Thesis Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

This section presents the literature of the study collected from different
sources like books, journals, and the different online sources. This chapter
provides details for the study. The review of related literature provides support in
this study which discusses more facts, factors, and more information about
gender inequality and its many effects.

Review of Related Literature

According to Wikipedia, Gender Inequality is the idea or situation that men

and women are not equal. People receive unequal treatments or have
perceptions on individuals wholly or partly due to their gender. Tensions between
feminists and the supporters of traditional patriarch society still persists (Iyanuoli
2008). However, when one compared the unprivilaged position of women in Less
Economically Developed Countries, today with that of their counterparts in the
past, it becomes evident that there has been a notable improvement (Jepson

For the past years, Gender Inequality has been a growing problem in our
society, and it is still happening to this day. It happens everywhere. The reason it
still exists until today is because of the mentality of the people. They sometimes
don't realize it because some of these problems have been taught and applied to
them ever since they were young so they may have ended up growing
accustomed to it. “Men and women have roles – their roles are different, but their
rights are equal.” (Harri Holkeri).

People are taught about the different gender roles as kids, teaching them
what boys and girls can and can't do and what their limits are so that society can
accept them and look at them as normal. Like ow females are supposed to be
raised to be dainty and ladylike while men on the other hand, are raised to be
strong and never show weakness. Ever since the beginning, children are
socialized into playing a certain role in society. Girls are dressed in pink while
boys are dressed in blue, girls are supposed to play with dolls, play houses while
boys are supposed to play with cars and trucks. These simple things acts as
identification. Everyone around them automatically assumes the child's gender, in
the end, it affects the way that people look at the child. These leads to boys and
girls having to be raised with different beliefs. And the thing is, if the child went
against these kinds of mentality and does the opposite things of their gender,
they will be seen as someone who is weird and such but in some cases, the child
ends up getting bullied. Stereotypical expectations not only reflect existing
differences, but also impact the way men and women define themselves and are
treated by others (Annual review of psychology (2018), vol. 69:275-298)

Boys were taught to not to cry and not show too many emotions because
apparently it is unmanly. Girls were taught to not play roughly and that physical
sports were a major no. Its these kinds of things that prevent a child from
showing their full capabilities and to do what they want because they know that
there will be people who will judge them. In a study that was conducted in Lisbon,
Portugal by Maria do Mar Pereira, even girls who enjoyed sports often avoided
physical activity at school because they assume that it wasn't a very feminine
thing to do. They were worried that they may fail in such things and that they may
be mocked by their male peer for not being good enough. The male participants
all faced intense pressure to demonstrate the extent of their manliness. Gender
equality, historically had been predominantly a women's movement for women.
But I think the impact of gender inequality and how its affecting men hasn't
absolutely been addressed (Watson, E.)

It can be to the most basic things that people were taught at home like
how women should only stay at home and look after the house, the different
chores, and the children, while the men are supposedly the ones who are
working. There are also extreme cases that has some people got hurt, and not
just physically but also mentally and emotionally. It doesn't only affect adults, but
also the younger generations. Gender roles between men and women are pretty
normal but the thing is, if people take these roles way too seriously and
sometimes depend on it too much just because its tradition, then the inequality
starts there. A critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of
women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving
women more autonomy to manage their own lives. Experience has shown that
addressing gender equality and women's empowerment requires strategic
feminist organizational interventions at all levels of programming and policy
making (Kerr 1994).

There may have been people asking, where did gender inequality start?
When did it start? Why did these things happen? Is there any way to prevent and
to completely eradicate it from out growing society? A lot of questions that are a
bit hard to answer. But first, its better to find out about its roots first. Uzochukw
( 2017 ) mentioned that there are 5 main causes of gender inequality namely
culture and tradition, religion, lack of empowerment, mentality, and lack of proper
education. Culture and tradition. Culture can basically be characterized as the
lifestyle of a specific culture or ethnic group, and tradition is the custom or belief
of a general public. In many countries, men are supposedly the ones who are
capable of ruling and leading a certain country or community because it is what
they are ideally seen as.

There are only few female leaders out there because women are not really
seen as someone who can be a leader because they underestimate them on
what they can actually do. Religion. The fact that religion assumes essential part
in the life of each man, there need aid shortcomings done specific religion due to
some go about as cages on females. Take Islam for example, development of
massive numbers ladies will be confined not actually on consider involving
political positions. Best those wise, educated, rational, Also progressive ladies
that have a place with this religious bunch breakout starting with those
obstructions. It will be useful should have a place with a religious aggregation
what's more superior in you recognize the right thing should do likewise a unique
regardless for at whatever religious group. Lack of Empowerment. Women are
still seen as nothing in some parts of the world because there are not many
women who empowered. Despite the gains women have made, problems still
persist. Perhaps the major problem is a gender gap in income. Women have
earned less money than men eversince records started being kept (Reskin &
Padavic, 2002). Reskin, B., & Padavic, I. (2002). Women and men at work (2 nd
ed.). They put women in the shadow because they have developed a thinking
that women can't do the jobs that men can do. Even in politics, it is very rare to
see a woman that have a high mark or a high level in the political aspect. But the
thing is, women are capable of doing these things too, they just need proper
training, encouragement, and such to achieve the things that men can. Mentality.
There are still many people that have this outdated mentality that women are
weak and cannot do the things that men can and that men are the superior ones

This mentality is one of the key causes of the less respect given to women
in some societies. And also, this gives women the mentality that they are not
capable of doing these things and that they should stick to the traditional things
that women do like stay at home and take care of the house and children. It
gives pressure to the men too because if they are not doing these rules that the
old customs say, they are seen as weak and unmanly. These mentalities should
be put to stop because it prevents or society from moving forward. Lack of proper
Education. In some countries, families are not paying that much attention to their
female children, they focus more on their male children because they know that
they will be the breadwinner of the family in the future. According to the Gender
Institutions and Development Data Base ( GID-DB ), 67 percent of the female
gender in Africa undergo primary education behind the 72.6 of the male gender.
Women are supposedly just there to be married off, to be a wife and take care of
the house and children. This is one of the reasons why the percentage of
educated men is more than females in certain countries. Governments of all
countries should understand the importance of education to nations for both men
and women and not just limiting it to one gender. These factors are the reason
why gender inequality still happens until today.

Gender inequality can happen anywhere. At home, at school, at work, and

many other places. Some of the common problems of gender inequality at work
is the problem with the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the average
difference between men and women's aggregate wages or salaries. According to
Wikipedia, in the United States, the normal female's adjusted yearly pay has
been cited to as 78% of that of the normal male. Notwithstanding, various
examinations from OECD, AAUW, and the US Division of Work have discovered
that compensation rates among male and females fluctuated by 5– 6.6% or,
females acquiring 94 cents to each dollar earned by their male partners, when
compensation were acclimated to various individual decisions made by male and
female specialists in school significant, occupation, working hours, and
maternal/fatherly leave. The rest of the 6% of the hole has been conjectured to
begin from inadequacy in pay arranging abilities and sexual discrimination. In
Montana, women age 16 and more established win 73 percent of what men win.
Surely, every state in the country has a profit hole, however Montana positions
close to the base at 46th in the country.

According to a report released by the Institute for Women's Policy

Research ( IWPR ), it will take until around 2058 for the gap to be corrected.
Some examples of gender inequality that happens in the workplace are the
problems with stereotypes. Even if women have been trying to repair these
stereotype problems for years, these problems still continue. Women are much
more likely than men to work in service occupations like personal care aides,
home health aides, nursing assistants, and other roles that include a gentle
touch. And women are less likely to work in jobs that are related and under
STEM, overall jobs that are stereotypically seen for men. According to the report,
only 4.6% of women work in STEM occupations, compared to 10.3% of men. The
degree of inequality between men and women in material dependence, social
power, and status has also gone up and down over these transitions (cf. Padavic
and Reskin 2002, pp. 17-28).

School Environment. The problem also occurs in school. In many areas

in Afghanistan, girls are often taken out of school when they hit puberty. Literacy
rates among young Afghan women are disturbingly low. Only 18 percent of
women between 15 and 24 can read. While the total number of children enrolled
in primary schools is increasing tremendously, the percentage of female students
is not. Women are not given the proper education that they need because in
many countries, women are not seen as valuable as men. Women for them are
supposed to be only married off and to take care of the house and children while
the men are the ones who are working. They only give men the proper education
because of that, leaving women uneducated in some countries. Its not only a
problem for girls, boys too are affected. In school, boys are the subject of
disciplinary actions more often than girls.

They are seen to be more immature than girls and are more prone in
causing all kinds of trouble when the truth is, not all of them are like that. “The
situation will not change unless teachers and parents encourage girls and boys
to choose more atypical fields like STEM for girls, and education and welfare for
boys. The classroom should be an environment that challenges gender
stereotypes and breaks them down. Unfortunately, it often works in the opposite
direction by reinforcing traditional ideas about what girls and boys can or should
do and thus limiting their potential (Virginija Langbakk).

At home, people also encounter problems with gender inequality. When it

comes to chores, stereotypically, women are the ones who are supposed to do
them. In an article, it says that in 1920-1966, there was data recorded that
women spent the most time care-tending with the home and family. There have
been evidence that suggest that women who work outside the home often put an
extra 18 hours a week doing household or childcare related chores as opposed
to men who average 12 minutes a day in childcare activities. Japan has
historically been a nation with very traditional gender expectations. As the image
of the woman's geisha role in Japan illustrates, Japanese women have long been
taught to be men's helpmates and subordinates (2010, p. 39) Schneider, L., &
Silverman, A. (2010) Global sociology: Introducing five contemporary societies
(5th ed.).

Gender, like race, is a categorical form of inequality in that it is based on a

person's membership in a particular social group or category, in this case, the
categories of females and males. As we will see, social scientists generally agree
that categorical inequalities in a society are created and sustained by embedding
membership in a particular category (e.g. being a man or woman) in systems of
control over material sources and power (Jackman 1994; Jackson 1998; Tilly
1998). Gender Inequality is not a woman's issue, it is a human issue. It affects us
all (Anonymous). The search for equality between both genders is like a never
ending war. Even if there are people who are trying to help to get rid of this
problem, it still continues on.

Academics. A report that found 11 percent of women announced being

either rejected, made excess or others in their work environment where not, or
treated so ineffectively they believed they needed to leave their job. Strangely
women are somewhat more liable to accomplish inside the advancement
headship inside the school they are presently working, however far fewer are
inclined to be elevated to headship in an alternate school. Gender discrimination
persists on restricting access to school and retention, influencing the
advancement and social fate of men and women. Numerous schools presented
unknown markings since addresses where if its female hopeful's fundamentally
bring down imprints in exam.

The gender inequality known in instruction still exists. Precisely, young

men are the ones being abandoned as young ladies take off ahead. Young men
are the subject if disciplinary activity much more regularly than young ladies.
Training level of women is very low in Muslim nations which are for the most part
creating nations. We live in a time where innovation is still committed with
manliness. Ladies were given regular reasons and also techniques to reject them
from spherical engineering. In the course of recent decades women have made
generous steps towards more equitable representation in Science, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM) fields. “The prejudices about what girls could or
could not do, or were or were not capable of, were deeply ingrained,” “Maths was
traditionally seen as something for boys. Girls were trained to believe that they
were not capable. Its bunkum. But the attitude has lingered, and reverberated
through the education that the teachers themselves received.” (Se Si, 2007). As
indicated by the UNESCO organization measurements, 31 million young ladies of
grade school age don't go to class and 17 million of these young ladies will most
likely will never go to class in their lifetime.

First class schools are mishandling their energy by making it harder for
ladies get in to school than men, rather than giving them the equivalent
opportunity that they merit. Gender discrimination persists on restricting access
to school and retention, influencing the advancement and social fate of men and
women. Gender inequality upgrades the efficiency of the present age and
enhances improvement results for the following. One of the primary instruments
of advancement that emerges from gender equality is the change in training that
moves as an inseparable unit with gender equality. Gender inequality in
education has a positive effect in education in a long time and has potential effect
on children under 5 mortality rates. Young men have a higher disappointment
rate than young ladies for all subjects. Math was customarily observed as
something for young men, while young ladies will probably bring home financial
aspects, French, Spanish, and business examiners.
Extracurricular Activities. There are numerous young ladies that vibe as
though they are not being regarded or treated similarly like their counterparts. The
observation that young ladies are the weaker sex continues. It is somewhat uncalled-for in
light the fact that young women are conceived with a label and don't get the chance to
indicate what they can truly do. By 2009-10, young men still dis proportionality more
than athletic open doors than young ladies in all group settings. Open doors for young
ladies to take part in secondary schools sports expanded in mid 1990s, advance towards
sexual orientation value moderated and maybe even turned around course toward the

Gender stereotypes. Gender Stereotypes are simplistic generalization

about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups.
Stereotypes can be positive or negative. Androgyny which is the blending of
feminine and masculine attributes in the same individual. There are four basic
kinds of gender stereotypes. The personality traits, domestic behavior,
occupation and physical appearance. Exaggerated gender stereotypes can make
relationships between people difficult. Extreme gender stereotypes are harmful
because they don't allow people to fully express themselves and their emotions.
Stereotypes measures demonstrated that men were seen as having less
emphatically valences yet more capable characteristics than women.
Antagonistic and generous mentalities toward men reflect and bolster gender
inequality by portraying men as being intended for predominance. Valerie

Women and men struggle to acknowledge gender discrimination and

inappropriate behavior (most likely sexual harassment) in the workplace, study
results indicate. A clear majority of women (67%) said they feel pressured to get
over inappropriate action. Also, most women (64%) and slightly more the half of
men (55%) said men don’t confront each other when witnessing this behavior.
Ladies and men battle to recognize sex segregation and unseemly conduct (in all
probability inappropriate behavior) in the work environment, ponder comes about
show. A reasonable greater part of ladies (67%) said they feel constrained to get
over improper activity. Likewise, most ladies (64%) and somewhat more the half
of men (55%) said men don't stand up to each other while seeing this conduct.
Girls as young as seven feel they cannot say or do what they want because of
gender stereotyping, according to a survey highlighting the impact of
expectations of young females. A poll of nearly 2,000 young people by the UK
charity Girl guiding found that 55% of girls aged seven to 21 said they did not feel
they could speak freely because of their gender. A further 57% said this affected
what they wore, and nearly one in two said it made an impact on how much they
participated at school. Sophie Wallace, a member of Girl guiding’s advocate
panel, said the results were disgraceful, and that girls and young women were
“being denied a basic right because of their gender”. She added: “Society needs
to understand that gender stereotypes aren’t just harmful but a barrier to

According to the Girl guiding, a poll of 2 000 young people in the UK said
that they didn't feel they could talk openly on account of their gender. “Society
needs to understand that gender stereotypes aren’t just harmful but a barrier to
progress.” said Sophie Wallace, a member of Girl guiding’s. Gender stereotyping
presents a serious obstacle to the achievement of real gender equality and feeds
into gender discrimination. Gender stereotypes are preconceived ideas whereby
males and females are arbitrarily assigned characteristics and roles determined
and limited by their sex.

Sex stereotyping can limit the development of the natural talents and
abilities of boys and girls, women and men, their educational and professional
experiences as well as life opportunities in general. Stereotypes about women
both result from and are the cause of deeply ingrained attitudes, values, norms
and prejudices against women. They are used to justifying and maintain the
historical relations of power of men over women as well as sexist attitudes which
are holding back the advancement of women. Gender stereotypes are simplistic
generalization about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals
and/or groups. Stereotypes can be positive or negative. Androgyny which is the
blending of feminine and masculine attributes in the same individual.

Gender Bias. The gender pay gap hole keeps on existing with genuine
outcomes for women and the families that rely upon their income. Women are
never again limited in just local work employment. Women have made incredible
walks in instruction and profession opportunity determinations since the passage
of the Equal Pay Act in 1963. The UN has assessed more than 200 000 ladies
and young ladies have been subjected to sexual viciousness in the DCR (vote
based republic of the Congo) since 1998. In any case, there may have been
ladies encountering this shameful acts that are excessively frightened, making it
impossible to approach, this singular stones like Elise's (the young lady in the
story) are lost. The world financial gathering says, “Balance in withdraw.” In 2017,
we ought not see improvement towards sexual orientation on this move into
switch. Sex imbalance is both a good and financial goal,” said Saadia Zahidi.
Working environment disparity situated in sex, and additionally separation in view
of other secured qualities, endures not withstanding a very long while of anti
discrimination laws.

There are quantities of methodologies, changes that would target

psychological inclination, settled in structures in basic leadership, and oblivious
segregation. In numerous nation, which regards to their prominent columnist and
editors, the greater part of them stay male. A portion of the key issues that female
columnist confront (as the indicated by the creator): “from on screen sexism and
ageism to the perils confronting female outside journalists detailing from combat
areas. In 2012, an investigation distributed in the procedures of the National
Institute of Science by Corrine Greenery- Racusin and associates, “Science
personnel inconspicuous sex inclinations support male under studies.” As
indicated by the examination, candidates distinguished as female were offered
fewer occupations, bring down pay, endless tutoring that indistinguishable
candidates recognized as males. Sex discrimination may have died down,
however it clearly has not been dispensed with.

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