Si 5 2014 PDF
Si 5 2014 PDF
Si 5 2014 PDF
The AISC Code of Standard Practice (available for free at In a vertical truss incorporated into a window wall system at, in Section 1.7.1, does not prohibit the Virginia Beach Convention Center, the truss compression
the fabricator or erector from performing demolition work, chord was “braced” by the truss web members. The
but rather clarifies that demolition or shoring of an existing connection of the tension chord to the window mullions
structure cannot be construed as being within their scope of was detailed to provide rotational restraint of the tension
the work unless it is contractually agreed to. You said that your chord, the web members and the compression chord,
contract assigns the demolition work to you, and so this is a thereby eliminating the need for out-of-plane bracing at
case where the default provision in the Code is superceded by a the compression chord. The analysis and detailing of all
specific instruction to the contrary in the contract. Section 1.1 of the truss components was quite rigorous in order to
in the AISC Code allows for this. ensure proper load transfer and connection stiffness. A more
Coordination of any construction project is usually the detailed description of this particular case can be found in the
responsibility of the general contractor (GC), and demolition following reference:
and shoring would usually fall into that category. Were I W. F. Baker and B.S. Young, “Stability Design of the Bow
bidding a job for which demolition is shown in your work, I String Trusses of the Virginia Beach Convention Center,”
would exclude that work in my bid. It would then be up to the Proceedings, ASCE 2012 Structures Congress.
GC to assign it to someone else. So in theory, with proper detailing and member rotational
Keith Landwehr restraint, it is possible to design a system where the web
members could be relied on as brace points. That said, you
Slotted HSS Connections would need to evaluate your design and member detailing
What is the proper way to slot an HSS used as a brace and use your own engineering judgment to assess whether
member and welded to a gusset plate? you could apply these principles to your project. The project
described in the article is obviously unsual. In most instances it
A few years ago, I asked several fabricators how they cut these would likely be less expensive to simply add additional bracing.
slots and found a variety of answers, including: Susan Burmeister, P.E.
➤ Drill a hole and cut between the hole and the end of the
brace to form a slot.
➤ Cut the entire slot with CNC-guided torches. The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
➤ Use a hand-held torch to cut the entire slot manually Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
and grind as required.
Each of these methods is acceptable. The User Note in
the 2010 AISC Specification (a free download at www.aisc. Larry Muir is director of technical assistance at AISC. Bo Dowswell, Keith Landwehr and
Susan Burmeister are consultants to AISC.
org/2010spec), in Section M2.2, states: “Slots in HSS for
gussets may be made with semicircular ends or with curved
Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
corners. Square ends are acceptable provided the edge of the information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
gusset is welded to the HSS.” suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
Due to erection tolerance and clearance requirements, The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official position of
the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is recognized that the
welding the gusset along the edge at the end of the slot is not design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent licensed structural engineer,
practical for typical field-welded braces. Therefore, for all architect or other licensed professional for the application of principles to a particular structure.
practical purposes, slots with square ends should be used only If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
for shop welded gusset plates. forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
Bo Dowswell, P.E., Ph.D.
1 E Wacker Dr., Ste. 700, Chicago, IL 60601
tel: 866.ASK.AISC • fax: 312.803.4709
[email protected]
MAY 2014