Hydrofoil - US5297938

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||||I|||||III USOO5297.

United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,297,938
Von Essen et al. 45) Date of Patent: Mar. 29, 1994
54 HYDROFOIL IMPELLER 5,046,245 9/1991 Weetman et al. ..................... 29/889
5,073,033 i2/1991 Klepeis ................................ 416/237
75) Inventors: John A. Von Essen, Palmyra; Ronnie
G. Thompson, Annville; Ravi K. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Sharma; Edward C. Schrom, both of 46659 11/1984 Japan .................... ... 366/343
Palmyra, all of Pa. 857921 1/1961 United Kingdom .................. 29/889
(73) Assignee: Philadelphia Mixers Corporation, 950335 2/1964 United Kingdom ................ 46/237
Palmyra, Pa. Primary Examiner-Edward K. Look
21 Appl. No.: 855,121 Assistant Examiner-James A. Larson
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-William H. Murray
22 Filed: Mar. 18, 1992
Related U.S. Application Data A hydrofoil impeller includes three impeller blades
63 Continuation of Ser. No. 498,843, Mar. 26, 1990, aban attached to a hub. Each impeller blade includes a flat
doned. section and a curved section which terminates in a tip
(51) Int. C. ................................................ B01F 7/20 portion. The flat section has a root portion proximate
52 U.S. C. .................................... 416/237; 416/243; the hub and which forms a predetermined root angle
366/343; 366/330 with respect to a plane perpendicular to the vertical axis
58) Field of Search ................... 416/223 R, 235, 237, of the impeller. The curved section is separated from
416/238,242, 243, DIG. 3, DIG. 5; 366/330, the flat portion by a bend line. The curved section is
343; 29/889, 889.3, 889.7 bent downwardly from the plane of the flat section
56 References Cited along the bend line. The bend line is oriented with re
spect to the impeller blade such that the blade tip angle
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS is changed as the bend is formed. Accordingly, the bend
2,659,581 li/1953 Gray ................................... 416/238 is used to set the proper tip angle. The blade angle
3,166,303 1/1965 Chapman ... 366/343 increases from the tip inward to the bend line, then
3,333,831 8/1967 Chapman ... .366/343 becomes a constant where attached to the hub. The
4,054,272 10/1977 Cooke .......... ... 366/343 camber increase from the tip inward to the bend line,
4,147,437 4/1979 Jonqueres ... ... 416/243 then falls to zero where attached to the hub.
4,468,130 8/1984 Weetman ......... ... 416/243
4,571,090 2/1986 Weetman et al. ... 366/343
4,721,394 i? 1988 Casto et al. ......................... 46/243 6 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 1994 Sheet 1 of 4 5,297,938

U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 1994 Sheet 2 of 4 5,297,938

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U.S. Patent 5,297,938

U.S. Patent Mar. 29, 1994 Sheet 4 of 4 5,297,938


1. 2
It is a further object of the present invention to pro
HYDROFOIL MPELLER vide an impeller having blades which may be formed
from cut plate with an accurate tip angle produced.
This is a continuation of copending application Ser. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
No. 07/498,843 filed on Mar. 26, 1990 abandoned. 5
Briefly described, the impeller of the present inven
tion comprises a hub having at least one impeller blade
The present invention relates to mixing apparatus and attached to it. The impeller blade is of substantially
more particularly to impellers for use in such mixing constant thickness and includes a flat section and a
apparatus. O curved section which terminates in a tip portion. The
Such mixing apparatus employs an impeller to impart flat section has a root portion proximate the hub and
flow and turbulence to a fluid medium in order to pro which forms a predetermined root angle with respect to
duce in such medium the stirring of a mixture, an aera a plane perpendicular to the vertical axis of the impeller.
tion, a mixing or dispersive action. It is known that high The curved section is separated from the flat portion by
efficiency liquid pumping action may be facilitated by 15 a bend line. The curved section is bent downwardly
the use of an impeller having blades with a hydrofoil from the plane of the flat section along the bend line.
shape. Such impellers have been fabricated from plates, The bend line is oriented with respect to the impeller
such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,147,437, issued Apr. blade such that the blade tip angle is changed as the
3, 1979. Such impellers may additionally have pitched bend is formed. Accordingly, the bend is used to set the
blades in which the blade angle with respect to a plane
20 proper tip angle. The blade angle increases from the tip
inward to the bend line, then becomes a constant where
perpendicular to the shaft increases from the tip to the attached to the hub. The camber increases from the tip
base; and at least the outer portion of the blades have a inward toward bend line, then falls to zero at the bend
camber as depicted in FIG. 5. line and remains zero where attached to the hub. In
The methods used to construct pitched blade hydro 25 another embodiment, the camber decreases from the tip
foil impellers have been complex and expensive. Even inward.
those impellers utilizing blades fabricated from plates The foregoing and other objects, features and advan
are relatively difficult to manufacture. Much of this tages of the invention will become apparent from the
difficulty is attributable to the fact that the blades must following detailed description when read in connection
not only be formed to a predetermined hydrofoil shape, 30 with the accompanying drawings in which:
the hub angle and tip angles must be precisely estab BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
lished since such have a significant impact on the per
formance of the impeller. One method of constructing FIG. 1 is a top plan view of an impeller in accordance
such an impeller utilizes ears attached to the impeller with the present invention.
hub at a predetermined hub angle. The desired root 35 FIG. 2 is a side elevational view of the impeller de
angle is established when the root of the impeller blade picted in FIG. 1.
is attached to the ear. However, even though root angle FIG. 3A is a plan view of the geometry of an impeller
may be precisely established in this manner, a final twist blade formed in accordance with the present invention.
operation is frequently required to achieve an accurate FIG. 3B is a side elevational view of the geometry of
tip angle. Such a fabrication process frequently requires 40 an impeller blade formed in accordance with the pres
multiple twist operations in order to finally establish the ent invention.
correct tip angle with respect to the root angle estab FIG. 3C is an end view of the geometry of an impel
lished by the hub ear. Another, but considerably more ler blade formed in accordance with present invention.
expensive process, entails casting the impeller utilizing a FIG. 4 is a plan view of a template of an impeller
mold having accurately established root and tip angles. blade in accordance with the present invention.
It is known that input power spikes can occur when FIG. 5 is an end view of an impeller blade depicting
the level of the liquid in which the impeller is immersed camber.
approaches the level of the impeller blades, while rais OETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
ing or lowering the liquid level. An impeller having 50 PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
drooping blades was found to reduce or eliminate this Referring now to FIG. 1 there is shown an impeller in
power spike. The blade droop has been obtained by accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
using downward angled hub ears to which the blades invention, generally designated 10. The impeller 10
are attached, which is an expensive option. In another includes a hub 12. Three ears 14 are attached to the hub
configuration, the blades are set at a severe angle to the 55 12, preferably by welding. In the preferred embodi
hub ear such as, for example, shown in U.S. Pat. No. ment, each ear has a substantially planar lower mating
4,147,437, FIG. 6. The disadvantages of these types of surface 16 (see FIG. 2). Each ear 14 is positioned on the
constructions include increased expense and difficulty hub such that the lower mating surface 16 forms a pre
of attaining accurate tip angles. determined root angle air with respect to a plane 18
Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention 60 which is substantially perpendicular to the vertical axis
to provide an impeller having a high efficiency liquid 20 of the impeller 10 as shown in FIG. 2.
pumping action and enhanced power stability. An impeller blade 22 having a flat section 24 and
It is another object of the present invention to pro curved section 26 is attached to each ear 14. In the
vide an impeller having low power requirements for a preferred embodiment, the upper surface of the flat
given speed and diameter. 65 section 24 is maintained in contacting relationship with
It is yet another object of the present invention to the mating surface of the ear 14 by means of bolts 28.
provide an impeller having blades which are relatively The flat section 24 forms a substantially planar root
easily manufactured. portion of the impeller blade 22. Consequently, since
3 4.
the mating surface 16 of the ear 14 is disposed at the chord angle is obtained at the blade tip 32, this being the
predetermined root angle a R, the root portion of the angle between the chord that connects work points 4
impeller blade 22 is thereby maintained at the predeter and 5, and the flat surface. The chord angle is preferably
mined root angle a R by virtue of its attachment to the 22.5. The chord angle acis the difference between the
ear 14. root angle and the tip angle, a R-ac. It is the chord
The boundary between the flat section 24 and the angle, easily achieved during formation of the blade,
curved section 26 is a bend line. The bend line is repre that determines the specified impeller tip angle, a T,
sented by the dotted line 30 in FIGS. 1 and 2. The when the blade is attached to a hub ear. After the bend
curved section 26 of the impeller 22 is bent downwardly line is formed, the chord angle may be measured and
with respect to the flat section 24 along the bendline 30. O additional bending along the bend line can correct the
The bend line 30 is oriented such that a predetermined chord angle to the specified preferred 22.5. It is very
tip angle aris formed between the tip 32 of the blade 22 difficult to achieve a specified tip angle simply by roll
and the plane 18 (see FIG. 2) as will be subsequently ing. The bend line allows corrective bends to be made,
described. A blade tip angle as low as 7.5 can be used. the entire process thus being done in less time than if
A minimum blade tip angle of 12 is also useable. 15 additional rolling were the only correction. This lesser
Each impeller blade is preferably fabricated as fol production time results in lower cost. The tip angle a T
lows. Flat sheet stock is cut to the exact shape and size can be as low as 7.5". Below a tip angle a T of 7.5', the
of the template, which is shown in FIG. 4. The template angle of attack a falls below zero, which will produce
is characterized by several key parameters, chief among some inefficient flow in the wrong direction. In a pre
them are work points (WP). Work points are an aid in 20 ferred embodiment, the tip angle is 22.5. In an alternate
describing and cutting the blade; they are the points of preferred embodiment, the tip angle is 9.5".
intersection of the various edges of the blade. The work After bending, the blade is positioned on a flat surface
points are located with respect to an X-Y coordinate and the precise location of its inner edge 60 is deter
origin (see FIG. 4). Work points 1,2 and 3 are on the Y mined. As shown in FIG. 3A, the rolling and bending
(vertical axis); work points 5 and 6 are on the X (hori 25 operations shorten the blade in the plan view. The dot
zontal) axis. The leading edge 50 is between work points ted line 62 in FIG. 3A depicts the outline of the blade
3 and 4, and makes an angle of preferably 11.5 with the before rolling and bending. The portion 64 to the right
horizontal. of the bend line 30 as shown in FIG. 3A is the rolled
The inner portion 52 of the trailing edge 54, between part of the blade depicted with the concave side up. The
work points and 6, also makes an angle of preferably 30 portion 66 to the left of the bend line 30 as depicted in
11.5 with the horizontal 56, whereas the outer portion FIG. 3A is the flat part of the blade. The length of the
of the trailing edge is parallel to the X axis. Work point finished blade is depicted as dimension line LBin FIGS.
6 is at the intersection of these two portions and is sepa 3A and 3B. By locating the inner edge 60 after forming,
rated from the Y axis by a distance equal to preferably the correct blade length is assured. After the inner edge
23% of the impeller radius. The tip 32 of the blade is an 35 60 is cut the bolt holes 68 are located and drilled. The
arc of radius equal to one half of the impeller diameter, holes will be used for bolting the blade to a hub ear as
subtended by work points 4 and 5, and with center at shown in FIGS. 1 and 2.
work point 2. Work point 2 is the midpoint of the blade As can be seen from the above detailed description,
width, which is bounded by work points 1 and 3, and is the impellerblade of the present invention can be manu
equal to length to 16% of the diameter. factured at low cost by means of a properly located final
After the flat stock is cut to the shape and size of the bend line. In addition, the blade tip angle may be set
template, it is preferably formed as follows. Uni-axial accurately and easily by means of the final bend line.
curvature is imparted to the outer portion of the blade Furthermore, the impellerblades droop by means of the
along a roll axis 58, which passes through work point 5 final bend line, thereby avoiding power spikes at a fluid
and makes an angle of preferably 20' with the horizon surface. The impeller blades each have a low camber at
tal 56, as shown in FIG. 4. The curvature varies from a the blade tip and an accurately controlled tip angle
radius preferably equal to one third of the impeller which can be as low as 7.5 to the horizontal, producing
diameter at the blade tip 32, remaining constant from a very low power response. Also, the impeller can be
the tip inward toward the bend line 30, then dropping easily constructed utilizing blades have a leading edge
quickly to zero at the bend line 30. As shown in FIG. 5, 50 with an angle of 11.5 to the horizontal, a trailing edge
the camber is defined as the maximum height A of the parallel to the horizontal on its outer portion and 11.5
curvature of the blade above the chord line B divided to the horizontal on its inner portion, a bend line termi
by the length of the chord line B. In the preferred em nating on the trailing edge at a distance substantially
bodiment of the present invention, the camber increases equal to 23% of the impeller radius, the roll axis of the
from the tip of 32 of the blade toward the bend line 30. 55 impeller at a 20' angle to the horizontal, the bend line at
Utilizing the method the present invention, it is also a 62' angle to the horizontal with the final tip angle
possible to construct an impeller blade wherein the 22.5 from the root angle.
camber decreases from the tip inward as described in While the present invention has been described with
U.S. Pat. No. 4,468,130. After rolling, if the blade were reference to a specific embodiment thereof, it will be
laid concave side up on a flat surface, all work points obvious to those skilled in the art that various changes
except 4 would be on the surface; due to curvature, and modifications may be made without departing from
work point 4 would be raised. the invention in its broader aspects. It is contemplated in
After rolling, the blade is bent along the bend line 30, the appended claims to cover all variations and modifi
which makes an angle of preferably 62 with the hori cations of the invention that come within the true spirit
zontal 56, as shown in FIG. 4. The outer portion is bent and scope of our invention.
upward until a specified tip height HT (see FIGS. 3B We claim:
and 3C) is obtained. The tip height HTis preferably 10% 1. An impeller for mixing fluid in a vessel, which
of the impeller diameter. Simultaneously, a specified comprises a hub and a plurality of blades mounted on
5 6
said hub, each blade formed of a plate of substantially said outer portion parallel to said horizontal reference
constant thickness and a camber which increases from line and said inner portion forming an angle of substan
the tip of the blade inward toward a bend line, beyond tially 11.5" with respect to said horizontal reference
which the blade is flat, and a blade angle which in line, said bend line terminating on said trailing edge at a
creases from the tip inward to said bend line, beyond distance substantially equal to 23% of the impeller ra
which the angle is constant. dius, a roll axis having an angle substantially equal to
2. An impeller according to claim 1 wherein the blade 20' with respect to said horizontal reference line, and
tip angle is set by means of a final bend along said bend said bend line having an angle of approximately 62'
3. An impeller according to claim 2 wherein the blade 10 with respect to said horizontal reference line, and a tip
droops by means of said bend line, thereby avoiding angle approximately equal to 22.5.
power spikes at a fluid surface. 6. A blade for use in an impeller for mixing fluid in a
4. An impeller according to claim 3 wherein said tip vessel, which blade is formed of a plate of substantially
angle has a magnitude in a range of from approximately constant thickness and including a camber which in
7.5 to approximately 22.5". 15 creases from the tip of the blade toward a bend line,
5. An impeller according to claim 1 wherein each beyond which the blade is flat, and a chord angle which
blade has a leading edge with an angle of substantially decreases from the tip inward to said bend line, beyond
11.5 with respect to a horizontal reference line, a trail which the chord angle is zero.
ing edge having an inner portion and an outer portion,








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