Azure Storage Deep Dive

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The Azure Foundation
Sergio Navarro Pino @snavarropino
Sergio León González @panicoenlaxbox

We work as Software Development

Engineers at AnalyticAlways

We also have blogs:
What is Azure Storage?

An storage Microsoft managed service that is highly available, secure, durable, scalable,
and redundant.

• Disk: Storage for your VM’s
• Files: Simple, distributed, cross-platform file system
• Blob: Massively-scalable object storage for unstructured data
• Queue: Durable queues for large-volume cloud services
• Table? Flexible Key-Value NoSQL database
Azure Storage Highlights


● The storage account can be secured using Role-Based Access Control and Azure Active
● Transport level encryption (HTTPS) may be forced
● Client side encyption:
● Delegated access to the data objects in Azure Storage can be granted using Shared Access
● The authentication method used by someone when they access storage can be tracked using
Storage analytics
● Files and disk can be encrypted, in a transparent way

Durability: will not degrade over the time

Azure Storage Highlights

Availability: data always available with a minimum SLA of 99.9%

99.9% means that storage won’t be available 1 minute per week

Scalability: the service automatically scale up

When your application reaches the upper limits, Azure Storage begins to return error code 503
(Server Busy) or error code 500 (Operation Timeout) responses. If these errors are occurring, then
your application should use an exponential backoff policy for retries that may allow the load to

If the needs of your application exceed the scalability targets of a single storage account, you can
build your application to use multiple storage accounts.
Azure Storage limits
Geographies & Regions
Azure regions are organized into geographies.
An Azure geography ensures that data residency, sovereignty, compliance,
and resiliency requirements are honored within geographical boundaries.
Regions & Availability zones
A region is a set of datacenters deployed
within a latency-defined perimeter and
connected through a dedicated regional
low-latency network.

Availability Zones are physically separate

locations within an Azure region. Each
Availability Zone is made up of one or
more datacenters equipped with
independent power, cooling, and

Availability Zones allow customers to run

mission-critical applications with high
availability and low-latency replication.
Tips for choosing a regions
Take in account following points:

● Latency to the region:
● Services you do wish to consume:
● Price:
● Data Sovereignty issues.
Sorts of storage accounts 5 m
• v2
• Standard
• Hot
Access tiers: hot/cold/archive (blobs)

Hot / cold must be set on account creation, in order to set default blob tier
In any case we can set the desired tier for each blob
Archive (the coolest one) can only be set at blob level.

- Expensive storage
- Cheap transactions
Account type Performance Tier can be set?

General purpose Standard No

General purpose Premium No

Blob storage Only standard is allowed Yes

General purpose v2 Standard Yes - Cheap storage

cooler - Expensive transactions
General purpose v2 Premium No (WTF!)
Access tiers: hot/cold/archive (blobs)

• All operations among hot and cools are 100% consistent

• However in order to read or modify the blob must be rehydrated (ask for a
change to tier hot or cold)
• Long-term data retention

• Up to 15 hours to rehydrate an archived blob

Azure Storage Replication
The data in your Microsoft Azure storage account is always replicated to ensure durability and
high availability. Replication copies your data so that it is protected from transient hardware
failures, preserving your application up-time.

Replication is not a backup system!

If you want a backup system use third party tools (Cerebrata for example) or tools like azcopy

Locally redundant storage (LRS) Geo-redundant storage (GRS)

Zone-redundant storage (ZRS *) Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)

Azure Storage Replication

Locally redundant storage (LRS): Geo-redundant storage (GRS)

● 3 replicas in same datacenter. ● 3 additional replicas in a secondary
● Lowest price, highest performance datacenter (pairs are already defined)
● Offers least durability compared to other ● Asynchronous write on secondary datacenter
options. ● A failover process is required in order to allow
● Synchronous write data to be accessed in secondary datacenter

Zone-redundant storage (ZRS *): Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)

● 3 replicas in 2 or 3 facilities, usually across 2 ● Secondary read-only endpoint
regions ● A failover process is required in order to allow
● Designed to simplify the development of highly data to be written in the secondary datacenter
available applications
● Inserts and updates to data are made
synchronously and are strongly consistent
● Classic ZRS only supports Block blobs
● New version currently in preview in some
Azure Storage Replication

It depends on several factors:

• Region
• Amount of stored data (Gb’s)
• Acces tier in caso of blob (hot/cold/archive)
• Performance tier (standard/premium) in case of page blobs
• Replication option
• Transactions (operations)
• Data transfer
Demo, crear cuenta geo-replication
• PowerShell

• Storage Explorer

• Storage Emulator

• Storage Tools


• Visual Studio
• Cloud Explorer
• Server Explorer
• Templates
Get-Module PowerShellGet -ListAvailable
Install-Module -Name AzureRM -AllowClobber
Get-Command -Module AzureRM.*
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Location "West Europe" -Name
New-AzureRmStorageAccount -Location "West Europe" -Name
<storage_account_name> -ResourceGroupName <resource_group_name> -SkuName
Standard_RAGRS -Kind Storage

Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name <storage_account_name> -Force
PowerShell non-interactive login

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "foo" -AsPlainText -Force

$app = New-AzureRmADApplication –DisplayName "foo" –IdentifierUris "" –Password $password

New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $app.ApplicationId

New-AzureRmRoleAssignment –RoleDefinitionName Contributor –ServicePrincipalName $app.ApplicationId

# en otra ventana

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "foo" -AsPlainText -Force


# ApplicationId@<your_tenant_name>

$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential –ArgumentList "83483cd8-ecf5-

[email protected]", $password

Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $credential -ServicePrincipal –TenantId d1ae8242-a985-4d12-ad41-afd92012af18



1.0 2.0

Also know as X-Plat CLI


Node.js Python

npm i -g azure-cli Installer

azure az
CLI - Docker

docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli


az login
CLI non-interactive login

az login -u <usuario_azure_active_directory> -p <password>

az login --service-principal -u 83483cd8-ecf5-4fd1-91d7-

[email protected] -p foo --tenant
Visual Studio
Visual Studio
Azure Files offers fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the
industry standard SMB 3: we can mount the file share and see it as an standard disk

Benefits: Familiar programmability:

● Shared access (mont same ● System.IO API's (SMB)
● Replace or
share in several places) ● Azure Storage REST API.
supplement on-
● Fully managed ● Azure Storage Client Libraries
premises file servers
● Resilient (several languages)
● "Lift and shift"
● Scriptable (powershell & ● We can manage them from
Azure CLI) web apps or other PaaS and
● Support and simplify
● Cache in Win Server with serverless technologies !
cloud development
Azure File Sync (preview)

http(s)://<storage account>
Create a file share

Azure portal
CLI for example:
current_env_conn_string = $(az storage account show-connection-string -n <storage-
account> -g <resource-group> --query 'connectionString' -o tsv)

az storage share create --name files --quota 2048 --connection-string

$current_env_conn_string 1 > /dev/null

Quota: from o to 5TB (5120)

Mount a file share

\\<storage account>\share
Navigate to share in azure portal, click on connect
and follow instructions
Some disadvantages

• There is no support in Azure Storage emulator

• Read-access geo-redundant replication is not available

• Premium tier (SSD) is not yet supported

• Access tiers other than hot are not yet supported

More info in Azure Files faqs:
Create a share, mount on windows and finally manage via REST
BLOB – Binary Large OBject

Three types of blobs, block blobs, append blobs, and page blobs.

You specify the blob type when you create the blob.$root/myblob

Container ACL

● Private (no anonymous access)

○ You can only access the blobs and containers if you have the storage account name and key, or you use a shared access
● Blob (anonymous read access for blobs only)
○ If you set the permission to Blob, anybody with the URL to a blob in the container can read the blob and the blob properties
and metadata.
● Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs)
○ If you set the permission to Container, the container and blobs are publicly readable.
Any blob can be duplicated in a snapshot (checkpoint, backup).

● Readonly (although it can be deleted, moved or copied).

● It can be promoted to origin blob or another blob.

Any blob can be leased for exclusive write access (concurrency)

● LeaseDuration – Fixed, Infinite, Unspecified.

● LeaseState – Available, Breaking, Broken, Expired, Leased, Unspecified.
● LeaseStatus – Locked, Unlocked, Unspecified.

● Acquire, to request a new lease.

● Renew, to renew an existing lease.
● Change, to change the ID of an existing lease.
● Release, to free the lease if it is no longer needed so that another client may immediately acquire a lease against the blob.
● Break, to end the lease but ensure that another client cannot acquire a new lease until the current lease period has expired.
● Metadata for a container or blob resource is stored as name-value pairs associated with the resource.
● Other
○ CacheControl
○ ContentDisposition
○ ContentEncoding
○ ContentLanguage
○ ContentMD5
○ ContentType
Shared access signature
○ Time expiration
○ Allowed operations
○ An optional shared access policy
● Types
○ Service-level
■ The service SAS delegates access to a resource in just one of the storage services: Blob, Queue, Table, or File
○ Account-level
■ The account SAS delegates access to resources in one or more of the storage services.
● Shared access policies, by container.
● Resource types.
○ Services.
■ Access to service-level APIs.
● Get/Set Service Properties, Get Service Stats.
○ Container.
■ Access to container-level APIs
● Create/Delete Container.
○ Object.
■ Access to object-level APIs for blobs.
● e.g. Put Blob
● Custom domain
● Azure Search
● etc.
Demo SAS y CDN
Azure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be
accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS.

http(s)://<storage account><queue>

Myth buster Common uses:

● Queue = FIFO? Nope
• Process jobs asynchronously
● At least one? Yes
● At most one? Nope • Passing messages between components
(microservices?) in an asynchronous manner
Queue limits and supported operation

Over the queue

● Create
● Delete
● Count messages (Aprox)

Over the messages

● Queue
● Get
● Delete
● Peek
● Update

* Read operations are non-

vs Azure Service Bus
Service Bus queues are part of a broader Azure messaging infrastructure that supports
queuing as well as publish/subscribe, and more advanced integration patterns

Services bus queues advantages:

● first-in-first-out (FIFO) ordered deliver

● Your solution must be able to support automatic duplicate detection.
● Dead letter queue
● The time-to-live (TTL) characteristic of the application-specific workload can exceed the
7-day period.
● You want to use the AMQP 1.0 standards-based messaging protocol.
● Your messaging solution must be able to support the "At-Most-Once" delivery
guarantee without the need for you to build the additional infrastructure components
● You require a programming model that support blocking operations and callbacks
● And much more ...
So... why choose storage queues?
● Storage queues are cheap (

● Easy programming model

● Storage queues provide support for updating message content. You can use this
functionality for persisting state information and incremental progress updates into the
message so that it can be processed from the last known checkpoint, instead of starting
from scratch. In services bus this is more complicated

● Clients have the ability to only peek at the messages from the queue, without removing
or locking them.

● Logging capabilities: Users have the ability to activate the loggings mechanism and
track all the actions that are happening on the queue. Tracking information like client IP
are tracked and stored as an out of the box solution.

As always, it depends on your context!

Queue operations
Azure Table Storage
"Yo... he visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais: Atacar naves en llamas más allá de Orión.
He visto rayos C brillar en la oscuridad cerca de la Puerta de Tannhäuser.
Todos esos momentos se perderán... en el tiempo... como lágrimas en la lluvia. Es hora de morir"
- Roy Batty
Available services per account type
Account type Performance Available services

General purpose Standard All: Files, Tables, Queues, Blobs

General purpose Premium Blob, just supporting Page Blobs in private containers (For old VM disks)

Blob storage Only standard is allowed Blob, just supporting Block and Append blobs

General purpose v2 Standard All: Files, Tables, Queues, Blobs

General purpose v2 Premium Blob, just supporting Page Blobs in private containers (For old VM disks)

Recommendation: Use “General purpose v2” but taking in account that there are pricing differences: v2
has lower storage prices but higher transaction prices

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