2010 SiregarandArifin Biotechnology

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Challenges for Sustainable Agricultural Biotechnology Development in


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Bustanul Arifin
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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 17

Challenges for Sustainable Agricultural

Biotechnology Development in Indonesia

Hermanto Siregar
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Bustanul Arifin
University of Lampung, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]


The development of biotechnology in Indonesia is a response to more serious food security challenges
as the growth of food yield in the last decade has been much less than that of population. This
paper describes biotechnology development in Indonesia, examines government policies related
to biotechnology, and exposes challenges facing biotechnology development in the future. It also
suggests that the government should provide clearer policy actions including fiscal incentives and
legal protection, involve the private sector in developing innovations in research and development,
and encourage wider participation of civil society in the development of biotechnology.

INTRODUCTION and agricultural land conversion. For example,

paddy production in Indonesia grew only by
The world population increases yearly. At 1.01 percent per annum (pa) during 1996-2007.
present, it is estimated that 900 million of the Within the same period, the yield growth rate
5.8 billion world population are experiencing was only 0.58 percent pa. Without effective
hunger. They mainly live in Asian and African government regulation, it is difficult to reduce
countries where per capita agricultural the conversion of agricultural land. Failure to
production has been stagnant, if not declining. overcome land conversion will put food security
Pests and plant diseases, as well as bad weather, at high risk, unless there are positive increases
are among the factors influencing this negative in the yield of food commodities.
tendency. The population growth rate, which in “Excessive” industrialization has resulted
a number of countries exceeds the growth rate in externalities that threaten the sustainability
of food production and/or food availability, of agricultural, and perhaps also economic,
worsens the situation. systems. Such industrialization has induced
Possibly, the relatively slow growth rate of deforestation and accelerated agricultural land
food production is because of stagnant food yield conversion. Furthermore, it has instigated sharp
18 Hermanto Siregar and Bustanul Arifin

increases in emissions of carbon dioxide and that uses biological systems, living organisms,
greenhouse gasses in recent times. In turn, this or derivatives thereof to make or modify
has led to increases in the world temperature, products or processes for specific use.
including that in Indonesia. The combination Through biotechnology, it is expected that
of agricultural land conversion, adverse effects new varieties of food plants that are resistant to
of deforestation, and increases in temperature, pests and diseases as well as adaptive to climatic
which affect land water availability as well as changes can be developed.
rain pattern, has in turn affected plantation areas This paper begins by describing the
(Siregar and Winoto 2007). progress of biotechnology and explaining the
In Indonesia, the rise in temperature has uncertainties of the public regarding the effects
caused below-average rainfall in certain areas of transgenic plants on human health and the
and higher rainfall in others, leading to drought environment. It then discusses the policies
and floods. In 1995-2005 for instance, flooded related to and the challenges to the development
paddy fields amounted to 1.93 million hectares of biotechnology in the future, followed by the
(ha), of which 0.47 million ha were destroyed. concluding remarks.
During the same period, drought paddy fields
amounted to 2.13 million ha, of which 0.33 BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT
million ha could not be harvested. In 2006, IN INDONESIA
189,800 ha of 577,000 ha of flooded and
drought paddy fields could not be harvested Progress in the Last Decade
(Anonymous 2007). With an average yield of 5
tons of dried husk paddy per ha, this is a loss of Among food commodities, paddy still plays
about 0.95 million tons. a dominant role in Indonesia. Its participation
Under these circumstances, efforts to rate in the food-consumption set reaches as
improve yield are necessary. It seems likely much as 90 percent. In the world level, paddy
that if such efforts were made only through is also among the most dominant food crops as
conventional ways of enhancing agricultural it is the main source of staple food of majority
technology, increases in food consumption will of the world population, including inhabitants
not be met sufficiently. The need to develop or of China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil,
adopt new technologies, which aim to boost not and Nigeria. Logically, improving paddy yield
only food production but also food quality in is the main priority of molecular-biology and
an environment-friendly manner, continues to transgenic-approach applications in Indonesia.
increase. Biotechnology responds to this need. The next priority is improving the yield and/or
“Biotechnology” is often used to refer cost efficiency of other food crops.
to genetic engineering technology of the 21st A number of food crops resulting from
century; however, the term encompasses a transgenic development in Indonesia is presented
wider range and history of procedures for in Table 1. These crops are being improved
modifying biological organisms according to through further biotechnology development.
the needs of humanity, going back to the initial Genetic engineering for paddy (Oryza
modifications of native plants into improved sativa) is not new in the biotechnology industry.
food crops through artificial selection and Transgenic paddy enriched with iron, developed
hybridization. According to the United Nations by Swiss scientists in the Federal Institute of
Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), Technology (ETH) Zurich, is already available.
biotechnology is any technological application ETH cooperated with the University of
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 19

Table 1. Some transgenic food crops in Indonesia

Crop Gene Characteristic

Maize Cry I ab Stem borer resistant
Maize EPSPS Glyphosate herbicide tolerant
Maize Pin II Stem borer resistant
Soybean Pin II Fruit borer resistant
Soybean EPSPS Glyphosate herbicide tolerant
Paddy Cry I ab Stem borer resistant
Paddy Cry I ab and GNA Stem borer and brown plant-hopper resistant
Maize Pin II Stem borer resistant
Maize Cry I ab Stem borer resistant
Paddy Bt and GNA Stem borer resistant as well as stem borer
and brown plant-hopper resistant
Notes: Transgenic plants possess a gene or genes that have been transferred from a different species. Though the DNA
of another species can be integrated in a plant genome by natural processes, the term transgenic plants refers
to plants created in a laboratory using recombinant DNA technology. The aim is to design plants with specific
characteristics by artificial insertion of genes from other species or sometimes entirely different kingdoms.
Source: Kompas 2000

Freiburg in Bresigau, Germany in developing The transgenic approach can be utilized

paddy containing phytic acid substance, which due to advances in transformation technology
prevents iron loss in the human body. They with agrobacterium. In addition, the availability
modified a paddy gene with two types of new of molecular information of biosynthetic
genes originated from mungbean and another carotenoid in the bacteria and the plant
microorganism. The amount of iron present in provides more DNA choices. The production
the resulting crop is twice as much as the iron of the Golden Rice prototype uses japonica rice
content of the original paddy. The phytic acid variety (Taipei 309), and the transformation
contained in the paddy, which absorbs the iron, technique utilizes agrobacterium and a number
is eliminated through cooking. of beta carotene-producing genes from daffodil
Applying biotechnology to paddy has bacteria. Monsanto states that their paddy
become more familiar since the launching production is patent-free; anyone can access its
of Golden Rice in 2001, which was hoped to genome database freely (Maharijaya 2008).
aid millions of people threatened by death In Indonesia where rice is the staple food
and blindness caused by vitamin A and iron of most of the population, rice containing pro-
deficiencies. The challenge then was not only vitamin A is very important (Suwanto 2000).
to increase the yield to sufficiently overcome Indonesian scientists, primarily in the Research
land conversion but also to improve the nutrient Center of Biotechnology, Indonesia Institute
content of and add value to the rice. The research of Sciences (LIPI), are currently developing
began with enhancing the pro-vitamin A content transgenic paddy. It is now being field tested—
through beta carotene. Genetic engineering was for bio- and environmental safety, multi-seasons
employed because paddy is naturally unable to and multi-locations, among others—under the
synthesize carotenoid. surveillance of the Ministry of Agriculture.
20 Hermanto Siregar and Bustanul Arifin

When it has passed the testing, the Academy economically providing farmers with more
expects to cooperate with the private sector to profit; and is more environment friendly.
further develop and market the product. Another product, which has been field
LIPI has also produced a paddy cultivar, experimented in Indonesia, is a herbicide-
which is resistant to dry conditions and can tolerant maize called Roundup Ready (RR)-
be planted in areas with minimal water. This Corn1 produced by PT Monagro Kimia, an
transgenic paddy is achieved by over-expressing affiliate of Monsanto. The experiment, which
a gene with transcript factor OsHOX, which was carried out by the University of Lampung
is resistant to dry stress and has been tried in in 2000-2001, found that RR-Corn was more
the plant model of Arabidopsis thaliana. LIPI vigorous than other seeds. In terms of farming
has also produced transgenic paddy varieties, cost, the conservation tillage system was found
which are resistant to stem borer insects up to to be the most efficient when RR-Corn was
the fourth generation. These varieties are more used (Sembodo et al. 2002). According to these
resistant to stem borer insects than the existing researchers, revenue-to-cost ratio of RR-Corn
varieties of Rojolele, Ciherang, and Cilosari. with conservation tillage was from 1.83 to 2.61,
Test results suggest that the transgenic paddy significantly higher than that of other seeds
does not affect the ecosystem in the sense that (1.14).
there is no gene distributed into other crops and In addition to paddy and maize, the genetic-
the surrounding microbes and other insects are engineering approach was also used in soybean.
not influenced. This plant has been modified genetically to
Furthermore, LIPI has produced transgenic tolerate glyphosate. In Indonesia, research to
paddy resistant to blast fungi. This is done by produce aluminum-tolerant soybean varieties
increasing the salicylic acid content in paddy is in progress. Biotechnology is not the same
by engineering the gene related to salicylic as the transgenic approach. LIPI has produced
acid biosynthesis. The experimentation has “soybean plus,” which is soybean containing
been carried out until the fourth generation, and Rhizobium bacteria found in soil that can
it suggests that a number of transgenic paddy conduct nitrogen-adding processes. Eighty
genotypes are resistant to blast attack at different percent of the air contains nitrogen but plants,
stages of growth (Anonymous 2008). including soybean, are unable to use it directly.
Novartis, formerly Ciba-Geigy, has Properly mixing Rhizobium with soybean seeds
successfully constructed transgenic maize will cause infection of the bacteria in the roots of
(Bt maize) resistant to borer insects. In the the growing seeds, which would facilitate roots’
United States, farmers have been planting this nitrogen absorption and minimize the use of
transgenic plant since 1996. Bt maize contains nitrogen fertilizer (urea) by up to 60 percent. As
the Cry gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, a result, the yield can potentially be increased
allowing it to produce protein that can kill from 1.2 t/ha (national average) to 2.6 t/ha, or
insects from the Lepidoptera group. This even up to 3.6 t/ha in Musi Rawas regency.
transgenic maize is expected to reduce the In addition to paddy, maize, and soybean,
use of chemical pesticides; technically and transgenic cotton suitable for Indonesia’s agro-

Mention of proprietary names does not imply endorsement nor objection of the products by the authors
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 21

climate condition was also developed.2 In No technological change is risk-free, and

2002, the government permitted field testing this applies to genetically engineered products.
of Bt cotton (DP 5690B) in the province of However, in many cases, damages because of
South Sulawesi through the Decision Letter transgenic products are exaggerated. Some
of the Minister of Agriculture No. 107/ of the possible risks of transgenic food are as
KPts/KB/430/2/2001. According to a study follows:
undertaken by Kolopaking et al. (2003), Bt 1) Allergies, especially to consumers who are
cotton yield (about 1204 kg/ha) was higher highly sensitive to food. Transgenic soybean
than that of non-Bt cotton by 57 percent in with high methionin content posed this risk
five districts of the province. There was also so that when subsequent tests proved that the
evidence that Bt cotton had lower production plant caused allergic reactions in humans, its
costs. As such, the net profit per ha of Bt commercialization was stopped. Scientists
cotton was 83 percent higher than that of its found that the corresponding Bt gene was
counterpart. unstable and became inactive at pH under
To summarize, biotechnology is potentially 5 and when the temperature reached 65 oC.
able to minimize the use and costs of agri- This means that the gene would not have
chemical inputs, improve yield, and conserve caused allergies to humans had the product
the environment. Hence, if properly managed, been cooked properly.
it increases the possibility of reducing poverty
incidence and attaining sustainable farming 2) Toxins, particularly of transgenic plants
practices. Despite this potential, many national containing Bt endotoxin. The major concern
observers claim that its progress is relatively is based on the toxic characteristic of the Bt
slow. The slow advancement of biotechnology gene, i.e., killing insects that eat the plant.
in Indonesia is perhaps due to apprehensions However, this view is incorrect because
on the likely effects of transgenic plants or to the Bt gene is toxic only if it meets the
relatively unclear policies of the government. receptor signal in the intestine of insects
whose group of virulence is suitable. The
Qualms on Transgenic Plants Cry I gene works only for Lepidopterans,
whereas the Cry III gene is effective only
Plants naturally evolve. Their evolution for Coleopterans. The intestine of insects
happens gradually through the interaction possesses base pH, whereas the human
between long-term environmental changes and intestine has acid pH and does not have the
gene variabilities. Human intervention through Bt receptor signal. The Bt gene is unstable
genetic engineering alters gene structures and inactive when the pH is lower than 5. In
forcefully and rapidly. Many are concerned addition, the Bt-toxin has been utilized by
that the plants produced by these drastic farmers in developed countries as a natural
alterations will jeopardize human health and pesticide, which is safe for animals, useful
the environment, and ultimately lead to societal insects, and humans. Thus, transgenic plants
losses. containing the Cry genes are non-toxic to

This is Bt cotton, a result of genetic engineering, in which a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
is transferred to the cotton genome. The presence of the Bt gene makes the plant resistant to a number of pests,
including Helicoverpa gelotopoeon, Pectinophora gossipiella, and Alabama argillacea (Qaim, Cap, and de Janvry
22 Hermanto Siregar and Bustanul Arifin

3) Possibilities that the use of antibiotic marks this with a Guideline for Undertaking the
in a transgenic plant may cause the bacteria Safety Testing on Genetically Engineered Food
in the human body to become resistant and Agricultural Products. The Joint Decision
to antibiotics. Scientists claim that the Letter has even been legally strengthened by
possibility of the gene being transferred the Government Regulation, PP No. 21/2005
horizontally from the consumed transgenic on Biological Safety and Genetically Modified
product into the bacteria is very small. Products, and the formation of the Commission
The gene is incorporated into the plant’s for Biological and Food Safety (KKHP) and a
genome through genetic engineering so the technical team to implement the regulation.
plant itself does not have any mechanism To date, the government still lacks clear
to transfer the incorporated gene into the policy actions despite this regulation. For
bacteria in the human body. example, it has not issued the needed regulation
As long as transgenic plant development is on maximum threshold of transgenic materials
carried out accordingly and ethical principles that is assumed to be safe. Thus, the Ministry of
are considered, it will not harm consumers. Research and Technology, which is external to
To date, there is no scientific finding in the aforementioned signing ministries, suggests
Indonesia reporting that the consumption of a set of policy arrays that can be summarized
transgenic products causes health disturbances. as follows:
Therefore, if continuously and carefully 1) Developing coherent and consistent policies.
developed, transgenic plants may be seen as an The policies to support biotechnology
important factor in future food and agriculture development must be comprehensive, (i.e.,
development. coherent and consistent across ministries)
to minimize risks on human health, the
BIOTECHNOLOGY: POLICIES AND environment as well as the economy, and
CHALLENGES TO ITS DEVELOPMENT to maximize gains from such development.
At the international level, consistency and
Government Policies coherence will help develop the country’s
bargaining position in terms of trade
Controversies continue to surround negotiations; as well as to fulfill ratified
biotechnology products, yet there is no scientific agreements like UNCBD and others from
proof that they are unsafe for consumption. the World Trade Organization, including
In Indonesia, crop development through Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
biotechnology approaches has been undertaken, (TRIPs).
including for paddy, maize, soybean, 2) Determining clearly the priorities and
groundnut, sweet potato, sugarcane, cocoa, targets needed. Targets of biotechnology
cotton, and tobacco. The use of transgenic development, which is financed by public
plants are regulated by the government, as investments, need to be identified clearly
suggested by the Joint Decision Letter of the for each of the public research institutes
Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Health, as responsible for such development. Priorities
well as Food and Horticulture Numbers: 998.1/ have to be set, starting from determining
Kpts/OT.210/99; 790.a/Kpts.IX/99; 1145A/ fields in which biotechnology development
MENKES/SKB/IX/99; 015 A/N Meneg. is urgently needed until assessing risks,
PHDR/09/99. The government complements management of risks, and plans of actions.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 23

It is crucial at this point to involve the 7) Supporting public education and awareness.
participation of various stakeholders. Science and technology education should be
3) Assuring safe utilization of biotechnology. improved at all levels. This is to respond to
A transparent and efficient legal system needs in skill and awareness on biotechnology
assuring that biotechnology products are development and applications.
safe and fulfill international standards is 8) Forming and maintaining infrastructure.
required. This is crucial in gaining the Infrastructure is one of the necessary
public’s confidence in the products. The main conditions for attracting investments
functions of the legal system are, among in biotechnology-based industries. The
others, to: (a) ensure that all biotechnology- needed infrastructure include roads,
processed products from domestic and telecommunication systems, electricity,
foreign countries are subject to proper risk water, and ports.
assessments, (b) assure that only products 9) Monitoring the progress of foreign
that have passed the required assessments biotechnology development and supporting
and accord well with the international safety the required international collaboration.
standards will be consmed or marketed, and Regular and continuing analyses on the
(c) provide accurate information to the public progress are needed to enable the government
regarding the risks and benefits arising from to correctly devote limited resources to
modern biotechnology development. developing state-of-the-art biotechnologies
4) Managing intellectual property rights. required to solve specific problems.
A proper legal system consistent with
international conventions is needed to Challenges of Biotechnology Development
protect biotechnology-based inventions and in Indonesia
innovations. This is an important incentive
not only for foreign inventors but also for Many observers note that the progress of
local experts who have the opportunity to biotechnology development and applications
process the diverse domestic biological in Indonesia is relatively slow. Biotechnology
resources via biotechnology. adoptions are still subject to pros and cons, and
5) Attracting the private sector to invest. negatively viewed by some parties. The latter
Private domestic and foreign investments is probably because biotechnology products are
should be attractive to biotechnology perceived as the domination of multinational
industries by providing a more competitive corporations of Western countries, whereby
tax system and other fiscal incentives. a particular party has been campaigning that
biotechnology products are dangerous and should
6) Increasing support for public research and be rejected. This is possible because the media
development (R&D). Increases in financial and other information conveyors in Indonesia
support for R&D activities in the fields of in general do not have sufficient knowledge
agriculture, health, and industry are crucial on the subject. Therefore, disseminating valid
both in local and national levels. Additional information on biotechnology to the public,
support is required for biotechnology including the media, thus increasing their
products developed mainly for fulfilling the familiarity with the subject, is still a challenge.
needs of the poor or peasant farmers.
24 Hermanto Siregar and Bustanul Arifin

Another challenge is improving the existing million growing at the rate of 1.3 percent per
legal backup. The only legal backup so far annum is not an easy task, especially in this era
is Government Regulation No. 21/2005 on of regional autonomy. Regional governments
Biological Safety and Genetically Modified have full independence to plan and conduct
Products. The scope of this regulation has to their regional development, including that of
be broadened and deepened as the subject has agriculture and food. Under these circumstances,
progressed dynamically. maintaining food security is very important.
The low public budget for biotechnology Biotechnology development, especially in
R&D is another challenge that must be overcome food, is one of the solutions. Though still in
as soon as possible. To some extent, this may its infancy in Indonesia, biotechnology needs
reflect a general perception that R&D is not significant R&D efforts to be at par with other
a priority at this point. The budget deficiency countries that are advanced in the field. Such
in returns constrained the country’s ability efforts must be taken to improve the food
to improve quantitatively and qualitatively crop yields and to optimize biodiversity. Since
the human resource working directly on results of these efforts are generally apparent
biotechnology development. Allowing this in the medium- to long-terms, this is not
to persist will make the country critically attractive enough for domestic investors who
dependent on imported biotechnologies and prefer mostly short-period alternatives. The
the resulting products. If the public budget government, through its research institutes and
constraint will continue, the country will have universities, must therefore play its role in this
to cooperate with foreign governments to direction. Sufficient budget is crucially needed
overcome financial problems in R&D, and with to accelerate R&D efforts.
domestic and foreign private sectors to develop Private-sector collaborations would
biotechnology products, especially food crops. normally be more plausible in developing
Improving coordination and cooperation further the obtained inventions or in scaling
across domestic R&D institutions is another up the resulting innovations. Perhaps, private-
challenge. Without sufficient coordination or sector involvement at this stage is no less
cooperation there would be a waste of finances important than the government’s role in the
in the form of unnecessary overlaps in research previous stage. Without the private sector,
and other related activities. Simplifying the it would be very difficult to disseminate the
bureaucratic process in obtaining intellectual products to farmers or consumers. Proper
property rights and providing sufficient legal fiscal incentives, as well as legal protection on
protection for the obtained rights are also investments, are vital to increase private-sector
challenges that must be surmounted. involvement.
Controversy in the development and use of
CONCLUSION transgenic products at any time must be handled
wisely by the government. It is important for the
Indonesia has abundant natural resources latter to conduct necessary testing or evaluation
and rich biodiversity. However, its poverty rate of the products regularly and disseminate the
is still above 15 percent and food security is results to the stakeholders accordingly. Clearer
threatened by high fluctuation in commodity policies in protecting the consumers and the
prices, agricultural land conversion, relatively environment, supporting biotechnology R&D,
stagnant yields of food crops, and climate and attracting the private sector and participation
change. Feeding the population of about 230 of civil society are certainly required.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 7, No. 2 25


An earlier version of this paper was

presented at the Sixth International Conference
of the Asian Society of Agricultural Economists
(ASAE) in Manila, August 28-29, 2008. The
authors would like to thank Siti Masyitho for
her assistance.


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