Cash Flow Analysis Angus

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Professor Crocker H.

Liu May 12, 2007

Real Estate Process

Cash Flow Analysis: Angus and ARGUS1

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience in setting up and
analyzing real estate cash flow spreadsheets. Besides this, the project demonstrates
your ability to integrate the lectures and readings through
practical application of real estate finance principles.

Practical Use of Project: Once you have completed this

project, you can take the report with you on job interviews.
This will help you demonstrate to potential employers that you
can set up a spreadsheet, validate the numbers in your
spreadsheet using ARGUS, do the necessary analysis, and
effectively communicate the results of this analysis. Students have used the project not
only to get investment banking jobs/managerial consulting jobs in real estate but also to
obtain corporate finance jobs as well.

Strategy for Analysis: In analyzing this case, you are expected to use the scientific
method/process. This process involves defining what the problem is, discussing what
possible alternatives are available to solve the problem, what are the qualitative and
quantitative criteria which you will use in choosing among the alternatives, and finally,
selecting the most probable "fit" -- criteria vs. alternatives.

1. Executive Summary (15 points): The executive summary is a stand alone document
which provides a capsulized summary of your detailed analysis. As such it includes
the problem statement, alternatives to address the problem, the criteria used to
choose among the alternatives, and also the most probable solution to the problem.
Your executive summary should include tables which i) summarize the salient
qualitative findings with respect to the 4 properties, ii) summarize the salient
quantitative findings for the 4 alternatives, and iii) summarize the results of your
sensitivity analysis. Please limit your executive summary to 8 pages.

2. Detailed Analysis : In addition to your executive summary, you are required to do a

detailed analysis which elaborates on the executive summary. The components of the
detailed analysis are as follows:

• Problem Statement (1 point): State what problem Angus Cartwright is faced with.

• Alternatives to Address the Problem (4 points): Discuss the alternatives to the

problem. Please do not copy verbatim from the case.

Copyright by Crocker H. Liu, November 26, 2006


Project Alison Green (AG) 900 Stony Walk(SW) Ivy Terrace (IV) Fowler (FB)
Profile AG is a 100 unit SW is an existing IV is an 80 unit FB is a two-story,
existing garden five story, 40,000 apartment 45,000 sqft office
apartment building square foot office building under building under
located in building that is also construction near construction in
Montgomery located in Arlington, VA. Arlington, VA.
County, MD. Montgomery County,

• Criteria Used to Choose Among the Alternatives: The criteria used to address this
problem involve the use of qualitative and quantitative criteria.

Qualitative Criteria:

Profile Each Investor (5 points): Please profile Martha DeRight and John DeRight in
terms of their risk and return requirements. Are the risk and return requirements
identical for Martha and John DeRight? Your profile should also include qualitative
considerations such as stage in the life cycle, aversion to risk, preference for
dividends vs. capital gains, etc.

Profile Each Property (10 points): Discuss the qualitative factors which have an
impact on risk and return. Be sure to discuss what the impacts are on risk and
return. One qualitative factor, for example, is the building moratorium which is in
effect for Montgomery County, MD. The consequence of the moratorium is that it
constrains supply and stabilizes/increases rent in the short run. There are at least 6-
7 qualitative factors that have an impact on each property.

Quantitative Criteria:

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (40 points): Do the Exhibits 1-10 for each property
using Excel. You should first set up your spreadsheet and replicate the numbers for
Allison Green. Look at the risk and return measures. Compare and contrast the risk
and return measures with respect to each property. To facilitate easier readability,
you should include charts and graphs. Please use the text wrap option in inputting
with your graphs into the report. Next, use ARGUS to generate the same output that
you generated using Excel. Please discuss the results of your analysis.

Sensitivity Analysis (20 points): Do sensitivity analysis on all feasible alternatives

using Excel. In particular, change the vacancy rate, the growth rate in rents, the

growth rate in operating expenses, change the interest rate, etc. and see what the
impact is on key risk and return measures. For example, for at least one of the
properties, the actual vacancy differs from that of
the guaranteed occupancy for the first couple of
years. As such, you need to perform an analysis of
what if no more lease up will occur by the end of
year 3 when the guaranteed occupancy expires.
These measures should include but not be limited to
the default point, added margin, cash on cash
before taxes, IRR, NPV, and also a partitioning of
the IRR. The main focus of sensitivity analysis is to
see which variables have a major impact on risk and
return i.e., what are the key drivers. To perform this
sensitivity analysis you should use the Data Table function in Excel and also the
Scenario function in Excel. An example of how to use the Data Table function in
Excel was given in the Backdoor-Frontdoor case. An example of how to use the
Scenario function in the Tools submenu is discussed in Appendix B below. Please
discuss the results of your analysis. In addition to using the Scenario function, you
can also use the limited sensitivity analysis features of ARGUS. However, you must
use the Scenario function as a minimum.

• Most Probable Solution (5 points): Discuss which property(ies) is suitable for James
and Martha DeRight by fitting their respective investor profiles to the profile of each
property. Do not recommend that they should form a portfolio and each take shares
in this portfolio. The goal of this case is to choose a project(s) for each of them given
their respective criteria and profile relative to the profile of the building.

This is an individual project. No late projects will be accepted. Please do not email me
your project. You will receive 3 scores: one for analysis, one for quantitative ability, and
the third for grammar. Please format your report so that it resembles a Wall Street
report from a major Investment Bank. I will discuss how this format looks like in class.

Appendix A: Calculating IRR and NPV with Excel

Among the performance measures that you will need to calculate in the Angus
Cartwright case are the internal rate of return (IRR) and the net present value (NPV).
This is easy to do in Excel using the IRR and NPV functions. Suppose that we have the
following set of cash flows for our property.

The current period (time 0) is when the investor invests his money which is entered as a
negative number since it is a cash outflow. Starting in the next period (time 1) the
investor will receive a cash inflow, a positive number, which will continue until year 10
when the property is sold.

IRR: The syntax for the IRR in Excel is IRR(values,guess) where values is an array or a
reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calculate the internal rate
of return. Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to
calculate the internal rate of return. IRR uses the order of values to interpret the order of
cash flows. Guess is a number that you guess is close to the result of IRR. In our
example above, we don’t use a guess.

NPV: The syntax for the NPV in Excel is NPV(rate,value1,value2, ...) where Rate is the
discount rate, value1, value2, ... are 1 to 29 arguments representing the cash inflows.
Recall that the value starts from time period 1 if cash flows are presumed to occur at the
end of each period. If your first cash flow occurs at the beginning of the first period (e.g.,
cash outflow), the first value must be added to the NPV result, not included in the values
arguments. Intution: NPV = Present Value of Benefits - Present Value of Costs =
NPV(B1,B4:B13) + B3 where NPV(B1,B4:B13) is the Present Value of Benefits and B3
is equal to - Present Value of Costs.

Appendix B: Sensitivity Analysis Using Scenarios

A scenario is a set of assumptions that you wish to test. The use of the Scenario option
in Excel allows you to create and save different sets of assumptions and then to view
how these scenarios change your results.

Example: Suppose that we wish to see how our monthly payment as well as the total
amount of interest owed over 30 years (360 months) will change given a change in the
interest rate, the term of the loan, and the loan amount. Note: If we had used the Data
Table command to do this sensitivity analysis, we could only do a two by two analysis
e.g., look at only two variables at a time. More specifically, the borrower is considering
the following alternatives:

Scenario Interest Rate Term Loan Amount

Base case (20% down) 8% 30 $240,000
Minimal down (5%) 8.25% 30 $285,000
Low down (10%) 8.25% 30 $270,000
Fast pay, 5% down 8.25% 15 $285,000
Fast pay, 10% down 8.25% 15 $270,000
Fast pay, 20% down 8% 15 $240,000

Rather than use our previous worksheet, we will construct a new worksheet to
demonstrate the use of the PMT function in conjunction with the CUMIPMT function in
Excel. Following are the inputs to the new worksheet:

Cell(s) Type in the following Comments

B2 Interest (i)
B3 Payments per Yr (n)
B4 Term (T)
B5 Amount (PV)
B7 Monthly Payment (PMT)
B8 Cumulative Interest (CUMIPMT)
C2 .08 Interest
C3 12 Payments are monthly
C4 30 Number of years in loan
C5 240000 Loan Amount
C7 =PMT(C2/C3,C4*C3,-C5) Formula for monthly payment
C8 =-1*CUMIPMT(C2/C3,C4*C3,C5,1,C4*C3,0) Formula for cumulative
interest. We wish to find the
total amount of interest paid
over the loan term

To test how these scenarios change the
payments to the borrower, select the
Tools submenu in the TITLE bar and then
choose the Scenarios … option.

The Scenario Manager box now

appears. In the left window, you should
see the words “No Scenarios defined.
Choose Add to add scenarios.” Click on
the Add… button.

We shall construct the Scenario titled “Base Case (20% down)” as follows:

Box What to Type Comments

Scenario name: Base Case (20% down)
Changing cells: $C$2,$C$4,$C$5 Use the mouse to select these cells. To
select non-adjacent cells hold down the
Ctrl key and click on the appropriate
cells. These cells contain the “set of
assumptions” that we wish to change to
form a scenario.

After clicking the OK button after you have finished, the following box appears. Since
the values given for the interest rate ($C$2), the term ($C$4), and the loan amount
($C$5) are equal to our Base case (20% down), click on the OK button. You have now

constructed the first scenario. Next, click the

Add… button to add the next scenario.
Repeating the logic process, the next scenario
is the Minimal down (5%) scenario. The values

for this scenario are .0825, 30, and 285000

respectively. Click on the OK button.

We now have 2 scenarios. Using the same logic process, we add our other scenarios
which are as follows:

Scenario Interest Rate Term Loan Amount

Base case (20% down) 8% 30 $240,000
Minimal down (5%) 8.25% 30 $285,000
Low down (10%) 8.25% 30 $270,000
Fast pay, 5% down 8.25% 15 $285,000
Fast pay, 10% down 8.25% 15 $270,000
Fast pay, 20% down 8% 15 $240,000

This results in the following 6 scenarios. If
you wish to delete a scenario, click on that
scenario and then click on the Delete
button. Similarly if you which to modify a
scenario, click on that scenario and then
click on the Edit… button.

To view the results of a given scenario,

simply click on that scenario in the
Scenarios: window and then click on the
Show button to the right of the window.
The new results are now shown directly in
the spreadsheet.

The Fast pay, 5% down scenario is shown

below. Notice how the cells C2, C4, and C5 contain the assumptions corresponding to
the Fast pay scenario. Also observe that the Payment and Cumulative interest cells
have changed.

To view how each scenario changes the total monthly payment, click on the Summary
… button. In the Scenario Summary box which appears, there are two Report type

Report type 1: Scenario summary. This

reporting option lists the assumptions of each
scenario as well as the results associated
with that scenario. In the Result cells box,
enter the cells containing the equations
whose results are the focal point of the
different scenarios. Separate multiple
references with commas. In our example,
the result cells are C7 and C8 which report
the total payment each month and the cumulative interest payments over the term of
our loan respectively. More specifically, we wish to see how the total payment as well as
the cumulative interest paid over the time of the loan change with a change in loan
terms. After inputting these cells into the Result cells: box, click on the OK button.

Interpretation of Table: As the preceding table shows, the Base Case with a 20%
downpayment results in the lowest monthly payments. However, if the borrower is
concerned with minimizing the total amount of interest paid, then the 15 year loan with a
20% down (Fast pay, 20%) option is the best. It is also evident from the table that there
is a high price (in terms of the cumulative interest paid) for putting down a minimal
amount (5%) to purchase this house.

Report type 2: Scenario Pivot Table. This
reporting option provides the same output
information that is present in the Scenario
Summary table. However, these Pivot tables can
be further manipulated to easily see trends and

In contrast to other objects in Excel which are hot-linked to the original data e.g.
automatically updated as soon as you make any changes to that data, PivotTables are
warm-linked to the data (not changed unless you update the table manually).


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