Thermal Management of Visible Leds: Application Bulletin 228
Thermal Management of Visible Leds: Application Bulletin 228
Thermal Management of Visible Leds: Application Bulletin 228
The purpose of this application bulletin is to answer design !" Shifted dominant wavelength: Dominant wavelengths
questions about high-power visible light emitting diodes shift by about 2 nm for every 10° C change in junction
(LEDs). temperature.
OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
OPTEK Technology Inc. 1 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Issue A 06/06
Phone: (972) 323-2200 or (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323-2396 [email protected] Page 1 of 4
Thermal Management of Visible LEDs
Application Bulletin 228
!" Thermal conduction is the transmission of heat across Heat input is calculated:
matter. Thermal conductivity within and between
materials is proportional to the temperature gradient and Q = IF U VF (5)
the cross-sectional area of the conductive path.
Conversely, conductivity is inversely proportional to the Where IF is the operating current and VF is the measured
length of the conductive path. LEDs are typically forward voltage of the LED.
encapsulated in a light-transmissive plastic, which is a
very poor thermal conductor. Nearly all heat produced is Thermal resistance is usually unknown and should be
conducted through the back side of the chip. For an calculated using Equation 1 and measured "T and Q. For
interface with area A and thickness l, the rate of heat thermal interface materials (TIM), the thermal resistance of the
conduction has the following proportion: material, R$TM, depends on its thermal conductivity, K,
expressed in W/mUK. Thermal resistance is calculated:
Qoc !A U "T / l (1)
R#TIM = kTIM U Xl / AY (6)
!" Convection is the transfer of heat by currents in a liquid
or gas. Convection rate is proportional to surface area Where l is the length of the thermal path and A is the cross-
and the temperature gradient between the surface and sectional area of the thermal path. To minimize thermal
the fluid. LEDs do not benefit from convection at the resistance, the cross-sectional area should be maximized and
component level, because their surface area is too the thickness of the interface should be minimized.
small. Convective technologies include fans, heat pipes
and liquid cooling. For a surface with area AS and Temperatures within the thermal system can usually be
temperature TS, convection has the following proportion: measured directly. Junction temperature is the exception,
because the junction is inaccessible.
QW!! AS U XTS - TAY (2)
Fortunately, the forward voltage of an LED has distinct
!" Thermal radiation is electromagnetic radiation from temperature dependence that makes the junction its own
an object’s surface due to the object’s temperature. thermometer once calibrated.
Radiation is proportional to the object’s absolute
temperature raised to the fourth power and its surface Determining Junction Temperature from Forward Voltage
area. Heatsinks with large surface area are effective at
radiating heat. For a surface with area AS and The forward voltages of nearly all III-V LEDs decrease by
temperature TS, convection has the following between 1 and 3 mV per 1û C increase in temperature.
The following test can be conducted on single components or
4 (3) on large assemblies with multiple LEDs. The temperature-
QW!! AS U XTS - TAY forward voltage curve is empirically generated as follows:
Thermal Equilibrium 1. Connect the LED to a constant current power supply
and install the device in a controlled oven with the
Heat transference is an equilibrium condition. All three types of power off. Set the operating current, IF, to the
heat transference become more efficient as temperature expected application condition.
gradients increase. The junction temperature will rise until the
rate of heat transference out of the system is equal to the rate 2. Set the temperature to 25ûC and allow sufficient time
of heat generation at the junction. for the oven and assembly to stabilize. Turn the
power on for a short period, preferably less than 10
Analogy to Electrical Circuits ms, and record the forward voltage, VF. When
possible, use sense cables to measure VF. Since the
Thermal systems are analogous to electrical circuits with the LED is on for a very short period, it does not
following relationships: significantly heat itself and TJ ~ TA.
3. Repeat step 2 at 50ûC, 75ûC, 100ûC, and 125ûC. Note
!" Power dissipated (Q) - current that this test is destructive.
OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
Issue A 06/06 OPTEK Technology Inc. 1 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006
Page 2 of 4 Phone: (972) 323-2200 or (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323-2396 [email protected]
Thermal Management of Visible LEDs
Application Bulletin 228
Repeat the procedure for multiple current loads to fully Active Thermal Management
characterize the system across all power dissipations.
Active thermal management systems involve convection by
Passive Thermal Management incorporating fans, heat pipes and liquid cooling. These
technologies enable significantly better thermal management
Passive thermal management systems have no moving parts or and should be considered for ultra-hot applications. In most
consumption of additional energy. They rely primarily on cases, they are more complex and require better design to
conduction and radiation to remove heat from the junction. The avoid decreasing the reliability of the system. These trade-offs
typical method is to attach LEDs to a thermally conductive are manageable if extreme thermal management is required.
substrate, such as a metal-core IMS substrate or ceramic
The assembly’s thermal characteristics are expressed by the "TJ-A and Q must be measured and R#J-C is provided by the
following equations: LED vendor. R#C-A is the combined thermal resistance of the
rest of the assembly. Equation 9 can be used to calculate
"TJ-A = Q U R#J-A (7) "TJ-A if sufficient data is supplied by the substrate, thermal
interface material, and heatsink vendors; however, OPTEK
"TJ-A = Q U XR#J-C + R#C-AY ( 8) recommends calculating R#C-A by rearranging Equation 8 to:
"TJ-A = Q U XR#J-C + R#C-S + R#TIM + R#H-AY (9) R#C-A = X"TJ-AY / Q - R#J-C (10)
OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
OPTEK Technology Inc. 1 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Issue A 06/06
Phone: (972) 323-2200 or (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323-2396 [email protected] Page 3 of 4
Thermal Management of Visible LEDs
Application Bulletin 228
The multiple-component assembly’s thermal characteristics are junction temperatures of both designs to be the same. The
described by equations that are similar to those for single- reality is that most package technologies for high-power LEDs
component assemblies: have similar thermal resistances. Spreading the heat input to
multiple components is recommended because less thermal
"TJ-An = Qn U R#J-An (11) management is required.
"TJ-An = Qn U R#J-Cn + QTotal U XR#C-S + R#TIM + R#H-AY (13) Recommendations for reducing junction temperature without
compromising luminous flux:
R#C-A = X"TJ-AnY / Qn - R#J-Cn (14)
!" Use components with better luminous efficacy to reduce
For single-component assemblies, the equation for R#C-A IF and Q
(equation 10) is derived from equation 8. Note that equation 14 !" Increase the number of components at the same total
was not derived from equation 12 in a similar manner. TC is the power dissipation to reduce R$J-C
same for all components on the multiple-component assembly,
and R#C-A can be derived based on one component’s !TJ-A, Q,
!" Change to better packaged components to reduce R$J-C
and R#J-C. !" Use Anotherm substrates to eliminate R$C-S
!" Use Anotherm heatsinks to eliminate R$C-S and R$TIM
For the same component and power dissipation, "TJ-C will be !" Increase the heatsink’s surface area to reduce R$H-A
the same whether the LED is alone or is part of an array. In an !" Add a fan, heat pipe or liquid cooling to reduce R$H-A
array, however, the heat input of all LEDs must be transferred
through the substrate, TIM, and heatsink. "TC-A and "TJ-A Practical Thermal Management Solutions
increase considerably over single-component assemblies.
See component-specific application notes for empirical results
When making a choice between 1 p-watt component and p 1- and suggested changes.
watt components, the p-watt component must have p times
lower thermal resistance than the 1-watt component for the
OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
Issue A 06/06 OPTEK Technology Inc. 1 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006
Page 4 of 4 Phone: (972) 323-2200 or (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323-2396 [email protected]