1stquarter English Week 7

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GRADES 1 to 12 Grade & Section

School: SCHOOL III – Joy
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Charis Joy C. Tayer Learning Area English
Teaching Date: October 16 – 20, 2023 Quarter 1st / Week 7

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A.Content Standard The learner demonstrates an The learner demonstrates an The learner demonstrates an The learner demonstrates an
understanding of punctuation marks, understanding of punctuation marks, understanding of punctuation marks, understanding of punctuation marks,
rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal rhythm, pacing, intonation, and vocal
patterns as a guide for fluent reading patterns as a guide for fluent reading patterns as a guide for fluent reading patterns as a guide for fluent reading
and speaking. and speaking. and speaking. and speaking.
B.Performance Standard The learner fluently expresses ideas in The learner fluently expresses ideas in The learner accurately and fluently The learner accurately and fluently
various speaking tasks. various speaking tasks. reads aloud literary and informational reads aloud literary and informational
texts. texts.
C.Learning Competency/s: Initiate conversations with peers in a Initiate conversations with peers in a Initiate conversations with peers in a Initiate conversations with peers in a To measure the capacity of the child.
variety of school settings variety of school settings variety of school settings variety of school settings
EN3FL-Ia-3.8 EN3FL-Ia-3.8 EN3FL-Ia-3.8 EN3FL-Ia-3.8
II CONTENT Initiating Conversations with Peers Initiating Conversations with Peers Initiating Conversations with Peers Initiating Conversations with Peers To take the summative test
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pivot BOW, Curriculum Guide, Pivot BOW, Curriculum Guide, Pivot BOW, Curriculum Guide, Pivot BOW, Curriculum Guide, Pivot BOW, Curriculum Guide,
2. Learner’s Materials English Pivot Learners Module English Pivot Learners Module English Pivot Learners Module English Pivot Learners Module English Pivot Learners Module
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials Laptop, videos, PowerPoint, activities Laptop, videos, PowerPoint, activities Laptop, videos, PowerPoint, activities Laptop, videos, PowerPoint, activities Laptop, videos, PowerPoint, activities
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or Give examples of 2 words syllables.
presenting the new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for the This lesson focuses on initiating

lesson conversations with peers. At the end of
the lesson, you are expected to initiate
conversations with your peers in a
variety of school or home settings.
C. Presenting Examples/instances Present a dialogue. 1. Do you study your lessons?
of new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Things to follow when initiating Things to follow when initiating Things to follow when initiating Things to follow when initiating 2. Present the materials before taking
practicing new skills #1 conversation with peers. conversation with peers. conversation with peers. conversation with peers. the test.
1. Be polite 1. Be polite 1. Be polite 1. Be polite
2. Get your mind right. 2. Get your mind right. 2. Get your mind right. 2. Get your mind right.
3. Take responsibility for 3. Take responsibility for 3. Take responsibility for 3. Take responsibility for
meeting others. meeting others. meeting others. meeting others.
4. Be interested. 4. Be interested. 4. Be interested. 4. Be interested.
5. Be a good listener. 5. Be a good listener. 5. Be a good listener. 5. Be a good listener.

E. Discussing new concepts and Make a conversation between Rex and Make a conversation between you and Make a conversation between you and Make a conversation between you and 3. Are you ready to take the test?
practicing new skills #2 you. your seatmate. your friend. your teacher.

There is a new student in your class Situation: You want to borrow her / his Situation: You want to borrow her / his Situation: You want to go out to pee.
named Rex from Biñan City. eraser. pencil.

F. Developing mastery Write a conversation between a teacher Make your dialogue from one of the Make your dialogue from one of the
(Leads to Formative Assessment) and a pupil during an examination. topics listed below. topics listed below.

1. Favorite snack 1. Favorite subject

2. Pet/s 2. Favorite hero

G. Finding Practical applications of Fill the blanks with words or phrases Write a dialogue about the situation Fill the blanks with words or phrases to Fill the blanks with words or phrases 4. Give the standards for taking the
concepts and skills to complete the dialogue. complete the dialogue. to complete the dialogue. test.
Situation: Rachell and Ian are siblings.
They walk together in going home
after school.
H. Making generalizations and In every conversation, one has to In every conversation, one has to In every conversation, one has to In every conversation, one has to 5. Categorize the ability of the pupils
abstractions about the less observe the different rules and observe the different rules and observe the different rules and observe the different rules and to take the test.
reminders that every speaker and reminders that every speaker and reminders that every speaker and reminders that every speaker and
listener should consider. listener should consider. listener should consider.
listener should consider.
I. Evaluating Learning Choose a partner then perform the Read the questions/situations below. Read the situation below. Start a 6. Have you got a high score on the
given dialogue Match the question/situation to the conversation with your fellow scouters tests you have taken?
appropriate response from the given by filling in the blanks inside the talk
choices. Write your answers in the
balloon. Draw yourself wearing a Kab
Scout or Star Scout uniform in the
dotted oblong. You may color your
drawing too. (10 points)

Situation: You are a Kab Scout or a

Star Scout in your school. Today, you
are attending camping at Bayan Luma
2 Elementary School together with
other scouts from different schools.

J. Additional activities for 7. Who among you passed the test?

application or remediation
V. REMARKS 8. Study the missed items.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

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