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steel interchange

If you’ve ever asked yourself “why?” about something related to structural steel design or construction, Modern
Steel Construction’s monthly Steel Interchange column is for you! Send your questions or comments to [email protected].

Flexural Strength of a Box Section Workable Gage

When calculating Se for a box section with slender flanges, The AISC Steel Construction Manual Table 1-1 lists the
should the full Sx of each web be included? workable gage for a W14×145 as 3-7½-3. These large
W14 sections are the only members in this table that have
No. You will need to account for the change in location of the the gage listed as such. Can you please explain this gage
centroid due to the reduced effective width of the compression designation?
flange. The first step is to compute the effective width of the
flange based on the requirements of AISC Specification Section Those particular W14 sections with a large flange width can
F7. Then, the moment of inertia can be computed based upon the typically fit four rows of bolts across the width of the flange
parts of the section that are still effective (the tension flange, both instead of the two rows typical to other shapes. Thus the 7½-in.
webs, and the effective part of the compression flange). Based gage width is centered on the web and then it is 3 in. to the next
upon the centroid of that section, the effective section modulus row of bolts on either side.
can be computed. Erin Criste, LEED GA
Brad Davis, S.E., Ph.D.
AESS and Stiffener Corner Clips
Double-Angle Connections Does AISC Code of Standard Practice Section 10.2.4 regarding
Can you please provide some recommendations on whether AESS fabrication tolerances apply to stiffener clips at the
or not to use double-angle connections, bolted to a beam radius on a wide flange?
and welded to an HSS column when the connection is
subject to axial tension? AISC Code of Standard Practice Section 10.2.4 states, “All copes,
miters and cuts in surfaces that are exposed to view shall be made
I would not use a double-angle connection bolted to the beam with uniform gaps of 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] if shown as open joints, or in
web and welded to the face of an HSS column when a specified reasonable contact if shown without gap.”
axial force is present. For shear loading, this type of connection is Corners of stiffeners usually are clipped diagonally or blocked
given in 14th Edition AISC Steel Construction Manual Table 10-2, in rectangular fashion with a radius at the corner of the rectangle.
Case II. The weld is referred to as Weld B. This is not a code requirement for non-seismic conditions, rather
In the industry, this is called a “knife connection” because it is typical practice. AISC does not recommend eliminating
the angles are shop welded to the HSS and the beam is “knifed” corner clips in stiffeners in these cases. For seismic conditions
down between them during erection. This connection should where AWS D1.8 applies, it is a code requirement that certain
be used for shear only. Not only is the fillet root put in tension stiffeners be blocked or clipped. AISC Code Section 10.2.4 was
under axial load, but the angle legs are subjected to bending. This not intended to override other specification requirements, thus it
bending will accentuate the tensile stress on the fillet root. AWS does not apply to stiffeners subject to the requirements of D1.8.
D1.1 2006, paragraph addresses a similar situation that Heath Mitchell, S.E., P.E.
occurs in lap joints.
A single-plate shear connection can be used for this case. This Detailing for Steel Construction
would be a specifically designed connection for shear and tension Does AISC’s Detailing for Steel Construction, 3rd Edition,
using the principles of structural mechanics. The HSS would be have connection design examples similar to those contained
checked per Chapter K of the AISC Specification. in the 1st Edition?
Bill Thornton, P.E., Ph.D.
Detailing for Steel Construction, 3rd Edition, contains example
Joists in SMF Protected Zone connection details and drawings for illustration purposes. It also
We are designing a building with special moment frames has an appendix illustrating basic principles and discusses such
as the seismic force resisting system. Are open-web joists topics as tension members and trusses. It is important to note
allowed to bear on the beam in the protected zone? that the 3rd Edition does not contain capacity tables or detailed
connection design examples for simple connections.
AISC Seismic Provisions Section 7.4 prohibits attachments within the Capacity tables and detailed connection design examples for
protected zone unless they are specifically allowed by ANSI/AISC simple connections are included in Part 10 of the 14th Edition
358, Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment AISC Steel Construction Manual and the companion AISC Design
Frames for Seismic Applications, for the connection being used. AISC Examples. The design examples are available as a free download at
358 does not currently have a prequalified connection that allows a www.aisc.org/designexamples.
joist attachment within the protected zone. Thus, the joist can bear Erin Criste, LEED GA
in this area, but cannot be positively connected—the practical result
is that a joist cannot be placed within the protected zone.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.
steel interchange
OCBF Unbalanced Load Protected Storage of Bolts
In a two-story “X” type OCBF, must the beam and braces Section 2.2 of the 2009 RCSC Specification states that
above resist the unbalanced forces as specified in AISC 341 bolts cannot be used in the work that have become dirty or
Section 14.3(1)? rusty and that these bolts must be qualified to Section 7. If
individual bolts are cleaned and lubricated on an “as needed”
The Commentary to AISC 341-05 Section 14.3 refers to schedule, do bolts need to be requalifed if they have already
the Commentary to Section 13.4a (on SCBF) for additional been qualifed in the as-received condition?
information. This latter commentary states, “The adverse
effect of this unbalanced load can be mitigated by using… an Section 2.2 of the RCSC Specification states, “Fastener components
X-configuration over two-story modules…” It is stating that the that accumulate rust or dirt shall not be incorporated into the
adverse effect on the beam can be mitigated, not eliminated, by work unless they are requalified as specified in Section 7.”
using the two-story X configuration. The intent of the RCSC Specification, stated in the first
A load path still needs to be provided for the unbalanced sentence of Section 2.2, is that bolts should be, “protected from
load. The idea is that the braces above are able to support the dirt and moisture in closed containers at the site of installation.” If
unbalanced load on the beam due to brace yielding below. For this is not done and the condition of the bolts has changed from
some cases the two-story X configuration can eliminate the the as-received condition, the bolts must be requalified. Assuming
unbalanced load on the beam. However, brace sizes and slopes the condition of all the bolts has deteriorated in a uniform
above and below the joint can have an impact on the degree to manner, the sampling required in Section 7 is sufficient. If the
which the unbalanced force is redistributed. A free-body diagram condition of the bolts is substantially varied, then the bolts must
of the joint can help determine the proportion of the unbalanced be requalified in accordance with the sampling requirements of
load that is taken by the beam and the brace above. Additionally, Section 7 taking into account the various levels of deterioration.
the connection needs to be designed to transfer the unbalanced In other words, bolts in similar condition should be treated
load across the beam from the lower to the upper brace. the same. If the requalification requires relubrication, then all the
Heath Mitchell, S.E., P.E. bolts exposed to similar conditions should be relubricated. There
is no way to establish “as needed” unless the bolts are requalified
Multiple Washers and then treated in the same manner.
Is there a maximum number of washers that can be used in a It also should be noted that twist-off-type tension-control
high-strength bolted connection? (TC) bolts cannot be relubricated in the field. Section 2.2
states, “ASTM F1852 and F2280 twist-off-type tension-control
Neither the RCSC Bolt Specification nor the AISC Specification bolt assemblies and alternative-design fasteners that meet the
prohibit the use of multiple washers. Multiple washers are requirements in Section 2.8 shall not be relubricated, except by
sometimes used to ensure the threads excluded condition. This is the manufacturer.”
referred to in the Commentary to RCSC Specification Section 2.3, Larry S. Muir, P.E.
which states:
“If necessary, the next increment of bolt length can be specified
with ASTM F436 washers in sufficient number to both exclude The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
the threads from the shear plane and ensure that the assembly Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at www.modernsteel.com.
can be installed with adequate threads included in the grip for
proper installation.” Heath Mitchell is director of technical assistance and Erin Criste is staff engineer, technical
Larry S. Muir, P.E. assistant at AISC. Brad Davis, Bill Thornton, and Larry Muir are consultants to AISC.

Long-Slotted Holes Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
In a slip critical connection, can one member have long slots suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
parallel to the direction of the load and the other have long The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
slots perpendicular to the load? position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
According to the 2010 AISC Specification Section J3.2, long-slotted principles to a particular structure.
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
holes are permitted in only one of the connected parts at an forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
individual faying surface. Note that one of the reasons for this have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
requirement is a concern related to ineffective pretensioning. This
is explained in Section 8.3 of AISC Steel Design Guide No. 17, High
Strength Bolts—A Primer for Structural Engineers, which is available One East Wacker Dr., Suite 700
as a free download for AISC members at www.aisc.org/epubs. Chicago, IL 60601
tel: 866.ASK.AISC • fax: 312.803.4709
Brad Davis, S.E., Ph.D. [email protected]


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