Monday Tuesday/ Wednesday Thursday Friday: I. Objectives

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GRADE 11 - Senior High School School Dumalag Central National High Grade Level 11

Lesson Plans School

Teacher EUNICE GALE F. FRIO Learning Area EAPP
Teaching Dates and Time June 25-29, 2018 Quarter 1


By the end of the lesson the By the end of the lesson the By the end of the lesson the By the end of the lesson the students
I. OBJECTIVES students should have… students should have… students should have… should have…
- identify what are the kind of - identify what are the kind of - identify what are the kind of - identify what are the kind of Discourse
Discourse Pattern Discourse Pattern Discourse Pattern Pattern

-apply discourse pattern from -apply discourse pattern from the -apply discourse pattern from -apply discourse pattern from the
the selection given selection given the selection given selection given

- defined unfamiliar - defined unfamiliar - defined unfamiliar - defined unfamiliar

words found in the words found in the words found in the words found in the
texts texts texts texts


The learner acquires knowledge The learner acquires knowledge The learner acquires knowledge The learner acquires knowledge of
III. CONTENT STANDARD of appropriate reading of appropriate reading strategies of appropriate reading appropriate reading strategies for a
strategies for a better for a better understanding of strategies for a better better understanding of academic texts.
understanding of academic academic texts. understanding of academic
texts. texts.

The learner produces a detailed The learner produces a detailed The learner produces a The learner produces a detailed abstract
IV. PERFORMANCE STANDARD abstract of information abstract of information gathered detailed abstract of information of information gathered from various
gathered from various from various academic texts gathered from various academic texts read
academic texts read read academic texts read

Engage Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Engage

V. PROCEDURES Easy and Average Easy and Average
Students are going to be asked The teacher is going to present an
with the following questions: Instructions: Instructions: illustration on how grades or scores are
just signs that shows the areas we need
1. Do you watch movies? 1. You are allowed to open your 1. You are allowed to open your to improve on.
2. Do you still remember your notebook as reference in order notebook as reference in order
childhood stories? to paraphrase. to paraphrase. The students are going to be
3 How about blogs? encouraged to reflect upon their work
4. How about writing an essay? 2. You are not allowed to ask 2. You are not allowed to ask and their errors and not to condemn
These questions were meant to questions to other students. questions to other students. themselves.
guide the students to see that
one characteristic or role can 3. You could ask your teacher to 3. You could ask your teacher Explore
be under a greater and more define the words you don’t to define the words you don’t
encompassing idea. understand or give you synonyms understand or give you The teacher is going to ask the students
of those words. This will be synonyms of those words. This to mention some of the words they found
allowed for 5 minutes. will be allowed for 5 minutes. difficult to understand in their exercises
Explore and in their test.
4. You are going to write your 4. You are going to write your
The teacher is going to answers on a 1 whole piece of answers on a 1 whole piece of The teacher is going to compare those
give a sentence that shows the intermediate paper. intermediate paper. words to the problems and difficulties
concepts about macro and faced in life and in the class.
micro ideas and how they can 5. You can start submitting your 5. You can start submitting your
be used in paraphrasing and work 5 minutes before the end of work 5 minutes before the end The teacher is also going to point out
maintaining the meaning of the the class. of the class. that after understanding the meaning of
a sentence. the word, they have used the word to
This the point system followed in This the point system followed in solve their problems in exercises.
Example: the test: the test:
A difficulty that is conquered becomes
The blacksmith was the one I. Easy III. Advanced your weapon, always remember that.
who melted and joined metal a. 10pts a. 30pts
together in the forge in order to b. 10pts Explain
make a sharp double-edged c. 10pts Grading system
blade. Advanced The teacher is going to present the
II. Average A. 29 – 30 descriptive words, nouns and verbs
Explain a. 20pts among the words they have listed in their
b. 20pts Paraphrased the sentence with vocabulary. The teacher then will sort
The teacher is going to present no loss of thought or meaning. them out and ask the students to use
the steps previously taught but Grading system them in sentences.
only now it is to be B. 27 –2 8
supplemented with macro and Easy / Average Other sessions about macro and micro
micro skills - Has minimal loss of thought techniques will be applied to the
A. 9 – 10 / 19 – 20 and meaning expansion and the improvement of the
how the clause “melted and words.
joined metal” could be made Paraphrased the sentence with
into “weld” no loss of thought or meaning.
The teacher will present techniques in
Elaborate refining metaphors and similes with vivid
imagery by using the senses in
In simplifying statements in B. 7 – 8 / 17 – 18 C. 24 –2 6 composing a meaningful sentence.
paragraphs you need to know
how the general ideas in order Has minimal loss of thought and Has put effort in paraphrasing Elaborate
to have an inclusive meaning but has missed the major
paraphrased result. thoughts of the sentence. The students will be asked to give a
C. 4 – 6 / 14 – 16 parody of sentences in making hugot
Students will be given different Note: lines.
statements which will be a Has put effort in paraphrasing
foundation for their precis but has missed the major Each grammatical, structural
writing and thesis statement thoughts of the sentence. and punctuation error will be
composition. equivalent to a point of
Note: deduction

Each grammatical, structural

and punctuation error will be
equivalent to a point of
Formative Assessment Summative Test - Easy and Summative Test – Advanced Hugot Sessions – Formative Assessment in
VI. EVALUATION Average Texts Text Writing
Students are going to make
generalizations out of the items
given by the teacher.



Prepared by:


Subject Teacher
Checked by:

Principal I

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