above, the spermatogenic cycle is a complex process by which the

spermatogonia differentiates into mature spermatozoa. Spermatogonia are derived
from primordial germ cells which migrate into the testis during fetal life. They
transform into gonocytes which are capable of multiplication by the process of
mitosis. After a period of multiplication, they migrate to the basement membrane of
the seminiferous epithelium and are called spermatogonia (de Kretser et al. 1998).
Based on the morphology, different types of spermatogonia can be identified in the
seminiferous tubules. They are pale type A spermatogonia (Ap) containing pale
staining nuclei, dark type A spermatogonia (Ad) containing deeply staining, homog-
enous nuclei, and type B spermatogonia.
20 R. Bharath

Type A spermatogonia form the pool of self-renewable stem cells whereas type
B spermatogonia enter into the process of meiosis and are the precursors of sper-
matocytes. Spermatogonia undergo repeated mitotic divisions to produce daughter
cells but these divisions are incomplete. Hence, the cells are interconnected to one
another through cytoplasmic bridges. The connection persists throughout the sub-
sequent stages of spermatogenesis until the mature spermatids are released into the
lumen of seminiferous tubules. This helps in synchronization of germ cell matura-
tion (Kierszenbaum 2002). Spermatocytes
Type B spermatogonia attach to the basal compartment of the seminiferous epithe-
lium and undergo the process of meiosis to form the primary spermatocyte.
Meiosis starts with DNA synthesis of type B spermatogonia which results in the
duplication of the chromosomes. Thus, each chromosome contain two chromatids
and hence the DNA content of primary spermatocyte is tetraploid (4C). Meiosis is
subdivided into (1) prophase, (2) metaphase, (3) anaphase, and finally (4) telo-
phase. Two successive meiotic divisions occur which result in the synthesis of four
spermatids from each primary spermatocyte. Prophase is a lengthy process which
takes around 1–3 weeks and is further subdivided into (1) leptotene, (2) zygotene,
(3) pachytene, (4) diplotene, and finally (5) diakinesis. Leptotene stage of the pro-
phase starts in the basal compartment and further steps are continued after the
spermatocytes cross the blood-testis barrier to reach the ad-luminal compartment.
The primary spermatocyte undergoes first meiotic division to form secondary
spermatocyte which in turn becomes round spermatid through the second meiotic
division. Spermiogenesis
The round spermatids become elongated spermatozoa which attains motility. This is
accomplished through the following events:

1. Acrosome formation
2. Nuclear condensation
3. Reduction of cytoplasm
4. Formation of tail
5. Reorganization of cellular organelles.

The detailed discussions of steps of spermatogenesis are seen elsewhere.

2.4 Neuroendocrine Regulation of Spermatogenesis

The complex process of spermatogenesis is regulated by two major mechanisms:

1. Extrinsic or neurohormonal regulation

2. Intrinsic or autocrine/paracrine regulation
2 Physiology and Endocrinology of Spermatogenesis 21

2.4.1 Extrinsic Regulation

Neuroendocrine regulation of the testis is often termed as “hypothalamo-pituitary-

testicular axis.” This axis is mainly controlled by the gonadotrophin-releasing hor-
mone (GnRH). Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone

GnRH is a decapeptide which is secreted and released from the hypothalamic neu-
rons. It is the major regulator of secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the gonadotrophs of the anterior pituitary.
GnRH is secreted in pulsatile manner and each pulse of GnRH is accompanied by a
simultaneous pulsatile secretion of LH. The pulses of GnRH are controlled by
“GnRH pulse generator” which is under the influence of several neurotransmitters,
the most important among them called as “kisspeptin.” Kisspeptin
Kisspeptin is a hypothalamic neuropeptide coded by the KiSS1 gene. Kisspeptin is
a neuromodulator that acts upstream of GnRH. It is controlled by sex steroid feed-
back mechanism and is also responsive to metabolic signals. Kisspeptin is recog-
nized as a crucial regulator of onset of puberty, gonadotrophin secretion, and
fertility. It acts on the GPR-54 receptor located on the GnRH neurons and increases
the GnRH pulsatility and consequently LH secretion. Activation of kisspeptin neu-
rons triggers the onset of puberty in male and female by stimulating the “GnRH
pulse generator.” However, there is an anatomical and functional dimorphism in
kisspeptin neuronal system between male and female, which explains the greater
role of kisspeptin in different stages of menstrual cycle in female. Genetic mutations
in KiSS1 gene are associated with hypothalamic form of hypogonadism in men
(Skorupskaite and George 2014). Gonadotrophins (LH and FSH)

LH and FSH belong the family of glycoprotein hormones with two subunits, the α
subunit which is common for both and the β subunit which is unique and offers
specificity. They are secreted by the gonadotrophs which constitute 7–10 % of the
cells in the anterior pituitary gland. Gonadotrophins are secreted in pulsatile manner
in response to GnRH secretion. Their secretion increases during neonatal period
which helps in the gonadal development. After a few months of the neonatal gonad-
otrophin surge, their secretion reaches a nadir level until the onset of puberty. In
adults, LH and FSH secretion remain stable in male but markedly vary in female
depending on the reproductive cycle. The plasma half-life of FSH (120–240 min) is
longer than that of LH (30–90 min). This difference is attributed to the higher sialic
acid content in FSH compared to LH (Matsumoto and Bremner 2011). FSH
The most important function of FSH in male is the stimulation of spermatogenesis.
FSH acts through the FSH receptor present in the Sertoli cells of testis. FSH
22 R. Bharath

receptor is a G-protein-coupled receptor with an extracellular hormone-binding

domain (which binds to FSH), a seven helical transmembrane domain, and an intra-
cellular domain. Binding of FSH to its receptor causes structural alteration in the
seven membrane-spanning domains. This in turn stimulates the G proteins coupled
with the receptor to activate adenylate cyclase which increases the intracellular
cAMP levels. Apart from this mechanism, binding of FSH to FSH receptor triggers
several intracellular pathways like protein kinase A (PKA) pathway, MAP kinase
pathway, calcium pathway, and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) pathway.
Through these multipronged approach, FSH stimulates several transcription factors
which are involved in germ cell proliferation, provides metabolic support to germ
cells, helps in the transportation of glucose (which is converted to lactate to provide
energy), and facilitates transferrin secretion which is vital for maintaining sper-
matogenesis (Walker and Cheng 2005). Secretion of FSH is regulated by two para-
crine factors, activin and follistatin secreted from the pituitary and also inhibin B
secreted from the Sertoli cells of testis (see later). These factors belong to the
TGF-β family and their combined action determines the effective secretion of
FSH. Men with inactivating mutations of FSH-β gene and FSH receptor are gener-
ally infertile with azoospermia or oligospermia, respectively (Matsumoto and
Bremner 2011). LH
The main function of LH in males is through its action on the Leydig cells of testis
which produce testosterone, the most important male hormone. Leydig cells express
receptors for LH on their surface and LH binds to these receptors. The downstream
pathway is mediated through cAMP-dependent activation of PKA (similar to FSH
action). In Leydig cells, this pathway leads to the production of proteins that regu-
late steroidogenesis and testosterone biosynthesis. Though Sertoli cells and germ
cells do not have receptors for LH, spermatogenesis is indirectly regulated by LH
through increasing the intratesticular testosterone concentration. Men with inactivat-
ing mutations of LH-β gene or LH receptor lack pubertal development with arrested
spermatogenesis or azoospermia and infertility. This explains the role of intrates-
ticular testosterone concentration in normal spermatogenic process (Matsumoto and
Bremner 2011).
In short though FSH and LH (by increasing the intratesticular testosterone) help
in spermatogenesis, their actions differ according to the stage of spermatogenesis.
While FSH has greater effect on the maturation of spermatogonia, early meiosis,
and conversion of spermatogonia to pachytene spermatocytes, LH has its predomi-
nant effect on the completion of meiosis and on spermiation. Both have similar
effect on spermiogenesis (Matsumoto and Bremner 2011). Other Factors of Extrinsic Regulation

Another neuromodulator which plays a major role in gonadotrophin secretion is leptin
which is produced from peripheral adipose tissue. Leptin receptors are expressed
2 Physiology and Endocrinology of Spermatogenesis 23

in GnRH-secreting neurons through which it positively regulates the gonadal

axis. Leptin accelerates GnRH pulsatility and in turn stimulate gonadotrophins
secretion. Environmental stress, through the secretion of corticotrophin-releasing
hormone (CRH) and glucocorticoid, negatively regulates hypothalamo-pituitary-
gonadal axis.

2.4.2 Intrinsic Regulation

The two important cells in human testis which are involved in the autocrine/para-
crine regulation of spermatogenesis are (1) Leydig cells and (2) Sertoli cells. Leydig Cells

Leydig cells constitute 10–20 % of the intertubular cell population. They are derived
from the mesenchymal fibroblasts present in the intertubular space. They are the
major source of testosterone synthesis from cholesterol which acts as the substrate.
The steps in the steroidogenic pathway and their control are beyond the scope of this
chapter. Testosterone, once synthesized from Leydig cells, diffuses into the sys-
temic circulation. The concentration of intratesticular testosterone is several times
greater than its systemic concentration. Especially, higher levels of testosterone are
found near the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules indicating its role in
spermatogenesis (Kerr and De Kretser 2010). Testosterone
Testosterone is the predominant male hormone secreted from the Leydig cells of
testis. It is synthesized from cholesterol, which acts as its substrate, through the ste-
riodogenic pathway, under the control of LH. After synthesis, it is secreted into the
circulation, where it is either bound to albumin (54–68 %) and sex hormone-binding
globulin (SHBG) (30–44 %) or present in unbound or (free) form (0.5–3 %). The
biological actions of testosterone, including its effect on male sexual differentiation
and maturation, development of secondary sexual characters, epiphysis growth, and
metabolic actions, are mediated by the free form. Intratesticular testosterone con-
centration is 100–200-fold higher than its serum concentration. As androgen recep-
tors are present in Sertoli cells, testosterone and consequently LH mediate their
effect on spermatogenesis (discussed above) through Sertoli cells. Administration of
LH as human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) alone in hypogonadal men maintains
spermatogenesis once it is initiated by the combination of FSH and HCG treatment.
However, administration of testosterone in hypogonadal men suppresses sperm pro-
duction by reducing the endogenous LH. This explains the role of LH (HCG) in
increasing the intratesticular testosterone and thereby maintaining spermatogenesis.
Exogenous testosterone administration in turn suppresses LH secretion by acting at
the level of hypothalamus and pituitary. This completes the feedback inhibition loop
of hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis. Testosterone is aromatized to estradiol by
24 R. Bharath

the enzyme aromatase. Like testosterone, intratesticular level of estradiol is 100-fold

higher than the serum level. Recent studies have thrown light on the importance of
higher levels of estradiol in testis and its role in spermatogenesis (Matsumoto and
Bremner 2011). Estrogen
Estradiol (E2) is the most abundant and active form of estrogen in both male and
female. E2 is derived in male by the peripheral aromatization of testosterone by
the enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase enzyme is expressed widely in adipose
tissue, testis, and brain. Estrogen exerts its genomic action through two major
receptors – estrogen receptor 1 (ER1) and estrogen receptor 2 (ER2) which are
located in the nucleus. The non-genomic actions of estrogen are mediated through
nonclassical membrane-bound G-protein-coupled receptors called as GPR30/
GPER. Recent studies have shown the presence of estrogen receptors (ER1, ER2,
and GPR30/GPER) in human testicular Sertoli cells and germ cells (Lambard
et al. 2004; Carreau et al. 2010). Also, GPER is found in hypothalamus. Through
mouse models, it has been proven than estrogen plays a significant role in sper-
matogenesis. Estrogen modulates germ cell proliferation, differentiation, survival,
and apoptosis. Estrogen also acts at the hypothalamic level to regulate the gonado-
trophin secretion. Most of these actions are mediated through ER2 and GPER. The
functional and clinical significance of these findings needs further detailed
studies. Inhibin B
Inhibins are glycoproteins belonging to TGF-β family of proteins. They are com-
posed of α- subunit which is connected to either a βA or βB subunit to form inhibin
A or inhibin B, respectively. Inhibin B is the predominant inhibin present in male. It
is produced by the Sertoli cells in response to FSH stimulation. Inhibin B in turn
controls FSH through negative feedback mechanism. Inhibin B is the marker of
Sertoli cell function. It is present in childhood and levels rise during puberty to
reach the adult range by mid puberty. In contrast to the prepubertal inhibin level
which is exclusively indicative of Sertoli cell function, inhibin B production in adult
men is dependent on the presence of certain germ cells in the seminiferous tubules,
most likely involving the pachytene spermatocytes and early spermatids. While,
prepubertal boys with cryptorchidism will have normal inhibin B levels (indicating
intact Sertoli cells) when compared to those with congenital or acquired anorchia,
adult men with early spermatogenic failure and Sertoli cell-only syndrome will have
low inhibin B levels when compared to normal adult men or men with late sper-
matogenic failure. The physiology of inhibin B levels in adult men helps us to
understand the role of germ cells in the control of Sertoli cell function (Andersson
and Skakkebaek 2001) (Fig. 2.1).
2 Physiology and Endocrinology of Spermatogenesis 25

GnRH neuron


Spermato genesis

Testosterone Inhibin B

Leydig cell Sertoli &
germ cells

Fig. 2.1 Hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis (graphical representation). GnRH gonadotropin-

releasing hormone, LH luteinizing hormone, FSH follicle-stimulating hormone, − feedback inhi-
bition, + stimulation

The process of spermatogenesis involves a complex interplay of several
endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine factors. Endocrine regulation of spermato-
genesis is finely controlled by the kisspeptin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone,
the gonadotropins, and the testicular steroidogenic pathway. A thorough knowl-
edge of the physiology is the key to successful management of patients suffering
from disorders of spermatogenesis.
26 R. Bharath

Andersson AM, Skakkebaek NE. Serum inhibin B levels during male childhood and puberty. Mol
Cell Endocrinol. 2001;180(1–2):103–7.
Carreau S, Wolczynski S, et al. Aromatase, oestrogens and human male reproduction. Philos Trans
R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2010;365(1546):1571–9.
de Kretser DM, Loveland KL, et al. Spermatogenesis. Hum Reprod. 1998;13 Suppl 1:1–8.
Ehmcke J, Wistuba J, Schlatt S. Spermatogonia, physiology, pathology and clinical relevance.
Hum Reprod Update. 2006;12:275–82.
Griseold MD. Interaction between germ cells and sertoli cells in the testis. Biol Reprod. 1995;
Joachim W, Jan-Bernd S, Marc L. Mammalian spermatogenesis. Funct Dev Embryol. 2007;1:
Kerr JB, De Kretser D. Functional morphology of the testis. In: Jameson JL, De Groot LJ, editors.
Endocrinology. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2010. p. 2440–68.
Kierszenbaum AL. Genomic imprinting and epigenetic reprogramming: unearthing the garden of
forking paths. Mol Reprod Dev. 2002;63:269–72.
Lambard S, Galeraud-Denis I, et al. Human immature germ cells and ejaculated spermatozoa con-
tain aromatase and oestrogen receptors. J Mol Endocrinol. 2004;32(1):279–89.
Mahmoud H, Eitan L. Regulation of spermatogenesis by paracrine/autocrine testicular factors.
Asian J Androl. 2004;6:259–68.
Matsumoto AM, Bremner WJ. Testicular disorders. In: Melmed S, Polonsky KS, editors. Williams
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Skorupskaite K, George JT. The kisspeptin-GnRH pathway in human reproductive health and dis-
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via their differential effects on the kinetics of protein endocytosis and recycling in Sertoli cells.
FASEB J. 2008;22:1945–59.
Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa
Priya Kannan

3.1 Introduction

The sperm is a complex cell with a specialized function and structure compared to
other cells of the body. Sperm cells are transcriptionally and translationally inactive;
its DNA is tightly condensed in an almost crystalline state, packaged by protamines,
and is produced in large numbers. Its objective is to deliver the intact haploid
genome to the oocyte at the site of fertilization. The sperm must conserve the DNA,
transport it to the site of fertilization, recognize the egg and start the process of fer-
tilization. The human sperm migrates from the site of deposition – vagina, through
the cervix into the uterus and then to the site of fertilization – ampullary region of
the fallopian tube. During the travel, it completes its process of functional matura-
tion – a process termed as capacitation.
To accomplish these processes, the sperm has a highly specialized structure. The
structure of the sperm was first described in 1677 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.
Advances in microscopy and the optics have immensely improved our knowledge
on the description made by van Leeuwenhoek. While light microscopy can show
major abnormalities in the sperm, it cannot reveal information about the submolecu-
lar structures. Electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy have pro-
vided the much-needed details on the ultrastructure of sperm. The human
spermatozoon can be grossly divided into two regions – the head and the flagellum
(the tail).

P. Kannan, MBBS, MMed., MCE

Academy of Clinical Embryologists, Bangalore, India
Medical Genetics, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, India
Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre,
4, 6th Cross Street, United India Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 27

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_3
28 P. Kannan

3.1.1 Flagellum

The spermatozoa are typically ‘stripped-down’ cells with a long flagellum to propel
them. It is devoid of organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum or ribosomes (Alberts
et al. 2002). The tail or the flagellar region of the sperm is designed for motility of
the sperm. The flagellar structure that serves as the ‘tail’ of the sperm is complex in
higher vertebrates such as humans. The tail of the sperm can be divided into four
regions (Fawcett 1975) with distinct anatomy related to their function:

• The short connecting piece

• The midpiece
• The principal piece
• The terminal piece

The structure of flagellum has:

1. The axoneme which runs throughout the length of the flagellum

2. The outer dense fibres (ODFs) which surround the axoneme in the midpiece and
principal piece
3. The mitochondrial sheath (MS), which is located in the midpiece
4. The fibrous sheath (FS) which is located in the principal piece

Understanding the proteins which make up each of these flagellar structures and
how these proteins interact to produce the normal flagellar beat would throw light
on understanding the molecular genetics behind the reduced sperm motility in infer-
tile animals, and humans.

3.2 Axoneme

Axoneme of the axial filament stretches across the full length of the flagellum and
constitutes the motor apparatus of the sperm tail. The organization of the axoneme
is similar to that of cilia and flagella of all eukaryotic cells. It has two central micro-
tubules surrounded by nine evenly spaced microtubular doublets – the classic 9 + 2
pattern. The nine peripheral doublets are numbered in a clockwise direction from 1
to 9. The first doublet is situated on a place perpendicular to that of the two central
microtubules. Each doublet consists of an A subunit with a complete microtubule of
26 nm in diameter and a B subunit which is an incomplete microtubule (C shaped in
cross section) that is attached to the A subunit. Tubulin is the structural component
of the microtubules (Farrell 1982; Curry and Watson 1995). The A tubule is made
of 13 protofilaments that are aligned side by side. The B tubule is made from 10
protofilaments. Extending from A microfilament to B microfilament are ‘arms’
which play a crucial role in flagellar movement. The principal component of the
arms is dynein (Porter and Johnson 1989; Holzbaur and Vallee 1994; Milisav 1998).
Activation of the axonemal dynein ATPase results in sliding of adjacent outer
3 Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa 29

doublet microtubules and it has been proposed that these sliding results in flagellar
bending (Tash and Means 1982). The doublets are connected by the protein nexin
(Clermont et al. 1990). The central microtubules are interconnected by linkages and
are surrounded by a pair of spiral fibres that are attached to the microtubules. The
spiral fibres form the central sheath from which radial spokes go out to the A sub-
unit of the doublet (Pederson 1970).

3.3 Connecting Piece

The connecting piece connects the flagellum and the sperm head. It is about 0.5 μ in
length and consists of:

1. Capitulum
2. Segmented columns

The capitulum is a dome-shaped fibrous structure. Proteinaceous filaments run

between the capitulum and the caudal surface of the nucleus. The capitulum is the
site of the centrioles. It is positioned at right angles to the axis of the flagellum. Only
the proximal centriole is seen in a mature spermatozoon as the distal centriole dis-
integrates during spermiogenesis. The centriole plays a major role in the formation
of the axoneme during spermiogenesis and also a major part in fertilization and the
events following fertilization. The structure of the centriole is the same as that of an
axoneme but without the central pair of microtubules and has peripheral triplet in
place of doublets.
The segmented columns fuse proximally into major and minor columns and
attach to the capitulum. The columns attach to the outer dense fibre in the midpiece

3.4 Centrosome

As early as 1887, it was postulated by Theodor Boveri that the oocyte has all elements
required for embryonic development except the active division centre (Baltzer
1967). In a somatic diploid cell, the mitotic spindle is the key to the distribution of
the genomic material. The spindle is derived from the centrosome. The centrosome
and centriole are a part of the MTOC (microtubule-organizing centre). The centro-
some consists of two centrioles and the pericentriolar material (PCM). The centri-
ole is a pair of cylinders arranged perpendicularly, whereas the aster and the spindle
fibres are derived from PCM (Palermo et al. 1994). The centriole displays the dis-
tinct 9 + 0 pattern of nine triplet microtubules. This differs from the axoneme by the
absence of the central pair of microtubule. Earlier reports suggested that mamma-
lian gametes lack centrioles. It was proven beyond doubt that centrioles are indeed
part of the mitotic division in humans (Sathananthan et al. 1991) and in other spe-
cies too (Guen and Crozet 1989). Sathananthan et al. described in detail the
30 P. Kannan

anatomy of centrioles in human reproduction. They showed that the human oocyte
does not possess any centriole and the sperm has two centrioles – proximal and
distal. The proximal centriole is located in the connecting piece, next to the basal
plate of the sperm head. It has a pinwheel structure of nine microtubules surrounded
by electron dense material referred to as the ‘black box’. The distal centriole is
located perpendicular to the proximal and is aligned with the flagellum that forms
the axoneme during spermiogenesis (Sathananthan et al. 1991; 1996).
The two major functions of the centrosome are (1) nucleation of microtubule and
(2) mitotic spindle formation (Schatten 1994; Bornens et al. 1990). In all mamma-
lian species, except the mice, the sperm centrosome nucleates the aster. This brings
about the apposition of the female and male pronuclei. It has been demonstrated that
injection of the tail alone can induce aster formation (Van Blerkom and Davis 1995).
After the fusion of the gametes, the tail of the sperm is incorporated into the
ooplasm. The centriole duplicates during the pronuclear stage. Centrioles have been
detected up to the stage of blastocyst (Sathananthan et al. 1996). In humans, only
the male gamete has an active centrosome and is the structure responsible for the
first mitotic division (Palermo et al. 1994).

3.5 Outer Dense Fibre

The axoneme of the sperm is surrounded by the outer dense fibre. Each of the
peripheral microtubule doublets has an outer dense fibre. They are individual fibres
that are teardrop shaped, with an outer rounded edge that tapers towards the axo-
neme. Cranially, these fibres fuse with the connecting piece. These are suggested to
facilitate sperm movement, mediated by protein phosphorylation, and serve as pro-
tector of the sperm during its passage in the male and female tracts (Tash and Means
1983). It is also suggested to act as the stiffening rods within the sperm tail.

3.6 Midpiece

The midpiece of the flagellum is about 3.5 μm in length and runs from the distal end
of the connecting piece to the annulus. It is an electron dense circumferential band
marking the junction between the midpiece and principal piece. A recent report by
Guan and colleagues in BMC Developmental Biology 2009 described the develop-
ment of the annulus, in the formation of the mature spermatozoon. Its function has
not clearly been established, but it may constitute a diffusion barrier between the
two compartments and/or facilitate mitochondria migration and alignment along the
The midpiece has a mitochondrial sheath with a species-specific number of mito-
chondria. The mitochondria are arranged in a helical pattern around the axoneme.
The human spermatozoon has a helix composed of 11–15 gyres. The mitochondrial
structure in the sperm is the same as that in other cell types but has greater stability.
3 Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa 31

It is resistant to osmotic changes which might help resist stretching and compres-
sion of the mitochondria during flagellar beat. It is the site of energy production of
spermatozoa and its position allows ready supply of ATP to the axoneme. The fla-
gella activity requires energy which is obtained in the form of ATP. The ATP is
supplied by the mitochondria and is hydrolyzed by ATPase in the dynein arms in the
presence of magnesium.

3.7 Principal Piece

This is the longest flagellum extending from the annulus to the proximal end of the
terminal piece. It is approximately 55 μm in length. It has a fibrous sheath which is
the cytoskeletal structure surrounding the axoneme and the outer dense fibres. The
sheath consists of two columns that is circumferentially connected by a series of
closely packed filaments called ribs. In the human sperm, the ribs are 10–20 nm
apart and 50 nm thick. The function of the fibrous sheath appears to be similar to
that of outer dense fibres – to act as stiffening rods and provide rigid support to the
flagellum and determining its planar beat (Lindemann et al. 1992). It has been seen
that sperms with disorganized fibrous sheath have disrupted motility indicating its
importance in motility of the sperm.

3.8 Terminal Piece

Beyond the fibrous sheath is the terminal piece of the flagellum, which is about
3 μm in length. The microtubules of the axoneme terminate in this region. The
dynein arms disappear first and the A subunit takes a hollow appearance. The cen-
tral pair of the microtubules terminates, after which two of the peripheral outer
doublets move to the centre. The doublets separate and the open B tubule disappear.
The pattern that remains is a single central tubule surrounded by a circle of single
microtubule covered by plasma membrane.

3.8.1 Flagellum: Role in Infertility

The connection between male infertility and ciliopathy was first disclosed by the
observation of a common ultrastruc-tural abnormality in sperm flagella and epithe-
lial cilia in patients with Kartagener syndrome (Camner et al., 1975).
Defects in the axonemal structure of the sperm causes defects in motility, and
often leads to male subfertility. These affect fertilisation. Male infertility is linked
with symptoms or diseases such as Kartagener syndrome or cystic fibrosis. These
result in a deficiency in the components of cilia and flagella, they are called “immo-
tile cilia syndrome” or “primary ciliary dyskinesia,” or more recently, “ciliopathy,”
which includes deficiencies in primary and sensory cilia.
32 P. Kannan

A recent study by Mitchell et al in 2012, had assessed the morphology of the

sperm flagellum by light microscopy and compared it to axonemal deficiencies. The
study included 41 patients with known axonemal abnormalities. They could corre-
late flagellar abnormalities to axonemal deficiencies such as correlations between
missing outer dynein arms and abnormal, short or coiled flagellum. There found a
negative correlation between misassembly and spermatozoa of irregular flagella.
They concluded that light microscopy analysis of flagellar abnormalities may help
to identify correct diagnosis and sperm abnormalities.
The green alga Chlamydomonas has been used to generate many useful mutants
for studying cilia and flagella, including mutants for the outer and inner dynein arms
and other substructures (Kamiya, 2002). In animals, sperm from marine inverte-
brates have contributed to our understanding of the molecular architecture of fla-
gella and the mechanism of their motility.
In humans, most such cells are multiciliated are seen in nasal and trachea epithe-
lia , the lachrymal sac, brain ventricles (ependymal cilia), male efferent ducts and
female oviducts (Fallopian tubes). The structures of the axonemes in motile multi-
cilia have a 9 + 2 micro- tubule lattice with dynein arms, apparently the same as
those in sperm flagella, although there are several reports showing minor differ-
ences in their components. The cilia is found in many parts of the male reproductive
system. They are seen in epididymis, vas deferens as well. Atleast 20n genes have
been identified thaqt result in ciliopathy (Inaba and Mizuno, 2016).
Knockout mice are powerful models for studying ciliopathy. However, in most
cases, loss of axonemal dyneins results in embryonic lethality. This is not compati-
ble with the symptoms of human ciliopathy, in which patients are alive and show
fertility, making it possible to carry out family studies. Centrosome
Since centrosome is critical, for the event of fertilization, the study of centrosome is
relevant especially in the scenario of failed fertilization and other such clinical sce-
narios. There were studies by Sathananthan where he reported that incidence of
centriolar abnormalities were more in immotile and non-progressively motile sper-
matozoa (Sathananthan et al. 1996).
Structural defects in the flagellum that have been noted are changes in the com-
position or number of axonemal microtubules, impairment of dynein arms. The
absence of dynein arms is one of the frequent causes of sperm immobility.
Disorganization of the mitochondrial sheaths or absence can impair sperm motility.
A lack of ATP can also lead to sperm degeneration (Kupker et al. 1998). Head
The function of the head of the sperm is well defined – it is to conserve the paternal
DNA and deliver it to the oocyte at the time of fertilization. To achieve this, the fol-
lowing are indispensible:

1. The DNA should be held in a stable form.

2. The sperm should penetrate the oocyte surface.
3. Capability of membrane fusion.
3 Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa 33

The basic structure of head of the sperm is common to all mammalian species,
but there can be differences in shape and size of the nucleus and the acrosome.
The head of the human spermatozoa is called pleomorphic. The sperm head is
about 4.5 μm in length and it is about 3.5 μm at its widest part and is slightly

3.9 Acrosome

The acrosome, which is derived from the Golgi apparatus, is a membrane-bound

vesicle forming a cap-like covering on the cranial part of the nucleus. In humans,
the acrosome is relatively small and covers about two third of the nucleus. This
results from the topographic development over the Sertoli cell cytoplasm in the
late stages of spermiogenesis, by contracting the nucleus to result in its unique
shape. The acrosome has two membranes – the outer and the inner. The inner
membrane is right below the plasma membrane and continues as the inner acro-
some membrane which lies above the nuclear envelope. The membranes are
parallel to each other and the space in between them is filled with acrosomal
matrix (Huang and Yanagimachi 1985). The matrix has hydrolytic enzymes
such as hyaluronidase and acrosin, a proteinase in inactive zymogen form – pro-
acrosin and a second zymogen called sperminogen (Siegel et al. 1987). Other
enzymes that are present in acrosomal matrix are acid phosphatase, phospholi-
pases, N-acetylglucosaminidase and collagenase.
Eutherian sperms have an equatorial region which is situated at the posterior
border of the acrosomal cap. The acrosomal membranes in the equatorial segment
are electron dense. There is no acrosomal matrix in this segment. It is the site of
accumulation of vimentin (Virtanen et al. 1984). It is hence a stable membrane
structure which plays the role of stabilizing this critical region during in acrosome
reaction and zona penetration. It is at the border between the anterior acrosome and
the equatorial segment; thus, when the acrosome fuses with the plasma membrane,
the integrity of the sperm cell is maintained.
There have been many theories of penetration of the sperm, such as enzymatic or
mechanical or both. The very narrow, sharply defined penetration slit made by the
sperm in the zona does not conform to the purely enzymatic penetration. Evidence
has also suggested that by thrust force alone, the sperm cannot penetrate the zone.
Hence, the use of both mechanisms has been proposed (Green 1988).

3.10 Perinuclear Material

The perinuclear material is situated between the acrosome and the nucleus. It is a
thin layer stabilized by disulphide bonds. It acts like cement between the acrosome
and nucleus. Posterior to the acrosome, the perinuclear material forms the acrosome
sheath. This structure is composed of two distinct regions separated by a shallow
grove. The anterior region has an electron dense material parallel to the plasma
membrane, which has a series of rounded projections extending towards the plasma
34 P. Kannan

membrane (Pedersen 1972b). The posterior region of the sheath has granular mate-
rial with oblique cord-like structures (Koehler 1972).

3.11 Nucleus

The nucleus of the sperm has a haploid set of chromosome. It is the result of the
process of spermiogenesis, the specialized process that changes the round sperma-
tids into a mature sperm with its distinct shape. The size of the nucleus is decreased
in the process by chemical and architectural modifications. The DNA in the sperm
is complexed with protamines which lead to chromatin condensation. The DNA
remains inactive and does not replicate until the protamines disintegrate after the
entry into the oocyte (Johnson and Lalancette 2010). The protamine, which allows
packaging of the sperm chromatin, neutralizes the charges of the phosphate ester
backbone in the DNA. There are disulphide bonds between free thiols which give
the nucleus its highly stable keratinoid nature.
Nucleus shape is species specific and is determined by the sperm genotype.
Human sperms exhibit a variety of nuclear shapes. The heterogeneity in nuclear
shape may be due to the difference in chromatin condensation. The posterior ring
is a circumferential junction between the plasma membrane and nuclear envelope
with a series of striations (Pedersen 1972b). It is a diving point between the flagel-
lum and head. The implantation fossa of the sperm tail is situated at the base of the
The nucleus of the sperm is extremely well packaged. The genome is repack-
aged into a crystalline state. During the condensation process, there is elimination
of RNA, replacement of somatic histones by protamines and formation of
chromatin-stabilizing disulphide bonds (Balhorn et al. 1984). Though most his-
tones are replaced by protamines, there are some areas where the somatic-like
structure is retained. In some cases, these regions are differentially marked by
modified histones in a manner reminiscent of the epigenetic states observed in
somatic or stem cells (Hammoud et al. 2009). This may influence the order in
which genes are repackaged into a nucleosomal bound state and/or expressed fol-
lowing fertilization (Rousseaux et al. 2008). Recent research has led to believe that
there could be more to sperm than just delivering the paternal DNA. The role of
the three main structural genetic elements of the sperm nucleus, chromatin, RNA,
and the nuclear matrix beyond the sperm nucleus, has been suggested by research-
ers which may have an impact on embryonic development.

3.12 Cytoplasmic Droplet

It is the residual cytoplasm from the process of spermiogenesis. It forms a collar

shaped covering of the midpiece of the flagellum. It usually has redundant organ-
elles such as ribosomes and mitochondria.
3 Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa 35

3.13 Plasma Membrane

The plasma membrane forms the outer boundary of all cells. It maintains the cell
integrity and functions as a dynamic interface between the cell and its environment.
The plasma membrane of the sperm has regional specialization with specific physi-
cal, chemical and immunological parameters. It also undergoes reorganization dur-
ing its transport in the female reproductive tract during the process of capacitation.
There are five domains in the plasma membrane of the sperm, depending on the
part of the sperm it is associated with. The head of the sperm has three domains
covering the acrosome, equatorial region and the post acrosomal region. The fla-
gellum has two domains covering the principal piece and the midpiece. The
domains are different in their affinity for plant lectins, difference in the distribu-
tion of glycocalyx, membrane fluidity, lipid composition, intra-membranous par-
ticle distribution, binding pattern for monoclonal antibodies and membranous
surface charge (Koehler 1981; Friend 1982; Villaroya and Scholler 1986 and
Yanagimachi et al. 1972). The specialization allows for more efficient perfor-
mance of tasks which culminates in fertilization.

3.14 Midpiece Region

The plasma membrane overlying the mitochondria contains chains of particles that
follow the mitochondrial helix. In the interstices, the particles are absent and hence
the plasma membrane is closely applied to the mitochondrial sheath (Philips 1970).
These particles were first discovered in guinea pig by Friend and Fawcett in 1974.
The main function of the plasma membrane over the mitochondrial sheath is to
permit substances that are of significance in metabolism during capacitation.

3.15 Principal Piece Region

The axonemal complex is attached to the plasma membrane through a ‘zipper’,

which is a longitudinal double row of staggered intra-membranous particles that
overlay the dense outer fibre number 1 (Friend and Fawcett 1974). The particles of
the zipper attach to the ribs of the fibrous sheath. They may have a role in controlling
the axonemal functions such as the change in the flagellar beat during capacitation.
The membrane of the midpiece is separated from the principal piece by the annulus.

3.16 Anterior Acrosomal Region

The plasma membrane covering the anterior acrosome has a major role in fertiliza-
tion. It recognizes and binds to the zona pellucida and fuses with the outer acroso-
mal membrane during cortical exocytosis, during acrosome reaction. The presence
36 P. Kannan

of glycocalyx is high in this region of plasma membrane. The membrane in this

region exhibits fusogenic properties, which facilitates the processes in the initiation
of the acrosome reaction. At the end of the acrosome reaction, the inner acrosomal
membrane becomes the limiting membrane of the anterior region of the head.

3.17 Equatorial Region

This is the site of fusion of the plasma membrane with the oocyte. The plasma mem-
brane in this region is stable. Physiological changes occur in the plasma membrane
in this region around the time of acrosome reaction, without much of structural
changes, as sperm oocyte fusion cannot happen without the acrosome reaction.

3.18 Post-acrosomal Region

In humans, this part consists of indistinct striations posteriorly and an anterior

domain consisting of an irregular smooth ridge around the base of the acrosome
(Pedersen 1972a, b).

3.18.1 Head: Role in Infertility

Pathology of acrosome has been most commonly implicated in causing subfertility

in males. This could include partial or complete lack of acrosome or disorganization
of the acrosome membrane. This will result in the alteration in the shape of the
sperm head commonly called the round sperm head. This could also implicate a
failure in the late stages of spermiogenesis. This will cause inability of the sperm to
elicit an acrosome reaction, hence being unable to penetrate the zona pellucida.
When all the sperms in the semen sample have a round head, it is termed globozoo-
spermia. When there is separation of the flagellum from the head, the resulting
structure is called the pin head (Zaneveld and Polakowski 1977).
The latest abnormality that has come as another armamentarium in the hands of
reproductive specialists is the sperm DNA fragmentation. This is an abnormality
when there are incomplete chromatin condensations displaying single-stranded
DNA rather than double-stranded DNA (Johnson et al. 2011). This has been impli-
cated in IVF failures, poor embryonic development and hence male subfertility.

A spermatozoon is a highly specialized cell. The importance of sperm has been
never more highlighted than in the present age of advanced reproductive medi-
cine. Though the morphological criteria have been recommended by WHO, the
understanding of ultrastructure of sperm will contribute to the diagnosis and
treatment conditions which contribute to subfertility.
3 Ultrastructure of Human Spermatozoa 37

As for correlation between ultrastructure of sperm and fertilization capacity

in IVF, Alebit et al. in 1992 concluded that sperm alterations in tail do not affect
the fertilizing capacity, whereas decondensation of nuclear chromatin regardless
of acromosal defect was mentioned as one of the major reasons for IVF failure
by Chitale and Rathur as early as 1995. In the era of ICSI, there have been no
conclusive studies correlating the severity of sperm defects to success in ICSI.
Yet again, the sperm remains as elusive as ever!

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A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility
N. Pandiyan and Shah Dupesh Khan

4.1 Introduction

Infertility has become a public health problem afflicting an estimated one in ten
couples globally (Boivin et al. 2007). Approximately 48.5 million couples engaging
in unprotected intercourse suffer from involuntary childlessness (Martinez et al.
2006). Male infertility alone contributes to approximately 60 % of the problem and
has become a major health concern, the incidence of male infertility ranging from
2.5 to 12 % across different regions around the world (Agarwal et al. 2015). The
actual incidence may be even higher, due to a general lack of data and underreport-
ing in certain patriarchal cultures and groups where men refuse to be clinically
evaluated. Sadly, despite these hard-hitting facts, clinical andrology remains a sub-
ject of neglect. The infertility specialist is frequently a gynecologist, with little or no
understanding in assessing an infertile male. Frequently, the diagnosis of male
infertility is based on a single laboratory value of the semen analysis, which ulti-
mately decides the course of treatment for the infertile male. Thus, it is not the
patient who is being treated, but the sperm which has become the cellular patient.
The semen picture, in a majority, will not give any clues to the actual underlying
pathology (Cummins and Jequier 1994).

N. Pandiyan, MD, DGO, MNAMS (*)

Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
Chettinad University, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Kelambakkam, Chennai, TN 603103, India
e-mail: [email protected]
S.D. Khan, MBBS, DCE, FASM, (PhD)
Andrology and Sexual Medicine, The Women’s Center, Center of Excellence
for Mens Health, Burkit Road, T-Nagar, Chennai, TN 600017, India
Fortis Healthcare, Fortis Malar Hospitals, Adyar, Chennai, TN 600020, India

© Springer India 2017 41

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_4
42 N. Pandiyan and S.D. Khan

Table 4.1 Outlines the Causes of male infertility (WHO)

major causes of male
Isolated abnormalities of semen and sperm parameters
Immunological infertility
Genital tract infection
Primary testicular failure
Kallmann’s syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Ejaculatory dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Genetic causes: Y-chromosome microdeletion
The exact etiopathological mechanism through which
varicocele and antisperm antibodies contribute to male
infertility remains to be elucidated

4.2 Goal and Indications for Evaluation of the Infertile Male

Male infertility can be attributed to a variety of conditions; however, most of the

time an exact cause is not found, but if found, not all can be treated and/or corrected.
An abnormal semen picture may be the only finding; in these cases, the cause of
infertility is termed idiopathic. The aim of male infertility evaluation is to identify
and treat potentially correctable causes. The identification of genetic disorder dur-
ing male infertility workup would help in counseling the couple about the potential
risks involved to the offspring and also help guide the couple to alternate treatment
strategies. Potential serious conditions like testicular cancer and pituitary tumors
may also present with infertility and/or sexual dysfunction as the only primary
symptom during an assessment (Honig et al. 1994).
In a large WHO study involving over 8500 couples from 25 countries, a stan-
dardized classification system for categorizing the various causes of male infertility
was published. This study clearly showed that the single most common etiology of
male infertility belonged to the idiopathic abnormalities of the semen category
(25 %), followed by varicocele (Comhaire 1987). Nevertheless, with our recent
understanding of genetic causes, this study is in need of a review. The various causes
of male infertility are summarized in Table 4.1. Varicocele is however a debatable
cause of male infertility.

4.3 The Relevance of Clinical History Taking

Numerous medical conditions/pathologies can afflict male fertility both directly

and indirectly. An in-depth history taking should comprehensively assess the
patients (a) past fertility, (b) past investigations and treatments for infertility,
4 A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility 43

(c) presence of associated systemic diseases and/or treatments for the same, (d)
current and past medication history, (e) past and recent history of surgeries with
particular emphasis to surgeries performed in the inguinal/pelvic/testicular region,
(f) chemotherapies and/or radiotherapy, (g) the occupational exposure to poten-
tial toxins/chemicals, (h) personal lifestyle factors like smoking and alcohol con-
sumption and/or drug abuse, (i) family history of infertility and other congenital
defects, and finally (j) sexual history. An in-depth sexual history is very important
in the workup of an infertile male since the coital frequency/week is significantly
associated with the chance of conception (Macleod and Gold 1953). A chance
of conception significantly increases when coital frequency approaches ≥3 time/
week as compared to ≤2 times/week. History about the patient’s libido, erection,
and ejaculation should also be elucidated as a pathology affecting any of these
areas could reduce the number of successful sexual contacts leading to infertility.
An outline of the various components in a male infertility clinical history taking
is given in Table 4.2. An important point of noteworthy mention is that numerous
medical drugs can potentially impair the male’s fertility. Their mechanism of action
could be by either affecting spermatogenesis, sperm motility, or sperm fertilizing
capacity. Commonly used antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, antihypertensive
medications, calcium channel blockers, statins, beta-blockers, and psychotropic
medications can all potentially impair male fertility and/or sexual function lead-
ing to difficulties with achieving a conception (Pandiyan 2007). A clinical history
should thoroughly elucidate as to whether the patient is or was on any medication
for any comorbid illness.

4.4 Clinical Examination of an Infertile Male

Clinical examination of an infertile male forms an important initial tool in the

assessment of male infertility. A general examination is as important as a genital
exam. The patient’s height, weight, and BMI (body mass index) along with blood
pressure should be documented before the systemic and local examination. The
degree of androgenization can be assessed by looking for a male pattern of hair
distribution and by questioning the patient on the frequency of shaving (to assess
facial hair growth). An assessment of the distribution of body hair should also be
made. Sparse hair distribution combined with gynecomastia and eunuchoidal body
proportions is suggestive of Klinefelter’s syndrome which can be clinically picked
by watchful observation of the patient’s phenotype. An assessment of the patient’s
cardiovascular and respiratory system is also to be made routine. Here, the presence
of bronchiectasis combined with situs inversus is suggestive of dyskinetic cilia syn-
drome where the semen picture would also show varying degrees of immotile sper-
matozoa (Schidlow 1994). Careful inspection of the abdomen and inguinal region
may show up scars that may potentially indicate past hernia surgery and/or orchido-
pexy that the patient might have forgotten to mention during the clinical history
taking. Pediatric hernia surgeries carry a potential risk of iatrogenic injury to the vas
deferens (Sheynkin et al. 1998). Genital examination should include details of the
penile anatomy. The penis is examined and the position of the external urethral
44 N. Pandiyan and S.D. Khan

Table 4.2 Highlights the various components that have to be assessed in the examination of an
infertile male
Components of history taking in the assessment of an infertile male
1. Fertility history
Duration of marriage and infertility
Past conception with present and/or previous partner
Duration of infertility
Previous fertility investigations and treatments
2. Medical history
Past/present history of diabetes, hypertension, respiratory tract disease, and liver disease
Past/present history of neurological diseases and treatments
Past/present history of high fever
Past/present history of medication and duration of use
Past/present history of urinary tract infections/sexually transmitted disease
3. Surgical history
Past history of vasectomy, testicular surgeries like varicocelectomy and hydrocelectomy
Past history of inguinal hernia surgery, sympathectomy, prostatectomy
Past history of bladder neck operations
Any other history of urethral strictures
Past history of penile surgeries for hypospadias/epispadias
4. Developmental and childhood history
Past history of mumps/any other viral illness
Past history scrotal injury
Past history of testicular torsion
Past history of treatment for testicular maldescent and the age of treatment
Puberty and its onset, sexual development
5. Occupational and environmental history
Any history of exposure to heat, toxic factors, carcinogenic dyes, tannins, etc.
Any history of excess consumption of alcohol, smoking, and other drug abuse
Any history of exposure to high heat and exposure to sexually transmitted infections
6. Family history
Any family history of infertility, congenital birth defects
Any family history of cryptorchidism, metabolic syndrome, and other endocrine disorders
7. Sexual history
Frequency of intercourse
Erectile function
Lubricant usage

meatus is noted. The presence of any hypospadias or epispadias should be docu-

mented. Phimosis should also be excluded. Palpation of the penile body may reveal
hardened areas due to fibrous plaque formation within the cavernosal tissue that is
suggestive of Peyronie’s disease (Gelbard 1995). This is followed by examination
of the testes, for its size and consistency. Testicular size is estimated to calculate
4 A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility 45

volume; the testicular size has a moderate degree of correlation to sperm production
(Johnson et al. 1980).
The mean average testicular volume of South Indian men is 6 cc (Dupesh and
Pandiyan 2015). Estimation of testicular volume can be done using a Prader orchi-
dometer, and these measurements correlate well with ultrasound measurements,
although a good correlation >0.8 is obtained only with good clinical experience
(Behre and Nashan 1989). A simpler method for estimating testicular size involves
the use of a washable steel scale; in this method, the testis is stabilized firmly
between the index and thumb, length (l) is measured in centimeters (cm) from the
upper pole to the lower pole, and breadth (b) and height (h) along the midaxis are
recorded. Volume is estimated by l × b × h/2 (length × breadth × height the product
divided by two). This method gives an excellent correlation with ultrasound-based
measurements and is routinely used in our clinic (Shah and Pandiyan 2015). From
the clinical perspective, a small but firm testis along with elevated FSH is suggestive
of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, while small soft testis with low FSH is sug-
gestive of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (Pandiyan 1999). For male patients
with low FSH and low LH, cranial imaging with serum prolactin measurement
should be done to rule out pituitary pathology (De Kretser 1979). The presence of
maldescended testis and anorchia should be documented and warrant further inves-
tigation. The epididymis should also be palpated. One should also look out for the
classical Bayle’s sign, where the epididymis is palpable and augmented and soft
suggestive of an obstruction (Schoysman 1982). A normal epididymis is usually
firm in consistency. Presence of nodularity is rare finding and could be due to a past
history of tuberculous epididymo-orchitis.
The presence or absence of the vas deferens must be carefully examined on both
sides. The vas deferens can be palpated with the patient in a supine position, within
the vessels of the spermatic cord, as a firm threadlike structure that snaps between
the examiner’s fingers. The bilateral absence of vas deferens is suggestive of con-
genital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD) and is an extreme phenotypic
variant of CFTR gene mutations (Costes et al. 1994). Unnecessary surgical explora-
tion can be avoided in these cases. CBAVD is commonly associated with agenesis
of the seminal vesicles, absence of sperm in the ejaculate with absent fructose in
semen. In both unilateral and bilateral absence of vas deferens, an abdominal ultra-
sound for renal anomalies is warranted (McCallum et al. 2001). A varicocele is
defined as distension of the venous pampiniform plexus in the spermatic cord, and
assessment should be done only in the upright position. Grade 3 varicoceles are usu-
ally easily identified; however, to diagnose smaller grades accurately, Doppler stud-
ies are necessary.

4.5 Investigating an Infertile Male: A Prudent Approach

Semen analysis remains the cornerstone test in the workup of an infertile male.
A conventional semen analysis gives information about the male’s testicular germ
cell function, secretory function of the male’s accessory sex organs, and also about
the patency of the male reproductive tract. It is very important to understand that
46 N. Pandiyan and S.D. Khan

semen parameters of concentration, motility, and morphology show a high degree of

variance with time, place, and region both among individuals and also within the
same individual. Semen analysis remains a controversial but necessary test and has
numerous pitfalls: (a) it is a subjective test, with results varying between technical
personnel and within the same personnel who are assessing the sample (Barroso
et al. 1999); (b) semen parameters of both fertile and infertile men show consider-
able degree of overlap between parameters, and very low sperm counts have led to
documented spontaneous pregnancies (Thomson et al. 1993); (c) none of current
semen parameters, namely, sperm concentration, motility, and morphology, have
good predictive power in estimating a couple’s fertility potential (Ford 2010); and
(d) it is important to understand that the relation between sperm concentration,
sperm motility, and fertility is not a simple one. The role of the female partner and
her fertility play a key role in deciding whether a conception would occur. It is now
well known that a reproductive pathology in the female can reduce the fertility
potential of a male presenting with a so-called “normal” spermiogram.
The clinical utility of semen analysis however cannot be overemphasized in
extreme presentations like azoospermia, total asthenozoospermia, necrozoosper-
mia, and globozoospermia. We still do not understand the molecular basis to male
infertility; pathological changes resulting in subfertility rarely reflect onto a conven-
tional semen analysis. The World Health Organization (WHO) has published over
five editions so far reviewing diagnostic criteria and protocols for semen analysis in
different times. It recently published the fifth edition of the Laboratory Manual for
the Examination and Processing of Human Semen in 2010 (WHO manual, 5th edi-
tion. 2010). On an interesting note, while the first four editions were “consensus”
based on expert opinions, the latest edition was published after a multicenter study.
Numerous men who were previously diagnosed with oligozoospermia, asthenozoo-
spermia, and teratozoospermia have now been included in the normal range as per
the new manual’s diagnostic cutoffs. Thus, many men might have been subjected to
unwanted and unwarranted surgeries/therapies for infertility based on these criteria
(Pandiyan 2012). Semen analysis thus remains a number game.
The aforementioned facts do not mean that a semen analysis is a redundant test,
but it is important to take a deep look at the patient from a clinical perspective and
listen to his story and only then can the right diagnosis be made from a clinical
standpoint. Common instructions given to the male patient before a semen analysis
are as follows: a] Patients are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for a period
ranging from 2 to 7 days before a semen analysis as per the WHO criteria. However,
a retrospective analysis of our data from over 2130 patients clearly showed that all
the three semen parameters, namely, concentration, motility, and morphology do
not vary significantly as a result of ejaculatory abstinence. Any variation noted was
still within the normal range (Shah and Pandiyan ISAR 2015).
In our clinic, we do not recommend patients to collect a sample after a specified
period of ejaculatory abstinence. (a) Sample collection should be done in a sterile
wide-mouthed container; any spillage should be reported immediately as this could
potentially lead to a diagnosis of hypospermia. (b) Lubricant usage is not recom-
mended during sample collection, and collection should be done in a private room
adjacent to the andrology laboratory. Postcollection, the semen is allowed to liquefy
4 A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility 47

for 20–30 min, after which a macroscopic estimation of semen volume, pH,
liquefaction, and viscosity is done. This is then followed by a microscopic assess-
ment of sperm concentration, motility, and morphology as per WHO 2010 guideline
values. Reference values are given in Table 4.3.

4.6 Endocrine Workup of an Infertile Male

Serum FSH is usually the only endocrine test required for most patients with male
infertility. If there is concomitant sexual dysfunction, then estimation of serum LH,
prolactin, total testosterone, and free testosterone is required. Thyroid evaluation is
not required in most men presenting with male infertility unless there is family his-
tory or elevated prolactin. Serum FSH is done in patients presenting with a sperm
count <10 million/ml. Highly elevated values of FSH presenting along with azo-
ospermia or severe oligozoospermia are suggestive of seminiferous tubular failure or
an ongoing failure of the germinal epithelium. Elevated FSH and LH is suggestive of
testicular failure, either acquired or possibly Klinefelter’s syndrome. Very low FSH
and LH could be due to a pituitary pathology or could be congenital (Kallmann’s
syndrome) and requires prompt intervention. Serum FSH within the normal range in
azoospermic patients indicates an obstructive cause and needs further evaluation to
assess the exact level/site of obstruction. A low ejaculate volume along with normal
FSH and a semen picture showing azoospermia possibly indicates an obstruction at
the level of the ejaculatory duct or vas deferens (Pandiyan 1999). Tables 4.4 and 4.5
and Fig. 4.1 give an algorithm for the basic workup of azoospermia.

Table 4.3 Reference Semen analysis parameters WHO 2010 guideline values
values given are 5th centile
Volume 1.5 ml
and are used as lower cutoff
limits of normality Sperm concentration/ml 15 × 106/ml
Total sperm count/ejaculate 39 × 106/ejaculate
Total motility 40 %
Progressive motility 32 %
Morphology 4%
Vitality 58 %
Results should not be overinterpreted from a clinical standpoint

Table 4.4 Outlines the possible findings in patients suspected with nonobstructive azoospermia
Condition FSH Testes size Semen volume Feature
Hypogonadotropic Low or Small and Normal Hyposmia or anosmia
Hypogonadism undetectable soft present
Seminiferous Elevated Small, soft, Normal –
tubular failure and firm
Borderline Normal to Normal to Normal Biopsy shows
azoospermia mild elevation slightly small hypospermatogenesis
or maturation arrest
Reproduced with permission from Pandiyan (1999)
48 N. Pandiyan and S.D. Khan

Table 4.5 Outlines the possible findings in patients suspected with obstructive azoospermia
Condition FSH Testes size Semen volume Feature
Ejaculatory duct obstruction Normal Normal Very low Absent
Vasal aplasia Normal Normal Very low Absent
Epididymal obstruction Normal Normal Normal Present
Vasal obstruction Normal Normal Normal Present
Intratesticular obstruction Normal Normal Normal Present
Reproduced with permission from Pandiyan (1999)

Fig. 4.1 Gives an outline Azoospermia

of the differential diagnosis
of azoospermia

Obstructive cause Non Obstructive



Tubular Failure
Or Testicular Failure

Ejaculatory duct obstruction

Epididymal Obstruction
Vasal Obstruction
Intra -testicular Obstruction
Vasal Aplasia

If a nonobstructive cause is suspected, proceed as below to discern a possible


4.7 Genetics in Male Infertility

Genetic testing of the infertile male is done in select conditions. Genetic testing is
done to assess the presence of Y-chromosome microdeletions that are commonly
seen in 10–15 % of patients who are diagnosed with nonobstructive azoospermia
(NOA) (McElreavey et al. 2000). Y-chromosome microdeletion is a known cause
4 A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility 49

of spermatogenic failure. From the clinical standpoint, there are three types of
deletions, namely, AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc. AZFa and AZFb have poor prognosis
for sperm retrieval from the testis and are associated with Sertoli cell only or matu-
ration arrest (McElreavey et al. 2000). The type of deletion affects the outcome of
a testicular sperm extraction procedure done in these groups of patients. In AZFc
deletion, there is a good chance of sperm retrieval from at least 50 % of patients
presenting with these deletions; however, in AZFa and AZFb deletions, there is vir-
tually no chance of finding sperm during retrieval (McElreavey and Krausz 1999).
While a clear-cut relationship between the genotype and phenotype remains to be
established, numerous studies have supported these observed trends. Y-chromosome
microdeletion studies are not done routinely in many centers. We feel it may serve
as an important prognostic test, as a prelude to predicting sperm retrieval for men
presenting with NOA. Prior to ART, Y-chromosome microdeletion studies are vital
to counsel couples regarding the possible chances of perpetuating male infertility to
their male offsprings. Genetic testing of an infertile male is also indicated in patients
where the clinical evaluation suggests Klinefelter’s or Kallmann’s syndrome and
in patients with unilateral or bilateral absence of vas deferens, where a CFTR gene
mutation would be expected.

4.8 Tests of Sperm Function, Qua Vadis

A number of sperm function tests have been utilized in the clinical setting in the
past. Sperm function tests like acrosome reaction and induced acrosome reaction to
calcium ionophore have demonstrated an increase in spontaneous acrosome reac-
tion of sperm of infertile men compared to fertile controls (Fenichel et al. 1991).
The clinical significance of these findings remains unknown. Other tests of special-
ized sperm function include sperm zona pellucida test and sperm penetration assays.
Although a good degree of correlation is seen between these assays and the fertil-
izing ability of sperm in a conventional IVF cycle (Oehninger et al. 2000), these
tests are again rarely used in a clinical setting, since male factor infertility is pre-
dominantly managed by ICSI worldwide. Tests, such as the postcoital test, have
fallen out of favor, due to a lack of standardization in the test methodology, lack of
definition as to what constitutes a normal test, and poor reproducibility (Griffith and
Grimes 1990). Other newer tests, like the sperm creatinine kinase assay or assess-
ment of markers of abortive apoptosis and hyaluronic acid binding assay, may help
in sperm selection during ICSI (Huszar et al. 2007) but have no clinical utility in the
evaluation of an infertile male.
A newer test that has recently caught the fancy of the clinical fraternity is the
sperm DNA fragmentation assay. DNA integrity in the sperm is maintained by
disulfide cross-linkages between proteins called protamines; this allows the com-
pact packaging of the genetic material. After the spermiation process, the sperma-
tozoa are transcriptionally inactive; thus, any damage occurring to the nuclear
material cannot be potentially repaired in the sperm themselves. DNA damage in
the sperm can occur during sperm transit in the male reproductive tract or due to
50 N. Pandiyan and S.D. Khan

endogenous endonuclease activity, heat exposure, reactive oxygen species, and/or

potential gonadotoxin exposure (Lopes et al. 1998). Sperm DNA fragmentation has
also been claimed to be associated with poor embryo quality, an increase in miscar-
riage rates, and also general poorer ICSI outcomes (Sakkas and Alvarez 2010).
Commonly used tests to assess DNA fragmentation include conventional single-gel
electrophoresis (COMET assay), terminal deoxy UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL),
and lastly sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). From a clinical standpoint, we
need to understand that although tests of DNA fragmentation may give some clini-
cal information on the percentage of fragmentation of DNA, none of these tests
actually give any information on the exact nucleotide sequences that are actually
involved in fragmentation. Importantly, we are looking at a small subpool of sper-
matozoa for DNA fragmentation that may not be representative of the actual sper-
matozoa that reach the site of fertilization in vivo. Lastly, one must not forget that
the oocyte in itself possesses a nucleotide excision repair (NER) mechanism, where
potentially any fragmented nucleotide sequence in the sperm would be repaired
(Ashwood and Edwards 1996). Considering the limited prognostic power of the
DNA fragmentation test, we do not recommend these tests in the routine evaluation
of an infertile male. Based on the current evidence and available literature, the
ASRM practice committee guidelines also do not recommend routine DNA frag-
mentation analysis in the workup of an infertile couple (ASRM 2006, 2013). On a
conclusive note, we would also like to point out that currently none of presently
available sperm function tests have adequate sensitivity or specificity to predict
IVF/ICSI treatment outcomes. The need to develop and validate ICSI-specific
sperm function tests is the future.

4.9 Antioxidants in the Treatment of Male Infertility

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been blamed as a causative factor for numer-
ous pathologies from head to foot. They have been implicated in the causative
mechanism of stroke (Allen and Bayraktutan 2009) and also in diabetic foot (Cianci
and Hunt 2007). However, it is not clear whether they are the cause or consequence
of the pathology. ROS play an important physiological role in inducing apoptosis,
which is an essential and indispensable cell function in all body tissues (Simon et al.
2000). Furthermore, antioxidant usage in cancer remains a conundrum (Seifried
et al. 2003).
Not surprisingly, ROS have also been implicated in male infertility, and antioxi-
dants to quench ROS have been prescribed rampantly around the globe (Ranjani
et al. 2013). There are no large-scale high-quality randomized double-blind placebo-
controlled trials to assess whether the antioxidants significantly contribute to
improved semen parameters and improvement in pregnancy rates. A major con-
founding factor for any such study would be the inherent natural variability of
semen, which has constantly been misinterpreted and misused to show clinical
improvement with antioxidant usage. For the time being, till high-quality evidence
4 A Clinical Approach to Male Infertility 51

is published, we do not recommend the routine usage of antioxidants in the

management of idiopathic male infertility.

4.10 Treatable Conditions in Male Infertility

Most causes of obstructive azoospermia and some causes of aspermia are the only
treatable conditions in male infertility from a clinical viewpoint. Obstructive azo-
ospermia (OA) can be managed by surgical correction of the obstruction, exception
being vasal aplasia where a surgical sperm retrieval can be performed. Patients with
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism can be managed with gonadotropin therapy. For
patients with retrograde ejaculation, a method of noninvasive sperm retrieval from
the bladder can be done (Pandiyan et al. 1998). For all other conditions like severe
oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, or a combination of semen parameter abnor-
malities, it would be wise to go with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH)
with IUI or ICSI and save time for the patient rather than try unproven empirical
therapies. Depending on the women’s age and duration of infertility, male patients
with even 1 million/ml of motile sperm postwash could be given a cycle of IUI,
although for patients where <1 million/ml of postwash recovery is obtained, it
would be wise to go with ICSI.
A varicocele is invariably present in approximately 40 % of infertile males.
Varicocelectomy in the management of male infertility remains highly controver-
sial. We do not know the exact mechanism by which a varicocele contributes to
impaired semen parameters or DNA fragmentation or just male infertility in gen-
eral. Indiscriminate varicocelectomy in the management of the infertile male in the
era of ICSI is not recommended, as assisted reproductive technology has shorter
time to pregnancy rates and better results in general (Csokmay and DeCherney

4.11 Ethics of Treatment of Male Infertility

Prior to the advent of ICSI, all men with nonobstructive azoospermia due to
seminiferous tubular dysfunction and most men with severe oligoasthenoteratozoo-
spermia were untreatably infertile. Introduction of ICSI in 1992, Palermo and
colleagues revolutionized the management of severe male infertility. However, it
was soon recognized that a significant percentage of men, ranging from 15 to 35 %,
with nonobstructive azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia (Foresta et al. 2001)
may have Y-chromosome microdeletions. All these men would transmit these
defects to all their offsprings, thereby perpetuating male infertility. Are we justified
in doing this? This is a point to ponder.
CBAVD was an untreatable condition, until the introduction of ICSI and epi-
didymal sperm aspiration (Pandiyan 1995). CBAVD is a genetic condition due to
a defect in the CFTR gene; these patients may also transmit their defect to the
52 N. Pandiyan and S.D. Khan

offspring, raising the question, should we be treating these men at all? Men with
balanced autosomal translocation may manifest NOA or severe oligozoospermia
(Pandiyan and Jequier 1996). Treatment of these men with ICSI will lead to the
birth of offspring with unbalanced translocation if the mother is also a carrier of
balanced translocations.

With the advent of microassisted fertilization techniques, it would seem clinical
andrology is but a redundant field. We would like to differ; microassisted fertil-
ization techniques can never overcome the underlying pathology that leads to
male infertility in the first place. At this juncture, we would like to stress that a
man should not be judged by his semen alone and the sperm should not become
the “cellular patient.” The value of a good in-depth clinical evaluation must never
be underestimated. Last of all, we would also like to advice caution with the
utilization of microassisted technologies as it bypasses all natural selection pro-
cess that is involved in sperm selection. Much research has to be done into this
novel field of andrology before coming to a sound conclusion. The need of the
hour we believe is more clinical andrology and not less.

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Interpretation of Semen Analysis
Satya Srini Vasan

5.1 Introduction

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected

intercourse and affects globally about 15–20 % of couples. Of these, 30–40 % can
be attributed to an identifiable male factor, 30–40 % to female factors, and the
remaining 20 % to a combination of both male and female factors (Guttmacher
1956; Thonneau et al. 1991). Although many couples may present with an obvious
and identifiable cause for the subfertility, there are cases with unexplained reasons
for the delay in conception. Traditional semen analysis is the first test used to evalu-
ate the male partner. This chapter discusses the basics of semen analysis and inter-
pretation of the results in the light of the 2010 WHO Laboratory Manual for the
Examination and Processing of Human Semen.
Evaluation of the man begins with a thorough history and physical examina-
tion and proceeds to laboratory examination. The initial screening evaluation of the
male should include, at a minimum, a reproductive history and two semen analy-
ses. If possible, the two semen analyses should be separated by a time period of at
least 1 month. It is important to correlate history with the results of semen analysis
because a person’s medical history might affect the results of the semen analysis
and, hence, fertility potential. Important considerations include past exposures to
chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and extreme heat (specifically the workplace
environment as well as recreational activities, such as frequency of hot tubs and use
of a heated waterbed). Recreational drug use, as well as prescription medications,
history of sexually transmitted infections, and other communicable diseases, genital
infections, and genital injuries as well as fertility history are to be considered for
evaluation (Sigman et al. 2009).

S.S. Vasan, DNB (Surgery, Urology)

Andrology, Manipal Ankur Andrology and Reproductive Services,
422, 20th Main, I Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560010, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 55

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_5
56 S.S. Vasan

5.2 Semen Analysis

Semen analysis is the most widely used test to predict male fertility potential. It
provides information on the functional status of the seminiferous tubules, epididy-
mis, and accessory sex glands, and its results are often taken as a surrogate measure
of a man’s ability to father a pregnancy. Although this test reveals useful informa-
tion for the initial evaluation of the infertile male, it is not a test of fertility (Jequier
2010). It provides no insights into the functional potential of the spermatozoon to
fertilize an ovum or to undergo the subsequent maturation processes required to
achieve fertilization. It is important to understand that while the results may corre-
late with “fertility,” the assay is not a direct measure of fertility (Guzick et al. 2001;
Smith et al. 1977; Brazil 2010). An understanding of the physiology and patho-
physiology associated with ejaculation and semen collection is also critical to the
interpretation of the results of semen analysis.
Routine semen analysis includes (a) physical characteristics of semen, including
liquefaction, viscosity, pH, color, and odor, (b) specimen volume, (c) sperm concen-
tration, (d) sperm motility and progression, (e) sperm morphology, (f) leukocyte
quantification, and (g) fructose detection in cases where no spermatozoa are found
and ejaculate volume is low (Esteves et al. 2011). Routine semen analysis is the
main pillar in male fertility investigation. In order to establish consistency in labora-
tory procedures, the WHO first published a manual for the examination of human
semen and semen-cervical mucus interaction in 1980. The WHO criteria of 1987
and 1992 (World Health Organization 1987, 1992; Kruger et al. 1988) which clas-
sify more sperm in the normal category are also widely used in the routine semen
evaluation. True reference ranges have not been established for semen parameters.
The WHO manual also identified standards to exclude influences, such as the health
of patient over the previous spermatogenic cycle, length of sexual abstinence, time,
and temperature. The manual has been regularly updated (1980, 1987, 1992, and
1999). The addition of normal reference values in the WHO manuals has been of
significant help in establishing some consistency of what constitutes a normal value.
The WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human
Semen serves as the basis for semen analysis in most of the recognized laboratories
throughout the world. Table 5.1 shows the cutoff values of various parameters as per
the previous WHO manuals.

5.3 Semen Collection

Semen must be collected after a standardized period of abstinence, usually 3 days

(2–4 days), and the period must be indicated in the laboratory report. The time of
collection, when the semen was liquefied, must be reported, as a delay of longer
than an hour may adversely affect sperm motility (World Health Organization
2010). The standardization is essential to minimize fluctuations in semen quality,
especially sperm count and sperm motility, due to short/long abstinence.
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 57

Table 5.1 Changes in cutoff reference values in WHO guidelines

Semen characteristics 1980 1987 1992 1999 2010a
Volume (ml) ND ≥2 ≥2 ≥2 1.5
Sperm count (106/ml) 20-200 ≥20 ≥20 ≥20 15
Total sperm count (106) ND ≥40 ≥40 ≥40 39
Total motility (% motile) ≥60 ≥50 ≥50 ≥50 40
Progressive motilityb ≥ 2c ≥25 % ≥25 % ≥25 % 32 %
(grade a) (grade a) (a + b)
Vitality (% alive) ND ≥50 ≥75 ≥75 58
Morphology (% normal forms) 80.5 ≥50 ≥30d (14)e 4f
Leukocyte count (106/ml) <4.7 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0
Reproduced from Esteves et al. (2012)
ND = not defined
Lower reference limits generated from the lower fifth centile value
Grade a = rapid progressive motility (>25 μm/s); grade b = slow/sluggish progressive motility
(5–25 μm/s). Normal = 50 % motility (grades a + b) or 25 % progressive motility (grade a) within
60 min of ejaculation
Forward progression (scale 0–3)
Arbitrary value
Value not defined but strict criterion is suggested
Strict (Tygerberg) criterion

5.4 Macroscopic Evaluation of Semen

Semen samples can show substantial variation in physicochemical properties

including color and odor. Pathologically, seminal discoloration may be due to fresh
blood, drugs (pyridium), jaundice, or contamination of semen with urine (e.g., blad-
der neck dysfunction). The complete semen analysis includes analysis of the semen
volume, pH, liquefaction or non-liquefaction, and viscosity.

Volume The normal volume of ejaculate after 2–7 days of sexual abstinence ranges
from 2 to 6 ml. However, there are other possibilities as follows (Vasan 2011;
Bornman and Aneck-Hahn 2012):

1. Aspermia: No ejaculate after orgasm.

2. Hypospermia: Less than 0.5 ml of semen. This can be due to improper collec-
tion, hypogonadism, partial retrograde ejaculation, and congenital bilateral
absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD), and obstruction of lower urinary tract
may yield low volume.
3. Hyperspermia: More than 6 ml of semen. This can be attributed to prolonged
abstinence or excessive secretion from the accessory sex glands and also occurs
in cases of male accessory gland infection (World Health Organization 2010).
58 S.S. Vasan

pH The main component of semen is a coagulated alkaline fluid that comes from
the seminal vesicles. This fluid along with the sperm from the vas deferens empties
through the ejaculatory duct. Prostatic fluid, the second largest component of semi-
nal volume, generally has a relatively acidic pH of 6.5 and combines with the semi-
nal fluid and sperm in the urethra. Prostatic fluid does not traverse the ejaculatory
ducts. Normal semen pH is in the range of 7.2–8.2 and it tends to increase with time
after ejaculation. Changes in pH of semen are usually due to inflammation of the
prostate or seminal vesicles. A low volume sample with measured pH below 7.0
indicates obstruction of the ejaculatory ducts.

Liquefaction Liquefaction of semen depends on coagulation of proteins found in

the seminal fluid as well as the liquefaction by prostate-specific antigen, a proteo-
lytic enzyme, secreted by the prostate. This process may take up to 60 min. If com-
plete liquefaction does not occur after 60 min, it should be noted. Exact liquefaction
time is of no diagnostic importance unless > 2 h elapse without any change. The
clinical significance of abnormalities in liquefaction is still controversial (Keel
1990). Failure to liquefy is usually a sign of inadequate secretion of the proteolytic
enzymes – fibrinolysin, fibrinogenase, and aminopeptidase – by the prostate (Amelar
1962). On the other hand, absence of coagulation may indicate ejaculatory duct
obstruction or congenital absence of seminal vesicles.

Semen Viscosity Viscosity measures the resistance of the seminal fluid to flow.
High viscosity may interfere with determination of sperm motility, concentration,
and antibody coating of spermatozoa. Normally, semen coagulates upon ejaculation
and usually liquefies within 15–20 min. Semen that remains a coagulum is termed
non-liquefied, whereas that which pours in thick strands instead of drops is termed
hyperviscous. Importantly, liquefaction should be differentiated from viscosity, as
abnormalities in viscosity can be the result of abnormal prostate function and/or the
use of an unsuitable type of plastic container. Viscosity of semen is noted after liq-
uefaction, although the clinical significance of hyperviscous semen is controversial.
There is no correlation between seminal hyperviscosity and semen cultures, leuko-
cytes, or presence of sperm antibodies; however, worse outcomes after in vitro fer-
tilization (IVF) with seminal hyperviscosity have been observed (Munuce et al.
1999; Esfandiari et al. 2008). Sperm processing prior to intrauterine insemination
(IUI) can be considered, if there is a clinical concern for hyperviscosity.

5.5 Microscopic Sperm Analysis

Sperm Concentration Concentration of sperm in unstained preparations of fresh/

washed semen sample is determined using, preferably, a phase-contrast microscope
with volumetric dilution and hemocytometry. Sperm count is typically reported as
concentration (millions of sperm per milliliter) as well as total sperm count (sperm
concentration × ml of semen) in the ejaculate. Normozoospermia, oligozoospermia,
and azoospermia are diagnosed based upon total sperm count. Azoospermia refers
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 59

to the absence of sperm in the seminal plasma. Prior to the diagnosis of azoospermia,
the sample should be centrifuged and the pellet examined for the presence of sperm.
Oligozoospermia (also often called oligospermia) refers to seminal plasma concen-
tration < 15 million/ml. This finding can accompany a variety of defects and has
implications for the type of assisted reproductive options that can be utilized, as
there are significant reductions in pregnancy rates (Smith et al. 1977).

Motility The efficient passage of spermatozoa through cervical mucus is dependent

on rapid-progressive motility, that is, spermatozoa must have a forward progression
of a minimum of 25 μm/s (Björndahl 2010; Lindholmer 1974). Reduced sperm
motility can be a symptom of disorders related to male accessory sex gland secre-
tion and the sequential emptying of these glands. Rapid and slow-progressive motil-
ity is calculated by the speed at which sperm moves with flagellar movement in a
given volume as a percentage (range 0–100 %) by counting 200 sperms and classi-
fied as follows:

A. (Rapid progressive motility: > 25 μm/s at 37 °C and > 20 μm/s at 20 °C

Note: 25 μm is approximately equal to 5 head lengths or half a tail length).
B. Slow or sluggish progressive motility
C. Nonprogressive motility (<5 μm/s)
D. Immotile

A normal semen analysis must contain at least 50 % grade A and B progressively

motile spermatozoa (Table 5.1). If greater than 50 % of sperms are immotile, then
the sperms should be checked for viability. Persistent poor motility is a good predic-
tor of failure in fertilization, an outcome that is actually more important when mak-
ing decisions regarding a couple’s treatment options (Aitken et al. 1985).

Vitality Supravital staining differentiates between live and dead sperm and is
assessed when sperm motility is < 50 %. A large proportion of vital, but immotile,
sperm may indicate structural defects in the sperm tail (World Health Organization
1999) or Kartagener’s syndrome. A high percentage of immotile, nonviable (dead)
sperm may indicate epididymal pathology (World Health Organization 2010).
Antisperm antibodies (ASA) may also be present, if the immotile sperms are dead
(Björndahl et al. 2010a).

Morphology The staining of a seminal smear (Papanicolaou Giemsa, Shorr, and

Diff-Quik) allows the quantitative evaluation of normal and abnormal sperm mor-
phological forms in an ejaculate. Smears can be scored for morphology using the
World Health Organization (WHO) classification or by Kruger’s strict criteria
classification (Menkveld et al. 1990). WHO method classifies abnormally shaped
spermatozoa into specific categories based on specific head, tail, and mid-piece
abnormalities, which is based on the appearance of sperm recovered from postcoital
cervical mucus or from the surface of zona pellucida (>30 % normal forms). In con-
trast, Kruger’s strict criteria classifies sperm as normal only if the sperm shape falls
60 S.S. Vasan

within strictly defined parameters of shape, and all borderline forms are considered
abnormal (>14 % normal forms).

1. Head defects: Large, small, tapered, pyriform, round, amorphous, vacuolated

(>20 % of the head area occupied by unstained vacuolar areas) heads with small
acrosomal area (<40 % of head area), double heads, or any combination of these
2. Neck and mid-piece defects: Bent neck; asymmetrical insertion of mid-piece into
the head; thick, irregular mid-piece; abnormally thin mid-piece; or any combina-
tion of these
3. Tail defects: Short, multiple, hairpin, broken, bent, kinked, coiled tails, or any
combination of these
4. Cytoplasmic droplets: Greater than one-third of the area of a normal sperm head

Morphology should be used along with other parameters, and not as an isolated
parameter, when determining clinical implications. It is important to realize that, in
general, pregnancy is possible with low morphology scores and that both motility
and morphology have demonstrated prognostic value, as do combinations of param-
eters (Van Waart et al. 2001; Keegan et al. 2007). The clinical implications of poor
morphology scores remain highly controversial. The initial studies using rigid crite-
ria reported that patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) who had greater
than 14 % normal forms had better fertilization rates (Coetzee et al. 1998). Later
studies reported that most impairment in fertilization rates occurred with morphol-
ogy scores of less than 4 % (Menkveld et al. 1990).

Morphology is a particularly challenging parameter to interpret because of the

subjective nature of the classification and the presence of multiple classification
systems, as well as controversy about the implications of various morphological
features. There are studies correlating fertilization rates with morphology scores
and other studies which show no relationship between morphology scores and IVF
results (Deck and Berger 2000; Schlegel 1997). As there are a number of scoring
methodologies, the clinician should explore and adopt a particular methodology and
reporting for their laboratory. In spite of the controversy about overall morphology
scores, absence of acrosomes or globozoospermia is highly predictive of failure of
fertilization (Male Infertility Best Practice Policy Committee of the American
Urological Association and Practice Committee of the American Society for
Reproductive Medicine 2006).
In view of these findings, it is beneficial for the physician to have a detailed
analysis of the morphological defects in addition to the percentage of normal forms.
In the case of globozoospermia, treatment with intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI) can be more successful compared to IUI (Baker et al. 1994). For some mor-
phology, such as pin head or short tailed, sperms fail to have pronuclei fusion lead-
ing to failure of even ICSI (Dunson et al. 2004). Overall, there is significant difficulty
with defining the relationship between morphology and pregnancy rates, especially
with the management of patients with low morphology scores (Abbey et al. 1992).
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 61

The current evidence suggests that, in general, sperm morphology scores should not
be used in isolation to make patient management decisions.

5.6 Computer-Aided Sperm Analysis (CASA)

Advances in technology and the use of fluorescent DNA stains have facilitated
development of computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA). Determination of sperm
concentration and concentration of progressively motile spermatozoa has been pos-
sible due to the availability of advanced tail detection algorithms (Zinaman et al.
1996; Garrett et al. 2003). CASA can be used for routine diagnostic applications
when specimen is prepared with proper care and adequate quality control pro-
cedures are in place. CASA systems with semiautomated morphology units are
available and can be used to measure sperm concentration, motility, kinematics,
and morphology with high precision. Studies have also shown the significance
of CASA sperm concentration and kinematic parameters in the determination of
in vitro and in vivo fertilization rates (Garrett et al. 2003; Liu et al. 1991; Barratt
et al. 1993). Progress in digital image analysis has brought about greater objectivity
and improved precision to quantitative assessment of sperm morphology (Garrett
and Baker 1995).
Manual semen analysis lacks the ability to measure the kinematics of sperm
motion. CASA is potentially useful because of its capacity to analyze sperm motion
(sperm head and flagellar kinetics), some of which have been shown to be related to
IVF outcome (Fréour et al. 2010). Important kinematic parameters are as follows:

A. Curvilinear velocity: Curvilinear velocity (VCL) is the measure of the rate of

travel of the centroid of the sperm head over a given time period.
B. Average path velocity: Average path velocity (VAP) is the velocity along the
average path of the spermatozoon.
C. Straight-line velocity: Straight-line velocity (VSL) is the linear or progressive
velocity of the cell.
D. Linearity: Linearity of forward progression (LIN) is the ratio of VSL to VCL
and is expressed as percentage.
E. Amplitude of lateral head displacement: Amplitude of lateral head displacement
(ALH) of the sperm head is calculated from the amplitude of its lateral deviation
about the cell’s axis of progression or average path.

Although CASA is very accurate for determining the details of sperm kinetics,
manual assessment of semen is much more accurate in discerning among debris,
crystals, and immotile and dead sperm heads. Therefore, manually assessed sperm
concentrations and number of immotile spermatozoa are much more reliable than
corresponding data obtained by CASA, provided individual is adequately trained
with appropriate internal and external quality control measures (Makler 1978;
Ginsburg and Armant 1990).
62 S.S. Vasan

5.7 Other Markers

The secretion of zinc by the prostate is androgen dependent, and a level of < 2.4 μmol/
ejaculate indicates a low contribution of the fluid to the ejaculate, incomplete collec-
tion of the ejaculate, prostatic inflammation, or androgen insufficiency (Björndahl
et al. 2010b). Fructose is another androgen-dependent secretion emanating mainly
from the seminal vesicles, with a small contribution from the epithelial cell of the
secretory epithelium in the ampulla of the vas deferens. Seminal fructose is used as
a marker of the seminal vesicles and < 13.0 μmol/ejaculate is considered abnormal.
This is seen in hypogonadal men after a short abstinence time, and where ejaculation
or emission of fluid is impaired, such as in neuromuscular diseases, after surgery, in
cases of drug use, and in obstruction in the ejaculatory ducts, or with inflammation in
the vesicles or prostate that may hinder emission (Bornman and Aneck-Hahn 2012).
Infection of the male reproductive tract can directly or indirectly cause infertility
(Mortimer 1994a). Pyospermia is a laboratory finding categorized as the abnormal
presence of leukocytes in human ejaculate and may indicate genital tract inflamma-
tion (Anderson 1995). Polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes are the primary
sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause inflammation, and peroxidase
staining is used to detect their presence (Wolff et al. 1992).
Presence of agglutinated clumps of moving sperm in the semen sample could
hamper the passage of sperm through the cervical mucus, and zonal binding and
passage (Mortimer 1994b). Such clumps are formed by the exposure of spermato-
zoa to systemic immune defense system, due to the release of antisperm antibodies
(ASA). ASA can also cause cell death and immobilized sperm cells. Detection of
ASA bound to the surface of motile sperm is carried out by the mixed agglutination
reaction assay (MAR test; only for IgGs) and the immuno-bead binding assay (for
IgA, IgG, and IgMs) (Jarow and Sanzone 1992).

5.8 Sperm Functional Tests

Tests of Sperm Capacitation Capacitation is a series of biochemical and struc-

tural changes that spermatozoa go through to undergo acrosome reaction (AR) and
be able to fertilize. The process takes place in the female genital tract but can be
induced in vitro by incubating spermatozoa with capacitation-inducing media. It is
thought to have a role in preventing the release of lytic enzymes until spermatozoa
reach the oocyte (Tesarik 1989). One of the signs of capacitation is the display of
hyper-activation by spermatozoa. At the present time, the clinical value of sperm
capacitation testing remains to be determined.

Tests of Hemizona and Zona Pellucida Binding The interaction between

spermatozoa and the zona pellucida is a critical event leading to fertilization
and reflects multiple sperm functions (i.e., completion of capacitation as mani-
fested by the ability to bind to the zona pellucida and to undergo ligand-induced
AR) (Oehninger et al. 1994; Liu and Baker 2003; Consensus workshop on
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 63

advanced diagnostic andrology techniques. ESHRE (European Society of Human

Reproduction and Embryology) Andrology Special Interest Group 1996). The most
common sperm-zona pellucida binding tests currently utilized are the hemizona
assay (or HZA) and a competitive intact-zona binding assay (Quintero et al. 2005;
Fénichel et al. 1991). The HZA which uses non-fertilized oocytes is useful to deter-
mine the cause, in couples who have failed to fertilize during regular IVF. As the
binding is species-specific, human zona must be used, thus limiting the utility of
these assays (Fénichel et al. 1991; Cross et al. 1986). The induced AR assays appear
to be equally predictive of fertilization outcome and are simpler in their methodolo-
gies. The use of a calcium ionophore to induce AR is currently the most widely used
methodology (Henkel et al. 1993; Katsuki et al. 2005).

Sperm Penetration Assay This assay is also called as sperm capacitation index or
zona-free hamster oocyte penetration assay. The concept of the sperm penetration
assay was introduced by Yanagamachi (1972; Yanagimachi et al. 1976). It yields
information regarding the fertilizing capacity of human spermatozoa by testing
capacitation, AR, sperm/oolemma fusion, sperm incorporation into the ooplasm,
and decondensation of the sperm chromatin during the process. However, penetra-
tion of the zona pellucida and normal embryonic development are not tested. The
spermatozoa penetration assay (SPA) utilizes the golden hamster egg, which is
unusual in that removal of its zona pellucida results in loss of all species specificity
to egg penetration. Thus, a positive SPA does not guarantee fertilization of intact
human eggs nor their embryonic development, whereas a negative SPA has not been
found to correlate with poor fertilization in human IVF (Yanagimachi et al. 1976).
The acrosin assay, an indirect measure of sperm’s penetrating capability, measures
acrosin, which may be responsible for penetration of the zona pellucida and also
triggering the AR (Rogers and Brentwood 1982). Measurement of acrosin is thought
to correlate with sperm binding to and penetration of the zona pellucida (Cross et al.
1986; Cummins et al. 1991).

Tests of Sperm DNA Damage Mammalian fertilization involves the direct inter-
action of the sperm and the oocyte, fusion of the cell membranes, and union of male
and female gamete genomes. Although a small percentage of spermatozoa from
fertile men also possess detectable levels of DNA damage, which is repaired by
oocyte cytoplasm, there is evidence to show that the spermatozoa of infertile men
possess substantially more DNA damage that may adversely affect reproductive
outcomes (Evenson et al. 1999; Zini et al. 2001). There appears to be a threshold of
sperm DNA damage which can be repaired by oocyte cytoplasm (i.e., abnormal
chromatin packaging, protamine deficiency) beyond which embryo development
and pregnancy are impaired (Ahmadi and Ng 1999; Cho et al. 2003).

A. DNA damage – direct tests

(a) Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate
(dUTP) nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay
(b) COMET assay
64 S.S. Vasan

B. DNA damage – indirect tests

(a) Sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA)
(b) Sperm chromatin dispersion assay
(c) Sperm fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis (FISH)

Overall, studies suggest that there is no significant relationship between sperm

DNA damage and fertilization rate or pregnancy outcomes at IVF or IVF/ICSI
(Bungum et al. 2007; Payne et al. 2005; Zini et al. 2005; Borini et al. 2006; Benchaib
et al. 2007). However, there is evidence to suggest that sperm DNA damage is asso-
ciated with poor pregnancy outcome after standard IVF (Lin et al. 2008; Frydman
et al. 2008). Sperm FISH analysis may be useful in (a) infertile men with sex chro-
mosome numerical anomalies, prior to ICSI; (b) infertile men with structural chro-
mosome anomalies, prior to ICSI; (c) infertile men with severe oligozoospermia,
prior to ICSI; and (d) couples with a history of recurrent miscarriages and trisomic

Assessment of Reactive Oxygen Species Reactive oxygen species, (ROS) also

referred to as free radicals, are formed as a by-product of oxygen metabolism.
Contaminating leukocytes are the predominant source of ROS in these suspensions
(Aitken et al. 1989a, b). They can be eradicated by enzymes (e.g., catalase or gluta-
thione peroxidase) or by nonenzymatic antioxidants, such as albumin, glutathione,
and hypotaurine, as well as by vitamins C and E. Small amounts of ROS may be
necessary for the initiation of critical sperm functions, including capacitation and
AR. On the other hand, a high ROS level produces a state known as oxidative stress
that can lead to biochemical or physiologic abnormalities with subsequent cellular
dysfunction or cell death. Significant levels of ROS can be detected in the semen of
25 % of infertile men, whereas fertile men do not have a detectable level of semen
ROS (Aitken et al. 1989b, 1991; Agarwal et al. 2006). Sperm ROS can be measured
by using cellular probes coupled with flow cytometry by the detection of chemilu-
minescence (Marchetti et al. 2002). Briefly, this is done by incubating fresh semen
or sperm suspensions with a redox-sensitive, light-emitting probe (e.g., luminol)
and by measuring the light emission over time with a luminometer. The clinical
value of semen ROS determination in predicting IVF outcome remains unproven,
but identifying oxidative stress as an underlying cause of sperm dysfunction has the
advantage for suggesting possible therapies. Administration of antioxidants has
been attempted in several trials with mixed results. Currently, there are no estab-
lished semen ROS cutoff values that can be used to predict reproductive outcomes
(Agarwal et al. 2005, 2008).

Sperm Proteomics Sperm proteomics, an experimental technique, used exten-

sively in several branches of medicine, may identify some of the molecular targets
implicated in sperm dysfunction (Aitken and Baker 2008). Sperm proteomics
allows comparison of protein structure of normal and defective spermatozoa
(Aitken 2010).
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 65

5.9 Pre-2010 WHO Guidelines

Prior to 2010, semen analyses were performed mainly according to the WHO
guidelines (World Health Organization 1992) to obtain volume, pH, sperm con-
centration, motility, and morphology. Sperm concentration was determined with
the use of a Makler counting chamber. Motility was expressed as the percentage
of motile spermatozoa and their mean speed, or motility quality (on a scale of 1–6,
where 1 stands for immotile and 6 for very fast progressive motile, i.e., 100 μm/s).
For sperm morphology evaluation, two slides were prepared of each sample after
incubation of the semen samples with trypsin (10 min at room temperature); one
slide was used for routine morphology evaluation by WHO criteria and the other
for strict criteria evaluation. For evaluation according to WHO criteria, smears
were flame-fixed and stained with methylene blue/eosin. At least 100 cells were
examined per slide, with a final magnification of x1000. Each slide was evaluated
independently by two technicians. There should not be any statistically significant
difference (by Pearson’s correlation matrix analysis) between the results of the two
observers. The slides for evaluation by strict criteria were stained according to the
Papanicolaou method and evaluated (Menkveld et al. 1990). In addition to the mor-
phology evaluation according to strict criteria, the acrosome index (AI) and tera-
tozoospermia index (TZI) were also determined (World Health Organization 1992;
Menkveld and Kruger 1996).

Teratozoospermia Index The TZI is an indication of the number of abnormalities

present per abnormal spermatozoon. According to the 1992 WHO manual (World
Health Organization 1992), each abnormal spermatozoon can have one to four
abnormalities, viz., a head abnormality, a neck/mid-piece abnormality, a tail abnor-
mality, or the presence of a cytoplasmic residue. These abnormalities can occur as a
single defect or in a combination of two, three, or all four abnormalities simultane-
ously. The classification of spermatozoa for the TZI is recorded simultaneously, on
a five-key laboratory counter, with the recording of spermatozoa as normal or
abnormal, in specific classes. The total number of abnormalities recorded are added
together and divided by the total number of abnormal spermatozoa, i.e., 100 minus
the percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa.

Acrosome Index Sperm acrosomal morphology was evaluated by light micros-

copy at ×1250 oil magnification based on acrosomal size and form as well as stain-
ing characteristics (Menkveld and Kruger 1996). Results were expressed as the AI
(% normal acrosomes). For the evaluation of acrosome morphology, the same
principles as for the evaluation of normal sperm morphology according to strict
criteria are applicable. For an acrosome to be regarded as normal, the acrosome
must have a smooth normal oval shape, with the same dimensions as for a normal
spermatozoon. Acrosomes must be well-defined and comprising about 40–70 % of
the normal-sized sperm head. The post-acrosomal part of the sperm head can be
abnormal, but the rest of the spermatozoon must be normal; thus no neck/mid-piece
66 S.S. Vasan

and tail abnormalities and no cytoplasmic residue may be present. If the spermatozoon
is classified as normal, the acrosome must always be classified as normal. The acro-
some evaluation can be performed simultaneously with the routine morphology
evaluation and the TZI, with the use of two laboratory counters. As with the normal
sperm morphology, at least 100 spermatozoa are evaluated. The repeatability of the
AI is be determined and should be within acceptable limits.

Reference Intervals Reference intervals are the most widely used tool for the
interpretation of clinical laboratory results. Reference interval development has
classically relied on concepts elaborated by the International Federation of Clinical
Chemistry Expert Panel on Reference Values during the 1980s. These guidelines
involve obtaining and classifying samples from a healthy population of at least 120
individuals and then identifying the outermost 5 % of observations to use in defining
limits for two-sided or one-sided reference intervals. Pre-2010 WHO guidelines
were based on data obtained from laboratories that used different methodologies
and examined different male populations, not supported by standardized methods or
without the definition of fertile population. The male population studied included
men without proven paternity, patients of human reproduction clinics that sought
treatment, semen donors, and vasectomy candidates. Semen donors can be fertile
and vasectomy candidates are very likely to be fertile, although there is no data
about how long it took for their partners to get pregnant (Cooper et al. 2010). The
cutoff point of 20 × 106/ml was suggested as the lower normal value for sperm con-
centration in an ejaculate (World Health Organization 1999). However, there are
studies indicating sperm concentrations of subfertile men to be less than 13.5 × 106/
ml (Guzick et al. 2001) and 31.2 × 106/ml for fertility status (Nallella et al. 2006).
Therefore, caution must be exercised with interpretation of the semen analysis
based upon the reference values as men may be infertile with “normal” semen
parameters or alternatively can be fertile with markedly “abnormal” semen profiles.
There is likely no upper limit of semen morphology, motility, or count as pregnancy
rates appear to generally increase with increasing numbers as well as improved
sperm morphology and motility (Garrett et al. 2003).

Sperm Morphology The clinical implications of poor morphology scores remain

highly controversial. Initial studies evaluating the utility of strict sperm morphology
in predicting fertilization rates during IVF used a score of greater than 14 % for
normal. However, subsequent studies reported fertilization rates were lowest for
patients with morphology scores of less than 4 %. Pregnancy rates have also been
reported to be suboptimal with lower scores (Coetzee et al. 1998), but some recent
studies have reported no relationship of morphology to IVF results (Keegan et al.
2007). The relationship between morphology scores and pregnancy rates with (IUI)
(Van Waart et al. 2001; Spiessens et al. 2003; Shibahara et al. 2004) and intercourse
(Guzick et al. 2001; Gunalp et al. 2001) have been examined; however, there has
been no consensus on thresholds and management implications of poor morphology
scores. Certain rare morphological abnormalities, such as sperm without acrosomes
(globozoospermia), are highly predictive of failure to fertilize ova, yet in most cases
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 67

fertilization and pregnancy are possible even with very low morphology scores.
Although most clinicians utilize strict morphology in everyday practice, most stud-
ies have not addressed the significance of isolated low morphology in patients with
otherwise normal semen parameters.

5.10 Need for Revised Guidelines

Human semen is very different from other body fluids, mainly because of its hetero-
geneity. Heterogeneity leads to several negative effects on the quality of the semen
analysis. Some of the problems with the interpretation of semen analysis arise from
the fact that production of spermatozoa is known to vary in the same individual and
that semen analysis technique is poorly standardized. Many conditions including
the duration of ejaculatory abstinence, activity of the accessory sex glands, analyti-
cal errors, and inherent biological variability account for the discrepancies (Berman
et al. 1996; Carlsen et al. 2004; Sanchez-Pozo et al. 2013; Hamada et al. 2012).
Analysis on multiple ejaculates from the same individual is recommended before
characterizing a man as normal or infertile due to the large within-subject variation
in sperm parameters (Keel 2006). In one study, the within-subject variability of 20
healthy subjects assessed over a 10-week follow-up ranged from 10.3 to 26.8 %
(Alvarez et al. 2003). Concentration showed the highest within-subject variation
(26.8 %), followed by morphology (19.6 %) and progressive motility (15.2 %),
whereas vitality had the lowest variation (10.3 %). For these reasons, it would not be
suitable to take the results of a single semen specimen as a surrogate for a man’s
ability to father a child, unless it is at extremely low levels (Jequier 2005). Hence, it
is prudent that clinicians request at least two semen specimens following 2–5 days
of ejaculatory abstinence to allow a better understanding of the baseline semen
quality status of a given individual (Berman et al. 1996; Carlsen et al. 2004; Sanchez-
Pozo et al. 2013). In view of the intra- and interindividual variations in semen qual-
ity, population-based reference values are expected to have better utility in
assessments of fertility (Esteves 2014). In addition, conventional semen analysis
does not test for the diverse array of biological properties of spermatozoa that are
responsible to bring about pregnancy. Table 5.1 displays the changes in semen anal-
ysis reference values in different editions of the WHO manual. Following publica-
tion of WHO 2010 manual, several semen analysis parameters and their
recommended ranges prescribed by new guidelines became the topic of intense dis-
cussion. In this section, each of them is considered in some detail.

Sperm Motility Surprisingly, 2010 WHO manual abandons the distinction

between slow- and rapid-progressive spermatozoa. The reasoning for this change
appears to be primarily based on the observation that poorly trained technicians can-
not distinguish between the two categories in a repeatable and reliable manner
(Mortimer 1994c). In fact, the quality of sperm motility is a prime factor to be con-
sidered in a semen analysis (MacLeod and Gold 1951). In addition, proper training
and achievement of intra- and interobserver standardization is essential to assess

Table 5.2 Distribution of values, lower reference limits, and their 95 % CI for semen parameters from fertile men whose partners has a time-to-pregnancy of
12 months or less
Parameter N 2.5 (95 % CI) 5 (95 % CI) 10 25 50 75 90 95 97.5
Semen volume (ml) 1941 1.2 (1.0–1.3) 1.5 (1.4–1.7) 2 2.7 3.7 4.8 6 6.8 7.6
Sperm concentration (106/ml) 1859 9 (8–11) 15 (12–16) 22 41 73 116 169 213 259
Total number (106/ml) 1859 23 (18–29) 39 (33–46) 69 142 255 422 647 802 928
Total motility (PR + NP,%)a 1781 34 (33–37) 40 (38–42) 45 53 61 69 75 78 81
Progressive motility (PR, %)a 1780 28 (25–29) 32 (31–34) 39 47 55 62 69 72 75
Normal forms (%) 1851 3 (2.0–3.0) 4 (3.0–4.0) 5.5 9 15 24.5 36 44 48
Vitality (%) 428 53 (48–56) 58 (55–63) 64 72 79 84 88 91 92
Reproduced from Cooper et al. (2010)
PR progressive motility (WHO, 1999 grades a + b), NP nonprogressive motility (WHO, 1999 grade c). The values are from unweighted raw data. For a
two-sided distribution the 2.5th and 97.5th centiles provide the reference limits; for a one-sided distribution, the fifth centile provides the lower reference limit
S.S. Vasan
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 69

sperm motility. The arguments posited by the WHO have been refuted elsewhere
(Björndahl 2010; Eliasson 2010). Very importantly, there are clinical data both from
manual sperm motility assessments and computer-aided sperm analysis showing the
distinction of rapidly progressive spermatozoa to be biologically, and hence clini-
cally, important. This evidence ranges from the ability of spermatozoa to penetrate
cervical mucus (Aitken et al. 1985; Mortimer et al. 1986) and in vivo conceptions
(Comhaire et al. 1988; Barratt et al. 1992) to clinical outcome studies in donor
insemination (Irvine and Aitken 1986), IUI (Bollendorf et al. 1996), and IVF
(Bollendorf et al. 1996; Sifer et al. 2005). Even with regard to ICSI, the straight-line
velocity of the individual spermatozoa subsequently injected into the oocyte has
been shown to have a significant effect on fertilization outcome (Van den Bergh
et al. 1998). In view of these evidences, it is scientifically and clinically inappropri-
ate to abandon the differentiation of rapid- and slow-progressive spermatozoa.

Sperm Morphology WHO 2010 manual has fully adopted the Tygerberg Strict
Criteria for normal sperm morphology (Menkveld et al. 1990). These criteria are
based on the typical morphology of spermatozoa that are able to migrate through
cervical mucus and bind to the zona pellucida, even though in “normal” men only a
small proportion of spermatozoa correspond to the typical morphology (Menkveld
et al. 2011). As a consequence, an extra measure that includes the different types of
abnormalities can provide additional useful information by identifying men with
more severe disturbances in sperm form and related function, e.g., the multiple
anomalies index (MAI) (Jouannet et al. 1988) and the teratozoospermia index (TZI)
(Menkveld et al. 1998; Mortimer et al. 1990; Mortimer and Menkveld 2001).

The TZI is an indirect indication of (i) the risk of what appeared to be normal
spermatozoa actually having defects that were invisible at the level of observation
and (ii) just how badly affected spermiogenesis was in the man and hence how
impaired his sperm fertilizing ability might be (Mortimer and Menkveld 2001). The
TZI can provide extra information in cases where there are very few morphological
normal forms, as presence of 4 or 6 % normal forms is considered to reflect a major
difference in clinical significance. TZI would be highly pertinent when interpreting
sperm morphology assessments based on counts of just 200 spermatozoa, and there
will not be a statistically significant difference between 4 and 6 % normal form val-
ues at 95 % confidence interval (Björndahl et al. 2010a).
In the 2010 WHO manual, the assessment of multiple sperm defects has been
relegated to “Optional Procedures,” although calculation of the TZI has been cor-
rected to be out of four instead of three, as erroneously used in the 4th edition
(World Health Organization 1999). Even if only % normal spermatozoa is reported,
the actual assessment procedure should include all the characteristics/criteria
needed for TZI since recording the prevalence of the four categories of morphologi-
cal deviations is essential for quality control (internal and external) purposes. In
terms of clinical application of the TZI, the consensus-based WHO Manual for the
Standardized Investigation, Diagnosis and Management of the Infertile Male (Rowe
et al. 2000) has commented that, together with the introduction of the Tygerberg
70 S.S. Vasan

Strict Criteria in the 1999 WHO laboratory manual, the TZI had been included to
provide additional information to facilitate discrimination of the extent of impair-
ment of sperm functional potential in men with very low numbers of normal sper-
matozoa. In addition, applicable reference values based on the four defect category
TZI could be have been included in the manual.

Retention of the Use of Nomenclature Terms The WHO 2010 manual retains the
use of nomenclature terms such as oligozoospermia. Such terms simply classify the
perceived quality of the semen but do not identify, or even suggest, biological cause
or real fertility potential (Eliasson 1977, 2010; Eliasson et al. 1970; Bostofte et al.
1981) and hence are not very helpful. Many experts have discussed the possible
reference values and such nomenclature, and probably the most useful approach is
to provide three interpretation categories: normal, doubtful, and pathological or not
normal (Guzick et al. 2001; Björndahl 2010; Eliasson 1977).

Multiple Methods and Nonlinear Method Presentation WHO 2010 still includes
multiple methods for performing some of the tests, with poor explanations of their
relative merits or otherwise, e.g., determination of low sperm concentrations in
semen, alternative stains for sperm morphology assessment (e.g., Diff-QuikTM), and
the use of eosin without a counterstain for sperm vitality assessment. Some of the
methods (e.g., sperm concentration) are also presented in a complex manner (World
Health Organization 2010). These issues diminish the practical usefulness and will
delay adoption of the WHO 2010 guidelines. Lack of clear step-by-step protocols
for easy implementation and routine use, information on the limitations of the meth-
ods, etc., make it harder for a laboratory to adapt a method into its standard operat-
ing procedure.

Inconsistencies and Errors There are several errors and inconsistencies in WHO
2010. One method particularly affected by this is the determination of sperm vitality
using eosin-nigrosin staining: (1) The cutoff to perform a vitality assessment has
been changed from 50 % immotile spermatozoa (World Health Organization 1992,
1999) to “less than about 40 % progressively motile spermatozoa” (World Health
Organization 2010). The change is illogical since nonprogressively motile sperma-
tozoa are clearly still “live,” and (2) the interpretation criteria for eosin staining has
been changed arbitrarily so that “light pink heads are considered alive” (World
Health Organization 2010). This is contrary to papers on eosin exclusion staining
for mammalian sperm vitality going back 60 years. The standard criterion is that
any degree of pink coloration indicates that a spermatozoon is not “live” (Mortimer
1994a) with the sole, strict, exception of the “leaky neck” staining artifact where
faint pink coloration might be seen in the very posterior region of the sperm head
(Björndahl et al. 2003, 2004). The revised criterion in WHO 2010 is clearly wrong
and will affect the results obtained.

Unnecessary Extra Work In WHO 2010, it is stated that both sperm vitality
and sperm morphology assessments must be made in duplicate, evaluating 200
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 71

spermatozoa in each replicate “in order to achieve an acceptably low sampling error”
(World Health Organization 2010). These requirements represent substantial extra
work for what are unestablished improvements in accuracy and/or precision in the
final results. Indeed, Menkveld has previously established the adequacy of a single
assessment of sperm morphology on 200 cells from a single slide (Menkveld et al.
1990), and with a binary endpoint such as vitality, any possible improvement will be
minimal. Similarly, the improved method for determining low values of sperm con-
centration leads to substantial extra work to improve accuracy or precision, which
may not provide any increase in clinical value to be useful from a diagnostic or
prognostic perspective. For each of these changes, the WHO manual should have
provided justifications for the substantial extra effort and hence costs involved.

Illogical Sperm Preparation Methods WHO 2010 still allows simple centrifugal
washing of spermatozoa for “good-quality” semen samples. Unfortunately, one can-
not be certain that an ejaculate is free from the attendant risks of reactive oxygen
species damage (Aitken and Clarkson 1987, 1988; Mortimer 1991) without assess-
ing both sperm morphology for spermatozoa with retained cytoplasm and verifying
the absence of peroxidase-positive leukocytes. To achieve both of these between
completion of semen liquefaction and the need to commence sperm preparation by
30 min post-ejaculation is clearly impossible on a routine basis (Björndahl et al.
2010a; Mortimer 2000). The density-gradient method mentioned in the WHO 2010
contains numerous errors. It requires the addition of 10 ml of a 10× medium to
90 ml of a “density-gradient medium” of silane-coated colloidal silica, although all
commercially available silanized colloidal silica sperm preparation products since
1997 are already isotonic. The only colloidal silica product that is not already iso-
tonic is Percoll (which is polyvinyl alcohol-coated silica) and it has been banned
from clinical use by its manufacturer effective 1 January 1997 (Mortimer 2000).
WHO 2010 perpetuates the incorrect colloid layers that have been in the WHO
laboratory manual since 1992 (World Health Organization 1992), using a 72 %
colloid-equivalent lower layer, which is too low in density (i.e., 1.1 g/ml). While
this will provide an apparently higher yield, it only does so by allowing poorer qual-
ity spermatozoa into the pellet (Björndahl et al. 2010a; Mortimer 2000). Finally,
WHO 2010 still recommends Ham’s F10 medium for all sperm preparation methods,
even after 15 years of a clear recommendation that it should not be used for this
purpose due to its iron content (Gomez and Aitken 1996).

The Delusion of Suddenly Changed Limits Between Fertile and Subfertile

men The part of WHO 2010 that has caught most attention in the field of reproduc-
tive medicine is the lowered reference limits calculated from results on semen pro-
vided by recent fathers and men in a general population. It appears that there is a
common belief that the biology of subfertility has changed as a result of the lower-
ing of the “normal/fertile” reference limits or ranges. There are, however, a number
of problems related to the establishment of reference ranges based only on individu-
als without the disorder, i.e., men who are not subfertile (Björndahl 2011).
Furthermore, since the data were collected during a long period of time, and external
72 S.S. Vasan

quality control had not been implemented in all contributing laboratories (Cooper
et al. 2010), the validity of the suggested reference limits can be questioned. Due to
the considerable overlap of results from fertile and subfertile men, a valid approach
would be to identify three zones: (i) “normal results,” i.e., a low probability of sub-
fertility and high probability of fertility; (ii) “abnormal results,” i.e., a high probabil-
ity of subfertility and low probability of fertility; and (iii) “borderline results,” i.e.,
no clear discrimination between subfertility and fertility (Björndahl 2010; Björndahl
et al. 2010a). Dividing the range of results into these three zones is well established
in andrology (Mortimer 1994a; Eliasson 1977), and the material presented in WHO
2010 provides no evidence that might contradict the validity of this principle.

A further concern regarding the origin of the WHO 2010 reference values is that
the data came from studies on semen samples obtained after 2–7 days of abstinence,
as has been advocated in all five editions of the WHO manual. This persistently
ignores the fact that MacLeod and Gold (1952) clearly demonstrated that ejaculate
volume, and sperm concentration in particular, increase considerably with each day
of increasing abstinence: e.g., sperm concentration more than doubled when the
abstinence increased from 3 to 10 days. Similar results have been reported by others
(Mortimer et al. 1982). For the purpose of standardization, and especially compari-
sons between groups, it is therefore of the utmost importance that the prescribed
period of abstinence before a semen analysis should be from 3 to 4 days (Björndahl
et al. 2010a; Menkveld 2007). The fact that abstinence periods were not so stan-
dardized in the source studies for the WHO 2010 casts further doubt on the useful-
ness of the derived reference values.
In the most recent 2010 manual (World Health Organization 2010), the WHO
has published new criteria for human semen characteristics that are markedly lower
than those previously reported. It is noteworthy that the WHO manual reports refer-
ence values identified in fertile population rather than the minimum requirements for
male fertility. The reference ranges have been identified based on the assessment of
4,500 men from 14 different countries whose partners were able to conceive within
12 months (Cooper et al. 2010). Cooper et al. have published updated reference val-
ues obtained from analyses of multi-country data from laboratories that have used
the WHO standard methodology for semen analysis (World Health Organization
1987, 1992, 1999). For the first time, semen analysis results from recent fathers
with known time-to-pregnancy (TTP), defined as months (or cycles) from stop-
ping contraception to achieving a pregnancy, were analyzed. Raw data obtained
from five studies of seven countries in three continents were pooled then assessed
(Stewart et al. 2009; Slama et al. 2002; Swan et al. 2003; Jensen et al. 2001; Haugen
et al. 2006; Auger et al. 2001). Approximately 1,900 men, who had fathered a child
within 1 year of trying to initiate pregnancy, provided a sample of semen each for
sperm counts, motility, and volume assessments. Data on sperm morphology were
extracted from four studies comprising approximately 1,800 men, whereas sperm
vitality, assessed by the eosin-nigrosin method, was obtained from approximately
400 men of two countries (Stewart et al. 2009; Swan et al. 2003; Haugen et al.
2006; Auger et al. 2001). The mean ± SD male age was 31 ± 5 years (range 18–53 y)
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 73

and only ten men were over 45 years old. Participating laboratories practiced inter-
nal and external quality control and used standardized methods for semen analysis
according to the WHO manual for the examination of human semen current at the
time of the original studies (Cooper et al. 2010). The 95 % reference intervals are
commonly referenced with the lower 2.5 and 5 percentile being used as limits for
two- and one-sided distributions (Table 5.2). The fifth centile was proposed as the
lower reference cutoff limit for “normality” (Cooper et al. 2010).
Data from three other groups have been used for comparison: (1) “unscreened”
men from the general population or young volunteers participating in hormonal
contraception studies, considered representatives of the general population (965
samples, 7 studies, 5 countries, 3 continents); (2) “screened” men from different
origins, of unknown fertility but with semen analysis within reference values (934
samples, 4 studies, 4 countries, 3 continents, 2 WHO multinational studies); and (3)
fertile men with unknown TTP, representing the group and all ranges of fecundity –
normal or moderately or severely impaired (817 samples, 2 studies, 2 continents, 2
WHO multinational studies).
The assessment of progressive motility according to grades, as recommended by
the previous WHO manuals, has been replaced by categorizing motile sperm as
being “progressive” or “nonprogressive.” In addition, the strict criterion for mor-
phology assessment was incorporated as the standard method. The lower limits of
these distributions were lower than the values presented in previous editions except
for the total sperm number per ejaculate (World Health Organization 1987, 1992,
1999, 2010).
The very low cutoff value for sperm morphology of 4 % morphologically normal
spermatozoa, as proposed in the new edition of the WHO manual on semen analy-
sis, is in agreement with recently published values and reflects the trend of a decline
in reported mean values for normal sperm morphology. The reduced value for mor-
phologically normal spermatozoa over the years may be due to several factors. The
first is the introduction of strict criteria for the evaluation of sperm morphology.
Other reasons may include the introduction of additional criteria for sperm mor-
phology abnormalities and the suggested decrease in semen parameters because of
increasing negative environmental influences. The newly proposed very low normal
value may not provide the strong predictive value for a males’ fertility potential.
However, certain morphology patterns and sperm abnormalities are now known to
be of strong prognostic value. A good predictive value can be obtained by following
the holistic, strict approach for sperm morphology and related parameter evaluation
(Menkveld 2010).

5.11 Impact of 2010 WHO Guidelines

Several studies have evaluated consequences of revised reference limits and other
parameters proposed in the 2010 WHO guidelines. Catanzariti et al. have reevalu-
ated the results of semen analysis of 427 men using the new criteria. Almost 16 %
of the patients, considered infertile according to the old criteria, were evaluated to
74 S.S. Vasan

be normal by the new classification and they would not need any treatment for
infertility (Catanzariti et al. 2013). Their study also demonstrated that none of the
patients that were previously considered normal changed to abnormal, according to
the new classification, but some patients, about 15 %, changed from abnormal to
normal by the new classification.
In a recent study by Baker et al., fertility categories were assigned as follows: BE
(below WHO 2010 criteria), BTWN (above WHO 2010 criteria but below WHO
1999 criteria), and N (above WHO 1999 criteria) (Baker et al. 2015). A total of
82.3 % of initial semen tests were categorized as BE, and the predominance of this
category was unchanged by publication of the WHO 2010 criteria. Men with initial
semen analysis categorized as BTWN or N represented 16.2 and 1.5 % of the refer-
ral population, respectively. Subjects initially categorized as BTWN were more
likely to change fertility categories, and overwhelmingly this migration was down-
ward. Analysis of normal individual semen parameters revealed statistically worse
mean concentration and motility when at least one other parameter fell below the
WHO 2010 criteria (Baker et al. 2015).
Estaves et al. also mention about reclassification of data involving 982 men that
had abnormal semen analysis results based on the 1990 WHO criteria. Approximately
39 % of these men would be reclassified as “normal” by the new 2010 criteria.
Morphology itself accounted for over 50 % of the reclassifications (Esteves 2014).
Semen parameters below the WHO 2010 reference limits will be used to define
male infertility and to recommend further evaluation and treatment. Such recom-
mendation will not address the case of unexplained infertility presenting with at
least two normal semen analysis and no identifiable causes after a thorough work-up
including history, physical examination, and endocrine laboratory testing in the
absence of female infertility (Hamada et al. 2012). The use of the new WHO 2010
reference values will lead to more men to be classified as “fertile.” As a result,
assessment of semen analysis alone as a surrogate measure for male fertility may
lead to nondiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of male infertility.
The WHO 2010 reference limit will also impact recommendation for further
treatment based on the results of semen analysis. Current guidelines propose treat-
ment to men with clinical varicoceles in the presence of abnormal semen analyses
(Male Infertility Best Practice Policy Committee of the American Urological
Association and Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive
Medicine 2004; Dohle et al. 2012; de Radiologia and Projeto Diretrizes da
Associacao Medica Brasileira 2013; Practice Committee of American Society for
Reproductive Medicine 2008), but the application of the new WHO reference values
might lead to their ineligibility for treatment if their semen parameters are above the
fifth centile. This may prevent them from achieving a substantial improvement in
semen parameters and a greater chance of spontaneous pregnancy (Esteves 2014).
The threshold for normal sperm in terms of sperm morphology (strict criteria;
Tygerberg method) has been lowered to 4 % in the WHO 2010 criteria compared to
14 % in the previous 1999 standards. Murray et al. have shown that 15.9–19.3 % of
men would be reclassified as having normal morphology of > 4 % from having been
abnormal in the past, i.e., < 14 % (Murray et al. 2012). This could lead to increased
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 75

recommendation of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) instead of conventional

IVF or intrauterine insemination (IUI) as the pregnancy outcome of IVF and IUI are
significantly lower when semen with low proportion of normal sperm is used (Van
Waart et al. 2001; Coetzee et al. 1998). However, 5 % of the subject population used
to determine the reference limits themselves had less than 4 % cutoff for normal
sperm morphology. Medical disease associated with male infertility may also be
missed with fewer men potentially being defined as infertile by the new reference
values. Kolettis and Sabanegh (2001) found that 6 % of infertile men were found to
have significant medical pathology detected by the infertility work-up.

5.12 Limitations of the 2010 WHO Standards

The significance of a cutoff value defining fertile from nonfertile men without
knowledge of the overall clinical history is a concern (World Health Organization
1999, 2010). The values created in the 2010 WHO study were from 4,500 fertile
men, and analyses of semen from infertile men were not performed. Therefore,
WHO did not define men as infertile if they were below the one-sided 95 % confi-
dence interval of fertile men. The value of semen analysis parameters themselves
has been questioned with other functional sperm abnormalities potentially evident
that are independent from the current measured parameters (Barratt et al. 2011;
Esteves et al. 2012).
The assignment of 5th centile as a discriminating cutoff value in male reproduc-
tive potential is a new development. More specifically, the 5th-centile values for
semen parameters were generated on the basis of broader statistical norms and not
on the basis of any clinical outcomes from fertile and infertile men. In other words,
there is no clear evidence that application of these values effectively segregates men
on the basis of their fertility, yet that is exactly how these new ranges are being
applied clinically all over the world. As noted by Niederberger (2011), although
5th-centile values are commonly used as cutoff markers in statistics, the ability of
this arbitrarily assigned cutoff point to provide meaningful information about a
male’s fertility potential is questionable (Yerram et al. 2012).
There are pitfalls with reference limits and the proper use of such limits is essen-
tial for the interpretation of the results of semen analysis. It is critical to understand
the statistical basis of reference ranges and cutoff limits and the importance of stan-
dardizing methods and practical laboratory training. Proper understanding of bio-
logical and physiological variability is also essential for the correct interpretation of
semen analysis results. Understanding all the factors influencing semen analyses is
of great importance for the development of the entire field of reproductive medicine
(Björndahl 2011).
The reference population needs to be carefully defined for the intended clinical
use of semen analysis. To determine appropriate reference intervals for use in male
fertility assessment, a reference population of men with documented time-to-
pregnancy of <12 months would be the most suitable. However, for epidemiological
assessment, a reference population made up of unselected healthy men would be
76 S.S. Vasan

preferred. Currently, reference and decision limits derived for individual semen
analysis test results are the interpretational tools of choice. In the long term, inter-
pretation of semen analysis in combination with information from the female part-
ner using multivariate methods will be necessary for the assessment of the likelihood
of achieving a successful pregnancy in a subfertile couple (Boyd 2010).
Appropriate interpretation of the seminal analysis should be based on the depend-
ability of the laboratory and the medical knowledge about the meaning of the semi-
nal alterations. A recent study compared the evaluation of semen parameters from
three laboratories, using the WHO recommendations for reporting sperm count,
motility, and morphology. In a study by Montes et al., there was a statistical signifi-
cant interlaboratory variability of the parameters studied (p < 0.001). The observed
mean coefficients of variation intra-observer (CVs) were 3.6 % for sperm count,
20.3 % for motility, and 9.4 % for sperm morphology (Rivera-Montes et al. 2013).
Procedures for the quality control of semen analysis methods have been introduced
recently. However, there are issues relating to the methodology of Cooper et al.
(1999, 2002). Even with internal and external quality controls, semen analysis is
operator dependent and subjective assessment, especially so for sperm morphology
(Menkveld 2010; Keel et al. 2000).
The methodology employed to determine the reference ranges in WHO 2010
manual gives rise to important concerns on careful examination. It appears unsound
to assume that the 2010 reference standards represented the distribution of fertile
men across the globe (Esteves et al. 2012; Vieira 2013). The group of studied men
represented a limited population of individuals who lived in large cities in the
Northern hemisphere, but for a small subset of men from Australia. Of note it was
the absence of men from densely populated areas in Asia, the Middle East, Latin
America, and Africa. This fact precludes the examination of regional and racial
discrepancies that could account for semen quality variability. The selection criteria
were arbitrary, as stated by Cooper et al.: “laboratories and data were identified
through the known literature and personal communication with investigators and
the editorial group of the fifth edition of the WHO laboratory manual” (Cooper et al.
2010). The heterogeneity of human semen further diminishes the clinical signifi-
cance of the WHO reference values. Data indicate that there are subtle variations in
semen parameters between men in different geographic areas and even between
samples from the same individual (Alvarez et al. 2003; Jorgensen et al. 2001).
The lowered 2010 WHO thresholds have also been attributed to the decline in
sperm count caused by endocrine disruptors and other environmental pollutants,
such as insecticides and pesticides (Handelsman 2001; Sadeu et al. 2010; Carlsen
et al. 1992). However, the observed discrepancies are more likely to be associated
with the methodological factors, such as patient selection criteria, the higher labora-
tory quality control standards, and the strict criteria for morphology assessment
(Cocuzza and Esteves 2014).

What seems like a relatively small change has a large potential impact. This
might actually result in previously subfertile men being classified as fertile by
many providers, especially in idiopathic cases where the only feature may be the
5 Interpretation of Semen Analysis 77

semen analysis to make a decision on male factor. This will affect reporting data
for research or even demographics and outcomes. This may mislead and misrep-
resent the definition of male infertility and underrepresent the cause and subse-
quent work-up of infertility in a couple. In addition, better international
standardization of the technical methodology, consensus on the interpretation of
sperm morphology evaluation criteria, and standardized international external
quality control (EQC) schemes are of utmost importance to formulate robust
guidelines that will have good predictive value for fertility.

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Azoospermia: Diagnosis
and Management 6
Satya Srini Vasan

6.1 Introduction

Azoospermia is one of the major reproductive disorders which causes male infertil-
ity in humans; however, the etiology of this disease is largely unknown. The reliable
diagnosis of the absence of spermatozoa in a semen sample is an important criterion
not only for diagnosing male infertility but also for ascertaining the success of
vasectomy and for determining the efficacy of hormonal contraception (Aziz 2013).
The traditional definition of azoospermia is ambiguous, which has ramifications
on the diagnostic criteria. The 5th edition of the World Health Organization (WHO)
manual (World Health Organization 2010) defines Azoospermia as: “no spermato-
zoa are found in the sediment of a centrifuged sample” (Eliasson 1981). The
American Urological Association has adopted a more detailed definition: “no sperm
after centrifugation at 3000 × g for 15 min and examination of the pellet” (Male
Infertility Best Practice Policy Committee of the American Urological Association
2006). Thus, the accurate assessment of very low sperm counts is particularly
important to avoid labeling severely oligozoospermic men as azoospermic. Some of
the important features of analyses of azoospermic semen samples are described in
the following section.
Azoospermic samples and those with very low sperm counts appear less opaque.
Although a low semen volume is more likely to be due to the incomplete collection of
the ejaculate, it may also be due to obstruction of the ejaculatory duct, retrograde ejacu-
lation, or congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) (de la Taille et al.
1998; Daudin et al. 2000). A characteristically low pH of 6.8 (normal pH 7.2) could
also indicate CBAVD, as a consequence of dysplasia or the absence of the seminal

S.S. Vasan, DNB (Surgery, Urology)

Department of Andrology, Manipal Ankur Andrology and Reproductive Services,
422, 20th Main, I Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560010, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 85

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_6
86 S.S. Vasan

vesicles. Semen volume and pH are important for determining the differential diagno-
sis of the cause of azoospermia. Therefore, attention to detail is necessary when devia-
tions from the normal value are encountered in the routine semen analysis.
When no spermatozoa are observed in replicate wet preparations, the semen
sample should be centrifuged, and the pellet should be examined for the presence of
sperm. WHO manual (World Health Organization 2010) recommends centrifuga-
tion at 3000 × g for 15 min at room temperature for all samples in which no sperma-
tozoa are detected. The semen analysis should be performed according to the 2010
World Health Organization guidelines, and at least two semen samples, obtained
more than 2 weeks apart, should be examined.

6.2 Evaluation of the Azoospermic Male

Complete evaluation of a suspected case of azoospermia should include a complete

medical and surgical history, physical examination, and endocrine evaluation.
Medical history of childhood illnesses (such as viral orchitis or cryptorchidism) and
genital trauma, medications and allergies, and an inspection of past infections are
important to ascertain the cause of infertility. Infertility could be due to gonadotoxin
exposures and prior radiation therapy or chemotherapy. A general physical exami-
nation is an essential part of the evaluation of an azoospermic man. The presence of
clinical varicocele should be investigated and correctly classified, as high-grade
varicocele could be more frequently related to azoospermia (Cocuzza et al. 2013).
Appropriate sexual development and possible androgen deficiency must be assessed.
Palpation of the testes and measurement of their size is mandatory, as a decreased
testicular size indicates impaired spermatogenic potential (Lipshultz and Corriere
1977). In the vast majority of patients, obstructive azoospermia may be easily dis-
tinguished from nonobstructive azoospermia through a thorough analysis of clinical
diagnostic parameters, such as FSH levels (Cocuzza et al. 2013).
An endocrinologic evaluation of patients who have severe male factor infertility
will be useful to determine specific diagnoses and treatment strategies. Determination
of serum testosterone and FSH levels of men with sperm counts of less than 10 mil-
lion/mL will be sufficient to detect a vast majority of clinically significant endocri-
nopathies (Sigman and Jarow 1997). The information obtained from a complete
endocrine profile may help to elucidate the etiology.

6.3 Etiologies of Azoospermia

The etiologies of azoospermia can be grouped into three general categories: pretes-
ticular, testicular, and posttesticular. Pretesticular causes of azoospermia are endo-
crine abnormalities that adversely affect spermatogenesis. Testicular etiologies
involve intrinsic disorders of spermatogenesis inside the testes. These two catego-
ries together constitute the condition termed nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA).
The posttesticular causes of azoospermia include obstruction of the ductal system at
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 87

any location of the male reproductive tract and are termed obstructive azoospermia
(OA). The treatment strategies and success rates for each of these conditions are
different and range from correction of the defect to restore fertility to locate and
extract sperm for use in assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs).
Pretesticular causes of azoospermia are mostly due to pathological endocrine
conditions. It is very uncommon and prevalent to the extent of 3 % of infertile men
(Sigman and Jarow 1997). Some of the etiologies include congenital or acquired
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. The pathophysiology involves a defect at the
level of the hypothalamic secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
Acquired causes include pituitary tumors and trauma and the use of anabolic ste-
roids. Hyperprolactinemia leading to inhibition of secretion of GnRH (Burrows
et al. 2002) and androgen resistance due to mutation of the androgen receptor gene
(Mak and Jarvi 1996) are the other pretesticular causes.
Testicular etiologies are intrinsic disorders of spermatogenesis. Direct testicular
pathology may be due to varicocele-induced testicular damage, undescended testes,
testicular torsion, mumps orchitis, gonadotoxic effects from medications, genetic
abnormalities, and idiopathic causes. Chromosome alterations responsible for dis-
ruption of spermatogenesis are found in 15 % of azoospermic and 5 % of oligosper-
mic men and represent one of the most common genetic defects in infertile men
(Pandiyan and Jequier 1996; Peschka et al. 1999).
Posttesticular causes of azoospermia are due either to the obstruction of sperm
delivery or ejaculatory dysfunction. The obstruction may be at different sites, such as
vas deferens, epididymis, or ejaculatory duct, and depends on the presence of patho-
logical conditions, such as the absence of the vasa deferentia, and disorders of ejacu-
lation. The clinical management of obstructive azoospermia depends on its cause and
ranges from surgical correction of the obstruction that may lead to natural concep-
tion, to retrieval of sperm directly from the epididymis or testis, followed by the use
of ART (Practice Committee of American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2008).
Male factor infertility can result from an underlying medical condition that is
often treatable but could possibly be life threatening. It can also be based only on
seminal parameters without a physical exam. This behavior may lead to a delay in
both the exact diagnosis and in possible specific infertility treatment. In recent
years, male factor infertility has been exponentially rising due to a comprehensive
evaluation of reproductive male function and improved diagnostic tools. Despite
this improvement in diagnosis, azoospermia is always the most challenging topic
associated with infertility treatment. Several conditions that interfere with sper-
matogenesis, reduce sperm production and quality can lead to azoospermia.
Azoospermia may also occur because of a reproductive tract obstruction. Optimal
management of patients with azoospermia requires a full understanding of the dis-
ease etiology (Cocuzza et al. 2013).
Many studies have been conducted to understand the underlying causes of NOA
and to develop new therapeutic strategies for patients with NOA. In a recent mor-
phological study, Sertoli cells isolated from NOA patients had a series of abnormal
ultrastructural features compared with the normal control Sertoli cells: (i) existence
of small and spindle-shaped nuclei, (ii) smaller diameter, (iii) deficient nucleolus or
88 S.S. Vasan

endoplasmic reticulum, and (iv) more vacuoles. Spectral intensities in Sertoli cells
of NOA patients were distinct at four typical Raman peaks compared with the con-
trol Sertoli cells. In phenotype, SCF, BMP4, and GDNF transcripts and proteins
were significantly lower in Sertoli cells of NOA patients than in the control Sertoli
cells (Ma et al. 2013). In a study from Czech Republic, lower concentrations of
homocysteine and cobalamin (but not folate) were found in azoospermic seminal
plasma than in normozoospermic. Folate and cobalamin were higher in seminal
plasma from OA than in NOA patients (Crha et al. 2010).
Comparison of expression of progesterone (PR) and estrogen receptors (ER
alpha) in testicular tissue from OA and NOA patients has been studied by immu-
nofluorescence and Western blot (Han et al. 2009). In patients with NOA due to
maturation arrest (MA) and Sertoli cell only (SCO) syndrome, the expression of PR
was reduced in all cell types as compared to that in the OA patients. ERalpha was
expressed principally in the OA testis, but was decreased in MA testis and enhanced
in the SCO testis. Thus, PR and ER alpha may be involved in the pathogenesis of MA
and SCO phenotype in patients with infertility.
Male fertility problems range from diminished production of sperm, or oligozoosper-
mia, to non-measurable levels of sperm in semen, or azoospermia, which is diagnosed
in nearly 2 % of men in the general population. Testicular biopsy is the only definitive
diagnostic method to distinguish between obstructive (OA) and nonobstructive (NOA)
azoospermia and to identify the NOA subtypes of hypospermatogenesis, maturation
arrest, and Sertoli-cell-only syndrome. Rare foci of sperm production may be found
in up to 60 % of men with NOA. Sperm production, if present, is minimal for sperm
appearance in the ejaculate. Given that there are no treatment options to restore fertility,
sperm retrieval is the only alternative to find testicular sperm that can be used for in vitro
fertilization (IVF). Among sperm acquisition methods, micro-surgical testicular sperm
extraction (micro-TESE) has higher success rate at obtaining sperm compared with tes-
ticular sperm extraction and testicular sperm aspiration. In general, no major differences
were noted in short-term neonatal outcomes and congenital malformation rates between
children from fathers with NOA and OA (Esteves and Agarwal 2013).

6.4 Obstructive Azoospermia

Obstructive azoospermia can be due to several factors, the most common being
congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. Other etiologies included an idio-
pathic cause, an iatrogenic condition due to surgical causes, ejaculatory duct
obstruction, trauma, retrograde ejaculation, and vas deferens occlusion. Posttesticular
sperm maturation requires a specific luminal environment in the epididymis, which
is created, in part, by the blood-epididymis barrier. However, recent microarray
studies have shown that epididymal cellular junctions appear to be altered in OA
(Dube et al. 2010).
Ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO) is a rare cause of OA and accounts for
approximately 1 % of patients presenting with male infertility. It should be sus-
pected when the patient has low-volume, acidic semen that contains no sperm.
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 89

Absence of fructose in the semen supports the diagnosis, as fructose is present in the
secretions from the seminal vesicles. Occasionally, pain at the time of ejaculation is
reported. Physical examination may reveal enlarged seminal vesicles or a midline
nodule in the prostate, but frequently, the rectal exam is unremarkable. Testicular
volume is usually normal, and vasa deferentia are present. Laboratory studies will
confirm normal gonadotropin and testosterone levels. Retrograde ejaculation should
be ruled out by examining post-ejaculatory urine for sperm. Transrectal ultrasound
is a useful tool for confirming the diagnosis and further defining the causative factor.
Sonography can also demonstrate dilation of the ejaculatory ducts, calcifications
within the ejaculatory ducts, or prostate, utricle, or Mullerian duct cysts that can
occlude the ejaculatory ducts. Traditional treatment consists of transurethral resec-
tion of the ejaculatory ducts (TURED) (Yurdakul et al. 2008).
Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) is often caused by a
mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene.
This condition is suspected based on the absence of palpable vas deferens at the
time of physical examination. The caput of the epididymis is present, and the testi-
cles should be of a normal size and consistency; however, the seminal vesicles are
absent or hypoplastic in a majority of patients (Kuligowska and Fenlon 1998).
Unilateral or bilateral vasal hypoplasia or unilateral absence of the vas may be an
indicator of obstructive azoospermia, as a high percentage of these patients will
have anomalies of the contralateral seminal vesicle. Surgical reconstruction may be
a viable treatment for some patients with unilateral vasal agenesis or hypoplasia.
CBAVD is not amenable to surgical reconstruction, but sperm is readily retrievable
from these patients via percutaneous (PESA) or microsurgical (MESA) epididymal
aspiration, testicular sperm aspiration (TESA), or simple open biopsy (TESE).
Epididymitis is a common genitourinary condition, and an infectious etiology
should always be considered in men with this diagnosis. Gonorrhea, chlamydia,
trichomonas, brucellosis, BCG, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, coliforms bacteria, ade-
novirus, and enterovirus have all been reported as causes of epididymitis. Regardless
of the etiology, epididymitis can cause an intense inflammatory reaction, leading to
secondary scarring and obstruction of the epididymis. Physical examination may
reveal enlarged or indurated epididymides and a transition point suggesting the site
of obstruction. Semen volumes are typically normal, and white cells are not neces-
sarily present in the ejaculate. The incidence of postinfectious epididymal obstruc-
tion is thought to be low in developed countries due to prompt treatment, but it may
account for a disproportionately large percentage of OA in developing countries
(Ho et al. 2009). Scrotal exploration and microsurgical reconstruction are a viable
option for postinfectious epididymal obstruction.
Iatrogenic injury or injury to the vas during surgical procedures has been well
described and presents a unique challenge to fertility specialists. Vasal injury has
been attributed to a variety of inguinal, scrotal, and pelvic surgeries, including her-
niorrhaphy, hydrocelectomy, appendectomy, and renal transplant. Surgical recon-
struction is possible in many cases of iatrogenic injury to the vas in the scrotum or
inguinal canal. Some factors, such as age and obstructive interval, are likely to
impact postoperative outcomes after vasal reconstruction for etiologies of OA.
90 S.S. Vasan

6.4.1 Treatment of OA

Obstructive azoospermia (OA) is defined as the absence of spermatozoa in the ejac-

ulate despite normal spermatogenesis. It is a common cause of male infertility and
can result from infection, congenital anomalies, or iatrogenic injury and accounts
for 6.1–13.6 % of patients presenting for fertility evaluation (Aziz et al. 2006;
Jequier 1985). Microsurgical vasal reconstruction is a suitable and cost-effective
treatment for many cases of OA, this approach may not be feasible or desired in
some cases, and such couples will require sperm retrieval paired with in vitro fertil-
ization (Baker and Sabanegh 2013). This process requires several considerations
and decisions to be made, including the cause and duration of obstruction, choice of
sperm retrieval technique, and whether to use fresh or frozen-thawed sperm. Sperm
retrieval can be achieved by percutaneous (PESA) or microsurgical (MESA) epi-
didymal sperm aspiration, testicular sperm aspiration (TESA), or simple open
biopsy (TESE).
Use of spermatozoa obtained by PESA in ICSI is a viable treatment for men with
OA (Jiang et al. 2013). Spermatozoa can be retrieved from the testis and epididymis
of men with OA and used for ICSI. In some cases, the use of testicular spermatozoa
altered the embryonic development, and the use of epididymal spermatozoa should
be preferred, irrespective of the etiology of OA (Buffat et al. 2006).
Percutaneous sperm retrieval is a highly effective method for collecting sperm in
men with OA. Successful sperm retrieval was achieved in over 85 % of the cases
using PESA, but more than one aspiration was often required (Esteves et al. 2013).
In cases of failed PESA, TESA was adequate to obtain sperm in nearly all cases.
Motile spermatozoa were obtained in approximately 73 % of the cases after the first
or second PESA aspiration, and TESA has been performed as a rescue procedure
after failed PESA in approximately 14 % of the individuals (Esteves et al. 2013).
ICSI outcomes using spermatozoa collected by PESA or TESA are similar, suggest-
ing that the reproductive potential of those gametes is independent of their source in
OA. However, epididymal spermatozoa are easier to handle in the IVF laboratory
compared with testicular sperm, and it is more likely that there will be excess sperm
for freezing in case of epididymal retrieval (Miyaoka and Esteves 2013).
Some studies have indicated the risks of using nonejaculated spermatozoa in
assisted reproduction techniques. In cases of OA, the epididymal sperm may be
immature or senescent because of the long stay in the obstructed epididymis and
lead to genetic risks when it is used for fertilization (O’Connell et al. 2002). On the
other hand, testicular sperm can have the potential risk of incomplete genomic
imprinting, incomplete chromatin condensation, and incomplete protamination
(Golan et al. 1996; Tesarik et al. 1998). However, a recent Dutch multicenter study
has dispelled some of these concerns. Assessment of children born from ICSI
cycles, using retrieved epididymal sperm in comparison with those born from ICSI
or IVF using ejaculated sperm, did not reveal any disparities in terms of incidence
of stillbirths, malformations, motor performance, or mental-language development
(Woldringh et al. 2011).
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 91

6.5 Nonobstructive Azoospermia

The initial evaluation of NOA needs to resolve the following issues: (1) confirming
azoospermia, (2) differentiating obstructive from nonobstructive etiology, (3)
assessing for the presence of reversible factors, and (4) evaluating for the presence
of genetic abnormalities. An elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level or
an absence of normal spermatogenesis by testicular histology in the presence of
azoospermia is generally considered sufficient evidence of a nonobstructive etiol-
ogy. NOA has been identified with the Sertoli-cell-only syndrome. Other etiologies
included an idiopathic cause, Klinefelter syndrome, maturation arrest, Y-chromosome
microdeletion, cryptorchidism, trauma, exogenous testosterone supplementation,
and other genetic disorders.
Hormone analysis forms the cornerstone of further evaluation and management
of NOA and serves two important functions. The first function is to identify a dis-
tinct subset of men who have hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (low FSH), in which
azoospermia results from an inadequate stimulation of the testis by gonadotropins.
The second function is to predict the success of medical therapy and of surgical
sperm retrieval. The American Urological Association recommends estimation of
serum FSH and testosterone as the initial hormonal assessment (American
Urological Association 2012).

6.5.1 Treatment of NOA

NOA is diagnosed in approximately 10 % of infertile men. It represents a failure

of spermatogenesis within the testis and, from a management standpoint, is due to
either a lack of appropriate stimulation by gonadotropins or an intrinsic testicular
impairment. The former category of patients has hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
and benefits from specific hormonal therapy. These men show a remarkable recov-
ery of spermatogenic function with exogenously administered gonadotropins or
gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This category of patients also includes some indi-
viduals whose spermatogenic potential has been suppressed by excess androgens
or steroids, and they also benefit from medical management. Hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism is one of the few causes of NOA that have shown a consistent
response to medical management (Hoffman and Crowley 1982; Belchetz et al.
1978). Gonadotropin therapy is begun at the time the patient wishes to father a
child, and 3–6 months of treatment are usually sufficient to induce spermatogenesis
(Vicari et al. 1992; Finkel et al. 1985). Therapy is initiated with human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG) at 2,000 IU subcutaneously three times per week or 2,500 IU
twice a week and supplemented with FSH (menopausal, purified, or recombinant)
at 37.5–150 IU three times a week after 3–6 months. hCG is sufficient to initiate
spermatogenesis, but FSH is required to complete the spermiogenesis, particularly
in patients with congenital abnormalities (Kumar 2013). An alternative method for
treating hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is with a pulsatile injection of 5–20 μg of
92 S.S. Vasan

GnRH, administered every 2 h subcutaneously. GnRH therapy reliably corrected the

hypogonadism, with a reversal of azoospermia (Sykiotis et al. 2010).
The enzyme aromatase, present in the adipose tissue, liver, testis, and skin, is
responsible for converting testosterone and other androgens to estradiol in men.
Estradiol suppresses pituitary LH and FSH secretion and also directly inhibits tes-
tosterone biosynthesis. This results in an imbalance in the testosterone and estradiol
(T/E) ratio, which may be reversible. Aromatase inhibitors have the potential to
block the conversion of androgens to estradiol. The two types of aromatase inhibi-
tors are steroidal (testolactone) and nonsteroidal (anastrozole, letrozole). Both of
these groups of agents have been studied for potential therapeutic roles in NOA. The
other, larger category of NOA consists of men with an intrinsic testicular impair-
ment where empirical medical therapy yields little benefit. The primary role of
medical management in these men is to improve the quantity and quality of sperm
retrieved from their testis for in vitro fertilization. Gonadotropins and aromatase
inhibitors show promise in achieving this end point (Kumar 2013).
Locating and retrieving spermatozoa in men with NOA remains a clinical chal-
lenge, largely because sperm production in these men can be patchy or focal in
nature. Rare foci of sperm production may be found in up to 60 % of men with
NOA. Sperm production, if present, is minimal for sperm appearance in the ejacu-
late. Given that there are no treatment options to restore fertility, sperm retrieval is
the only alternative to find testicular sperm. The retrieved sperm can then be used for
in vitro fertilization (IVF). Fertilization and pregnancies have been achieved with
spermatozoa recovered from the seminiferous tubules. The most common methods
for retrieving testicular sperm are testicular sperm aspiration (TESA), or needle/
fine-needle aspiration (FNA), and testicular sperm extraction (TESE) by open tes-
ticular biopsy. A systematic review of the available sperm retrieval techniques has
been published by Donoso et al. (2007) and efficacy of the techniques has been
compared (Hauser et al. 2006). The optimal technique for sperm extraction should
be minimally invasive and avoid destruction of testicular function, without compro-
mising the chance to retrieve adequate numbers of spermatozoa to perform ICSI.
FNA is highly informative, minimally invasive and is associated with fewer com-
plications than other commonly used approaches for sperm detection. As it is chal-
lenging to find foci of sperm production, strategies such as FNA mapping have been
developed to find spermatozoa. FNA mapping has gained considerable attraction as
an informative, “testis-sparing” technique for sperm detection in NOA. With knowl-
edge of sperm presence and location prior to sperm retrieval, FNA maps can help
clinicians tailor sperm retrieval to optimize time, effort, and extent of procedures
needed to procure spermatozoa in difficult cases (Beliveau and Turek 2011). Inhibin
B and FSH have been evaluated as predictors of the recovery of sperm in testicular
fine-needle aspirate in men with azoospermia (Goulis et al. 2008).
Microdissection TESE (micro-TESE), performed with an operative microscope,
is widely considered to be the best method for sperm retrieval in NOA, as larger and
opaque tubules, presumably with active spermatogenesis, can be directly identified,
resulting in higher spermatozoa retrieval rates with minimal tissue loss and low
postoperative complications. Micro-TESE, in combination with ICSI, is applicable
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 93

in all cases of NOA, including Klinefelter syndrome (KS). In addition, short- and
long-term complications of micro-TESE in NOA and KS patients need to be consid-
ered (Ishikawa 2012; Everaert et al. 2006).
Among sperm acquisition methods, micro-TESE has higher success rates at
obtaining sperm compared with testicular sperm extraction and testicular sperm
aspiration. Micro-TESE allowed the identification and extraction of sperm-
containing seminiferous tubules with minimum tissue excision and marked reduc-
tion in time of processing of testicular specimens for sperm injection (Esteves
2013). Despite the improved success rate of sperm by micro-TESE methods, it
becomes necessary to stimulate spermatogenesis in some NOA cases. This has been
achieved by hormonal stimulation by using human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
injections for 4–5 months prior to retrieval. The hCG stimulation was found to be
effective in men with hypospermatogenesis (Shiraishi et al. 2012). Use of letrozole
(2.5 mg per day) has also been found to improve sperm count in NOA patients with
normal serum FSH (Cavallini et al. 2011). Clomiphene citrate has also been admin-
istered to enhance the availability of sperm prior to surgical retrieval in NOA
patients (Hussein et al. 2005).
Testicular sperm retrieval techniques associated with intracytoplasmic sperm
injection are currently used for the treatment of NOA patients, but reliable clinical
and laboratory prognostic factors of sperm recovery are still absent. There are no
reliable positive prognostic factors that guarantee sperm recovery for patients with
NOA. The only negative prognostic factor is the presence of AZFa and AZFb
microdeletions (Glina and Vieira 2013).
Numerous studies on NOA have reported that varicocelectomy not only can
induce spermatogenesis but can also increase the sperm retrieval rate; however, the
value of varicocelectomy in patients with NOA still remains controversial (Inci and
Gunay 2013).
Another novel technique used for the identification of spermatogenesis in NOA
is the use of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), a noninvasive imaging
tool that can identify and localize spermatogenesis in the testis. Phosphocholine
(PC) and taurine tissue concentrations were significantly different between normal
and NOA testicular tissue. Mean PC concentrations were three times higher in nor-
mal testes compared with NOA (SCO). A predictive model for sperm presence was
developed based on tissue concentrations of PC (Aaronson et al. 2010).

6.6 Genetic Studies of Azoospermia

Azoospermia due to obstructive and nonobstructive mechanisms is a common man-

ifestation of male infertility accounting for 10–15 % of such cases. Known genetic
factors are responsible for approximately 1/3 of cases of azoospermia. Genetic
factors explain 21–29 % of azoospermia (Lee et al. 2011), whereas 12–41 % of
azoospermic cases are idiopathic and most likely related to unknown genetic fac-
tors (Hernandez Uribe et al. 2001). Azoospermia of a genetic origin is primarily
caused by a wide array of genetic disorders, such as chromosomal abnormalities,
94 S.S. Vasan

Table 6.1 Genetic diseases and abnormalities that result in azoospermia

Obstructive azoospermia of genetic origin
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD)
Congenital unilateral absence of the vas deferens (CUAVD)
Congenital bilateral epididymal obstruction and normal vasa
Young syndrome
Nonobstructive azoospermia of genetic origin
Genetic pretesticular causes of NOA
Hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Adult-onset genetic hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Pituitary disorders associated with hypogonadism
Generalized anterior pituitary hormone deficiency
Selective gonadotropin deficiency
Genetic testicular disorders affecting spermatogenesis and androgen production
Klinefelter syndrome
XX male syndrome
Mutation in X-linked USP 26
X-linked SOX3 mutation
Bilateral anorchia
Noonan syndrome
45 X/46XY mosaicism (mixed gonadal dysgenesis)
Genetic testicular disorders affecting spermatogenesis
Y-chromosome microdeletion
Autosome translocations
Monogenic disorders
Multifactorial disorders (e.g., cryptorchidism)
Genetic testicular disorders affecting androgen production or action
Androgen receptor mutation
Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein StAR mutation
3BHSD type 2 deficiency
SRD5A2 mutation
Dysfunctional cell regulatory pathways
Epigenetic defects
Genetic abnormities at the primordial germ cell level
Reproduced from Hamada et al. (2013)

monogenic disorders, multifactorial genetic diseases, and epigenetic disorders.

These conditions constitute the genetic basis of reproductive failure. Table 6.1 sum-
marizes the genetic basis of azoospermia at the posttesticular (obstructive azoosper-
mia), pretesticular, and testicular (nonobstructive azoospermia) levels.
Among the OA of genetic origin, CBAVD is the most frequent condition
(Tuttelmann et al. 2011). Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening autosomal
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 95

recessive disease in which the failure is due to a mutation in the cystic fibrosis
transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The CFTR gene is expressed
in the epithelial cell of exocrine tissues, such as the head of the epididymis and the
vas deferens. CFTR has a role in sperm maturation in the epididymis, as this protein
is necessary for fluid absorption and facilitation of sperm capacitation and fertiliza-
tion ability (Wong 1998; Chan et al. 2009). Epididymal malformations are common
manifestation of CF; seminal vesicles anomalies and obstructed ejaculatory ducts
are also common. CBAVD accounts for at least 6–25 % of cases of OA and approxi-
mately 2 % of infertility cases (Oates and Amos 1994; Patrizio and Leonard 2000).
CFTR is mutated in 60–90 % of patients with CBAVD (Ferlin et al. 2007a). The
most common CFTR mutation found in men with CBAVD is a combination of
ΔF508/R117H, which accounts for 40 % of the cases (Ratbi et al. 2007; Jezequel
et al. 2000). CFTR mutations have also been observed in men with CUAVD.
NOA is the most severe form of azoospermia that can be caused by many fac-
tors, such as heat, radiation, drugs, varicocele, infections, and cancer, in addition
to genetic factors. Genetic etiologies contribute significantly to the development of
this disorder and are responsible for 21–28 % of cases (Lee et al. 2011; Hernandez
Uribe et al. 2001; Hamada et al. 2013; Donohue and Fauver 1989). The genetic
factors are further classified as pretesticular and testicular causes. The genetic pre-
testicular etiology encompasses hereditary hypothalamic-pituitary abnormalities
resulting in small testes that exhibit an immature histological pattern. In these cases,
immature Sertoli cells or spermatogonia type A and the absence of Leydig cells are
often observed.
Genetic testicular causes of NOA include the following: (i) chromosomal abnor-
malities, (ii) Y-chromosome microdeletions, (iii) failure of the primordial germ
cells to reach the developing gonads, (iv) lack of differentiation of the primordial
germ cells to spermatogonia, and (v) male germ line mutations that affect

6.6.1 Y-Chromosome Microdeletion

The long and short arms of the Y-chromosome contain many genes that regu-
late spermatogenesis and testis development, respectively. Microdeletions on the
long arm of the Y-chromosome (Yq) are well correlated with male infertility. Yq
microdeletions are detected in approximately 13 % of men with NOA and in 5 % of
men with severe oligozoospermia (sperm counts lower than 5 million/mL) (Reijo
et al. 1995; McLachlan et al. 1998). A microdeletion is defined as a chromosomal
deletion that spans several genes but that is small in size and cannot be detected
using conventional cytogenetic methods (e.g., karyotyping). The region at Yq11
is referred to as the “azoospermia factor” (AZF) region. The AZF region is further
subdivided into three subregions that are termed AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc. The most
common aberrations in the AZF region are multiple gene deletions in the AZFb and
AZFc subregions (Ferlin et al. 2007b), which can produce a wide range of infertility
96 S.S. Vasan

Three regions in the long arm of the Y-chromosome, known as AZFa, AZFb, and
AZFc, are involved in the most frequent patterns of Y-chromosome microdeletions.
These regions contain a high density of genes that are thought to be responsible for
impaired spermatogenesis. In 2003, the Y-chromosome sequence was mapped, and
microdeletions are now classified according to the palindromic structure of the
euchromatin that is composed of a series of repeat units called amplicons. Although
it has been shown that the AZFb and AZFc are overlapping regions, the classical
AZF regions are still used to describe the deletions in clinical practice (Sadeghi-
Nejad and Farrokhi 2007). Y-chromosome microdeletions are among the major
causes of male infertility.
Both the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) and the European Molecular
Genetics Quality Network (EMQN) have recommended the use of sY84 and sY86
markers for the detection of azoospermia factor a (AZFa) microdeletion during
DNA testing for male infertility (Wu et al. 2011). Detection of various subtypes of
these deletions has a prognostic value in predicting the potential success of testicu-
lar sperm retrieval for assisted reproduction. Men with azoospermia and AZFc dele-
tions may have retrievable sperm in their testes. However, with ICSI, there is a risk
of transmission of these microdeletions to the male offsprings (Mau Kai et al. 2008).
There is a high-frequency genetic abnormality, such as Y-chromosome microdele-
tions in patients of NOA, and a risk of passing the genetic defects to their offspring.
Consequently, there is need for genetic testing and counseling of NOA patients prior
to ART. The genetic testing may also be useful in prognosis and choice of ART
technique. A high prevalence of Y-chromosome microdeletions have been observed
in Middle Eastern (28.41 %) (Alhalabi et al. 2013), Ukrainian (35 %) (Pylyp et al.
2013), Brazilian (18.8 %) (Mafra et al. 2011), and Iranian patients (66.67 % of
AZFb) (Mirfakhraie et al. 2011), but the incidence seems to be low in Slovak azo-
ospermic patients (Behulova et al. 2011). Genetic anomalies in patients with severe
oligozoospermia and azoospermia have also been detected in eastern Turkey. A
prospective study detected Y-chromosome microdeletions, especially of the AZFc
locus to the extent of 64 % (Ceylan et al. 2010). The most frequent deletions were in
the AZFc region (50 %) in Thai men with azoospermia and comparable with infer-
tile men from other Asian and Western countries (Vutyavanich et al. 2007).
About 10 % of cases of male infertility are due to the presence of microdeletions
within the long arm of the Y-chromosome (Yq). Despite the large literature covering
this critical issue, very little is known about the pathogenic mechanism leading to
spermatogenesis disruption in patients carrying these microdeletions. Testicular
gene expression profiling of patients carrying an AZFc microdeletion has been car-
ried out by employing a microarray assay techniques. Results indicated a down-
regulation of several genes related to spermatogenesis that are mainly involved in
testicular mRNA storage. If that several forms of infertility can be triggered by a
common pathogenic mechanism, that is likely related to alterations in testicular
mRNA storage due to lack of testicular DAZ gene expression (Gatta et al. 2010).
Maturation arrest (MA) refers to failure of germ cell development leading to
clinical NOA. Although the azoospermic factor (AZF) region of the human
Y-chromosome is clearly implicated in some cases, thus far very little is known
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 97

about which individual Y-chromosome genes are important for complete male germ
cell development. Stahl et al. (2012) have attempted to identify single genes on the
Y-chromosome that may be implicated in the pathogenesis of NOA associated with
MA in the American population. Based on the genotype-phenotype analysis of 132
men with Y-chromosome microdeletions, they identified CDY2 and HSFY as the
genes for which differences in expression were observed between the MA and
OA. Men with OA had 12-fold and 16-fold higher relative expression of CDY2 and
HSFY transcripts, respectively, compared to MA. CDY2 and HSFY were also
underexpressed in patients with Sertoli-cell-only syndrome. These observations
suggest that CDY2 and HSFY are important for sperm maturation, and their
impaired expression could be implicated in the pathogenesis of MA.
Genetic mechanisms implicated as a cause of male infertility are poorly under-
stood. Meiosis is unique to germ cells and essential for reproduction. The synapto-
nemal complex is a critical component for chromosome pairing, segregation, and
recombination. Hormad1 is essential for mammalian gametogenesis. Mutational
analysis of all HORMAD1 coding regions in Japanese men revealed meiotic arrest
in the early pachytene stage, and synaptonemal complexes could not be visualized.
By the sequence analysis, three polymorphism sites, SNP1 (c. 163A > G), SNP2 (c.
501 T > G), and SNP3 (c. 918C > T), have been found in exons 3, 8, and 10. SNP1
and SNP2 were associated with human azoospermia caused by complete early mat-
uration arrest (P < 0.05) (Miyamoto et al. 2012a). In similar studies, SEPTIN12 and
UBR2 gene have also been found to be associated with increased susceptibility to
azoospermia caused by meiotic arrest (Miyamoto et al. 2011, 2012b). Mutations in
PRDM9 (MEISETZ) gene have also been implicated in Japanese NOA patients
(Irie et al. 2009; Miyamoto et al. 2008).
Specimens from testicular biopsies of men with NOA have been used to investi-
gate the expression of spermatogenesis-related genes MND1, SPATA22, GAPDHS,
and ACR. Analysis of the expression of spermatogenic genes in human testes with
abnormal spermatogenesis showed different expression patterns in patients from the
three groups: hypospermatogenesis (HS), maturation arrest (MA), and Sertoli-cell-
only syndrome (SCO) groups. Fertilization rates were similar at 70 %, but preg-
nancy rates for ACR and GAPDHS genes were low at 6–8 % (Dorosh et al. 2013).
A genome-wide association study in Chinese population has revealed that vari-
ants within the HLA region are associated with risk for NOA (Zhao et al. 2012).
They have detected variants at human leukocyte antigen (HLA) regions, HLA-
DRA, rs3129878, and rs498422 to be independently associated with NOA.
Recently, a separate Chinese genome-wide association study (GWAS) (Hu et al.
2012) identified four autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci as
being significantly associated with risk factors for NOA: rs12097821, rs2477686,
rs10842262, and rs6080550. Although not significant, three of four SNPs
(rs12097821, rs2477686, and rs10842262) have also showed associations in
Japanese men. However, further larger case–control studies are required to establish
whether the SNPs are genetic risk factors for NOA in these populations (Sato et al.
2013). C677T in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene is also
suggested as a genetic risk factor in Chinese men (A et al. 2007).
98 S.S. Vasan

A genome-wide gene expression study by Okada et al. (2008) demonstrated that

SNPs (rs6836703) of the ADP-ribosyltransferase 3 gene (ART3) were associated
with NOA with highest significance. These findings clarify a molecular pathophysi-
ology of NOA and suggest a novel therapeutic target in the treatment of
NOA. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNA molecules. The
expression of miRNAs is altered in testicular tissues of patients with NOA, suggest-
ing a role of miRNAs in regulating spermatogenesis (Lian et al. 2009).
Nonetheless, at least 40 % of cases are currently categorized as idiopathic and
may be linked to unknown genetic abnormalities. It is recommended that various
genetic screening tests are performed in azoospermic men, given that their results
may play vital role in not only identifying the etiology but also in preventing the
iatrogenic transmission of genetic defects to offspring via advanced assisted con-
ception techniques (Hamada et al. 2013).

6.7 Prognostic Factors of Sperm Retrieval

Introduction of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has brought hope for men
with severe male infertility and provided a chance for them to become biological
fathers. ICSI and other assisted reproduction techniques require testicular sperma-
tozoa to be extracted to fertilize oocytes. Sperm retrieval is conducted with testicu-
lar aspiration or biopsy for testicular sperm extraction (TESE). Despite the current
use of TESE, reliable clinical and laboratory prognostic factors of sperm recovery
are still absent. Currently, several prognostic factors such as testis size, follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH), inhibin beta, the etiology of infertility, and genetic
alterations are utilized; however, the histological testicular pattern remains the best
predictor of sperm retrieval, but is associated with an invasive procedure (Glina
et al. 2005).
Measurement of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels has been used as a
predictor of sperm recovery, but its use remains controversial. Inhibins, anti-
Mullerian hormone (AMH), and activins are glycoproteins that are transforming
growth factors (TGF). Plasma levels of inhibin fraction B and seminal levels of
AMH can be used as predictive parameters for sperm recovery in NOA (Deffieux
and Antoine 2003). Other tests include the genetic detection of chromosome altera-
tions. Y-chromosome microdeletions have also been used as a prognostic factor for
sperm recovery. This possibility is based on the absence of mature sperm in azo-
ospermic men with AZFa and AZFb microdeletions who underwent sperm retrieval
techniques. Fortunately, AZFc is the Y microdeletion most often found in azoosper-
mic men (60 %), and sperm can be retrieved for these patients. Therefore, the pres-
ence of AZFa or AZFb is a negative predictive factor for sperm retrieval in
azoospermic men (Shefi and Turek 2006). The following section describes recent
attempts toward development of prognostic markers that predict sperm retrieval in
azoospermic patients.
Cell-free seminal mRNA (cfs-mRNA) exists in human ejaculate at high concen-
trations and with high stability and contains many tissue-specific transcripts secreted
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 99

from the male reproductive system. Such cfs-mRNAs have been evaluated as
candidates for noninvasive biomarkers for the presence of germ cells and of physio-
pathological condition of complete obstruction in men with azoospermia. Li et al.
(2012) have used the highly sensitive mRNA technology, to amplify the germ cell-
specific (DDX4), seminal vesicle-specific (SEMG1), and prostate-specific (TGM4)
mRNAs from cfs-mRNAs. TGM4 was detected in all participants. Consistent with
their diagnosis, DDX4 was detected in all patients with MA or incomplete Sertoli-
cell-only patients, but was absent in cases of complete Sertoli cell only, vasectomy,
and congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD), indicating absence
of sperm. These results suggest that cfs-mRNA could be used as noninvasive bio-
markers with high sensitivity.
More recently, the study of the seminal plasma proteome appears to offer the
potential to identify biomarkers that may aid in the diagnosis of the causes of azo-
ospermia. Many of the proteins in the seminal plasma are expressed in the testis
and epididymis and are linked to fertility. Some of these proteins may be useful
as noninvasive biomarkers to discriminate NOA from OA (Batruch et al. 2012).
Drabovich et al. (2013) have identified two proteins, epididymis-expressed ECM1
and testis-expressed TEX101, which differentiated OA and NOA with high speci-
ficities and sensitivities. The performance of ECM1 was confirmed by enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay. On the basis of a cutoff level of 2.3 μg/ml derived
from the current data, we could distinguish OA from normal spermatogenesis with
100 % specificity and OA from NOA with 73 % specificity, at 100 % sensitivity.
Immunohistochemistry and an immunoenrichment mass spectrometry-based assay
revealed the differential expression of TEX101 in distinct NOA subtypes. TEX101
semen concentrations differentiated Sertoli-cell-only syndrome from the other cat-
egories of NOA. They have proposed a simple two-biomarker decision tree for the
differential diagnosis of OA and NOA and, in addition, for the differentiation of
NOA subtypes. ECM1 and TEX101 clinical assays have the potential to replace
most of the diagnostic testicular biopsies and facilitate the prediction of outcome
of sperm retrieval procedures, thus increasing the reliability and success of assisted
reproduction techniques (ART).
Genome-wide microRNA expression profiling of three validated seminal plasma
miRNAs (sp-miRNAs) was examined in testicular tissues of patients with NOA and
of fertile controls. miR-141, miR-429, and miR-7-1-3p are significantly increased
in seminal plasma of patients with NOA compared with fertile controls. These sp-
miRNAs could provide a novel noninvasive, semen-based test for NOA diagnosis,
as they show reproducible and stable expression levels (Wu et al. 2013). In another
study from Japan, expression levels of VASA, outer dense fiber-1 (ODF1), ODF2,
and sperm mitochondria-associated cysteine-rich protein (SMCP) mRNAs in tes-
ticular tissue specimens were found to be significantly high in successful micro-
TESE cases, compared to failed ones. Of these mRNAs, VASA mRNA expression
was independently related to micro-TESE outcome and could be a useful adjunct
parameter to predict sperm retrieval in NOA (Ando et al. 2012).
In NOA, testicular sperm extraction (TESE) is successful only in about 50 % of
cases. A parameter for predicting TESE quality and pregnancy rates after ICSI of
100 S.S. Vasan

testicular spermatozoa has been devised by Boitrelle et al. (2011), based on

multivariate analysis of total testicular volume (TTV), FSH and inhibin B levels,
and TESE quality from a retrospective study. This score has been found to be a
predictor of successful TESE, with a positive likelihood ratio of +3.01. When the
score was <18.5, TESE was successful in 77.4 % of cases and “sperm-rich” (i.e.,
yielding >100 spermatozoa) in 91.1 % of cases; 42.8 % of couples took a baby
home. Such a score can be useful in improving patient case and pre-ICSI counsel-
ing in cases of NOA.
In a novel attempt, Ma et al. (2011) have used leptin and artificial neural net-
works (ANNs) to predict the accuracy of sperm retrieval in NOA. Twelve factors,
grouped into four sets, were recorded as the input variables for ANNs: (1) testicular
volume, (2) semen volume, seminal pH, seminal alpha-glucosidase and fructose, (3)
serum hormones including FSH, LH, total testosterone (TT), prolactin, estradiol,
and (4) serum and seminal leptin. Different ANN models were constructed and their
prediction accuracy was compared by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
analysis. ANN consisting of all four sets of factors had the largest area under the
curve (AUC = 0.83) and demonstrated significantly greater accuracy compared to
FSH (AUC = 0.63, P < 0.01) and leptin (AUC = 0.59, P < 0.01).
Optimal cutoff value for FSH has been used to predict the presence of spermato-
genesis in patients with NOA. In a comparative study of FSH levels in NOA patients
with spermatogenesis and successful sperm retrieval, mean serum FSH was signifi-
cantly higher than those failed in sperm retrieval (Chen et al. 2010). A cutoff value
of 19.4 mIU/mL discriminated between the two groups with a sensitivity of 70 %.
The positive predictive value for failed sperm retrieval could reach 100 %. Elevated
plasma levels of FSH could be used as a reliable criterion for a trial of sperm
retrieval from testes in artificial reproductive techniques. On the other hand, a meta-
analysis of inhibin B as an indirect marker of spermatogenesis in NOA concluded
that it cannot serve as a stand-alone marker (Toulis et al. 2010).
The detection of seminal haploid cells by flow cytometry (FCM) has been evalu-
ated for the prognosis of TESE results (Koscinski et al. 2005). FCM was found to
be more sensitive (100 versus 59 %) but less specific (67 versus 83.5 %) than cytol-
ogy. FCM will provide another noninvasive technique to predict TESE results and
improve the management of NOA patients.

An accurate diagnosis of the etiology of azoospermia is important prior to the
initiation of the appropriate treatment. Nonobstructive azoospermia remains the
most challenging diagnosis for andrologists. Thousands of single or multiple
genes are involved in establishing the male fertility potential, and many others are
yet to be revealed. In the current era of ART, however, genetic testing has emerged
as tools of paramount importance in helping clinicians not only to explore the
specific genetic background of a disease but also to take the necessary precautions
to prevent the transmission of the disease to the offspring via ART.
Incorporating novel techniques, such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolo-
mics, into infertility research may assist in the creation of a complete portrait of
6 Azoospermia: Diagnosis and Management 101

the genes that are involved in infertility and would allow for improvements in
ART and the development of more targeted solutions (Hamada et al. 2012).
Microarrays are emerging as valuable tools for the determination of the gene
expression profiles of infertile phenotypes and the examination of spermatogen-
esis (Lin et al. 2006). Gene expression microarray studies could be used to char-
acterize the gene expression signature for normal human spermatogenesis, which
can be a valuable diagnostic marker. Proteins identified using 2D electrophoresis
and mass spectrometry techniques could be used to create proteome maps in
relation to sperm and seminal plasma (Johnston et al. 2005; Pilch and Mann
2006). The identification of protein biomarkers for male factor infertility will
allow for unbiased comparisons of fertile and infertile males and will clarify the
pathophysiology of the disease. An advantageous characteristic of genomic and
proteomic technology is that the results provide a definitive characterization of
infertile phenotypes.
Metabolites are small biomarkers that indicate the functionality of a cell and
characterize certain diseases or physiological states. Determination of metabolite
profiles for normal and infertile phenotypes may be useful in diagnosis and
treatment of male factor infertility.

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Management of Infertile Men
with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 7
due to Spermatogenic Failure

Sandro C. Esteves

List of Abbreviations

ART Assisted reproduction techniques

AZF Azoospermia factor
EAA European Association of Andrology
EMQN European Molecular Genetics Quality Network
FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone
hCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
HH Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
ICSI Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
ITT Intratesticular testosterone
IVF In vitro fertilization
LH Luteinizing hormone
Micro-TESE Microdissection testicular sperm extraction
NOA Nonobstructive azoospermia
OA Obstructive azoospermia
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
SCOS Sertoli cell-only syndrome
SCO Sertoli cell only
SF Spermatogenic failure
SRR Sperm retrieval rates
SR Sperm retrieval
STS Sequence-tagged sites
TEFNA Testicular fine-needle aspiration

S.C. Esteves, MD, PhD

Medical and Scientific Director, ANDROFERT, Andrology and Human Reproduction Clinic,
Referral Center for Male Reproduction, Av. Dr. Heitor Penteado, 1464,
13075-460 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 107

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_7
108 S.C. Esteves

TESA Testicular sperm aspiration

TESE Testicular sperm extraction
YCMD Y chromosome microdeletion

7.1 Introduction

Men in reproductive age deliver, on average, 96 million sperm at each ejaculation

(Cooper et al. 2010). Approximately 1 % of all men and 10–15 % of infertile males
have azoospermia, defined as the complete absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate
without implying an underlying etiology (Esteves et al. 2011a; Aziz 2013). In approx-
imately 2/3 of these men, azoospermia is associated with a spectrum of untreatable
testicular disorders that results in spermatogenic failure (SF). Spermatogenic failure
has been recognized as the most severe presentation of infertility in humans (Esteves
and Agarwal 2013b). Although SF invariably results in infertility, it does not neces-
sarily indicate absolute sterility. Infertility is defined as the inability of a sexually
active couple with no contraception to achieve natural pregnancy within at least 1
year (World Health Organization 2000) and implies a reduced but not unattainable
potential to achieve pregnancy. In contrast, sterility is denoted by permanent and
complete inability to induce or achieve pregnancy. Of note, it has been shown that
30–60 % of men with SF have sparse areas exhibiting full spermatogenic activity
within their dysfunctional testes. Sperm production, if present, is insufficient for
sperm appearance in the ejaculate, and since there are no treatment options to restore
fertility in these men, the only alternative is to attempt sperm retrieval with the aim
of finding viable testicular sperm to be used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI) (Esteves and Agarwal 2011; Esteves et al. 2011b; Silber 2000). Spermatozoa
extracted from the testes of such men are capable of inducing normal fertilization
and embryo development, as well as result in the production of healthy offspring
with ICSI (Esteves et al. 2014; Belva et al. 2011; Carpi et al. 2009).
The management of men with spermatogenic failure seeking fertility has been a
challenge for andrologists and reproductive medicine specialists alike. In this chap-
ter, I present a personal perspective including the lessons I have learned after 15
years dealing with this male infertility condition (Esteves 2015). Figure 7.1 depicts

Identify who could Utilize state-of-art

Confirm that Determine who are Select the best
benefit from laboratory techniques
azoospermia is due to the candidates for surgical method for
interventions prior to handle surgiclly-
spermatogenic sperm retrieval testicular sperm
to testicular extracted testicular
failure acquisition
retrieval spermatozoa

Fig. 7.1 Step-by-step approach for the clinical management of men with nonobstructive azo-
ospermia seeking fertility (Adapted with permission from Esteves (2015))
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 109

an algorithm to guide clinicians on the management of azoospermic men with

spermatogenic failure. I hope the information presented here could help healthcare
practitioners to offer an even better service for men with spermatogenic failure
seeking fertility.

7.2 Differential Diagnosis in Azoospermia

Azoospermia is defined based on the absence of spermatozoa in a given ejaculate.

Proper laboratory technique is crucial to reduce analytical error and enhance preci-
sion when analyzing semen specimens (Aziz 2013; Esteves et al. 2012). Ejaculates
of men with spermatogenic failure usually have normal volume and pH, which
indicates both functional seminal vesicles and patent ejaculatory ducts. The lower
reference limits for ejaculate volume and pH are 1.5 ml (fifth percentile, 95 % con-
fidence interval 1.4–1.7) and 7.2, respectively (Cooper et al. 2010). Retrograde
ejaculation should be suspected when a given ejaculate volume is <1 ml, and the
diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of spermatozoa in the post-ejaculatory urine
(Esteves et al. 2011a).
The assessment of an initially normal-volume azoospermic ejaculate should
be immediately followed by the examination of the pelleted semen to exclude
cryptozoospermia, which is defined by the presence of sperm only in the centri-
fuged pellet (Aziz 2013). In one study, centrifuging semen at the low speed of
200 g for 10 min revealed that 22.8 % of men diagnosed with azoospermia had
spermatozoa in the semen pellet (Jaffe et al 1998). In addition, when superna-
tants resulting from low-speed centrifugation were centrifuged at higher speeds
(>1000 g) for longer periods, spermatozoa were also detected (Corea et al. 2005).
Thus, the accuracy of any centrifugation protocol of less than 1000 g in pelleting
all the spermatozoa in an ejaculate is uncertain (Cooper et al. 2006). The impor-
tance of finding such minimal number of sperm is to allow assisted reproductive
techniques (ART) to be performed with ejaculated sperm, thus avoiding the more
invasive sperm retrieval methods. At our institution, we perform centrifugation at
3000 g for 15 min, which is followed by a careful examination of the pellet for the
presence of sperm. Moreover, the diagnosis of azoospermia should be based on
the examination of multiple semen specimens as transient azoospermia secondary
to toxic, environmental, infectious, or iatrogenic conditions may occur (Castilla
et al. 2006; Keel 2006). The examination of ejaculates on multiple occasions is
also important given the large biological variability in semen specimens from the
same individuals (Esteves et al. 2012; Castilla et al. 2006; Keel 2006). Patients
should receive clear instructions on how to collect the entire ejaculate and to report
the loss of any fraction of the sample. Determination of fructose, a major compo-
nent of seminal vesicle secretion, is usually not necessary because the presence
of a normal-volume ejaculate coupled with normal pH practically excludes any
problem at the ejaculatory ducts or seminal vesicle level (Esteves et al. 2011a). In
summary, azoospermia should be defined based on the absence of spermatozoa on
multiple semen examinations after centrifugation of complete semen specimens
using microscopic analysis.
110 S.C. Esteves

History and physical examination and hormonal analysis (follicle-stimulating

hormone and total testosterone serum levels) are undertaken to define the type of
azoospermia. Together, these factors provide a >90 % prediction of the type of azo-
ospermia (obstructive vs. nonobstructive). Obstructive azoospermia (OA) is attrib-
uted to a mechanical blockage that can occur anywhere along the reproductive tract,
including the vas deferens, epididymis, and ejaculatory duct. OA is considered to be
one of the most favorable prognostic conditions in male infertility since spermato-
genesis is not disrupted, unlike spermatogenic failure (Esteves et al. 2013a;
American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society for Male Reproduction
and Urology 2008). Etiology conditions associated with nonobstructive azoosper-
mia (NOA) include genetic and congenital abnormalities, postinfections, exposure
to gonadotoxins, medications, varicocele, trauma, endocrine disorders, and idiopa-
thy. A detailed medical history should be obtained for any factor that may cause
spermatogenic failure. Information not exclusive of the following areas should be
collected: (a) previous diseases during childhood and puberty such as viral orchitis
and cryptorchidism; (b) surgeries performed, especially those involving the pelvic
and inguinal regions and genitalia; (c) genital traumas; (d) infections such as
epididymo-orchitis and urethritis; (e) physical and sexual development; and (f)
exposure to gonadotoxic agents such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and steroid
abuse (Esteves et al. 2011a; Carpi et al. 2009).
Physical examination in men with spermatogenic failure usually reveals normal
epididymides and palpable vasa deferentia. Small-sized testes (<15 ml in volume)
are often encountered as approximately 85 % of the testicular parenchyma is
involved in spermatogenesis. Nevertheless, testicular size is not a reliable clinical
marker of sperm production. Men with spermatogenic maturation arrest, in whom
spermatogenesis is hampered prior to its completion, have well-developed and
normal-volume testes (Sokol and Swerdloff 1997; Hung et al. 2007).
The serum levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are usually elevated,
while testosterone is either low (<300 ng/dl) or within lower limits in men with sper-
matogenic failure (Gudeloglu and Parekattil 2013; Esteves et al. 2011a). FSH levels
greater than twice the upper normal limit are a reliable indicator of spermatogenic
failure (American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society for Male
Reproduction and Urology 2008). In one report, low testosterone levels were found
in 45 % of the males with NOA who visited an infertility clinic (Sussman et al. 2008).
In another study evaluating hormonal data of 736 men with NOA who were candi-
dates for sperm retrieval, 346 (47 %) had baseline total testosterone (TT) levels
<300 ng/dL (Reifsnyder et al. 2012). Low testosterone levels often reflect Leydig cell
insufficiency, which is accompanied by elevated (or within upper limits) luteinizing
hormone (LH) levels (Bobjer et al. 2012; Reifsnyder et al. 2012). Nevertheless, low
testosterone levels in men with SF may also result from obesity and metabolic dys-
function (Kumar 2013). Obesity is associated with an increased serum estradiol lev-
els due to the increased peripheral aromatization of C19 androgens (androstenedione,
T) under the influence of aromatase, a product of the CYP19 gene, especially in
individuals with tetranucleotide TTTA repeat polymorphism (TTTAn) present in
intron 4 of the CYP19 gene (Hammoud et al. 2010). Elevated estradiol levels
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 111

suppress pituitary LH and FSH secretion and also directly inhibit testosterone
biosynthesis (Kumar 2013; Tchernof et al. 1995). Furthermore, Isidori et al. (1999)
have demonstrated that excess circulating leptin may be an important contributor to
the reduced androgen serum levels in male obesity. Their data have indicated that
leptin has negative actions on steroidogenesis that are mediated by specific receptors
in the Leydig cells. Low testosterone levels could also reflect an adaptation to changed
SHBG levels and not testosterone deficiency. In fact, Strain et al. (1994) have reported
that, during weight loss, serum SHBG levels increase at an average slope of
0.43 nmol/L per unit decrease in body mass index (BMI). Hence, the increased serum
TT concentrations as seen after weight loss may be due to a combination of mecha-
nisms that include (i) an increased binding capacity of SHBG, (ii) an increased
amplitude of spontaneous LH pulses, (ii) a decreased androgen aromatization, and
(iv) a decrease in circulating leptin and insulin concentrations. Surprisingly, a normal
endocrine profile can be also found in men with spermatogenic failure. Control feed-
back of FSH and LH secretions is based on the number of spermatogonia and Leydig
cells, respectively, which is well preserved in men with maturation arrest. It has been
reported that patients with diffuse spermatogenic maturation arrest and 10 % of those
diagnosed with Sertoli-cell-only syndrome (SCOS) present with nonelevated endog-
enous gonadotropins (Sokol and Swerdloff 1997; Hung et al. 2007).
Lastly, it is important to differentiate azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure
from azoospermia due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) as both conditions
fall in the category of nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA). HH is an endocrine dis-
order characterized by failure of spermatogenesis due to lack of appropriate stimu-
lation by gonadotropins, while spermatogenic failure comprises the most severe
conditions associated with an intrinsic testicular impairment (Fraietta et al. 2013).
Men with NOA due to HH have remarkably low levels of pituitary gonadotropins
(FSH and LH levels below 1.2 mUI/ml) and androgens and usually have signs of
absent or poor virilization. This category of NOA includes not only patients with
congenital forms of HH but also men whose spermatogenic potential has been sup-
pressed by excess exogenous androgen administration. Although it is out of my
scope to discuss HH in detail, it is worth to mention that patients with HH, albeit
rarely seen in the clinical settings, benefit from specific hormonal therapy and often
show remarkable recovery of spermatogenic function with exogenously adminis-
tered gonadotropins or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Fraietta et al. 2013).
The “gold standard” test for confirmation of azoospermia due to SF is testicular
biopsy and histopathology analysis. Hypospermatogenesis, germ cell maturation
arrest, germ cell aplasia (Sertoli-cell-only syndrome), tubular sclerosis, or a combi-
nation of those is usually found on the histological examination of testicular biopsy
specimens in spermatogenic failure. Biopsies can be performed using percutane-
ous or open methods. Histopathology results have been used not only to confirm
the diagnosis of SF but also to predict the chances of finding testicular sperm on
retrievals. In a recent study from our group evaluating 356 men with spermatogenic
failure, patients with Sertoli-cell-only had lower sperm retrieval rates (19.5 %) com-
pared with those with maturation arrest (40.3 %, P = .007), and both categories had
lower sperm retrieval rates (SRR) compared with hypospermatogenesis (100.0 %,
112 S.C. Esteves

P < .001; Esteves and Agarwal 2014). Although our data indicate that histopathology
phenotypes have prognostic value, caution should be applied when interpreting
results because an advanced site of sperm production can be found even in SCO,
which represents the worst histopathology phenotype, in approximately 20 % of the
cases (Esteves et al. 2014; Esteves and Agarwal 2014; Ashraf et al. 2013; Verza Jr
and Esteves 2011). Removal of testicular tissue with the sole purpose of histopathol-
ogy evaluation could potentially remove the rare foci of sperm production and thus
jeopardize the chances of future retrieval attempts (Esteves et al. 2011b). Hence, we
do not recommend routine testicular biopsy prior to sperm retrieval. We only per-
form testicular biopsies when a differential diagnosis between obstructive and non-
obstructive azoospermia could not be established. In these cases, our approach is to
perform the procedure either using a percutaneous or an open-“window” technique
without testis delivery (Esteves et al. 2011a; Esteves and Verza 2012). Specimens
should be placed in a fixative solution such as Bouin’s, Zenker’s, or glutaraldehyde;
formalin should not be used as it may disrupt the tissue architecture. A fragment
is taken for wet examination in addition to conventional histopathology analysis.
When mature sperm is found on a wet examination, we routinely cryopreserve tes-
ticular spermatozoa using the liquid nitrogen vapor technique (Esteves and Verza
2012; Esteves and Varghese 2012).
In conclusion, proper laboratory techniques are needed to reduce the amount of
analytical error and enhance sperm count precision when evaluating azoospermic
specimens. The correct assessment of an initially azoospermic semen should be
followed by the examination of multiple specimens after centrifugation to exclude
cryptozoospermia, which is defined by presence of a very small number of live
sperm in a centrifuged pellet. Accurate assessment of very low sperm counts is
aimed to avoid labeling men with very low sperm counts as azoospermic, and it is
particularly important in the current era of ART. History and physical examination
and hormonal analysis are undertaken to define the type of azoospermia, which
provide high diagnostic accuracy to discriminate azoospermia due to spermato-
genic failure from obstructive azoospermia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
(Table 7.1). Although the “gold standard” diagnostic test in azoospermia related to
spermatogenic failure is testicular biopsy, removal of testicular tissue with the sole
purpose of histopathology evaluation could potentially remove the rare foci of sperm
production and thus jeopardize the chances of future retrieval attempts. Testicular
biopsy prior to sperm retrieval is therefore not routinely recommended. Testicular
biopsy can be performed in selected cases provided a wet prep examination and
sperm cryopreservation is available.

7.3 Defining Who Are the Candidates for Sperm Retrieval

Owed to the untreatable nature of spermatogenic failure, sperm retrieval (SR) and
ART are the only options for these men to generate their own biological offspring.
Uncertainty of sperm acquisition, however, makes prognostic factors very desir-
able. Though factors such as etiology, testicular volume, serum levels of pituitary

Table 7.1 Interventions and recommended actions in the clinical management of azoospermic men with spermatogenic failure seeking fertility
Clinical management step Interventions Action taken Interpretation
Differential diagnosis in Medical history, physical Confirmation that azoospermia is due to A differential diagnosis between obstructive
azoospermia examination, endocrine profile spermatogenic failure and identification azoospermia, hypogonadotropic
(FSH and testosterone levels at a of men with severely impaired hypogonadism, and spermatogenic failure
minimum; LH, prolactin, thyroid spermatogenesis with presence of few should be performed as treatment strategy
hormones, and estradiol are sperm in the ejaculate and outcome vary according to the type of
added as needed), and azoospermia
examination of pelleted semen in
multiple occasions. Testicular
biopsy could be considered in
the few cases in which the
differential diagnosis is not
Determination of the Y chromosome microdeletion Deselect men with microdeletions Approximately 10 % of men with
individuals who are screening using multiplex (PCR) involving subregions AZFa, AZFb, and azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure
candidates for a sperm blood test. The basic set of PCR AZFb + c harbor microdeletions within the AZF
retrieval attempt primers recommended by the region. The chances of sperm retrieval in
EAA/EMQN to be used in men with YCMD involving the subregions
multiplex PCR reactions for the AZFa, AZFb, and AZFb + c are virtually nil,
diagnosis of Yq microdeletion and such patients should be counseled
includes sY14 (SRY), ZFX/ZFY, accordingly. The chances of a successful
sY84 and sY86 (AZFa), sY127 sperm retrieval in men with AZFc deletions
Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia

and sY134 (AZFb), and sY254 range from 50 to 70 %. Genetic counseling

and sY255 (AZFc) should be offered to men with AZFc
deletions because testicular spermatozoa
used for ICSI will invariably transmit the
deletion from father to son
Table 7.1 (continued)

Clinical management step Interventions Action taken Interpretation

Identification of the patients Determination of the serum Medical treatment with gonadotropins, Patients should be counseled that the
to whom interventions prior levels of total testosterone and aromatase inhibitors, or clomiphene evidence of a positive effect of medical
to testicular retrieval can be estradiol citrate should be considered for the treatment is limited, and such interventions
offered patients with hypogonadism are at present considered empirical
(TT < 300 ng/dL) or T/E ratio <10
Physical examination to identify Microsurgical repair of clinical Microsurgical varicocele repair is associated
the presence of clinical varicocele with better outcome concerning recurrence
varicocele and analysis of and postoperative complications. Patients
testicular biopsy results (if with testicular histopathology indicating
available) Sertoli-cell-only are unlikely to benefit from
varicocele repair. Evidence of a positive
effect of varicocele repair is limited, and
patients should be counseled accordingly
Selection of the most Analysis of testicular biopsy Microdissection testicular sperm Micro-TESE in SF is associated with a more
effective surgical method for results (if available) and of extraction. Conventional testicular sperm favorable sperm retrieval rate ranging from
testicular sperm acquisition whether sperm have been extraction may be considered in cases of 42.9 to 63 % compared with 16.7–45 % in
obtained in previous treatment previous success with TESE, particularly conventional TESE. The lower tissue
and by which method when testicular histopathology indicates removal facilitates sperm processing and
hypospermatogenesis lessens testicular damage
Application of state-of-the- Extraction of a minimum Sterile techniques, stable pH and Spermatozoa collected from men with SF
art laboratory techniques to volume of tissue by micro-TESE temperature, and high laboratory air should be handled with great care because
handle surgically extracted facilitates tissue processing and quality conditions useful to optimize they are often compromised in quality and
testicular spermatozoa search for sperm. Testicular micromanipulation efficiency and safety are more fragile than ejaculated counterparts.
tissue preparation techniques assurance The reproductive potential of the gametes
include mechanical and Excess sperm not used for ICSI should used for ICSI is differentially affected by SF
enzymatic mincing and be cryopreserved for future attempts
erythrocyte lysis
Adapted with permission from Esteves (2015)
ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection, Micro-TESE microdissection testicular sperm extraction, PCR polymerase chain reaction, T/E testosterone-to-estradiol
S.C. Esteves

ratio, TESE testicular sperm extraction, TT total testosterone

7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 115

gonadotropins, and testicular histopathology results reflect a global spermatogenic

function, they cannot accurately discriminate individuals in whom foci of sperm
production will be found upon SR. In an early series involving 60 men with SF, we
determined the accuracy of commonly used prognostic parameters using a logistic
regression analysis (Verza Jr and Esteves 2011). We confirmed that these param-
eters have low accuracy as the areas under the receiver-operating characteristic
(ROC) curves of FSH, testosterone, and testicular volume for predicting a positive
sperm extraction were 0.53, 0.59, and 0.52, respectively. In another study, Tournaye
and cols. combined clinical and laboratory parameters, such as testicular volume
and FSH levels and histopathology results, and found that diagnostic accuracy was
only 74 % (Tournaye et al. 1997). Testicular sperm have been obtained in different
etiology categories, including cryptorchidism, post-orchitis, Klinefelter syndrome,
radio-/chemotherapy, and idiopathy, with variable success rates ranging from 25 to
70 % (Esteves et al. 2010; Schiff et al. 2005; Chan et al. 2001; Raman and Schlegel
2003; Esteves 2013). In summary, clinical parameters and endocrine profile are
unreliable markers for determining the chances of sperm acquisition in men with
azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure.
In contrast, the molecular diagnosis and subtyping of Y chromosome microdele-
tions (YCMD) have been shown to be useful preoperative biomarkers to determine
the chances of sperm retrieval in men with azoospermia due to YCMD (Esteves and
Agarwal 2011; Stahl et al. 2010; Krausz et al. 2000; Peterlin et al. 2002; Hopps
et al. 2003; Simoni et al. 2008; Kleiman et al. 2011, 2012; Hamada et al. 2013). A
microdeletion is a chromosomal deletion that usually spans over several genes but
is small in size and cannot be detected using conventional cytogenetic methods such
as karyotyping (Navarro-Costa et al. 2010; Hamada et al. 2013). The long arm of the
Y chromosome contains a region at Yq11 that clusters 26 genes involved in sper-
matogenesis regulation (Simoni et al. 2008; Hamada et al. 2013; Repping et al.
2002; Krausz et al. 2014). This region is referred to as “azoospermia factor” (AZF)
because microdeletions at this interval are often associated with azoospermia
(Fig. 7.2). The application of molecular technology has allowed the recognition of
three AZF subregions designated as AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc, each one including a
major AZF candidate gene (Simoni et al. 2008; Krausz et al. 2014). It has been
estimated that approximately 10 % of men with azoospermia due to spermatogenic
failure harbor microdeletions within the AZF region that might explain their condi-
tion (Simoni et al. 2008; Krausz et al. 2014).
From the medical point of view, the following microdeletions have recurrently
been found in men with spermatogenic failure (Krausz et al. 2014; Navarro-Costa
et al. 2010): (i) AZFa, (ii) AZFb (P5/proximal P1), (iii) AZFbc (P5/distal P1 or P4/
distal P1), and (iv) AZFc (b2/b4). The most frequent deletion subtypes comprise
the AZFc region (~80 %) followed by AZFa (0.5–4 %), AZFb (1–5 %), and AZFbc
(1–3 %) regions (Krausz et al. 2014). Deletions differentially affecting these AZF
subregions cause a distinct disruption of germ cell development. AZFa deletions
that remove the entire AZFa are invariably associated with the testicular histopa-
thology phenotype of pure SCOS with no residual areas of active spermatogen-
esis. Although partial AZFa deletions have been described and may be eventually
116 S.C. Esteves

Fig. 7.2 Human Y chromosome map depicting the AZF subregions and gene content. The AZFa
region maps from approximately 12.9–13.7 Mb of the chromosome and contains two single-copy
genes, USP9Y and DDX3Y. AZFb spans from approximately 18–24.7 Mb of the chromosome and
AZFc from approximately 23–26.7 Mb. Both regions contain multiple genes as depicted in the
bottom of the figure. The location of the basic set of sequence-tagged sites primers to be investi-
gated in azoospermic men with spermatogenic failure, according to the European Association of
Andrology and the European Molecular Genetics Quality Network 2013 guidelines, is identified
by solid vertical lines

associated with residual spermatogenesis, this event is extremely rare (Tyler-Smith

and Krausz 2009). Hence, the diagnosis of a deletion in the AZFa region implies
that the chances of retrieving testicular spermatozoa for ICSI are virtually nonexis-
tent (Krausz et al. 2000; Hopps et al. 2003; Simoni et al. 2008; Kleiman et al. 2011;
Vogt and Bender 2013). The clinical feature of complete AZFb and AZFbc (P5/
proximal P1, P5/distal P1, P4/distal P1) deletions is similar to AZFa deletions as
the chances of finding spermatozoa on attempts of sperm retrieval are close to zero
(Krausz et al. 2000; Hopps et al. 2003; Kleiman et al. 2011). In AZFb and AZFbc
deletions, the most common testicular histopathology phenotype is spermatogenic
maturation arrest, but SCOS can also be found. Nevertheless, spermatid arrest
and crypto-/oligozoospermia have been reported in three patients with a complete
AZFb or AZbc deletions (Soares et al. 2012; Longepied et al. 2010). In addition,
spermatozoa have been identified in rare cases of complete and partial AZFb and
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 117

AZFbc deletions (Kleiman et al. 2011). At present, however, given the difficulties
to explain the biological nature of these unusual phenotypes, it is sound to assume
that the diagnosis of complete deletions of AZFb or AZFbc (P5/proximal P1, P5/
distal P1, P4/distal P1) implies that the chances of a successful testicular sperm
retrieval are virtually zero (Krausz et al. 2014). In contrast, the chances of success-
ful sperm retrieval in men with NOA and AZFc deletions are 50–70 % (Peterlin
et al. 2002; Simoni et al. 2008). AZFc deletions are usually associated with residual
spermatogenesis, and therefore testicular spermatozoa can be surgically retrieved
and children can be conceived by ICSI (Kent-First et al. 1996; Mulhall et al. 1997;
Kamischke et al. 1999; van Golde et al. 2001; Oates et al. 2002). The probability
of fatherhood by ICSI seems to be unaltered by the presence of AZFc microdele-
tions (Peterlin et al. 2002; Kent-First et al. 1996; Mulhall et al. 1997; Kamischke
et al. 1999; Oates et al. 2002; Cram et al. 2000). Notwithstanding, some authors
have reported impaired embryo development in such cases (Simoni et al. 2008; van
Golde et al. 2001). The male offspring born via ICSI from fathers with AZFc micro-
deletions will inherit the Yq microdeletion and as a result infertility. However, the
exact testicular phenotype cannot be predicted as AZFc deletions may jeopardize Y
chromosome integrity, predisposing to chromosome loss and sex reversal. There is
a potential risk for the 45,X0 karyotype and to the mosaic phenotype 45,X/46,XY in
these offspring, which may lead to spontaneous abortion or a newborn with genital
ambiguity (Siffroi et al. 2000; Patsalis et al. 2000; Rajpert-De Meyts et al. 2011).
Genetic counseling is therefore mandatory to provide information about the risk of
conceiving a son with infertility and other genetic abnormalities.
Diagnostic testing for YCMD is based on a multiplex polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) blood test aimed to amplify the AZFa, AZFb, and AZFc regions of the Y
chromosome (Hamada et al. 2013). This technique primarily amplifies anonymous
sequences of the Y chromosome using specific sequence-tagged sites (STSs) prim-
ers that are not polymorphic and are well known to be deleted in men affected by
azoospermia according to the known, clinically relevant microdeletion pattern
(Krausz et al. 2014). To obtain uniform results, it is necessary to follow validated
guidelines, such as those issued by the European Association of Andrology (EAA)
and the European Molecular Genetics Quality Network (EMQN) (Krausz et al.
2014). The basic set of PCR primers recommended by the EAA/EMQN to be used
in multiplex PCR reactions for the diagnosis of Yq microdeletion includes sY14
(SRY), ZFX/ZFY, sY84 and sY86 (AZFa), sY127 and sY134 (AZFb), and sY254
and sY255 (AZFc) (Fig. 7.2). While the primer for the SRY gene is included as a
control for the testis-determining factor on the short arm of the Y chromosome, the
primers for the ZFX/ZFY gene act as internal controls because these primers
amplify a unique fragment both in male and female DNA, respectively. A DNA
sample from a fertile male and from a woman and a blank (water) control should be
run in parallel with the set of primers. According to the current knowledge, once a
deletion of both primers within a region is detected, the probability of a complete
deletion is very high. The use of the aforementioned primer set enables the detection
of almost all clinically relevant deletions and of over 95 % of the deletions reported
in the literature in the three AZF regions (Krausz et al. 2014). However, as partial
118 S.C. Esteves

AZFa, AZFb, and AZFbc deletions have been described and their phenotypic
expression is milder than the complete ones (Krausz et al. 2000; Kleiman et al.
2011), the definition of the extension of the deletion is now recommended in sperm
retrieval candidates and should be based on additional markers as described by
Krausz and colleagues (2014).
In conclusion, patients with azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure who are
candidates for sperm retrieval and ICSI should be screened for Y chromosome
microdeletions because the diagnosis of a deletion has prognostic value and influ-
ences therapeutic options (Table 7.1). Retrieval attempts are not recommended in
cases of complete deletion of the AZFa region. Sperm retrieval in azoospermic
carriers of deletions of the AZFb or AZFbc regions may be eventually attempted.
However, the patient should be fully informed about the very low/virtually zero
chance to retrieve spermatozoa. Owed to reports of deletion carriers among men
with nonidiopathic NOA, including cryptorchidism, post-chemo-/radiotherapy, var-
icocele, and Klinefelter syndrome, the presence of any of these diagnosis categories
accompanied by azoospermia should be an indication for YCMD screening testing
(Krausz et al. 1999; Mitra et al. 2006). Genetic counseling should be offered to
men with AZFc deletions who are candidates for sperm retrieval because testicular
spermatozoa used for ICSI will invariably transmit the deletion from father to son.
Although the likely result is azoospermia, AZFc microdeletions might be associ-
ated with an increased risk of miscarriage and other genetic abnormalities in the

7.4 Defining Who Can Benefit from Interventions Prior

to Sperm Retrieval

After identifying who are the candidates for SR by excluding those patients with
complete AZFa, AZFb, and AZFbc microdeletions, the next step is to select the
patients who could benefit from medical and surgical interventions prior to
SR. While a positive clinical outcome has been observed after gonadotropin treat-
ment in azoospermic men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, it is generally
believed that medical therapy would be ineffective in SF due to the presence of high
serum levels of gonadotropins. Treatments that could improve sperm production in
men with SF are highly expected since nearly half of them will be halted in their
attempt to conceive due to the absence of testicular sperm on retrievals (Kumar
2013; Esteves et al. 2011b, 2014; Carpi et al. 2009).
Given that approximately 50 % of men with azoospermia due to spermatogenic
failure have hypogonadism, defined by low endogenous levels (<300 ng/dL) of total
testosterone (Sussman et al. 2008; Reifsnyder et al. 2012), recent studies have
examined the effect of therapies that could boost testosterone production as poten-
tial targets for medical intervention. Testosterone is essential for spermatogenesis
(Quigley et al. 1995; McLachlan et al. 2002), and it has been shown that its levels
are more than 100-fold greater in the testes as compared with the serum (Jarow et al.
2001). Although the mechanism by which testosterone regulates the spermatogenic
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 119

process in humans is not fully understood, intratesticular testosterone action on tar-

get cells seems to involve a paracrine mechanism on androgen receptors (ARs)
(Boukari et al. 2009; Kato et al. 2014). Enhancing testosterone production using
medication could allow the restoration of adequate levels of intratesticular andro-
genic bioactivity that are essential to sustain spermatogenesis in combination with
adequate Sertoli cell stimulation with FSH (Coviello et al. 2004). Drugs that have
been utilized include clomiphene citrate, gonadotropins (human chorionic gonado-
tropin and FSH), and aromatase inhibitors (Ashraf et al. 2013; Schiff et al. 2005;
Reifsnyder et al. 2012; Pavlovich et al. 2001; Ramasamy et al. 2009, 2012; Kumar
2013; Hussein et al. 2013).
Clomiphene citrate is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that competitively
binds to estrogen receptors on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. As a result, the
pituitary perceives less estrogen, which leads to the secretion of both FSH and
LH. The latter binds to LH receptors that are present in the Leydig cells and induces
androgen secretion and a consequent rise in testosterone levels (Kumar 2013).
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein similar to the native LH,
but with higher receptor affinity and half-life compared with LH (Kumar 2013;
Leão and Esteves 2014). hCG binds to the same LH receptor at the Leydig cell level,
thus stimulating the production of androgens. Aromatase inhibitors, on the other
hand, block the aromatase enzyme present in the adipose tissue, liver, testis, and
skin. The latter is responsible for converting testosterone and other androgens to
estradiol. Aromatase inhibitors have been prescribed to obese and overweight infer-
tile men who often have aromatase hyperactivity and consequently elevated estra-
diol levels (Hammoud et al. 2010). Estradiol suppresses pituitary LH and FSH
secretion and also directly inhibits testosterone biosynthesis. This results in an
imbalance in the testosterone and estradiol (T/E) ratio, which may be reversible by
oral administration of aromatase inhibitors (Reifsnyder et al. 2012; Pavlovich et al.
2001). The aforementioned drug categories have been used in combination or alone.
In an early study including 43 men with SF associated with various etiologies,
Pavlovich and colleagues reported an increase in T/E ratio after treatment with aro-
matase inhibitors, but none of the treated men experienced return of sperm into the
ejaculate (Pavlovich et al. 2001). In a series involving 42 men with non-mosaic
Klinefelter syndrome and azoospermia, Schiff and colleagues administered aroma-
tase inhibitors alone or in combination with clomiphene citrate or hCG prior to
sperm retrieval (Schiff et al. 2005). The authors observed an increased SR rate in
men who had received medical therapy. In a later series from the same group also
involving non-mosaic Klinefelter patients, the authors reported that the SR rates
were increased by 1.4-fold in the men who responded to the medical therapy, defined
by an absolute increase of 150 ng/dL of testosterone from baseline levels, compared
to ones who did not (Ramasamy et al. 2009). In a recent study involving a large
cohort of 442 men with azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure who received
medication (clomiphene citrate and hCG) prior to SR, the investigators aimed at
achieving 600–800 ng/dL serum testosterone posttreatment. In this study, SR rates
were significantly higher in the group of patients who achieved the desired hor-
monal level post-medical therapy (57 vs. 33.6 %; Hussein et al. 2013). Contrary
120 S.C. Esteves

results, however, have been observed in a large cohort of unselected men with NOA
treated with aromatase inhibitors, clomiphene citrate, and hCG (Reifsnyder et al.
2012). In this aforementioned series involving 736 men, the authors observed that
SR rates were not significantly different between treated and untreated individuals
(52 vs. 53 %) despite of a high positive response to medical therapy in terms of
boosting endogenous testosterone levels.
Recently, Shinjo et al. (2013) demonstrated that the Leydig cells of men with
SF produce increased amounts of intratesticular testosterone (ITT) in response
to exogenous hCG stimulation even under a hypergonadotropic condition. The
aforementioned authors studied a group of 20 men with SF and found that ITT
levels were significantly higher after hCG treatment (pre, 273.6 ± 134.4; post,
1348.1 ± 505.4 ng/mL; P < .0001). LH secretion is characterized by the frequency,
amplitude, and duration of its secretory pulses (Spratt et al. 1987). In men with SF,
the relative amplitude of LH pulses is low because the basal LH levels are high
(Shiraishi et al. 2012), thus indicating that the stimulation of Leydig and Sertoli
cells by endogenous gonadotropins is paradoxically weak (Keenan and Veldhuis
2004). Not surprisingly, the percentage of Sertoli cells showing androgen receptors
is significantly higher in the men with SF compared to those with normal spermato-
genesis (23.7 % vs. 18 %, p < 0.05) (Kato et al. 2014).
Endogenous FSH is suppressed below preadolescent levels through a negative
feedback mechanism of elevated serum testosterone in over half the azoospermic
men with SF treated with hCG (Shiraishi et al. 2012). Such an effect could be ben-
eficial since high plasma FSH levels, which cause downregulation of FSH recep-
tors, impair tubular function. As a matter of fact, an improvement in Sertoli cell
function was achieved after reduction of high FSH plasma concentration by admin-
istration of a GnRH analogue in men with severely impaired spermatogenesis
(Foresta et al. 2004). Sertoli cells have been considered to be a major target for
testosterone signaling via the activation of nuclear androgen receptors (Griswold
2005; Kato et al. 2014). The Sertoli cells support male germ cell development and
survival, and their function can be restored by elevated intratesticular testosterone
(O’Shaughnessy et al. 2010). Interestingly, Shinjo et al. (2013) showed that basal
ITT was lower in men with SF who responded to hormonal treatment and had sperm
retrieved than those who had not. Human chorionic gonadotropin treatment may not
only increase intratesticular testosterone but also reset FSH action.
Although the exact mechanism underlying the beneficial effect of hCG therapy
in men with SF remains unclear, it has been speculated that hCG acts by indirectly
stimulating spermiogenesis as well as spermatogonia DNA synthesis in those
patients with foci of hypospermatogenesis or late maturation arrest (Shinjo et al.
2013; Matthiesson et al. 2006; Aggarwal et al. 2009; Wistuba et al. 2010). These
effects could result in the formation of well-differentiated seminiferous tubules that
would be detected during sperm retrieval (Shiraishi et al. 2012).
Varicocele, found in approximately 5 % of men with SF, has also been a target for
intervention prior to sperm retrieval (Miyaoka and Esteves 2012; Weedin et al. 2010).
While it is still debatable whether varicocele is merely coincidental or contributory
to spermatogenesis disruption, the surgical repair of clinical varicoceles, particularly
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 121

using microsurgical techniques, has been carried out in an attempt to improve sperm
production in such men (Miyaoka and Esteves 2012; Esteves and Glina 2005; Weedin
et al. 2010). The goals are to allow the appearance of small quantities of sperm in
the ejaculate or increase the chances of retrieving sperm from the testis. Sperm pro-
duction restoration, albeit minimal, will facilitate sperm injection procedures. In an
early study, we evaluated a group of 17 men with clinical varicocele and azoosper-
mia due to SF who underwent microsurgical sub-inguinal varicocele repair (Esteves
and Glina 2005). In a mean postoperative follow-up of 19 months, 35.3 % (6/17) of
the patients had motile sperm in ejaculates with a mean sperm count of 0.8 million/
ml (range 0.1–1.8). A testicular biopsy obtained for analysis revealed that the histo-
pathology phenotype was associated with the surgical outcome. Viable sperm was
identified in the ejaculates of 72.7 % (8/11) of the patients with hypospermatogenesis
or maturation arrest, in contrast to none (0/6) of those with SCO (Esteves and Glina
2005). Subsequently, a meta-analysis of 11 case series-including our own-involving
233 patients with clinical varicocele and azoospermia showed similar results (Weedin
et al. 2010). At a mean postoperative follow-up of 13 months, motile sperm was
found in ejaculates of 39 % of the subjects. With a mean sperm count of 1.6 mil-
lion/ml, natural and assisted conceptions were obtained in 26 % of the treated men.
Analysis of testicular biopsies taken either prior or during varicocele repair revealed
that hypospermatogenesis and maturation arrest were significantly more likely to be
associated with the presence of sperm in the postoperative ejaculate compared with
Sertoli-cell-only (odds ratio 9.4, CI 95 % 3.2–27.3; Weedin et al. 2010).
Although the aforementioned studies indicate that improvements in sperm pro-
duction after varicocelectomy can be achieved in approximately one third of men
with azoospermia, most of the treated individuals will either remain azoospermic or
have inadequate number of sperm in the ejaculate for ICSI (Schlegel and Kaufmann
2004). In such cases, a sperm retrieval attempt will be the only alternative, and
the validity of having had a varicocele operation has been examined. In one study,
Schlegel and Kaufmann reported that 22 % of the patients had sperm on a post-
varicocelectomy semen analysis at an average follow-up of 14.7 months, but only
9.6 % had motile sperm in the ejaculate to allow ICSI to be carried out without the
need of a surgical sperm extraction (Schlegel and Kaufmann 2004). In this afore-
mentioned retrospective study involving 138 patients, similar retrieval rates of 60 %
per attempt were obtained regardless of whether or not varicocelectomy had been
performed. In contrast, two retrospective series have shown that varicocelectomy
applied to patients with SF and clinical varicocele is advantageous. Inci and col-
leagues, studying a group of 96 men, observed that retrieval rates were significantly
higher in treated (53 %) compared with untreated men (30 %, P = .03), which repre-
sented a 2.6-fold increase in the chances of identifying sperm at a surgical retrieval
attempt (odds ratio [OR], 2.63; 95 % confidence interval [CI] of 1.05–6.60; Inci et al.
2009). Along the same lines, in a study involving 66 men, Haydardedeoglu and cols.
reported higher retrieval rates in men who have had varicocele repair prior to SR
(61 %) compared with untreated men (38 %; P < .01;Haydardedeoglu et al. 2010).
In conclusion, interventions prior to SR including medical therapy to boost
endogenous testosterone production and microsurgical varicocele repair can be
122 S.C. Esteves

offered to selected patients with azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure

(Table 7.1). Although an overall beneficial effect has been observed, the evidence is
currently limited and based mostly on case series. Hence, a firm conclusion on the
role of medical and surgical intervention therapy in men with spermatogenic failure
and azoospermia cannot be drawn yet. Randomized controlled trials are needed to
assess the impact of such interventions on sperm production and sperm retrieval

7.5 Defining What Is the Best Method of Sperm Retrieval

for Azoospermic Men with Spermatogenic Failure

Sperm retrieval techniques should be aimed at offering the highest possible chance
of obtaining an adequate number of good quality testicular sperm, which can be
immediately used for ICSI or cryopreserved for future ICSI attempts. Retrieval
methods should also minimize testicular damage, thus preserving androgen activity
and the chance of repeated retrievals attempts.
Historically, the method of choice for sperm acquisition in azoospermia due to
SF has been conventional testicular sperm extraction (TESE), with a mean reported
SRR of 49.5 % (Donoso et al. 2007). In TESE, open single or multiple testicular
biopsies are randomly taken, processed, and examined for the presence of sperm
(Esteves et al. 2011b, 2013b; Carpi et al. 2009; Tournaye et al. 1997). Since predic-
tion of both the existence and the geographic location of the islets of normal sper-
matogenesis is not possible prior to SR, more than one specimen is usually required
until sperm is found. TESE with multiple biopsies resulted in higher SRR than
fine-needle aspiration (TEFNA), a variation of testicular sperm aspiration (TESA),
particularly in cases involving SCO and maturation arrest (Donoso et al. 2007). A
disadvantage of TESE is that removal of large fragments of testicular tissue may
jeopardize the already compromised androgen production, in a transient or perma-
nent way, thus resulting in severe hypogonadism (Schlegel and Su 1997). Also,
laboratory processing of such large quantities of testicular tissue taken by TESE is
time consuming and labor intensive (Esteves and Verza 2012; Esteves and Varghese
2012; Schlegel 1999).
Microdissection testicular sperm extraction (micro-TESE) is a microsurgical
method of sperm retrieval that has been proposed as a better alternative to TESE in
cases of spermatogenic failure (Schlegel 1999). The reasons are the greater success
at obtaining sperm, ranging from 43 % up to 70 %, and the lower tissue removal that
facilitates sperm processing and lessens testicular damage (Esteves et al. 2011b,
2013b; Schlegel 1999; Okada et al. 2002; Amer et al. 2000; Tsujimura 2007;
El-Haggar et al. 2007). The rationale of micro-TESE is to identify focal areas of
sperm production within the testes, based on the size and appearance of the seminif-
erous tubules, with the aid of the operating microscope (Schlegel 1999). Such areas
are selectively extracted thus allowing minimal tissue removal, which has been
shown to be 50–70-fold less when compared with conventional TESE (Esteves et al.
2011b, 2013b; Schlegel 1999). The use of optical magnification also reduces the
chances of vascular injury by proper identification of testicular blood supply, thus
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 123

reducing the chances of hematoma formation and testicular devascularization

(Esteves 2013). Although decrease in serum testosterone has been documented after
removing testicular parenchyma by micro-TESE, especially in men with severely
compromised androgen activity such as those with Klinefelter syndrome (Schiff
et al. 2005), testosterone levels return to presurgical values in 95 % of the subjects
within 18 months following surgery (Ramasamy et al. 2005).
For micro-TESE, a large incision is made in an avascular area of the tunica albu-
ginea under 6–8X magnification, and the testicular parenchyma is widely exposed.
The parenchyma is then dissected at 16– 25X magnification to enable the search and
isolation of the seminiferous tubules that exhibit larger diameter in comparison with
non-enlarged or collapsed counterparts. These enlarged tubules are more likely to
contain germ cells and eventually normal sperm production (Fig. 7.3). Microsurgical-
guided biopsies are performed by carefully removing such tubules, which are sent
to the laboratory for examination. In addition to minimizing testicular damage, a
smaller amount of tissue extracted facilitates laboratory processing and sperm
search, thus increasing the process efficiency (Schlegel 1999; Amer et al. 2000;
Tsujimura 2007; Esteves et al. 2011b, 2013b; Esteves and Varghese 2012; Ashraf
et al. 2013; Esteves 2013).
In a controlled study from our group involving 60 men with SF, we compared
SRR between micro-TESE and conventional single-biopsy TESE (Verza Jr and
Esteves 2011). The SRR was significantly higher with micro-TESE (45vs. 25 %;
P = .005) both overall and after stratifying the patients by testicular histopathology
phenotype (hypospermatogenesis, 93 vs. 64 %; maturation arrest, 64 vs. 9 %;
Sertoli-cell-only syndrome, 20 vs. 6 %; P < .001). Controlled studies have corrobo-
rated our results showing that micro-TESE is associated with a higher sperm recov-
ery and lower complication rates (below 5 %) than conventional TESE (Okada et al.

Fig. 7.3 Microdissection testicular sperm extraction. The flow chart illustrates the consecutive
steps from the microsurgical procedure to the laboratory processing of testicular specimens
(Reprinted with permission from Esteves (2015))
124 S.C. Esteves

2002; Amer et al. 2000; Tsujimura 2007; El-Haggar et al. 2007). We have recently
reported our updated experience involving 356 patients with SF who have under-
gone micro-TESE. SRR was 41.4 % overall (Esteves et al. 2014) and 100.0, 40.3,
and 19.5 % according to the histopathology phenotypes of hypospermatogenesis,
maturation arrest, and SCO, respectively (Esteves and Agarwal 2014). Micro-TESE
has been shown to rescue approximately one third of the cases that failed in previ-
ous retrieval attempts with conventional TESE and TESA and is particularly useful
for men with spermatogenic failure presenting the worst-case scenarios (Ashraf
et al. 2013; Schlegel 1999). Lastly, a recent systematic review involving seven com-
parative studies and 1062 patients confirmed that micro-TESE in SF was associated
with a more favorable sperm retrieval rate ranging from 42.9 to 63 % compared with
16.7 to 45 % in conventional TESE (Deruyver et al. 2014).
In conclusion, the efficiency of sperm retrieval in azoospermia due to SF varies
according to the method of sperm acquisition. Micro-TESE should be the method of
choice for SR in such cases because it not only increases the chance of retrieving
testicular sperm for ICSI but also minimizes testicular damage (Table 7.1).

7.6 Laboratory Handling of Testicular Sperm

After sperm retrieval procedures, the extracted testicular parenchyma is immedi-

ately transferred to the embryology laboratory for sperm search. The laboratory
handling of surgically retrieved gametes requires special attention because sperma-
tozoa collected from men with NOA are often compromised in quality and are more
fragile than ejaculated counterparts (Verza and Esteves 2008). Both sperm DNA
fragmentation and aneuploidy rates are higher in testicular sperm obtained from
men with spermatogenic failure compared with ejaculated sperm obtained from
infertile men with various etiology categories (Vozdova et al. 2012; Meseguer et al.
2009). As a result, a lower fertilization, embryo development, and pregnancy rates
have been achieved when the gametes retrieved from men with SF are used for ICSI
(Esteves et al. 2014; Verza and Esteves 2008).
The extraction of a minimum volume of tissue by using advanced surgical tech-
niques, such as micro-TESE, is advantageous because the processing of TESE spec-
imens may be incredibly labor intensive. The searching process in large testicular
tissue volumes may miss the rare spermatozoa in the sea of cells and noncellu-
lar elements. Hence, the lower the amount of tissue to be processed, the easier the
sperm search (Esteves and Varghese 2012). Testicular tissue preparation techniques
designed to increase sperm retrieval rates have been used to handle these specimens,
including mechanical and enzymatic mincing. These methods ensure tubular wall
break down and cellular content loss (Esteves and Varghese 2012; Aydos et al. 2005;
Baukloh 2002). After proper disintegration of the seminiferous tubules, specimens
are processed to eliminate surplus tissue elements and red blood cells. This step can
be achieved by using erythrocyte lysing solution and density gradient centrifugation,
respectively (Esteves and Varghese 2012; Ozkavukcu et al. 2014). Lastly, a series
of Petri dishes are prepared containing oil-covered microdroplets of sperm culture
media loaded with aliquots of processed testicular tissue. This offers the opportunity
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 125

of an effective examination of the specimens by the embryologist, thus allowing the

identification and retrieval of testicular spermatozoa (Esteves and Varghese 2012).
This final step is carried out at the ICSI workstation. Throughout the aforesaid
processes, the temperature and pH of working solutions should be kept constant.
Moreover, state-of-the-art laboratory practice standards, including sterile techniques
and laboratory air quality conditions, are of utmost importance to optimize micro-
manipulation efficiency and safety assurance (Esteves and Varghese 2012; Popal
and Nagy 2013). At our center, we perform sperm retrieval and all related-laboratory
steps involved in the handling of testicular specimens in controlled environments.
The latter includes tissue processing, microinjection of surgically extracted sperm,
culture of embryos generated from such procedures, and cryopreservation of gam-
etes and embryos. Our facility, comprised of reproductive laboratories (IVF and
andrology), an operating room where microsurgical sperm extractions and oocyte
collections are carried out, and embryo transfer rooms, was constructed according to
clean room standards for air particles and volatile organic compounds. Not surpris-
ingly, we observed a significant increase in IVF treatment effectiveness after having
implemented clean room technology (Esteves and Bento 2013).
After a successful SR in NOA, cryopreservation of surplus testicular sperm is
highly recommended because such patients often require more than one ICSI
attempt until a pregnancy is established, and repeated retrieval attempts are not
always possible. Some centers prefer to retrieve and intentionally cryopreserve tes-
ticular sperm for future use, while others coordinate sperm retrieval and oocyte
collection to occur simultaneously. In many cases, only immotile spermatozoa will
be available for sperm injection after thawing, which could negatively impact ICSI
outcomes. A comprehensive review of the advantages and disadvantages of per-
forming sperm injections with fresh or frozen-thawed testicular sperm and the
methods of selecting viable immotile sperm for ICSI can be found elsewhere
(Esteves and Varghese 2012).
In conclusion, adherence to state-of-the-art laboratory techniques and quality
control are recommended not only to avoid jeopardizing the sperm fertilizing poten-
tial but also to improve ICSI outcomes when handling testicular specimens extracted
from men with azoospermia due to spermatogenic failure (Table 7.1).

7.7 Results of Assisted Reproductive Technology

in Azoospermic Men with Spermatogenic Failure

The clinical outcomes of ICSI using surgically extracted testicular sperm from men
with azoospermia due to SF are lower than ejaculated counterparts (Palermo et al.
1999; He et al. 2010; Esteves and Agarwal 2013a; Verza and Esteves 2008). The
results are also lower when the former is compared with epididymal and testicular
sperm obtained from men with obstructive azoospermia (OA), in whom spermato-
genesis is not disrupted unlike spermatogenic failure (Esteves et al. 2014; He et al.
2010). These findings seems to be related to the higher tendency of these spermato-
zoa to carry deficiencies such as the ones related to the centrioles and genetic mate-
rial, which ultimately affect the capability of the male gamete to activate the egg and
126 S.C. Esteves

trigger the formation and development of a normal zygote and a viable embryo
(Vozdova et al. 2012; Meseguer et al. 2009).
In an early series involving 330 patients with different infertility conditions
including 53 azoospermic men with SF, we examined the ICSI outcomes according
to the source of spermatozoa and the type of azoospermia. We found that normal
(2PN) fertilization rates were significantly lower when testicular sperm of men with
SF was compared with ejaculated sperm, and with testicular/epididymal sperm of
men with obstructive azoospermia (52.2, 71.1, and 73.6 % in SF, ejaculated sperm,
and OA, respectively; P < .05). Embryo development and pregnancy rates are also
negatively affected by SF (Verza Jr and Esteves 2011). In two recent series involv-
ing a larger cohort of azoospermic men with SF, we compared the outcomes of
ICSI and analyzed the health of offspring according to the source of sperm and the
type of azoospermia. In one study, 188 women underwent ICSI using sperm from
partners with SF, and the outcomes were compared with a group of 182 and 465
women whose partners had OA and non-azoospermia male infertility, respectively.
Live birth rates after ICSI were significantly lower in the SF group (21.4 %) com-
pared with the OA (37.5 %) and ejaculated sperm (32.3 %) groups (P = .003). A total
of 326 live births resulted in 427 babies born. Differences were not observed among
the groups in gestational age, preterm birth, birth weight, and low birth weight,
although we noted a tendency toward poorer neonatal outcomes in the azoosper-
mia categories (Esteves and Agarwal 2013a). In another series, we compared 365
azoospermic men with SF who underwent micro-TESE with 40 men with SF who
used donor sperm for sperm injections due to failed retrieval and 146 men with OA
who underwent percutaneous sperm retrieval. The sperm retrieval rate in SF was
41.4 %, and the results were lower than the OA group (100 %; adjusted odds ratio,
0.033; 95 % CI, 0.007–0.164; P < .001). Live birth rates after sperm injections were
lower in men with SF (19.9 %) compared with donor sperm (37.5 %; adjusted odds
ratio, 0.377 (95 % CI, 0.233–0.609, P < .001)) and obstructive azoospermia (34.2 %;
adjusted OR, 0.403 (95 % CI, 0.241–0.676, P = .001). Neither the miscarriage rates
nor the newborn parameters (gestational age, birth weight, malformation rate, peri-
natal mortality) of infants conceived were significantly different among the groups
(Esteves et al. 2014). Although the data on the health of resulting offspring after ICSI
using sperm of men with azoospermia due to SF is reassuring, only five studies have
compared to date the neonatal profile of such babies (Esteves et al. 2014; Esteves and
Agarwal 2013a; Vernaeve et al. 2003; Fedder et al. 2007; Belva et al. 2011).
In conclusion, the chances of obtaining sperm on retrieval and achieving a live
birth after ICSI are reduced in men with spermatogenic failure. The short-term pro-
file of infants conceived after sperm injection does not seem to be negatively affected
by spermatogenic failure.

7.8 Complete Aspermatogenesis: A Glance

Toward the Future

Aspermatogenesis, defined as severe impairment of spermatogenesis in which

germ cells are completely lacking or present only in an immature form, results in
sterility in approximately 25–45 % of patients with spermatogenic failure (Aponte
7 Management of Infertile Men with Nonobstructive Azoospermia 127

et al. 2013). In vitro fertilization with immature germ cells and in vitro culture of
these cells have been proposed as an approach to overcome the cases where no
mature spermatozoa are retrieved. ICSI with immature germ cells, including elon-
gating and round spermatids, has yielded conflicting results, and despite deliveries
of healthy offspring have been reported, the method has very low efficiency as
currently used (Vloeberghs et al. 2013). In addition, there is uncertainty whether
this approach can be considered a safe treatment option. Ethical and safety con-
cerns related to potential transmission of genomic imprinted disorders have been
raised leading to the ban of spermatid injection in the United Kingdom. Human
spermatozoa are highly specialized cells with the purpose of not only delivering
competent paternal DNA to the oocyte but also providing a robust epigenetic con-
tribution to embryogenesis. The latter requires that chromatin contains layers of
regulatory elements sufficient to drive genes toward activation or silencing upon
delivery to the oocyte. Changes in epigenome are known to affect gene expression,
and several genes participating in spermatogenesis are epigenetically regulated
(Kumar et al. 2013).
Because assisted reproduction techniques require mature germ cells, research
efforts are now focused on the differentiation of preexisting immature germ cells or
the production/derivation of sperm from somatic cells. In this regard, biotechnology
has been investigated as a valuable tool for rescuing fertility while maintaining bio-
logical fatherhood. Breakthrough advancement in this field has been accomplished
by Japanese scientists who used stem cells from mouse embryos to create primor-
dial germ cells, which differentiated into spermatozoa after testis transplantation in
mice (Sato et al. 2011). In humans, formation of human haploid-like cells has
already been obtained from pluripotent stem cells of somatic origin using the novel
technique of in vitro sperm derivation. Haploidization is another technique under
investigation as an option to create gametes based on biological cloning technology.
Despite being promising, these methodologies are experimental, and the production
of human gametes in the laboratory is a highly complex process which is yet to be
fully translated to humans (Aponte et al. 2013).
In conclusion, biotechnology techniques have been investigated as an alternative
to rescue fertility in men with complete aspermatogenesis. At present, these meth-
ods remain largely experimental and still require extensive research, which should
address, among other concerns, ethical and biosafety issues, such as gamete epigen-
etic status, ploidy, and chromatin integrity.

The clinical management of azoospermic men with spermatogenic failure seek-
ing fertility starts with a proper diagnosis workup that allows the differentiation
between SF and other types of azoospermia. Azoospermia should be confirmed
based on the absence of spermatozoa on multiple semen examinations after cen-
trifugation using microscopic analysis. The combination of history and physical
examination and hormonal analysis will differentiate with high accuracy sper-
matogenic failure from hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and obstructive azo-
ospermia. Testicular biopsy with the sole purpose of histopathology diagnosis is
not recommended because removal of testicular tissue might remove the rare foci
of sperm production and thus jeopardize retrieval attempts.
128 S.C. Esteves

Patients with azoospermia due to SF who are candidates for sperm retrieval
should be screened for Y chromosome microdeletions because the diagnosis of a
deletion has prognostic value and can influence therapeutic options. While
retrieval attempts are not recommended in complete deletion of the AZFa region,
SR in azoospermic carriers of AZFb or AZFbc deletions may be eventually
attempted, but patients should be fully informed about the very low/virtually
zero chance to retrieve sperm. The presence of AZFc deletions represents a good
prognostic factor for positive sperm retrieval because this deletion subtype is
usually associated with residual spermatogenesis. Nevertheless, genetic counsel-
ing should be offered to these men because testicular spermatozoa used for ICSI
will invariably transmit the deletion from father to son.
Before a sperm retrieval attempt, medical therapy to boost endogenous testos-
terone production and microsurgical repair of clinical varicoceles can be offered
to men with hypogonadism and clinical varicocele, respectively. Although some
individuals will ejaculate minimal quantity of sperm after such interventions, the
majority remains azoospermic and will require SR. Micro-TESE should be the
method of choice for sperm retrieval in spermatogenic failure because it not only
increases the chance of retrieving testicular sperm for ICSI but also minimizes
testicular damage.
After sperm retrieval, the extracted testicular parenchyma is immediately
transferred to the embryology laboratory for sperm search following tissue dis-
section. Adherence to state-of-the-art laboratory techniques and quality control
are recommended not only to avoid jeopardizing the sperm fertilizing potential
but also to improve ICSI outcomes when handling testicular specimens extracted
from azoospermic men with SF. The chances of obtaining sperm on retrievals
and achieving a live birth after ICSI are reduced in men with SF, but the short-
term profile of infants conceived after sperm injection does not seem to be nega-
tively affected by SF.
Biotechnology techniques of in vitro sperm generation remain largely experi-
mental although they can become a valuable tool for rescuing fertility while
maintaining biological fatherhood.

Aggarwal A, Misro M, Maheshwar A, Sehgal N, Nandan D. Adverse effects associated
with persistent stimulation of Leydig cells with hCG in vitro. Mol Reprod Dev. 2009;76:
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Management of Infertility in Klinefelter
Syndrome 8
Ranjith Ramasamy and Affan Zafar

8.1 Introduction

Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most common genetic cause of primary hypo-
gonadism in males. Chromosome analysis of most individuals with KS shows a
chromosome pattern of 47,XXY; the extra X chromosome causes the clinical and
pathological manifestations of the disorder. About 20 % of KS individuals have a
different sex chromosome aneuploidy, 48,XXXY, for example, or are genetic mosa-
ics, and only some of their cells have a Klinefelter karyotype (Tuttelmann and
Gromoll 2010; Maiburg et al. 2012). The phenotype of mosaic individuals is mild
and depends on the percentage of cells which have the Klinefelter karyotype; most
individuals are never diagnosed with the syndrome (Fruhmesser and Kotzot 2011).
The hallmarks of the syndrome include small testes, gynecomastia, elevated gonad-
otropins, and azoospermia (Klinefelter et al. 1942). Less than 10 % of KS males are
diagnosed before puberty; the most common presentation is an adult who experi-
ences infertility (Bojesen et al. 2003). The prevalence of KS is about 1 in 600 males,
corresponding to approximately 544,000 people in the United States and making it
the most common sex chromosome abnormality (Nielsen and Wohlert 1990). The
prevalence has increased in recent years for unknown reasons. It is known that the
increase cannot be attributed to improved technology alone because the prevalence
of other anomalous sex chromosome disorders has not increased similarly (Morris
et al. 2008). The management of KS has a significant impact on the healthcare sys-
tem; treatment of hypogonadism can cost over $1000 per year for hormone replace-
ment in addition to expensive diagnostic tests and biopsies (Maggi et al. 2007).

R. Ramasamy, MD (*)
Baylor College of Medicine, 1150 Northwest 14th Street 309, Miami, FL 33136, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Zafar, BS
Department of Urology, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

© Springer India 2017 135

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_8
136 R. Ramasamy and A. Zafar

Comorbidities, such as cardiovascular problems, also require management and

increase the financial burden on patients.
Healthcare practitioners do not accurately diagnose KS adolescents. One study
screened newborns in Denmark for KS and found that the condition is much more
common than previously thought. The actual diagnosis of KS is made in only about
25 % of cases when compared to the prevalence of the condition found in this study
(Groth et al. 2013). This statistic has sparked a debate over screening of newborns
for the syndrome. Experts in favor of screening argue that early diagnosis would
allow appropriate management of the comorbidities and early planning for fertility
options for the adult years. Additionally, since currently only 25 % of KS individuals
are diagnosed, screening would expand care to the remaining 75 % of patients. Those
against newborn screening comment that early interventions for KS have not been
studied well enough and may not be cost effective. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) public health screening principles, general screening should
be implemented for a disease if it poses an important health problem, has a latent
early symptomatic stage, and a well-understood natural history and if diagnostic and
treatment modalities are available, if a suitable diagnostic test is available, and if that
test is cost effective (Wilson and Jungner 1968). Two tests are available for newborn
screening of KS. The Barr body analysis has fallen out of favor and is rarely used;
however, it is a relatively inexpensive potential option. It is 82 % sensitive and 95 %
specific for detecting a Klinefelter chromosome abnormality (Kamischke et al. 2003).
Implementing this older test for newborn screening would drastically improve physi-
cians’ ability to screen for KS. Karyotyping is now the test of choice for KS because
of its 100 % sensitivity and specificity; however, it is more time consuming and expen-
sive (Hager et al. 2012). KS is a relatively common disorder; much is known about
the disease process; accurate and cheap tests exist, and evidence is starting to build
in favor of early management, as will be discussed later in the chapter. In addition, in
the United States screening is performed in newborns for many genetic disorders that
are much less common than KS. An example is phenylketonuria (PKU), which has an
incidence of 1 in 10,000 (Williams et al. 2008). Since KS meets the WHO principles,
screening for KS should be strongly considered by physicians and healthcare policy
makers. It is imperative that clinicians be knowledgeable about Klinefelter syndrome,
especially those who specialize in adolescent and reproductive medicine.

8.2 Disease Progression of Klinefelter Syndrome

Typically, a KS patient is a 25-year-old male with a tall stature, long legs, short
trunk, small testes, gynecomastia, and little facial/body hair who complains of
symptoms of androgen deficiency and infertility. It is important to keep in mind that
not every patient has all of these characteristics and sometimes the phenotype can
be indistinguishable from an individual with a normal karyotype. It is difficult to
distinguish a Klinefelter patient from any other boy on the basis of appearance
alone, and most pass through puberty with only mild symptoms. Children with KS
have normal levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone
8 Management of Infertility in Klinefelter Syndrome 137

Table 8.1 Pubertal stage-related serum gonadotropin and gonadal steroid concentrations in boys
with a 47,XXY karyotype compared to control siblings
Pubertal FSH LH
stage Subjects n (μg/dl) (μg/dl) T (ng/dl) E2 (ng/dl)
PH1 47,XXY 40 8.0 (3.6–23.0) 2.5 (1.3–6.7) 14 (<10–135) 1.0 (<1.0–6.5)
Controls 14 9.2 (2.7–30.0) 2.5 (1.5–5.1) 11 (<10–145) 1.0 (<1.0–2.0)
PH2 47,XXY 6 42.5 5.4 (1.1–19.0) 69 (<10–115) 2.2
(15.0–150)* (<1.0–4.6)**
Controls 9 11.0 (6.1–16.0) 2.5 (2.1–4.8) 15 (<10–110) 1.0 (<1.0–2.2)
PH3–5 47,XXY 18 150 24.0 367 (92–566) 3.2 (<1.0–7.4)
(44.5–264)*** (7.0–63.0)***
Controls 8 22.5 (10.0–35.0) 5.7 (2.5–8.4) 316 (31–462) 3.0 (1.9–5.6)
Adapted from Salbenblatt et al. (1985)
Values are median with the range in parentheses. To reduce sampling frequency bias, no more than
one specimen was included from each subject per year. Pubertal stage was assigned according to
pubic hair development. Differences between 47,XXY subjects and control siblings were calcu-
lated with a two-tailed Mann-Whitney test and are significant where indicated with *p=0.003,
**p<0.05, and ***p <0.001

Table 8.2 Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction during puberty in males with KS (Wikstrom et al.
Control adolescent KS adolescent
AMH Intermediate production Decreased
Androgen receptors on Sertoli cells Normal Decreased
Leydig cells Few, normal testosterone Hyperplasia, low
production testosterone production

(LH), testosterone, and estradiol before puberty, and germ cells are seen in the testes
by histology. The average age at puberty is the same as that of other individuals.
There are several differences between individuals with KS and the general popu-
lation with regard to the progression of puberty. In males with KS, serum levels
of FSH, LH, testosterone, and estradiol are significantly higher and at an earlier
age than in normal controls (Table 8.1). The testes stop growing in mid-puberty in
males with KS and do not ever reach normal size (Salbenblatt et al. 1985). Germ
cells during puberty differentiate to the spermatogonium stage only; virtually no
mature spermatozoa are present in the testes. By the end of puberty, few or no germ
cells remain. Only a few seminiferous tubules with complete spermatogenesis can
be seen, and most tubules are fibrosed with hyalinization. Degeneration of testicular
function and eventual androgen deficiency are seen at a cellular and biochemical
level as well. As puberty progresses in a KS male, there is evidence of Sertoli and
Leydig cell dysfunction. Sertoli cell malfunction is marked by decreased produc-
tion of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH, regulates sex hormone production) and
decreased androgen receptors on the Sertoli cell when compared with normal con-
trols. Leydig cell dysfunction is marked by hyperplasia of the cells and inadequate
testosterone production; in contrast, controls have fewer Leydig cells and normal
levels of testosterone (Table 8.2). (Wikstrom et al. 2007).
138 R. Ramasamy and A. Zafar

Due to the gonadal dysfunction that occurs during puberty, individuals with KS
have several manifestations of androgen deficiency. The testes are small and firm,
about 4 mL in males with KS as compared to 20 mL in eugonadal males (Corona
et al. 2010). Male-pattern body hair is sparse. Sexual problems include lack of
libido and erectile dysfunction, which affect 70 % of KS males over the age of 25.
Infertility is another sexual problem and is the most common reason for presenta-
tion and eventual diagnosis of KS. Of affected males, 90 % are shown to be azo-
ospermic on semen analysis, and no sperm are found on examination of the
centrifuged semen sediment. The remaining 10 % have oligoasthenoteratozoosper-
mia, meaning few sperm exist on semen analysis, and some or all spermatozoa have
abnormal motility and morphology (Bojesen et al. 2011).
Briefly, Klinefelter syndrome and androgen deficiency have other manifestations
that affect an individual’s overall health. The imbalance of estrogen and low testos-
terone give rise to various problems. KS patients typically develop some degree of
gynecomastia and have a slightly increased risk of male breast cancer. They also
have an increased propensity to form blood clots and varicose veins and are at
higher risk of musculoskeletal pain, osteoporosis, and hip fractures. Central obesity,
diabetes mellitus type 2, and the metabolic syndrome become concerning as men
with KS begin to age (Kamischke et al. 2003). Typical neurological and psychoso-
cial features are also associated with the syndrome. A higher risk of epilepsy exists,
and patients often have cognitive difficulties, legasthenia (inability to formulate
words from letters), learning problems, and trouble socializing.
The life expectancy is 11.5 years less than that of the general male population
(Bojesen et al. 2011). Although testosterone deficiency would seem to be the major
player, early death cannot be attributed to this alone (Nieschlag et al. 1993). Early
diagnosis of KS is important so that interventions can be initiated to mitigate the
risks posed by the comorbid conditions (Swerdlow et al. 2005; Nieschlag 2013).
This chapter seeks to explore management options for fertility and overall health in
males with KS, from adolescence to adulthood.

8.3 Management of the KS Adolescent

In earlier years, patients with KS were thought to have lifelong infertility. Due to
advances in technology, it is now well established that these individuals can have
isolated foci of spermatogenesis in the testis, and when sperm are extracted and
injected into an egg, KS patients can conceive a biological child (Aksglaede and
Juul 2013). Management now focuses on preserving fertility, but there is debate
about how best to accomplish this goal as there have been no good controlled stud-
ies of adolescent males with KS. The choice boils down to one of three options:
expectantly manage until the patient reaches adulthood and desires fertility, initiate
medical treatment in adolescence and defer invasive biopsy until fertility is desired,
or biopsy in adolescence with cryopreservation of sperm for future use.
Once the clinical features of KS are observed in an adolescent and the diagnosis
is confirmed by karyotype, the question to be answered is whether the hypogonad-
ism is symptomatic. The symptoms of low testosterone include fatigue, difficulty
8 Management of Infertility in Klinefelter Syndrome 139

gaining muscle mass, trouble concentrating, and delayed secondary sex character-
istics. A serum total testosterone level should be measured, and if it is less than
300 ng/dL on a morning blood draw, the diagnosis of male hypogonadism can be
made, and the patient can begin testosterone supplementation therapy. The imme-
diate goals for testosterone therapy are to promote secondary sex characteristics
and stimulate linear growth, bone development, and muscle bulk. Long-term goals
include possible augmentation of the disease process so that the cardiovascular,
metabolic, and psychosocial features are less severe. Research has been published
which recommends hormone therapy in adolescents with KS; however, there have
been no controlled studies to determine the effect of testosterone supplementation
on the progression of puberty (Bojesen and Gravholt 2007, Rogol and Tartaglia
2010). The method of application and dose of testosterone should be discussed with
the patient, combining the clinician’s expertise and patient preference. Testosterone
supplementation has side effects, as does any medication, and these should be dis-
cussed with the patient; however, the potential benefit of initiating early therapy
seems to outweigh the risk of adverse effects. The particular side effect of exog-
enous testosterone administration of concern in a patient with KS is inhibition of
already low testicular function, specifically spermatogenesis. Some cite this as an
argument against administering testosterone therapy, since the effect on fertility is
important to consider in this disorder (de Souza and Hallak 2011). In fact, a history
of testosterone therapy is associated with a decreased sperm retrieval rate during
microdissection testicular sperm extraction (TESE) in the general male population
(Schiff et al. 2005, Ramasamy et al. 2009). However, men without KS who received
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in addition to testosterone therapy had no
difference in semen parameters between their initial semen samples and samples
obtained after 1 year of therapy (Hsieh et al. 2013). HCG is a luteinizing hormone
(LH) analog and stimulates endogenous testosterone production and other testicular
functions (Coviello et al. 2005). The drug is generally well tolerated and has few
side effects. The drawbacks of using hCG are that it is expensive and it requires
injections in addition to administration of testosterone. Thus, for an adolescent with
KS and symptomatic hypogonadism, it is best to initiate testosterone supplementa-
tion therapy and hCG to prevent the comorbidities of the disorder while preserving
testicular function. Clomiphene and anastrazole are other adjuncts to testosterone
supplementation for preserving fertility and endogenous testicular function, but
they have not been thoroughly studied for this specific use (Moskovic et al. 2012,
Burnett-Bowie et al. 2008). Some experts still argue against initiating any therapy
before fertility is desired, thus additional clinical trials are required to determine the
best management plan for adolescent patients with KS.
Cryopreservation should be considered in this population only when mature and
viable sperm are found on an ejaculated specimen. Obtaining mature sperm or germ
cells by TESE followed by cryopreservation is not recommended for the adolescent
with KS for several reasons. Since sperm retrieval rates are relatively high in KS
adults, at least equal to those of men with other causes of nonobstructive azoosper-
mia, there is no advantage in performing the procedure on an adolescent, especially
since he may be unsure of desiring fertility in the future (Vernaeve et al. 2004).
Moreover, the procedure could have a negative impact on testicular function. In a
140 R. Ramasamy and A. Zafar

KS patient, the chance of finding viable germ cells in normal seminiferous tubules
is low, and multiple biopsies would likely be required. After any TESE, serum tes-
tosterone levels decrease and do not reach preprocedure levels even a year later
(Okada et al. 2004). In addition, the seminiferous tubule volume decreases in the
testicular parenchyma around the biopsy site, and the number of germ cells per
tubule decreases (Tash and Schlegel 2001).
Experimental options are on the horizon for adolescent males with KS who
desire to preserve fertility. Preservation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) is one
such option. Although only experimental at this point, transplantation of SSC into a
fibrosed adult KS testis for in vitro maturation may become a therapeutic option in
the future.
In summary, the adolescent KS patient with symptoms of hypogonadism and a
serum testosterone level less than 300 ng/dL should receive testosterone supplemen-
tation therapy with concurrent hCG. Further management should be delayed until
the patient desires fertility (Fig. 8.1). Further controlled studies are needed in this
population to optimize the management of the syndrome.

8.4 Management of Fertility in KS Adults

The management of adults with KS is more straightforward because it is centered

on achieving fertility and has numerous studies to guide management. The treat-
ment focuses on optimizing testicular function, obtaining sperm via biopsy, and
utilizing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to obtain a pregnancy. ICSI
involves injection of a single sperm into the cytoplasm of the oocyte. Afterward, the
oocyte is placed in cell culture and checked for signs of fertilization. If fertilization
is successful, it is implanted into the female’s uterus.
In an adult KS patient desiring fertility, testosterone supplementation therapy
should be suspended, and a serum testosterone level should be measured after 6
months. Men with levels less than 300 ng/dL should be treated with anastrazole for
2–3 months because patients with KS have low testosterone levels and are associ-
ated with a low testosterone-to-estradiol ratio (Mehta et al. 2012). Anastrazole is an
aromatase inhibitor that increases the testosterone-to-estradiol ratio and also
increases sperm concentration and motility (Raman and Schlegel 2002). Men who
do not respond to anastrazole therapy with a normal testosterone level after 1 month
should also be treated with hCG injections. HCG is analogous to luteinizing hor-
mone which improves intratesticular testosterone levels and semen quality param-
eters (Hussein et al. 2013, Schill et al. 1982, Miyagawa et al. 2005).
After medical treatment, or if the serum testosterone is normal, microdissection
TESE should be performed. Sperm is retrieved in 68 % of attempts in males with
KS, a rate which is comparable to or better than the success rate in non-KS men
with nonobstructive azoospermia. Studies show that normal baseline testosterone is
predictive of a successful TESE; 86 % of attempts were successful in this subgroup.
In patients whose testosterone level normalized after 2 months of medical therapy,
8 Management of Infertility in Klinefelter Syndrome 141

KS Patient

supplementation Symptoms of
therapy with hCG Yes hypogonadism AND No No immediate
testosterone < 300 treatment
until fertility

Adult KS Patient
Seeking Fertility

Stop testosterone
Testosterone therapy for 6 Testosterone
< 300 months if on it > 300

Anastrazole +/- hCG TESE

for 2-3 months


Fig. 8.1 Management of infertility in KS

77 % of attempts were successful. A low testosterone level after medical therapy

was the least favorable; sperm was obtained in only 55 % of TESE attempts
(Ramasamy et al. 2009).
With the sperm obtained from micro-TESE, the couple can proceed to intracyto-
plasmic sperm injection (ICSI). ICSI is well established as a fertility option for
many types of male-factor infertility issues including nonmosaic KS (Palermo et al.
1998). In those men who successfully undergo sperm retrieval, 57 % are able to
obtain a clinical pregnancy by utilizing ICSI and 45 % of those pregnancies progress
to live births (Ramasamy et al. 2009). After TESE, resumption of testosterone sup-
plementation therapy should be considered.
142 R. Ramasamy and A. Zafar

In summary, for an adult KS patient seeking to father a child, testosterone ther-

apy should be suspended for 6 months. Then, if the testosterone level is less than
300 ng/dL, the patient should receive medical therapy with anastrazole ± hCG for
2–3 months. Afterward, or if the testosterone level is normal, a micro-TESE fol-
lowed by ICSI should be performed (Fig. 8.1).

The best management of KS in adolescents is still not established and requires
further study. For patients receiving testosterone therapy, hormone levels should
be checked regularly in order to optimize the dose of testosterone. Referral to a
medical geneticist is warranted for discussion about the disorder. When parent-
hood is desired and after ICSI has been performed, a preimplantation genetic
diagnosis should be offered to ensure the embryo which will be implanted does
not have a Klinefelter karyotype. This procedure involves biopsy for genetic test-
ing of a part of the embryo that is unnecessary, such as a polar body. Regular
primary care follow-up should be ensured so patients can be screened and treated
for the chronic comorbidities associated with KS. In addition to the infertility
management, referral to a psychiatrist, psychologist, and social counselor should
be considered to address the cognitive, learning, and psychosocial issues associ-
ated with Klinefelter syndrome.

Aksglaede L, Juul A. Testicular function and fertility in men with Klinefelter syndrome: a review.
Eur J Endocrinol/Eur Fed Endocrine Soc. 2013;168(4):R67–76. doi:10.1530/eje-12-0934.
Bojesen A, Gravholt CH. Klinefelter syndrome in clinical practice. Nat Clin Pract Urol.
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Bojesen A, Juul S, Gravholt CH. Prenatal and postnatal prevalence of Klinefelter syndrome:
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Karthik Gunasekaran

9.1 Introduction

The pampiniform plexus is a venous network that drains blood from the testis.
A varicocele is an abnormal dilatation of the pampiniform plexus and usually occurs
on the left side. The incidence of varicocele is almost as high as 15 % in the general
population afflicting up to 35 % of men with primary infertility and 81 % of men
with secondary infertility. Although other studies have found an equal incidence of
varicocele among both primary and secondary infertility, this discrepancy remains
to be explored (Jarow et al. 1996; Gorelick and Goldstein 1993; Saypol 1981). A
recent Cochrane review suggested that varicocele is the most frequent physical
abnormality found in subfertile men (Kroese et al. 2012). The varicocele has always
been a controversial topic and highly debated among specialists in the field. The
effect of varicocele on semen parameters, its association with infertility, and its
effect on pregnancy rates have been avidly debated. Subfertile men show a higher
incidence of varicocele prompting researchers to believe that the varicocele is a
cause of infertility (WHO 1992). Further, repair of varicocele has seemingly docu-
mented some beneficial effects (Newton et al. 1980). However, critics are skeptical
as the effects of varicocele repair are inconsistent across studies.
The aim of this chapter is to throw light on the current concepts on the etiology
of varicocele, its pathophysiology, its association with infertility, and choice of
treatment and finally to look at the cost–benefit analysis in treating it. This hope-
fully would translate into guiding the physicians in giving a well-informed choice
to the patient.


The Metromale Clinic: Super Specialty Clinic for Male Sexual Health and Fertility,
No. 1, Crescent Park Street, T. Nagar, Landmark: Near BR Mathsya, Chennai, India
e-mail: [email protected]

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K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_9
146 K. Gunasekaran

9.2 Anatomy and Etiology

Though a varicocele is more common on the left, bilateralism seems to be on the

rise with recent data suggesting over 30–80 % of varicocele being bilateral (Gat and
Bachar 2004). When an isolated right-sided varicocele is identified, it warrants fur-
ther investigation to rule out a retroperitoneal anomaly, although it could also be a
normal anatomical variant. Why are varicoceles more common on the left side? The
left internal spermatic vein follows a perpendicular course that is approximately
8–10 cm longer than the right before it enters the left renal vein. This results in
increased hydrostatic pressure in the left internal spermatic vein. Also, the left inter-
nal spermatic vein because of its perpendicular insertion allows the direct transmis-
sion of renal vein pressure to the left internal spermatic vein. The right spermatic
vein enters the inferior vena cava at an angle, thus preventing direct pressure trans-
missions from occurring (Siegel et al. 2006). Furthermore, the left internal sper-
matic vein lacks functional valves that can lead to regression of blood. There could
be a partial obstruction of the left internal spermatic vein because of the compres-
sion of the left renal vein between the aorta and upper mesenteric artery (nutcracker
syndrome) (Naugton et al. 2001).

9.3 Etiopathogenesis of Varicocele

The etiology of varicocele is multifactorial; similarly the pathophysiology too

involves multiple mechanisms. Increased scrotal temperature, high intratesticular
pressures, reflux of toxic metabolites, hypoxia and reactive oxygen species, and
effect on hormones have all been suggested as possible mechanisms (Fuzisawa et al.
1989; Comhaire 1991). The increased temperature of the scrotum results from
reflux of warm blood from the abdominal cavity. This may be a result of the damage
or absence of valves in both the internal spermatic vein and cremasteric or external
spermatic veins (Goldstein and Eid 1989). The venous tone of the spermatic plexus
increases resulting in high hydrostatic pressures.
One study demonstrated that the pressures were actually 19.7 mmHg higher than
when compared to the control groups (Shafik and Bedeir 1980). This increased
venous pressure can compromise arterial pressure which is required to maintain
homeostasis of intratesticular pressure. In the lab looking at fragments from the
spermatic vein has revealed alterations in the longitudinal muscle layers, in addition
to a decrease in the number of nerve elements and vasa vasorum present in the vessel
wall. However, we do not know whether the decrease in the vasa vasorum is a change
that suggests causation due to the varicocele or whether this is simply a reactive
change of no clinical significance. Nevertheless, these findings suggest a defective
contractile mechanism of blood transport through the venous plexus (Tilki et al.
2007). Dysfunction may result by means of chronic vasoconstriction of the sper-
matic epithelium caused by an increased concentration of toxic metabolites from the
adrenal gland (Naugton et al. 2001). Oxidative stress which results from excessive
reactive oxygen species (ROS) is increasingly being recognized as a major factor in
infertility Said et al. 2005, 1; Agarwal et al. 1994; De Lamirande and Gagnon 1992).
9 Varicocele 147

The human body possesses a minimum quantity of ROS for regulating normal
sperm function; however, in about 25–40 % of infertile men, the semen contains an
excessive amount Marmar 2001; Padron et al. 1997). ROS are needed for regulating
normal sperm functions such as sperm capacitation, the acrosome reaction, and
sperm–oocyte fusion (De Lamirande and Gagnon 1992; Marmar 2001; Padron
et al. 1997).
Elevated ROS and diminished antioxidant capacity have been associated with
varicocele (Hendin et al. 1999). However, since both fertile and infertile men show
similar findings, it is unclear whether ROS is a cause or consequence. Oxidative
stress has also been associated with increased DNA fragmentation in patients with
varicocele (Smith et al. 2006). Altered production of steroids in the testis is also a
proposed mechanism of varicocele affecting fertility. Some early reports suggested
decreased testosterone levels in men with varicocele, whereas others suggested that
this was not the cause (Hudson et al. 1983; Swerdloff and Walsh 1975).

9.4 Varicocele and Semen Parameters

The jury has still not given a verdict on the effect that varicocele has on semen
parameters and its subsequent effect on male infertility. Semen parameters can
either be normal, or there can be different findings like oligozoospermia, astheno-
zoospermia, teratozoospermia, or a combination of findings. Some studies suggest
a gradual deterioration of seminal parameters in the presence of varicocele, ulti-
mately leading to azoospermia (Papadimas and Mantalenakis 1983). Other studies
reveal that semen parameters may not be affected at all as there is no significant
difference between infertile men and men in the general population with or without
varicocele (Redmon et al. 2002). Interestingly, a large-scale study by the WHO
showed significantly lower sperm concentration in infertile men with varicocele
compared to men with idiopathic infertility, but did not give any evidence regarding
the impact of varicocele on sperm motility and morphology (WHO 1992). Strictly
speaking a cause–effect relationship between the presence of varicocele and its
impact on semen parameters remains unproven. Another plausibility explanation is
that varicocele may be an incidental finding in men with idiopathic infertility and
men with isolated seminal plasma abnormalities.

9.5 Diagnosis of Varicocele

9.5.1 Physical Examination

A physical exam consisting of inspection and palpation still remains the best method
to diagnose a varicocele. Large varicoceles are easily visible and on palpation they
give “a bag of worms feel” as described by Dublin. Dublin et al. also graded varico-
cele based on size. Easily visible varicoceles are grade 3 or large, grade 2 or medium
refers to varicoceles that are palpable without a Valsalva, and grade 1 or small refers
to varicoceles that are palpable only with Valsalva (Dublin and Amelar 1977).
148 K. Gunasekaran

The grading may be of clinical importance as Steckel and colleagues observed that
men with larger varicocele had poorer semen parameters preoperatively and showed
an improvement in semen parameters after their repair compared to the repair of
small- or medium-sized varicocele (Steckel et al. 1993). It may be important to
observe decompression of varicocele in the supine position after examination in the
standing position. A varicocele that does decompress after lying down may signify
other pathology like a cord lipoma or a hernia.

9.5.2 Doppler Testing

Reflux seen with a Valsalva maneuver can point to a varicocele. Recording the signal
and visualizing the images help clinch a diagnosis. Arterial and venous flow should
not be confused together. A persistent and reproducible venous rush is to be looked
for. A pencil probe Doppler can be used in most cases (Greenberg et al. 1977).

9.5.3 Ultrasound

Ultrasound is being increasingly combined with Doppler for the diagnosis of vari-
cocele. Color Doppler ultrasound had a sensitivity of 93 % and specificity of 85 %
when compared to physical examination. It is especially useful in diagnosing a not
so easily palpable varicocele (Chiou et al. 1997). Whether subclinical varicocele,
picked up only by color Doppler ultrasound, warrants any intervention is a subject
of intense debate (Petros 1991).

9.5.4 Venography

Venography is used more as a treatment option than as a diagnostic procedure. It is

very sensitive, but not that specific (Ahlberg et al. 1996). It is performed using the
Seldinger technique via the right femoral or right internal jugular vein (Sigman and
Jarrow 2002). Given the invasive nature of the procedure, routine use is not recom-
mended. However, it has been used as the procedure of choice for detecting persis-
tent varicocele post-surgery (Seyferth et al. 1981).

9.6 Indications for Varicocelectomy

9.6.1 Symptoms of a Varicocele

Large varicoceles are usually symptomatic. Scrotal pain may be an important symp-
tom. Other causes of scrotal pain need to be ruled out before any intervention.
Different surgical approaches have been tried with varying results (Karademir 2005;
Yeniyol et al. 2003; Chawla et al. 2005).
9 Varicocele 149

9.7 Varicocele and Its Effect on Fertility

Varicocele and its effect on semen parameters have been a subject of intense debate.
Varicocele can affect sperm concentration, count, and motility. Some studies sug-
gest that varicocele may affect spermatogenesis, regardless of fertility status. Sperm
counts in both fertile and infertile men with varicocele were lower compared to
controls, but the fertile group showed higher sperm counts (Nagao et al. 1986). The
lower concentration and motility reported according to researchers could be attrib-
uted to germ cell apoptosis, to increased concentration of reactive oxygen species,
or to the presence of antisperm antibodies (Yeniyol et al. 2003). According to
MacLeod and colleagues, varicocele induces what is known as a stress pattern on
sperm morphology in over 90 % of his infertile patients (MacLeod 1965). Others
opined that the stress pattern may not be pathognomonic of a varicocele (Saypol
1981). It is currently difficult to come to any conclusion regarding the effect of vari-
cocele on semen parameters.

9.8 Varicocele in Azoospermia

The complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate in a neat and centrifuged sample is
azoospermia. The incidence ranges from 1–15 % of all subfertile men (Jarow et al.
1989; Pagani et al. 2002). The prevalence of varicocele in men with azoospermia is
5–10 % (Matthews et al. 1998; Kim et al. 1999). As early as 1955, Tuloch reported
spermatogenesis in a patient treated with varicocele. Motile sperm appeared in the
ejaculate of 21–55 % of men following varicocele repair (Lee et al. 2007). This sug-
gests that varicocele repair may obviate the need for assisted reproduction tech-
niques. However, one should also remember that these effects may only be
temporary, as in a recent study, more than 50 % men relapsed back to azoospermia
in 1 year (Pasqualotto et al. 2006). The varicocele correction or the mere appearance
of sperm in the ejaculate post-surgery alone cannot predict whether a natural con-
ception would occur. Also one should be aware of the etiology of azoospermia
before initiating treatment. Y-chromosome micro-deletions and karyotype abnor-
malities are clinically significant findings in men with azoospermia. About 16.6 %
of azoospermia men have Y-chromosome micro-deletions or karyotype anomalies
(Kleiman et al. 1999). A few studies have addressed the effects of varicocele repair
in infertile men presenting with coexisting genetic abnormalities. In a study of vari-
cocele repair in men with infertility and Y-chromosome micro-deletions vs. no dele-
tions, the men with no deletion (n = 4) were found to have an improvement in their
semen parameters, while men in the deletion group (n = 5) did not exhibit any
improvement (Dada et al. 2007). Importantly, one must understand that, most of
these studies are based on small case series, much larger randomized controlled tri-
als may solve the debate on whether varicocele surgery can be offered to select
subgroups of men with azoospermia. Currently there is low-quality evidence to sug-
gest that varicocele surgery may be no better than expectant management (Biyani
et al. 2009).
150 K. Gunasekaran

9.9 Varicocele and ICSI

A common question troubling infertility specialists who treat patients with low
sperm counts and coexistent varicocele is whether to surgically correct the varico-
cele or to offer ICSI directly. The points in favor of a varicocele repair would be that
if the procedure is successful, then there would be a paradigm shift in the concept of
ICSI for all patients presenting with male infertility (ASRM 2004). On an additional
note, if the couple has a good prognosis of a future natural pregnancy, a varicocele
repair would be cost-effective (Penson et al. 2002).

9.10 Treatment of Varicocele

9.10.1 Antegrade Sclerotherapy

Tauber described sclerotherapy for varicoceles as early as 1988 (Tauber and Johnson
1994). High scrotal incision is made and the cord is hooked out. The large spermatic
vein is injected with contrast medium. It is then injected with sclerosing agent
mixed with air. Zucchi et al. compared sclerotherapy to surgery and showed that
results were comparable (Zucchi et al. 2005).

9.10.2 Percutaneous Occlusion

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis with IV sedation. Various

techniques like balloon or coils can be employed to achieve occlusion of the internal
spermatic vein. Though a surgical procedure can be avoided, still the effect of radia-
tion lingers and patients are concerned about this. There is also a risk of recurrence
and balloon migration. Success rates for venous occlusion are less than that of sur-
gery (Pryor and Howards 1987).

9.11 Surgical Strategies

9.11.1 Retroperitoneal Approach

The idea is to ligate the internal spermatic vein retroperitoneally. It is hypothesized

that at this level the number of veins that needs ligation is less and hence recur-
rence is less (Cockett et al. 1984). This is also known as the modified Palomo
technique. Palomo in his original description ligated the artery along with the
internal spermatic vein (Palomo 1969). In the modified Palomo technique, the
artery is spared (Wright and Goldstein 1994). A known pitfall to this technique is
that there is no scope for ligation of the cremasteric vessels which can cause
recurrence (Coolsaet 1980).
9 Varicocele 151

9.11.2 Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy

This technique is very similar to the modified Palomo technique with the exception
of a laparoscopic entry with carbon dioxide insufflation. Hydrocele appears to be a
common complication associated with varicocele. Some surgeons do a bunch liga-
tion of the artery, vein, and lymphatics in the laparoscopic approach. Contrary to
popular belief, ligation of the testicular artery does not result in testicular atrophy,
and a single group proved lower recurrence rates with the en masse technique (Kass
and Marcol 1992). However, Goldstein and colleagues had lower success rates
when the testicular artery was divided (Wright and Goldstein 1994).

9.11.3 Inguinal Approach

This technique aims to tackle the internal spermatic vessels in the inguinal canal.
The vessels here are more visible because of the size, and an important advantage is
that the external cremasteric vessels may be ligated here (Ivanissevich 1960). A
Doppler probe may be utilized to identify and spare the artery along with an operat-
ing microscope (Goldstein et al. 1992). Some authors advocate the delivery of the
testicle through the inguinal wound to ligate all the testicular venous channels
(Goldstein et al. 1992). However, this claim has been refuted by others (Ramaswamy
and Shlegel 2006).

9.11.4 Subinguinal Approach

The main advantage of this technique is that the inguinal canal is not breached. As
the external oblique is not cut, there is less pain and also the chances of injuring the
ilioinguinal nerve are less (Marmar and Kim 1994). The external cremasteric ves-
sels can be ligated at this level. The main disadvantage is that this is a more taxing
technique due to the fact that the internal spermatic veins are more branched at that
level. A microscope may come in handy when this technique is employed due to the
smaller size of the vessels here.

Varicocele and its effect on fertility always have been and will continue to be a
subject of intense debate in the years to come. Our limited understanding of the
pathophysiology of varicocele and response to treatment continues to evolve
over time. Evidence suggests that there could be a significant improvement in
sperm concentration and motility in carefully selected patients albeit without any
evidence to suggest improvement in spontaneous pregnancy rates. For now, sub-
clinical varicocele is best left alone. Microsurgery through the subinguinal route
may be the mainstay of treatment.
152 K. Gunasekaran

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Sperm DNA Damage: Causes
and Laboratory Detection 10
Satish Kumar Adiga and Guruprasad Kalthur

10.1 Introduction

Infertility is a major health issue globally which is defined as “the inability of a

sexually active couple having unprotected sexual intercourse to achieve pregnancy
within one year.” Prevalence of infertility in the general population is estimated to
be around 15–20 %, and in India alone there are more than 20 million infertile cou-
ples (Poongothai et al. 2009). Approximately 50 % of the infertility is due to male
factor, which makes up 15 % of all couples. Decrease in semen quality and con-
comitant increase in the incidence of male infertility (Adiga et al. 2008; Feki et al.
2009; Joffe 2010) all over the world have drawn attention to the medical and scien-
tific communities to focus on understanding the pathophysiology as well as on cor-
recting the problem. Though the exact cause for the decline in semen quality is
unclear, environmental factors, change in lifestyle, and pathological conditions like
testicular cancer, cryptorchidism, varicocele, etc. show a strong correlation (Carlsen
et al. 1992, 1993; Li et al. 2011; Jørgensen et al. 2012).
Semen analysis is the cornerstone of male infertility evaluation. Though it is an
excellent tool to assess the testicular function, its ability to predict the fertilizing
ability of the spermatozoa is not clear. Though the conventional parameters such as
sperm concentration, motility, and morphology are higher in normal fertile men,
there exists some degree of overlap between fertile and infertile men with respect to
semen parameters, especially in the idiopathic group (Aitken et al. 1984).
Approximately 15 % of the infertile men are said to have normal spermiogram
(Guzick et al. 1998). Therefore, more emphasis is given on correlating the genetic
integrity of the spermatozoa with fertility potential.

S.K. Adiga, PhD (*) • G. Kalthur, PhD

Division of Clinical Embryology, Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal University, Manipal 576 104, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 155

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_10
156 S.K. Adiga and G. Kalthur

10.2 Structure of Sperm DNA

A human spermatozoon has unique characteristics with respect to its structure and
function. Specifically, the nucleus has a stable, highly condensed, and compact
organization of chromatin which probably ensures that the genetic material of the
paternal origin is protected from the harsh environments. High degree of compac-
tion observed in sperm chromatin is provided by the presence of protamines which
contributes to approximately 85–90 % of the nuclear protein in spermatozoa.
Protamines replace the histones during spermiogenesis process which are highly
basic due to the presence of basic amino acids such as arginine in high percentage.
This confers a very strong affinity toward the nucleic acids compared to the his-
tones. In addition, the disulfhydryl linkage between SH groups of two cysteine resi-
dues which are placed far apart in their native conformation further helps in
compaction of the nuclear material. Due to these reasons, it is quite resistant to
nucleases unlike in somatic cells (Sotolongo et al. 2003).

10.3 Etiology of Sperm DNA Damage

The origin of sperm DNA damage is complex and a diverse phenomenon. Various
possible causes of sperm DNA damage are listed below:

(a) Chromatin remodeling: The sperm chromatin is highly packed compared to

somatic cell nucleus. McPherson and Longo (1993) postulated that the exten-
sive modification of chromatin during spermiogenesis requires temporary nicks
in sperm DNA. Endogenous nuclease such as topoisomerase II may help in
generating and then ligating nicks to facilitate protamination by relieving tor-
sional stress (McPherson and Longo, 1993). However, these endogenous nicks
may persist in mature spermatozoa suggesting an incomplete maturation pro-
cess and abnormal chromatin organization (Manicardi et al. 1995).
(b) Membrane organization: The membrane of the human spermatozoa is rich in
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which are the major sites of lipid peroxi-
dation which generates reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition, spermato-
zoa have minimal cytoplasm and hence lack the support of cytoplasmic
antioxidant enzymes as well as molecules to tackle the free radicals. Therefore,
although spermatozoa have a very compact chromatin organization, they are
highly susceptible to free radical-induced DNA damage.
(c) Poor antioxidant defense: Seminal plasma is rich in enzymatic and nonenzy-
matic antioxidants which work together to counteract with ROS. The major
antioxidant enzymes present in seminal plasma are superoxide dismutase
(SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). Besides these
enzymes, the seminal plasma is rich in low-molecular-weight compounds such
as glutathione, pantothenic acid, carnitine, coenzyme Q, vitamin E, vitamin C,
selenium, and zinc (Walczak-Jedrzejowska et al. 2013). Decrease in the level of
either of them can decrease the total antioxidant capacity of the seminal plasma.
A large number of studies have observed that the infertile men have low level of
10 Sperm DNA Damage: Causes and Laboratory Detection 157

antioxidants in their seminal plasma (Smith et al. 1996; Sanocka et al. 1996;
Lewis et al. 1997) which also correlates well with high level of oxidative stress
(Agarwal et al. 2004; Zini et al. 2009; Aitken et al. 2010) and DNA damage
(Cohen-Bacrie et al. 2009).
(d) Apoptosis: Spermatogenesis is a complex process which involves mitotic and
meiotic events in highly proliferating germ cell compartment after attaining
puberty. An intricate relation with Sertoli cell during the entire process is very
crucial for the production of genetically normal spermatozoa. The abnormal
germ cells, similar to all other histone-containing cells, are eliminated by apop-
tosis. However, it is not clear whether the protamine-containing spermatozoa
are eliminated by apoptosis or not (Aitken et al. 2013). Once the spermatozoon
leaves the lumen of seminiferous tubule, it is not in contact with Sertoli cells.
The harsh conditions to which spermatozoa are exposed during their transport
and storage in male reproductive tract may induce sperm DNA damage without
(e) Infections and pathological conditions: Various pathological conditions and
genital tract infections in men have been associated with sperm DNA damage.
Men with recurrent genitourinary infection such as paraplegics are noted to
have high level of DNA damage (Brackett et al. 2008). Increased leukocyte
concentration and DNA damage are observed in the ejaculates of men with
genital tract infection or inflammation. Systemic infections with HIV, hepatitis
B and C, leprosy, malaria, etc. have been associated with increased DNA dam-
age which is thought to be due to elevated oxidative stress or the chromatin
modification induced by proinflammatory cytokines during spermiogenesis
process. Similarly, conditions like cryptorchidism, varicocele, and testicular
cancer are usually associated with high percentage of spermatozoa with DNA
damage in the ejaculate. Commonly used chemotherapeutic agents like cyclo-
phosphamide and cis-platinum are known to induce DNA damage in spermato-
zoa (Das et al. 2002).
(f) In vitro conditions: Spermatozoa experience various types of stress during their
manipulation in vitro which culminates in loss of DNA integrity. Rigorous pipet-
ting, centrifugation, exposure to light, and cryopreservation process can lead to
oxidative stress-induced DNA damage (Iwasaki and Gagnon 1992; Shekarriz
et al. 1995; Watson 2000). In addition, the removal of seminal plasma rich in
antioxidants during processing of ejaculate for assisted reproductive technolo-
gies (ARTs) can further increase the oxidative stress (Potts et al. 2000). Presence
of leukocytes, round cells, and immature spermatozoa in the sperm pellet are the
possible source of ROS during the in vitro incubation of spermatozoa.

10.4 Types of DNA Damage in Spermatozoa

Usually spermatozoa carry both single- and double-strand DNA breaks. In addi-
tion, damaged sperm chromatin is known to contain base adducts like 8-OHdG
and ethenonucleosides such as 1,N6-ethenoadenosine and 1,N6-ethenoguanosine
(Badouard et al. 2008). Recent evidences suggest that spermatozoa contain
158 S.K. Adiga and G. Kalthur

numerous cross-linking with DNA–DNA or DNA–protein cross-linking which are

significantly greater than in the dispersed interphase nuclei of somatic cells (Qiu
et al. 1995).

10.4.1 Methods to Assess Sperm DNA Damage

Comet Assay Also known as single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE), it is a popular

electrophoretic method used to assess the DNA integrity. Under electrophoretic
conditions, the broken DNA strands migrate to anode. The broken DNA strands are
visualized using fluorescent dye which binds to DNA. The spermatozoa with DNA
damage will have a head composed of intact DNA and tail containing broken DNA
fragments, attaining typical comet shape. The amount of DNA present in the tail
and tail length indicates the extent of DNA damage (Fig. 10.1). The DNA damage
assessment can be made by using software or by manual scoring. Even though with
this test both single- and double-strand breaks can be assessed, it is a time-consuming
method, and the threshold level is not defined for clinical application.

Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) This is a flow-cytometric method which

is based on the susceptibility of the sperm chromatin to undergo partial denaturation
in situ under acidic conditions. Spermatozoa with damaged chromatin denature
when exposed to acidic conditions, while those with normal chromatin remain sta-
ble (Evenson et al. 1980). After exposure of spermatozoa to acidic conditions, sper-
matozoa are stained with acridine orange (AO), a metachromatic fluorescent dye.

Fig 10.1 Comet assay: human spermatozoa stained with ethidium bromide and observed under
fluorescent microscope (400× magnification)
10 Sperm DNA Damage: Causes and Laboratory Detection 159

When it intercalates with double-stranded DNA, it fluoresces green and fluoresces

red when bound to single-stranded DNA. The extent of DNA denaturation follow-
ing acid treatment is determined by measuring the metachromatic shift from green
fluorescence to red fluorescence. Usually five to ten thousand cells are analyzed and
assessed using a specific software. Though the method is highly reproducible and
quite rapid, it is an expensive method.

Acridine Orange Test (AOT) This test is the simplified version of SCSA which uses
fluorescent microscope to assess the metachromatic shift in the fluorescence by acri-
dine orange (Tejada et al. 1984). It fluoresces green when bound to double-stranded
DNA (excitation maximum at 502 nm and an emission maximum at 525 nm) and
fluoresces red when bound to single-stranded DNA or RNA (excitation maximum
460 nm and an emission maximum 650 nm). For the assay, spermatozoa are exposed
to mild acid treatment and stained with AO. Spermatozoa with intact DNA fluoresce
green, and sperm with DNA damage fluoresces red or orange (Fig. 10.2). It is rela-
tively a simple, rapid, and cheap method. The major disadvantages of this method
are heterogeneous staining of the slide, rapid quenching, development of series of
intermediate colors depending on the extent of chromatin denaturation, and large
degree of inter- and intra-observer variations. Therefore, this method is considered
to have low sensitivity and specificity to detect sperm DNA damage.

Fig. 10.2 Acridine orange test: human spermatozoa stained with acridine orange and observed
under fluorescent microscope (400× magnification)
160 S.K. Adiga and G. Kalthur

Fig. 10.3 TUNEL assay: human spermatozoa counterstained with propidium iodide (PI) and
observed under fluorescent microscope using FITC filter (400× magnification)

Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT)-Mediated 2′-Deoxyuridine

5′-Triphosphate Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) Assay This assay detects the DNA
breaks directly without changing the chromatin structure unlike in comet assay or
sperm chromatin structure assay. The assay is based on the ability of the terminal
deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to label the 3′-OH end of broken DNA strand
with nucleotides (5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine 5′-triphosphate nucleotide) usually
tagged with a fluorochrome (Fig. 10.3) or a chromogen which can be visualized
by observing under fluorescent or light microscope, respectively. The advantage of
light microscopic method is that the signal obtained is permanent unlike in fluores-
cent microscopic method. Since it is a kit-based method, the results are reproduc-
ible. However, the kits are usually expensive with differences in working protocol,
and the threshold level is not defined for clinical application.

Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD) Test This test is based on the principle that
mild acidic denaturation of sperm DNA and lysis of protamines will create a halo of
chromatin loops around the sperm head when DNA is intact and small or no halo
around the sperm head when DNA is fragmented (Fig. 10.4). It is a relatively simple
and inexpensive method to detect sperm DNA integrity which was first described by
Fernández et al. (2003). However, it does not give information on the extent of DNA
damage in spermatozoa, and there are a limited number of studies to support its
clinical application.
10 Sperm DNA Damage: Causes and Laboratory Detection 161

Fig. 10.4 Sperm chromatin dispersion test: human spermatozoa stained with ethidium bromide
and observed under fluorescent microscope (400× magnification)

Aniline Blue Staining This is a very simple light microscopic method which is based
on the difference in chromatin packing of spermatozoa. It gives an indirect measure of
protamine–histone ratio in spermatozoa. Aniline blue is an acidic dye which has a
greater permeability/affinity for histones in the sperm nucleus. Increased aniline blue
staining of sperm indicates loose chromatin packing. The blue-stained spermatozoa are
considered as immature, and pinkish sperm are mature (Fig. 10.5). Even though it is a
rapid and cheap method, heterogeneous staining pattern limits its clinical application.

Toluidine Blue Staining Toluidine blue is a nuclear dye used for metachromatic and
orthochromatic staining of chromatin that stains phosphate residues of the sperm
DNA with loosely packed chromatin and fragmented ends. When the stain attaches
with lysine-rich regions of histone, it produces a violet-bluish intense coloration,
whereas a pale-blue color is produced by interactions with protamines in the chro-
matin. The sample can be analyzed using an ordinary microscope, but intermediate
coloration increases inter-user variability.

Chromomycin A3 (CMA3) Staining This method is a simple fluorescence micro-

scopic method which gives information on the degree of protamination and chroma-
tin packing in spermatozoa. CMA3 specifically binds to GC (guanine–cytosine)-rich
sequences in DNA. GC-rich region is also the site where protamines bind with
DNA. The higher the CMA3 staining, the lower will be the protamine level and the
162 S.K. Adiga and G. Kalthur

Fig. 10.5 Aniline blue staining: human spermatozoa stained with aniline blue dye and observed
under light microscope (1000× magnification)

Fig. 10.6 Chromomycin A3 staining: human spermatozoa stained with chromomycin A3 and
observed under fluorescent microscope (400× magnification)
10 Sperm DNA Damage: Causes and Laboratory Detection 163

poorer will be the chromatin packing in spermatozoa (Fig. 10.6). The spermatozoa
with bright yellow are considered as immature, while with dull yellow are consid-
ered as mature. Due to rapid quenching of fluorescence and high inter- and intra-
observer variation, this method has low clinical application.

8-OH Deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) Estimation This is a chromatographic method

which detects the level of ROS-induced by-product, 8-OHdG level in sperm
DNA. The assay requires HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) which
involves DNA extraction, enzymatic digestion of DNA, elution through HPLC col-
umn, and finally analysis of 8-OHdG. The method is very expensive and depends
upon the DNA yield.

10.5 Clinical Management of Sperm DNA Damage

With considerable evidence of association of sperm DNA damage and male infertil-
ity, more research emphasis is given on enhancing the DNA integrity both in vivo
and ex vivo. Treating of male infertility patients with antioxidant molecules to
reduce the oxidative stress has become the most sensible approach (Fraga et al.
1991; Zini et al. 2005). Similarly, supplementation of culture medium with antioxi-
dants, vitamins, and metals during in vitro processing of semen sample has shown
drastic improvement in sperm functional competence (Kalthur et al. 2012; Talevi
et al. 2013; Fanaei et al. 2014) suggesting its promising role during the preparation
of spermatozoa for ART which could improve the outcome.

Adiga SK, Jayaraman V, Kalthur G, Upadhya D, Kumar P. Declining semen quality among south
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Agarwal A, Nallella KP, Allamaneni SS, Said TM. Role of antioxidants in treatment of male infer-
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Aitken RI, Best FS, Warner F, Templeton A. A prospective study of the relationship between semen
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Aitken RJ, De Iuliis GN, Finnie JM, Hedges A, McLachlan RI. Analysis of the relationships
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Aitken RJ, Bronson R, Smith TB, De Iuliis GN. The source and significance of DNA damage in
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Badouard C, Ménézo Y, Panteix G, Ravanat JL, Douki T, Cadet J, Favier A. Determination of new
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Brackett NL, Ibrahim E, Grotas JA, Aballa TC, Lynne CM. Higher sperm DNA damage in semen
from men with spinal cord injuries compared to controls. J Androl. 2008;29:93–9.
Carlsen E, Giwercman A, Keiding N, Skakkebaek NE. Evidence for decreasing quality of semen
during past 50 years. BMJ. 1992;305:609–13.
Carlsen E, Giwercman A, Skakkabaek NE, Keiding N. Decreasing quality of semen. BMJ. 1993;
164 S.K. Adiga and G. Kalthur

Cohen-Bacrie P, Belloc S, Ménézo YJ, Clement P, Hamidi J, Benkhalifa M. Correlation between

DNA damage and sperm parameters: a prospective study of 1,633 patients. Fertil Steril.
Das UB, Mallick M, Debnath JM, Ghosh D. Protective effect of ascorbic acid on cyclophosphamide-
induced testicular gametogenic and androgenic disorders in male rats. Asian J Androl.
Evenson DP, Darzynkiewicz Z, Melamed MR. Relation of mammalian sperm chromatin heteroge-
neity to fertility. Science. 1980;210:1131–3.
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M. Effects of ascorbic acid on sperm motility, viability, acrosome reaction and DNA integrity
in teratozoospermic samples. Iran J Reprod Med. 2014;12:103–10.
Feki NC, Abid N, Rebai A, Sellami A, Ayed BB, Guermazi M, Bahloul A, Rebai T, Ammar
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the South of Tunisia. J Androl. 2009;5:541–7.
Fernández JL, Muriel L, Rivero MT, Goyanes V, Vazquez R, Alvarez JG. The sperm chromatin
dispersion test: a simple method for the determination of sperm DNA fragmentation. J Androl.
Fraga CG, Motchnik PA, Shigenaga MK, Helbock HJ, Jacob RA, Ames BN. Ascorbic acid pro-
tects against endogenous oxidative DNA damage in human sperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Guzick DS, Sullivan MW, Adamson GD, Cedars MI, Falk RJ, Peterson EP, Steinkampf MP. Efficacy
of treatment for unexplained infertility. Fertil Steril. 1998;70:207–13.
Iwasaki A, Gagnon C. Formation of reactive oxygen species in spermatozoa of infertile patients.
Fertil Steril. 1992;57:409–16.
Joffe M. Semen quality analysis and the idea of normal fertility. Asian J Androl. 2010;12:79–82.
Jørgensen N, Joensen UN, Jensen TK, Jensen MB, Almstrup K, Olesen IA, Juul A, Andersson
AM, Carlsen E, Petersen JH, Toppari J, Skakkebæk NE. Human semen quality in the new
millennium: a prospective cross-sectional population-based study of 4867 men. BMJ Open.
Kalthur G, Salian SR, Keyvanifard F, Sreedharan S, Thomas JS, Kumar P, Adiga
SK. Supplementation of biotin to sperm preparation medium increases the motility and longev-
ity in cryopreserved human spermatozoa. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2012;29(7):631–5.
Lewis SE, Sterling ES, Young IS, Thompson W. Comparison of individual antioxidants of sperm
and seminal plasma in fertile and infertile men. Fertil Steril. 1997;67:142–7.
Li Y, Lin H, Li Y, Cao J. Association between socio-psycho-behavioral factors and male semen
quality: systematic review and meta-analyses. Fertil Steril. 2011;95:116–23.
Manicardi GC, Bianchi PG, Pantano S, Azzoni P, Bizzaro D, Bianchi U, Sakkas D. Presence of
endogenous nicks in DNA of ejaculated human spermatozoa and its relationship to chromomy-
cin A3 accessibility. Biol Reprod. 1995;52:864–7.
McPherson S, Longo FJ. Chromatin structure-function alterations during mammalian spermato-
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10 Sperm DNA Damage: Causes and Laboratory Detection 165

Sotolongo B, Lino E, Ward WS. Ability of hamster spermatozoa to digest their own DNA. Biol
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Talevi R, Barbato V, Fiorentino I, Braun S, Longobardi S, Gualtieri R. Protective effects of in vitro
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Sexually Transmitted Infections
and Impact on Male Fertility 11
Gulfam Ahmad, Stefan S. du Plessis, and Ashok Agarwal

11.1 Introduction

Microorganisms residing in the male or female genital tracts cause sexually trans-
mitted infections (STIs) and are generally transmitted through unprotected inter-
course or other sexual acts. The increasing prevalence of STIs as a whole, and
curable STIs in particular, has become a global challenge. A total of 498.9 million
cases of curable STIs were reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) in
2008 compared to 448.3 million in 2005 indicating an 11.3 % increase in the inci-
dence rate (Fig. 11.1) (WHO 2008).
Studies focusing on human infertility have been more comprehensive with regard
to the female’s contribution to compromised fertility, with a lesser degree of focus
on the male partner’s role. STIs can impact the reproductive process at varying
stages, ranging from the division, differentiation, and development of germ cells
to viability and ultimate survival of the newborn (Baecher-Lind 2009). Infection
in the male urogenital system can prove to be problematic, with the localization
of microorganisms residing in the upper genital tract causing contamination of the
semen sample (Fourie et al. 2011). It is troubling to note that since certain STIs
can also present asymptomatically, the male partner can remain undiagnosed and
subsequently untreated.

G. Ahmad, PhD
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, University of Health Sciences,
Lahore 54600, Pakistan
S.S. du Plessis, PhD
Division of Medical Physiology, Stellenbosch University,
Tygerberg 7505, Western Cape, South Africa
A. Agarwal, PhD, HCLD (*)
American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cleveland Clinic,
Mail Code X-11 10681 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 167

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_11
168 G. Ahmad et al.

% increase
Global incidence of curable STIs
Number of cases (millions)


% increase
ae lis



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Curable STIs microorganisms

Fig. 11.1 Global incidence of curable STIs (millions) (WHO 2008)

Previously, studies focused on the influence of STIs on male fertility status have
shown the impact of infection on sperm parameters as well as the resultant inflam-
mation in the testicles (orchitis), epididymis (epididymitis), and urethra (urethritis)
which can ultimately result in spermatogenetic arrest (Parekattil and Agarwal 2012).
An additional factor that can impact on the male fertility status is the high concen-
tration of white blood cells (WBCs) that can be found in semen samples from STI-
positive subjects (Flint 2012). This condition is termed leukocytospermia and is
defined by WHO as the presence of >1 × 106 WBC/ml of semen (WHO 2010). The
etiology of these infections and their relevance to male infertility vary geographi-
cally and generally include bacterial, viral, and protozoan origin (Fig. 11.2). The
rest of the chapter will focus on the etiology of common STIs, and their impact on
male fertility will be discussed in relevant sections.

11.2 Bacterial Infection in Semen

11.2.1 Chlamydia trachomatis

This bacterial infection is the most common among curable STIs in the United
States, Europe, and Eastern Mediterranean as highlighted by the WHO (2008).
Therefore, this bacterium has received the most attention from earlier studies
regarding infertility. Infected males can suffer from asymptomatic infection of the
urethra, epididymis, and prostate. This infection can result into urethritis which can
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Impact on Male Fertility 169

Fig. 11.2 Common pathogens of STIs and impact on male fertility

become even more symptomatic in males compared to females (Parekattil and

Agarwal 2012).
Looking strictly at sperm parameters with regard to C. trachomatis infection,
results are variable. One study reported no change in sperm viability, morphology,
and the percentage of motile spermatozoa (Kokab et al. 2012), while another showed
no change in any of the sperm parameters (Vigil et al. 2002). However, some stud-
ies have reported a reduction in the percentage of progressively motile spermatozoa
(Brookings et al. 2013; Kokab et al. 2012; Gallegos et al. 2008; Gdoura et al. 2001) as
well as a decline in sperm viability and increase in abnormal morphology (Brookings
et al. 2013; Cengiz et al. 1997) from semen samples positive for C. trachomatis. A
recent study on the effects of C. trachomatis infection on male fertility status showed
a decrease in sperm concentration (Rybar et al. 2012). Another study investigat-
ing chronic prostatitis as a result of C. trachomatis infection also showed lowered
sperm concentrations, reduced motility, and increased morphological abnormalities
(Mazzoli et al. 2010). When investigating semen from asymptomatic male patients, it
has been found that the presence of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of C. trachomatis
in the semen was associated with reduced sperm concentration (Bezold et al. 2007).
Limited in vivo studies have investigated the effect of C. trachomatis on the male
fertility status and have reported conflicting results. When utilizing a zona-free
hamster oocyte penetration assay to analyze the acrosome reaction of male partners
infected with C. trachomatis, results showed that semen quality and spermatozoa
function were unaffected by the presence of the bacterium (Vigil et al. 2002). In
contrast to the results of the above research, another study reported conflicting
results by showing a decrease in acrosome activity in men suffering from C. tracho-
matis (Jungwirth et al. 2003; Eley et al. 2005)
170 G. Ahmad et al.

The inconsistency in the results between different studies could be attributed to

several reasons and can be influenced by the duration of infection and time of semen
analysis. Regarding C. trachomatis, the timing of semen analysis following bacte-
rial contact in the reproductive tract, methods of detections in the upper genital tract,
and possible relevance of differential diagnosis would have an impact on the sperm
parameters (Eley et al. 2005).
Several theories regarding the mechanisms behind the resultant compromised
fertility in men suffering from chlamydial infection are inconsistent. When the
infection reaches the epithelial cells, the initial response is the generation of inter-
leukin-1 (IL-1), resulting in the stimulation of polymorphonuclear WBCs which
subsequently secretes IL-8. The abnormally high concentration of WBCs in the
semen sample induces leukocytospermia (Flint 2012). This in turn leads to the gen-
eration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequently oxidative stress (OS)
which can affect sperm parameters (Comhaire 1999). Due to scanty cytoplasm in
spermatozoa and low antioxidant activity, the spermatozoa are highly susceptible to
OS and sperm membrane damage due to lipid peroxidation (Smith 2013). This can
impair the acrosomal reaction and subsequently has a negative impact on male fer-
tility (Monavari et al. 2013). The link between C. trachomatis and the generation of
ROS is conceivable due to the presence of lipopolysaccharides on its surface
(Matthews 1951; Hosseinzadeh and Pacey 2003). This compound is able to bind to
the CD14 receptor situated on the spermatozoa membrane (Harris et al. 2001).
Studies suggest that lipopolysaccharides induce excessive ROS production by sper-
matozoa; this is confirmed by the decreases seen in sperm motility and concentra-
tion in endotoxin-treated samples (Lee and Lee 2013; Urata et al. 2001).
An additional theory regarding the relationship between chlamydial infection and
male infertility is the development of antisperm antibodies. The bacterium induces
invasion of lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, and eosinophils in response
to the infection. The release of cytokines then stimulates the inflammatory cascade,
invoking a humoral cell response of secretory IgA and circulatory IgM and IgG
antibodies (Lee and Lee 2013). In infertile men, C. trachomatis antibodies, IgG and
IgA, were shown to be associated with a negative impact on semen characteristics
and pregnancy outcome (Idahl et al. 2010). Problems arise, when chlamydia IgG
or IgA antibodies in semen do not reflect the bacterial presence in the genital tract
because some routine antibody analysis are done by specific antibody detection
tests instead of cultures, and can provide conflicting results (Parekattil and Agarwal
2012). Sometimes, a negative relation between chlamydial antibodies (IgA and
IgG) and semen characteristics is difficult to establish (Eggert-Kruse et al. 1996).
Direct detection tests would be more effective in isolation of the bacteria and to
understand its impact on sperm parameters for successful fertilization. During the
event of capacitation, tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins was observed to
be associated with spermatozoa capacitation in vitro. Thus, C. trachomatis attach-
ment to target cells could involve contact with host signal transduction pathways
(Hosseinzadeh et al. 2000). Further, genitourinary infection of C. trachomatis has
been found to be associated with an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation (Gallegos
et al. 2008). Semen analysis positive for C. trachomatis revealed a significant loss of
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Impact on Male Fertility 171

sperm mitochondrial potential and nonsignificant increase in sperm DNA fragmen-

tation compared to C. trachomatis-negative semen samples (Sellami et al. 2014).

11.2.2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae

N. gonorrhoeae is a Gram-negative bacterium which infects both men and women.

Based on the WHO estimates (2005), each year more than 82 million individuals
are infected by this pathogen across the world. Despite its common prevalence,
N. gonorrhoeae is least studied compared to other STI-causing microorganisms
in relation to male infertility. It affects the male urethra, causing urethritis, and
has also been found to interact with spermatozoa through its lipooligosaccharides.
Gonococcal lipooligosaccharides are immunochemically similar to human glyco-
sphingolipid antigens, which favor the gonococci to evade the host immune response
during infection. The importance of the similarity was observed when there was
an increased frequency of this structure in gonorrhea-positive males (Schneider
et al. 1991). Gonococci attach to the spermatozoa by asialoglycoprotein receptor
(ASGP-R) present on sperm and are subsequently transmitted to the female partner
(Harvey et al. 2000). Prevalence of N. gonorrhoeae, as detected by the presence of
its DNA in semen, has been found to be higher in infertile men (6.5 %) compared to
fertile men (0 %) (Abusarah et al. 2013).
N. gonorrhoeae contributes to urethritis (Lee and Lee 2013) and chronic infec-
tions and, if left untreated, can cause complications in the epididymis. Additionally,
epididymitis can largely affect the sperm concentration leading to oligospermia and
azoospermia in cases of bilateral epididymitis or vas deferens occlusion (Ndowa
and Lusti-Narasimhan 2012). The link between N. gonorrhoeae infection and male
fertility is further supported by a cohort modeling Swedish study reporting a decline
in secondary subfertility with the eradication of gonorrhea (Akre et al. 1999).

11.2.3 Mycoplasmas

Two genital mycoplasmas, Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium, are

found in both male and female reproductive tracts (Gimenes et al. 2014). Although
in men mycoplasmas were isolated about a decade ago, their exact role in the devel-
opment of male infertility is still under debate (Maeda et al. 2004; Al-Sweih et al.
2012). Different studies have reported varying prevalence rates of mycoplasma
infection based on the laboratory detection method of bacteria. When urine samples
of patients with persistent or recurrent urethritis were examined, 41 % of the popula-
tion was positive for M. genitalia (Wikstrom and Jensen 2006). In Tunisian infertile
men, M. genitalium DNA was detected in 4.8 % of semen samples, while the detec-
tion for M. hominis DNA was 9.6 %. The prevalence of M. genitalium DNA was
significantly higher in azoospermic semen samples compared to non-azoospermic.
However, no association of M. genitalium and M. hominis was found attributing to
the abnormal semen characteristics (concentration, motility, morphology, viability,
172 G. Ahmad et al.

volume, and leukocyte count) (Gdoura et al. 2008). Although the relation of myco-
plasmas with male infertility is not clearly documented, attachment of M. genital-
ium to spermatozoa was observed. This attachment is of significant importance not
only in transmitting the infection to the female partner but also in causing sperm
agglutination, thereby rendering them immotile and ultimately resulting in male
infertility (Svenstrup et al. 2003; Pellati et al. 2008). In another study, negative
effects of M. hominis infection on semen viscosity, volume, sperm morphology,
motility, and concentration have been documented (Zinzendorf et al. 2008). In vitro
incubation of mycoplasmas with semen has shown significant reduction in sperm
motility and morphology and increase in the higher rates of the acrosome reaction
and capacitation. This means mycoplasma species can negatively impair the fertil-
izing capacity of spermatozoa (Rose and Scott 1994).

11.2.4 Ureaplasmas

Ureaplasmas (Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum) reside in the male

urethra where they contaminate the semen at the time of ejaculation (Zeighami et al.
2009). The incidence of U. urealyticum infection in infertile men is variable, rang-
ing from 5 to 42 % (Abusarah et al. 2013). A total of 18.3 % infertile Tunisian men
were found positive for ureaplasmas, of which, the percentage of men infected with
U. urealyticum was higher (15.4 %) compared to U. parvum (2.9 %) (Gdoura et al.
2001). In another study 27.6 % infertile men were found positive for U. urealyticum
(Zinzendorf et al. 2008). The data on effects of ureaplasmas on semen parameters
are conflicting. Some studies found no relation between the U. urealyticum infec-
tion and the quality of sperm parameters (Andrade-Rocha 2003), while others docu-
mented low sperm motility, reduced concentration, and morphology (Zeighami
et al. 2009; Zinzendorf et al. 2008). Furthermore, in an animal study where rats
were experimentally infected with U. urealyticum, remarkable change in spermato-
genesis was observed. When these rats were allowed to mate, in 33 % of the cases,
post-mating plug was not observed, while in the rest of the cases who mated suc-
cessfully, offspring were significantly smaller compared to uninfected or control
rats (Xu et al. 1997). In a later study, in vitro experiments on co-incubation of human
and ram sperm with U. urealyticum revealed a dose-dependent decrease in viability
and motility in human spermatozoa and only motility in ram spermatozoa compared
to controls. The same study found time- and dose-dependent DNA damage both in
human and ram spermatozoa, which suggests that ureaplasmas can affect quantita-
tive (motility, concentration) as well as qualitative (DNA, morphology) sperm
parameters (Reichart et al. 2000). Damage to quality of spermatozoa can have seri-
ous effects on the fertility of the couple as reduced pregnancy rates have been
reported after embryo transfer in U. urealyticum-infected groups compared to nor-
mal (Montagut et al. 1991). Care must be taken while using ureaplasma-infected
semen samples for assisted reproductive technology (ART) as semen washing pro-
cedures may not always remove the pathogens completely from the spermatozoa
(Knox et al. 2003).
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Impact on Male Fertility 173

11.2.5 Treponema pallidum

T. pallidum is most commonly acquired through close sexual contact and results in
syphilis. Despite the curable nature of the disease, it remains a big challenge, infect-
ing around 12 million people worldwide every year (Rodriguez-Cerdeira and
Silami-Lopes 2012). This pathogen gets significant attention due to its link with
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) transmission (Spielmann et al. 2010).
Although nothing much is documented on the role of T. pallidum and male infertil-
ity, complications of the disease can have a negative impact on fertility. One pro-
posed indication regards the inflammation of the epididymis which can cause
epididymal obstruction. In tertiary syphilis, gummatous lesions cause destruction of
local tissue. If lesions occur in the testicles, the infection may have an impact on
testicular function and therefore infertility. Effects of this pathogen are even more
severe and drastic on pregnancy and the infant with evidence of 50 % abortions and
stillbirths and more than 10 % infant mortality (Brookings et al. 2013). Therefore,
during ART procedures it is imperative that both partners are screened for the patho-
gen and should be treated accordingly.

11.3 Semen and Viral Infection

11.3.1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV is a lentivirus belonging to the subgroup of retrovirus that causes acquired

immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The two types of this virus are known as
HIV-1 and HIV-2. Despite similarities between both types of HIV, they differ in
pathogenicity, infectivity, and prevalence. HIV-1 transmission is easy and rapid
resulting in vast majority of infections worldwide (Weiss 1993; Gimenes et al.
2014). Common routes of HIV-1 transmission include blood, breast milk, and vagi-
nal as well as seminal fluid. There have been some studies validating the viral
impact on male infertility. The concept of how viral infections could weaken the
male genital function is by direct invasion of the male genital tract cells or indirect
inflammatory or immunological responses. Semen parameters of men with asymp-
tomatic disease can be in normal range (van Leeuwen et al. 2008); nevertheless,
with disease progression it can negatively affect sperm motility, morphology (Bujan
et al. 2007; Pavili et al. 2010), and concentration (Crittenden et al. 1992; Nicopoullos
et al. 2004).
This virus is also known to cause secondary hypogonadism resulting in low tes-
tosterone levels. Reduced concentration of the androgen would have an impact on
spermatogenesis reducing the sperm count (Crum-Cianflone et al. 2007). The viral
infection resides in the germ cells of the testes, and an extended duration of infec-
tion is associated with germ cell loss (Shevchuk et al. 1999). In one study, a positive
correlation between CD4+ count and sperm concentration as well as motility
together with a negative correlation with normal sperm morphology has been docu-
mented as reviewed by Brookings et al. (2013).
174 G. Ahmad et al.

With the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for HIV-
positive patients, survival rate and life expectancy have tremendously improved
(Sabin 2013). HAART has given a new direction of investigation because changes in
semen of HIV-positive men currently found are largely attributed to this therapy (Kehl
et al. 2011). In addition to the changes in semen as discussed earlier, sperm mitochon-
drial toxicity and high aneuploidy have also been reported in HIV-positive men (Pavili
et al. 2010). When spermatozoa from healthy men were incubated in vitro with differ-
ent concentrations of HAART agents, decreases in sperm motility and mitochondrial
potential and an increase in acrosome reaction were observed at higher doses of saqui-
navir (a protease inhibitor used in HAART) (Ahmad et al. 2011).
ART are the best options for HIV-positive men who wish to father a child. The
use of HAART decreases the viral load in semen; further sperm washing procedures
have improved the utility of semen from HIV-positive men in intrauterine insemina-
tion or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Washed spermatozoa from HIV-positive men
have been used in assisted reproduction and have resulted in successful live births
without HIV transmission to mother or the child (Nicopoullos et al. 2004).

11.3.2 Human Papillomavirus

HPV is considered the most common sexually transmitted viral disease among
young men and women. Out of 100 identified genotypes, 40–50 are found to infect
the genital tract. High-risk genotypes 16, 18, 31, and 45 are associated with malig-
nancy of the squamous cells localized in the genital tract and anus (Medicine 2013).
Identification of HPV through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluorescence in
situ hybridization (FISH) in semen cultures revealed reduced sperm motility
(Foresta et al. 2010) and sperm concentration (Bezold et al. 2007). In contrast, a
study of 308 HPV-positive males showed that the infection does not correlate with
an impact on the sperm parameters (Schillaci et al. 2013). In addition, the gene-
targeting region of HPV in sperm reports no change in hyperactivation of spermato-
zoa, which proposes preservation of the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa (Lee
et al. 2002). In view of published data, a clear link between HPV and male infertility
remains inconclusive (Fr 2008). Nevertheless, a significant increase in the abortion
rate was observed in couples where the semen sample of the male was positive for
viral DNA. Similarly, a recent study reported a significant increase in pregnancy
loss after IVF in couples where semen samples were positive for viral DNA (Perino
et al. 2011). Therefore, HPV infection should be dealt with seriously in all couples
seeking fertility treatment.

11.3.3 Herpes Simplex Virus

Herpes simplex virus contains two genital virus strains: HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1
is commonly involved in oral and occasionally in genital infections, but HSV-2 is
the most common etiology of genital herpes (Wald et al. 2000). Prevalence of both
HSV strains is quite variable ranging from 2 to 50 % as detected in semen of
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Impact on Male Fertility 175

asymptomatic men, but no association to change in sperm parameters or male infer-

tility was established (Neofytou et al. 2009). In contrast, reduced sperm motility and
concentration was attributed to the presence of HSV DNA detected through nested
PCR in 49.5 % of semen samples from infertile men compared to controls (Kapranos
et al. 2003). Further, decline in sperm concentration, higher rates of apoptosis, and
disrupted spermatogenesis were observed in patients infected with HSV.
An animal study utilized transgenic mice as subjects to investigate the molecular
impact of HSV on spermatogenesis. The expression of the pathogen’s thymidine
kinase in the testis correlated with sperm structural abnormalities and defects in
spermatogenesis (Braun et al. 1990). This was substantiated in 2009, when results
confirmed the correlation of the thymidine kinase activity to the loss of germ cells
in the testes (Cai et al. 2009). Apparently, the published data accord the negative
effects of HSV on sperm parameters and male fertility.

11.3.4 Human Cytomegalovirus

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) has been isolated from different body secretions
including blood, urine, milk, cervical and vaginal secretions, and semen (Eggert-Kruse
et al. 2009; Roback et al. 2001). Sexual transmission does not appear to be the common
route of HCMV infection; however, if the accessory glands are infected with the virus,
it can be discharged into the male reproductive tract and can encounter the spermatozoa
easily (Eggert-Kruse et al. 2009). Although presence of HCMV in semen is debated,
some studies have confirmed its presence in seminal fluid (Bezold et al. 2007; Levy
et al. 1997). The relevance of this virus or the detection of its DNA in semen and its
impact on semen parameters are uncertain. A fairly large body of evidence has shown
no relation between the infection and change in semen characteristics (Bezold et al.
2007; Neofytou et al. 2009; Eggert-Kruse et al. 2009, Pallier et al. 2002).

11.3.5 Hepatitis B Virus

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is present in semen and other bodily fluids of infected
people. HBV is sometimes considered even more challenging than HIV due to its
ability to cross the blood-testis barrier and its penetration into the sperm genome
(Garolla et al. 2013). Viral load in semen of infected men seeking assisted reproduc-
tive treatments has been quantified by real-time PCR (Qian et al. 2005). Integration
of HBV into sperm chromosomes was confirmed by FISH in carrier men (Huang
et al. 2003). The integration of virus into the sperm genome can cause mutagenic
and hereditary effects that are serious threats in vertical transmission.
Several studies have reported alterations in sperm parameters in HBV-infected
semen samples including decrease in sperm concentration, motility, and morphol-
ogy (Lorusso et al. 2010; Vicari et al. 2006; Zhou et al. 2011). Others have reported
increased germ cell apoptosis (Kang et al. 2012; Moretti et al. 2008) and sper-
matozoa aneuploidy (Huang et al. 2003; Kang et al. 2012; Moretti et al. 2008) in
response to HBV infection.
176 G. Ahmad et al.

Infertility treatment of HBV-infected patients is a great concern for health pro-

fessionals. When zona-free hamster eggs were injected with human spermatozoa
infected with the HBV DNA plasmid, HBV gene expression was noted in the
embryo (Ali et al. 2006). Furthermore, a reduction in IVF success rates has been
reported in HBV-infected couples (Zhou et al. 2011). The vertical transmission of
the virus demands extreme care since even ART cannot exclude the risk of viral
transmission to the offspring.

11.3.6 Hepatitis C Virus

Sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is not common, and very low viral
loads in semen of infected patients have been detected. Only 5 % vertical and sexual
transmission of HCV has been documented by some authors (Durazzo et al. 2006),
while some cohort studies report even less (0–0.6 %) infection rates per year in
seronegative counter partners (Piazza et al. 1997; Vandelli et al. 2004; Tahan et al.
2005). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, USA),
sexual transmission of HCV is rare CDC guidelines (2010). Though HCV RNA has
been detected in seminal plasma of infected men, in one particular study, no changes
in seminal parameters were attributed to the presence of viral RNA (Bourlet et al.
2009). In contrast, other studies have reported negative effects of HCV infection on
semen parameters. For example, reductions in sperm motility, morphology, and
sperm count have been reported in infected samples (Durazzo et al. 2006; Lorusso
et al. 2010; Hofny et al. 2011; La Vignera et al. 2012). Additionally, sperm aneu-
ploidy, alterations in sperm mitochondrial potential, and DNA fragmentation were
observed in HCV-positive samples (La Vignera et al. 2012).
The transmission of HCV during ART procedure is not well reported. However,
the virus has been identified in follicular fluid in women infected with HCV
(Papaxanthos-Roche et al. 2004). Thus far, follow-up studies on couples, where at
least one partner was HCV positive, have reported no infected births (Savasi et al.
2013; Bourlet et al. 2009). Although the transmission of HCV is low, extreme care
must be taken while handling infected samples. Density gradient centrifugation
(DGC) and sperm swim-up methods are the recommended procedures for sperm
preparation to be used in ART (Savasi et al. 2013; Bourlet et al. 2009).

11.4 Semen and Protozoa Infection

11.4.1 Trichomonas vaginalis

Current statistics suggest that the infection of trichomoniasis is more prevalent

among women affecting more than 160 million people worldwide (WHO 2005).
The prevalence and virulence of the pathogen are well studied in women compared
11 Sexually Transmitted Infections and Impact on Male Fertility 177

to men. The reason for this ignorance of its impact on male infertility may be due
to its asymptomatic nature in men. This pathogen was detected in 72 % of the
asymptomatic male population (Flint 2012). This high percentage of asymptomatic
cases can be due to the cytotoxic role of prostatic zinc toward protozoan patho-
genesis (Harp and Chowdhury 2011) which can mask the symptoms of the infec-
tion. However, untreated trichomoniasis can result in urethritis, epididymitis, and
prostatitis as well as detrimental impact on the female partner, which can result in
pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, urethritis, vaginitis, and preterm delivery
(Flint 2012).
T. vaginalis was found more common in infertile men compared to fertile men.
Further, a decrease in sperm count was also reported in infected semen samples.
Significant reductions in sperm motility, morphology, and viability were reported in
a large number of asymptomatic male subjects (Gopalkrishnan and Kumar 1990).
The change in sperm parameters in infected samples is an indication of T. vaginalis’
association to male fertility, but further research is required.

For male patients positive for STIs, there are established laboratory practices that
can be implemented in an in vitro setting to minimize the risk of transmission of
infectious agent to the mother or progeny. Density gradient centrifugation (DGC)
and direct swim-up are the two known techniques associated with sperm wash-
ing which allows for the removal of infectious agents from the semen sample.
Though highly efficient, sperm washing mediums can result in minute quantities
of the viral DNA remaining (Kuji et al. 2008). This problem can be resolved by
the addition of serine proteases and a “novel tube insert” in the process of
DGC. Serine proteases can significantly reduce the virus number attached to the
sperm, notably with HIV-1 (Loskutoff et al. 2005; Blevins et al. 2008). The usage
of DGC improves the sperm yield from highly viscous samples and prevents the
formation of sperm antibodies, a benefit for male HIV-positive patients who wish
to undergo IVF (Fourie et al. 2012). The viral STI that exhibits difficulty in
removal for IVF is HPV. This can be improved by the addition of heparinase-III
to the washing media, and it has shown significant reduction of HPV DNA in
infected samples (Garolla et al. 2012).
Implementation of STI screening in males could offer a long-term advantage
for the male patient, while early detection could allow for the avoidance of
healthcare costs and decreased coinfection with other STIs such as HIV (Domes
et al. 2012; Chesson et al. 2013). When analysis can be approached from a pro-
teomic and molecular level, there can be an improvement of detection and man-
agement for the patient. Since prevention is the best cure, utmost attention must
be given when dealing with such STIs to prevent their spread. Proper vaccination
must be ensured in cases where required and available like HBV. Protected inter-
course is essential in cases where seminal transmission of the virus or bacteria is
common, i.e., HBV or HIV.
178 G. Ahmad et al.

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Ionizing Radiation and Male Fertility
Gulfam Ahmad and Ashok Agarwal

12.1 Introduction

Exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) is becoming more common in the medical field
for disease diagnoses and cancer treatment. In addition to patients undergoing treat-
ment, IR exposure also poses a big threat to health professionals. The majority
of medical investigations require radiographic testing to diagnose the disease fol-
lowed by treatment, which in case of cancer patients may also require radiotherapy.
Although all living creatures are at the risk of damage in response to ionizing radia-
tion, the mammalian testes are much more sensitive to ionizing radiation. In man
and in majority of animals, the testes lie outside the body and are susceptible to
radiation damage (Abuelhija et al. 2013). Damage to the testes is directly propor-
tional to the dose and time of exposure to artificial radiation or treatment. Evidence
exists for sperm count reduction after treatment with low-dose testis irradiation.
Moderate- to high-dose irradiation can lead to prolonged drastic decline in sperm
count or even azoospermia (Abuelhija et al. 2013). The human testes appear to
be more sensitive, and the recovery of spermatogenesis after radiotherapy is sig-
nificantly delayed compared to most other rodents (Meistrich and Samuels 1985).
This delay suggests that during the treatment period, spermatogonial stem cells
become arrested at a point of their differentiation; however, the underlying mecha-
nism of the spermatogenesis arrest and subsequent recovery in human is not known.

G. Ahmad, PhD
Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, University of Health Sciences,
Lahore 54600, Pakistan
A. Agarwal, PhD, HCLD (*)
American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cleveland Clinic,
Mail Code X-11, 10681 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 185

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_12
186 G. Ahmad and A. Agarwal

This raises an important question about the post-treatment fertility of the patients
and also the consequences of IR exposure on the reproductive health in medical
This chapter aims to focus on the impact of ionizing radiation on male fertility.
Following a brief overview of ionizing radiation, this review will discuss selected
research published on ionizing radiation, with a greater emphasis on radiotherapy
and male fertility.

12.2 Ionizing Radiation

Ionizing radiation occurs in the form of an atomic or subatomic particle or an

electromagnetic wave with very high kinetic energy, which has an ability to ion-
ize the nucleus of a substance. It is believed that radioactive decay is the major
reason for ionizing radiation. Electrons, protons, or neutrons are released during
this process; therefore, theoretically any molecule can produce IR. However, the
rate of decay differs for each molecule and can be controlled with advanced tech-
nologies. Microwaves, infrared rays, radio waves, radiant heat waves, and ultra-
violet rays are generally not considered as IR. However, persistent exposure to
any of the above can result into the similar effects as induced by IR (Lancranjan
et al. 1975).

12.3 Sources

Classic sources of radiation which are of main concern to human beings include
natural and artificial sources. Among natural sources, gamma rays from the decay
products of uranium, radon gas decay products in the atmosphere, naturally occur-
ring radionuclides, and cosmic rays from the outer space are common. A living
being has daily exposure to the natural IR as they are present throughout the natural
world. For example, radioactive radon gas is present in the atmosphere, and the
Earth itself produces gamma rays from the decay of uranium. On an average, a per-
son is exposed to 2.1 mSv natural radiation annually (du Plessis et al. 2014).
Personnel whose work involves dealing with the general public such as teachers,
physicians, and health professionals should be equipped with the basic knowledge
of such radiation exposure to guide the rest of the population.
Sources of artificial radiations include radionuclides present in eating and drink-
ing materials, X-rays used in medical diagnostic procedures, and gamma rays pro-
duced as by-products in the nuclear industry and products formed during atmospheric
nuclear testing (du Plessis et al. 2014). Artificial radiation exposure can cause det-
rimental effects on the health of living beings. Common risk factors which can
cause cancer in human beings and the impact on male fertility are summarized in
Fig. 12.1. The subsequent discussion will focus on the impact of ionizing radiations
on male fertility.
12 Ionizing Radiation and Male Fertility 187

Fig. 12.1 Risk factors for cancer and impact of radiation therapy on male fertility

12.4 Radiation and Spermatogenesis

12.4.1 Animal Studies Rodent Model

Studies conducted on different rodent models have shown that radiation have direct
and dose-dependent mutagenic effects on the germ cells. High doses lead to drasti-
cally lethal effects, chromosomal aneuploidy, and point mutations (Brent 1999). In
experiments, adult mouse testes were subjected to irradiation with a single shot of
1 Gy or two shots of 1 Gy with 7 days interval (Shah et al. 2009). The researchers
sampled the testes every third or fourth day postirradiation to follow the recovery
pattern of spermatogenesis. Treatment with a single shot of 1 Gy radiation led to a
gap in spermatogenesis noted by the loss of A1 to B-spermatogonia which lasted for
approximately 10 days. As expected, treatment with two shots of 1 Gy had more
severe effects on germ cell elimination compared to 1 Gy. Despite germ cell elimi-
nation, spermatogenesis recovered to normal values after 6–7 weeks of treatment in
both groups (Shah et al. 2009). In another study, mice were irradiated with a dose of
2 Gy, and sperm recovery pattern was observed for 10 weeks posttreatment. In this
188 G. Ahmad and A. Agarwal

study, spermatogenetic recovery was only 7 % at 7 weeks and reached to 84 % of the

control values at 10 weeks after treatment (Searle and Beechey 1974). This shows
that with a slightly higher dose of radiation, spermatogenetic recovery was much
delayed. When mouse testes were irradiated with a slightly higher dose (2.4 Gy),
testicular sperm count decreased significantly compared to controls at 30 days,
while epididymis count decreased at 39 days after treatment (Meistrich and Samuels
1985). When using a 6 Gy dose of radiation, spermatogonial number did not recover
completely but reached 90 % of the control values at 16 weeks after irradiation treat-
ment (Erickson and Hall 1983).
Rat testis appears relatively more sensitive to irradiation damage compared to
mouse testis and hence exhibits delayed spermatogenetic recovery. However, in the
most widely studied and resistant strain of rats, i.e., Sprague-Dawley, the number of
spermatogonia recovered to control levels within 5 weeks after 3 Gy radiation, and
epididymal sperm count reached to 40 % of control after 19 weeks (Dym and
Clermont 1970; Jegou et al. 1991). With treatment of 6 Gy radiations, the spermato-
genetic recovery in rat was severely delayed, and 44 % of the tubules exhibited
incomplete spermatogenesis even after 16 weeks of treatment (Erickson and Hall
1983). In cases of higher doses (>6 Gy), even at 26 weeks after treatment, spermato-
genetic recovery was only 10 % compared to controls (Delic et al. 1986; Pinon-
Lataillade et al. 1991). Nonhuman Primates

Compared to humans, the recovery of spermatogenesis after testicular exposure
to radiations is faster in rodents (Abuelhija et al. 2013). In order to have a better
understanding of the process of postirradiation spermatogenic recovery, an animal
model that simulates the response of human testis to radiation is needed. Nonhuman
primates show much similarity to the human testis including similarities in histo-
logical stages of spermatogonia (Ehmcke and Schlatt 2006), with dramatic decrease
in spermatogonial number after 2 or 4 Gy. Such decline in spermatogonial number
was persistent until 6 months postirradiation, and incomplete recovery began only at
18 months of treatment (Foppiani et al. 1999; Kamischke et al. 2003). After irradia-
tion with 0.4–0.5 Gy of X-rays, the number of Apale spermatogonia (Ap) decreased
to 13 % compared to control values after 11 days of treatment; however, the number
of Adark spermatogonia (Ad) showed no significant change at this time period but
was decreased at day 14 postirradiation (van Alphen et al. 1988). Repopulation of
seminiferous epithelium started from day 75 postirradiation when treated with 0.5,
1.0, and 2.0 Gy of X-rays. The number of spermatogonia (Ap and Ad) increased
and reached 10 % of the control level at day 44 after treatment with 0.5 Gy dose
and reached 90 % at day 200. Relatively higher doses (1.0 and 2.0 Gy) had more
severe effects on spermatogonia recovery. After treatment with 1–2 Gy radiations,
only 5 % of spermatogonia recovery was observed at day 44. Even at days 200 and
370 after treatment, the recovery was only 70 % (van Alphen et al. 1988). This sug-
gests that in monkeys, the recovery of spermatogenesis is much delayed compared
to rodents.
12 Ionizing Radiation and Male Fertility 189

12.4.2 Human Studies

As mentioned earlier, human testes are relatively more sensitive to radiations

compared to rodents. This means even subtle exposure to low-dose radiation can
result in impairment of testicular function. For example, treatment with 1 Gy radia-
tion showed significant reduction in the number of spermatocytes just after 14 day
of treatment. The reduction in spermatocyte count was even more drastic at 25 days
after treatment (Rowley et al. 1974). It was noted that reduction in spermatocytes
count was not abrupt. Although radiation kills the cells immediately by necrosis
and/or apoptosis or during their proliferation, the decline in spermatogonia number
to their lowest level does not happen at once but instead occurs in a progressive
manner. It may take several weeks to reach their lowest level depending upon the
dose of irradiation (Rowley et al. 1974; Clifton and Bremner 1983). However, azo-
ospermia is not achieved until 18 weeks of irradiation (Paulsen 1973). The actual
reason of this gradual decline is not very clear, but one can speculate that a small
population of non-cycling A-spermatogonia escapes the potential effects of radia-
tion perhaps when they are in dormant phase of cell cycle (Meistrich 2013).
Recovery of the A-spermatogonia starts after 21 weeks of irradiation which indi-
cates that the self-renewal exceeds cell depletion at this time. As seen in animal
studies, as well as in humans, the damage to spermatogenesis or testicular functions
depends upon the radiation doses. High doses of radiation can result in permanent
azoospermia leading to the killing of all spermatogonial stem cells. When a single
dose of 10 Gy was given to the patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation,
only 15 % of them regained their fertility (Meistrich 2013; Sanders et al. 1996).
The recovery of spermatogenesis after cancer treatment has been found to be
linked to many factors such as the time of diagnosis, sperm parameters before the
start of treatment, the nature of the treatment, both sperm parameters, and the nature
of treatment, or sometimes no relation has been found with any of the above factors
(Hansen et al. 1990; Petersen et al. 1999; Ishikawa et al. 2004; Bahadur et al. 2005;
Pectasides et al. 2004; Eberhard et al. 2004; Lampe et al. 1997; Gandini et al. 2006).
Therefore, regular cancer screening is imperative in patients with family history of
cancer. This will allow the early detection and treatment of the disease with less
severe effects on their future fertility.

12.5 Radiations and Sperm Parameters

12.5.1 Animal Studies

When mice were subjected to whole body irradiation of 2 Gy, a significant reduction
in epididymal sperm count was observed in the irradiated group compared to the
control, 28 days after treatment (Searle and Beechey 1974). This sperm concentra-
tion further reduced almost reaching zero at 42 and 49 days after treatment. Similar
results in sperm count and morphology have been documented by others when
190 G. Ahmad and A. Agarwal

testes of two different strains of mice (C57 BL and B6C3F1) were exposed to wider
range (0, 0.3, 1.0, and 3 Gy) of X-rays. The highest dose (3 Gy) caused a drastic
decrease in sperm number obtained from cauda epididymis of both the strains at 42
and 49 days postirradiation. Interestingly, the rise in percentage of sperm abnor-
malities was notable as early as 21 days and was seen in both groups (Bruce et al.
1974). In a recent study, treatment of mice with 2 Gy dose has shown significant
reduction in cauda epididymal sperm count as well as percentage sperm viability in
irradiated group compared with control group even after 24 h of treatment (Li et al.
When rats were irradiated (whole body irradiation), with a wider range of irra-
diation doses (0.675, 1.350, 2.700, and 4.050 Gy), abnormal sperm morphology
was observed compared to control values in almost all doses. These abnormalities
became more severe in 2.700 and 4.050 Gy groups, where most of the sperm tails
were eroded out (Chatterjee et al. 1994).
In monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), when testes were irradiated with a single
dose of 2 Gy X-rays, mean sperm concentration per ejaculate significantly decreased
to 9.2 ± 3.5 × 106 at day 35 postirradiation compared to pretreatment value
(60.3 ± 15.5 × 106). The decrease in sperm count was more drastic at 60 days postir-
radiation, and some monkeys appeared with azoospermia beyond that period
(Foppiani et al. 1999). The same study found reduction in percentage sperm mor-
phology (71.4 ± 9.9) 42 days after irradiation compared to pretreatment values
(89.8 ± 3.0).

12.5.2 Human Studies

A multicenter prospective study conducted at CECOS network of France has pub-

lished interesting data on radiotherapy and sperm parameters. They recruited 129
testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) patients. One semen sample was collected from
each patient before starting the treatment to serve as his control, and then treatment
was started. Subsequent semen samples were collected at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months
postirradiation. The results showed significant reduction in sperm count and sperm
motility at 3 months postirradiation, which remained significantly low until
12 months. The sperm count and motility reached control values only after
24 months postirradiation (Bujan et al. 2013; Di Bisceglie et al. 2013). In their
study, sperm count decreased at 6 months after treatment and remained low com-
pared to baseline values up to 12 months postirradiation. Eighteen months after
treatment, almost all patients recovered normal sperm count, and their counts
remained unchanged for the rest of study period (36 months).
Radiation effects are more severe if it involves total body irradiation (TBI) and/
or combined with cyclophosphamide (CY). Out of 25 patients who underwent a
combination of bone marrow transplantation and TBI/CY treatment, only one
patient had recovered spermatogenesis levels to normal. The recovery time was
much delayed (75 months) compared to those patients who had only radiation ther-
apy (Jacob et al. 1998). The kinetics of recovery of spermatogenesis after radiation
12 Ionizing Radiation and Male Fertility 191

therapy is much more delayed compared to chemotherapy (Meistrich 2013; Bujan

et al. 2013). In patients treated with hemi-pelvic or given pelvic radiotherapy, sper-
matogenic recovery did not start until 9 months postirradiation even with modest
doses (0.5–0.8 Gy), and at higher dose (1.7 Gy), the delays were even more pro-
longed (Meistrich 2013).

12.6 Radiations and Sperm DNA

12.6.1 Animal Studies

Information on sperm DNA integrity after radiation treatment is scanty in ani-

mal models. Very few studies have been conducted on mouse. In one study, mice
were subjected to acute testicular X-rays exposure with a maximum dose of 6 Gy.
Spermatozoa were collected from epididymis 35 days postirradiation for DNA
damage investigation. Analysis revealed that 30–40 % of spermatozoa had damaged
DNA after the treatment. Some had chromosomal aneuploidy, and some others had
DNA strand breaks (Pinkel et al. 1983). In an in vitro study, mouse spermatozoa
recovered from epididymis were exposed to range of radiation doses (0–100 Gy). A
linear dose-dependent DNA damage was observed in irradiated spermatozoa com-
pared with controls (Haines et al. 1998). Further, in a more recent study on mice, Li
et al. (2013) found a dose-dependent increase in sperm DNA fragmentation. They
measured both sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and high DNA stainability
(HDS) through sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). The term DFI reflects the
percentage of damaged DNA divided by the total sperm DNA which actually gives
the loss of sperm DNA. HDS represents the immaturity and less condensed chroma-
tin where sperm attain greater stainability. In these experiments, percentage of DFI
was significantly higher in experimental group exposed to 2 Gy X-rays compared
to control group (21.35 ± 0.78 vs 9.54 ± 0.31). Percentage HDS was also signifi-
cantly higher in the experimental group compared to control group (12.03 ± 0.35 vs
3.90 ± 0.17). In another interesting study, sperm DNA damage was induced by expos-
ing mice testicular region to different radiation doses (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 Gy).
Comet assay was performed to quantify the sperm DNA damage. The percent tail
DNA damage in spermatozoa exposed to 2.5 Gy was significantly higher compared
to controls (7.98 ± 0.42 vs 5.44 ± 0.35). The difference became more significant at
5 Gy and 10 Gy (9.67 ± 0.44 and 12.14 ± 0.52) respectively (Kumar et al. 2013b).

12.6.2 Human Studies

Although sperm has highly compact DNA, it has to travel a long journey starting
from testes all the way through male and female reproductive tracts before it reaches
oocyte. This long passage makes it exposed to exogenous as well as endogenous
threats including endogenous milieu of tracts and any foreign insult such as trauma,
exposure to radiation, or toxic environment. Majority of the data available on sperm
192 G. Ahmad and A. Agarwal

DNA damage in cancer patients describe the effects of chemotherapy, and less is
known about radiotherapy.
Some studies conducted on human sperm DNA integrity after radiotherapy
report significant DNA damage compared to controls. An increase in high DNA
stainability (HDS) was observed at 6 months after radiotherapy in 67 patients with
pure seminoma. However, the values of sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI)
were not significantly higher than the control values (Bujan et al. 2013). Further,
when patients with testicular carcinoma were treated with adjuvant radiotherapy,
the DFI was significantly higher compared to the controls. The DFI was also higher
compared to other treatments such as chemotherapy, which shows more drastic
effects of radiation on sperm DNA. Interestingly, the increase in DFI was notable
till 2 years posttreatment compared to non-treated patients (18 vs 13 %) (Stahl et al.
2004; Lord 1999).

12.7 Radiations and Sperm Fertilization Capacity

12.7.1 Animal Studies

Evidence exists that sperm can fertilize the oocyte with damaged DNA. When mice
testes were irradiated with an acute dose of 2 Gy, no change in fertilization rates was
observed in the irradiated group and control group at 4 weeks after treatment.
However, from 4 weeks onward, the decline in fertilization rate was notable till
week 7. The difference reached maximum significance at week 6 and then returned
to control values after 8 weeks (Matsuda et al. 1985). In another mouse study, mice
were subjected to whole body irradiation using a similar dose (2 Gy). The fertiliza-
tion rates were not different in irradiated groups and the controls till 6 weeks after
treatment. At weeks 7 and 8, the fertilization rates were significantly lower in irradi-
ated groups compared to controls, and, after 9 weeks, these rates reached controls’
levels (Searle and Beechey 1974). The delayed difference in fertilization rates in
this study compared to the study of Matsuda and Colleagues (1985) could be
because, in this earlier study, the whole body of mice was irradiated, while Matsuda
et al. (1985) used acute testicular irradiation. Direct testicular irradiation may have
a more severe impact on the quality of sperm compared to whole body irradiation.
Interestingly, even fertilization rate was unaffected at 6 weeks in the irradiated
groups (Searle and Beechey 1974); embryo implantation rate and number of live
embryos were significantly lower at 6 weeks compared to controls. The difference
reached the lowest value at 7 weeks and started increasing toward control values at
8 weeks (Searle and Beechey 1974). The reduction in embryo implantation rate and
number of live embryos at 6 weeks in irradiated groups compared to controls reflects
the damage to sperm DNA. This suggests that sperm with damaged DNA can fertil-
ize the egg but may not support embryo development.
A recent study reported of similar results where male mice irradiated using
higher doses (5–10 Gy) were mated with female mice, and the fertilization rate of
12 Ionizing Radiation and Male Fertility 193

the irradiated mice did not differ from the control (Kumar et al. 2013a). However,
the average number of offspring per litter was significantly reduced in irradiated
groups exposed to 5 and 10 Gy (6.0 ± 0.3 and 3.3 ± 0.2 respectively) doses as com-
pared to control group (10.1 ± 0.3). In the highest dose group (10 Gy), approxi-
mately 37 % offspring died within 10 weeks of age which shows teratogenicity of
irradiation to testes (Kumar et al. 2013a).

12.7.2 Human Studies

No data is available on radiation therapy and fertilization rates in human. Scanty

information is available on fertility outcome of the patients after radiation therapy
used as cancer treatment. In comparison to radiation therapy, reasonable data is
published on fertility outcome in patients after chemotherapy. Studies published on
chemotherapy report a greater concern about fertility issues in patients after cancer
treatment. A case-control American study showed that patients treated for testicular
germ cell tumor were significantly more likely to experience fertility problems in
terms of fathering a child compared to control population. Such cases had more
consults for fertility distress as compared to the controls (Kim et al. 2010). The
results of a more recent study showed that in patients with testicular tumor who
attempted to conceive after radiotherapy alone or combined with chemotherapy
(either naturally or through assisted reproductive techniques using fresh or frozen
semen), live birth rates were as low as 32 % (9/28) and 28 % (2/7) respectively (Ping
et al. 2014). The data also showed four miscarriages from the entire attempts made
by 73 couples in all groups. However, there was no evidence of congenital abnor-
malities or any malignancies among the babies born after the treatment. The debate
on the transgenerational effects of radiotherapy is going on and more data is
required. Nevertheless, the deleterious effects of radiation therapy and its exposure
should not be ignored, and effective protective measures must be adopted to safe-
guard male reproductive health.

12.8 Conclusions

Radiation therapy has negative impact on spermatogenesis and affects qualitative

as well as quantitative sperm parameters in animals as well as humans. The extent
to which the testes respond to radiation depends upon the dose and duration of
exposure or treatment. Extreme care must be taken while treating cancer patients.
Spermatozoa cryopreservation must be advised to all patients before treatment. It
may be advisable to go for germ cell preservation in patients who have not
achieved puberty and in whom spermatogenesis has not yet begun. In a multidis-
ciplinary approach, patients must be counseled for the cryopreservation of gam-
etes or tissues, and the options of assisted reproductive techniques should be well
194 G. Ahmad and A. Agarwal

12.9 Future Directions

Although no abnormalities have been reported in children fathered by patients

treated for cancer, larger prospective studies are required to represent the true data.
Further, animal studies should be carried out to investigate the potential transgen-
erational effects of radiation therapy or male-mediated developmental toxicity.
Couples should use contraceptive methods for 1–2 years after cancer treatment to
avoid possible potential risk of DNA damage and aneuploidy caused by radiation
therapy, which can affect embryo development.

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Hansen PV, Trykker H, Svennekjaer IL, Hvolby J. Long-term recovery of spermatogenesis after
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Ishikawa T, Kamidono S, Fujisawa M. Fertility after high-dose chemotherapy for testicular cancer.
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Jegou B, Velez de la Calle JF, Bauche F. Protective effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate plus
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Aging and Male Reproduction
Shah Dupesh Khan

13.1 Introduction

We are currently looking at two fertility trends: number one is that women are hav-
ing fewer children, and number two is that they are delaying the age of the first
childbirth. There is an unprecedented growth in the number of older people espe-
cially those beyond 60 years of age (Daguet 2002). The concept of delaying the age
of the first childbirth has its consequences; women may get disappointed with the
delays and/or associated difficulties with conception they face as they get older due
to the age-dependant decrease in their fecundity. A further consequence could be
that this trend also contributes to an increase in the incidence of age-associated
infertility (ESHRE Capri Workshop 2005).
Numerous demographic studies have shown that births seem to be more strictly
planned. There has been a rise in the mean age of parity among numerous different
cultural groups since the 1970s. Frequently, a woman at 35 is usually having her
first child or a first child from a new union. Due to the well-established fact that
fertility decline in the female begins from somewhere around the third decade, most
couples trying at this age would frequently encounter delays and increasing time to
pregnancy (Menken et al. 1986). A recent argument stated that with the availability
of ART, postponing childbearing is not an issue; however, in an interesting simula-
tion model constructed bearing in mind the monthly probability of conception and
miscarriage and the probability of sterility, ART does not seem to compensate for
the loss of fertility and/or fecundity with age (Leridon 2004).

S.D. Khan, MBBS, DCE, FASM, (PhD)

Department of Andrology and Sexual Medicine, Women’s Center,
8A, Burkit Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 600017, India
Fortis Healthcare, Fortis Malar Hospital,
Adyar, Chennai 600020, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 197

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_13
198 S.D. Khan

13.2 Aging and Natural Selection

Aging remains an evolutionary paradox. Although many theories have tried to

explain the reason behind aging, we are yet to come to a definitive conclusion. Why
does an organism age? Unfortunately, we do not know the answer; most research
suggests that reactive oxygen species or accumulation of deleterious mutations
could be the possible reason for aging (Ashok and Ali 1999). While we have a lot
of circumstantial evidence proving associations, a definitive cause-effect relation-
ship remains to be proven. A high degree of variability in terms of aging is seen
among different species in different environments. For instance, most mammals are
outlived by birds of comparable sizes. Turtles seem to outlive other reptilian forms.
In terms of fertility, in nature most males of lower species seem to follow a “live
fast, die young strategy,” i.e., males of lower species like the adult mayflies undergo
rapid senescence postmating with the female. Males in these species have higher
mortality and more rapid aging. Whether this scenario is applicable to human aging,
fertility remains to be explored (Charlesworth 1980).
Thus, from an evolutionary perspective, “aging” or “senescence” is simply
defined as a drop in the survival probability and/or fertility later in the life of the
individual. Aging reduces the contribution an individual makes in terms of genetics
to the future offspring by either reducing the individual’s fitness or by reducing the
number of successful coital attempts. Aging is programmed and nondirected.
Although natural selection shapes life’s history, genes for antiaging just do not exist.
The aim of natural selection is to shape life history so as to achieve a delicate bal-
ance between somatic maintenance and reproductive fitness under strains imposed
by the external environment of the organism in question. In the sense of a genetic
program, aging can be characterized by the accumulation of molecular level dam-
age to cell proteins, DNA, and lipids with mutation favored by natural selection
(Finch 1990).

13.3 Is There an Andropause?

Male fertility seems to be well maintained very late into old age. In addition to
numerous anecdotal reports, it has been scientifically documented till 94 years of
age (Seymour et al. 1935). Several celebrities have become fathers at a relatively
older age; Anthony Quinn and Pablo Picasso are commonly cited examples. Birth
registry data from Germany and Japan and also other parts of the world clearly
show that an increasing number of men father children beyond 50 years of age.
Interestingly, older fathers seem to have younger partners. The German registry also
shows that the mean age of men at their first marriage has risen from a median aver-
age of 26.6 years to 31.8 from 1985 to 2002 (Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland
2004). This trend is definitely due to rising female awareness levels, female con-
traception, and postponed age of first marriage and/or childbearing. In females
we know that aging is associated with a progressive loss of follicles, an increase
in oocyte aneuploidy, and a miscarriage ultimately ending with menopause. This
13 Aging and Male Reproduction 199

raises an important question; Does aging affect a man’s fertility? Unlike female
reproductive functions, male reproductive functions do not come to an abrupt halt,
but on the other hand, spermatogenesis and androgen production continue lifelong.
Thus, there is no “andropause” stating in the strictest sense. Notwithstanding though
with increasing age, alterations in the male reproductive function are quite obvious
(Lubna and Santoro 2003).

13.4 Aging and Male Fertility

Fertility and fecundity are terms used often interchangeably but are different.
Fecundity refers to the ability to conceive within a specific time frame. Studies on the
effect of male aging on fecundity are difficult to interpret due to numerous confound-
ing variables, one of which is female age. Aging in a man is confounded also by
the coital frequency which also depends on his period of cohabitation with his part-
ner. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ALSPAC) assessed
12,106 couples (Ford et al. 2000). In this study, older men were less likely to be suc-
cessful fathers in <6 or <12 months. Mean age of men who were 32.6 ± 5.91 years
took >12 months to impregnate their partners, while men who had a mean age of
30.9 ± 5.27 years took less than 12 months to achieve the same. The results were sta-
tistically significant (p < 0.0001). The European Fecundability Study of 7288 men-
strual cycles from women participating across seven European centers also showed
a trend for fertility decline from late 30s for men (Dunson et al. 2002) with no effect
apparent up to 35 years of age. This study also showed that among women of 35
years of age, the proportion of couples who do not achieve conception within 12
menstrual cycles increases from 18 to 28 % if the male partner age is 35 years and 40
years, respectively. Interestingly, the observed effect on fertility is similar when the
frequency of intercourse drops from twice per week to about once per week.
Descriptive birth data from the Irish population, data from the Mormon birth
registry, and data from Kenya, Syria, and other developing countries all point to
declining fertility with increasing male age (Goldman and Montgomery 1989).
Another interesting study also found that in men >45 years of age, the time to preg-
nancy rates was 4.6 times likely to be prolonged beyond 12 months compared to
men >25 years of age (Hassan and Killick 2003). In another European study, the
risk of miscarriage and delay in pregnancy onset reached statistical significance
especially when the fathers were > 40 years and the associated female partners were
greater than 30 years of age (De la Prochebrochard and Thonneau 2003). The risk
of pregnancy-related complications also was high in this age group compared with
younger partners. Male age-based alterations are frequently masked by female age
and its associated alterations.
Does male age affect ART outcomes? The answer is apparently no. The success
rate of ICSI does not seem to be associated with male age (Spandorfer et al. 1998).
To conclude, bearing in mind the studies discussed, it would seem male age affects
fertility of the couples beginning from late 30s and that the effect of male age
becomes more relevant with advancing age of the partner.
200 S.D. Khan

Table 13.1 The various histological changes seen in the aging testis along with the corresponding
Histological changes Reference
Physiological germ cell loss, Leydig cell loss Holstein (1989)
Reduced dark A spermatogonia, giant spermatids, multinucleated Johnson et al. (1990)
Lipid droplets in Sertoli cells, megalospermatocytes Harbitz (1973)
Tubule involution Panigua et al. (1987)
Defective vascularization of testicular parenchyma Regadera et al. (1985)

13.5 The Aging Testis

In the aging male, testicular volume remains relatively constant with a very small
decrease noted probably only in the eighth decade. Testicular histomorphological
changes are also slow to develop. Histological studies on autopsied testes of older
men sometimes reveal completely normal testicular structure. Changes are summa-
rized below (Table 13.1).
The defective vascularization of testicular parenchyma is associated with sys-
temic arteriosclerosis of the aging man.

13.6 Aging and Semen Parameters

Bearing in mind the various age-dependant changes taking place in the reproductive
organs of men, expecting a high degree of variance in semen parameters is not sur-
prising. Studies that have explored the effect of age on semen parameters are sum-
marized in Table 13.2 below.
Most of the studies exploring the effect of age on semen parameters are limited
in their ability to determine a suitable effect, as most of these studies are based on
retrospective data further limited by a small sample size. To summarize the outcome
of these studies, it would seem that the effect of aging on semen parameters is vari-
able; no conclusion should be drawn in light of present evidence. Although a small
effect is noted in different studies, the parameters measured were still within the
normal reference ranges used in the studies. No threshold age is seen beyond which
a rapid decline in semen parameters occurs. Much larger studies accounting for the
inherent variability of semen parameters are required to come to any meaningful

13.7 Effect of Paternal Aging on Genetics

Early observations have suggested that increasing male age is associated with cer-
tain syndromes. A possible reason is that, in males, there are a net higher number of
germ cell divisions as compared to females, and male germ cells divide almost

Table 13.2 Studies mentioned in the table show the possible association of aging and it’s impact on semen parameters
Study No Age Effect on volume Effect on concentration Effect on motility Effect on morphology
Studies on proven fertile males including sperm donors
Dondero et al. (1985) 445 18–81 ↓ NS after 40 years ↓ NS after 40 years ↓ NS after 40 years No effect
Homonnai et al. (1982) 555 20–68 30 % decrease No effect ↓ significant No effect
Nieschlag et al. (1982) 43 24–88 ↓ NS Significant ↑ significant No effect
Wang et al. 1985 1239 19–53 No effect No effect No effect No effect
Bujan et al. (1996) 302 21–44 No effect No effect No effect
Aging and Male Reproduction

↑ 3.3 % per year but NS

Irvine et al. (1996) 577 18–53 No effect ↑ 2.1 % per year but HS No effect No effect
Eskenazi et al. (2003) 97 22–80 ↑ 0.03 ml per year ↓ 2.5 % per year but significant No effect No effect
Fisch et al. (1996) 1283 34.3 R = 0.15, weak effect R = 0.03, no effect NS No effect
Auger et al. (1995) 1351 19–59 No effect ↓ 3.3 % per year but NS ↓ 0.6 % per year No effect
Schwartz et al. (1983) 809 26–50 No effect No effect ↓ NS ↓ 0.9 % per year
Studies on men with infertility
Mladenovic et al. (1994) 77 20–50 No effect No effect ↓ significant ↓ significant
Berling and Wolner (1997) 718 21–54 No effect No effect No effect No effect
Andolz et al. (1999) 20,411 15–74 ↓ 0.5 % per year ↑ 0.7 % per year ↓ 0.3 % per year ↓ NS
Spandorfer et al. (1998) 821 39–50 NS No effect ↓ NS No effect
Rolf et al. (1996) 117 22–61 HS ↑ NS ↓ significant No effect
Rolf et al. (2002) 3437 19–63 HS No effect No effect No effect
Henkel et al. (1999) 90 22–57 No effect No effect No effect No effect
Centola and Eberly (1999) 2065 19–67 ↓ NS No effect No effect ↓ NS
↑ depicts an increase, ↓ depicts a decrease. NS non significant, HS highly significant
202 S.D. Khan

continuously (Crow 2000). Bearing in mind this association, the age of semen
donors in some countries has been capped at 40 years (ASRM 1998). No effect of
age on aneuploidies of chromosomes 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 18 has been observed
from previous studies. A paternal age effect on disomies XX, XY, or YY has been
observed in a few studies (Asada et al. 2000; Lowe et al. 2001). No paternal age
effect for Turner’s syndrome as well as trisomy 13, 16, 18, and 21 (Hatch et al.
1990) is seen. However, larger studies clearly seem to show some effect as far as
Down’s syndrome is concerned, especially when combined with advanced maternal
age >35 years (Fisch et al. 2003).
Structural chromosomal anomalies result due to chromosomal break followed by
rearrangement within the same chromosome or between different chromosomes.
Structural chromosomal anomalies are seen in the spermatozoa of aging men,
although the numbers of studies are few (Sartorelli et al. 2001). Interestingly, no
such increase in de novo structural chromosomal anomalies of newborns born to
older fathers was observed (Hook et al. 1984). When we review autosomal domi-
nant diseases, achondrodysplasia and Apert’s syndrome have a high degree of rele-
vance with respect to paternal age. Achondrodysplasia is a common form of
dwarfism that afflicts 1 in 30,000 births (Vajo et al. 2000). It is caused by a mutation
in FGF3 gene. Apert’s syndrome, on the other hand, occurs to 1 in 70,000 births and
is caused by a mutation in the FGF2 gene (Cohen et al. 1992). Both these conditions
show an age-dependant increase in mutation of sperm, but peculiarly the number of
sperm mutations does not correlate with the exponential increase in the number of
reported cases. Other mutation with the FGF3 gene that shows an exponential rise
with paternal age includes thanatophoric dysplasia and Crouzon’s and Pfeiffer’s
syndrome (Glaser et al. 2003).
For diseases of complex etiology like Alzheimer’s, cardiac defects like atrial
septal defect (ASD) and ventricular septal defect (VSD), leukemia, and others,
assessing the effect of paternal age is difficult due to the inherent genetic heteroge-
neity of the conditions. On the other hand, does the offspring of aging male have
shorter life expectancy? In one interesting retrospective analysis of >8500 members
of aristocratic families, it was found that daughters of fathers older than 50 years
died 4.4 years earlier when compared to daughters of younger fathers between 20
and 30 years (Gavrilov et al. 1997). To conclude, genetics is complex. Only techni-
cal progress with in-depth understanding of sperm DNA damage, gene expression,
epigenetics, and the mechanism that links them all will further our progress in
unraveling any potential clinical benefits from a therapeutic viewpoint.

13.8 Effect of Aging on the HPT Axis

Aging male characteristics develop due to morphological changes in the organs

linked with functional changes in the endocrine networks. The rate of aging greatly
varies among individuals and is mainly influenced by the environment and lifestyle
factors (Hermann et al. 2000). Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) in the aging male
is slow to develop and involves histological and functional changes in all three
13 Aging and Male Reproduction 203

components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (Deslypere and Vermeulen

1984). Longitudinal results from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS)
clearly shows that with increasing age, total testosterone falls at 1.6 %/year, while
LH and FSH rise at 0.9 %/year and 3.1 %/year. Sex hormone-binding globulin
(SHBG) also increases at 1.2 %/year leading to further fall in free testosterone and
bioavailable testosterone at approximately 2–3% per year (Feldman et al. 2002).
The clinical relevance of serum steroid levels and their change with increasing age
remains to be completely understood. Nevertheless, these findings have seemingly
accelerated a significant worldwide increase in testosterone prescriptions
(Handelsman 2012; Gan et al. 2012), despite the uncertainties and rises surrounding
testosterone replacement therapies in aging men (Cunningham 2011).
A decline in total testosterone is accompanied by certain clinical symptoms that
bear homology with hypogonadism; these are decreased bone and muscle mass,
abdominal obesity, decreased beard growth, loss of sexual vigor along with a host
of nonspecific symptoms like nervousness, depression, mood swings, and general
fatigue (Schatzl et al. 2003). In the aging man, initially there is partial hypergonado-
tropic hypogonadism; with increasing age, a degree of central hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism further eventually sets in due to secondary failure of the gonads and
their feedback mechanism. There are a direct decrease of testicular steroidogenesis,
LH cell inactivity, diminished testosterone secretory activity, decreased
LH-stimulated testosterone rise, and a general decrease in GnRH-stimulated LH
release and also disruption of testosterone feedback signaling (Keenan et al. 2006).
One must also bear in mind that the abovementioned changes are applicable to the
general population, but a word of caution is advised. It is important to understand
that different components of the HPT axis would age differently. The degree of
aging will further be influenced by lifestyle factors. Obese individuals would expect
a greater drop in testosterone vs. nonobese physically active individuals. On these
notes, results of the European Male Ageing Study that involved 2395 men from
eight centers across Europe clearly showed that even 10 % drop in weight led to
statistically significant rise in testosterone and free testosterone. A weight change of
15 % from baseline on the other hand was associated with a curvilinear change in
free testosterone values (Camacho et al. 2013). Thus, bearing in mind the dynamic
relationship between body weight and serum sex steroid levels, it would be prudent
to encourage patients to maintain a healthy active lifestyle with suitable dietary
modification (Mohr et al. 2006). One must exercise caution before hastily prescrib-
ing testosterone replacement therapies for the aging male.

Aging as a phenomenon is enigmatic. The aging male is susceptible to subtle but
significant alterations in his reproductive functions. With increasing age there is
definitely an increased risk of miscarriage and reduced fecundity while control-
ling for female factors. Aging is also associated with an increased risk of certain
autosomal dominant diseases, although one must bear in mind that the absolute
risk is low. A gradual change and/or fluctuation of semen parameters with age
probably reflect and/or follow the histomorphological and functional changes in
204 S.D. Khan

the HPT axis. The clinician is advised to exercise prudence while evaluating an
aging male. Unnecessary and baseless testosterone replacement therapies should
not be advocated as a first-line measure while treating late-onset hypogonadism.
Weight reduction by diet and exercise and cessation of smoking and drinking
may all play a significant role in preventing undue serum sex steroid level
changes and also promoting a good quality of life.

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Cryopreservation of Human Semen
Sasikala Natarajamani

14.1 Introduction

Spallanzani, the famous Italian biologist in 1776, reported the maintenance of

motility of human spermatozoa after exposure to low temperatures. Researchers
and embryologists were keen to observe the effect of freezing on sperm viability.
Later, (Mantegazza 1866) proposed sperm banks for frozen human sperm. But it
was Polge’s accidental discovery of glycerol (1949) as a cryoprotectant that laid
the foundation for modern sperm cryobiology which accelerated the application
of cryopreservation techniques. This was shortly followed by the work of
(Sherman and Bunge 1953) who observed that human spermatozoa after freeze-
drying were able to support normal embryonic development. The first live birth
using frozen ejaculated sperm was reported in the year 1953 by Sherman who is
also known to have first described liquid nitrogen vapor freezing in the early
1960s (Sherman 1973).
Though the first commercial human semen banks were started in the USA during
the early 1970s, the first organized cryobank was set up in France, at the Center
d’Etude et de Conservation du Sperme, in 1973. Later, in 1976, the American
Association of Tissue Banks was started that included cryopreservation of gametes
(Ozkavukcu and Erdemli 2002):

S. Natarajamani, MBBS, MMEDSCI (ART), EMB (ACE)

American College of Embryologists Certified Lab,
Crea Conceptions (ACE Certified) (P) Limited, Chennai, India
e-mail: [email protected];

© Springer India 2017 207

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_14
208 S. Natarajamani

Development of human semen cryobanking (1776–1964) (Sherman 1980)

Date Contributor Contribution
1776 Spallanzani First low-temperature observations
1866 Mantegazza First suggestion of frozen semen bank
1938 Jahnel −269 °C survival, storage at −79 °C
1940 Shettles Individual variation, aging, and thawing
1945 Parkes Survival better in greater volumes
1949 Polge et al. Glycerol as cryoprotectant agent
1953–1955 Sherman Freezing rates, glycerol, preservation
1953–1955 Bunge et al. First progeny from stored spermatozoa, dry ice method
1954–1959 Keetel et al. Sixteen births from stored spermatozoa
1958–1959 Sawada et al. Six births with stored spermatozoa
1962–1963 Sherman Survival factors, banking applications, nitrogen vapor technique
1964 Perloff et al. Four births with nitrogen vapor technique

14.2 Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation is defined as the frozen storage of sperms, eggs, embryos, or ovar-

ian and testicular tissues (ART glossary – ESHRE).
Cryopreservation, in general, is a process where cells, whole tissues, or any other
substances susceptible to damage caused by chemical reactivity or time are pre-
served by cooling to subzero temperatures.

14.3 Cryoprotectants

Following ice formation in an aqueous solution like growth media, the ionic
composition increases dramatically which is lethal to cells. Cryoprotectants are
low-molecular-weight and highly permeable chemicals used to protect spermatozoa
from freeze damage during ice crystallization by increasing the unfrozen fraction at
a given temperature and hence reduce the ionic composition. Cryoprotectants act by
decreasing the freezing point of a substance, reducing the amount of salts and sol-
utes present in the liquid phase of the sample, and also by decreasing ice formation
within the spermatozoa (Royere et al. 1996).
They can be classified as follows based on their ability to diffuse across cell

• Permeating – That which cross the plasma membrane into the cytoplasm
• (e.g., glycerol, 1,2-propanediol, DMSO)
• Non-permeating – That which does not cross the plasma membrane
• (e.g., proteins, sucrose)

Lovelock suggested that the mechanism of action of cryoprotectants was due to

their colligative properties (the collective properties that a solution has when these
compounds are present). In particular, it was the reduction in salt concentration at a
14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen 209

given temperature that allowed cells to suffer less injury at that temperature. An effec-
tive penetrating cryoprotectant should provide colligative properties in which the salt
is buffered down to low temperatures. It should also be freely permeable across the
cell membrane so that it can buffer the intracellular salt as well, thereby reducing the
damage caused to the plasma membrane (Holt 2000; McGann 1979, 1988).
Non-penetrating cryoprotectants act by dehydrating the cell at high subfreezing
temperatures, thereby allowing them to be rapidly cooled before the solution effects
injury of slow cooling can lead to extensive damage. These compounds are gener-
ally polymers and form extensive hydrogen bonds with water, reducing the water
activity to a greater extent.
It is necessary that the medium interacts with the cells. The effectiveness of cryo-
protecting substances is a function of the time of interaction between the cryopro-
tectants and the cells. Glycerol is a permeating cryoprotectant most widely used for
human sperm cryopreservation. It acts by depressing the freezing point and the
consequent lowering of electrolyte concentrations in the unfrozen fraction at any
given temperature that would help to counter the harmful “solution effects” imposed
during the freezing process.

14.4 Methods of Semen Freezing

Freezing semen can be done by slow freezing, rapid freezing, or vitrification.

14.4.1 Slow Freezing

This conventional technique was given by Behrman and Sawada (1966). Done
either manually or automatically by programmed freezers, this method consists of
cooling semen over a period of 2–4 h in stepwise manner by adding cryoprotectants
(Said et al. 2010). Samples are cooled at a rate of 0.5–1 ° C/min for initial cooling
from room temperature to 5 °C. This is followed by freezing from 5 to −80 °C at a
rate of 1–10 °C/min. The sample is then plunged in liquid nitrogen at −196 °C
(Thachil and Jewett 1981).
Because of the reproducibility issues with this technique, programmable freezers
are sometimes used (Holt 2000). Samples are kept on a plate which is placed above
a storage tank of liquid nitrogen. The machine once programmed uses software data
to cool the sample at the set rate of fall in temperature. Once the decided tempera-
ture is achieved, the samples are removed and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks. Some
authors believe that conventional freezing techniques result in extensive damage
due to formation of ice crystals (Mazur et al. 1981).

14.4.2 Rapid Freezing

Sherman was the first to propose the rapid freezing technique (Sherman 1990)
where equal volumes of cryoprotectant and the sample are mixed in a dropwise
210 S. Natarajamani

manner. The sample is then loaded in straws and left to incubate at 4 ° C for 10 min.
This is followed by placing the straws at a distance of 15–20 cm above liquid nitro-
gen with a temperature of −80 °C for 15 min and then plunging them into liquid
nitrogen at −196 °C. In this method, there is direct contact between the samples and
liquid nitrogen vapor. It might be beneficial to place the straws in a horizontal man-
ner so that the heat difference between the ends is minimal.
The disadvantages of this technique include (Fabbri et al. 2004):

1. Low reproducibility
2. Difficulties in temperature drop control
3. Varying freezing temperature

14.5 Effects of Cryopreservation on Semen Parameters

Cryopreservation has proven to be a very useful technique in the management of

infertility, and the success of the technique has an impact on the reproductive out-
come of the couple, though the process of cryopreservation itself has a deleterious
effect on the structure and function of sperm. Cryopreservation is said to reduce
sperm motility and fertility rates by the deleterious effects on sperm membranes,
acrosomal structure, and acrosin activity. Many studies have proven the deleterious
effect of freezing on motility.
It is said that spermatozoa are less sensitive to cryodamage when compared to
other cell types. This can be attributed to the high fluidity of the membrane and low
water content. Despite this, there tend to be significant deleterious changes that have
been observed in sperm characteristics. It has been reported that several damaging
processes can occur during the freezing and thawing of human spermatozoa due to
thermal shock with the formation of intracellular and extracellular ice crystals, cel-
lular dehydration, and osmotic shock. The intracellular ice crystals thus formed may
breach the membranes and affect the functioning of the organelles. This can lead to
impaired cell survival. Cryoinjury is not only limited to the freezing process but it
may also occur during the thawing process. Moreover, the survival of sperm after
cryopreservation exhibits large male-to-male variability.

14.6 Effect on Sperm Motility

Sperm motility is one of the important parameters that determine the success rate of
cryopreservation. The motility of sperms is found to decrease after cryopreservation.
The decrease in motility of the spermatozoa has been attributed to the damage caused
to the mitochondrial membrane. The greatest amount of energy necessary for sperm
motility is provided by ATP molecules. The ATP generated by oxidative phosphory-
lation in the inner mitochondrial membrane is transferred to the microtubules, to
drive motility. Therefore an impairment of mitochondrial activity may explain the
reduction in motility. However, with progression of time, significant recovery of
14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen 211

sperm motility was reported during the post-thaw period. Though there is no direct
link between motility and fertilizing capacity of the sperm, it is one of the important
factors that affects sperm quality. The quality of motility had greater impact on the
fertility outcome rather than the percentage of motility (Oberoi et al. 2014).

14.7 Effects on Sperm Morphology

The morphological effects of cryopreservation that have been noticed are flattening,
cupping, and wrinkling of the head and tail regions. The reasons attributed to the
shrinkage are an interaction between the cooling and warming rates. When exposed
to hyperosmotic solutions such as glycerol, sperms first shrink because of dehydra-
tion and then increase in volume as the glycerol permeates and water concomitantly
reenters the cell. The sperm cells maintain membrane integrity in the shrunken state,
and serious cell membrane damage can be detected only after returning to isotonic
solutions. Also, the post-hypertonic injury of sperm was shown to be a function of
time, that is, the shorter the time of exposure to hypertonic solution, the higher the
percentage of cell survival (Gao et al. 1993).

14.8 Effects on DNA Integrity

There have been studies suggesting that there is significant damage to DNA leading
to fragmentation following cryopreservation. (Donnelly et al. 2001) reported that
only spermatozoa from subfertile males and not from fertile males demonstrated a
significant increase in DNA fragmentation following cryopreservation (Baumber
et al. 2003). Also, studies have suggested that morphologically abnormal sperm are
more prone to cryodamage than normal sperm (Kalthur et al. 2008).
The main reasons that lead to DNA fragmentation include increase in the oxida-
tive stress (Said et al. 2010) during cryopreservation. The alteration in the mitochon-
drial membrane fluidity leads to rise in the mitochondrial membrane potential and
subsequent release of reactive oxygen species. This release of reactive oxygen spe-
cies causes DNA damage that presents with high frequencies of single- and double-
strand DNA breaks. The source of ROS include human spermatozoa and seminal
leukocytes. Thus cryopreserved samples containing leukocytes are more prone to
DNA damage. Besides, cryopreservation process by itself diminishes the antioxi-
dant activity of the spermatozoa making them more susceptible for DNA damage.

14.9 Mazur’s Two-Factor Hypothesis (Mazur et al. 1972)

At slow cooling rates, cryoinjury occurs due to solution effects (i.e., the solute/
electrolyte concentration, the severe cell dehydration, and the reduction of unfrozen
fraction in the extracellular space); and at high cooling rates, cryoinjury occurs due
to the lethal intracellular ice formation. The optimal cooling rate for cell survival
212 S. Natarajamani

should be low enough to avoid intracellular ice formation but high enough to mini-
mize the solution effects. Hence an optimal freezing rate has to be established in
order to prevent cell damage (Mazur et al. 1972).

14.10 Freezing Surgically Retrieved Sperm

In the initial days of ART, treating azoospermic men involved reconstructive sur-
gery, in the case of an obstruction or donor insemination. But with the advancement
of treatment options such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique,
men with azoospermia can become biological fathers using sperm obtained from
their epididymis or testis (Shah 2011).
Azoospermia is the complete absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. The two
forms of azoospermia are obstructive and nonobstructive azoospermia (Schill).
Obstructive azoospermia has been attributed to a mechanical blockage that can
occur anywhere along the reproductive tract, including the vas deferens, epididy-
mis, and ejaculatory duct. On the other hand, the conditions that may cause NOA
include genetic and congenital abnormalities, postinfectious issues, exposure to
gonadotoxins, medications, varicocele, trauma, endocrine disorders, and idiopathic
causes (Esteves and Agarwai 2013).
Retrieval of epididymal or testicular sperm for ICSI is indicated in the following

• Obstructive azoospermia
• Nonobstructive azoospermia
• Failure to ejaculate during an ICSI procedure
• Total astheno-/necrozoospermia

The various surgical techniques employed in sperm retrieval are as follows

(Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 2006):

• Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA)

• Testicular epididymal sperm aspiration (TESA)
• Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA)
• Testicular epididymal sperm extraction (TESE)
• Percutaneous testicular biopsy (PercBiopsy)
• Testicular fine-needle aspiration (TEFNA)

14.11 Importance of Freezing Surgically Retrieved Sperm

Efficient cryopreservation of surgically retrieved spermatozoa reduces the number

of surgical interventions and avoids the logistic problems associated with coordinat-
ing the women’s oocyte retrieval and also the risk of no sperm being found on the
day of oocyte retrieval. The conventional methods of sperm cryopreservation are
14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen 213

not ideal to cryopreserve small number of cells, such as epididymal and testicular
spermatozoa; hence novel approaches have been designed to cryopreserve limited
number of motile sperms in a very small volume.

14.12 Freezing Small Number of Spermatozoa

Various attempts have been made to check if freezing sperms in small numbers aids
in better recovery rates. Also during surgical sperm recovery, there might be situa-
tions where there are very few sperms recovered which might have to be frozen for
usage at a later date. Many methods have been adopted including using empty
zonae, ICSI needles, etc.

14.13 Fertility Preservation in Prepubertal Cancer Patients

Of all the tissues in the human body, the testis has been shown to be highly suscep-
tible to the toxic effects of cancer therapy at all stages of life. Advances in the man-
agement of malignancies in childhood and in the early reproductive phase have
made the long-term survival of cancer patients a reality. However, with increasing
survival rates, treatment-related morbidity has become an issue among the survi-
vors. Fertility preservation techniques such as spermatogonial stem cell transplanta-
tion (Struijk et al. 2013) and freezing testicular tissue are option to biologically
father a child in the later years. As the production of spermatozoa begins at puberty,
it is not possible to obtain sperm before the age of 12–13 years, and hence cryo-
preservation of immature testicular tissue has been advocated. However, freezing
testicular tissue in prepubertal boys is only an experimental technique, and further
evidence and research are required (Orwig and Schlatt 2005).

14.14 Freezing Limited Number of Spermatozoa (Di Santo et al.


techniques Principle Advantages Limitations
Empty zona Storage of individual Avoid waste of time Risk of biological
pellucida spermatozoa in animal in screening to contamination
or human empty zona locate motile sperm;
pellucida cryoprotectants can
be added and
removed without
loss of spermatozoa
sequestered in the
214 S. Natarajamani

techniques Principle Advantages Limitations
Microdroplets Storage of droplets of Avoid sperm loss Risk of cross contamination;
sperm/cryoprotectant through adherence to shape and size of dishes
mixture on the surface the vessel make it difficult to handle
of dry ice and directly and store in conventional
plunged into liquid freezers and liquid nitrogen
nitrogen tanks
ICSI pipette Storage of spermatozoa Sterile, simple, and Not practical for long-term
in ICSI pipettes convenient system storage, fragility of ICSI
pipettes, risk of cross
Volvox globator Storage of sperm into Significant post-thaw Exposure to genetic material
spheres spheres of Volvox recovery of motile from the algae, constant
globator sperm source of algae
Alginate beads Microencapsulation in Inert nature of Decrease sperm motility
alginate beads alginate beads with encapsulation
Cryoloop Individual spermatozoa Excellent vessel for Open system: risk of cross
deposited directly on vitrification, no contamination
cryoprotectant film additional
covering the nylon loop preparation
and immersed in liquid
Agarose Storage of sperm Nonbiological Clinical value of this
microspheres loaded in agarose carrier approach not evaluated
Straws Sperms/cryoprotectants Sterile, simple, and Not ideal for severely
loaded into the convenient system impaired specimens, sperm
ministraw loss due to adherence to the

14.15 Post-thaw Survival of Sperms

Factors affecting post-thaw survival rate of spermatozoa are as follows:

1. Cooling/freezing rate
2. Thaw rate
3. Quality of sperm

14.15.1 Cooling/Freezing Rate

The optimal cooling rate from room temperature to 5 °C is 0.5–1 °C/min. The
optimal freezing rate observed to be is 10 °C from 5 to −80 °C. Cooling and freezing
14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen 215

rates any lesser or higher have been known to adversely affect the post-thaw sur-
vival of sperms (Gardner et al. 2002).

14.15.2 Thaw rate

Thaw rate is an important factor that affects the survival of sperms. Since most of
the deleterious changes are found to occur in the post-thaw period, an optimal thaw
rate is highly essential. Slow thawing in 20 or 30 °C at a rate of 1 °C/min [2] resulted
in better survival than other slower or faster thawing methods used (Mahadevan and
Trounson 1984).

14.15.3 Quality of Spermatozoa

The quality of sperm, pre-freeze, is also known to affect the post-thaw results.
Sperms that have better pre-freeze parameters are known to have better post-thaw
survival (Keel and Karow 1980).
Also, it is known that there is significant inter-sample variability, in post-thaw
sperm characteristics that have been reported in semen samples collected from
healthy men, subfertile men, and men with cancer (Nallella et al. 2004).

14.16 Use of Frozen Sperm in ART and Pregnancy Outcome

Studies have shown that the pregnancy outcomes in ART treatment using fresh and
frozen sperm are similar. In men with obstructive azoospermia, no statistical differ-
ence was observed between the use of fresh and cryopreserved-thawed testicular
sperm when assessing clinical pregnancy or fertilization rates in couples undergo-
ing ICSI (Ohlander et al. 2014).
Researchers say the findings suggest that attempts to coordinate the timing of
sperm acquisition for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertiliza-
tion (IVF) cycle may be unnecessary. The use of cryopreserved sperm also allows
clinicians to know whether sperm is available for assisted reproduction.

14.17 Screening of Patients and Donors

Screening of patients and donors is absolutely important before semen freezing, in

order to minimize the risk of potentially infecting other samples in the case of leak-
age of contents into liquid nitrogen. The mandatory screening tests are as follows:
HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis C virus
(HCV) antibodies, and syphilis (Gardner et al. 2002).
216 S. Natarajamani

14.18 Requirements for a Sperm Donor: ASRM Guidelines

14.18.1 American Society for Reproductive Medicine

(The Practice Committee of the American society
for Reproductive Medicine and the Practice
Committee of the Society for Assisted Reproductive
Technology 2013) Selection of Donor

1. Good health status and the absence of known genetic abnormalities.

2. The donor should be of legal age and, ideally, less than 40 years of age.
3. Established fertility status desirable but not required.
4. Psychological evaluation and counseling by a qualified mental health profes-
sional. The assessment includes a clinical interview and, where appropriate, psy-
chological testing. Psychological consultation should be required for individuals
in whom there appear to be factors that warrant further evaluation. In cases of
directed donation, psychological evaluation and counseling are strongly recom-
mended for the donor and his partner (if applicable) as well as for the recipient
female and her partner (if applicable). The potential impact of the relationship
between the donor and recipient should be explored.
The psychological assessment also should address the potential psychological
risks and evaluate for evidence of coercion financially or emotionally. It is
important to ascertain whether the donor is well informed about the extent to
which information about him might be disclosed and about any plans that may
exist relating to future contact.
5. No owner, operator, laboratory director, or employee of a facility performing
TDI may serve as a donor in that practice.
6. Neither the patient’s physician nor the individual performing the actual insemi-
nation can be the sperm donor.

14.19 WHO Criteria for Normal Semen Quality

( WHO Laboratory Manual for the examination
of human semen and sperm cervical mucus interaction)

WHO 2010
Semen volume 1.5
Sperm concentration (106/ml) 15
Total number (106/ejaculate) 39
Total motility (% a + b + c) 40
Progressive motility (% a + b) 32
Morphology (% normal) 4
Vitality (% live) 58
White blood cells (106/ml) <1.5
14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen 217

Risk assessment of cryopreservation and storage of human semen (WHO Laboratory manual
for examination and processing of human semen) WHO guidelines
In assessing the risks associated with cryopreservation and storage of semen, the following
issues should be considered
Physical security of the vessels, specimens, and storage room, to reduce risk of loss by theft or
fire or failure of cryopreservation straws, ampoules, and vessels or liquid nitrogen supply
Suitability of equipment for proposed use
System of containment and removal of nitrogen
Staff safety and protection
Personal protective equipment
Alarm systems for detection of low liquid nitrogen and low atmospheric oxygen levels
Risk of cross contamination
To reduce the risk of cross contamination with infectious agents between samples in the
storage (e.g., transmission of HIV or hepatitis B or C via a cryopreservation vessel), consider
Type of storage container: vials or straws and method of sealing straws (heat or polymer)
Nature of storage: liquid nitrogen or vapor phase
Protocol and method of storage of high-risk samples (samples known or suspected to
contain viruses)
Security of frozen samples
Split samples and store at different sites to reduce risk of total loss
Double-check identity of samples at each step
Use robust labeling and identifying codes
Have procedures for regular audit of the use of material and samples remaining in storage

14.20 Current Status of Semen Freezing

Cryopreserving male gamete and its effective usage has revolutionized the field of
reproductive medicine. With the increase in malignancies through the recent years,
fertility preservation in cancer survivors becomes an important issue to be addressed
(Tournaye et al. 2004). Also, freezing sperm avoids the need for additional surgery
(azoospermic males) in couples undergoing repeated in vitro fertilization/intracyto-
plasmic sperm injection cycles and the difficulty of unavailability of male partner
during the treatment cycle.

Baumber J, Ball BA, Linfor JJ, Meyers SA. Reactive Oxygen Species and Cryopreservation
Promote DNA Fragmentation in Equine Spermatozoa. J Androl. 2003;24(4):621–8. Copyright
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Behrman SJ, Sawada Y. Heterologous and Homologous inseminations with human semen frozen
and stored in liquid nitrogen refrigerator. Fertil Steril. 1966;17(4):457–66.
Bunge RG, Sherman JK. Fertilizing capacity of frozen human spermatozoa. 1953.
Di Santo M, et al. Human Sperm Cryopreservation: Update on Techniques, Effect on DNA
Integrity, and Implications for ART. Adv Urol. 2012;2012:854837. doi:10.1155/2012/854837.
218 S. Natarajamani

Donnelly ET, McClure N, Lewis SE. Cryopreservation of human semen and prepared sperm:
effects on motility parameters and DNA integrity. Fertil Steril. 2001;76(5):892–900.
Esteves SC, Agarwai A. The azoospermic male: current knowledge and future perspectives.
Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2013;68 Suppl 1:1–4. doi:10.6061/clinics/2013(Sup01)01, PMCID:
Fabbri R, Ciotti P, Di Tommaso B, et al. Technie di crioconservazione riproduttiva. RivistaItaliana
di Ostetricia e Ginecologia. 2004;3:33–41.
Gao DY, Ashworth E, Watson PF, Kleinhans FW, Mazur P, Critser JK. Hyperosmotic Tolerance of
Human Spermatozoa: Separate Effects of Glycerol, Sodium Chloride, and Sucrose on
Spermolysis. Biol Reprod. 1993;49(1):112–23.
Gardner DK, Lane M, Schoolcraft WB. Physiology and culture of the human blastocyst. J Reprod
Immunol. 2002;55(1):85–100.
Holt WV. Basic Aspects of frozen storage of semen. Anim Reprod Sci. 2000;62:3–22.
Kalthur G, Adiga SK, Upadhya D, Rao S, Kumar P. Effect of cryopreservation on sperm DNA
integrity in patients with Teratospermia. Fertil Steril. 2008;89(6):1723–7.
Keel BA, Karow Jr AM. Motility characteristics of human sperm, nonfrozen and cryopreserved.
Arch Androl. 1980;4(3):205–12.
Mahadevan M, Trounson AO. Effect of cooling, freezing and thawing rates and storage conditions
on preservation of human spermatozoa. Andrologia. 1984;16(1):52–60.
Mazur P, Leibo SP, Chu EHY. A two-factor hypothesis of freezing injury. Exp Cell Res.
Mazur P, RAll WF, Rigopolous N. Relative contributions of unfrozen water and salt concentration
to the survival of slowly frozen human erythrocytes. Biophys J. 1981;36(3):653–75.
McGann LE. Optimal Temperature Ranges for Control of Cooling Rate. Cryobiology.
McGann LE, Yang H, Walterson M. Manifestations of cell damage after freezing and thawing.
Cryobiology. 1988;25:178–85.
Mantegazza P. Fisiologia sullo sperma umano. Rendic Reale Instit Lomb. 1866;3:183–6.
Nallella KP, Sharma RK, Said TM, Agarwal A. Inter-sample variability in post-thaw human sper-
matozoa. Cryobiology. 2004;49:195–9.
Oberoi B, Kumar S, Talwar P. Study of human sperm motility post cryopreservation. Med J Armed
Forces India. 2014;70(4):349–53.
Ohlander S, Hotaling J, Kirshenbaum E, Niederberger C, Eisenberg ML. Impact of fresh versus
cryopreserved testicular sperm upon intracytoplasmic sperm injection pregnancy outcomes in
men with azoospermia due to spermatogenic dysfunction: a meta-analysis. Fertil Steril.
2014;101(2):344–9. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.10.012. Epub 2013 Dec 9.
Orwig KE, Schlatt S. Cryopreservation and transplantation of spermatogonia and testicular tissue
for preservation of male fertility. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2005;34:51–6.
Ozkavukcu S, Erdemli E. Cryopreservation: basic knowledge and biophysical effects. J Ankara
Med School. 2002;24:187–96.
Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Sperm retrieval for
obstructive azoospermia. Fertil Steril. 2006;86(5 Suppl 1):S115–20.
Royere D, Barthelemy C, Hamamah S, Lansac J. Cryopreservation of spermatozoa: a 1996 review.
Hum Reprod Update. 1996;2(6):553–9. View.
Said TM, Gaglani A, Agarwal A. Implication of apoptosis in sperm cryoinjury. Reprod Biomed
Online. 2010;21(4):456–62.
Schill WB, Comhaire FH, Hargreave TB, editors. Andrology for the Clinician. Springer Science &
Business Media; 2006.
Shah R. Surgical sperm retrieval: Techniques and their indications. Indian J Urol. 2011;27(1):102–
9. doi:10.4103/0970-1591.78439, PMCID: PMC3114571.
Sherman J. Synopsis of the use of frozen human semen since 1964: state of the art of human bank-
ing. Fertil Steril. 1973;24(5):397–412.
14 Cryopreservation of Human Semen 219

Sherman J. Cryopreservation of human semen. In: Keel B, Webster BW, editors. Handbook of the
laboratory diagnosis and treatment of Infertility. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1990.
Sherman JK. Historical synopsis of human semen cryobanking. In Human artificial insemination
and semen preservation. Springer US; 1980. pp. 95–105.
Struijk RB, Mulder CL, van der Veen F, van Pelt AM, Repping S. Restoring Fertility in Sterile
Childhood Cancer Survivors by Autotransplanting Spermatogonial Stem Cells: Are We There
Yet? Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:903142. doi:10.1155/2013/903142.
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Tournaye H, Goossens E, Verheyen G, Frederickx V, De Block G, Devroey P, Van Steirteghem
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WHO Laboratory manual for examination and processing of Human semen. p. 169–76.
Who Laboratory Manual for the examination of human semen and sperm-cervical mucus interac-
tion. 4th edn.
Fertility Preservation in Men
and Prepubertal Boys 15
Shubhashree Uppangala, Guruprasad Kalthur,
and Satish Kumar Adiga

15.1 Introduction

Managing the fertility potential has emerged as a major concern for young men who
receive gonadotoxic therapy for various malignant and nonmalignant conditions.
One of the major causes of non-accidental mortality worldwide is cancer. Over the
past few decades, due to the development of reasonably effective cancer treatment
regimens, survival rate among childhood cancer patients has increased (Smith et al.
2014). A recent estimate suggests that ~1 in 530 young adults between the ages of
20 and 39 years is a childhood cancer survivor (Ward et al. 2014). Unfortunately, the
different cancer regimens like radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy employed to cure
cancer also damage other healthy rapidly dividing cells such as the spermatogonial
stem cells. Thus, cancer treatments become gonadotoxic and render patients to suf-
fer subfertility or infertility. Infertility or subfertility due to cancer treatment may be
reversible in some cases, whereas persistent infertility may occur in 50–95 % of
malignancies. Hence, maintaining reproductive health or the ability to father a nor-
mal biological child post-cancer treatment becomes of paramount concern in cancer
survivors. To tackle these issues the area of fertility preservation has emerged as an
option to maintain reproductive potential to all those who receive gonadotoxic
In order to protect the fertility of the patients, several strategies have been devel-
oped. Cryopreservation of sperm has been established in case of adult men (Sharma
2011). Testicular tissue freezing and cryopreservation of stem cells have been pro-
posed as an experimental procedure in case of prepubertal boys who cannot produce
sperm (Jahnukainen et al. 2011). Fertility preservation is a combined effort of both
clinicians and the fertility specialists on improving reproductive function in cancer

S. Uppangala • G. Kalthur • S.K. Adiga (*)

Division of Clinical Embryology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University,
Manipal 576 104, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer India 2017 221

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_15
222 S. Uppangala et al.

patients and also maintaining the existing efficacy of available cancer therapies.
With respect to the role of fertility preservation in cancer treatment, recommenda-
tions have been established by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
and American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) for oncologists manag-
ing malignancy (Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive
Medicine 2005; Lee et al. 2006) including childhood cancers. These committees
have recommended clinicians to address the topic of fertility preservation at the
earliest opportunity, with in-depth discussions of the available options, and to con-
sider referring patients to a qualified fertility specialist. Although fertility preserva-
tion has been recognized as an important issue, numerous aspects continue to
impede its incorporation in routine clinical practice. These factors include time
restrictions, lack of knowledge, financial burden, lack of available fertility preserva-
tion services, and discomfort in discussing the topic.
Although the consequences of gonadotoxic treatments on male fertility has been
an important aspect of patient care since several years (Woodruff 2007), the field of
fertility preservation gained importance only recently. As an emerging field, fertility
preservation has resulted in an increasingly available network of resources to both
clinicians and patients with the aim of preserving both the quantity and quality of
life of patients undergoing gonadotoxic treatments.
Given the broad scope of fertility preservation in male individuals, this chapter
will focus predominantly on fertility preservation in males with an emphasis on dif-
ferent indications for fertility preservation and available treatment strategies. In
addition, the ethical issues to be considered during fertility preservation as well as
brief overview of future directions in male fertility preservation techniques will also
be considered.

15.2 Indications for Male Fertility Preservation

15.2.1 Cancer Patients

The major beneficiaries from fertility preservation are cancer patients. Cancer and
its treatment have a detrimental impact on systemic health since many biological
processes, cells, and tissues become affected. In the testis, rapidly dividing germ
cells are highly sensitive to cytotoxic agents such as chemotherapeutic drugs and
radiation (Meistrich 2013). Thus, cancer treatments not only damage cancer cells
but also target the germ cells. Low-dose treatments may destroy the differentiating
spermatogonia, whereas less sensitive spermatogonial stem cells survive, and other
population such as spermatocytes and spermatids complete the maturation process
to produce sperm (van Alphen et al. 1988).
Testicular recovery after such treatments has been found to be a slow process
which may extend for several weeks, until either temporary or permanent azoosper-
mic condition sets in at least among adult men. Even in prepubertal boys, spermato-
gonial cells divide (Wyns et al. 2008) and increase in number over time (Paniagua
and Nistal 1984). Thus, chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause either temporary,
15 Fertility Preservation in Men and Prepubertal Boys 223

Table 15.1 Nonmalignant diseases Nonmalignant diseases

requiring fertility preservation
1. Adrenoleukodystrophy
2. Alpha-mannosidosis
3. Aplastic anemia
4. Aspartylglucosaminuria
5. Ataxia telangiectasia
6. DiGeorge syndrome
7. Galactosemia
8. Hurler syndrome
9. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
10. Klinefelter syndrome
11. Sickle cell anemia
12. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

long-term, or permanent gonadal toxicity depending on the dose and type of

treatment in both adult men and prepubertal boys (Meistrich 2009, 2013). Therefore,
in clinical practice, depending on the type of cancer and treatment protocols, it is
important to estimate infertility risk for each patient and consult with him and his
parents (for prepubertal and adolescent patients) on his infertility risk (Wyns et al.

15.2.2 Nonmalignant Diseases

In addition to malignant diseases, certain other disease conditions require high-dose

chemotherapy and/or irradiation. Certain benign hematological conditions, such as
aplastic anemia, sickle cell disease, Fanconi anemia and thalassemia major, and
severe autoimmune diseases unresponsive to immunosuppressive therapy, such as
juvenile idiopathic arthritis, juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic
sclerosis, and immune cytopenias, necessitate administration of high-dose chemo-
therapy (Anserini et al. 2002; Berthaut et al. 2008; Oktay and Oktem 2009). Total
body irradiation is required before hematological stem cell transplantation which is
associated with significant germ cell failure (Sarafoglou et al. 1997). This often
leads to severe, dose-dependent, and sometimes irreversible spermatogenic damage
(David et al. 1993). Therefore, these patients may also need to be counseled for
fertility preservation. A list of nonmalignant conditions where fertility preservation
is opted is given in Table 15.1.

15.3 Strategies for Male Fertility Preservation

Different strategies are being used to preserve fertility in males. The protocols such
as semen collection and sperm cryopreservation have been clinically validated.
Recently, cryopreservation of immature testicular tissue has been adopted as an
224 S. Uppangala et al.

experimental approach to preserve the fertility potential of prepubertal boys (Wyns

et al. 2010). Other strategies such as hormonal therapy and use of anti-apoptotic
agents such as sphingosine-1-phosphate have been shown to be of limited value
(Suomalainen et al. 2003; Shetty and Meistrich 2005).

15.3.1 Semen Cryopreservation

The most routinely used strategy for fertility preservation in pubertal and adult
patients is semen cryopreservation (Sharma 2011). For adult men, semen cryopreser-
vation before their gonadotoxic treatment has been clinically validated as an efficient
method to preserve fertility using ART procedures. Live births have been reported
after insemination of stored sperm even after freezing for a period of 28 years
(Feldschuh et al. 2005). For semen collection, masturbation is recommended.
However, some patients may not be able to collect ejaculate by masturbation due to
stress or because of certain medical conditions or treatment. These patients include
those who have ejaculatory dysfunction, psychogenic anejaculation, and peri-
pubertal adolescents unfamiliar with masturbation. For individuals with ejaculatory
dysfunction and anejaculation, penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) or electroejacula-
tion (EEJ) methods can be employed. The optimized environment should be pro-
vided by eliminating time constraints for sample production, and the appropriate
stimulating materials should be arranged. In case of adolescent patients, before their
treatment clinicians are recommended to give information regarding the need for
fertility preservation and they should explain all available options as early as possible
(Lee et al. 2006). If the patients can produce an ejaculate, semen samples are cryo-
preserved in case of adolescent boys also (Daudin et al. 2015), and it is recommended
that parents should not be allowed to attend the appointment for sample collection.

15.3.2 Testicular Sperm Cryopreservation

In addition to semen samples, testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and storage is the
only method available for cancer patients (adolescent or adult) with azoospermia.
The TESE procedure is a surgical intervention. This procedure is done either with
local or general anesthesia. However, higher recovery rates were obtained following
microsurgical techniques (Donoso et al. 2007; Colpi et al. 2009). Testicular sperm
extraction has been used successfully to obtain sperm in approximately 50 % of cases
of persistent azoospermia post-cancer therapy with previous failure of cryopreserva-
tion or when cryopreservation strategy has not been considered (Hsiao et al. 2011).

15.3.3 Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation

In prepubertal boys, when there is no evidence of presence of spermatozoa, imma-

ture testicular tissue cryopreservation method is considered as a strategy of fertility
15 Fertility Preservation in Men and Prepubertal Boys 225

preservation. There is increasing trend in the use of testicular tissue cryopreserva-

tion before the cancer treatment as a means to preserve the fertility of prepubertal
and peri-pubertal boys to 16 years of age (Wyns et al. 2011). This is an experimental
approach. Since testicular tissue recovery is a surgical procedure, in order to mini-
mize the trauma to the patient and also to minimize the risk of anesthesia in chil-
dren, the surgical recovery of testicular tissue should be combined with other
interventions requiring anesthesia, such as bone marrow sampling or implantation
of venous ports. In order to minimize the manipulation and trauma, retrieving tissue
from only one testis is suggested to minimize manipulation (Wyns et al. 2011), and
the size of tissue may vary between 80 and 250 mm3 based on testicular size in the
different age groups (Goede et al. 2011).
Till date, there is no optimized freezing protocol for human immature testicular
tissue. Different freezing protocols have been used such as slow freezing and vitri-
fication. Studies have shown that vitrification may be as effective as slow freezing
in preserving testicular tissue (Curaba et al. 2011; Poels et al. 2013). Different cryo-
protectants have been used such as ethylene glycol and sucrose (Kvist et al. 2006),
DMSO (Keros et al. 2005, 2007), and also DMSO in combination with sucrose
(Wyns et al. 2007, 2008; Poels et al. 2014). In order to maximize the quality and
viability of human testicular tissue post-thaw, all aspects of the tissue collection and
processing, the type and concentration of cryoprotectant used, as well as the cooling
and warming protocols must be fully optimized. Since the reproductive potential of
cryopreserved immature testicular tissue has still to be proven in humans, the tech-
nique remains experimental, and no one preservation protocol has been shown to be
superior over any other published methods (Kvist et al. 2006; Keros et al. 2007;
Wyns et al. 2008; Baert et al. 2013; Goossens et al. 2013; Poels et al. 2013).

15.4 Strategies to Restore Fertility from Cryopreserved

Testicular Tissue

Several methods have been considered for the restoration of fertility from cryopre-
served testicular tissue. These procedures are in experimental stage, and they are far
less advanced than the methods used to preserve testicular tissue and spermatogo-
nial stem cells. Some of the methods which can be used to restore fertility are auto-
transplantation/autografting of SSC suspension or testicular graft and in vitro
spermatogenesis. Till now none of the techniques have been proven to be clinically
safe, and extensive research has to be done in this regard.

15.4.1 Male Germ Cell Transplantation

Male germ cell transplantation technique was originally described in the mouse
model (Brinster and Zimmermann 1994). In this method, SSC cell suspensions
were infused through the efferent duct into the rete testis of sterile recipients
with the successful reinstatement of spermatogenesis and finally the restoration
226 S. Uppangala et al.

of fertility. However, studies have shown that injection of SSC via the rete testis
has proved to be a better treatment site for species such as the bovine, primate,
and human because of differences in anatomy and consistency and the larger
testis size (Schlatt et al. 1999; Ning et al. 2012). At present, SSC injection is
considered the most promising method for fertility restoration in prepubertal
cancer patients. For this purpose, SSC propagation has to be done in vitro.
Studies have shown the ability of SSC propagation in several species (Schlatt
et al. 1999; Honaramooz et al. 2002; Kanatsu-Shinohara et al. 2003; Aponte
et al. 2008; Nobrega et al. 2010). However, recent study has demonstrated sper-
matogenesis in vivo after germ cell transplantation and confirmed fertilizing
ability of those spermatozoa by ICSI in primates (Hermann et al. 2012). Though
this study is a milestone toward restoring fertility in humans, whether epigenetic
programming and stability of SSC are not compromised following cryopreserva-
tion, culture, and transplantation in humans is yet to be elucidated (Struijk et al.

15.4.2 Autotransplantation of Testicular Tissue

Transplantation of testicular tissue fragments is an alternative strategy to the use of

SSC suspensions. This approach maintains the SSCs within their natural niche, thus
preserving the interactions between the germ cells and their supporting somatic
cells. Nutrients and hormones from the body will reach the graft and induce sper-
matogenesis, and the resultant sperm can be extracted and used in ICSI procedures.
Autologous transplantation of the testicular biopsy back into the testis (Van Saen
et al. 2009), scrotum (Wyns et al. 2007), or ectopically under the skin (Jahnukainen
et al. 2007) can however only be used to restore spermatogenesis if the presence of
malignant cells can be excluded.

15.4.3 In Vitro Spermatogenesis

Spermatogenesis in a culture system provides the one of the best perspectives of

fertility preservation. In other methods described in the above sections, there is a
chance of reintroducing malignant cells, which can be avoided by the technique
of producing sperm in vitro. Several methods have been employed to produce
sperm in vitro. However, very little progress has been made in this regard.
Conventional testicular cell culture was not successful in differentiating sper-
matogonia into mature spermatozoa. Recently three-dimensional culture systems
have been developed which could successfully generate morphologically mature
spermatozoa (Stukenborg et al. 2008, 2009). Major breakthrough in this regard is
the production of live offspring in mouse through organ culture systems (Sato
et al. 2011a, b). Nevertheless, effective spermatogenesis in vitro still remains to
be established.
15 Fertility Preservation in Men and Prepubertal Boys 227

15.5 Ethical Considerations During Fertility Preservation

The setting and implementing fertility preservation for malignancy-related cases

raises complex ethical and legal issues. Care must be taken to distinguish between
established fertility preservation protocols and experimental interventions.
Young patients present further ethical issues related to age of assent and consent
to procedures and rights of ownership of preserved specimens. Additional chal-
lenges include concerns over potential delay of cancer treatment for cryopreser-
vation, postmortem disposition of sperm, and rights attributed to banked testicular
material (Picton et al. 2015). Each of these issues should be considered and
addressed when appropriate, preferably at the time of initial fertility preservation
consultation. In all cases informed consent from parents or legal guardians
should be taken before tissue is harvested. Even when minors are legally incom-
petent, an effort should be made to inform them about the implications of the
procedure (at a level appropriate for their age and maturity) and to obtain assent
(Bahadur et al. 2001). The risks of fertility loss must be balanced against the
potential for fertility restoration from stored samples and explained to each indi-
vidual child and his parents to make sure that they understand that there is no
guarantee of success.

15.6 Future Challenges

The development of strategies for fertility preservation in prepubertal boys and ado-
lescents is still in its infancy and represents a balance between biological, clinical,
and technical knowns, technological unknowns, and ethical and legal questions.
There are many unanswered questions in regard with the immature testicular tissue
cryopreservation. Optimization of protocols for tissue retrieval, processing, freez-
ing, and thawing has to be carried out. Fertility restoration methods have to be
established. Safety of cryopreserved samples in terms of genetic and epigenetic
stability has to be elucidated. Progress in this field is encouraging; however, there is
requirement of safe validated methods to incorporate in routine clinical practice to
restore fertility of patients undergoing gonadotoxic treatments.

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Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility
Narayana Reddy, Varsha Swamy, N. Pandiyan,
and Shah Dupesh

16.1 Introduction

Human sexual behaviour seems to be different from other species. Humans do not
engage in sex just for reproduction, but on the other hand, there seems to be a variety
of complex factors driving people towards it. Why do humans engage in sex? The
answer would seem quite obvious for some, such as, to reproduce, to experience
pleasure, to relieve tension and to make a short-term relationship long term; for
some sex could be a tool utilized for ‘mate guarding’ and among other reasons
which would seem too simple to comprehend. Sex is a fungible resource; in some
settings, sex is exchanged for money, and in some hunter groups like the Ache of
Paraguay, sex is exchanged for meat (Meston and Buss 2007). Thus from a much
broader social and cultural view point, humans engage in sex for a myriad of

N. Reddy, MBBS, PhD (*)

(University of Madras), AASECT (American Association of Sexuality Educators Counsellors
and Therapists), Dega Institute of Sexual Medicine,
A2 Ravi Towers, 53/22 Hindi Prachar Sabha Street, T-Nagar 600017, India
e-mail: [email protected]
V. Swamy, MSc
Bloom Fertility Center, No.32, Taramani Link Road, Velachery 600 042, India
N. Pandiyan
Department of Reproductive Medicine, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute,
International Academic Affiliations, Chettinad University,
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Kelambakkam, Tamil Nadu 603103, India
S. Dupesh
Centre of Excellence for Men’s health, The Women’s Infertility Clinic, Women’s centre,
8A, Burkit Rd, CIT Nagar East, T Nagar, Tamil Nadu 600017, India
Fortis Healthcare, Fortis Malar Hospitals, Adyar, India

© Springer India 2017 231

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7_16
232 N. Reddy et al.

reasons. Human sexuality plays an important role in determining a person’s sexual

behaviour and is greatly influenced by a person’s societal, religious, cultural and
personal beliefs. Human sexuality is often for recreation, and procreation is a by-
product (Abramson et al. 2002). Much of our current-day understanding on human
sexual function comes from the pioneering work of Masters and Johnson’s previous
work where they observed and documented 10,000 cycles of sexual response
(Masters and Johnson 1986) which included homosexuals. Perusal of data from
large-scale population studies indicates that sexual dysfunction is increasingly com-
mon. At a primary care level, sexual dysfunction affects 30–40 % of either partner
in a couple (Read et al. 1997). Interestingly in a large multinational survey involving
12,815 participants between the age groups of 50–80, 71 % of men reported at least
one episode of sexual dysfunction, in the preceding 4 weeks. More importantly, the
severity of the dysfunction correlated with increasing age and lower urinary tract
symptoms and was also independent of associated comorbidities like hypertension,
dyslipidemia, diabetes and cardiac disease (Rosen et al. 2003). This clearly indi-
cates that sexual dysfunction represents a complex problem with a multifactorial
aetiology. From a clinical standpoint, the treating physician should be sagacious
enough to differentiate a ‘sexual dysfunction’ from ‘sexual difficulties’ since sexual
difficulties like a lack of interest or an inability to relax are more consistently related
to the degree of sexual dissatisfaction as when compared to sexual dysfunction
(Frank et al. 1978). A key point to be borne in mind is that, only 23 % of men and
about 56 % of women initiate discussions about their sexual problems. Eliciting a
sexual history from the patient must be physician initiated (Halvorsen and Metz
1992). For many adults talking about sex in itself is a new experience, as most adults
discuss sex only from a third-person perspective. While eliciting a sexual history,
one must start from a broad sexual topic and then progress towards the patient’s
specific sexual problem. Every patient should be asked some basic questions, like
‘What problems do you have with sex?’ or ‘Has your illness affected your sex life?’
A sexual history outline is given in Table 16.1.
Whenever a sexual dysfunction is identified, clinical acumen would involve elic-
iting a detailed history and physical exam of the partner, since all sexual dysfunc-
tions are potentially relationship issues. Immediate involvement of the partner gives
a different perspective and helps redesigning therapeutic strategies. The couple
should be reassured that sexual problems are treatable. This very statement can
unburden the couple and allow them to focus towards therapeutic goals

16.2 Definition and Classification of Sexual Dysfunctions

The definition of sexual dysfunction from a psychological perspective is derived

from the four-phase model of the human sexual response cycle proposed by Masters
and Johnson and Kaplan (1980). The first phase, termed the arousal phase, encom-
passes the appetitive or motivational aspect of sexual response and includes a per-
son’s sexual fantasies and urges. The second phase called the excitement phase, is
the subjective sense of pleasure felt and is accompanied by erection and increased
16 Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility 233

Table 16.1 An outline of the various components involved in eliciting a sexual history
Sexual history outline Subcomponents
History of the presenting Date/mode of onset, situational or global, effect of ongoing/past
complaint treatment on sexual function, exacerbations/remissions, any other
symptoms in other body systems
Marital history Stability in the marriage, interpersonal communications, conflicts
and misunderstanding in the current relationship, feelings towards
the current partner, problems with fidelity
Sexual history Intercourse frequency, time of intercourse, frequency and
preference of each partner, sexual fantasies of each partner,
foreplay duration, types of sex play preferred by each partner,
history of pain during sex, privacy during sex, time of intercourse
and associated fatigue, any associated difficulties in both
non-verbal and verbal communications during intercourse,
masturbatory practices
Potential stressors Infertility and its treatment, death of a loved one, financial
stressors, etc.
Familial and cultural Religious beliefs on sex, joint/nuclear family, privacy if living as a
beliefs joint family, presence of siblings in the household
Medical history Complete review of all body systems, medical illness and surgery,
history of alcohol, drugs, smoking and medications

vaginal congestion and lubrication. The third phase is called orgasm or climax
phase and encompasses peak sexual pleasure felt, associated with rhythmic contrac-
ture of the musculature around the genital area and ejaculatory inevitability culmi-
nating in ejaculation in men. The final phase is the phase of resolution, where there
is a relief of sexual tension and general sense of well-being felt by both partners.
Post the orgasm phase, women still remain receptive to stimulation. In men, after
the phase of resolution, a period of refractoriness for both erection and ejaculation
follows; nevertheless, the literature reports a few men report having multiple
orgasms without refractory latency both with and without ejaculation (Dunn and
Trost 1989).
A sexual dysfunction is defined as a problem affecting any one of the four phases
of the sexual response cycle. Strictly stating, only the first three phases are of clini-
cal significance. A sexual dysfunction may be situational (defined as occurring with
a specific partner or situation or circumstance) or global. Sexual dysfunction can
also be classified as either primary (present lifelong) or secondary (developing sec-
ondary to a particular pathology/medical condition). A sexual dysfunction can sig-
nificantly affect a person’s mood, self-esteem, interpersonal relationship and quality
of life. Recently, the DSM-IV criteria (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders) was revised. The DSM-V criteria were published in May 2013 and incor-
porate several changes. For a person to be diagnosed with sexual dysfunction, the
dysfunction should have been present at least for a period of 6 months with a fre-
quency between 75 and 100 % (DSM V 2013). Exceptions to the rule include disor-
ders caused by medications and substance abuse. Importantly the dysfunction
should have caused considerable distress to both partners. As per the revised
234 N. Reddy et al.

Table 16.2 Revised classification of male and female sexual dysfunction as per DSM-V diagnos-
tic criteria
Male sexual dysfunction Female sexual dysfunction
Erectile disorder Female sexual interest/arousal disorder
Male hypoactive sexual desire Genitopelvic pain/penetration disorder (includes both
disorder dyspareunia and vaginismus)
Premature ejaculation Female orgasmic disorder
Delayed ejaculation
sexual dysfunction
Unspecified sexual dysfunction

guidelines, there are now three female sexual dysfunctions and four male sexual
dysfunctions. Table 16.2 outlines both the male and female sexual dysfunctions as
per the revised DSM-V criteria.
An important change of notable mention in the DSM-V guideline is the inclusion
of both dyspareunia and vaginismus as a single entity titled genitopelvic pain/pen-
etration disorder. This is because both the conditions show a high degree of overlap,
and effective differentiation between these two conditions was not possible.

16.3 Infertility Is Both a Cause and Consequence of Sexual


Sexual dysfunction in an infertility setting represents an unusual yet complex prob-

lem. Sexual dysfunctions that lead to infertility in men include erectile disorder and
ejaculatory dysfunction. In women, genitopelvic pain/penetration disorder results in
nonconsummation of the marriage and prospectively results in infertility. A sexual
dysfunction in an infertility setting can have organic or psychogenic cause, although
a mixed aetiology is not uncommon. It is important to understand that all organi-
cally induced dysfunction will have some degree of psychogenic overlap. A diagno-
sis of infertility itself may result in some degree of dysfunction. Over 40 % of female
patients diagnosed with infertility report lower desire and/or arousal and also report
a reduction in the frequency of intercourse (Millheiser et al. 2010). Among males,
in a cross-sectional survey conducted among 357 men from 8 academic fertility
units, where an independent diagnosis of male factor infertility was made, the diag-
nosis resulted in highly significant (p < 0.004) impact on sex life satisfaction and
personal quality-of-life scores. The scores remained significant even after control-
ling for partner age, education status, race, religion, current employment status and
duration of infertility (Smith et al. 2009). For most couples, a diagnosis of infertility
exerts tremendous psychological, social, physical and financial burden. In a larger
study involving over 843 couples, a greater degree of emotional distress and marital
discordance was reported by the couples when a male factor infertility was exclu-
sively diagnosed (Connolly et al. 1987). In another cross-sectional study, among
16 Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility 235

Table 16.3 72 of 544 patients, Sexual dysfunction No of patients

between February 2014 and January
Erectile dysfunction (ED) only 27
2015, presented with sexual
dysfunction at our clinic Anejaculation with ED 2
Premature ejaculation (PE) with ED 2
Decreased libido with ED 9
Infertility with ED 6
Dyspareunia 2
Sexual Concern 6
Ejaculatory disorders 18
Total 72

200 infertile couples, over 41.5 % of couples reported a reduction in sexual desire,
while over 52.5 % of couples reported a reduction in sexual satisfaction after a diag-
nosis of infertility was made (Ramezanzadeh et al. 2006). More importantly the
duration of infertility varied inversely to the degree of sexual satisfaction and this
relationship reached statistical significance (p < 0.05).
In our clinic, the Department of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine,
Chettinad Super Specialty Hospital, of the 544 male partners of couples who pre-
sented for an infertility evaluation between February 2014 and January 2015, 13 %
of the men suffered from some form of sexual dysfunction (Table 16.3).
The management of infertility creates pressure and may cause or exacerbate an
existing dysfunction. As a part of infertility management, the male partner may be
forced to have sexual intercourse at a specific time of the month, around the time of
ovulation. The stress to perform, on the day of ovulation, may thus result in a sexual
dysfunction. The female partner may also lose interest in intercourse outside the
fertile period. A situational dysfunction may result when the patient has difficulty in
performing with a specific partner or in a particular situation or a definable circum-
stance. One example is the act of masturbation; normally a routine and/or pleasur-
able exercise may become stressful and/or embarrassing when the patient has to
collect the entire sample in a wide-mouthed container, especially in a hospital
From a clinical viewpoint, it should be remembered that one sexual dysfunction
can frequently mask or exacerbate another dysfunction. One example of relevance
would be the finding of a male patient stating that he loses his erection during
attempted penetration and the female partner stating she has pain during penetra-
tion. One must not be hasty in making a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction in the
male and/or vaginismus in the female. A thorough workup and charting of the sex-
ual response cycle individually for each partner coupled with an in-depth history
may simply point out that there was inadequate time allocated by the couple for
foreplay which led to inadequate lubrication in the female consequently resulting in
difficulties in penetration for the male and eventually erectile dysfunction over a
period of time. A session of sex education describing the male and female sexual
anatomy coupled with an explanation of the human sexual response cycle for these
couples would ameliorate the problem.
236 N. Reddy et al.

16.4 Medical Conditions Affecting Sexual Function

Numerous medical conditions can affect sexual function either in a direct or an

indirect manner (Ramezanzadeh et al. 2006; Gratzke et al. 2010; Phillips 1998). An
in-depth history should comprehensively assess all medical/surgical conditions out-
lined in Table 16.4. An increased incidence of sexual dysfunction is reported in both
men and women with poor physical and/or mental health (Weiner and Rosen 1997;
Thranov and Klee 1994; Laumann et al. 1999). Cardiovascular status is an impor-
tant parameter to be assessed during evaluation of sexual dysfunction in both men
and women; patients should be stratified into low risk or high risk categories
depending on the cardiac history before entailing on specific therapy for the sexual
dysfunction (Miner et al. 2012; DeBusk et al. 2000). Specific medical causes of
female sexual dysfunction are outlined in Table 16.5.
The presence of chronic illness can interfere with sexual function; the degree of
impairment however depends on when the illness was diagnosed and whether the
relationship started before or after a particular diagnosis was made. For an in-depth
understanding as to how various chronic illness affects sexual function, please refer
to Basson et al. (2010).
Numerous drugs and medications can affect the different phases of the sexual
response cycle. These pharmacological agents work through a variety of
mechanisms (Horowitz and Goble 1979). Adrenergic antagonists alter epinephrine

Table 16.4 Various medical/surgical conditions that can cause and/or exacerbate sexual
Body system Specific condition associated with sexual dysfunction
Cardiovascular disorders Atherosclerosis, cardiac failure, aortic aneurysm repair, Leriche’s
Endocrine disorders Diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, obesity, dyslipidemia,
hyperprolactinemia, pituitary adenomas, craniopharyngioma,
hypo- and hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome
Genetic causes Klinefelter’s syndrome and bilateral anorchia
Haematological disorders Anaemia, sickle cell disease and leukaemia
Hepatic disorders Cirrhosis of the Liver
Infectious causes Urethritis, vesiculitis, epididymo-orchitis, prostatitis, cystitis,
Neurological causes Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple
sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, head Injuries, stroke and CNS
Nutritional Malnutrition, morbid obesity
Surgical Prostatectomy both perineal and biopsy type, transurethral
resection of prostate (TURP), retroperitoneal lymph node
dissection (RPLND), lumbar sympathectomy
Andrological/urological Priapism, urethral strictures, Peyronie’s disease, lower urinary tract
disorders symptoms (LUTS)
Others Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, any systemic long-term chronic
16 Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility 237

Table 16.5 Specific causes of female sexual dysfunction

Specific causes of female sexual dysfunction
Genitopelvic pain syndrome, recurrent cystitis, vulvar dystrophy, vulvar vestibulitis,
bartholinitis, genital herpes, genital myofascial pain syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease,
episiotomy scars and strictures, endometriosis, hyperprolactinemia, obesity
Chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, neurogenic disease, breast cancer
Surgeries like hysterectomies, rectal cancer and surgery

Table 16.6 Common drug classes associated with sexual dysfunction

Drug induced dysfunction
Psychoactive medications Antipsychotics
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Tricyclic antidepressants
Cardiovascular and antihypertensive medications Statins
Antilipid medications
Beta blockers
Calcium channel blockers
H2 Receptor antagonist
Proton pump inhibitors
Hormonal preparations Danazol
GnRH agonists
Oral contraceptives

release by blocking adrenergic receptors; examples include reserpine, methyldopa

and prazosin. Sexual dysfunction is thus produced by alterations in the emissary or
ejaculatory phase. Central nervous system sedating agents like alcohol, barbitu-
rates, antihypertensive and anticonvulsants affect the person’s libido and arousal by
increasing brain serotonin levels and decreasing dopamine levels (Buffum 1982).
Some medications can also cause dysfunction by increasing prolactin levels. An
increase in prolactin reduces the testicular response to luteinizing hormone (LH)
and results in reduced testosterone production (Segraves et al. 1985). Examples of
such medications include cimetidine, phenothiazines and thioxanthenes. Drugs with
atropine-like effects affect sexual arousal by their para-sympatholytic action; exam-
ples include antiemetics, antipsychotics and antihistamines. An outline of drug cat-
egories that affect sexual function is given in Table 16.6. An appropriate adjustment
of medication dose or change in the medication itself may sometimes help in allevi-
ating sexual dysfunction. The effect of medication on sexual function will depend
on the patient’s age, body type and duration of administration.
238 N. Reddy et al.

16.5 Psychosexual Factors Affecting Sexual Function

Sexual dysfunction is rarely caused by a single problem. Usually every sexual dys-
function will have some degree of a psychological involvement which requires
evaluation. Depression and anxiety are common causes of sexual dysfunction,
although they can also be a consequence of the sexual impairment (Epstein 1983).
Other reported findings from empirical studies include diminished self-esteem, guilt
and hostility. It is important to realize and understand that there is no clear-cut rela-
tionship between sex and marital problems (McCarthy and Fucito 2005). A couple
may have a strained marital relationship yet normal sexual function; the vice versa
is also true. Nevertheless, the most common factor in a relationship leading to dys-
function is marital dissatisfaction (Metz and McCarthy 2007). Marital dissatisfac-
tion can arise due to unresolved relationship issues, unrealistic expectations from
the marriage, problems with the family system and divergent sex values and/or pref-
erences (Habke et al. 1999; Metz et al. 1997).
Other psychosexual factors causing sexual dysfunction include a previous failed
sexual encounter, intellectual denial of perceiving sexual pleasure, religious beliefs
and childhood and prior sexual trauma (Kaplan 1983). Interestingly, sexual para-
philias (voyeurism, transvestism) can also lead to sexual dysfunction and manifest
themselves as erectile dysfunction; these disorders also seem more common than
expected as per the task force report from the American Psychiatric Association
1999. In some cases, a sexual dysfunction can arise due to deficient knowledge
about the normal sexual physiology.

16.6 Managing Sexual Dysfunction in a Primary Care Setting

The basic management strategy for sexual dysfunction starts with an easily remem-
bered acronym termed as PLISSIT:

P stands for permission giving and includes taking a sexual history, being empathic
to the patient and offering sexual information.
LI represents limited information, where the patient is given a limited knowledge
about sexual function to alleviate any sexual ignorance if any.
SS stands for specific suggestion, where the practitioner can address and treat
organic factors causing the specific sexual problem and also offer various treat-
ment options for the specific dysfunction.
IT denotes intensive therapy; here the practitioner offers expert marital or psycho-
therapy after assessing the interpersonal conflicts. A referral at this stage can also
be done (Taylor and Davis 2006).

A general medical management of all organically induced dysfunctions should

be done. For patients presenting with diabetes and erectile dysfunction, meticulous
control of blood sugars and lifestyle modification are strictly recommended. Erectile
dysfunction is seen with a prevalence ranging from 45 to 70 % in men with coexis-
tent type 2 diabetes. Advancing age, degree of glycemic control, the duration of
16 Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility 239

diabetes, coexistent hypertension, dyslipidemia and sedentary lifestyle along with

concomitant smoking and/or alcohol consumption is seen to be significantly associ-
ated with the severity of erectile dysfunction as suggested from large-scale studies
(Malavige and Levy 2009). The onset of erectile dysfunction in diabetes is invari-
ably secondary. An amalgamated therapeutic strategy involving lifestyle and dietary
modification and stoppage of alcohol and/or smoking, along with specific sex ther-
apy for the diagnosed dysfunction, may benefit the patient.
The basic ideology of any sex therapy is to emphasize to the patient his right to
sexual health and that sexuality is a normal physiological and psychological pro-
cess. The aim here is to train the patient to relax completely, laying the foundation
for subsequent sexual excitement. The patient is taught to relax and sensate focus on
his own bodily sensations and overcome the physiological impediments to a natural
sexual response. Most sexual dysfunctions have also been managed by cognitive
behavioural therapy, hypnosis and guided imagery. Hypnosis, where a technique of
guided imagery of successful performance is given to the patient, has been tried for
the treatment of non-organic erectile dysfunction, but much larger studies are
required to verify the observed benefits (Aydin et al. 1996).
Recommended medical management of erectile dysfunction is with the utiliza-
tion of phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE-5i’s). PDE-5i’s like sildenafil, tadalafil
and vardenafil are recommended as first-line drugs for the management of both
organic/psychogenic and mixed aetiology erectile dysfunction. A number of multi-
center double-blind placebo controlled RCTs have proven the benefit of these agents
in improving the erectile function significantly from baseline after 4 weeks of ther-
apy (Goldstein et al. 2003). A cardiovascular history and risk stratification should
be done before starting PDE-5i therapy. An absolute contraindication to PDE-5i
therapy is when the patient is on nitrate therapy and if he has a history of unstable
angina or an attack of myocardial infarction in the preceding 6 months. The side
effect profile of PDE-5i is proven to be minimal, and therapy can be safely advo-
cated for a period of 6 months (Morales et al. 1998).
Premature ejaculation is a common dysfunction seen in the clinic and is defined
as a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which always or nearly
always occurs before or within about one minute of vaginal penetration, and the
inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetrations, and negative
personal consequences, such as distress, bother, frustration and/or the avoidance of
sexual intimacy (McMahon et al. 2008). This definition is however not evidence
based, and a global consensus on definition of PE is still lacking. Selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors have been used in the off-label management of PE (Khan and
Pandiyan 2015). But concern has been raised about their safety profile. Other thera-
peutic modalities include behavioural techniques such as the start-stop technique
proposed by Seman and squeeze-pinch technique of Masters (Grenier and Byers
1997). In this technique, during sexual autostimulation, as the man approaches
orgasm, he squeezes firmly under the corona of the glans penis thereby inhibiting
the ejaculatory reflex. A variation of this method utilizes the Kegel’s technique,
where the man is trained to relax his pubococcygeus muscle to further inhibit ejacu-
lation. The combination of these techniques may work better than when utilizing a
single technique alone (Elia and Bergman 1993). Kegel’s exercise has also been
240 N. Reddy et al.

recommended for the management of psychogenic erectile disorder in men apart

from PE.
Kegel’s exercises in women help in improving the perivaginal muscle tone, as
there is a certain degree of correlation between the muscle tone and sexual arousal
felt. Kegel’s exercises if done regularly can improve the tone of the pubococcygeus
muscle and when combined with sex education/cognitive behavioural therapy and/
or systematic desensitization may help alleviate disorders of orgasm in women.
These empirical treatments are better than placebo, and currently there are no phar-
macological agents that can be used for the management of female disorders of
orgasm (Meston et al. 2004). Flibanserin, an antidepressant, has recently been
approved by the FDA to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorders in postmenopausal
women, amidst much controversy (Simon et al. 2014).
Some general treatment measures which could be followed for the management
of female sexual dysfunction encourage the utilization of explicit sexual material
like erotic videos, break the routine and fix up a date for ‘sexual activity’, sensate
focus exercises, encourage noncoital behaviour, application of topical lidocaine and
warm baths before intercourse, biofeedback and lastly adoption of a change in sex
position, i.e. like the ‘women on top’ (Striar and Bartlik 1999). Estrogens have been
used to improve sexual desire, although benefits are not seen uniformly across all
patients. The exact relation between sexual function and hormonal levels remains
yet to be established (Laan and van Lunsen 1997). There is currently insufficient
evidence to suggest the use of testosterone to treat disorders of desire or arousal in
females, an added concern in testosterone therapies is the development of virilising
effects in women like hirsutism and acne.
Disorders of arousal usually develop secondary to inadequate stimulation at least
in older women. Management strategies involve the use of commercially available
lubricants along with sex education/cognitive behavioural therapy. Genitopelvic
pain disorders in the female can be categorized depending on the nature of pain
whether superficial or deep. Superficial pain is related to urogenital atrophy and/or
a lack of arousal and is associated with penetration, whereas deep pain is related to
pelvic pathology. Recommended treatment is by utilizing a technique of progressive
vaginal muscle relaxation and utilization of commercially available vaginal dilators
(Phillips 2000). Once a sufficient degree of dilatation is achieved, the partner may
attempt penile penetration.

Sexual dysfunction in an infertility clinic represents a common yet complex
problem. The key to successful management is by eliciting a proper sexual his-
tory, investigating with appropriate laboratory tests and utilizing standardized
treatment guidelines recommended for the suspected dysfunction. Proper
management of sexual dysfunction requires a multidisciplinary team-based
approach. An important point to understand is that the very diagnosis of infertil-
ity itself can result in dysfunction in either the male and/or the female partner.
The couple must be counselled on the fact that infertility and sexual dysfunction
are two distinct issues that have to be managed separately. Patients should be
16 Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility 241

advised and reassured that they have a right to enjoy and relish their sexual
health. Patient referral to an expert is warranted in complicated cases, when pre-
liminary management strategies fail.

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A ART. See Assisted reproductive

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome technology (ART)
(AIDS), 173 Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 100
Acridine orange test (AOT), 159 ASCO. See American Society of Clinical
Acrosome, 33 Oncology (ASCO)
Acrosome index (AI), 65–66 Asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R), 171
Acrosome reaction (AR), 62, 63 Aspermatogenesis, 126–127
Aging, 198 Aspermia, 57
genetics, effect of, 200, 202 Assisted reproductive technology (ART),
HPT axis, effect of, 202–203 87, 109
and male fertility, 199 azoospermic men with spermatogenic
and semen parameters, 200, 201 failure, 125–126
testis, 200 frozen sperm in, 215
AIDS. See Acquired immune deficiency HIV, 174
syndrome (AIDS) Autotransplantation, 226
ALH displacement. See Amplitude of lateral Average path velocity (VAP), 61
head (ALH) displacement Axoneme, 28–29
American Society for Reproductive AZF region. See Azoospermia factor (AZF)
Medicine (ASRM) guidelines, region
216, 222 Azoospermia, 85–86
American Society of Clinical Oncology ART, 125–126
(ASCO), 222 clinical management, interventions and
AMH. See Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) recommended actions, 113–114
Amplitude of lateral head (ALH) differential diagnosis in, 109–112
displacement, 61 etiologies of, 86–88
Androgen deficiency, 138 evaluation of, 86
Andropause, 198–199 genetic studies
Aniline blue staining, 161, 162 and abnormalities, 94
ANNs. See Artificial neural networks (ANNs) CF, 94–95
Antegrade sclerotherapy, 150 mechanisms, 93
Anterior acrosomal region, 35–36 NOA, 95
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), 10 Y-chromosome microdeletion, 95–98
Antioxidant defense, 156–157 NOA, 91–93
Antioxidants, 50–51 OA, 89–90
Antisperm antibodies (ASA), 62 sperm retrieval, prognostic factors,
AOT. See Acridine orange test (AOT) 98–100
Apoptosis, 157 SR, 122–124
Aromatase, 92 varicocele in, 149
Arousal phase, 232 Azoospermia factor (AZF) region, 95, 115

© Springer India 2017 243

K. Gunasekaran, N. Pandiyan (eds.), Male Infertility,
DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3604-7
244 Index

B sperm
bacterial infection ART and pregnancy outcome, 215
Chlamydia trachomatis, 168–171 post-thaw survival, 214–215
mycoplasmas, 171–172 spermatozoa
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 171 freezing limited number, 213–214
Treponema pallidum, 173 freezing small number, 213
ureaplasmas, 172 sperm morphology, 211
bipotential gonad, stages of, 8–9 sperm motility, 210–211
Blood-testis barrier (BTB), 19 WHO, normal semen quality, 21–217
BTB. See Blood-testis barrier (BTB) Cryoprotectants, 208–209
Bulbourethral glands, 7, 13 Curvilinear velocity (VCL), 61
Cyclophosphamide (CY), 190
Cystic fibrosis (CF), 94–95
C Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance
Capacitation, 27, 62 regulator (CFTR) gene., 95
Capitulum, 29 Cytoplasmic droplet, 34, 60
CASA. See Computer-aided sperm analysis
CBAVD. See Congenital bilateral absence of D
vas deferens (CBAVD) DFI. See DNA fragmentation index (DFI)
Cell-free seminal mRNA (cfs-mRNA), 98 DHT. See Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Centrosome, 29–30, 32 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 14
cfs-mRNA. See Cell-free seminal mRNA DNA damage test, 63–64, 211
(cfs-mRNA) DNA fragmentation assay, 49
Chlamydia trachomatis, 168–171 DNA fragmentation index (DFI),
Chromatin remodeling, 156 191, 192
Chromomycin A3 (CMA3) staining, 161, 163 Doppler testing, 148
Climax phase, 233
Clomiphene citrate, 119
CMA3 staining. See Chromomycin A3 E
(CMA3) staining EAA. See European Academy of Andrology
Color Doppler ultrasound, 148 (EAA)
Comet assay, 158 EDO. See Ejaculatory duct obstruction
Computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA), 61 (EDO)
Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens Ejaculation, 7
(CBAVD), 45, 85–86, 89 Ejaculatory duct obstruction (EDO), 88
Connecting piece, 29 Ejaculatory ducts, 6–7
Cooling/freezing rate, 214–215 EMQN. See European Molecular Genetics
Cowper’s glands. See Bulbourethral glands Quality Network (EMQN)
Cryobanking, 206, 207 Endogenous nuclease, 156
Cryopreservation, 139, 207, 221 Epididymis, 5
ASRM guidelines, 216 Epididymitis, 89
DNA damage, 211 Equatorial region, 36
freezing surgically retrieved sperm, Estradiol, 24
212–213 Estrogen, 24
Mazur’s two-factor hypothesis, 211–212 European Academy of Andrology
prepubertal cancer patients, fertility (EAA), 96, 117
preservation, 213 European Molecular Genetics Quality
screening, patients and donors, 215 Network (EMQN), 96, 117
semen freezing Eutherian sperms, 33
current status, 217 Excitement phase, 232
rapid freezing, 209–210 External genitalia, development of,
slow freezing, 209 13–14
semen parameters, 210 Extrinsic regulation, 21–23
Index 245

F HIV. See Human immunodeficiency

Fertility preservation, 221–222 virus (HIV)
autotransplantation, testicular tissue, 226 Hormad1, 97
ethical considerations, 227 HPV. See Human papillomavirus (HPV)
indications HSV. See Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
cancer patients, 222–223 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),
nonmalignant diseases, 223 23, 93, 119, 139
male germ cell transplantation, 225–226 Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), 175
semen cryopreservation, 224 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
TESE, 224 173–174
testicular tissue cryopreservation, 224–225 Human papillomavirus (HPV), 174
in vitro spermatogenesis, 226 Human spermatozoa, 27–28
Fibrous sheath (FS), 28 acrosome, 33
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA), 92 anterior acrosomal region, 35–36
Flagellum, 28, 31–33 axoneme, 28–29
Flow cytometry (FCM), 100 centrosome, 29–30
FNA. See Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) connecting piece, 29
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), cytoplasmic droplet, 34
21–22, 47, 98 equatorial region, 36
Fructose, 62 flagellum, 28
FSH. See Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) midpiece, 30, 35
nucleus, 34
ODF, 30
G perinuclear material, 33–34
Genital tracts, 12 plasma membrane, 35
Glycerol, 207 post-acrosomal region, 36
GnRH. See Gonadotrophin-releasing principal piece, 31, 35
hormone (GnRH) terminal piece, 31–33
Gold standard test, 111, 112 Hyperspermia, 57
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH),
(GnRH), 21 91, 111
Gonadotrophins, 21 Hypospermia, 57
Gubernaculum testis, 11 HZA. See Hemizona assay (HZA)

HAART. See Highly active antiretroviral Iatrogenic injury, 89
therapy (HAART) ICSI. See Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
HBV. See Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (ICSI)
hCG. See Human chorionic Idiopathic, 42
gonadotropin (hCG) Illogical sperm preparation methods, 71
HCMV. See Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) Indiscriminate varicocelectomy, 51
HCV. See Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Inguinal approach, 151
HDS. See High DNA stainability (HDS) Inhibin B, 24
Head defects, 60 Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),
Hemizona and zona pellucida binding, 116–118
62–63 ART, pregnancy outcomes in, 215
Hemizona assay (HZA), 63 autotransplantation, 226
Hepatitis B virus (HBV), 175–176 clinical outcomes, 125, 126
Hepatitis C virus (HCV), 176 KS, fertility management, 140, 141
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), 174–175 OA, 90
High DNA stainability (HDS), 191, 192 sperm function, tests of, 49, 50
Highly active antiretroviral therapy sperm retrieval, 98, 122
(HAART), 174 treatable conditions, 51
246 Index

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) (cont.) endocrine workup, 47–48

treatment ethics, 51, 52 evaluation, goal and indications, 42
varicocele and, 150 genetics, 48–49
Intratesticular testosterone (ITT), 120 Prudent approach, 45–47
Intrinsic regulation, 23–25 sperm function tests, 49–50
In vitro fertilization (IVF), 60 treatable conditions, 51
In vitro spermatogenesis, 226 treatment
Ionizing radiation (IR), 185–186 antioxidants in, 50–51
sources, 186 ethics, 51–52
and spermatogenesis Male reproductive system
human studies, 189 bipotential gonad, stages of, 8–9
nonhuman primates, 188 bulbourethral glands, 7
rodent model, 187–188 descent, testis, 11
and sperm DNA development of, 7–8
animal studies, 191 ejaculation, 7
human studies, 191–192 ejaculatory ducts, 6–7
and sperm fertilization capacity epididymis, 5
animal studies, 192–193 external genitalia, development of, 13–14
human studies, 193 genital tracts, development of, 12
and sperm parameters male genital glands, development of,
animal studies, 189–190 12–13
human studies, 190–191 male urethra, 6
ITT. See Intratesticular testosterone (ITT) parts of, 2
penis, 1
prostate gland, 6
K scrotum, 2
Karyotype, 138 seminal vesicles, 6
Kegel’s exercise, 239–240 seminiferous tubules, 4–5
Kisspeptin, 21 spermatic cord, 5
Klinefelter syndrome (KS), 43, 135–136 testes, 2–4
disease progression of, 136–138 testicular differentiation, 10–11
fertility, management of, 140–142 vas deferens, 5–6
management of, 138–140 Male urethra, 6
H magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(MRS), 93
L MAR. See Mixed agglutination reaction assay
Laparoscopic varicocelectomy, 151 (MAR)
Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH), 202 Massachusetts Male Aging Study
Leptin receptors, 22–23 (MMAS), 203
Leptotene, 20 Maturation arrest (MA), 88, 96–97
Leydig cells, 4, 23 Mazur’s two-factor hypothesis, 211–212
Linearity of forward progression (LIN), 61 Meiosis, 20
Liquefaction, 58 Membrane organization, 156
LOH. See Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) Microdissection testicular sperm extraction
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 22, 47 (micro-TESE), 92–93, 122, 123
micro-TESE. See Microdissection testicular
sperm extraction (micro-TESE)
M Microtubule-organizing centre (MTOC), 29
Male genital glands, 12–13 Midpiece region, 30, 35
Male germ cell transplantation, 225–226 Mitochondrial sheath (MS), 28
Male infertility, 41, 55, 155, 234–235 Mixed agglutination reaction assay
causes of, 41 (MAR), 62
clinical examination, 43–45 MMAS. See Massachusetts Male Aging
clinical history taking, relevance of, 42–43 Study (MMAS)
Index 247

MTOC. See Microtubule-organizing centre PMN leukocytes. See Polymorphonuclear

(MTOC) (PMN) leukocytes
Mycoplasma genitalium, 171–172 Polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes, 62
Mycoplasma hominis, 171–172 Post-acrosomal region, 36
Postcoital test, 49
Post-thaw survival rate, 214
N Premature ejaculation (PE), 239
Natural selection, 198 Principal piece region, 31, 35
Neck and mid-piece defects, 60 Processus vaginalis, 11
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 171 Prophase, 20
NOA. See Nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA) Prostate gland, 6
Nonmalignant diseases, 223 Protozoa infection, 176–177
Nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA), Pyospermia, 62
48, 49, 86–89
genetic testicular causes, 95
hormone analysis, 91 R
initial evaluation, 91 Reactive oxygen species (ROS),
step-by-step approach, clinical 50, 64, 146–147
management, 108 Reference intervals, 66
treatment, 91–93 Reproductive system
Non-penetrating cryoprotectants, 209 bipotential gonad, stages of, 8–9
Nucleus, 34 bulbourethral glands, 7
descent, testis, 11
development of, 7–8
O ejaculation, 7
Obstructive azoospermia (OA), 51, 110 ejaculatory ducts, 6–7
CBAVD, 89 epididymis, 5
EDO, 88–90 external genitalia, development of,
epididymitis, 89 13–14
iatrogenic injury, 89 genital tracts, development of, 12
treatment of, 90 male genital glands, development
ODFs. See Outer dense fibres (ODFs) of, 12–13
8-OH deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) estimation, male urethra, 6
164 parts of, 2
Orgasm, 233 penis, 1
Outer dense fibres (ODFs), 28, 30 prostate gland, 6
Oxidative stress (OS), 146, 170 scrotum, 2
seminal vesicles, 6
seminiferous tubules, 4–5
P spermatic cord, 5
Pampiniform plexus, 145 testes, 2–4
PCM. See Pericentriolar material (PCM) testicular differentiation, 10–11
Penetrating cryoprotectants, 208–209 vas deferens, 5–6
Penis, 1 Retroperitoneal approach, 150
Percutaneous occlusion, 150 Rodent model, 187–188
Percutaneous sperm retrieval, 90 ROS. See Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Pericentriolar material (PCM), 29
Perinuclear material, 33–34
Peyronie’s disease, 44 S
pH, 58 SCD. See Sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD)
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 136 Scrotum, 2
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE-5i’s), 239 SCSA. See Sperm chromatin structure
PKU. See Phenylketonuria (PKU) assay (SCSA)
Plasma membrane, 35 Segmented columns, 29
248 Index

Semen analysis, 56, 57, 155 Seminal plasma miRNAs (sp-miRNAs), 99

bacterial infection Seminal vesicles, 6
Chlamydia trachomatis, 168–171 Seminiferous tubules, 4–5, 18
mycoplasmas, 171–172 Senescence, 198
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 171 Sequence-tagged sites (STSs), 117
Treponema pallidum, 173 Sertoli cell only (SCO) syndrome, 88
ureaplasmas, 172 Sertoli cells (SC), 4, 18–19
CASA, 61 Sex, 231
collection, 56 Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), 203
functional tests Sexual dysfunction, 232
capacitation, 62 definition and classification, 232–234
DNA damage, 63–64 infertility, 234–235
hemizona and zona pellucida medical conditions affecting, 236–237
binding, 62–63 in primary care setting, 238–240
penetration assay, 63 psychosexual factors affecting, 238
ROS assessment, 64 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
sperm proteomics, 64 bacterial infection in semen
macroscopic evaluation, 57–58 Chlamydia trachomatis, 168–171
markers, 62 mycoplasmas, 171–172
microscopic Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 171
morphology, 59–61 Treponema pallidum, 173
motility, 59 ureaplasmas, 172
sperm concentration, 58–59 global incidence of, 168
vitality, 59 protozoa infection, 176–177
pre-2010 WHO guidelines, 65–67 viral infection
and protozoa infection, 176–177 HBV, 175–176
revised guidelines HCMV, 175
illogical sperm preparation methods, 71 HCV, 176
inconsistencies and errors, 70 HIV, 173–174
multiple methods and nonlinear method HPV, 174
presentation, 70 HSV, 174–175
retention, use of nomenclature terms, SOX-9 gene, 10
70 SPA. See Spermatozoa penetration
sperm morphology, 69–70 assay (SPA)
sperm motility, 67, 69 Spermatic cord, 5
suddenly changed limits, delusion of, Spermatids, 4–5
71–73 Spermatocytes, 4, 20
unnecessary extra work, 70–71 Spermatogenesis, 17
viral infection IR and
HBV, 175–176 human studies, 189
HCMV, 175 nonhuman primates, 188
HCV, 176 rodent model, 187–188
HIV, 173–174 neuroendocrine regulation of
HPV, 174 extrinsic, 21–23
HSV, 174–175 intrinsic, 23–25
2010 WHO guidelines stages of
impact of, 73–75 BTB, 19
limitations of, 75–76 seminiferous tubules, 18
Semen cryopreservation, 224 sertoli cells, 18–19
Semen parameters, 147 spermatogenic stages, 19–20
aging and, 200 testis, 17–18
cryopreservation, 210 Spermatogenic failure (SF)., 108
IR and Spermatogonia, 4
animal studies, 189–190 Spermatogonial stem cells (SSC),
human studies, 190–191 140, 225, 226
Index 249

Spermatozoa STIs. See Sexually transmitted infections

freezing limited number, 213–214 (STIs)
freezing small number, 213 Straight-line velocity (VSL), 61
quality of, 215 STSs. See Sequence-tagged sites (STSs)
sperm DNA damage, methods Subinguinal approach, 151
aniline blue staining, 161, 162 Synaptonemal complex, 97
AOT, 159
CMA3 staining, 161, 163
Comet assay, 158 T
8-OHdG estimation, 164 Tail defects, 60
SCD, 160 TBI. See Total body irradiation (TBI)
SCSA, 158–159 Teratozoospermia index (TZI), 65
toluidine blue staining, 161 Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-
TUNEL assay, 160 mediated deoxyuridine
Spermatozoa penetration assay triphosphate (dUTP) nick
(SPA), 63 end-labeling (TUNEL)
Sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD), assay, 160
160, 161 Terminal piece, 31–33
Sperm chromatin structure assay TESA. See Testicular sperm aspiration
(SCSA), 158–159 (TESA)
Sperm DNA damage TESE. See Testicular sperm extraction
clinical management, 164 (TESE)
etiology of, 156–157 Testicular differentiation, 10–11
IR and Testicular etiologies, 87
animal studies, 191 Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA), 90
human studies, 191–192 Testicular sperm extraction (TESE),
spermatozoa, types of 99, 122, 224
aniline blue staining, 161, 162 Testicular sperm, laboratory handling,
AOT, 159 124–125
CMA3 staining, 161, 163 Testicular sperm retrieval techniques, 93
Comet assay, 158 Testicular tissue cryopreservation,
8-OHdG estimation, 164 224–225
SCD, 160 Testis, 2–4
SCSA, 158–159 aging, 200
toluidine blue staining, 161 descent of, 11
TUNEL assay, 160 spermatogenesis, 17–18
structure of, 156 Testosterone, 23
Sperm fertilization capacity Thaw rate, 215
animal studies, 192–193 Toluidine blue staining, 161
human studies, 193 Total body irradiation (TBI), 190
Spermiation, 5 Traditional semen analysis, 55
Spermiogenesis, 5, 20 Transrectal ultrasound, 89
Sperm morphology, 66–67, 69–70, 211 Transurethral resection of the ejaculatory
Sperm motility, 67, 69, 210–211 ducts (TURED), 89
Sperm proteomics, 64 Treponema pallidum, 173
Sperm retrieval (SR) TURED. See Transurethral resection
azoospermic men with spermatogenic of the ejaculatory ducts
failure, 122–124 (TURED)
candidates for, 112, 115–118 TZI. See Teratozoospermia index (TZI)
cryopreservation, 212–213
interventions, benefit from,
118–122 U
prognostic factors of, 98–100 Ultrasound, 148
SSC. See Spermatogonial stem Ureaplasma parvum, 172
cells (SSC) Ureaplasma urealyticum, 172
250 Index

V 2010 WHO guidelines

Varicocele, 145 fertile and subfertile men, suddenly
anatomy and etiology, 146 changed limits, 71, 73
in azoospermia, 149 illogical sperm preparation methods, 71
diagnosis inconsistencies and errors, 70
Doppler testing, 148 multiple methods and nonlinear method
physical examination, presentation, 70
147–148 retention, nomenclature terms, 70
ultrasound, 148 semen analysis
venography, 148 impact of, 73–75
etiopathogenesis, 146–147 limitations of, 75–76
and fertility effect, 149 sperm morphology, 69–70
and ICSI, 150 unnecessary extra work, 70–71
and semen parameters, 147 Wolffian ducts, 12
surgical strategies World Health Organization (WHO)
inguinal approach, 151 azoospermia, 85
laparoscopic varicocelectomy, 151 cutoff reference values in, 57
retroperitoneal approach, 150 infertile male, goal and indications for
Subinguinal approach, 151 evaluation, 42
symptoms, 148 KS, 136
treatment, 150 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 171
Vas deferens, 5–6, 45 normal semen quality, 216–217
VCL. See Curvilinear velocity semen analysis, 46, 56
(VCL) STIs, 167, 168
Venography, 148 varicocele and semen parameters, 147
Viral infection
HBV, 175–176
HCMV, 175 Y
HCV, 176 Y chromosome microdeletions (YCMD),
HIV, 173–174 95–98, 115, 117
HPV, 174 YCMD. See Y chromosome microdeletions
HSV, 174–175 (YCMD)
Viscosity, 58

W Zinc, 62
WHO. See World Health Organization Zona-free hamster oocyte penetration
(WHO) assay, 63

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