2 Borehole Enlargement

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Smith Borehole Enlargement (SBE)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Combines Leading Technologies and Products

SBE Introduction 1 SBE combines Smith Services’ leading wellbore
enlargement technologies, including Rhino® XS
Rhino Integrated Borehole Enlargement System 2
Reamer and Reamaster®, with Smith Technolo-
IDEAS® System Blocks (ISB) 3 gies’ innovative drilling products and software
systems such as Quad-D™ bi-center bits and
IDEAS Custom Blocks (ICB)
IDEAS®. The combination of the knowledge,
Rhino XS Reamer
5-6 experience and worldwide resources of SBE
will ensure the delivery of high quality well-
Rhino XS Reamer Specifications
bores through comprehensive pre-job analy-
Rhino Stabilizer
8 sis with unmatched on-site performance and
post-job review completing the loop. Smith
Rhino Stabilizer Specifications
Borehole Enlargement offers a breadth of tools
Fixed Diameter Hole Openers 10 and engineering know-how that will ensure a
Staged Hole Openers 11 superior wellbore in any application.

Drilling-Type Underreamer 12 The SBE group has a dedicated Product En-

Reamaster -XTU Underreamer
13 gineering department to develop the best
borehole enlargement tools in the industry. A
Rock-Type Underreamer 14 primary tool now available to aid in design is
Rock-Type Underreamer Specifications 15 the Integrated Dynamic Engineering Analysis
System (IDEAS). It originated with Smith Bits
QUAD-D™ Bi-Center Bits 16 as a design simulation system to improve the
QUAD-D™ Reamer 17 bit design process. IDEAS has now been ex-
panded to allow the analysis of the entire drill
string and each of its components. Reamers,
stabilizers, hole openers, MWD/LWD and oth-
er components of the BHA can be modeled to
predict its behavior in the drill string. The first
application of this technology for SBE is the
new Rhino XS cutter blocks. Using the power
of the IDEAS software, these cutting structure
designs can now be tailored to specific applica-
tions. The reamer and bit can be optimized
with the rest of the BHA System to minimize
damaging vibration and maximize overall per-

SBE also has a regionally based Application

Engineering group which has at its disposal
resources such as Smith Bits Drilling Records
System (DRS®), which includes more than
500,000 records from oil, gas and geothermal
wells from around the world; the Drill Bit Opti-
mization System (DBOS®) that helps determine
the appropriate combination of cutting struc-
ture, gauge protections, hydraulic configura-
tion and other optimizing features; Yield Point®
and HART® software for hydraulic optimization
and ABHAP for BHA design. Around the world,
SBE Applications Engineers have the tools and
expertise to help the client get optimum per-
formance from their UWD operations.

Rhino® Integrated Borehole Enlargement System IDEAS® System Blocks (ISB)
Your Solution for Superior Drilling Performance, Unmatched ISBs are cutter blocks that are designed to
Reliability and Unsurpassed Hole Quality cover specific ranges of target applications
The original Rhino Reamer, introduced in 2000, earned its position such as salts, shales or lower compressive
as the industry’s premiere expandable borehole enlargement tool strength sands. Use of the IDEAS process to
by amassing an impressive record of outstanding performance. The design cutter blocks has minimized the har-
rugged, precision-engineered Rhino tool established a new standard monic signature of the Rhino Reamer in the
of durability and reliability for expandable reamers. When a Rhino BHA, resulting in improved drilling perfor-
goes downhole, operators can trust that the tool will open on com- mance. Using the unique capabilities of the
mand, efficiently deliver a full-gauge expanded borehole and close dynamic IDEAS simulator, Smith engineers
as required for tripping out of the hole. test each precisely engineered PDC cutting
structure design and its optimized gauge
Through continuous engineering innovation, Smith Borehole En- configurations to identify the design that
largement (SBE) now introduces the Rhino Integrated Borehole provides the best simulated performance.
Enlargement System – an even more robust approach to borehole The performance of the selected configura-
enlargement with a tool that can be customized for specific applica- tion is then verified in field applications.
tions. The system consists of the advanced Rhino XS reamer body,
the IDEAS® System Blocks (ISB), the IDEAS Custom Blocks (ICB) Field results have confirmed a step change
and the Rhino Stabilizer. Together, these components constitute the in drilling performance when these new ISB
most flexible package of expandable borehole enlargement equip- components are used in conjunction with an
ment available in the industry, and provide operators with the opti- appropriately modeled pilot bit. This inte-
mum solution for any borehole enlargement requirement. grated systems approach ensures that the
reamer, the bit, and the other components of
The Rhino Integrated Borehole Enlargement System is particularly the BHA, work synergistically to minimize vi-
well-suited to the most challenging applications. It has achieved bration, drill a high quality enlarged wellbore
outstanding success in a wide range of situations including: and provide maximum ROP.
• Drilling extended intervals with advanced Rotary Steerable Sys-
tems (RSS)
• Extended Reach Drilling (ERD)
• Backreaming in loosely-consolidated formations
• Drilling highly abrasive formations
Backreaming Cutting Stabilizer/Gauge Pads
Structure Maintains hole gauge and improves
IDEAS Brings Application-Specific Cutting Structures and Ensures borehole quality stability
Precision-Engineered BHA Configurations to Borehole in all formation types
The revolutionary Integrated Dynamic Engineering Analysis System Formation Cutting
(IDEAS) allows the new Rhino Reamer cutting structure designs to Structure
be tailored to specific applications to provide operators with signifi- Designed in IDEAS to reduce
cant increases in reamer performance. Operators can be confident vibration and improve ROP
of achieving superior performance from the IDEAS reamer cutting
structures and know that the reamer design and placement have
Z-Drive Tongue
been optimized for performance with the rest of the BHA compo-
& Groove Actuation
nents, as well as the drill bit.
For reliable block deployment Fluid Flow Path
and retraction Across cutting surface
Improves annular flow

2 3
IDEAS® Custom Blocks (ICB) Rhino® XS Reamer
SBE recognizes that there are certain ex- Underreaming while drilling improves drilling performance Features and Benefits
tremely challenging and complex applica- while increasing wellbore quality. Every minute of rig • Balanced mass design to eliminate vibration
tions that will require a full custom solution time saved directly benefits the bottom line, so building • Large bore to accommodate high volume fluid require-
if optimum performance is to be achieved. a quality wellbore while drilling the pilot hole significantly ments
For these applications, use of IDEAS Custom improves the financial return on drilling operations. The • Optimized fluid distribution between bit and cutter
Blocks (ICB) offers the ability to go beyond benefits of underreaming don’t stop with eliminating drill- blocks
the ISB design protocol and provide a custom ing trips. A smooth, concentric wellbore is faster to case • Backreams effectively with strategically placed cut-
application solution. This custom approach and complete, reducing overall rig time while bringing ters
involves the completion of a comprehensive production online faster. • Single-piece body allows for higher tensile and torque
i-DRILL® BHA Modeling Analysis, a process load capacity
which provides for the modeling of multiple The Rhino XS Reamer is a hydraulically expandable under- • Pressure indication at surface to signal full cutter block
combinations of formations, reamer cutter reamer designed to enlarge the wellbore in a broad range deployment
block designs and pilot bit designs. of drilling operations. Rhino XS Reamer enlarges the well- • Lock-up system to prevent cutter block deployment
bore while drilling for improved casing running and uni- during shoe track drill out
This very intensive analytical effort takes form cementing clearance. • Reliable hydraulic actuation to ensure a full-gauge
into account more variables and iterations of concentric wellbore
those variables than the ISB design protocol The Rhino XS Reamer is ideal for use with rotary steerable • Dependable cutter block retraction to avoid stuck
and provides the ultimate insight into the ef- drilling systems, providing a wellbore quality not achiev- BHAs
fects of different design parameters on drill- able with other reaming tools. Superior wellbore qual- • PDC cutter blocks that improve ROP in a wide range of
ing performance. Thus far, the ICB solution ity, coupled with a proven history of performance, makes formation types without sacrificing durability
has proven to be most beneficial in higher the Rhino XS Reamer the choice for underreaming opera- • Integral backreaming capability to ensure a full-diam-
compressive strength applications, such as tions. eter bore is maintained
drilling through hard sands and carbonates. • Integrated jet nozzles and flow paths to improve
evacuation of cuttings while drilling

• Enlargement of existing pilot holes in a wide range of
• Simultaneous drilling and hole enlargement in opera-
DEI Stabilizer/Gauge Pads
Maintains hole gauge and tions where reliability is critical
improves stability • Enlargement operations run with directional drilling
Backreaming • Tight tolerance casing designs
Cutting Structure
Ensures borehole quality
Low Vibe Inserts
Designed in IDEAS to reduce
in all formation types

Z-Drive Tongue
& Groove Actuation
For reliable block deployment
and retraction Fluid Flow Path
Across cutting surface
Formation Cutting Improves annular flow
Designed in IDEAS for optimum
performance in specific

Note: The ICB block shown is only one example of a virtu-

ally unlimited range of the available possibilities for con-
figuring the IDEAS Custom Block. The ICB built for your
specific application could have a different cutting structure
configuration in order to maximize performance in your
particular well.

4 5
Rhino® XS Reamer Rhino® XS Reamer Specifications
Upper Cap
Min. Pilot Hole Enlarged Hole Std. Fishing Neck
Max. Body Dia. Min. Collapse Dia. Fishing Neck Max. Thru Flow
Tool Series Size Size Dia.
(in.) (in.) Length Min. (in.) (GPM)
(in.) (in.) (in.)
Spring Retainer
3500 3.75 3.75 - 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 8.375 141

Spring Cover
4000 4.25 4.5 - 5.5 4 4 4 18 141

Stop Ring

4500 4.75 4.75 - 5.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 14.125 230

5625 6 6.5 - 7 5.625 5.625 5.25 36 350

5800 6.125 6.5 - 7.375 5.8 5.8 5.25 36 350

Drive Ring Retainer

6125 6.75 7 - 7.5 6.5 6.5 5.25 36 350

7250 7.5 8 -9 7.25 7.25 6.25 36 350

8000 8.375 9 - 10.25 8 8 7.25 36 750

9250 9.5 10.25 - 11.75 9.25 9.25 7.75 36 750

Lower Cap
10000 10.5 11 - 12.5 10 10 8.5 36 1200

10375 10.75 11.75 - 13.5 10.375 10.375 8.5 36 1200

IDEAS System Block

11625 12.125 13 - 15 11.625 11.625 11 36 1700

13000 13.5 14.5 - 16 13 13 11 36 1700

Drive Ring
14250 14.75 15.75 - 18.25 14.25 14.25 11 36 1700

16000 16.5 17.5 - 20 16 16 11 36 1700

16000 18 18.5 - 22 16 17.5 11 36 1700

17500 18.125 19 - 24 17.5 17.875 11 36 1700

Lower Mandrel Cap

Ordering instructions, please specify:

• Top and bottom connections
• Fishing neck diameter
• Expanded diameter
• Size and weight of casing to be run through

*U.S. Patent Number: Rhino XS Reamer – 6,732,817

6 7
Rhino® Stabilizer Rhino® Stabilizer Specifications
When well profiles and modern drillstrings both become drilling efficiency and performance by significantly reduc-
Min. Pilot Hole Enlarged Hole Std. Fishing Neck
more complex, reducing drillstring vibration becomes an ing drillstring vibration. Tool Series Size Size
Max. Body Dia. Min. Collapse Dia.
Fishing Neck Max. Thru Flow
important factor in building a quality wellbore. Vibration (in.) (in.) Length Min. (in.) (GPM)
(in.) (in.) (in.)
shortens the life of drill bits and reamers and reduces the The Rhino Stabilization System is an integrated configu-
life of MWD, LWD and rotary steerable systems. In severe ration consisting of the Rhino XS Reamer and the Rhino
3500 3.75 3.75 - 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 8.375 141
cases, drillstring vibration can even lead to the BHA being Stabilizer.
lost in the hole, requiring significant investments of time • Concentric stabilizer increases lateral support in the
and money to remediate. enlarged wellbore.
4000 4.25 4.5 - 5.5 4 4 4 18 141
• The introduction of the stabilizer improves dynamic
As the industry leader, Smith Borehole Enlargement has stability.
developed the Rhino Stabilization System (RSS) to reduce • Stabilizer activation method is double ball drop, the 4500 4.75 4.75 - 5.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 14.125 230
drillstring vibration in demanding borehole enlargement same as the Rhino XS Reamer.
operations. The RSS utilizes an abrasion-resistant sta- • Use of diamond enhanced inserts in the stabilizer
bilizer block, deployed with the proven “Z Drive” system blocks provides superior wear resistance. 5625 6 6.5 - 7 5.625 5.625 5.25 36 350
used on the Rhino XS Reamer. When run above the Rhino • Configuration is typically run undergauge and 30 feet
XS, the Rhino Stabilizer provides concentric, stable points above the Rhino XS Reamer.
of contact in the enlarged hole section, which improves 5800 6.125 6.5 - 7.375 5.8 5.8 5.25 36 350

6125 6.75 7 - 7.5 6.5 6.5 5.25 36 350

Rhino Stabilizer Block

Diamond Enhanced
Gauge Inserts 7250 7.5 8 -9 7.25 7.25 6.25 36 350

8000 8.375 9 - 10.25 8 8 7.25 36 750

9250 9.5 10.25 - 11.75 9.25 9.25 7.75 36 750

10000 10.5 11 - 12.5 10 10 8.5 36 1200

Z-Drive Tongue 10375 10.75 11.75 - 13.5 10.375 10.375 8.5 36 1200
& Groove Actuation

11625 12.125 13 - 15 11.625 11.625 11 36 1700

13000 13.5 14.5 - 16 13 13 11 36 1700

14250 14.75 15.75 - 18.25 14.25 14.25 11 36 1700

Tungsten Carbide
16000 16.5 17.5 - 20 16 16 11 36 1700

16000 18 18.5 - 22 16 17.5 11 36 1700

Stabilizer Blocks Provide
Concentric Stabilization
17500 18.125 19 - 24 17.5 17.875 11 36 1700

8 9
Fixed Diameter Hole Openers Staged Hole Openers
The Fixed Diameter Hole Opener is Features and Benefits Applications Concentric Staged Hole Openers Stage Two - SHO Pilot Section Stage Four - SHO Reaming
designed for use in soft clays and • Demountable cutters easily re- • Top hole enlargement to accom- (SHO) from Smith have been devel- • The pilot section consists of one Section
shales to medium-hard shales and placed on the rig floor modate drive pipe, conductor oped from a tradition of application or two rows of cutting structure • This cutting structure completes
limestones, and is particularly ef- • Three replaceable jets clean cut- casings and large-diameter sur- knowledge and technical excellence to recondition the pilot hole and the final hole diameter. With the
fective in sticky formations where ting surfaces and prevent balling, face casings gained from the success of QUAD-D™ remove any swelling clays or formation already stress-relieved,
balling problems are encountered. ensuring fast penetration and ef- • Hole opening at river crossings, reaming products. SHO tools incor- moving halites. the reaming section remains ag-
Three jets with replaceable nozzles fective hole cleaning or other types of formations porate precision-engineered cutting • Gauge pads provide initial sta- gressive even in more competent
continuously clean the tool’s cut- • Sealed bearings and TCI cutters where balling problems are en- structures to ensure fast, smoothly bilization as the SHO begins the formations.
ting structure, clearing debris build- available for most hole diam- countered drilled and high quality hole open- staged reaming process to reduce • Gauge trimmers and spiraled
up and increasing penetration. eters • Borehole enlargement in soft to ing under a wide range of applica- stick-slip, whirling or off-center gauge pads ensure good hole
A range of milled tooth and TCI cut- • Upjets to aid in cuttings removal hard formations tion conditions, and SHO tools are tendencies. quality.
ting structures are available for a va- • Robust tool for drilling longer in- run successfully on rotary and rotary • Gauge pads in this section are
riety of formation conditions. tervals • Bullnose is available upon request.
steerable assemblies in both straight Stage Three - SHO Pilot kept short in length for direction-
• HVOF carbide coating to reduce • Cutter bearing rebuild kits are available on and deviated holes. Conditioning Section (PCS) al responsiveness.
special order.
The Hole Opener is available in sizes body erosion • Cutting structure is designed
6 ¼ inches through 42 inches, with Ordering instructions, please specify: While the overall SHO cutting struc- to minimize work rates on each
Note: Tools 36" hole size and up are designed with • Pilot hole size
hand-tool demountable cutters to four arms and cutters. • Hole opening size
ture is balanced, it is divided into four cutter position for maximum du-
speed redress and reduce downtime. • Top and bottom connections, if other than sections, each serving a specific pur- rability. By stress relieving the
• Fishing neck diameter, if other than standard
pose. formation with this intermediate
• Milled tooth or TCI cutters stage, larger hole drilling can be
Stage One - Pilot Bit done at a more aggressive ROP.
• Using either a fixed cutter or • The third stage re-centralizes the
roller cone bit, the pilot drills the SHO on the given well trajectory
initial hole diameter. A bull nose in both vertical and directional
can also be used to follow a pre- applications.
drilled pilot hole. • Gauge pads and gauge trimmers
• SHO assemblies can be used with provide the main stabilization for
multiple pilot configurations for the SHO.
specific applications. • Gauge pad lengths in the section
• SHO can be placed in either a may vary depending on whether
near-bit position or within the the application calls for a near bit
BHA for various drill string con- or drill string placement.

8 ½” x 12 ¼”


Type Size Availability

8 ½” x 10 ⅝”
Staged Hole Openers Nomenclature
8 ½” x 13 ½”

SHO516 9 ½” x 10 ⅝”
12 ¼” x 17 ½”
17 ½” x 24”
8 ½” x 12 ¼”
8 ½” x 17 ½”
SHO519 12 ¼” x 14 ¾”
12 ¼” x 16”
Cutter Size 12 ¼” x 17 ½”
Fixed Diameter Hole Fixed Diameter Hole Blade Count SHO716 12 ¼” x 17”
Openers with O.D. less than Openers with O.D. 26” or
SHOS516 17 ½” x 24”
26” have 3 cutters larger have 4 cutters SHO - Staged Hole Opener

10 11
Drilling-Type Underreamer Reamaster®-XTU Underreamer
The Drilling-Type Underreamer (DTU) is designed to run in conjunction with a drill bit or a bullnose depending on pi- The Reamaster-XTU Underreamer has been designed with two large, robust cut-
lot hole condition or project objectives. The tool’s three retractable cutting arms are opened and held in position by ter arms which facilitate increased cross-sectional area at the underreamer cutter
continuous hydraulic pressure. The three-arm design allows the pilot hole diameter to be increased up to 75 percent, pockets. This also provides more room for larger sealed bearing and PDC cutters
depending on tool size. Cutters are retracted by disengaging the pump, allowing the tool to be repositioned for selective for optimized underreaming performance. Gun-drilled ports through the tool de-
underreaming operations or retrieval from the well. Piston spring assists with arm retraction following interruption of liver more fluid, giving the operator greater control over the distribution of fluid
hydraulic pressure. across the bit and the underreamer cutters.

Features and Benefits The ability to run more drilling weight on the tool and spend more time on bot-
• API REG. box down for make up to bit or jetted bullnose tom results in cost-effective underreaming. The ability to ensure an existing pilot
• Milled tooth, TCI or PDC cutters hole up to 70 percent makes this product ideal for a range of drilling and remedial
• Facilitates fluid passage to the bit or jetted bullnose operations.
• Cutter arms changeable quickly on the rig floor Milled Tooth
Customized cutting structures are available for a broad range of applications and Cutter
Applications formation types. Sealed bearing milled tooth and TCI cutters are designed specifi-
• Wiping out bridges and key seats cally for underreaming operations and are capable of delivering penetration rates
• Drilling and underreaming in fault zones and swelling formations and cutting structure life comparable to the drill bit. PDC cutters are also available
• Opening the reservoir section for gravel packing for long intervals.
• Underreaming while drilling in certain applications
Fluid flow has been optimized using gun-drilled ports to deliver more drilling mud
to the underreamer cutters and the drill bit. This improves hole cleaning efficiency
Bullnose Specifications and accommodates the fluid requirements of other downhole tools.
TCI Cutter
Top Pin Conn., API REG. 2⅝ 3½ 4½ 4½ 6⅝ 7⅝ 8⅝ Features and Benefits
• Forged cutter arms to withstand high shock and torque loads
Body Dia. (in.) 3⅝ 4¾ 6¼ 7½ 8 9 10 • Sealed bearing cutters to provide longer on-bottom life
• Positive lock to keep arms in the open position
Nominal Length (in.) 18 36 36 48 48 48 48 • Optimized fluid distribution
• Strategically placed nozzles
• Milled tooth, TCI and PDC cutting structures are available for a broad range of
Specifications PDC Cutter
Standard Optional Fishing Neck
Body Collapsed Overall Approx. Min. Pilot • Enlarge wellbore size below a restriction
Opening Opening Top Pin/Bottom
Tool Dia. Dia. Length Weight Hole Dia. • Minimum clearance and expandable casing programs
Dia. Dia. Length Dia. Box Conn.
Series • Underreaming while drilling
• Gravel packs and expandable-screen completions
(in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (lb.) (in.) • Ream out key seats and clean up downhole ledges

17000 32 24 - 32 17 17 20 9, 10 127 7 ⅝, 8 ⅝ 3,800 17 ½ Specifications

22000 36 28 - 36 22 22 20 9, 10 100 7 ⅝, 8 ⅝ 4,400 24 Collapsed Top Pin/
Opening Pilot Neck Overall Approx.
Tool Body Bottom
Diameter Hole Size Length Weight
Ordering instructions, please specify: Bullnose Notes: Series Diameter Length Dia. Box Conn.,
• Tool series • Standard bullnose includes one replaceable down API REG.
• Top and bottom connections jet (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (lb.)
• Fishing neck diameter • Reverse jet option must be requested
• Expanded diameter • Specify jet size(s) 5750 8 ½, 9 5⅞-6½ 5¾ 18 4¾ 90 3½ 500
• Casing size and weight, when applicable
• Bullnose ordered separately
• Type of cutting structure (milled tooth, TCI or 7200 11, 11 ¾, 12 ¼ 7 ½ - 11 7¼ 18 5¾ 99 4½ 700
DTU w/ 8250 9 ⅞, 10 ⅝, 11, 12 ¼, 13 ½ 8½-9⅞ 8¼ 18 5¾ 123 4½ 900
9500 12 ¼, 13 ½, 15, 16 9 ⅞ - 12 ¼ 9½ 24 8 136 6⅝ 1,100

11750 14, 15, 16, 17 ½ 12 ¼ - 14 ½ 11 ¾ 20 8 130 6⅝ 1,700

16000 20, 22, 24, 26 17 ½ - 22 16 20 10 140 8⅝ 3,200

Ordering instructions, please specify: •  ize and weight of casing to be run through, if
• Top and bottom connections available
• Fishing neck diameter • Bullnose ordered separately U.S. Patent Numbers:
• Opened diameter • Type of cutting structure (milled tooth, TCI or Underreamer – 4,660,637
Note: See page 10 for cutter selection PDC) PDC Underreamer – 4,431,065

12 13
Rock-Type Underreamer Rock-Type Underreamer Specifications
The Rock-Type Underreamer (RTU) Features and Benefits
features three specially designed • Wide selection of cone and Standard Optional Fishing Neck Min. Required
Body Collapsed Overall Top Pin/
arms with large cones that enable cutter types (milled tooth, TCI Opening Opening Weight Pilot Hole
Tool Dia. Diameter Length Bottom Box
the tool to deploy and underream and PDC) available Diameter Diameter Length Dia. Diameter
Series Conn.
to nearly twice its original diam- • Orifices available in different API REG.
eter. Operated hydraulically, the sizes to tailor performance (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (lb.) (in.)
cutting arms lock into open posi- to mud volume and specific
tion while pressure is maintained, downhole conditions
and collapse into the body auto- • Cutter arms can be changed 4500 6 ½, 8 ½ 6-9 4½ 4⅝ 18 4⅛ 67 2⅞ 235 4¾
matically when pressure is re- quickly on the rig floor
8 ½, 9, 9 ¾,
Applications 5700 8 - 11 5¾ 6 18 4¾ 76 ½ 3½ 380 6
10, 10 ½, 11
The RTU is also easily tailored to • Underreaming for open hole
specific formation conditions with gravel pack completions
a range of milled tooth and TCI • Accommodating special casing 6000 10 ⅝ - 13 11 - 12 6⅛ 6⅛ 18 4¾ 78 ½ 3½ 380 6½
cutting structures available. Milled programs in heaving shales or
tooth cutters are available in both fault zones
open and sealed bearing configu- • Opening a section in prepara-
rations to match project econom- tion for sidetracking 7200 9 ½ - 14 9 - 14 7¼ 7⅜ 18 5¾ 86 4½ 775 7⅝
ics. PDC cutters are available on
8200 10 - 16 10 - 16 8¼ 8⅜ 18 5 ¾, 8 89 4 ½, 6 ⅝ 920 8½

9500 12 ¼ - 17 ½ 12 ¼ - 18 9½ 9¾ 18 8 91 6⅝ 1,160 9⅞
Cutter Selection

11700 15 - 22 14 ¾ - 22 11 ¾ 12 ¼ 20 8 91 6⅝ 1,670 12 ¼

15000 LP 26 17 ½ - 30 14 ¾ 14 ¾ 20 8, 9 97 6 ⅝, 7 ⅝ 2,800 17 ½

Ordering instructions, please specify:

• Tool series
• Top connection
• Opening diameter
• Casing size and weight, when applicable
• Type of cutting structure



14 15
QUAD-D™ Bi-Center Bits QUAD-D™ Reamer
QUAD-D (Dual Diameter Drift & Drill) bi-center bits provide hole opening through installed casing or liner sections. The versatility of QUAD-D products is best demonstrated by the range of applications that they drill. The GeoReam™ is
This family of aggressive matrix and steel body bits is designed to provide durability, reduce torque response, maintain well suited to be run directly above the pilot bit for directional applications and it is the recommended alternative to the
tangents, and reduce sliding time without compromising efficiency when drilling either float equipment or formation. It QUAD-D bit in applications in which a PDC cutting structure is not the best option for the pilot bit. Although compact in
features a strong, one-piece construction and a very low overall height that enhances directional capabilities when drill- length, the stability-enhancing technology used in the GeoReam ensures optimal hole quality while drilling. With longer
ing with downhole motors. pilot conditioning sections and drill string connections, QUAD-D Reamers are designed to maximize performance in ro-
tary applications. The longer pilot conditioning section acts like a string stabilizer to ensure centralization and stabiliza-
Vibration is controlled by force and mass balancing, employment of spiral blades and gauge, asymmetrical blade layout, tion. This tool is intended to be run with various BHA configurations, including rotary steerable systems.
and use of Lo-Vibe™ inserts. Because of the resulting bit vibration control, bit rotation is maintained about the true bit
axis ensuring accurate finished hole diameter and quality. Hydraulic ports are positioned to provide efficient cuttings Features and Benefits
removal and cleaning of both the pilot and reaming sections. A unique gauge profile prevents cutters from contacting • Directional & BHA flexibility for precise control of wellbore
and damaging the casing and also provides a high degree of stabilization and gauge protection. QUAD-D has achieved • Drill-out capability for eliminating trips
success in a broad range of applications. • Diameter control for full gauge wellbore Fishing Neck
• Formation-specific design for optimized drilling efficiency
Features and Benefits
• Drill-out capability for eliminating trips
• Directional responsiveness for precise control of wellbore
The QDR has drill
• Diameter control for full gauge wellbore
collar connections
• Formation-specific design for optimized drilling efficiency for string placement
16 ½” x 20”

14 ¾” Hole

8 ½” x 9 ⅞”

Nomenclature Tong
Type Size Availability
QDM3209 3 ¾” x 4 ⅛”
Pilot QDM3309 5 ⅞” x 6 ½”
12 ¼” x 14 ¾”
QDS7213 QDM4209 3 ¾” x 4 ⅛” 8 ½” x 9 ⅞”
QDM4213 6” x 7”
QDM7309 6” x 7”
6” x 7”
QDM7313 8 ½” x 9 ⅞”, 10 ⅝” x 12 ¼” 10 ⅝” x 12 ¼” QDG5316
QDR5313 Nomenclature
QDMS4209 3 ¾” x 4 ⅛” Type Size Availability
QDS3209 4 ¾” x 5 ⅝”, 4 ½” x 5 ¾” 8 ½” x 9 ⅞”, 14 ½” x 17 ½”
QDS4209 4 ¾” x 5 ⅝”, 6” x 7” 16” x 20”, 17” x 20”, 18 ⅛” x 22”
QUAD-D Nomenclature QUAD-D Nomenclature QDG5313 7 ½” x 8 ½”, 10 ⅝” x 12 ¼”
QDS5209 7” x 8 ⅜”

QDS7313 QDS5213

8 ½” x 9 ⅞”, 12 ¼” x 14 ¾”
14 ½” x 17 ½”

8 ½” x 9 ⅞”, 14 ½” x 17 ½”
QDG5316 QDG5316
6” x 7”
13 ⅞” x 17”
12 ¼” x 14 ½”
QDS5219 17” x 20” 8 ½” x 9 ⅞”, 9 ½” x 10 ¾”
QDS6309 6 ½” x 7 ½”, 8 ½” x 9 ⅞” QDR5313 10 ⅝” x 12 ¼”, 12 ¼” x 14 ¾”
Cutter Size Cutter Size 14 ½” x 17 ½”
QDS7213 12 ¼” x 14 ¼”
Reamer Blades to Full Diameter Reamer Blades to Full Diameter QDR5319 16 ½” x 19”
QDS7309 6” x 7”
Pilot Blade Count Pilot Blade Count QDR6313 5 ⅝” x 7 ⅛”
7 ½” x 8 ½”, 8 ½” x 9 ⅞”
M/S - Matrix or Steel G/R - GeoReam or Reamer Product QDRS5216 16 ½” x 20”
QDS7313 9 ½” x 11”, 10 ⅝” x 12 ¼”
16 ½” x 20” QDRS6313 6 ⅝” x 7 ⅛”
QUAD-D Technology QUAD-D Technology

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