Niraj - Rooms Divison Management - Final

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Rooms Division Management 2015

Table of Contents
1.1) Discuss accommodation and front office services for different organizations. ......................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
Accommodation and front office services in hospitals ................................................................... 5
Accommodation and front office services in educational institutions ............................................. 6
Accommodation services in hotels ................................................................................................. 7
Front office services in hotels ........................................................................................................ 7
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2) Analyze the roles and responsibilities of a range of accommodation and reception service
staff. ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 9
Housekeeper: An operational level position................................................................................... 9
Executive housekeeper: A managerial level position .................................................................... 10
Floor Supervisor: A Supervisory level position .............................................................................. 11
A summary of roles and responsibilities of staffs in the front office department .......................... 11
Table: 1.1..................................................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3) Discuss legal and statutory requirement that apply to rooms division operations. ................. 14
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 14
Workplace Safety Act................................................................................................................... 14
Fire Safety Act ............................................................................................................................. 15
Immigration Act and Diplomatic Privileges ................................................................................... 15
Acts against discrimination .......................................................................................................... 16
General Laws ............................................................................................................................... 16
Consumer Law, Data Protection Act and Price Tariff and Display Acts .......................................... 17
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 17
1.4) Evaluate services provided by the rooms division in a range of hospitality businesses. .......... 19
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 19
Services provided by rooms division in large hotels...................................................................... 19
Services provided by rooms division in small hotels ..................................................................... 21
Services provided by rooms division in hospitals .......................................................................... 22
Services provided by rooms division in colleges ........................................................................... 22
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 23

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2.1) Assess the importance of the front of the house area to effective management. ................... 24
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 24
Front of house area for generation of periodic records and reports ............................................. 24
Front of house area for effective communication ........................................................................ 25
Front of house area for maintenance of oversight and establishment of control .......................... 26
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 27
2.2) Discuss the key aspects of planning and management of the front of house area for a given
hospitality operation. ..................................................................................................................... 28
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 28
Selection of location .................................................................................................................... 28
Proper working environment ....................................................................................................... 29
Resource Management................................................................................................................ 29
Control Mechanism, Supervision, Appraisal, Job Analysis and Job Description ............................. 30
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 30
2.3) Critically discuss the key operational issues affecting the effective management and business
performance of the front office area for a given operation. ........................................................... 32
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 32
Unavailability of resources and manpower .................................................................................. 32
Miscommunication ...................................................................................................................... 33
Discontent Customers ................................................................................................................. 33
Absence or Inefficiency in performance ....................................................................................... 34
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 34
3.1) Assess the importance of property interiors and design to effective management. ............... 35
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 35
Staff motivation and proper working environment ...................................................................... 35
Directional Assistance .................................................................................................................. 36
Uninterrupted movements and crowd control ............................................................................. 36
Increase in value and guest motivation ........................................................................................ 36
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 37
3.2) Discuss the critical aspects of planning and management of the accommodation service
function for a given hospitality operation. ..................................................................................... 38
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 38
Resource management and allocation ......................................................................................... 38
Human Resource Management.................................................................................................... 39

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Creation and implementation of SOPs ......................................................................................... 39
Development of Control Mechanism and Oversight Maintenance ............................................... 40
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 41
3.3) analyse the key operational issues affecting the effective management and business
performance of the accommodation service function for a given operation. ................................. 42
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 42
Lack of resources and manpower ................................................................................................ 42
Improper Workplace Environment:.............................................................................................. 43
Natural Calamities ....................................................................................................................... 43
Injuries and its risks ..................................................................................................................... 43
Lack of performance .................................................................................................................... 44
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1) Perform revenue/yield management activities to maximise occupancy and rooms revenue. . 46
Introduction: ............................................................................................................................... 46
Customer Segmentation .............................................................................................................. 46
Situational/Conditional Pricing .................................................................................................... 47
Customer Prioritization ................................................................................................................ 47
Higher price for foreigners ........................................................................................................... 47
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 48
4.2) Discuss sales techniques that rooms division staff can use to promote and maximise revenue.
........................................................................................................................................................ 49
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 49
Upselling ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Overbooking ................................................................................................................................ 50
Use of social media for relationship building and sales promotion ............................................... 50
Provision of complimentary drink and snacks .............................................................................. 51
Off-season Specials ...................................................................................................................... 51
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 51
4.3) Discuss the purpose and use of forecasting and statistical data within the rooms division. .... 53
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 53
Use of forecasting for future planning and decision making. ........................................................ 53
Forecasting for determining appropriate prices ........................................................................... 54
Forecasting for preparation on anticipated future circumstances ................................................ 54
Forecasting for Budgeting ............................................................................................................ 55

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Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 55
4.4) Calculate rooms division performance indicators to measure the success of accommodation
sales. ............................................................................................................................................... 56
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 56
Calculations and Implications: ..................................................................................................... 57
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 59
Bibliography.................................................................................................................................... 60

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1.1) Discuss accommodation and front office services for different organizations.

People travel from one place to another for various reasons such as education, work,
business, health services, adventure and religious activities or simply for leisure. When a
person travels to a place away from his home, he requires accommodation. There are various
organizations that provide accommodation but they differ in operations and the range of
services rendered because the goal of the organization and eventually the customers they
cater to vary. For instance, a hospital caters to the sick people and their services are centred
on providing health care facilities of the highest quality. Similarly, accommodation facilities
in educational institution is provided for students who are looking for affordable places to
stay and the services rendered is usually limited. Whereas a hotel is built for luxury and the
accommodation facilities expected by the visitors is of the highest quality containing all the
facilities. For any organization, front office is the nerve centre and as the accommodation
services vary so does the front office services provided as well. The basic features of a front
office such as location, accessibility and front office as an information hub centre remains the
same but the range of services rendered and operations carried out might vary according to
the type and the aim of an organization.

Accommodation and front office services in hospitals

A hospital is an organization that provides health care facilities and renders services to the
sick people. The services provided in a hospital is focused towards delivering health care
services of the highest quality rather than fulfilling the accommodation needs of the patient,
but, it is however imminent for an organization in this sector to provide and maintain a clean
and germ free environment in its accommodation. It is important for doctors and nurses to
carry out their services in a time efficient manner, so, generally groups of people are placed
in a single large room in independent beds and the rooms might be segregated according to
age group or according to the disease types. A hospital might have a paediatric ward for
children, neo-natal wards for newly born or maternal wards for pregnant women. Similarly,
accommodation facilities in a hospital can be segregated according to diseases or the nature
and extremeness of illness such as oncology ward for cancer patients, general ward for

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general checkups, ICU for patients that require intensive care, burn ward for burn victims,
emergency ward for patients that require immediate treatment etc. Whatever the case or
however the accommodations are segregated, in general, the accommodation service in a
hospital is relatively cheaper and the prices remain stagnant throughout a long period of time.
Cleaning is done in an hourly basis and other housekeeping services such as changing linens
and bed sheets might be done twice or thrice a day depending on the illness or the nature of
the wards. „Laundry and linen service plays a very important role in maintaining a
safeguarding the health and hygiene of both the impatient and medical staff. The quality and
standard of this service determines in a large measure, the quality of any health care system‟
[Veni Krishna, n.d.]. Thus, it is important that a hospital implements proper protocol and
gives care in disinfecting and cleaning certain agents while carrying out these services.
Generally a hospital employs one staff in each ward to carry out their housekeeping services.
Likewise, a front office service in a hospital is limited to greeting patients, handling visitors
and providing information to guests when required. Hence, it is important for employees in
front office of a hospital to have a record of the patients and to know the proper layout of the
hospital to direct the visitors upon request. Front office staff should know the services
provided by the hospital and operations carried out by different wards in order to properly
assist and direct the guests. Telephone handling might be included in the front office
operations of some of the hospitals.

Accommodation and front office services in educational institutions

A college or a university provides accommodation facilities to its students in the form of
hostels and dormitories. Not all colleges carry out accommodation facilities whereas almost
all universities have on-campus housing to fulfil the accommodation needs of their students.
As they are targeted towards students, on-campus housing or dormitories are affordable and
the service provided is limited and generally a room is shared between groups of friends.
Even the duration of stay of the guests are relatively longer and the housekeeping and laundry
services are very limited if provided or in most cases the guests are themselves responsible
for these services. They do however provide some other facilities required for a student such
as internet and meal. Similar to hospitals front office service in a college is limited to guest
handling, telephone reception and providing information when required. They may also serve
as an information relay centre between the administration and the staffs or between the
administration and the students. Front office staffs in a college do not carry out any
transactions or accounting procedures.

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Accommodation services in hotels
Accommodation services in different hotels vary according to its size or its objective. A
motel or a small hotel is mostly operated by a single employee who may be the manager or
the owner and they carry out the operations such as maintenance, housekeeping, and front
office services by themselves. On the other hand, a large hotel might have different sections
with number of employees in each of them to carry out a particular function and cater to the
needs of the guest. The size and scope of each section differs according to the size and the
nature of the hotel. Guests come to hotel expecting luxury and are willing to pay for it, thus,
the services rendered in a hotel is primarily focused on providing comfortable and luxurious
accommodation in a quality manner. The rooms are properly equipped and well maintained
and the beds are comfortable and clean. Housekeeping and laundry services are provided on a
daily basis and customers have access to extra facilities such as television, internet, telephone
and transportation. Additionally, room services are provided and further services might also
be arranged upon request. The comfort of the guest is the prime concern and objective for
such an organization, hence, staffs are well trained and properly mannered. Relative to other
organizations for accommodation services such as hospitals and hostels, price is quite
expensive because unlike other organizations, accommodation services in a hotel is carried
out with focus on luxury and comfort of the guests. Moreover, the price for accommodation
within a single hotel may vary according to the type of the room or even according to the
season during the transaction. It is acceptable in a hotel to provide varying discounts to guests
to maximize the occupancy for similar rooms whereas in hostels or hospitals the price is
mostly fixed and cannot be changed beyond a certain extent.

Front office services in hotels

A front office service provided in a hotel is wide in range and it has to carry out number of
functions to cater to the needs of the guests. „The front office department is the most
noticeable department in the hotel. It is traditionally known as reception and it is the focal
point of most activities within a hospitality business, whether it is a large or small hotel, a
cruise liner, a holiday centre, a time-share resort or a youth hostel. The front office is a term
accepted as including back of house responsibilities, such as switchboard, accounts, cashier
and night audit, front desk, concierge and guest services‟ [Ansah, K. A. & Blankson, S. V.,
2012]. It is the first point of interaction between the guest and the organization hence, the
primary function of a front office in a hotel can be determined to be the sale of the rooms.
Accepting reservations, handling walk-ins, starting and completing registration process are

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the services provided by a front office staff in a hotel that eventually culminates in the sale of
the rooms. Additional services provided by the front office might include supplying internal
information such as hotel services, supplying external information such as events and
locations to the guests and the handling of keys and messages. Handling of complaints,
problems and grieves is another service provided by the front office staff in a hotel.
Moreover, maintaining accounts by creating a folio, documenting guest transactions and
handling cash are few other services rendered by a front office staff in a hotel.

In conclusion, there are various organizations that provide accommodation services such as
hospitals, colleges and hotels. Hospitals cater to the accommodation needs of the patient
whereas colleges cater to the needs of the students. Their primary goal is to provide health
care services and education respectively and providing accommodation is their secondary
objective. Whereas hotels primarily focuses on luxury and comfort of the guest by providing
a suitable place of stay equipped with modern facilities. Hence, there is vast difference in the
quality of service and operations carried out within these organizations. Accommodation
services in hospital should be clean but at the same time is cheaper and the patients are
usually placed in different beds within a single room. Colleges on the other hand, provide
cheap accommodations but do include additional services required for a student such as
internet and meal services. Housekeeping and laundry is very limited if available and mostly
the student themselves are responsible for them. Rooms in a good hotel is properly equipped
and well maintained with major focus given on the comfort of the guest via quality of service
and proper products and variety of foods. Similarly, front office services provided for these
organizations, differ in size, structure as well as the roles they carry out. Front office services
for hospitals and colleges are limited to greeting, guest handling and information supply and
handling of complaints whereas in a hotel, a front office desk is responsible for providing
additional services of reservation of guests, registration, account maintenance and carrying
out cash transactions as well.

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1.2) Analyze the roles and responsibilities of a range of accommodation and reception
service staff.

Like any other organization in various sectors, an organization in hospitality industry is
divided into different departments, each with its own function in order to carry out the
operations efficiently and in a timely manner. The department employs number of staffs all
with distinct roles and responsibilities who are equally important and are required to work in
tandem to achieve the goal set by the organization. The staffs can be generally classified
according to their designation as managerial level staff, supervisory level staff and
operational level staff. In different department, the responsibility of a managerial level staff,
in general, is to manage and plan, supervisory level staff is to supervise and provide guidance
and that of the operational level staff is to carry out daily operations. However, in every
organization, the responsibility the staffs carry and the method they undertake to fulfil their
responsibilities vary from department to department. It should be stressed that the employees
carry the image of an organization in their shoulders and the responsibility of an operational
level staff is equally important to that of the managerial level staff or supervisory level staff,
which is more relevant especially in hospitality industry, where there is a constant need to
directly interact with the customers while carrying out operations. For instance, in a hotel, the
housekeeping department is primarily responsible for the upkeep and the presentation of the
rooms, such operations carried out by the housekeepers, and yet it has to have a manager, a
supervisor and number of other staffs to ensure the proper functionality of the department as
a whole.

Housekeeper: An operational level position

„Housekeeping departments play a vital role in today‟s lodging industry. People involved in
housekeeping operations service guest rooms, maintain and service public and special areas,
and, in many instances, operate laundries and recreational and health facilities‟ [O‟Fallon and
Rutherford, 2007]. The housekeeper is an operational level position and the responsibility of
a housekeeper is to carry out the manual tasks in the housekeeping department. Any job that
culminates to bringing the room to a saleable condition for a prospective buyer is the

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responsibility of a housekeeper. The tasks that need to be fulfilled by a housekeeper might
involve cleaning the room, stocking the supplies and presenting a room to a proper and
attractive condition. Cleanliness might require sweeping, scrubbing vacuuming and emptying
the trash and ashtrays at times. The supplies required by a guest might include groceries,
soaps, shampoos, perfumes, toiletries, towels, office supplies etc. and the housekeepers are
the ones who should stock these supplies in a room. Similarly, anything relating to the
presentation of a room such as making beds, changing linens, rearranging furniture and
changing flower and fresheners is also the responsibility of a housekeeper. Moreover, they
might carry some additional functions related to the room maintenance such as making small
menial repairs like changing bulbs, carrying laundries and reporting major issues regarding
equipments and machineries to the respective maintenance and engineering departments.
Furthermore, due to the fact that they come in direct contact with the guests while carrying
out their operations they need to be able to reply to the queries of the guests and take
messages or requests whenever requested.

Executive housekeeper: A managerial level position

The executive housekeeper is a managerial level position and they are responsible for
managing the entire housekeeping department in regards to operations, estimation, budgeting
and planning. „The executive housekeeper usually assumes complete direction, operational
control, and supervision of the housekeeping, laundry, and recreation departments‟ [O‟Fallon
and Rutherford, 2007]. It is the responsibility of the executive housekeeper to establish a
proper control mechanism and at the same time to develop standard of procedures for
efficient and uniform operations. They are also the ones who should choose and initiate
training programs for the new hires. Additionally, they are responsible for estimating or
anticipating the required supplies and placing subsequent orders thus providing interrupted
flow of supplies needed for carrying out daily operations. Another important task as the role
of a figurehead for an executive housekeeper is to budget the revenue required for the
department relating to both the cost of supplies and equipments as well as to the
remunerations of the employees. Furthermore, the executive housekeepers are bound by the
responsibility of assigning projects and reviewing employee performance and thus providing
necessary feedback and motivation required for improved job performance. As the leader of
the department, it is the executive housekeeper who eventually determines the scale of the
operation and consequently the allocation of resources as well, both human and non-human.

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Floor Supervisor: A Supervisory level position
The position of the floor supervisor is a supervisory position and they act as a conduit
between the housekeepers and the housekeeping manager. On the one hand they are
responsible for supervising and monitoring the performance of a housekeeper in individual
rooms while on the other hand they are responsible for providing reports and
recommendations to the management regarding the job performance of the individual
housekeepers as well as the requirement of the department. The floor supervisor is
responsible for implementing control mechanism established by the management and
consequently they are the ones responsible for instructing the housekeepers about the
standard of procedures and ensuring its adherence. They are also required to assign task to the
workers by preparing their job schedules and prepare performance reports of the staffs and
also provide help to the employees whenever required. Additionally, they are the ones who
train new employees under the training program established by the management. Tracking
inventories, recording them and forwarding the report to the management regarding supplies
and eventually supplying it to the individual workers in the housekeeping department is
another responsibility of a floor supervisor. With respect to the responsibility of a floor
supervisor as to providing the assistance in management, they are required to submit
performance reports and make related recommendations therein. Recommendations can be
related to the management of staffs regarding their promotion, demotion, hiring and firing or
it can be related to the improvement of the department as a whole so as to its improved way
of operations, change in supplies and equipments or need of some new program that results in
efficient operations. Thus, a floor supervisor in a housekeeping department in a hotel is
important for both, efficient operations as well as for effective management.

A summary of roles and responsibilities of staffs in the front office department

Similar to the housekeeping department, the front office department of a hotel has number of
employees under different designation each with distinct roles and responsibilities. The front
office is the point of contact between the guests and the business and the function of a front
office as a whole is to greet and handle the guests and provide relevant services, however, the
roles and responsibilities of the staffs in the front office is different for each of them and
varies according their designations as well.

The general roles and responsibilities of different staffs in a front office can be briefly
tabulated as follows:

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Job Position Function Roles and Responsibilities

Concierge Assist the Guest Make dining and other reservations for guests,
provide local information and make travel
arrangements and run errands.
Bell Boy Baggage Handling Load and unload baggage and register them,
respond to bell calls and escort guests during check
ins and checkouts.
Receptionist Guest Handling, Phone Reserve and register guests, greet the guests, reply
Handling, Accounting to queries and provide information, handle
etc. telephone, relay information to all other
departments, handle cash transaction, maintain
accounts etc.
Night Auditor Auditing the Accounts. Verify and check the accounts for error and
malpractice, prepare revenue reports, track
occupancy percentage and related statistics.
Lobby Manage the lobby. Greet VIPS, Establish Control, Develop SOP,
Manager Develop training program, Formulate strategies,
Manage resources in Front Office.
Front Office Supervise the front Assist employees, Implement Control and SOP,
Supervisor office. monitor and measure job performance, prepare
report for management, track inventory and
transactions, make recommendations.

Table: 1.1

In conclusion, there are different departments in an organization in a hospitality industry, and
each department has number of staffs working under different designations. The roles and
responsibilities of the staffs vary according to the department as well as their position. In a
hotel, the function of a housekeeping department as a whole is maintenance and upkeep of a
room, however, the roles and responsibilities of the staffs within the housekeeping
department is different for different staffs under various designations. A housekeeper is an
operational level position responsible for cleaning the room and stocking the supplies with
some other additional functions. An executive housekeeper is basically responsible for

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planning, controlling, budgeting and developing strategies for efficient operation of the
housekeeping department. A floor supervisor on the other hand, acts as a link between the
management and the operation and is equally important for both efficient operations and
effective management. All the staffs across different designations are equally important for
running the department efficiently. Absence of even one level of staff in a single department
hinders the operations of that department and eventually of the whole organization. Thus, it is
important for the staffs across different designations in a department to work in compliance
with each other and fulfil each of their roles and responsibilities properly to ultimately attain
the goal set by an organization.

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1.3) Discuss legal and statutory requirement that apply to rooms division operations.

The scope of the law is broad and there are various acts and statutes placed by the
constitution for various sections of the society. A law might be in place for a person, a
corporation or a business and the constitution itself is responsible for its implementation.
There are various acts that are in place for an organization or an industry and it becomes the
responsibility of the management and the staffs to guarantee its compliance. Legal guidelines
are in place from an organization‟s inception and it should be properly followed during its
operations as well as management process. The repercussions for its disobedience can be
lethal at times. It is a fact that every business is run for profit and various sectors in
hospitality industry is not an exception. However, it is important that an organization binds
itself to the existing social and corporate laws and bases its operations within the legal
parameters while striving to achieve its goal. The normal operations of the rooms division in
various organizations within hospitality industry should comply with existing laws and might
be applicable in its various operation procedures, work place environment or circumstances
occurring due to the specific needs of the guest.

Workplace Safety Act

In United Kingdom, the health and safety law for different organization is enacted by the
Health and Safety at Work Act referred to as HSW Act and HSE (Health and Safety
Executive) is responsible for regulating and enforcing the act. They send health inspectors to
inspect the work place environment and the visit is regular although it may be sudden. Failure
to comply with the health and safety standards might result in fines or at times even closure
of the business. There are various regulations within the Act and it covers a wide range of
health, safety and welfare issues. For instance, „the Workplace Regulation of 1992 targets
various issues in the workplace that will help employers understand the regulatory
requirements on issues such as ventilation, temperature, lighting, cleanliness, room
dimensions, workstations and seating, floor conditions, falls or falling objects, transparent
and translucent doors, gates and walls, windows, skylights and ventilators, traffic routes,
escalators, sanitary conveniences and washing facilities‟ [Johns Sue, 2013]. Health and
safety of the guests as well as the employees is a crucial requirement in services industry and
an organization are legally obligated to have proper safety standards and at the same time

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have proper resources and guidelines to educate the staffs and the guests about the existing
safety measures. The risk on the safety in the industry might arise due to slips and trips,
improper handling of the food, improper cleaning or while operating knives, kitchen wares or
machineries. An employer is responsible for taking proper precautions to minimize the
dangers in the workplace and safe working environment to the workers. Some of the
precautions that are generally used in the workplace are the use of hairnets, use of gloves
while handling foods, use of insulated heat gloves for handling hot items and use of proper
packaging and refrigeration for storing items. Additionally, they are required to provide
proper training to operate machineries and cutleries and at the same time should oversee
proper inspection and maintenance of the equipments. Furthermore, the workplace and the
materials should be clean, germ and rodent free to eliminate the risk of contagious diseases.

Fire Safety Act

An organization in services industry should also comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire
Safety) Order 2005 in United Kingdom which is in place for fire safety regulations and
provides safety for the guests and the employees in case of the disaster. „The main rules
under the order that should be followed is identifying possible hazards, identifying people at
risk, evaluating, removing or reducing items to protect from the risk and finally recording,
planning, informing, instructing and training relevant people‟[HM Government, n.d.]. In
services industry, for instance a hotel should have fire detectors placed in each room to
prevent the disaster from occurring in the first place. They should have proper accessible fire
exit doors in each floor and each room should be equipped with water sprinklers and fire
extinguishers. Furthermore a room should be properly ventilated and combustible items
should be kept to a minimum. In addition to having these standards and equipments, a hotel
should conduct regular drills among its employees and at the same time should educate and
inform their guests about the procedures and standards in place.

Immigration Act and Diplomatic Privileges

An organization that provides accommodation are legally obligated to properly document and
record the foreigners that use the accommodation services in a hotel and is governed by the
Immigration ( Hotel Records ) Order 1972 in United Kingdom. „The keeper of the premises is
required to keep for a period of 12 months a record in writing of the date of arrival of every
person and of all information given to him by any such person and every record shall at times
be open to inspection by any constable or by any person authorized by the Secretary of State‟

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[Immigration Order, 1972]. This law should be complied with to have a record of foreigners
and is helpful in gathering statistical data as well as to track and avoid the entry of illegal and
terrorists into the country. However there are certain privileges granted to diplomats of
foreign nations covered by the Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964, who are not required to sign
hotel registers and are also exempt from certain taxes, import duty and tariffs for items of
personal use.

Acts against discrimination

The services provided in any institution in the hospitality industry should be free of bias and
treatment to all should be equal irrespective of their age, gender, race, sexual orientation,
disability, religion etc. Service providers are barred from making assumptions about the
characteristic of an individual while rendering their services and should treat everyone fairly.
In United Kingdom, „tourism businesses have obligations under The Equality Act 2010,
which replaced the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 (DDA) on 1 October 2010.
The Equality Act 2010 requires that service providers must think ahead and take steps to
address barriers that impede disabled people. Providers should not wait until a disabled
person experiences difficulties using a service, as this may make it too late to make the
necessary adjustment‟[Visit England, 2012]. An organization should build its infrastructure
which can be easily accessible to a disabled person and should give proper care so as not to
place a disable person into considerable disadvantage. For instance, a hotel should have
proper and separate parking facilities for the disabled which is easily approachable. They
should also have automatic doors and access to floors that does not require stairs. In addition,
an organization can provide supplemental aids and services such as hearing aids or providing
information in an accessible format.

General Laws
Moreover, organizations in service industry are bound by general laws that are equally
applicable to other organizations in various sectors. Law against hiring minors or providing
rooms to them without a guardian‟s consent, law to meet the minimum wage requirement
while remunerating the employees, law against providing alcohol to the minors, law barring
admission of a prostitute into the premises are some of the laws that should be adhered to
while carrying out daily operations. Legal age to enter a contract as well as to buy alcoholic
beverages in the United Kingdom is 18. This prohibits them from buying alcoholic beverages
as well as from entering into financial agreement. Thus, an employee and the employer

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should demand proper identification while rendering services or hiring their staffs. This is not
only a legal mandate but also a social responsibility of the organization. Similarly, an
employer should make sure that their employee are getting minimum wages and overtime
pays for rendering their services. Minimum wage depends on the age and the minimum wage
for a person 21 and over in UK was £6.50 in 2014.

Consumer Law, Data Protection Act and Price Tariff and Display Acts
In addition to above laws, an organization can be bound by number of other laws during in its
operations such as consumer law, data protection act and price tariff and display acts.
Consumer Law gives protection to the customer when they buy products or use services
against issues such as frauds and miss-selling and is managed by the Office of Fair Trading in
the UK. It ensures the quality of a product is as promoted and gives rights to consumers
regarding the product or a service. In context of services industry, consumer law ensures that
the consumers are not exceptionally overcharged and gives them the right to cancel payments
if the product and the services are not as mentioned. The Data Protection Act of 1998
controls the use of personal information of the consumers by organizations or businesses and
is applicable in services industry with equal importance. An organization in services industry
is bound to have access to personal information of the guests and this act gives privacy as
well as saves the guests from fraudulent activities. Under [The Data Protection Act of 1998],
„an organization is required to use the data, fairly and lawfully for limited and specified
purposes in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive. Additionally, they are required
to use it accurately and should keep it for no longer than absolutely necessary all the while
guaranteeing its safety. The legal protection is stronger for more sensitive information such as
ethnic backgrounds, health, criminal records, political opinions and religious beliefs.‟ Hotels,
Restaurants and Cafes are additionally required by the Retail Prices (Food in Catering
Establishments) Display Order, 1984 to display comprehensive price list of their food items.
The notice should be visible immediately outside or inside the area where the food is being
served and the legislation ensures that the consumers have enough information to make price
comparisons between different products and services.

In conclusion, there are various acts and statutes in place that are required to be complied
with in rooms division operations. The scope and the related field where the law is applied to
is broad and an organization is required to comply with it from its inception, to its

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governance and operations. It is the responsibility of the management and the employees to
guarantee that the existing legal parameters are being followed accordingly. The
repercussions due to disobedience or lack of knowledge can be lethal at times. The employer
should ensure the health and safety standards are in place and are up to the legal requirement
at the very least. Additionally, they are obliged to remain within legal bounds while hiring
and remunerating their staffs. The infrastructures in place should also be up to the legal
standard with provisions for fire safety as well as accessibility for the disabled. The
employees should give proper care while carrying out their operations by ensuring that they
do not sell rooms or alcoholic beverages without proper identification. Furthermore, an
organization in services industry should be in compliance with existing consumer law, data
protection acts and price and tariff display acts while carrying out its operations and
rendering services.

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1.4) Evaluate services provided by the rooms division in a range of hospitality

In hospitality industry, the rooms division is in charge of providing all the services related to
accommodation and front office. The basic function of the rooms division in every business
is the same in that they exist for providing accommodation and front office services for the
guest. However, they might differ in structure and scale according to the nature and the
objective of the business and therefore due to the variance of the clients. Hotels operate for
providing luxurious accommodation and quality service which demands for rooms division to
be diverse and well structured with number of staffs under different departments. It also
becomes necessary for the rooms division in a hotel to emphasize on the décor and the
ambience of the surrounding in order to impress the clients. The case is not the same for
hospitals, the primary objective of which is to provide healthcare services for the patients.
The rooms division in a hospital is comparatively smaller but is important nevertheless.
Although the services provided by rooms division do not need to consider the décor or the
ambience of the surrounding, it is essential for the front office in the hospital to be
informative and accommodation services needs to be clean and healthy. Likewise, the
services provided by the rooms division in a college is different compared to a hotel or a
hospital as it is concentrated on fulfilling the needs of the students and therefore has different
objective and consequently has different structure.

Services provided by rooms division in large hotels

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Rooms Division

Front Office Prevention Executive
Manager Housekeeper

Front Desk Reservation Concierge Communications Assistant Contract Laundry

Executive Cleaning Manager
Floor Staff
Am/Pm Group/ Business Housekeeper
Swing Shifts Convention
Night Audit Individual Uniforms
Housekeepers Housemen

Fig 1.1: Rooms Division Organizational Chart for a Hotel [Walker and Walker, 2012]

As is apparent from the above chart, the rooms division in a hotel is well structured and
divided into different departments, each with their individual distinct functions. Customers
that go to a hotel have higher paying capacity and consequently have high expectations for
accommodation and services and therefore, a hotel employs number of staffs across various
departments to meet the expectations of the customers. The housekeeping department in a
hotel employs number of staffs who are collectively responsible for the cleaning and the
maintenance of the rooms. Decorating the rooms and stocking the required supplies are some
other important services performed by the housekeeping department in a hotel. Additionally,
a housekeeping department in a hotel generally has a laundry section the function of which is
to provide laundry services to the clients. The rooms division in a hotel has a different section
assigned for providing guest protection and loss prevention. As mentioned by [Walker and
Walker, 2012], “the security/loss division is responsible for maintaining security alarm

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systems and implementing procedures aimed at protecting the personal property of guests and
employees and the hotel itself.” The front office is the central hub of a hotel as it is the place
where everyone meets and interacts and is also important because it is the place of first
contact with the clients. The front office department in a hotel employs number of staffs
under different sections and subsections each tasked with providing distinct services to the
guests. Registering the guests and assigning them rooms, providing them with information,
fulfilling their queries and requests, carrying out cash transactions and recording them,
handling telephones and messages and dealing with complaints and grievances are some of
the services offered by the front desk clerk in a hotel. A concierge in a hotel provides
assistance to the guests regarding various arrangements and fulfils the challenging requests of
the guests and responds to their urgent needs. Similarly, number of other staffs in the rooms
division; render distinct services to cater to the needs of the customers. For instance, the bell
desk is tasked with handling the baggage and escorting the guests, the cashiers in different
point of sales is responsible for handling respective transactions, the reservation department
reserves the incoming guests and the night auditor verifies the accounts and the transactions
and provides relevant reports and feedbacks.

Services provided by rooms division in small hotels

It should be mentioned that the rooms division in a small and cheap hotel, though provides
similar services as that of a big hotel, is limited in its scale and operation. The number of
employees in a small hotel is very few who are responsible for providing all of the services in
the hotel. A single employee, who is generally the owner themselves, with help of two or
more additional staffs, is accountable for providing the services of both the front office as
well as the accommodation. Greeting the visitors and assigning rooms, handling complaints,
maintaining the room and stocking supplies are some of the general services rendered by the
rooms division of a small hotel. Additionally, few other services such as laundry, daily
auditing, baggage handling and room service might be excluded as a whole. Moreover, the
rooms division itself is responsible for the task of decoration, interiors and renovation but is
done far less frequently as compared to a big hotel. However, depending on the nature of the
business the rooms division of such hotels might render additional services such as selling
dry foods, fuelling gas or petrol and providing basic vehicular cleaning and maintenance.

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Services provided by rooms division in hospitals
The rooms division of a general hospital is limited in its scale and operations as compared to
that of a hotel but is equally important as the other sections of the hospital nevertheless. The
primary objective of a hospital is to provide quality health care services to the patients, the
cost of which can be expensive due to the need of professional consultation and care and of
specialized equipments and tests. Thus, it is necessary for the accommodation services in a
hospital to be comparatively cheaper but on the other hand, the place should be clean and
healthy for the patients. The rooms division in a hospital is designed in such a way that it
remains cheap but at the same time fulfils its purpose of maintaining clean and healthy
environment for the guests. The scale of the rooms division in general hospitals is restricted
and is limited in comparison to the hotels. The services provided by the front office is
relatively restrained as it does not deal with transactions, maintenance of accounts and
registration, however, it should be informative and resourceful in providing information
relevant to the patient‟s care. Moreover, there are few additional services provided by the
front office in a hospital which is different than that of a hotel which is due to the nature of
the premises of a hospital. Providing assistance and directions to the visitors and relaying
information of patient‟s status and location are some additional services provided by the front
office of a hospital, unique to them. Similar to the front office, the structure of
accommodation services in a hospital is comparatively different and is designed to suit the
nature of the business. Generally in a hospital, a single department is responsible for
housekeeping, laundry as well as cleaning. Various services of comfort such as bell desk,
concierge, communications, room service, doorman etc. are excluded from the rooms
division in a hospital. However, priority is given to the cleanliness of the surrounding and
there are certain protocols that need to be followed while cleaning the surrounding, disposing
wastes and cleaning laundry. It also becomes a necessity within the rooms division of a
hospital to include the services of gym and physical training in order to properly rehabilitate
the patients.

Services provided by rooms division in colleges

Similar to hospitals, the rooms division in a college is different in structure and is limited in
scope as its primary aim is to provide educational facilities and is targeted towards students,
the need and capacity of whom is different. The limitation in the scale is also due to the
limitation in finance, as students already pay significant amount towards their education and
generally don‟t earn much and thus are looking for something cheap. The rooms division in a

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college does not provide services of concierge, luggage handling, laundry etc. but it does
need to have a common study area or a library and a warden present who is in charge of
discipline and oversight. The front office in a college, similar to that of a hospital is limited in
its function to query and complaints handling, receiving phone and messages and greeting
visitors. However, the front office should be more focused to facilitate as a good
communications channel between the departments as well the students as information relayed
is more frequent and important comparatively.

In conclusion, rooms division in different businesses within hospitality industry provides
services related to accommodation and front office. Even though the service provided is
fundamentally similar in all businesses, the room division itself can be different in structure
and scale due to the nature and objective of the business. The rooms division in a particular
business might perform some additional services depending on the nature and financial
ability of the guests. In a hotel the services provided by the rooms division is diverse and
careful consideration is given to meet the requirement of the visitors. A hotel is well equipped
to carry out services of greeting, baggage handling, escorting, security, reservation, room
service, concierge and providing relevant information whenever required. Moreover, the
rooms division is responsible for providing services related to proper decoration and
maintenance of the room and laundry. There might be some other additional services
rendered by the rooms division which might be unique to the business depending on its
operational way and nature. However, the services provided by the rooms division in general
hospitals and colleges is limited in scale and scope in comparison to a hotel but there are
some unique functions that needs to be carried out to cater to the needs of the respective
clients. The rooms division in a college though limited also needs to provide the services of
oversight and needs to maintain a good environment for study by providing required study
materials. In general hospitals, the front office needs to assist the visitors and the patients by
directing and guiding them and providing them information and equipments useful for good

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2.1) Assess the importance of the front of the house area to effective management.

In order to assess the importance of the front of the house area to effective management, we
have to first, determine the resources and tools that are needed by the management to conduct
effectively in hospitality businesses. The basic functions carried out by the management are
formulating plans and policies, organizing and staffing, providing direction and establishing
control for which they need records, communication channel, performance overview and
suggestions which is provided by the front of the house area. In hospitality industry, any plan
or a policy designed by the management for customers or the business itself needs to be
delivered through the employees, the staffs in front of the house area included, as they are the
ones who first interact with the guests. The front of the house area in hospitality industry
directly or indirectly assist the management in carrying out their functions and achieving their
aims effectively by providing periodic records and reports, helping them organize resources
both human and non-human and communicating information, suggestions, decisions and
discontent to and from the management.

Front of house area for generation of periodic records and reports

A business organization cannot expect to succeed in the modern competitive environment
without proper strategic planning and decision making. They need to have a set objective and
devise strategies accordingly in order to achieve their aims effectively. [Porter
Michael,1986], a Harvard professor, in his book Competitive Strategy, defined competitive
strategy as „a broad formula for how a business is going to compete, what its goals should be,
and what policies will be needed to carry out those goals‟. In order to devise strategies and
formulate policies, a business requires to maintain records and generate reports based on
those records and act accordingly. It is universally accepted that success can be achieved only
when one maintains their rights and improves on their wrongs. Thus, recording one‟s
performance and reviewing them is a vital element for effective strategic planning and
subsequently for effective management. The front of the house area is crucial in the planning
and decision making process that leads to effective management as it is responsible for
monitoring results, measuring progress and suggesting adjustments. In hospitality industry, it
is the front of the house area that is responsible for maintaining guest history and recording
their transactions. The front desk clerk along with the night auditors record and verify the
transactions of the customers that is important to determine the flow of cash into the firm and

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eventually its financial position. Furthermore, it also gives management, an insight into the
nature of the customers and their frequency of visit, which can be beneficial to devise policies
targeted towards them. Additionally, the front of the house area aids in planning by
performing calculations related to occupancies and revenue management which is vital for
forecasting and future decision making. Reviewing performance of the employees and giving
them appropriate feedback is another important element required for effective planning of the
business operation. Front of the house area acts as an oversight for different departments and
maintains the record of employee‟s performance. It also is the place where records related to
employee performance is collected and eventually submitted to the management. In a
business, the location of the front of the house area is such that, it is the best place to monitor
the performance of the employees and the contentment of the customers, thus, the
suggestions given by front of the house area related to improvements and adjustments is a
key element for effective strategic planning and decision making.

Front of house area for effective communication

A good strategic plan or a policy devised by the management is inconsequential without its
proper implementation which requires good communication. In a paper published by the
[Project Management Institute, 2013] it is stated, „in the context of organizational project and
program management, communications is a core competency that, when properly executed,
connects every member of a project team to a common set of strategies, goals and actions.
Unless these components are effectively shared by project leads and understood by
stakeholders, project outcomes are jeopardized and budgets incur unnecessary risk.‟
Communication of information regarding the objective and expectation is essential but the
constraints of time, budget and authority prevents management from visiting and relaying
their plans, goals and decisions to each and every department of the business. Front of the
house area in an organization assists management in relaying their information regarding
plans and expectation to different departments of the organization which makes management
more effective. Reviews, reports and discontent from individual department is also vital in
the management decision making and planning process but it cannot always be possible to
reach the management or can be ineffective and time consuming. Front of the house area acts
as a conduit between the departments as well the management for relaying information
throughout the institution. The role of the front of the house area as a communication centre
is more relevant in the context of hospitality industry as it requires constant personal
interaction to fulfil its objectives. Each and every employee need to know about the policies

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and guidelines to serve properly which makes communication about operational ways vital.
The nature of hospitality business is such that it requires frequent feedbacks and suggestions
from the customers in order to operate successfully. Positive feedbacks as well discontent
from the customers is relayed to the management through front of the house area based on
which policies and practices should be developed for effective management.

Front of house area for maintenance of oversight and establishment of control

The importance of the front of the house area for effective management is not only limited to
communications and planning, but there are number of other functions that are carried out by
it that directly or indirectly aids in effective management. Maintaining oversight and
subsequently helping the management in establishing control is another important function of
the front of the house area in a business that aids in effective management. As it is situated in
such a key location where majority of interactions and services occurs, it is the responsibility
of the front of the house area to maintain oversight and act as a centre to all operations. In
hospitality industry, the operations of number of other departments such as housekeeping,
concierge, bell service, accounting and auditing at one point or another need to merge with
the operations of the front of the house area. It is the responsibility of the front of the house
area to guide all the employees from different departments, assist them and maintain constant
oversight over them in order to guarantee proper functioning and performance. This also
helps the management in establishing proper control as it regulates the operations and ensures
the fulfilment of performance. Furthermore, the placement of authority of oversight on front
of the house area allows the management in organizing and planning resources as it helps in
determining the requirement of resources in different departments and their performance on
available resources.

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In conclusion, the front of the house area is important for effective management as it
performs various functions that are imminent for management process. The front of the house
area in different businesses helps the management in planning and decision making,
communicating and establishing control which is vital for effective management.
Formulation of any strategic plan or a policy needs periodic records and reviews which is
primarily carried out by front of the house area. Maintaining guest records and transactions
and performing calculations related to occupancies and performance is done by the front of
the house area which is essential in formulating and devising strategies to set and achieve the
objective of the business. Furthermore, the front of the house area aids in effective
management by providing a good communication channel between the departments and the
management. A good strategic plan is necessary for effective management but its
implementation is equally important, which needs communication, the function carried out by
the front of the house area. It also maintains oversight over the staffs in different departments
and provides them guidance and assistance which is necessary to establish proper control.
Thus, the front of the house area in different organizations is a key element in management
process without which effective management cannot be possible.

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2.2) Discuss the key aspects of planning and management of the front of house area for
a given hospitality operation.

In a hotel, not only is front of house area a place which establishes initial positive impression
but it also is a central place that carries out number of operations related to communication
and accounting. As stated by [Watt, 2007], „the front office is an important function because
customers deal with front office staff as the centre of the hotel. They provide assistance to
guests, fulfil their needs, and meet their wants.‟ A hotel cannot expect to perform its
operations efficiently in absence of the front of house area. [Hogan, 2006] presented that
„front office staffs are the nerve centre of all hotels, and the front office is essential to keep up
with what is happening at all areas of the hotels.‟ Hence, it becomes necessary to give proper
care to certain key aspects while planning and managing the front of house area in a hotel.
Setting up in a proper location, forming and maintaining a proper environment, assigning the
right employees and allocating them required resources, establishing control mechanisms
along with supervision and appraisals of the staffs to guarantee performance and preparing
job analysis and job description for the employees are some of the key aspects that needs to
be considered while planning and managing the front of the house area.

Selection of location
Planning of the location and the layout of the front of house area is important, particularly
during the inception of a business. Front of the house area in a hotel is the area of first initial
contact with the guests and additionally is the centre of all major operations. So, the location
and the placing of the area should be such that it is easily accessible and readily available. In
order to serve its purpose in the most effective way possible, generally, the ground floor in
the front building among the properties of the hotel should be reserved for the front of house
area. Ease of accessibility saves time of employees as well as the customers and also makes it
easy to provide service faster. Planning the layout of the front office is equally as important
as the selection of its location. As it is the department that interconnects and operates with
number of other departments the layout should be such that it should have easy access from

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all other departments. Moreover, the layout should be able to accommodate number of people
at any given time while simultaneously allowing faster movement.

Proper working environment

A good environment is a requisite to both the employees in order to operate efficiently and
customers to leave lasting positive impression. Décor and interior of the surrounding,
cleanliness and friendly personal behaviour helps maintain good environment within the
premises of the business. It is mandatory to leave a good first impression as is usually said,
first impression is the last impression and a thought once incepted in human psych is hard to
replace. As front of house area is the place of first contact, the management need to give
proper caution in planning and maintaining the environment of the surrounding. Selection of
art and decoration, proper sitting arrangement, rationally selected colours and placement of
fountains and plants are some of the methods of décor to maintain good vibe in the premises.
In addition to the decors and interiors the premises needs to be kept clean and a friendly
environment should be maintained through employee behaviour and conduct. Employees on
the other hand, through well maintained environment and surrounding are motivated properly
which improves their performance.

Resource Management
Allocation and assignment of resources, both human and non-human, is another aspect that
should be taken into consideration while planning and managing for front of house area.
There are certain qualities that need to be possessed by the staffs in the front office
particularly in hospitality industry where they need to constantly interact with the visitors.
Good communication skill and behaviour, patience, tactfulness, decent personality and dress
up sense, computer literacy and basic accounting skills are some of the qualities that the
management need to consider for front office staffs when hiring due to the nature of their job.
Along with hiring staffs of desirable qualities the management must make sure that there is
proper blend of experience among the employee so that they can progressively develop and
learn with experience and guidance. Furthermore, there should be a system of review,
estimation and forecasting so that the resources needed for daily operations is available
whenever required. The front of house area should be properly and regularly supplied with
equipments and stationeries because obstruction in one of its operation is capable of bringing
the operations of the whole institution into a halt.

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Control Mechanism, Supervision, Appraisal, Job Analysis and Job Description
A good location, proper working environment and availability of resources though vital is not
enough to guarantee the performance from the staffs. Managing front of house area requires
control mechanism, supervision, oversight, and periodic appraisal and preparation of job
analysis and job description in order to guarantee the efficiency in performance. Assigning
designations and preparing job description helps maintain a system of control mechanism and
oversight and guarantees regular performance from the employees. The staff structure when
segregated according to their responsibility into managerial level, supervisory level and
operational level divides authority and places accountability for job completion. Periodic
appraisal of the employees motivates them to improve further and also reflects the leadership
qualities of the management. Moreover, careful consideration should be given while doing
job analysis and preparing job description as it is an important aspect of the management of
the front of house area. „A job analysis, detailed listing of the tasks of a job, provides a basis
for a sound description. A job description is a listing of required duties to be performed by an
employee in a particular position‟ [Bardi A. James, 2007]. Furthermore, he highlights the
importance of job analysis and job description by saying, „the future professional will find
this management tool helpful in preparing orientation and training programs for employees. It
also helps the human resources department ensure that each new hire is given every
opportunity to succeed.‟

In conclusion, proper planning and management of front of house area is essential to a
business as it is the centre of all operations and vital area of first and constant interaction.
There are certain key aspects that need to be considered by the management while planning
and managing the front of house area. Selection of accessible location and creation of proper
layout is important aspects to be considered while planning the front of house area during the
inception of the business. Moreover, there are number of measures that need to be taken to
maintain peaceful and friendly environment through décor and interiors that helps in smooth
operations and also leaves positive impression on the customers. Planning and hiring the right
staffs and ensuring availability of required resources is eminent to regulate operations.
Furthermore, the management need to establish control mechanisms, oversight and guidance
system thorough structural designations of employees in order to ensure performance by the
staffs. Performing job analysis, preparing job description and periodic appraisals are some the
ways through which management can ensure regular performance and motivate the staffs.

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Planning location and layout, managing resources both human and non human, maintaining
proper environment, establishing control mechanism, periodic appraisal and preparing and
performing job description and job analysis are some vital elements that need to be
considered while planning and managing front of house area in order to regulate operations
and ensure performance.

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2.3) Critically discuss the key operational issues affecting the effective management and
business performance of the front office area for a given operation.

Majority of operations in a hotel, at one point or another is carried out through the front office
area, therefore, regarded as the nerve centre of the hotel. Reception, bell service, concierge,
mail and information handling and auditing are some of the important operations carried out
in the front of the house area and they can have number of operational issues, which, directly
or indirectly affects the business performance as well as the management process. It becomes
necessary for the management to be able to identify and address the issues in order to ensure
smooth operations which subsequently improves the business performance. For instance,
there can be number of operational issues in the reception area that impedes its performance
and it is the responsibility of the management to identify them and prevent it whenever
possible. Though the issues can be huge in number and changing over time, the management
can categorize the issues under different aspects depending on its nature and its impact.
Almost all the operational issues in the reception area in the front office that impedes its
performance can be attributed to lack of resources, miscommunication, discontent from
employees and customers or ineffective performance due to various factors.

Unavailability of resources and manpower

Resources can be both human and non-human and it can further include both money as well
as supplies. A receptionist must have constant supply of stationeries, telephone, computer,
internet and petty cash in order to carry out their operations properly. Similarly, right number
of staffs with adequate experience is a necessity to carry out operations in a timely and
effective manner. Lack of resources in the reception area is a significant operational issue that
impedes its performance and affects the business performance of an institution on a whole.
„A shortage of labour exists in the hospitality industry, even to the point that many vacant
positions go unfilled. The hospitality industry has historically relied upon the 16 to 24- year-
old age group for its entry level hourly positions and the problem for the hospitality industry
is that this 16 to 24-yearold age group is rapidly declining‟ [Meier D. James, 1991]. Shortage
of labour in the reception area is an issue for hospitality industry as it results in unavailability
of the staffs to carry out the operations of the reception area. The management need to

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conduct training programs and provide proper incentives for the prospective employees to
join the institution. They should also do proper periodic budgeting in order to provide
constant supply of resources and make sure the operational needs are being met adequately.

Operational issues can also be created due to improper or total lack of communication. In
hospitality industry, frequent communication is necessary between both the employees as
well as the customers as majority of operation is based on frequent interactions. When a
customer makes a request to a receptionist then, further communication to the respective
department is imperative in order to fulfil the request. Moreover, the directive from the
management regarding the services and the way they are provided should be complied with
while carrying out operations which require frequent flow of information. Requests can also
be made through some other employees in the organization and it becomes essential to relay
the information to the receptionist so that action can be taken to instruct particular staff to
accomplish it. In hospitality industry, improvements on the quality of service can be made
effectively only when customer suggestions and feedbacks are taken into consideration.
Reception being the focal point of the operations should constantly relay these suggestions to
the management for improvements and additionally should guide other staffs to carry out
their operations efficiently. The information coming in and going out from the reception area
should be clear and continuous so that operations can be carried out in a timely and
uninterrupted manner. Breakage of communication process from a single employee can have
significant impact on the operations of the reception area which eventually results in
discontent and dissatisfied guests consequently affecting the business performance

Discontent Customers
Discontent customers not only create hassle and hinder the operations but also dissuade other
guests in the premises. Dealing with a discontent customer is not only time consuming but
also might be costly and can immensely impact the usual operations of a receptionist. The
best solution to the problem is avoidance which can be achieved through uniformity and
quality of service. Additionally the receptionist needs to be tactful, quick and decisive while
dealing with the customers.

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Absence or Inefficiency in performance
Lack of performance from the employees is another major source of problem for any
organization which can be due to various other factors. Reasons for ineffective performance
can be attributed to lack of incentives and motivation, laziness, tiredness, lack of experience
and proper oversight and malpractices. According to the article in dailymail by [Magrath
Andrea, 2014], „workers at two Hyatt hotels were granted better salaries after days of protest
that cost the hotels tens of thousands in lost bookings and the employees at Royal Monceau-
Raffles are hoping to replicate their success.‟ Business performance can be enhanced and
daily operations can be regulated when the staffs are satisfied which can be achieved through
periodic appraisals and issuance of proper incentives. Similarly, tiredness and lack of
experience of the staff can be a major issue that disrupts the operations of the reception area.
An employer should make sure that the employees are not overworked and have proper
knowledge of their work which can be provided through establishment of training programs.
Laziness and malpractices in the workplace can be avoided through oversight and
development of control mechanisms.

In conclusion, there can be number of operational issues that affect business performance and
effective management of the reception in front office area. The operational issues might arise
due to number of factors and can change over time. It may arise due to lack of resources, both
human and non-human or simply due to ineffective communication. Similarly a discontent
customer might impede the normal operations of a receptionist. Moreover, a discontent
employee who is not properly motivated or is tired or lazy or simply inexperienced results in
inefficiency in performance that subsequently impedes the operations of the reception. It is
the responsibility of the management to identify and address the issues and avoid it whenever
possible. Management can be effective and business performance can be enhanced only when
the issues are identified and addressed properly which facilitates efficient and regular
operations in the reception area.

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3.1) Assess the importance of property interiors and design to effective management.

The current trend towards luxury hotels and high end restaurants is growing in hospitality
industry and investors today do not shy away in investing lavishly for the interiors and design
of the premises. Not only does interiors and design presents attractiveness and provides
structural integrity but it also fulfils number of other functions that aids in effective
management. In today‟s market, it is the need of the customers as well as the employees for
proper interiors and design in order to carry out their services and increase efficiency. A well
thought out layout and attractive design and surrounding is a requirement in the rooms, lobby
as well as other premises within the institution. „The hotel lobby is the first impression and
message a guest receives from the hotel and needs therefore, a clear and expressive
communication in design‟ [Berens C., 1997]. A well presented lobby in a hotel instantly
attracts the guests and instils positive impression in their perception. Furthermore, it
motivates the employees and increases their efficiency which eventually enhances business
performance. It also is helpful in providing directional assistance which saves the time of the
employees and also encourages the guests to participate in different activities. The value of
the rooms and the services can be drastically increased when the premise is appealing which
subsequently results in the willingness to pay higher amounts by the customers. The inner
workings and layouts are also helpful in facilitating instant movements and reducing and
controlling crowds thus ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Staff motivation and proper working environment

The psychological impact the colours and ambience have on the mind of the employees
cannot be undervalued. „There is extensive writing on the supposed psychological effects of
colour, such as that red is energetic and aggressive, blue is tranquil, and yellow is uplifting.
Though empirical evidence in this area is limited, the prevailing view is that warm colours
are more arousing than cool colours, that red, and to a lesser extent the other warm hues of
orange and yellow, speed up motor reactions and impair the efficiency of work
performance‟[Kwallek N., 2002]. A well selected colour along with well lit room and
peaceful surrounding can motivate the staffs and immensely impact their mood. Thus,
efficiency in performance can be increased through proper placement of decors and selection

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of appropriate colours and lightings for the room. Additionally, it is also helpful in admitting
patience and calmness in the guests which is a requirement for proper working environment.

Directional Assistance
A good sign that is properly placed with directional advisory can be helpful in reducing the
time of the employees and also encourages the guests in participating in number of activities.
Interiors and design within the building should include proper signs for directional assistance
as the size of the hotel can be massive and a guest might be oblivious to the surrounding. It
might not always be possible to escort the guests to individual places and a well placed signs
within the building reduces the time of the employees and also minimizes cost. It also is
beneficial as it eliminates awkwardness of the guests and gives knowledge of location of
individual outlets and events which might otherwise be unfamiliar to them. Furthermore, the
importance of signs and directions is immensely significant during the times of crisis as it
provides assistance during confusion and helps in proper management.

Uninterrupted movements and crowd control

The number of employees in a hotel or a restaurant can be huge and they need to constantly
move from one place to another while providing services. The lobby being the centre of
operations can be pretty crowded and may hinder the operations of the employees during
peak hours. „Since the lobby is the main area for guests and employees, it is essential that
designers achieve a balance between the aesthetic interior design and operational needs to
avoid too much human traffic, noise, and an inhibited flow of circulation‟ [Mundy J., 2008].
The layout of the lobby or any other crowded area should be designed in such a way that it
can accommodate number of individuals at any given time without hindering the operations
of the staffs by allowing them easy movements.

Increase in value and guest motivation

A surrounding with good decors along with ambience, quality service and comfort can
immensely increase the value of the organization and its services. The willingness to pay can
be assured through good decors as it is pleasing to eyes and can have positive impression on
the mind of the customers. A good ambience along with other factors can motivate the
customers to select the organization and even lengthen their period of stay. „The approach
behaviour refers to a positive mindset of the customer towards the environment and arouses a
desire to stay and explore this setting and get involved into social interactions and exchange.
Avoidance behaviour however, explains the opposite side of a customer‟s reaction to a

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servicescape, to be precise the wish to spend as little time as possible in this surrounding due
to an unpleasant feeling whilst spending time in the service facility‟[Kasper H. et al. 2006].
Thus, good ambience and decor which is achieved through proper selection of interiors and
design can increase the willingness of the guest to stay and pay and reduces potential hassles
which consequently aids in effective management.

In conclusion, the role of interiors and design on effective management is immense as a result
of which prospective investors today are actively investing huge amounts on it. A well
selected colour along with ambience, temperature, light and scent impacts the mood of the
employees and motivates them to increase their efficiency which has positive impact on the
business performance. It also is helpful in providing directional assistance to employees and
customers alike, thus, saving time and reducing costs. Customers are more likely to engage in
activities through freewill when signs are adequately and properly placed which gives them
the knowledge of individual outlets as well as events within the organization. A well planned
layout facilitates crowd control and allows easy movements of the employees which are
essential for uninterrupted operations. Moreover, it increases the value of the organization
and its services and increases the willingness to pay higher amounts by the guests and at the
same time reduces the instances of hassles and the risk of non-payment.

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3.2) Discuss the critical aspects of planning and management of the accommodation
service function for a given hospitality operation.

A single organization, may it be a hotel, a motel, a resort or an inn can have number of
accommodation service functions and planning and managing each one of them is crucial for
ensuring efficient operations of all the departments within the organization. Accommodation
service functions is crucial for an institution as its absence or lack of performance can
significantly impact the operations of all other departments and can even bring the overall
business performance of the organization to a complete halt. Housekeeping, maintenance,
security, laundry and engineering are some of the important accommodation service function
in a hotel and each one of them carry out their own unique operations that fulfils particular
task relating to the accommodation need of a client. Cleanliness of rooms and surrounding,
stocking supplies and maintaining decor are some important functions carried out by the
housekeeping department that is crucial for pleasant guest experience and eventually for
enhanced business performance, thus, the management need to properly plan and manage the
housekeeping department. ‘Housekeeping operations is no longer the exclusive territory of
women, nor is it considered menial or less important than any other function in the hospitality
organization. Anyone who thinks otherwise should try to imagine hotel operations without
housekeeping; the picture might have general managers and presidents cleaning rooms‟
[O‟Fallon and Rutherford, 2007]. As we have established the importance of the housekeeping
department, its proper planning and management becomes imminent and there are number of
aspects that need to be considered while planning and managing the department.
Management of resources to ensure its availability, proper scheduling and designations,
creating and implementing standard of procedures, establishing control mechanism and
maintaining oversight with proper guidance are some critical aspects to be considered while
planning and managing the housekeeping department in the organization.

Resource management and allocation

The housekeepers need number of equipments and supplies in order to carry out their regular
operations, thus, management of resources is crucial in order to ensure regular availability of
these resources which allows uninterrupted operations. „Housekeeping equipment includes
vacuums (guest room and wide-area units), carpet shampooers, carpet extractors,
housekeeper carts, laundry bins, garbage trucks, valet delivery carts, and shelving, to name a
few of many items. Housekeeping must also keep an inventory of guest request items

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including humidifiers, dehumidifiers, cribs, high chairs, rollaway beds, bedboards, spare
pillows, towels, amenities, refrigerators, laundry soap, and so on‟ [O‟Fallon and Rutherford,
2007]. It is the responsibility of the management to make sure that the department is properly
and regularly equipped with above materials, attainment of which needs constant
recordkeeping, estimation, forecasting and budgeting from them. Careful budgeting of the
department allows constant availability of supplies on the one hand while on the other hand it
enables proper functioning of the department and at the same time provides incentives to the
staffs to work harder.

Human Resource Management

Resources do not only include equipments and supplies but also includes the manpower
necessary to carry out the operations. It is the part of the planning and management process to
ensure availability of adequate manpower that is skilled enough to carry out the operations of
the department. „Most hotels would have identical functions, but size might dictate that one
person perform several functions in a small hotel. Obviously, the larger the facility, the
greater the need for more staff with enough individuals to fill each unique function‟
[O‟Fallon and Rutherford, 2007]. Moreover, giving periodic appraisals and providing the
employees with proper incentives is part of management of human resource that motivates
the staffs and increases efficiency. Additionally, it is important to formulate schedules of
individual workers to make sure they are not overworked which also helpful in eliminating
partiality and increases efficiency of work performance.

Creation and implementation of SOPs

Creating standard of procedure and implementing it is another important aspect of planning
and managing the housekeeping department in a hotel. „A routine or repetitive activity is
documented to form a set of written instructions, such manual which provides individuals or
the employees to perform the job properly which facilitates integrity and quality in the end
product or service is called as SOP.‟ He further mentions that „Hotel SOPs help in educating
the hotel staff in dealing with the given situation in a best way possible. Thus the hotel SOPs
provide with a guest service structure that is consistent and clearly thought out by the top
management‟ [Prasanna Kalaskar,2013]. Standard of procedures outlines the job of each
employee in the department and guides them on how to perform it. Hence, it creates
consistency and increases efficiency as deemed fit by the management. It also is helpful in
eliminating confusion and guiding new employees to perform their tasks in the most effective

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manner. Furthermore, it results in consistent service for all the guests alike, therefore,
creating uniformity and avoiding discrimination.

Development of Control Mechanism and Oversight Maintenance

Availability of adequate resources, proper staffing and well developed standard of procedures
on its own is not enough to ensure optimum performance from the employees. It is basic
human nature to opt out of challenging jobs and avoid giving effort whenever possible.
Furthermore, laziness, malcontent and avoidance are major problem in any organization
which can also infuse bad culture in the workplace. The management need to develop control
mechanism and maintain constant oversight and at the same time should provide guidance in
order to ensure efficiency in performance. Designating the employees into managerial level,
supervisory level and operational level and giving them distinct responsibility and
accountability is an effective way to maintain control over the staff, thus ensuring continual
operations. In other words, designation places responsibility and accountability and helps
maintain control through constant oversight and periodic evaluation. Creating groups of
workers within the housekeeping department and dividing the available tasks among them
reasonably can be an effective way to promote competition and complete the task in a timely
manner. In addition, there should be a system in place that provides periodic appraisals,
bonuses, vacations and promotions for outstanding staffs so that the workers remain
motivated and have incentives to deliver optimum performance.

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In conclusion, housekeeping is a crucial department in any hospitality organization and its
absence or inefficiency can hugely impact the operations of all other departments.
Management need to give proper care to different aspects while planning and managing for
the housekeeping department. Proper resource management and assurance of its constant
availability is an important aspect to be considered in order to ensure uninterrupted
operations. Resources also include manpower and its proper management is equally
important for efficient operations in the department. Adequate number of staffs with the right
set of skills along with properly developed schedules is a necessity for the functioning of the
department. Moreover, the planning and management of the housekeeping department
requires creation of standard of procedures and its implementation so that uniformity can be
achieved during operations along with increase in efficiency. Lastly, proper management and
planning of the housekeeping function requires construction of control mechanism and
guidance procedures along with system of appraisal and motivation to provide incentives and
inspiration to the staffs for optimum and dedicated performance.

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3.3) Analyse the key operational issues affecting the effective management and business
performance of the accommodation service function for a given operation.

A hotel or any other organization in hospitality industry can have number of accommodation
service function each tasked with unique responsibilities to fulfil the accommodation need of
the customers. However, housekeeping is a major accommodation service function in an
organization as it is one of the largest departments in the hotel and employs number of staffs.
The importance of housekeeping function is immense as already mentioned previously and
due to its sheer size it can have number of issues that impedes the normal operations of the
department. The issues can be either internal or external since it can either be under the
control of the management or out of their control. It is however, immensely important for the
management to identify and address these issues in order to regulate normal operations and
enhance business performance. Addressing, solving and avoiding the issues additionally
allow management for effective control and governance. The operational issues that impede
its functioning can arise from number of factors and it is important for management to assess
every possible factor and avoid it whenever possible. Operational issues during normal
course of functioning may arise from unavailability of resources or due to improper
workplace environment. It may also simply arise due to unforeseen circumstances such as
natural disasters and injuries and maybe beyond the control of the organization. Additionally,
inefficiency in performance can result due to number of underlying factors such as tiredness,
lack of motivation and incentives or malcontent.

Lack of resources and manpower

One of the basic functions of the housekeepers is to stock the supplies in the guestrooms
which requires constant availability of related supplies such as towels, linens, toiletries and
consumable materials. Supply of equipments and cleaning items is also a necessity in order to
fulfil the function of cleaning the rooms and the surroundings. Moreover, housekeepers need
regular supply of clothes, equipments and safety materials for proper functioning and
protection. Absence of any one of the resources can tremendously hinder the daily operations
of a housekeeper. Mismanagement and improper budgeting results in unavailability of
resources and is a significant issue that hinders the operations of a housekeeper and
eventually affects the business performance of the organization. Similarly, availability of
adequate and skilled manpower is a requisite for smooth operations and management should
ensure that the department is sufficiently staffed. The number of staffs required depends on

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the size of the operations and limited number of staffs cannot be expected to fulfil all the
duties as it decreases efficiency of performance. Understaffing and overwork is another
significant issue that affect the business performance as it decreases the efficiency in

Improper Workplace Environment:

Workplace environment, interiors and design is another essential factor for ensuring regular
operations. Improper working environment that possess safety risk for the workers along with
improper temperature and lighting of the surrounding discourages the employees and
decreases their efficiency. It also is a source of complaints and objections from the guests that
consequently delays and hinders the operations. Therefore, it is important for management to
select proper interior and designs of the surrounding along with well maintained temperature
and lighting in order to ensure continued operations.

Natural Calamities
As per my personal experience during the recent earthquake of Nepal, natural calamities can
also be an operational issue that hinders the normal functioning of the housekeeping
department and is beyond the control of the organization. Although the structure in luxury
hotels around the valley were strongly built, people refused to go to work due to fear and
confusion or simply due to personal loss which brings the functioning of the department to a
halt. Moreover, it thwarts the flow of tourists into the country which abruptly stops the
business performance and brings the normal operations of the housekeeping department to a

Injuries and its risks

Housekeeping is a work that requires constant physical labour and thus poses risk of physical
injuries to the workers. Injury in workplace is a major operational issue for the housekeeping
function in hospitality industries. As per the booklet published by [Workplace safety and
prevention services,2011], „housekeepers are constantly exposed to risk of cuts and bruises,
wrist, elbow and shoulder tendinitis, musculoskeletal injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome,
electrocution, chemical-related injuries and infections.‟ An instance of an injury in workplace
or even risk of it can be a major issue that impedes the operations of the department. It also
can be influential in the psyche of the workers and decrease their efficiency. Management
should ensure proper access to safety equipments and should develop SOPs so as to reduce
the injury that might occur in the workplace.

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Lack of performance
As with any other operation, lack of performance is a major issue in the housekeeping
function which may arise due to number of various underlying factors. Inefficiency in
performance may arise due to lack of appraisal, lack of motivation or simply due to absence
of oversight. Moreover, tiredness and laziness is another important factor to be considered
that impacts the performance of a housekeeper. In context of Nepal, as per my acquaintance
who works as a housekeeper, housekeepers in Nepal are forced to work number of shifts in
different hotels due to underpayment. This gives rise to tiredness and subsequently to
inefficiency in performance as an individual is overworked and additionally loses sense of
belonging and thus the enthusiasm for optimum performance. Another important issue that
affects the business performance in housekeeping operation of an organization is employee
theft. One of the most widely accepted definitions of „employee theft‟ (or „staff dishonesty‟)
is the one offered by [Clark and Hollinger, 1983] who defined such theft as „the unauthorized
taking, control, or transfer of money and/or property of the formal work organization
perpetrated by an employee during the course of occupational activity which is related to his
or her employment.‟ Housekeepers during their course of operations have access to the
supplies as well as guestrooms. Malcontent from the staffs in the housekeeping department is
a major source of loss for the organization and has negative impact on the business
performance as well as effective management.

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In conclusion, there can be number of operational issues in the housekeeping department of
an organization in hospitality industry that affects the business performance and effective
management. These issues create hindrance during normal operations and decrease the
efficiency of performance by the staffs. An issue might be created by unavailability of
resources both human and non-human or simply due to unforeseen circumstances such as
natural calamities which is beyond the control of the organization. Improper workplace
environment and risk of injuries are some other issues to be considered that might be
impeding the functioning of the department and halting operations. Furthermore, inefficiency
in performance might be a result of lack of motivation and incentives or absence of oversight
and control mechanisms. Employee malcontent such as theft and laziness is another major
source of operational constraints in the department and results in corporation loss and has
negative impact on the business performance. It becomes the responsibility of the
management to identify and address these issues in order to enhance business performance
and regulate proper governance though effective management.

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4.1) Perform revenue/yield management activities to maximise occupancy and rooms

In hotel industry, yield management is defined as „an integrated continuous and systematic
approach used to maximize room revenue through the manipulation of room rate in response
to forecasted patterns of demand‟ [Jauncey, Michel and Slamet, 1995]. Revenue management
and yield management involves predicting customer behaviour through market segmentation,
forecasting demand and optimising prices for several different types of products. [Nagle and
Holden, 1995] clarify the purpose of yield and revenue management by defining it as „a
discriminatory pricing procedure which involves setting different prices for different
segments of the market so as to maximize revenue gained.‟ Society consists of people of
different classes with different spending power and the purpose of revenue management is to
maximise revenue by targeting all the sections of the society differently. This involves
development of discrimination in pricing based on purchasing power of the clients and may
also create fluctuations in pricing dependent on timing, place as well as individual need.
Performance of revenue and yield management to maximize occupancy and rooms revenue
requires forecasting of demand pattern and market segmentation based on purchasing power
of the customers so as to ensure success through maximum collection of revenue. For
instance, the seat in the airplanes is similar and yet the price is segregated based on the types
of clients along with provision for extra services which is helpful in gaining maximum
revenue and occupancy in a single operation. Seats in cinemas are another example of
revenue and yield management as it creates discriminatory pricing based on the location of
the seats. Similar is the case for the rooms in a hotel, which is perishable and structurally
identical apart for some added benefits which are engineered through revenue and yield
management for increased room revenue. Some of the activities that can be implemented for
revenue and yield management in order to maximize occupancy and rooms revenue in hotel
are customer segmentation, situational pricing and allocation, customer prioritization and
increased price for foreigners.

Customer Segmentation
„Traditionally, hotels segment their guests based on the purpose of the stay. Segmentation
involves subdividing markets, channels or customers into groups with different needs. It is
then possible to deliver a tailored proposition which meet these needs as closely as possible‟
[Hospitality Professional Association, 2013]. Customers may be segregated as per their

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purpose of stay into business, leisure, government, contract or tour and travel. The need of a
leisure customer is not similar to that of a business customer. Hotels can then engineer a
specific product and service for each customer with varying price range. This allows them to
satisfy the needs of the customers individually, thus, guarantying customer satisfaction and at
the same time provides control over the occupancy of individual segment dependent on
revenue generation potential. Revenue generation potential from the customers relies on the
purpose and occasion of their visit, length of stay, and timing of visitation.

Situational/Conditional Pricing
Situational or conditional pricing and allocation is another activity that when followed can
ensure revenue and yield maximization. A customer that requires three rooms is more
profitable than the customer with the need of a single room. Similarly, the price of a hotel
during off-season is more likely to be cheaper than its price during on-season, thus, creating
price discrimination based on the timing of the year. Moreover, pricing based on geography is
applicable in restaurants and relevant service industries as the price for hot beverages is more
likely to be expensive in colder areas. When a hotel or any other organization in services
industry bases its price and room availability on situational circumstances it can create
demand and significantly increase the price and occupancy of the rooms thus, eventually
ensuring revenue maximization for the given situation.

Customer Prioritization
Prioritizing on particular customers and focusing ones services and availability on them is
another aspect of revenue and yield management for maximization of profit and occupancy.
Regular customers with good history should get more priority than occasional visitors as it
ensures long term business in the organization. Similarly, customers that arrive in groups
should get priority over the ones that are single as group customers require more rooms and
guarantee maximum utilization of available services. Moreover, VIPs, celebrities and society
idols get priority in any organization as they are helpful in enhancing the image of the
organization as well as attracting more clients.

Higher price for foreigners

In context of Nepal, the price paid by the foreigners is generally higher than the price paid by
the nationals in hotels. Nepal being a tourist dependent country, the revenue from tourists is a
major source of income for hotels. It is a trend to secure payment in foreign currencies

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whenever possible which is helpful in increasing the value of the overall revenue. The service
offered to the tourists come with added benefit of guides and translators along with increased
quality in food and services and eventually helps in gaining significantly higher revenues.
The priority placed on the tourists along with increased level of hospitality and services for
higher price is a form of revenue and yield management which subsequently helps in
maximization of occupancy and profits.

In conclusion, there are various activities of revenue and yield management that is helpful in
maximizing the occupancy level and rooms revenue. Revenue and yield management requires
forecasting of demand, market segmentation and optimization of prices based on different
conditions. It is necessary to develop and implement discriminatory prices based on situations
and demand in order to perform activities of revenue and yield management for maximum
realization of revenue and occupancy levels. Segmenting customers based on their purpose of
stay helps assess their revenue realization potential and assures prioritization for
maximization of profits. Situational pricing and allocation is necessary to ensure maximum
revenue during situational constraints. Furthermore, placing priority over potential realization
of profits and increased pricing for foreigners in return for added benefits and hospitality are
some additional activities that can be performed for maximization of revenue and occupancy

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4.2) Discuss sales techniques that rooms division staff can use to promote and maximise

Organizations in services industry operate for profit and it is the aim of the management to
constantly maximize the available profit through increased sales and occupancies. The staffs
in the rooms division are the ones who are responsible for selling and allocating the rooms
and the management in today‟s market take necessary steps to educate their staffs about
different sales techniques and even prioritize over the ones with intrinsic marketing abilities
while hiring. There are number of techniques that can be applied during normal course of
operations to promote and maximise revenue of an organization. The technique used may be
something innovative and new or it might be something already in place that always results in
increase of revenue and its implementation is dependent on situations, timing or the nature of
the clients. Upselling and overbooking are some of the basic techniques applied by the staffs
in the rooms division to ensure promotion and maximization of revenue. Offering
complimentary items and using social media outlets and viral marketing for promotional
activities, are some examples of various other sales techniques that can be used by the rooms
division staff for sales promotion. Furthermore, placing priority on repeat customers and
providing off-season specials have significant impact on the buying decision of the customers
and can eventually promote and maximise revenue in an organization.

„Upselling entails offering your hotel and resort guests additional services and amenities for
an additional, often nominal, charge either immediately post-booking (often during the
confirmation process), via email prior to arrival, upon check-in, or during their stay‟ [Peter
T., 2013]. It helps in increasing the value of the primarily offered product by addition of other
products and services and also enhances the experience, therefore, inspiring re-use.
Nevertheless, the role of upselling in maximizations of revenue, through increase in number
of sales is immense and thus it can be an effective technique in the rooms division for the
staffs to promote sales. Electronic retailers offering home delivery and extended warranties,
airlines charging more for exit row sit or comfortable chairs and fast food restaurants offering
extra size meal or persuading for additional foods and beverages are some good examples of
upselling prevalent on the present day market. As per this technique, the customers have
incentives to buy more in order to gain maximum money‟s worth and an organization can
push its sales and can benefit through additional sales. In the context of hotels, upselling can

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be applied while selling rooms by suggesting and enticing customers into buying additional
services such as spas, gym, swimming pool, bars and restaurants for nominal price.

Overbooking involves booking more rooms than the available capacity of the hotel so as to
account for no-shows and cancellations during the course of business. The rooms in a hotel
are perishable and the revenue once lost for the day cannot be realized again. No-shows and
cancellations is a major loss for the hotel as the room that is already assigned to someone can
be hard or impossible to be transferred to someone else under time constraints. Thus, the
employees have the tendency to overbook the rooms so as to account for no-shows and
cancellations and it is a helpful technique to guarantee maximum revenue generation. „The
challenging issues in using overbooking are determining the appropriate number of excess
reservations, minimizing total compensation cost, addressing legal and regulatory issues, and
dealing with market acceptance, especially the ill-will or negative effects from users who
have been denied access‟ [Talluri and Ryzin, 2004]. Although overbooking can be
significantly useful in guarantying optimum revenue, it poses risk of loss as well as legal
repercussions in cases of inability to fulfil one‟s promise of room allocation for the guest.
Therefore, proper limits should be placed on its practice and careful calculations should be
done based on past records of no shows, cancellations and occupancy levels.

Use of social media for relationship building and sales promotion

The advancement of information and technology in recent year, has given the customer
access to information and has placed number of options on their fingertips on the one hand
while on the other hand it also has facilitated organizations by giving them means to reach
out to their customers and market themselves more efficiently. The development and
advancement of social media and viral marketing has made it cheap as well as possible for
organizations to reach out to number of prospective customers in a short span of time. As
quoted by Paul May, founder of Buzzstream which is mentioned in the book by [Evans and
Mckee, 2010], „purchase decisions are now influenced by complex networks of friends,
family, and peers. The new market winners will be the companies that excel at identifying
and engaging with their customers‟ influencers across the Social Web.‟ Effective use of
social media by the staffs in rooms division can be helpful in relationship building and it is
also a good tool for effective marketing which eventually is beneficial for increase in profits.
Using social media to build relationship with customers and promote new products and offers

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whenever possible is a sales technique that can be effective to attract new customers as well
as to retain the existing ones.

Provision of complimentary drink and snacks

Providing customers with complimentary drinks and snacks on different occasions is another
method of sales technique that can have positive effect on the organization. Complimentary
drink and snacks on arrival or during events gives the customers the taste of the product and
at the same time has positive psychological impact on the perception of the customer. The
customer is more likely to use the product in the future and is also motivated to spend their
time and finance on the organization and its products. Complimentary products during special
occasions such as birthday cakes, champagnes and drinks provides incentives for the
customer to spend on other products and services which is an effective tool to promote sales
and consequently maximise revenue.

Off-season Specials
The sales of the rooms and the products is bound to suffer during off-seasons due to decrease
in number of visitors However, the staffs in rooms division can create off-season specials and
packaged deals to ensure maximum collection of revenue even during dire times. Even
though the number of customers is less, the special deals on additional services and items is
bound to attract them and this allows mass transactions within limited number of clients.
Although the profit generated is less, it allows continued normal operations of the
departments and provides an organization with sustainability. Similarly, priority for regular
customers is another useful technique that allows continual revenue generation in the future
and is of immense benefit to an organization.

In conclusion, rooms division staffs in hospitality industry in today‟s market need to have
proper knowledge and understanding of various sales techniques in order to promote sales
and maximize revenue. It also is the responsibility of the management to educate its staffs
about the techniques available so that success of business performance can be ensured. The
sales techniques that can be applied for promotion of sales and maximisation of revenue may
be new and innovative or it may be old. However, it is dependent on different situations, time
and clients and varies accordingly. Upselling is a technique that promotes additional products
or services in nominal price and is helpful in increase of sales as well as maximum revenue
realization in a single instance. Overbooking is another technique that requires careful

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consideration to be performed and it involves overbooking the rooms beyond the capacity of
the hotel so that cancellations and no-shows can be accounted for. Use of social media in
order to promote products and offers, provision of complimentary drink and snacks, off-
season specials and placement of priority for repeat and long-term customers are some other
techniques that can be used in rooms division for promotion of sales and maximization of

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4.3) Discuss the purpose and use of forecasting and statistical data within the rooms

„Forecasts are a basic input in the decision processes of operations management because they
provide information on future demand. The importance of forecasting to operations
management cannot be overstated. The primary goal of operations management is to match
supply to demand‟ [Stevenson W.J., 2012]. Predicting demands for the future requires
statistical data from present and the past based on which patterns are studied and its future
implications can be calculated. Proper forecasting that predicts future demands and pattern
can be utilized for number of purposes and it allows the management to adapt and plan for
the future. Thus, forecasting performed through statistical data is a useful tool to anticipate
the future and plan accordingly. Planning is done for the future with set objectives and
anticipation of certain rewards. Forecasting and statistical data is a key element for future
planning and anticipation. In addition, to its use in planning, forecasting and statistical data
can be used for estimation, availability and allocation of resources, measuring performance
and increasing efficiency. Preparations for anticipated circumstances in the future, proper
price setting and its utilization in budgeting are some other useful applications of forecasting
in the services industry. Furthermore, future planning includes number of different useful
aspects like staffing requirement, determination of size of operations and suitable price
setting which can be achieved through regular collection of statistical data and relevant
calculations to produce useful forecasting.

Use of forecasting for future planning and decision making.

The most beneficial use of forecasting and statistical data in the industry is its application for
future planning and decision making process. In order to succeed a business must improve on
its past drawbacks and continue its strengths. The outcome of an operation or a product,
positive or negative, can be determined only when its performance is measured. Estimation of
value of products and measurement of its sales are the performance indicators that judge the
success or failure of an ongoing operation. Statistical data that measures the worth of a
relevant product or a service is thus necessary to judge on its future continuation or
improvement. Moreover, determination of the size of operations and its staffing and resource
requirement is another important aspect of future planning and decision making that can be
only possible through proper forecasting. Adequate staffing is a requirement for assurance of
smooth operations and when done rightly can considerably control the revenue outflow of an

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organization. Limited staffs can create hindrance in operations and additionally decreases the
efficiency of performance while overstaffing can be costly for an organization. Determination
of the right size of the staffs for any department can be attained through the measurement of
their performance in the past. Forecasting done through the measurement of efficiency of
performance of past employees is helpful in determining the staffing requirement of the
future. Similar is the case for resources, estimation of which is mandatory for uninterrupted
supply of required supplies for continual operations. Calculations made on the present
consumption of the materials and relevant forecasting done is beneficial in determining the
resource requirement of the future.

Forecasting for determining appropriate prices

A model of pricing that works for one organization might not work for another organization.
Determination in pricing should consider number of factors of operational, variable and fixed
cost while guarantying some profit. The willingness and ability of the customers to pay the
allocated amount should also be give proper care to while determining the price of a product
or a service. An organization can use forecasting achieved through collection of data from
past sales and consumer behaviour to determine the price for the future based on demand and
value. Management should consider the sale performance of a particular product or a service
and subsequently control the price for future sales. This allows them to guarantee efficient
future sale and secures prosperity in future business performance.

Forecasting for preparation on anticipated future circumstances

The benefit of forecasting for preparation of anticipated circumstances in future cannot be
overlooked. Most of the institutions in services industry operate on seasonal basis, i.e. their
business performance is better during a particular season. Independence Day, summer
holiday, Christmas, New Year and local festivals are examples of instances during which the
occupancy level in organizations is significantly higher. Organizations during these instances
without doubt require increased resources as well as staffs but it can be difficult to determine
the actual adequate amount required for smooth functioning. Forecasting done based on past
instances of such nature calculates the number of expected visitors and can be helpful in
deciding the required amount of staffs and resources and thus helps an organization better
prepare during anticipated future circumstances. Furthermore, it also can be beneficial in
determining the shift in trends and making necessary adjustments therein.

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Forecasting for Budgeting
Forecasting is an important tool for budgeting which is essential for financial planning of an
organization and regulates functioning of all the departments within an organization. „Budget
can provide the basis for detailed sales targets, staffing plans, inventory production, cash
investments/borrowing, capital expenditure and on and on. It allows managers to provide
forward looking guidance to investors and creditors and is also necessary to convince banks
and other lenders to extend credit‟ [Walther L.M. and Skousen C.J., 2009]. Budgeting is a
major part of management process and an organization cannot expect to succeed without
proper budget and adequate financial allocation. The process of budgeting needs estimation
of resources and amount of employee remunerations so that total financial requirement for an
operating cycle can be assessed. Forecasting gives the management the expected amount of
cash outflow through resource utilization and employee remunerations and is compulsory for
the overall budgeting process.

In conclusion, forecasting through collection of statistical data is applicable in hospitality
industry for number of purposes and can be immensely beneficial for an organization. Future
planning and decision making is an important application of forecasting that aids in
management process. Determination of the required amount of resources and its allocation
along with determination of the size of the staffs for the future can be achieved through
calculation of past records and performance and relevant forecasting calculations. Forecasting
also is helpful in developing pricing model that eventually guarantees profit and assures
regular future sales. Furthermore, it is an important tool for budgeting and preparations for
future anticipations and thus, secures success of business operations.

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4.4) Calculate rooms division performance indicators to measure the success of
accommodation sales.

There are number of rooms division performance indicators that can be used to measure the
success of accommodation sales in a hotel. Calculation of occupancy percentage, RevPAR,
RevPAG, Average Daily Rate/Average Room Rate and Yield are some of the performance
indicators that in one way or another helps in measuring the success of accommodation sales
in a hotel.

[Hayes, Ninemeier and Miller,2012] in their book Foundations of Lodging Management

provide us with some useful formulas to calculate number of performance indicators in a

„ADR = Total Revenue from Room Sales / Total number of rooms sold

Occupancy Rate = Total rooms sold / Total rooms available for sale

RevPAR can be calculated in several ways. An easy way to calculate RevPAR is

RevPAR = ADR (X) Occupancy Rate‟

[Hayes D.K., Miller A.A., Ninemeier J.D., 2012]

Furthermore, RevPAG and yield can be calculated as follows:

RevPAG = Total room revenue / Total number of guests

„Room yield is the ratio, given as a percentage, between the actual rooms sales revenues and
the total potential room sales revenues during a given period. The formula to calculate yield

Revenue raised/Revenue Potential × 100 %‟

[Bowie D. and Buttle F., 2004]

In order to apply these indicators and perform relevant calculations lets use a simple problem
given by [Vallen and Vallen, 2013] in their book Check-In Check-Out.

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Number of rooms in the hotel available for sale = 800

Number of rooms in the hotel = 820

Number of rooms sold to guests = 600

Number of dollars received from guests for rooms = $48000

Number of employees on staff = 500

Number of Guests = 700

[ Vallen G.K. and Vallen J.J., 2013]

Calculations and Implications:

Occupancy Rate = Total Rooms Sold/Total Rooms Available for Sale

= 600/800

= 0.75

It is normally expressed in terms of percentage, hence,

Occupancy Percentage = 0.75 X 100% = 75%

This indicates that 75% of the rooms in the given hotel are occupied out of all the available
rooms for sale. In other words, the hotel is successful in selling 75% of its room but still
needs to sell 25% more in order to gain maximum available revenue.

Average Daily Rate (ADR) or Average Room Rate (ARR)

= Total Revenue from Room Sales / Total number of rooms sold

= 48000/600 = $80.00

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Average Daily Rate gives the average rate of a single room out of all the sold rooms. 80
dollar represents that the average revenue from a single room sale for the night out of all the
sold rooms was 80 dollars. Its assessment allows management to increase the rate of the
rooms whenever required to increase revenue or negate losses.

Revenue per Available Room ( RevPAR )

= Total room revenue / Number of rooms available for sale
= $48000/800
It can also be calculated as,
RevPAR = ADR (X) Occupancy Rate
= 80 (X) 0.75 = $60

RevPAR takes into account all the available rooms for sales hence gives more accurate figure
regarding the overall sales performance. $ 60 indicates that out of all the 800 rooms available for
sale, the hotel in average earned $60 per each room. Its assessment also motivates the organization
to increase the occupancy rate in order to increase the RevPAR and eventually the total revenue
coming into the firm.

Revenue per Average Guest (RevPAG)

= Total Room Revenue / Total number of guests
= 48000 / 700
= $68.57

$68.57 indicates that in average the total revenue collected from a single guest was $ 68.57. It
motivates the staffs to increase the number of revenue from each guest and also encourages
them to push sales to every one of them individually.

In order to calculate yield, let‟s assume that the normal rate for a single room in the above
hotel is $80 and all the available rooms are single. The realized revenue as given is $48000
whereas the potential can be significantly higher.

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Potential Revenue = Total number of rooms available for sale (X) Normal rate for a single

= 800 (X) 80
= $64000
Now, yield can be calculated as:
Yield = Revenue Realized / Potential Revenue
= 48000/64000
= 0.75 or 75%

Yield measures the efficiency of sales in the hotel. It computes the revenue realized with its
actual potential and gives the management an insight into efficiency of their performance. In
the above figure, out of 100% total efficiency the hotel was able to realize 75% of the
available revenue hence 75% its efficiency of sales of the rooms. Low yield calculations
mean that the management should enhance its sales performance and thus increase its overall
efficiency so that the organization can gain maximum revenue available at any given time.

In conclusion, there are different rooms division performance indicators that can be used to
measure the success of accommodation sales. Measurement of occupancy level, yield, ADR,
RevPAG and RevPAR are some useful performance indicators that give the management and
the staffs an insight into their performance efficiency relevant to room sales. Occupancy level
measures the amount of sold rooms and consequently provides information on the amount of
rooms that are vacant and available for sale. Yield measures the efficiency of sales
performance and helps in determining the amount of revenue that is not realized. Average
Daily Rate gives information on the average price of a room for any given day whereas
Revenue per Available Guest and Revenue per Available Room gives the total revenue
collected from an individual guest and from a single room respectively. These performance
indictors when used collectively provide valuable information relevant to sales performance
and thus, are helpful in measuring its success.

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