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5. Word classes and word formation

1. Introduction
2. The signed word
3. Sign language morphological processes
4. Word classes
5. Word formation
6. Literature

This chapter deals with three aspects of words in sign languages: (i) the special nature
of the sub-lexical elements of signed words and the consequences for the relationship
between words; (ii) the classification of words into word classes; and (iii) the morpholog-
ical means for creating new words in the signed modality. It is shown that although
almost all of the structures and phenomena discussed here occur in spoken languages as
well, the visual-spatial modality has an impact on all three aspects in that sign languages
may show different preferences than spoken languages. Three central morphological
operations are discussed: compounding, affixation, and reduplication. Sign languages
endow these operations with flavors that are available only to manual-spatial languages:
the existence of two major articulators, and their ability to move in various spatial and
temporal patterns. These possibilities are exploited by sign languages, resulting in strong
preference for simultaneous morphological structures in both inflectional and deriva-
tional processes.

1. Introduction
Words have to perform several ‘jobs’ in a language: they provide the users of that
language with means to refer to whatever concept the users want to express, be it an
entity, an idea, an event, or a property. Words also have to combine with each other
to allow users to convey information: to say something about something or someone.
In order to fulfill the first task, there must be ways to create new words as the need
arises to refer to new concepts. Regarding the second task, when combined to form
larger units, words should be able to perform different roles, such as arguments, predi-
cates, and modifiers. Different words may be specialized for particular roles, and lan-
guages may have means for creating words for specific roles.
Sign languages are natural languages produced in a physical modality different from
that of spoken languages. Both types of language have to perform the same communi-
cative functions with the same expressive capabilities, yet the physical means available
to each type of language vary greatly. Sign languages are produced by hands, body,

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78 II. Morphology

and face; they are transmitted through space, and perceived by the eyes. Spoken lan-
guages are produced by the speech organs, transmitted as sound waves, and are per-
ceived by the ears. Might these disparities make any difference to the nature of the
elements that make up each system? To their organization? To the processes they
undergo? Focusing on words, we ask whether words, the relationship between words,
and the means for creating new words are affected by the particular modality of the
language (see also chapter 25 on language and modality).
This chapter deals with three aspects of words in sign languages: the special nature
of the sub-lexical elements of signed words and the consequences for the relationship
between words; the classification of words into word classes; and the morphological
means for creating new words in the signed modality. The modality issue runs across
the entire chapter. In each section, I examine the ways in which modality affects the
linguistic structures and processes described.

2. The signed word

Sign languages have words, that is, conventionalized units of form-meaning corre-
spondence, like spoken languages. These units have psychological reality for their users
(Zeshan 2002). They are composed of sub-lexical units and are therefore characterized
by duality of patterning (Stokoe 1960). They are characterized by specific phonological
structures and are subject to certain phonological constraints (Sandler 1999; see chap-
ter 3, Phonology). Sign language words are usually referred to as signs, and we will
adopt this terminology here as well.
Obviously, signs differ from words in their physical instantiation. The physical dif-
ferences result in structural differences as well. Signs are much more simultaneously
organized than words (Stokoe 1960), and tend to be monosyllabic (Sandler 1999). But
signs differ from words in another important respect: they are much better at iconically
depicting the concepts they denote (see Taub 2001 and references cited there). Sign
languages make use of this capability. The lexicons of sign languages contain many
more iconic and partly iconic signs than those of spoken languages, since spoken lan-
guages are limited to acoustic iconicity. Iconicity results from the nature of the sub-
lexical elements building up a sign, which in turn has an effect on how signs are related
to each other.

2.1. The nature of sub-lexical units

One of the design features of human language is duality of patterning (Hockett 1960),
the existence of two levels of combinatorial structure, one combining meaningless el-
ements (phonemes) into meaningful elements, the other combining meaningful el-
ements (morphemes and words) into larger meaningful units. Sign languages are also
characterized by duality of patterning. Signs are not holistic units, but are made up of
specific formational units ⫺ hand configuration, movement, and location (Stokoe
1960). However, these formational units are in many cases not devoid of meaning.
Take the verb eat in Israeli Sign Language (Israeli SL) and other sign languages as

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5. Word classes and word formation 79

well, for example. The hand assumes a particular shape (G), moving toward the mouth
from a location in front of it, and executes this movement twice. ‘Eat’ means “to put
(food) in the mouth, chew if necessary, and swallow” (Webster’s New Word Dictionary,
Third College Edition). The sign eat is iconic, since there is a regular mapping between
its formational elements and components of its meaning: the G handshape corre-
sponds to holding a solid object (food); the mouth corresponds to the mouth of the
eater, the agent argument; the movement towards the mouth corresponds to putting
the object into the mouth; and the double movement indicates a process. Many signs
are only partially iconic: some formational elements correspond to meaning compo-
nents, but not all. Other signs are arbitrary; none of their formational components can
be said to correspond to a meaning component in any obvious way (though some
researchers claim that no signs are completely arbitrary, and that the sign formational
elements are always meaning-bearing, e.g., Tobin 2008). The lexicon of any sign lan-
guage, then, consists of signs that are arbitrary and signs that are iconic to different
degrees, yet all signs make use of the same formational elements.
Spoken language lexicons are not that different; they also have both arbitrary and
non-arbitrary words. The difference between the two types of languages is in the rela-
tive proportions of the different kinds of words. In spoken languages, non-arbitrary
words are quite marginal, making it possible (and convenient) to ignore them. In sign
languages non-arbitrary signs constitute a substantial part of the lexicon. Boyes Braem
(1986) estimates that at least a third of the lexical items of Swiss-German Sign Lan-
guage are iconic. Zeshan (2000) estimates that the percentage might be even higher
(at least half of the signs) for Indopakistani Sign Language (IPSL).
Iconic signs present a challenge for the traditional division between phonemes and
morphemes, since the basic formational units, the phonemes of sign languages, may be
meaning-bearing and not meaningless. Meaningfulness is usually regarded as the factor
distinguishing phonemes from morphemes: phonemes are meaningless, while mor-
phemes are meaningful units. Yet phonemes are also the basic building blocks of mean-
ing bearing units in a language. But in sign languages, those basic building blocks are
also meaning-bearing. Can they be regarded as morphemes, then? This would also
seem problematic, since they are not composed of more basic formational elements,
and the units they attach to are not words, stems, or roots, but rather other basic
formational units. Johnston and Schembri (1999, 118) propose that these units function
simultaneously as phonemes and morphemes, since they serve as the basic formational
building blocks and at the same time as minimal meaning-bearing units. They propose
the term ‘phonomorphemes’ to capture the nature of these basic elements. This dual
nature of the basic formational units is even more evident in classifier constructions
(see chapter 8 on classifiers).

2.2. The structure of the lexicon: sign families

Leaving theoretical issues aside, the meaningfulness of the formational building blocks
of signs has consequences for the organization of the sign language lexicon. Signs that
share a formational element (or elements) often also share some meaning component.
For example, many signs in Israeli SL that are articulated on the temple express some
kind of mental activity (know, remember, learn, worry, miss, dream, day-dream); signs

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80 II. Morphology

articulated on the chest often denote feelings (love, suffer, happy, proud, pity, heart-
ache). Many signs with a W handshape denote activities performed by the legs (jump,
get-up, fall, walk, run, stroll). Fernald and Napoli (2000) enumerate groups of signs,
or sign families, in American Sign Language (ASL) that share formational elements, be
it location, movement, handshape, or any combination of these. They show that the
phenomenon of word families is very robust in ASL, characterizing the entire lexicon.
Works on other sign languages (e.g., Brennan (1990) on British Sign Language (BSL);
Johnston and Schembri (1999) on Australian Sign Language (Auslan); Meir and San-
dler (2008) on Israeli SL) show that this is characteristic of other languages in the
signed modality. Signs in such a ‘family’ are related to each other not by inflectional
or derivational means, yet they are related nonetheless.
Fernald and Napoli posit a new linguistic unit, the ‘ion-morph’, a combination of
one or more phonological features that, within a certain set of signs, has a specific
meaning. Take, for example, the signs mother and father in ASL: they have the same
movement, orientation, and handshape. They differ with respect to the location: chin
for mother, forehead for father. Within this restricted set of signs, the combination of
specific movement, orientation, and handshape have the meaning of ‘parent’. The chin
and the forehead, in turn, are ion-morphs denoting female and male in signs expressing
kinship terms, such as sister-brother, niece-nephew, grandmother-grandfather.
Fernald and Napoli (2000, 41) argue that ion-morphs are relevant not only for sign
languages, but for spoken languages as well. A case in point is phonosymbolism, the
ability of certain sounds or combination of sounds to carry specific ‘sound images’ that
go with particular semantic fields, such as fl- representing a liquid substance in motion,
as in flow, flush, flood, or fluid. Yet one can find word families even in more grammati-
cal domains. For example, most question words in English begin with wh-. The labial
glide carries the interrogative meaning within a specific set of words, and it may con-
trast with the voiced interdental fricative in pairs like ‘then/when’ and ‘there/where’,
the latter carrying the meaning of ‘definiteness’, as in the/that/this/those.
The examples from both sign and spoken languages clearly show that there are
ways other than inflection and derivation to relate words to one another. Whether
these relations are morphological in nature is a difficult theoretical question, which
can be conveniently set aside when dealing with spoken languages, since word families
are less central to the structure of their lexicons. In sign languages, in contrast, they
are an important characteristic of the lexicon. They may also play a role in creating
new words (as suggested by Fernald and Napoli 2000), since language users may rely
on existing ion-morphs when new lexical items are coined. Such cases again raise the
question of whether or not derivational morphology is at play here.
The special nature of the sub-lexical units in signs affects the lexicon in another
respect as well. When phonemes are combined to create a sign, the meaning of the
resulting unit is often componential and transparent. This means that signs in the lexi-
con of a sign language need be less conventionalized than words of a spoken language,
since their meaning can often be computed. Johnston and Schembri (1999, 126) make
a distinction between signs and lexemes, the latter having a meaning “which is (a)
unpredictable and/or somewhat more specific than the sign’s componential meaning
potential even when cited out of context, and or (b) quite unrelated to its componential
meaning components (i.e., lexemes may have arbitrary links between form and mean-
ing).” Lexemes, then, can be completely arbitrary, but more importantly, they are com-

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5. Word classes and word formation 81

pletely conventionalized, and can therefore be thought of as stored in the lexicon of

the language. Signs, in contrast, are more productive than lexemes. They can be in-
vented ‘on the spot’, because of the transparency of their components, and are there-
fore less lexicalized and less conventionalized than lexemes. A signer, for example, can
invent a sign meaning ‘the three of them were walking together’ by extending three
fingers and moving the hand in space. Such a sign can be understood in the appropriate
context even if there is no conventional sign with that meaning in the specific sign
language used by the signer. Johnston and Schembri show that signs and lexemes have
different phonological, morphological, and semantic characteristics, and suggest that
only lexemes should be part of the lexicon. An interesting question that arises is
whether signs (as opposed to lexemes) are words, and if they are, whether they form
a separate word class. One specific phenomenon that has been referred to in this con-
text is the issue of classifier constructions, whose word status is an unresolved problem
in sign language literature (see chapter 8, Classifiers). Classifier constructions are often
excluded from analyses of word classification because of their unclear status. We return
to this issue in section 4.
The lesson to be learned from the nature of signs and their components is that the
line between the lexicon and the morphological component may be less definite than
is usually assumed. Having raised the problematic issues, we now turn to those that
are more straightforward within the realm of morphology. We examine which morpho-
logical operations are available to sign languages, and how these operations are used
to distinguish between different types of words and to create new words.

3. Sign language morphological processes

Morphology provides machinery for creating new words and for creating different
forms of a word. The former is the realm of derivation, the latter of inflection. Deriva-
tional and inflectional processes differ in their productivity, regularity, and automatic-
ity. Inflectional processes are regarded as regular and automatic, in that they apply to
all members of a given category, while derivational processes are usually less regular
and non-automatic (though, as with any linguistic categorization, this distinction is
often blurred and not as dichotomous as it is presented). In spite of this functional
difference, the morphological mechanisms used for both derivation and inflection are
the same.
The main three morphological operations are compounding, affixation, and redupli-
cation. Words formed by such operations are complex, in the sense that they contain
additional morphological content when compared to the bases they operate on. How-
ever, morphological complexity need not coincide with added phonological complexity,
since morphological operations can be sequential or simultaneous. A sequential opera-
tion adds phonological segments onto a base, suffixes (as in baker) and prefixes (as in
unhappy). In a simultaneous operation, meaningful units are added not by adding
segments but rather by changing them. The plurality of feet, for example, is encoded
by changing the quality of the vowel of the singular form foot. Both types of operation
are found in spoken and in sign languages, but there is a difference in preference. In
spoken languages, the sequential type is very common while simultaneous operations

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82 II. Morphology

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.1: Three forms of the sign learn (Israeli SL): (a) base form (b) iterative (c) durational.
Copyright © 2011 by Sign Language Lab, University of Haifa. Reprinted with permission.

are rarer. Sign languages, in contrast, show a marked preference towards simultaneous
morphological operations. Sequential affixal morphology is very infrequent, and (apart
from compounding) has been reported in only a few sign languages. This tendency
towards simultaneous structuring characterizes all linguistic levels of sign languages,
and has been attributed to the visuo-spatial modality (Emmorey 2002 and references
cited there; Meier et al. 2002).
Sequential morphology in the signed modality is quite similar to its spoken language
counterpart: elements in a sequence (words and affixes) form a complex word by virtue
of being linearly concatenated to one another. The Israeli SL compound volunteer is
formed by combining the two signs heart and offer into a complex lexical unit. In the
process, several changes, some of which are modality-driven, may take place, and these
are described in section 5.1.1. But by and large, sequential operations in both modali-
ties are quite similar.
However, when turning to simultaneous morphology, the analogy is less clear. What
would simultaneous morphology look like in a sign language? Which phonological
features are changed to encode morphological processes? It turns out that it is the
movement component of the sign that is the onemost exploited for morphological
purposes. Take for example the sign learn in Israeli SL (Figure 5.1). The base form
has a double movement of the hand towards the temple. Several repetitions of the sign
with its double movement yield an iterative meaning ‘to study again and again’. If the
sign is articulated with a slower and larger single movement, repeated three times, then
the verb is inflected for a continuative aspect, meaning ‘to study for a long time’.
A change in the movement pattern of a sign distinguishes nouns from formationally
similar verbs in several sign languages (see section 4.4.1). Repetition of a noun sign in
several locations in space denotes plurality (see chapter 6, Plurality). A change in the
direction of a specific class of verbs (agreement verbs) indicates a change in the syntac-
tic arguments of the verb in many sign languages (see chapter 7, Verb Agreement). In
addition to change in movement, change in handshape with classifying verbs can also
be analyzed as simultaneous inflection (and as a certain kind of verb-argument-agree-
ment, see chapter 8, Classifiers).
Thus simultaneous morphology in sign languages is implemented by changing fea-
tures of the movement of the sign, and to a lesser degree by handshape change. It is

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5. Word classes and word formation 83

simultaneous in the sense that it does not involve adding phonological segments. The
signs ask and question are related to each other more like the English noun-verb pair
cóntrast-contrást than the pair government-govern. Both signs consist of one syllable.
They differ in the prosodic features imposed on the syllabic structure. This type of
simultaneous morphology is often described as comparable to the templatic morphol-
ogy characteristic of Semitic languages, where morphological distinctions are encoded
by associating phonological material to different prosodic templates (Sandler 1989;
Sandler/Lillo-Martin 2006).
The two types of sign language morphology are characterized by different proper-
ties (Aronoff/Meir/Sandler 2005). Sequential operations are sparse; they are arbitrary
in form; the affixes are related to free forms in the language and therefore can be
regarded as being made grammatical from free words; they are derivational and less
regular. Simultaneous operations are numerous; many of them are productive; they
are related to spatial and temporal cognition, and most of them are non-arbitrary to
various degrees. They can be inflectional or derivational. It follows, then, that there is
partial correlation between simultaneity vs. sequentiality and the inflection vs. deriva-
tion dichotomy: sequential processes in sign languages are derivational. Simultaneous
processes can be both inflectional and derivational. Thus inflection in sign languages
is confined to being simultaneously instantiated. Derivational processes not only make
use of simultaneous morphology, but also take the form of sequential morphology.
These differences are summarized in Table 5.1. Both morphologies play a role in distin-
guishing word classes in sign languages and in deriving new lexical items.

Tab. 5.1: Two types of sign-language morphology

⫺ Adds morphological material by changing ⫺ Adds morphological material by adding
features of formational elements (mainly phonological segments to a base
the movement component)
⫺ Preferred in the sign modality ⫺ Less preferred in the sign modality
⫺ Both inflectional and derivational ⫺ Only derivational
⫺ Numerous in different sign languages ⫺ Relatively sparse in different sign languages
⫺ Motivated to various degrees, related to ⫺ Tend to be more arbitrary
spatial cognition
⫺ Not grammaticized from free words ⫺ Grammaticized from free words

4. Word classes

4.1. Introduction

Word classes are often referred to as ‘parts of speech’, from Latin pars orationis, liter-
ally ‘piece of what is spoken’ or ‘segment of the speech chain’. Although the two terms

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84 II. Morphology

are used interchangeably in current linguistic practice (a practice which I follow in this
chapter as well) it should be pointed out that, for the Greeks and Romans, the primary
task was to divide the flow of speech into recognizable and repeatable pieces (hence
parse). Categorizing was secondary to identification (Aronoff, p.c.). In this chapter,
however, we will concern ourselves with categorization and classification.
There are various ways to classify the words of a given language. However, the term
‘word classes’ usually refers to classification of words according to their syntactic and
morphological behavior, e.g., the ability to appear in a certain syntactic environment,
to assume a specific syntactic role (argument, predicate, modifier), and to co-occur
with a particular set of inflectional affixes. Many of the words belonging to the same
class also share some aspect of meaning. For example, words which typically occur in
argument position and take number and case inflections often denote entities, whereas
words occurring in predicate position and taking tense inflection often denote events.
Yet there is no full overlap between a semantically based classification and a morpho-
syntactic one, making the classification of any given language challenging, and a cross-
linguistic comparison even more so.
The first major division of words in the lexicon is into content words and function
words. Content word classes are generally open (i.e. they have large numbers and
accept new members easily and regularly) and they tend to have specific meaning,
usually extra-linguistic (they are used to refer to the world or to a possible world).
They tend to be fairly long, and their text frequency is rather low (Haspelmath 2001).
Function words usually belong to small and closed classes. They are usually defined by
their function as they do not have concrete meaning, they tend to be quite short, and
their text frequency is high. A few function word classes in sign languages are explored
in other chapters of this volume: pronouns (chapter 11) and auxiliary verbs (chap-
ter 10). Other function word classes mentioned in the sign language literature are nu-
merals (see e.g., Fuentes/Tolchinsky 2004), question words and negative words (Zeshan
2004a,b; see also chapters 14 and 15). In this chapter the focus is on content class
words. Function words will be mentioned only when they are relevant for diagnosing
specific content class words.
The major content word classes are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. It is an
empirical question whether this classification is universal, and whether the same set of
criteria can be applied cross-linguistically to identify and define the different classes in
every language. Clearly, languages vary greatly in their syntactic and morphological
structures. Therefore syntactic and morphological criteria can be applied only on a
language-particular basis. For a cross-linguistic study, a semantically-based classifica-
tion would be much more feasible, since all languages presumably have words to refer
to different concept classes such as entities, events, and properties. But, as pointed out
above, semantic criteria often do not fully overlap with morpho-syntactic criteria for
any particular language. The challenge, then, is to develop a set of criteria that would
be descriptively adequate for particular languages, and at the same time would enable
cross-linguistic comparison. As Haspelmath (2001) points out, the solution that is usu-
ally adopted (often implicitly) is to define word classes on a language-particular basis
using morpho-syntactic criteria, and then use semantic criteria for labeling these
classes: the word class that includes most words for things and persons is called ‘noun’;
the one that includes most words for actions and processes is called ‘verb’; etc. It is
also usually the case that the correspondences ‘thing-noun’ and ‘action-verb’ are the

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5. Word classes and word formation 85

unmarked extension of the respective word class. Marked extensions are often indi-
cated by derivational affixes. This methodology implicitly assumes some kind of seman-
tic basis for word classification, and that this basis is universal. Such assumptions should
be tested by studying languages that are typologically diverse as much as possible.
Sign languages, as languages produced in a different modality, constitute a very good
test case.

4.2. Word classes in the signed modality

Sign languages, like spoken languages, have lexicons consisting of lexemes of different
types that refer to different notions (entities, actions, states, properties, etc.) and com-
bine with each other to form larger units, phrases, and sentences. However, as a group,
sign languages differ from spoken languages in three major respects relevant for the
present discussion. Firstly, and most obviously, they are articulated and transmitted in
a different modality from spoken languages. Secondly, sign languages as a group are
much younger than spoken languages. And finally, the field of sign language linguistics
is young, having emerged only a few decades ago.
The modality difference raises several questions:

(i) Would languages in a different modality display different kinds of word classes?
For example, would the spatial nature of sign languages give rise to a word class
that denotes spatial relations?
(ii) Would iconicity play a role in differentiating between word classes?
(iii) Do languages in a different modality have different set of properties to distinguish
between word classes?
(iv) Do we need to develop a totally different set of tools to categorize signs?

Sign languages as a group are also much younger than spoken languages. Spoken lan-
guages are either several millennia or several hundred years old, or they are derived
from old languages. In contrast, the oldest sign languages known to us today are about
300 years old or so (for BSL, see Kyle and Woll 1985; for French Sign Language (LSF),
see Fischer 2002) and some are much younger: Israeli SL is about 75 years old (Meir/
Sandler 2008), and Nicaraguan Sign Language (ISN) is about 35 years old (Senghas
1995). It may very well be that sign languages existed in older times, but they left no
records and therefore cannot be studied. All we know about sign languages comes
from studying the sign languages available to us today, and these are young. Young
spoken languages, creoles, are characterized by dearth of inflectional morphology
(McWhorter 1998). Furthermore, the lexicons of both creoles and pidgins are described
as consisting of many multifunctional words, that is, words used both as nouns and
verbs, or nouns and adjectives. For example, askim in Tok Pisin can function both as a
noun and as a verb (Romaine 1989, 223). As we shall see, multifunctionality is charac-
teristic of sign languages as well. Therefore, word classification in young languages
cannot rely on morphology.
These two factors, modality and young age, contribute to the fact that sign languages
as a group form a distinct typological morphological type (Aronoff/Meir/Sandler 2005).
As new languages they hardly have any sequential morphology. They lack nominal

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86 II. Morphology

inflections such as case and gender inflections. They also do not have tense inflections
on verbs. These inflectional categories are key features in determining word classes in
many spoken languages (though, of course, many spoken languages lack such inflec-
tional categories, and therefore similar difficulties for word classification arise). On
the other hand, as visuo-spatial languages, they are characterized by the rich spatial
(simultaneous) morphology described in section 3. Can spatial modulations play a role
in determining word classes as morphological inflections of spoken languages? Would
they identify the same word classes found in spoken languages?
In addition to the youth of the languages, the field of sign language linguistics is
also new, dating back to the early 1960s. In analyzing the linguistic structure of sign
languages, sign linguists often rely on theories and methodologies developed on the
basis of spoken languages. Since linguistics as a field is much older than sign linguistics,
it makes sense to rely on what is known about how to study spoken languages. It also
has the advantage of making it possible to compare findings in the two types of lan-
guages. However, it runs the risk of analyzing sign languages through the lens of spoken
languages, and missing important phenomena if they are unique to sign languages (see,
e.g., Slobin 2008 on this issue).
These three factors ⫺ modality, youth of language, and youth of field ⫺ make the
study of word classes in sign languages challenging and non-trivial. Indeed systematic
studies of word classification in sign languages are very few. Though terms such as
noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, etc. are abundant in the sign language literature, there
have been very few attempts at principled word classification of any studied sign lan-
guage, and very few researchers explicitly state on what grounds the terms ‘noun’,
‘verb’, etc. are used. However, as the sign language linguistics field expands, more
linguistic operations and structures are discovered which can be helpful in determining
word classes in sign languages. We turn to look at some classifications that have been
suggested, and to examine the means by which sign languages differentiate between
word classes.

4.3. Word classifications suggested for sign languages

The earliest attempt to provide criteria for identifying word classes of a sign language
lexicon is found in Padden (1988). She suggests the following criteria for identifying
the three major content word classes in ASL: Nouns can be modified by quantifiers,
adjectives can inflect for intensive aspect, and verbs cannot be pre-modifiers of other
signs. Under this classification, nouns and verbs are defined on distributional syntactic
grounds, and adjectives on morphological grounds. Notice that verbs are only defined
negatively, probably because there is no inflection common to all and only verbs in the
language. Also, it is not clear that this set of criteria applies to all and only the members
of a certain class.
Zeshan (2000) suggests a word classification of IPSL according to the spatial charac-
teristics of signs. One class consists of signs that cannot move in space at all, a second
class consists of signs that are produced in neutral space and can be articulated in
various locations in space, and the third class consists of directional signs, that is signs
that move between locations in space associated with referents. The criterion of spatial
behavior is clearly modality specific, since words in spoken languages do not have

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5. Word classes and word formation 87

spatial properties. Therefore, such an analysis, even if it provides a descriptively ad-

equate analysis of a particular language, does not allow for cross-modality comparisons
and generalizations. In addition, it is not clear whether such a classification has any
syntactic and semantic corollaries within the language. For example, the class of signs
that cannot move in space includes signs meaning ‘understand’, ‘woman’ and ‘I’ (Ze-
shan 2000, 58). These signs do not seem to have any semantic commonality, and it is
doubtful whether they have anything in common syntactically. Therefore, the useful-
ness of this classification does not extend beyond a purely formational classification.
Recently, a comprehensive and methodological attempt to establish a set of criteria
for defining word classes in sign languages has been posited by Schwager and Zeshan
(2008). Their goal is to develop a cross-linguistically applicable methodology that
would give adequate descriptive results for individual languages. They explicitly take
the semantics as a starting point, since the semantic classification is cognitively-based
and hence language independent. They compile a set of binary semantic features that
define three basic concept classes: entity, event, and property. After assigning signs to
different classes based on their semantics, Schwager and Zeshan proceed to examine
how signs in each concept class map to syntactic roles and morphological operations.
Four basic syntactic roles are listed: argument, predicate, argument modifier, and predi-
cate modifier. As for morphological criteria, a list of 17 morphological processes that
have been described in the sign linguistics literature is compiled. These processes are
classified according to the concept classes they co-occur with.
In order to test the validity of their approach, they apply it to corpora compiled
from three unrelated sign languages: German Sign Language (DGS), Russian Sign
Language (RSL), and Sign Language of Desa Kolok (KK), a sign language that devel-
oped in a small village community in Bali with high incidence of hereditary deafness.
Words with comparable meanings were identified and extracted from the corpora, and
were analyzed according to the procedure described above. This comparison pinpoints
both similarities and differences between the languages. Even at the semantic level,
signs referring to similar concepts may not belong to the same concept class in the two
languages. For example, the sign deaf in DGS may refer to a person or a property,
while in KK it refers only to a person. Therefore, in DGS this sign will be listed both
as an entity and as a property, while in KK it is classified only as an entity. In consider-
ing the combination of concept classes with syntactic roles, some more interesting dif-
ferences emerge. DGS, but not KK, has event signs that can be used in argument
position. The sign work, for example, can be used in predicate position, but also in
argument position, as in (1) (Schwager/Zeshan 2008, 534, example 26). Also, in DGS
signs denoting properties can assume a modifier or a predicate position, whereas in
KK they are restricted to predicate position.

(1) work find difficult#ints(intensive) [DGS]

‘It is very difficult to find a job.’

The list of morphological modulations serves as a useful tool for identifying the mor-
phological nature of different sign languages. KK has far fewer morphological proc-
esses than DGS and RSL, especially in the event class. Of the 13 processes listed for
events, KK has only 3, while DGS and RSL have 11 each. Therefore KK is much more
isolating than the two other languages, and morphological operations are much less
helpful in establishing word classes in this language.

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88 II. Morphology

These results show that, as in spoken languages, different sign languages vary in
terms of their word classes. However, it might be that the variation in the signed
modality is less extreme than that found among languages in the spoken modality.
Further comparative studies of sign languages, and of sign vs. spoken languages, is
needed to assess this intuitive observation.
One type of evidence that is not used in their analysis is distributional evidence,
such as the co-occurrence of signs with certain function word classes. Distributional
properties are language-specific, and hinge on identifying the relevant function words
and syntactic environments for each language. Yet some cross-linguistic generalizations
can be made. For examples, nouns are more likely to co-occur with pointing signs
(often termed index or ix), and can serve as antecedents for pronouns. Verbs are more
likely to co-occur with auxiliary verbs. As I point out below, some such observations
have already been made for different languages, and it is hoped that they will be
incorporated in future investigations of sign language word classes.
In spite of the lack of distributional evidence, Schwager and Zeshan’s analysis shows
that it is possible to arrive at a systematic, theoretically sound approach to word classi-
fication in sign languages. Such an analysis provides descriptions of word classes of
specific languages, but also allows for cross-linguistic and cross-modality comparisons.

4.4. Means for differentiating between specific word classes

Though very few works try to establish general criteria for determining word classes
of the entire lexicon of a sign language, many works target more restricted domains of
the lexicon, and describe certain structures and processes that apply to specific classes
or sub-parts of classes. These involve both morphological and distributional criteria.

4.4.1. Noun-verb pairs

Descriptions of various sign languages often comment that many signs are multifunc-
tional, and can serve both as a nominal and as a verb (denote an entity or an event).
This is not surprising given the young age of sign languages, but it has also been argued
to be modality driven. The following paragraph is from an introduction to the first
dictionary of Israeli SL (Cohen/Namir/Schlesinger 1977, 24):

Two concepts which in spoken language are referred to by words belonging to differ-
ent parts of speech will often have the same sign in sign language. The sign for sew
is also that for tailor, namely an imitation of the action of sewing ... eat and food
are the same sign ... and to fish is like fisherman ... In English, as in many other
languages, words of the same root belonging to different parts of speech (like ‘bake’
and ‘baker’) are often distinguished inflectionally. They are denoted by the same
sign in sign language since it has neither prefixes nor suffixes. These, being non-
iconic, would seem to be out of tune with a language in which many signs have
some degree of transparency of meaning, and are therefore unlikely to arise sponta-
neously in a sign language.

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5. Word classes and word formation 89

a. ASL: chair sit

b. Israeli SL: question ask

Fig. 5.2: a. ASL noun-verb pair: chair-sit; b. Israeli SL noun-verb pair: question-ask. Figure a
reprinted wth permissions from Padden (1988). Figure b Copyright © 2011 by Sign Lan-
guage Lab, University of Haifa. Reprinted with permission.

Given the propensity of sign languages towards iconicity, and the non-iconicity of se-
quential derivational affixes, those affixes comparable to, e.g., -tion, -ize, and -al in
English are not expected to be found in sign languages. Yet several studies of noun-
verb pairs show that it is not impossible to distinguish formationally between word
classes in a sign language. However, one has to know what to look for. It turns out
that subtle differences in the quality of the movement component of certain signs may
indicate the word class of specific signs.
The first work to show that nouns and verbs may exhibit systematic formational
differences is Supalla and Newport (1978). They describe a set of 100 related noun-
verb pairs, where the nouns denote an instrument, and the verb an action performed
with or on that instrument, e.g., scissors and cut-with-scissors, chair and to-sit (see
Figure 5.2a) or iron and to-iron. These pairs differ systematically in the properties of

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90 II. Morphology

the movement component: in nouns it is reduplicated, restricted, and constrained; the

movement of the related verbs is not.
Following their seminal work, similar phenomena have been attested in various sign
languages. Sutton-Spence and Woll (1999, 109) report that in BSL noun-verb pairs,
e.g., sermon-preach, nouns have a restrained, abrupt end and verbs do not. This spe-
cific example shows that signs exhibiting this alternation are not necessarily restricted
to instrument-action pairs. Similarly, in Israeli SL formationally related nouns and
verbs, the verbs typically have a longer movement, as in question vs. ask (Meir/Sandler
2008, see Figure 5.2b). In Russian Sign Language as well, qualities of the movement
component were the most reliable properties distinguishing nouns from verbs (Kim-
melman 2009): nouns but not verbs (in noun-verb pairs) tend to have repeated move-
ments, and verbs tend to have wider movement amplitude than the corresponding
nouns. Johnston (2001) provides an explanation for the repeated movement of nouns
but not their paired verbs in Auslan. In this language, the best exemplars of the alterna-
tion are signs referring to actions which are inherently reversible, such as open-shut
(e.g., turning a knob, opening and shutting a drawer, turning a key). The signs repre-
senting these actions and entities are iconic, their direction of movement depicting the
direction of the action. It is this iconicity that is the basis for the noun-verb distinction:
a single movement in one of the two possible directions is interpreted as a process
(one of the two possible processes), while a repeated bi-directional movement is inter-
preted as naming a salient participant in the action, the participant on which the action
in both directions is performed (the knob, the drawer, or the key in the actions men-
tioned above).
The formational difference between nouns and verbs may be rooted in iconicity, as
suggested by Johnston, but in some sign languages this formational difference has ex-
panded to non-iconic cases as well, suggesting that the form is taking a life of its own.
Hunger (2006) measured the duration (in terms of numbers of frames) of 15 noun-
verb pairs in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) both in isolation and in connected speech.
Her results show that verbs do indeed take twice as long to produce as nouns. Interest-
ingly, the longer duration of verbs characterizes even verbs which are not inherently
durational (e.g., book-open, photograph, lock). Therefore, Hunger concludes that the
longer duration of verbal signs cannot be attributed to iconicity effects. Rather, this
formational difference “can be interpreted as a distinctive marker for verbal or nomi-
nal status” (p. 82).
The lesson to be learned from these studies is that word classes can be distinguished
formationally in the signed modality, by recruiting the movement component of signs
for the task. Although this device may be rooted in iconicity, in some languages it
seems to have already extended beyond the iconically-based set of signs, and is on its
way to becoming a formal morphological entity.

4.4.2. Inflectional modulations

One of the most commonly used criteria for determining word classes in spoken lan-
guages is morphological inflections. Inflectional affixes are very selective with respect
to the lexical base they attach to (Zwicky/Pullum 1983). A group of words that take a
particular inflectional affix can therefore be regarded as belonging to one class. Notice,

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5. Word classes and word formation 91

however, that the term ‘affix’, which is commonly used for a concrete sequential mor-
pheme, can be also used to refer to a process or a change in features that is expressed
simultaneously on the inflected word.
In sign languages, inflections take the form of modulations to the movement compo-
nent of the sign. Numerous inflections have been described in the literature, the main
ones being:

Verbs: (a) Encoding arguments: verb agreement; reciprocal; multi-

ple; exhaustive.
(b) Aspect: habitual; durational; continuative; iterative; pro-
tractive; delayed completive; gradual.
Nouns: plurality.
Predicative adjectives: pre-dispositional; susceptative; continuative; intensive; approx-
imative; iterative; protractive.

What all these inflections have in common is that they make use of the movement
component of the sign in order to encode specific grammatical categories. For example,
the intensive inflection of adjectives in Israeli SL imposes lengthening of the movement
on the base sign (Sandler 1999). In ASL this inflection takes the form of increased
length of time in which the hand is held static for the first and last location (Sandler
1993, 103⫺129). Many aspectual modulations, such as the durational and iterative,
impose reduplicated circular movement on the base sign.
Most of the inflections occur on verbs and adjectives, suggesting that inflectional
modulations are restricted to predicate position. Since several inflections occur on both
verbs and adjectives (e.g., continuative, iterative, protractive), it may be that these
inflections are diagnostic of a syntactic position more than a specific word class. This,
however, should be determined on a language-specific basis.
The use of these inflections for determining word classes is somewhat problematic.
Firstly, morphological classes often do not coincide with concept classes. No single
morphological operation applies across the board to all members of a particular con-
cept class. For example, Klima and Bellugi (1979) describe several adjectival inflections,
but these co-occur only with adjectives denoting a transitory state. Verb agreement,
which in many spoken languages serves as a clear marker of verbs, characterizes only
one sub-class of verbs in sign languages, agreement verbs. Secondly, many of these
operations are limited in their productivity, and it is difficult to determine whether
they are derivational or inflectional (see Engberg-Pedersen 1993, 61⫺64, for Danish
Sign Language (DSL); Johnston/Schembri 1999, 144, for Auslan). Thirdly, since all
these inflections involve modulation of the movement component, sometimes their
application is blocked for phonological reasons. Body anchored verbs, for instance,
cannot inflect for verb agreement. Inflectional operations, then, cannot serve by them-
selves as diagnostics for word classes. But, as in spoken languages, they can help in
establishing word classes for particular languages, with corroborative evidence from
semantic, syntactic, and distributional facts.

4.4.3. Word-class-determining affixes

Although a language may lack formational features characterizing the part of speech
of base words, it may still have certain derivational affixes that mark the resulting word

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92 II. Morphology

as belonging to a certain part of speech. The forms of English chair, sit, and pretty do
not indicate that they are a noun, a verb, and an adjective respectively. But nation,
nationalize and national are marked as such by the derivational suffixes -tion, -ize, and
-al in their form.
Can we find similar cases in sign languages? In general, sequential affixation is quite
rare in sign languages, as discussed above. Of the descriptions of affixes found in the
literature, very few refer to the part of speech of the resulting words. Two relevant
affixes are described in Israeli SL, and two in Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language
(ABSL), a language that emerged in a Bedouin village in Israel in the past 70 years.
Aronoff, Meir and Sandler (2005) describe a class of prefixes in Israeli SL that derive
verbs. This class includes signs made by pointing either to a sense organ ⫺ the eye, nose,
or ear ⫺ or to the mouth or head. Many of the complex words formed with them can be
glossed ‘to X by seeing (eye)/hearing (ear)/thinking (head)/intuiting (nose)/saying
(mouth)’, e.g., eye+check ‘to check something by looking at it’; nose+sharp ‘discern by
smelling’; mouth+rumors ‘to spread rumors’. But many have idiosyncratic meanings, such
as nose+regular ‘get used to’ and eye+catch ‘to catch red handed’ (see Figure 5.3). Al-
though the part of speech of the base word may vary, the resulting word is almost always
used as a verb. For example, the word eye/nose+sharp means ‘to discern by seeing/smell-
ing’, though sharp by itself denotes a property. In addition to their meaning, distributional
properties of these complex words also support the claim that they are verbs: they co-
occur with the negative sign glossed as zero, which negates verbs in the language. Aronoff,
Meir and Sandler conclude that the prefixes behave as verb-forming morphemes.

eye catch
Fig. 5.3: Israeli SL sign with a verb-forming prefix: eye+catch ‘to catch red handed’. Copyright
© 2011 by Sign Language Lab, University of Haifa. Reprinted with permission.

Another Israeli SL affix is a suffix glossed as -not-exist, and its meaning is more
or less equivalent to English -less (Meir 2004; Meir/Sandler 2008, 142⫺143). This suffix
attaches to both nouns and adjectives, but the resulting word is invariably an adjective:
important+not-exist means ‘of no import’, and success+not-exist ‘without success,
unsuccessful’. The main criterion for determining word class in this case is semantic:
the complex word denotes a property (‘lacking something’).

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5. Word classes and word formation 93

a. pray there

b. drink tea+round-object
Fig. 5.4: Two ABSL complex words with suffixes determining word class: a. Locations:
pray+there ‘Jerusalem’; b. Objects: drink-tea+round-object ‘kettle’. Copyright © 2011
by Sign Languge Lab, University of Haifa. Reprinted with permission.

An interesting class of complex words has been described in ABSL, whose second
member is a pointing sign, indicating a location (Aronoff et al. 2008; Meir et al. 2010).
The complex words denote names of locations ⫺ cities and countries, as in long-
beard+there ‘Lebanon’, head-scarf+there ‘Palestinian Authority’, pray-there ‘Jeru-
salem’ (see Figure 5.4a). If locations are regarded as a specific word class, then these
words contain a formal suffix indicating their classification (parallel to English -land or

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94 II. Morphology

Finally, another set of complex words in ABSL refers to objects, and contains a
component indicating the relative length and width of an object by pointing to various
parts of the hand and arm, functionally similar to size and shape specifiers in other
sign languages (Sandler et al. 2010; Meir et al. 2010). The complex signs refer to objects,
and are therefore considered as nouns, though the base word may be a verb as well:
cut+long-thin-object is a knife, drink-tea+round-object is a kettle (Figure 5.4b).

4.4.4. Co-occurrence with function words

Function words are also selective about their hosts. Therefore, restrictions on their
distribution may serve as an indication of the word class of their neighbors. Padden
(1988) defines the class of nouns on distributional grounds, as the class of signs that can
be modified by quantifiers. Hunger (2006), after establishing a formational difference
between nouns and verbs in ÖGS, notices that there are some distributional corollaries:
modal verbs tend to occur much more often next to verbs than next to nouns. On the
other hand, indices, adjectives, and size and shape classifiers (SASS) are more often
adjacent to nouns than to verbs.
Another type of function words that can be useful in defining word classes is the
class of negation words. Israeli SL has a large variety of negators, including, inter alia,
two negative existential signs (glossed as neg-exist-1, neg-exist-2) and two signs that
are referred to by signers as ‘zero’ (glossed as zero-1, zero-2). It turns out that these
two pairs of signs have different co-occurrence restrictions (Meir 2004): the former co-
occurs with nouns (signs denoting entities, as in sentence (2), below), the latter with
verbs (signs denoting actions, as in sentence 3). In addition, signs denoting properties
are negated by not, the general negator in the language, and cannot co-occur with the
other negators (sentence 4).

(2) ix1computer neg-exist-1/*zero-1/2/*not [Israeli SL]

‘I don’t have a computer.’
(3) ix3 sleep zero1/2/*neg-exist-1/2
‘He didn’t sleep at all/He hasn’t slept yet.’
(4) chair ixA comfortable not/*zero-1/2/*neg-exist-1/2
‘The chair is/was not comfortable.’

Finally, in Israeli SL a special pronominal sign evolved from the homophonous sign
person, and is in the process of becoming an object clitic, though it has not been fully
grammaticalized yet (Meir 2003, 109⫺140). This sign co-occurs with verbs denoting
specific types of actions, but crucially it attaches only to verbs. This conclusion is sup-
ported by the fact that all the signs that co-occur with this pronominal sign are also
negated by the zero signs described above.

4.4.5. Co-occurrence with non-manual features

Non-manual features such as facial expressions, head nod, and mouthing play various
grammatical roles in different sign languages (Sandler 1999). In this, they are quite

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5. Word classes and word formation 95

similar to function words, and their distribution may be determined by the word class
of the sign they co-occur with. In various sign languages, some facial expressions have
been described as performing adverbial functions, modifying actions or properties (e.g.,
ASL: Baker/Cokely 1980; Liddell 1980; Anderson/Reilly 1998; Wilbur 2000; Israeli SL:
Meir/Sandler 2008; BSL: Sutton-Spence/Woll 1999). These facial expressions can be
used as diagnostic for word classes, since their meaning is clearly compatible with
specific concept classes. Israeli SL has facial expressions denoting manner such as
‘quickly’, ‘meticulously’, ‘with effort’, ‘effortlessly’, which modify actions, and can be
used as diagnostics for verbs.
In some sign languages (i.e., many European sign languages) signers often accom-
pany manual signs with mouthing of a spoken language word. Mouthing turns out to
be selective as well. In the studies of noun-verb pairs in ÖGS and Auslan, it was
noticed that mouthing is much more likely to occur with nouns rather than with verbs.
In ÖGS, 92% percent of the nouns in Hunger’s (2006) study were accompanied by
mouthing, whereas only 52% of the verbs were. In Auslan, about 70% of the nouns
were accompanied by mouthing, whereas only 13% of the verbs were (Johnston 2002).

4.4.6. Conclusion

At the beginning of this section we questioned whether sign languages are character-
ized by a different set of word classes because of their modality. We showed that it is
possible to arrive at a theoretically based classification that can be applied to both
types of languages, using similar types of diagnostics: meaning, syntactic roles, distribu-
tion, morphological inflections, and derivational affixes. The main diagnostics discussed
in this section are summarized in Table 5.2 below. The main content classes, nouns,
verbs, and adjectives, are relevant for languages in the signed modality as well. On the
other hand, there are at least two types of signs that are clearly spatial in nature: one
is classifier construction (see chapter 8), whose word class status has not been deter-
mined yet, and might turn out to require different classification altogether. The other
type consists of two sub-classes of verbs, agreement verbs and spatial verbs, the classes
of verbs that ‘move’ in space to encode agreement with arguments or locations. These
classes are also sign language specific, though they belong to the larger word class
of verbs.
Are there any properties related to word classes that characterize sign languages as
a type? Firstly, more often than not, the form of the sign is not indicative of its part of
speech. For numerous sign languages, it has been observed that many signs can be
used both as arguments and as predicates, denoting both an action and a salient partici-
pant in the action, and often a property as well. This is, of course, also true of many
spoken languages. Secondly, morphological inflection is almost exclusively restricted
to predicate positions. Nominal inflections such as case and gender are almost entirely
lacking (for number see chapter 6, Plurality). Thirdly, space plays a role in determining
sub-classes within the class of verbs; although not all sign languages have the tri-partite
verb classification into agreement, spatial, and plain verbs, only sign languages have it.
It is important to note that there are also differences between individual sign lan-
guages. The sequential affixes determining word classes are clearly language specific,
as are the co-occurrence restrictions on function words. Inflectional modulations, which

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96 II. Morphology

Tab. 5.2: Main diagnostics used for word classification in different sign languages
Nouns Verbs Adjectives
semantic Concept class Entity Event Property
syntactic Syntactic Argument Predicate Modifier
position Predicate Predicate
Syntactic Quantifiers Specific negators
co-occurrences Specific negators Pronominal
Determiners object clitic
morphological Formational Short and/or Longer
characterization reduplicated non-reduplicated
movement (with movement (with
respect to respect to
comparable comparable
verbs) nouns)
Inflectional Plurality (a) Encoding Predispositional;
modulations arguments: verb susceptative;
agreement; continuative;
reciprocal; intensive; appro-
multiple; exhaus- ximative; itera-
tive. tive; protractive.
(b) Aspect:
habitual; dura-
tional; continua-
tive; iterative;
delayed comple-
tive; gradual.
Word-class de- SASS suffixes ‘sense’-prefixes Negative suffix
termining affixes (‘not-exist’)
Co-occurrence Mouthing Adverbial facial
with facial expressions

are pervasive in sign languages, also vary from one language to another. Not all sign
languages have verb agreement. Aspectual modulations of verbs and adjectives have
been attested in several sign languages. Specific modulations, such as the protractive,
predispositional, and susceptative modulations, have been reported of ASL, but
whether or not they occur in other sign languages awaits further investigation.

5. Word formation
Morphology makes use of three main operations: compounding, affixation, and redu-
plication. These operations can be instantiated sequentially or simultaneously. The
visuo-spatial modality of sign languages favors simultaneity, and offers more possibili-

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5. Word classes and word formation 97

ties for such structures and operations, which are highlighted in each of the following
Three additional means for expanding the lexicon are not discussed in this chapter.
The first is borrowing, which is discussed in chapter 35. The second is conversion or
zero-derivation, that is, the assignment of an already existing word to a different word
class. As mentioned above, many words in sign languages are multifunctional, serving
both as nouns and verbs or adjectives. It is difficult to determine which use is more
basic. Therefore, when a sign functions both as a noun and as a verb, it is difficult to
decide whether one is derived from the other (which is the case in conversion), or
whether the sign is unspecified as to its word-class assignment, characteristic of multi-
functionality. Finally, backformation is not discussed here, as I am not aware of any
potential case illustrating it in a sign language.

5.1. Compounding

A compound is a word composed of two or more words. Compounding expands vo-

cabulary in the language by drawing from the existing lexicon, using combinations of
two or more words to create novel meanings. Compounding seems to be necessarily
sequential, as new lexical units are formed by the sequential co-occurrence of more
basic lexical items. Yet sign languages may potentially offer simultaneously structured
compounds too. Since the manual modality has two articulators, the two hands, com-
pounds may be created byarticulating two different signs simultaneously, one with each
hand. We will discuss sequential compounds first, and then turn to examine several
structures that could be regarded as simultaneous compounding.

5.1.1. Sequential compounding

Compounds are words. As such, they display word-like behavior on all levels of linguis-
tic analysis. They tend to have the phonological features of words rather than phrases.
For example, in English and many other languages, compounds have one word stress
(e.g., a gréenhouse), like words and unlike phrases (a greén hóuse). Semantically, the
meaning of a compound is often, though not always, non-compositional. A greenhouse
is not a house painted green, but rather “a building made mainly of glass, in which the
temperature and humidity can be regulated for the cultivation of delicate or out-of-the
season plants” (Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition). It is usually
transparent and not green. Syntactically, a compound behaves like one unit: members
of a compound cannot be interrupted by another unit, and they cannot be independ-
ently modified. A dark greenhouse is not a house painted dark green. These properties
of compounds may also serve as diagnostics for identifying compounds and distinguish-
ing them from phrases.

Properties of sign language compounds: Sign languages have compounds too. In fact,
this is the only sequential morphological device that is widespread in sign languages.
Some illustrative examples from different languages are given in Table 5.3. As in spo-
ken languages, sign language compounds also display word-like characteristics. In their

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98 II. Morphology

seminal study of compounds in ASL, Klima and Bellugi (1979, 207⫺210) describe
several properties that are characteristic of compounds and distinguish them from
phrases. Firstly, a quick glance at the examples in Table 5.3 shows that the meaning of
compounds in many cases is not transparent. The ASL compound blue^spot does not
mean ‘a blue spot’, but rather ‘bruise’. heart^suggest (in Israeli SL) does not mean
‘to suggest one’s heart’ but rather ‘to volunteer’, and nose^fault (‘ugly’ in Auslan)
has nothing to do with the nose. Since the original meaning of the compound members
may be lost in the compound, the following sentences are not contradictory (Klima/
Bellugi 1979, 210):

(5) blue^spot green, vague yellow [ASL]

‘That bruise is green and yellowish.’
(6) bed^soft hard
‘My pillow is hard.’

Compounds are lexicalized in form as well. They tend to have the phonological appear-
ance of a single sign rather than of two signs. For example, they are much shorter than
the equivalent phrases (Klima/Bellugi 1979, 213), because of reduction and deletion
of phonological segments, usually the movement of the first segment. The transitory
movement between the two signs is more fluid. In some cases, the movement of the

Tab. 5.3: Examples of compounds in sign languages

ASL bed^soft ‘pillow’
(Klima/Bellugi 1979) face^strong ‘resemble’
blue^spot ‘bruise’
sleep^sunrise ‘oversleep’
BSL think^keep ‘remember’
(Brennan 1990) see^never ‘strange’
work^support ‘service’
face^bad ‘ugly’
Israeli SL fever^tea ‘sick’
(Meir/Sandler 2008) heart^offer ‘volunteer’
respect^mutuality ‘tolerance’
Auslan can’t^be-different ‘impossible’
(Johnston/Schembri red^ball ‘tomato’
1999) nose^fault ‘ugly’
ABSL car^light ‘ambulance’
(Aronoff et al. 2008) pray^house ‘mosque’
sweat^sun ‘summer’
IPSL father^mother ‘parents’
(Zeshan 2000) understand^much ‘intelligent’
potato^various ‘vegetable’
New Zealand Sign no^germs ‘antiseptic’
Language (NZSL) make^dead ‘fatal’
(Kennedy 2002) ready^eat ‘ripe’

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5. Word classes and word formation 99

Fig. 5.5: The ASL signs (a) think and (b) marry, and the compound they form, (c) believe.
Reprinted with permission from Sandler and Lillo-Martin (2006).

second component is also deleted, and the transitory movement becomes the sole
movement of the compound, resulting in a monosyllabic sign with only one movement,
like canonical simplex signs (Sandler 1999).
Changes contributing to the ‘single sign’ appearance of compounds are not only in
the movement component, but also in hand configuration and location. If the second
sign is performed on the non-dominant hand, that hand takes its position at the start
of the whole compound. In many cases, the handshape and orientation of the second
member spread to the first member as well (Liddell/Johnson 1986; Sandler 1989, 1993).
Similar phenomena have been attested in Auslan as well (Johnston/Schembri 1999,
174). They point out that in lexicalized compounds often phonological segments of the
components are deleted, and therefore they might be better characterized as blends.
As a result of the various phonological changes that can take place, a compound
may end up looking very much like a simplex sign: it has one movement and one hand
configuration. In the ASL compound believe (in Figure 5.5), for example, the first
location (L1) and the movement (M) segments of the first member, think, are deleted.
The second location (L2) becomes the first location of the compound, and the move-
ment and final location segments are those of the second member of the compound,

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100 II. Morphology

marry. The only indication that believe is a compound is the fact that it involves two
major locations, the head and the non-dominant hand, a combination not found in
simplex signs (Battison 1978). These phonological changes are represented in (7),
based on Sandler (1989):

(7) The phonological representation of the ASL compound believe

Morphological structure: Compounding takes advantage of linear structure, but it also

involves reorganization and restructuring. The members of a compound may exhibit
different types of relationship. Endocentric compounds are those that have a head.
The head represents the core meaning of the compound and determines its lexical
category. The English compound highchair is endocentric, headed by the noun chair.
Semantically, a highchair is a type of a chair, and morphologically it is a noun, the
lexical category of its head. A compound such as scarecrow is exocentric: it is neither
a ‘crow’ nor a ‘scare’. Endocentric compounds are further classified according to the
position of the head in the compound: right-headed (the head occurs in final position,
as in highchair) and left-headed (the head occurs in initial position, as in Hebrew gan-
yeladim ’kindergarten’, literally ’garden-children’). It is commonly assumed that the
position of the head in compounds is systematic in a language (Fabb 1998). English,
for example, is characterized as right-headed, while Hebrew is left-headed.
Not much has been written on headedness in sign language compounds. Of the
ASL examples presented in Klima and Bellugi, many are exocentric, e.g., sure^work
‘seriously’, will^sorry ‘regret’, wrong^happen ‘accidentally’, face^strong ‘resemble’,
wrong^happen ‘fate’. Most of the endocentric compounds described there are left-
headed, eat(food)^noon ‘lunch’, think^alike ‘agree’, flower^grow ‘plant’, sleep^
sunrise ‘oversleep’, but at least one, blue^spot ‘bruise’, is right-headed. In Israeli SL,
compounds that have Hebrew counterparts are usually left-headed (party^surprise
‘surprise party’), though for some signers they may be right-headed. Compounds that
do not have Hebrew counterparts are often exocentric, e.g., fever^tea ‘sick’,
swing^play ‘playground’. Verbal compounds are often right-headed, as in heart^
suggest ‘volunteer’, and bread^feed ‘provide for’.
A third type of compound structure is the coordinate compound, where the mem-
bers are of equal rank, as in hunter-gatherer, someone who is both a hunter and a
gatherer. In a special type of coordinate compounds, the members are basic category-
level terms of a superordinate term. The meaning of the compound is the superordi-
nate term. This class of compounds, called also dvandva compounds (etymologically
derived from Sanskrit dvamdva, literally, a pair, couple, reduplication of dva two), is
not productive in most modern European languages, but occurs in languages of other
families. Such compounds exist in ASL (Kilma/Bellugi 1979, 234⫺235): car^
plane^train ‘vehicle’, clarinet^piano^guitar ‘musical instrument’, ring^bracelet^
necklace ‘jewelry’, kll^stab^rape ‘crime’, mother^father^brother^sister ‘family’.
Like other compounds, they denote one concept, the movement of each component
sign is reduced, and transitions between signs are minimal. However, there is a lot of
individual variation in form and in the degree of productivity of these forms. Younger
signers use them very little, and consider them to be old-fashioned or even socially stig-

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5. Word classes and word formation 101

5.1.2. Simultaneous compounding

In principle, simultaneous compounding in sign languages can be of two types. In the

first, each hand may produce a different sign, but the production is simultaneous. The
second type combines certain phonological parameters from two different sources to
create a single sign. In the latter type not all the phonological specifications of each
compound member materialize, and therefore they may also be characterized as
Examples of the first type are exceedingly rare. Two BSL examples are mentioned
in the literature: minicom (a machine which allows typed messages to be transmitted
along a telephone line, in Brennan 1990, 151), and space-shuttle (Sutton-Spence/Woll
1999, 103). The compound minicom is composed of the sign type and the sign tele-
phone produced simultaneously: the right hand assumes the d handshape of the sign
telephone, but is positioned over the left hand that produces the sign type.
However, according to some analyses, simultaneous compounding is very wide-
spread in sign languages. Brennan (1990) uses the term ‘classifier compounds’ for signs
in which the non-dominant hand, and sometimes both hands, assumes a handshape of
a classifier morpheme. For example, in the sign aquadiver the non-dominant hand in
a [ handshape represents a surface, and the dominant hand in an upright W handshape
moving downwards represents a person moving downwards from the surface. Accord-
ing to Brennan’s analysis, any sign containing a classifier handshape on the non-domi-
nant hand is a compound, even some so-called ‘frozen’ lexical items. A sign such as
write (in Israeli SL and many other sign languages), whose dominant hand has a
K handshape depicting the handling of a long thin object and moving it over a flat
surface (represented by the non-dominant hand) is also a classifier compound under
this account. Johnston and Schembri (1999, 171) refer to such constructions as “simul-
taneous sign constructions” rather than compounds, because they point out that such
constructions may be phrasal or clausal. It should be pointed out that however these
signs originated, they are lexical signs in every respect, and under most analyses, they
are not regarded synchronically as compounds.
Two types of word formation process combine handshape from one source and
movement and location from another: numeral incorporation, where the handshape
represents a number (Stokoe et al. 1965; Liddell 1996 and works cited there), and
initialization, in which the handshape is drawn from the handshape inventory of the
manual alphabet (Stokoe et al. 1965; Brentari/Padden 2001). In addition, these proc-
esses are not usually analyzed as compounds, but rather as some kind of incorporation,
affixation, or combination of two bound roots (e.g., Liddell 1996 on numeral incorpora-
tion). Whatever the analysis, they both combine elements from two sources, and in this
they resemble compounding, but they do so simultaneously, a possibility available only
for languages in the signed modality.

Numeral incorporation is usually found in pronominal signs and in signs denoting time
periods, age, and money. In these signs the number of fingers denotes quantity. For
example, the basic form of the signs hour, day, week, month, and year in Israeli SL
is made with a @ handshape. By using a W, X, t, or < handshape, the number of units
is expressed. That is, signing the sign for day with a W handshape means ‘two days’. A
X handshape would mean ‘three days’, etc. This incorporation of number in the signs

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102 II. Morphology

is limited in Israeli SL to five in signs with one active hand, and to 10 in symmetrical
two-handed signs. Number signs in many sign languages have specifications only for
handshape, and are therefore good candidates for participating in such simultaneous
compounding (but see Liddell 1996 for a different analysis). But there are also restric-
tions on the base sign, which provides the movement and location specifications: usu-
ally it has to have a @ handshape, which can be taken to represent the number one.
However, some counter-examples to this generalization do exist. In DGS, the sign year
has a d handshape, but this handshape is replaced by the above handshapes to express
‘one/two/three etc. years’. Numeral incorporation has been reported on in many sign
languages, e.g., ASL, BSL, Israeli SL, DGS, Auslan, and IPSL, among others. But there
are sign languages that do not use this device. In ABSL numeral incorporation has
not been attested, maybe because time concept signs in the language do not have a
@ handshape (for numeral incorporation see also chapters 6 and 11).

Initialization is another type of simultaneous combination of phonological specifica-

tions from two different sources: a spoken language word and a sign language word.
The handshape of an initialized sign represents a letter of the fingerspelled alphabet,
corresponding to the first letter of the written form of an ambient spoken language
word. This initialized handshape is usually added to a sign that already exists in the
language, lending it an additional ⫺ often more specific ⫺ meaning for which there is
no other sign. For example, the ASL signs family, association, team, and department
all share the movement and location of the sign group, and are distinguished by the
handshapes F, A, T, or D. As Brentari and Padden (2001, 104) point out, some initial-
ized signs in ASL are not built on native signs, but they still form a semantic and a
formational ‘family’. Color terms, such as blue, purple, yellow, and green, are charac-
terized by the same movement and location, although there is no general color sign
on which they are based. The same holds for color terms and kinship terms in LSQ
(Machabee 1995, 29⫺61, 47). In other cases, the movement and location may present
iconically some feature of the concept. In LSQ, the sign for ‘Roman’ is performed with
an R handshape tracing the form of a Roman military helmet above the head (Macha-
bee 1995, 45). Initialization is found in other sign languages as well, e.g., Irish Sign
Language (Ó’Baoill/Matthews 2002) and Israeli SL (Meir/Sandler 2008, 52). However,
it is much less common in languages with a two-handed fingerspelling system, such as
BSL, Auslan, and New Zealand Sign Language. In a one-handed fingerspelling system,
each letter is represented solely by the handshape, which may then be easily incorpo-
rated in other signs, taking their location and movement features. In a two-handed
system, each letter is identified by a combination and location (and sometime move-
ment as well), so that it is much less free to combine with other phonological param-
eters (Cormier/Schembri/Tyrone 2008). More common in these languages are single
manual letter signs, which are based on a letter of an English word, but with very
limited types of movement of the dominant hand against the non-dominant hand.

5.2. Affixation

Though compounding is common in all studied sign languages, sequential affixation is

very rare. This is partly due to the general preference in manual-visual languages for

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5. Word classes and word formation 103

more simultaneous structures. However, since compounds are not uncommon, simulta-
neity cannot be the sole factor for disfavoring sequential affixation. Another explana-
tion, suggested by Aronoff, Meir and Sandler (2005), is the relatively young age of sign
languages. Sequential derivational affixes in spoken languages are in many cases the
result of grammaticalization of free words. Grammaticalization is a complex set of
diachronic changes (among them reanalysis, extension, phonological erosion, and se-
mantic bleaching) that take time to crystallize. Sign languages as a class are too young
for such structures to be abundant (but see chapter 36). In addition, it might be the
case that there are more affixal structures in sign languages that haven’t been identified
yet, because of the young age of the sign linguistic field.
How can one identify affixes in a language? What distinguishes them from com-
pound members? First, an affix recurs in the language, co-occurring with many differ-
ent base words, while compound members are confined to few bases. The suffix -ness,
for example, is listed as occurring in 3058 English words (Aronoff/Anshen 1998, 245),
while green (as in greenhouse, greengrocer, greenmail) occurs in about 30. In addition,
affixes are more distant from their free word origin. While members of compounds
usually also occur as free words in the language, affixes in many cases do not. There-
fore, a morpheme that recurs in many lexical items in a language and in addition does
not appear as a free form is an affix and not a compound member. Finally, allomorphy
is much more typical of affixes than of compound members. This is to be expected,
since affixes are more fused with their bases than compound members with each other.
However, the difference between an affix and a compound member is a matter of
degree, not a categorical difference, and can be hard to determine in particular cases.

5.2.1. Sequential affixation in sign languages

Very few sequential affixes have been mentioned in the sign language literature. As
they are so rare, those affixes that were found were assumed to have evolved under
the influence of the ambient spoken language. In ASL the comparative and superlative
affixes (Sandler/Lillo-Martin 2006, 64) and the agentive suffix were regarded as English
loan translations. However, recently Supalla (1998) argued, on the basis of old ASL
films, that the agentive suffix evolved from an old form of the sign ‘person’ in ASL.
For three affixes it has been explicitly argued that the forms are indeed affixes and
not free words or members of a compound: two negative suffixes, one in ASL and the
other in Israeli SL, and a set of ‘sense’ prefixes in Israeli SL. All of these affixes have
free form counterparts that are nonetheless significantly different from the bound
forms, so as to justify an affixational analysis. The affinity between the bound and the
free forms may indicate how these affixes evolved.
The suffix glossed as zero in ASL has the meaning ‘not at all’, and apparently
evolved from a free sign with a similar meaning (Sandler 1996; Aronoff/Meir/Sandler
2005). However, the suffix and the base it attaches to behave like a single lexical unit:
they cannot be interrupted by another element, and for some signers they are fused
phonologically. As is often the case, some combinations of wordCzero have an idio-
syncratic meaning, e.g., touchCzero ‘didn’t use it at all’, and there are some arbitrary
gaps in the lexical items it attaches to. What makes it more affix-like than compound-
like is its productivity: it attaches quite productively to verbs and (for some signers) to

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104 II. Morphology

adjectives. Yet its distribution and productivity vary greatly across signers, indicating
that it has not been fully grammaticized.
The Israeli SL negative suffix, mentioned in section 4.4.3, was apparently grammati-
cized from a negative word meaning meaning ‘none’ or ‘not exist’. In addition to other
characteristics typical of affixes, it also has two allomorphes: a one-handed and a two-
handed variant, the distribution of which is determined by the number of hands of
the base.
Another class of affixes is the ‘sense’ prefix described above. Similar forms have
been reported in other sign languages, e.g., BSL (Brennan 1990), where they are
treated as compounds. Indeed, such forms show that sometimes the distinction between
compounds and affixed words is blurred. The reason that Aronoff, Meir and Sandler
(2005) analyze these forms as affixes is their productivity. There are more than 70 such
forms in Israeli SL, and signers often use these forms to create new concepts. In addi-
tion, signers have no clear intuition of the lexical class of prefixes; they are not sure
whether pointing to the eye sign should be translated as ‘see’ or ‘eye’, or pointing to
the nose ‘smell’ or ‘nose’ etc. Such indeterminacy is characteristic of affixes, but not of
words. The fact that these forms are regarded as compounds in other languages may
be due to lesser degree of productivity in other languages (for example, they are less
prevalent in ASL), or to the fact that other researchers did not consider an affix analy-
sis. However, their recurrence in many sign languages indicates that these signs are
productive sources for word formation.
Two potential suffixes exist in ABSL. They were mentioned in section 4.4.3: the
locative pointing signs, and the size and shape signs. At present, it is hard to determine
whether these are affixed words or compounds, since not much is known about the
structure of lexical items in ABSL. However, since these signs recur in a number of
complex signs, they have the potential of becoming suffixes in the language.

5.2.2. Simultaneous affixation in sign language

The term ‘simultaneous affixation’ may seem to be contradictory, since affixation is

usually conceived as linear. However, by now it should be clear that morphological
information may be added not by adding segments, but rather by changing features of
segments. Therefore, all the processes described above in which morphological catego-
ries are encoded by a change in the movement parameters of the base sign may be
regarded as instances of simultaneous affixation.
All inflectional processes identified in the sign language literature to date make use
of this formal device, and a few were described in section 4.4.2 above. But sign lan-
guages use this device for derivational purposes as well, as exemplified by the noun-
verb pairs in section 4.4.1. Quite a few of the derivational processes involve reduplica-
tion, to which we turn in the next section. Here we mention derivational processes that
involve changes to the movement component with no reduplication.
ASL has the means for deriving predicates from nouns. Klima and Bellugi (1979,
296) describe a systematic change to the movement of ASL nouns, forming predicates
with the meaning of ‘to act/appear like X’, as in ‘to act like a baby’ from baby, ‘to seem
Chinese’ from chinese, and ‘pious’ from church. The derived predicates have a fast
and tense movement with restrained onset.

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5. Word classes and word formation 105

Klima and Bellugi also point out that the figurative or metaphorical use of signs
often involves a slight change in the movement of the base sign. A form meaning
‘horny’ differs slightly in movement from hungry; ‘to have a hunch’ differs from feel.
Similarly, differences in movement encode an extended use of signs as sentential adver-
bials, as in ‘suddenly’ or ‘unexpectedly’ from wrong, or ‘unfortunately’ from trouble.
Yet in these cases both form and meaning relations are idiosyncratic, and appear only
in particular pairs of words. These pairs show that movement is a very productive tool
for indicating relationships among lexical items. But not all instances of movement
difference are systematic enough to be analyzed as derivational.
Not only may the quality of the movement change, but also its direction. In signs
denoting time concepts in a few sign languages, the direction of movement indicates
moving forward or backwards in time. The signs tomorrow and yesterday in Israeli
SL form a minimal pair. They have the same hand configuration and location, but
differ in the direction of movement. In yesterday the movement is backwards, and in
tomorrow it is forwards. Similarly, if a forward or backward movement is imposed on
the signs week and year, the derived meanings will be ‘next week/year’ and ‘last week/
year’. This process is of very limited productivity. It is restricted to words denoting
time concepts, and may be further restricted by the phonological form of the base sign.
Furthermore, the status of the direction of movement in these signs is not clear. It is
not a morpheme, yet it is a phoneme that is meaning-bearing (see the discussion of
sign families in section 2.2). Nonetheless, within its restricted semantic field, it is
quite noticeable.

5.3. Reduplication

Reduplication is a process by which some phonological segment, or segments, of the

base is repeated. Yet what is repeated may vary. It could be the entire base, as in
Walbiri kurdu-kurdu (‘children’, from kurdu ‘child’; in Nash 1986); a morpheme; a
syllable; or any combination of segments, such as the first CVC segment of the base,
as in Agta tak-takki (‘legs’, from takki ‘leg’, Marantz 1982). Function-wise, reduplica-
tion lends itself very easily to iconic interpretation. Repeating an element creates a
string with several identical elements. When a whole base is repeated, the interpreta-
tion seems quite obvious. Lakoff and Johnson (1980, 180) refer to this as the principle
of “more of form stands for more of content”. The most straightforward iconic uses of
reduplication are plurality and distribution for nouns (see chapter 6, Plurality); repeti-
tion, duration, and habitual activity in verbs (see chapter 9, Tense, Aspect, and Modal-
ity); and increase in the size and/or intensity of adjectives. However, it is also used in
many various non-iconic or less motivated functions, such as to form infinitives, verbal
adjectives, causatives, various aspects, and modalities (Kouwenberg 2003).
The sign modality affords several possibilities of reduplication, some of which do
not have counterparts in spoken languages (see Pfau/Steinbach 2006). It may involve
several iterations of a sign. These iterations may be produced in the same place, or
may be displaced in the signing space. Iterations may be performed by one hand or
both hands. If the latter, the two hands may move symmetrically or in an alternating
fashion. A circular movement may be added to the iterations, in various rhythmic

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106 II. Morphology

patterns. Consequently, some phonological features of the base sign may be altered.
Non-manual features may be iterated as well, or a feature may spread over the entire
set of manual iterations. Finally, reduplication may also take a simultaneous form: one
sign can be articulated simultaneously by both hands.
Sign languages certainly make extensive use of reduplication. As the forms may
vary, so can the functions. Reduplication is very common in verbal and adjectival aspec-
tual inflections. Of the 11 adjectival modulations in Klima and Bellugi (1979), seven
involve reduplication; 10 of the 12 aspectual modulations exemplified by look-at and
give also involve reduplication. It is also very commonly used to indicate plurality on
nouns (see Sutton-Spence/Woll 1999, 106 for BSL; Pizzuto/Corazza 1996 for Italian
Sign Language (LIS); Pfau/Steinbach 2006 for DGS as well as LIS and BSL). These
inflectional processes are discussed in the relevant chapters in this volume.
Reduplication is also used in a few derivational processes. Frishberg and Gough
(1973, cited in Wilbur 1979, 81) point out that repetitions of signs denoting time units
in ASL, e.g., week, month, tomorrow, derive adverbs meaning weekly, monthly, ev-
ery-day. Slow repetition with wide circular path indicates duration ‘for weeks and
weeks’. Activity nouns in ASL are derived from verbs by imposing small, quick, and
stiff repeated movements on non-stative verbs (Klima/Bellugi 1979, 297; Padden/Perl-
mutter 1987, 343). The verb act has three unidirectional movements, while the noun
acting is produced with several small, quick, and stiff movements. In noun-verb pairs
(discussed above) in ASL and Auslan, reduplicated movement (in addition to the qual-
ity of the movement) distinguishes between nouns and verbs.
Other derivational processes do not change the category of the base word, but
create a new (although related) lexical item. It should be noticed that in such cases it
is often difficult to determine whether the process is inflectional or derivational. For
example, the two adjectival processes described here are referred to as inflections in
Klima and Bellugi (1979) and as derivation in Padden and Perlmutter (1987). Charac-
teristic adjectives are derived from ASL signs denoting incidental or temporary states,
such as quiet, mischievous, rough, silly, by imposing circular reduplicated movement
on the base sign. Also in ASL, repeated tense movements derive adjectives with the
meaning of ‘-ish’: youngish, oldish, blueish (Bellugi 1980). In Israeli SL verbs denot-
ing a reciprocal action are derived by imposing alternating movement on some verbs,
e.g., say ⫺ conduct conversation; speak ⫺ converse; answer ⫺ ‘conduct a dialogue
of questions and answers’ (Meir/Sandler 2008).
Simultaneous reduplication, that is, the articulation of a sign by both hands instead
of by only one hand is very rare as a word formation device. Johnston and Schembri
(1999, 161⫺163) point out that in Auslan producing a two-handed version of a one-
handed sign (which they term ‘doubling’) very rarely results in a different yet related
lexical item. Usually the added meaning is that of intensification, e.g., bad vs. very-
bad/apalling/horror, or success vs. successful/victorious, but often such intensified
forms are also characterized by specific facial expression and manual stress. Most in-
stances of doubling in Auslan are either free variants of the single-handed version, or
mark grammatical distinctions such as distributive aspect on verbs. Therefore they
conclude that in most cases doubled forms do not constitute separate lexical items in
the language.

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5. Word classes and word formation 107

5.4. Conclusion

Sign languages make use of word formation operations that are also found in spoken
languages, but endow them with flavors that are available only to manual-spatial lan-
guages: the existence of two major articulators, and their ability to move in various
spatial and temporal patterns. There is a strong preference for simultaneous operations,
especially in affixation. Inflection is, in fact, exclusively encoded by simultaneous affix-
ation, while derivation is more varied in the means it exploits.
Both inflection and derivation make use of modulations to the movement compo-
nent of the base sign. In other words, sign languages make extensive use of one phono-
logical parameter for grammatical purposes. Although signs in sign families (described
in section 1.2) can share any formational element, systematic relations between forms
are encoded by movement. Why is it that the movement is singled out for performing
these grammatical tasks and not the other parameters of the sign ⫺ the hand configura-
tion or the location?
Using a gating task, Emmorey and Corina (1990) investigated how native ASL
signers use phonetic information for sign recognition. The results indicated the location
of the sign was identified first, followed quickly by the handshape, and the movement
was identified last. These data may suggest that the movement is in a sense ‘extra’: it
adds little to the lexical identity of the sign. But it can be used to add shades of
meaning. Moreover, movement is inherently both spatial and temporal. Many inflec-
tional categories encode temporal and spatial concepts, and therefore movement is the
most obvious formational parameter to express these notions in a transparent way. Yet
the use of movement in derivational processes shows that iconicity is not the entire
story. It might be the case that once a formational element is introduced into the
language for whatever reason, it may then expand and be exploited as a grammatical
device for various functions. The use of movement also has an interesting parallel in
spoken languages, in that non-sequential morphology often makes use of the vowels
of the base word, and not the consonants. Furthermore, it has been argued that vowels
carry out more grammatical roles in spoken languages (both syntactic and morphologi-
cal) while consonants carry more of the lexical load (Nespor/Peña/Mehler 2003). Both
movement and vowels are the sonorous formational elements; both are durational and
less discrete. However, what makes them key elements in carrying the grammatical
load (as opposed to the lexical load) of the lexeme still remains an open issue.
The ubiquity of compounds shows that sequential operations are not utterly disfav-
ored in sign languages. Signed compounds share many properties with their spoken
language counterparts, including the tendency to lexicalize and become more similar
in form to simplex signs. Compounding may also give rise to the development of gram-
matical devices such as affixes. Elements that recur in compounds are good candidates
for becoming affixes, but such developments take time, and are therefore quite sparse
in young languages, including sign languages (Aronoff/Meir/Sandler 2005). Because of
their youth, sign languages actually offer us a glimpse into such diachronic processes
in real time.

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