Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) - Eupedia PDF
Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) - Eupedia PDF
Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) - Eupedia PDF
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DNA testing FAQ Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA)
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Haplogroup G2a
Haplogroup I1
Author: Maciamo Hay.
Haplogroup I2 Last update February 2018
Haplogroup J1
Haplogroup J2
1. Origins
Haplogroup N1c 2. Geographic distribution
Haplogroup Q 3. Phylogeny
Haplogroup R1a 4. History
The Germanic branch
Haplogroup R1b
The Baltic branch
Haplogroup T The Slavic branch
Famous Y-DNA R1a migration map
Y-DNA by country
The Indo-Iranian branch
The Tarim mummies
Y-DNA Maps
Turkic speakers and R1a
Y-DNA Phylogeny The Greek branch
MtDNA haplogroups 5. R1 populations & light pigmentation
Haplogroup H 6. MtDNA correspondance
7. Famous R1a individuals
Haplogroup HV
Haplogroup I
Haplogroup J
R1a is thought to have been the dominant haplogroup among the northern and eastern Proto-
Indo-European tribes, who evolved into the Indo-Iranian, Thracian, Baltic and Slavic people. The
Proto-Indo-Europeans originated in the Yamna culture (3300-2500 BCE). Their dramatic expansion
was possible thanks to an early adoption of bronze weapons and the domestication of the horse in
the Eurasian steppes (circa 4000-3500 BCE). Individuals from the southern part of the Steppe are
believed to have carried predominantly lineages belonging to haplogroup R1b (L23 and subclades),
while the people of northern forest-steppe to the north would have belonged essentially to
haplogroup R1a. The rst expansion of the forest-steppe people occured with the Corded Ware
Culture (see Germanic branch below). The migration of the R1b people to central and Western
Europe left a vacuum in the southern steppe, which was lled by the R1a-dominant tribes with the
expansion of the Catacomb culture (2800-2200 BCE). The forest-steppe origin of this culture is
obvious from the usage of corded pottery and the abundant use of polished battle axes, the two
most prominent features of the Corded Ware culture. This is also probably the time when the
satemisation process of the Indo-European languages began, considering that the Balto-Slavic
and Indo-Iranian
Forum language
Travel groups
Trivia belong to the same
Genetics HistorySatem isogloss and both appear to have
evolved from the the Catacomb culture.
Ancient DNA testing has con rmed the presence of haplogroup R1a-M417 in samples from the
Corded Ware culture in Germany (2600 BCE), from Tocharian mummies (2000 BCE) in Northwest
China, from Kurgan burials (circa 1600 BCE) from the Andronovo culture in southern Russia and
southern Siberia, as well as from a variety of Iron-age sites from Russia, Siberia, Mongolia and
Central Asia.
Geographic distribution
Forum Travel Trivia Genetics History Linguistics
Forum Travel Trivia Genetics History Linguistics
Nowadays, high frequencies of R1a are found in Poland (57.5% of the population), Ukraine (40 to
65%), European Russia (45 to 65%), Belarus (51%), Slovakia (42%), Latvia (40%), Lithuania (38%), the
Czech Republic (34%), Hungary (32%), Norway (27%), Austria (26%), Croatia (24%), north-east
Germany (24%) Sweden (19%), and Romania (18%).
Phylogeny of R1a
If you are new to genetic genealogy, please check our Introduction to phylogenetics to understand
how to read a phylogenetic tree.
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Forum Travel Trivia Genetics History Linguistics
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Forum Travel Trivia Genetics History Linguistics
99% R1a people belong to subclades of R1a1a1 (R1a-M417), which is divided in the following
R1a-L664 is essentially Northwest European, found chie y in West Germany, the Low Countries
and the British Isles.
R1a-Z645 makes up the majority of R1a individuals from Central Europe to South Asia.
R1a-Z283 is the main Central & East European branch.
R1a-Z284 is a Scandinavian subclade with an epicentre in central Norway. It is found
also in places colonised by the Norwegian Vikings, like some parts of Scotland,
England and Ireland. Several subclades were identi ed, including L448, L176.1,
Z287/Z288, Z66 and Z281 about which little is known at the moment.
R1a-M458, primarily a Slavic subclade, with maximum frequencies in Poland, the
Czech Republic, Slovakia, but is also fairly common in southeast Ukraine and
northwest Russia.
its subclade R1a-L260 is clearly West Slavic, with a peak of frequency in Poland,
the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and radiating at lower frequencies into East
Germany, East Austria, Slovenia and Hungary.
R1a-Z280 is also an Balto-Slavic marker, found all over central and Eastern Europe
(except in the Balkans), with a western limit running from East Germany to
Switzerland and Northeast Italy. It can be divided in many clusters: East Slavic, Baltic,
Pomeranian, Polish, Carpathian, East-Alpine, Czechoslovak, and so on.
its subclade R1a-L365 is a Pomeranian cluster found also in southern Poland.
R1a-Z93 is the main Asian branch of R1a. It is found in Central Asia, South Asia and
Southwest Asia (including among Ashkenazi Jews). R1a-Z93 is the marker of historical
peoples such as the Indo-Aryans, Persians, Medes, Mitanni, or Tatars. Z93 also pervaded
the genetic pool of the Arabs and Jews.
R1a-F1345 is one of the main Middle Eastern clades.
R1a-CTS6 is the Jewish subclade of R1a, which formed 3500 years ago and has a
TMRCA of 2800 years.
History of R1a
The rst major expansion of R1a took place with the westward propagation of the Corded Ware (or
Battle Axe) culture866
(2800-1800 BCE) from the northern forest-steppe in the Yamna homeland.
This was the rst SHARES
wave of R1a into Europe, the one that brought the Z283 subclade to Germany
and the Netherlands,
Forum and Z284Trivia
Travel to Scandinavia.
Genetics The CordedLinguistics
History Ware R1a people would have mixed
with the pre-Germanic I1 and I2 aborigines, which resulted in the rst Indo-European culture in
Germany and Scandinavia, although that culture could not be considered Proto-Germanic - it was
simply Proto-Indo-European at that stage, or perhaps or Proto-Balto-Slavic.
Germanic languages probably did not appear before the Nordic Bronze Age (1800-500 BCE).
Proto-Germanic language probably developed as a blend of two branches of Indo-European
languages, namely the Proto-Balto-Slavic language of the Corded-Ware culture (R1a-Z283) and the
later arrival of Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic people from the Unetice culture (R1b-L11). This is
supported by the fact that Germanic people are a R1a-R1b hybrid, that these two haplogroups
came via separate routes at di erent times, and that Proto-Germanic language is closest to Proto-
Italo-Celtic, but also shares similarities with Proto-Slavic.
The R1b branch of the Indo-Europeans is thought to have originated in the southern Yamna
culture (northern shores of the Black Sea). It was the rst one to migrate from the steppes to the
west, invading the Danube delta around 4200 BCE, then making its way around the Balkans and
the Hungarian plain in the 4th millennium BCE. It is likely that a minority of R1a people
accompanied this migration of R1b tribes. Those R1a men would have belonged to the L664
subclade, the rst to split from the Yamna core. These early steppe invaders were not a
homogeneous group, but a cluster of tribes. It is possible that the R1a-L664 people were one or
several separate tribes of their own, or that they mixed with some R1b tribes, notably R1b-U106,
which would become the main Germanic lineage many centuries later. The R1b-R1a contingent
moved up the Danube to the Panonian plain around 2800 BCE, brought to an end the local Bell
Beaker culture (circa 2200 BCE) and Corded Ware culture (c. 2400 BCE) in Central Europe, and set
up the Unetice culture (2300-1600 BCE) around Bohemia and eastern Germany. Unetice can be
seen as the source of future Germanic, Celtic and Italic cultures, and is associated mainly with the
L11 subclade of R1b.
The late Unetice culture expanded to Scandinavia, founding the Nordic Bronze Age. R1a-L664 and
R1b (L11 and U106) presumably reached Scandinavia at this time. The people of the Nordic Bronze
Age probably spoke a Proto-Germanic language. For over a thousand years while this culture
existed, the Proto-Germanic R1b et R1a-L664 tribes would have acquired vocabulary from the pre-
existing Corded Ware population that they assimilated, which was itself a blend of Proto-Balto-
Slavic languages (linked to haplogroup R1a-Z284) and languages of non-Indo-European origin
(linked to haplogroups G2a, I1 and I2). The Nordic Bronze Age was a melting pot of these three
populations, which intermingled both genetically and linguistically, little by little creating a new
ethnicity and culture as time went by.
The rst genuinely Germanic language has been estimated by linguists to have come into existence
around (or after) 500 BCE, just as the Nordic Bronze Age came to an end, giving way to the Pre-
Roman Iron Age. The uniqueness of some of the Germanic vocabulary copared to other Indo-
European languages suggests that borrowings from indigenous pre-Indo-European languages took
place (Germanic substrate theory). The Celtic language itself is known to have borrowed words
from Afro-Asiatic languages spoken by the descendants of Near-Eastern farmers who had settled
in Central Europe. The fact that present-day Scandinavia is composed of roughly 40% of I1, 20% of
R1a and 40% of R1b reinforces the idea that the Germanic ethnicity and language had acquired a
tri-hybrid character by the Iron Age.
The origins of the Slavs go back to circa 3500 BCE with the northern Yamna culture and its
expansion across Central and Northeast Europe with the Corded Ware culture. The M458 and Z280
lineages spread around Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and western Russia, and would form the core of
the Proto-Balto-Slavic culture. The high prevalence of R1a in Baltic and Slavic countries nowadays is
not only due to the Corded Ware expansion, but also to a long succession of later migrations from
Russia, the last of which took place from the 5th to the 10th century CE. The Slavic branch
di erentiated itself when the Corded Ware culture absorbed the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture (5200-
2600 BCE) of western Ukraine and north-eastern Romania, which appears to have been composed
primarily of G2a-U1866et I2a1b-M423 lineages descended directly from Paleolithic Europeans, with
some other Near-Eastern
SHARES farmer lineages (notably E-V13, J2a and T1a). It is surely during this
period that I2a2, E-V13
Forum and T spread
Travel Trivia (along with R1a)
Genetics around
History Poland, Belarus and western Russia,
explaining why eastern and northern Slavs (and Lithuanians) have between 10 and 20% of I2a1b
lineages and about 10% of Middle Eastern lineages (18% for Ukrainians).
The Corded Ware period was followed in the steppes by the Srubna culture (1800-1200 BCE), and
around Poland by the Trzciniec culture (1700-1200 BCE).
The last important Slavic migration is thought to have happened in the 6th century CE, from
Ukraine to Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, lling the vacuum left by eastern Germanic tribes who
invaded the Roman Empire. Both the M458 and the Z280 branches are associated with this late
Slavic migration, but more particularly Z280.
Interestingly, the Czechs do not carry much Z280, a factor that strongly di erentiates them from
their Slovak, Hungarian and Slovene neighbours. Czechs R1a belongs in majority to M458, with
subclades such as L1029>YP1703 (TMRCA 1800 years), L260>YP256>YP654 (TMRCA 2200 years),
L260>YP256>YP254>Y2905 (TMRCA 1850 years) and L260>YP1337 (TMRCA 1750 years). Other R1a
clades found in the Czech Republic include Z280>Y35>CTS3402>YP237>YP951 (TMRCA 2500 years)
CTS1211>Y35>YP4278 (TMRCA 1850 years), some Z92 and Z93, as well as the Germanic L664
(S3479>S3485>S3477>YP942; TMRCA 1800 years). The age of these subclades concord with the
historical Slavic expansion during the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages.
Regional disparities also exist in ex-Yugoslavia, but among deeper clades. Bosnian and Serbian R1a
belongs for the most part to a young clade of CTS1211
(Y33>CTS8816>Y3300>Y5647>YP611>YP3987>YP3992 subclade; TMRCA 950 years), with a minority
of older M458 (CTS11962>L1029 subclade; TMRCA 2200 years) and Z92 (Y4459>YP617 subclade;
TMRCA 3400 years). Croatian R1a falls almost exclusively within CTS1211, but to another clade
(Y35>CTS3402>Y2613>Y2608 subclade, TMRCA 1950 years), with a small minority of YP340>P278.2
(TMRCA 2100 years). The R1a-Y3300 (aka L1280) found in Serbia and Bosnia seems to have
expanded from Poland via Hungary during the early medieval period. The Croatian R1a-Y2608 also
expanded from Poland during the same period, but via Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Slovenia.
Bulgarian R1a is very diverse in comparison to Dinaric R1a. Subclades equally divided between
M458 (mostly the pan-Slavic L1029 subclade) and Z280, but with a huge diversity within the latter,
(Y33>CTS8816, YP237>YP235>L366, YP343>YP39082>YP340, Z92>YP617 and Z92>Z685). There is
also a little bit of very old R1a-M198 (M417-), and some R1a-Z93, notably the Y15121 subclade
found in Iran, India and the Middle East, and which could have come with the Scythians or other
Iranic steppe tribes. Little data is available for neighbouring Macedonia, but it includes at least
L1029 (under M458) and L366 (under CTS1211).
Romanians have an even greater diversity of R1a clades than Bulgarians, despite not being
speakers of a Slavic language. In fact, not all Romanian R1a is of Slavic origin. It includes Germanic
clades (L664>S2894>YP285>YP282 and Z283), Iranian ones (Z93) and Jewish ones (CTS6). The Slavic
clades represented include L1029 (under M458>CTS11962) and YP951 (under
Historically, no other part of Europe was invaded a higher number of times by steppe peoples than
the Balkans. Chronologically, the rst R1a invaders might have come with the westward expansion
of the Sredny Stog culture (from 4200 BCE), which led the way to a succession of steppe migrations
that lasted for over 2,000 years until the end of the Yamna culture (3500-2000 BCE). These early
invasions from the Steppe were probably conducted in majority by R1b men, accompanied by a
small number of R1a. Then came the Thracians (1500 BCE), followed by the Illyrians (around 1200
BCE), and much later the Huns and the Alans (400 CE), the Avars, the Bulgars and the Serbs (all
around 600 CE), and the Magyars (900 CE), among others. These peoples originated from di erent
parts of the Eurasian Steppe, anywhere between Eastern Europe and Central Asia, thus
contributing to the relatively high diversity of R1a subclades observed in Carpathians and the
Balkans today, especially in Bulgaria and Romania. Nevertheless, the vast majority of R1a in
Southeast Europe today appears to be of Slavic origin.
Latvian and Lithuanian clades of R1a include typical Balto-Slavic lineages like M458, CTS1211 and
Z92, as well as some Ashkenazi Jewish (CTS6), Germanic (L664 and Z284) and even Indo-Iranian
lineages (Z93>Z94>L657). The Balto-Slavic lineages include the following deep clades, most with a
relatively recent TMRCA .
YP1137 (TMRCA = 1550 ybp)
Y4380 (TMRCA = 1500 ybp)
L366 (TMRCA = 2700 ybp)
YP1410 (TMRCA = 2500 ybp)
YP419 (TMRCA = 3400 ybp)
YP380 (TMRCA = 1150 ybp)
YP4094 (TMRCA = 3700 ybp)
Y9081 (TMRCA = 2500 ybp)
Migration map of haplogroup R1a from the Neolithic to the late Bronze Age (c. 1000 BCE)
Forum Travel Trivia Genetics History Linguistics
Click to enlarge.
Proto-Indo-Iranian speakers, the people who later called themselves 'Aryans' in the Rig Veda and
the Avesta , originated in the Sintashta-Petrovka culture (2100-1750 BCE), in the Tobol and Ishim
valleys, east of the Ural Mountains. It was founded by pastoralist nomads from the Abashevo
culture (2500-1900 BCE), ranging from the upper Don-Volga to the Ural Mountains, and the
Poltavka culture (2700-2100 BCE), extending from the lower Don-Volga to the Caspian
The Sintashta-Petrovka culture, associated with R1a-Z93 and its subclades, was the rst Bronze Age
advance of the Indo-Europeans west of the Urals, opening the way to the vast plains and deserts of
Central Asia to the metal-rich Altai mountains. The Aryans quickly expanded over all Central Asia,
from the shores of the Caspian to southern Siberia and the Tian Shan, through trading, seasonal
herd migrations, and looting raids.
Horse-drawn war chariots seem to have been invented by Sintashta people around 2100 BCE, and
quickly spread to the mining region of Bactria-Margiana (modern border of Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan). Copper had been extracted intensively in the Urals, and
the Proto-Indo-Iranians from Sintashta-Petrovka were exporting it in huge quantities to the Middle
East. They appear to have been attracted by the natural resources of the Zeravshan valley for a
Petrovka copper-mining colony was established in Tugai around 1900 BCE, and tin was extracted
soon afterwards at Karnab and Mushiston. Tin was an especially valued resource in the late Bronze
Age, when weapons were made of copper-tin alloy, stronger than the more primitive arsenical
bronze. In the 1700's BCE, the Indo-Iranians expanded to the lower Amu Darya valley and settled
in irrigation farming communities (Tazabagyab culture). By 1600 BCE, the old forti ed towns of
Margiana-Bactria were abandoned, submerged by the northern steppe migrants. The group of
Central Asian cultures under Indo-Iranian in uence is known as the Andronovo horizon , and
lasted until 800 BCE.
The Indo-Iranian migrations progressed further south across the Hindu Kush. By 1700 BCE,
horse-riding pastoralists had penetrated into Balochistan (south-west Pakistan). The Indus valley
succumbed circa 1500 BCE, and the northern and central parts of the Indian subcontinent were
taken over by 500 BCE. Westward migrations led Old Indic Sanskrit speakers riding war chariots to
Assyria, where they became the Mitanni rulers from circa 1500 BCE. The Medes , Parthians
and Persians , all Iranian speakers from the Andronovo culture, moved into the Iranian plateau
from 800 BCE. Those that stayed in Central Asia are remembered by history as the Scythians ,
while the Yamna descendants who remained in the Pontic-Caspian steppe became known as the
Sarmatians to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
The Indo-Iranian migrations have resulted in high R1a frequencies in southern Central Asia, Iran
and the Indian subcontinent. The highest frequency of R1a (about 65%) is reached in a cluster
around Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and northern Afghanistan. In India and Pakistan, R1a ranges from 15
to 50% of the population, depending on the region, ethnic group and caste. R1a is generally
stronger is the North-West
SHARES of the subcontinent, and weakest in the Dravidian-speaking South
(Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, AndhraGenetics
Trivia Pradesh) History
and from Bengal eastward. Over 70% of the
Brahmins (highest caste in Hindusim) belong to R1a1, due to a founder e ect.
Maternal lineages in South Asia are, however, overwhelmingly pre-Indo-European. For instance,
India has over 75% of "native" mtDNA M and R lineages and 10% of East Asian lineages. In the
residual 15% of haplogroups, approximately half are of Middle Eastern origin. Only about 7 or 8%
could be of "Russian" (Pontic-Caspian steppe) origin, mostly in the form of haplogroup U2 and W
(although the origin of U2 is still debated). European mtDNA lineages are much more common in
Central Asia though, and even in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. This suggests that the Indo-
European invasion of India was conducted mostly by men through war. The rst major settlement
of Indo-Aryan women was in northern Pakistan, western India (Punjab to Gujarat) and northern
India (Uttar Pradesh), where haplogroups U2 and W are the most common today.
In 1934 Swedish archaeologist Folke Bergman discovered some 200 mummies of fair-haired
Caucasian people in the Tarim Basin in Northwest China (a region known as Xinjiang, East
Turkestan or Uyghurstan). The oldest of these mummies date back to 2000 BCE and all 7 male
remains tested by Li et al. (2010) , were positive for the R1a1 mutations. The modern
inhabitants of the Tarim Basin, the Uyghurs, belong both to this R1b-M73 subclade (about 20%)
and to R1a1 (about 30%).
The rst theory about the origins of the Tarim mummies is that a group of early horse riders
from the Repin culture (3700-3300 BCE) migrated from the Don-Volga region to the Altai
mountain, founding the Afanasevo culture (c. 3600-2400 BCE), whence they moved south to
the Tarim Basin. Another possibility is that the Tarim mummies descend from the Proto-Indo-
Iranian people (see above) who expanded all over Central Asia around 2000 BCE from the
Sintashta-Petrovka culture. An o shoot would have crossed the Tian Shan mountains, ending
up in the Tarim Basin. This theory has the merit of matching the dating of the Tarim mummies.
Either way, most of the mummies tested for mtDNA belonged to the Mongoloid haplogroup C4,
and only a few to European or Middle Eastern haplogroups (H, K and R).
There is some controversy regarding the possible link between the Tarim mummies and the
Tocharian languages , a Centum branch of the Indo-European family which were spoken in
the Tarim Basin from the 3rd to 9th centuries CE. It is easy to assume that the Tarim mummies
were Proto-Tocharian
866 speakers due to the corresponding location and the Indo-European
connection. However,
SHARES the Tarim mummies predate the appearance of Tocharian by over two
millennia, and Tocharian
Forum Travel is aTrivia
that cannot be descended from the SatemGo
Proto-Indo-Iranian branch. Other Centum branches being all related to haplogroup R1b, and
Tocharian being the only eastern Centum language, it is possible that the Tocharian speakers is
instead associated to the Central Asian R1b1b1 (M73) subclade, also found among the modern
Uyghurs inhabiting the Tarim basin.
The present-day inhabitants of Central Asia, from Xinjiang to Turkey and from the Volga to the
Hindu Kush, speak in overwhelming majority Turkic languages . This may be surprising as this
corresponds to the region where the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European speakers
expanded, the Bronze-Age Andronovo culture, and the Iron-Age Scythian territory. So why is it
that Indo-European languages only survives in Slavic Russia or in the southern part of Central
Asia, in places like Tajikistan, Afghanistan or some parts of Turkmenistan ? Why don't the
Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Kazakhs and Kyrgyzs, or the modern Pontic-Caspian steppe people (Crimean
Tatars, Nogais, Bashkirs and Chuvashs) speak Indo-European vernaculars ? Genetically these
people do carry Indo-European R1a, and to a lesser extent also R1b, lineages. The explanation
is that Turkic languages replaced the Iranian tongues of Central Asia between the 4th and 11th
century CE.
Proto-Turkic originated in Mongolia and southern Siberia with such nomadic tribes as the
Xiongnu . It belongs to the Altaic linguistic family, like Mongolian and Manchu (some also
include Korean and Japanese, although they share very little vocabulary in common). It is
unknown when Proto-Turkic rst emerged, but its spread started with the Hunnic migrations
westward through the Eurasian steppe and all the way to Europe, only stopped by the
boundaries of the Roman Empire.
The Huns were the descendants of the Xiongnu. Ancient DNA tests have revealed that the
Xiongnu were already a hybrid Eurasian people 2,000 years ago, with mixed European and
North-East Asian Y-DNA and mtDNA. Modern inhabitants of the Xiongnu homeland have
approximately 90% of Mongolian lineages against 10% of European ones. The oldest identi ed
presence of European mtDNA around Mongolia and Lake Baikal dates back to over 6,000 years
ago .
It appears that Turkic quickly replaced the Scythian and other Iranian dialects all over Central
Asia. Other migratory waves brought more Turkic speakers to Eastern and Central Europe, like
the Khazars, the Avars, the Bulgars and the Turks (=> see 5000 years of migrations from the
Eurasian steppes to Europe). All of them were in fact Central Asian nomads who had adopted
Turkic language, but had little if any Mongolian blood. Turkic invasions therefore contributed
more to the di usion of Indo-European lineages (especially R1a1) than East Asian ones.
Turkic languages have not survived in Europe outside the Pontic-Caspian steppe. Bulgarian
language, despite being named after a Turkic tribe, is actually a Slavic tongue with a mild Turkic
in uence. Hungarian, sometimes mistaken for the heir of Hunnic because of its name, is in
reality an Uralic language (Magyar). the The dozens of Turkic languages spoken in the world
today have a high degree of mutual intelligibility due to their fairly recent common origin and
the nomadic nature of its speakers (until recently). Its two main branches Oghuz and Oghur
could be seen as two languages about as distant as Spanish and Italian, and languages within
each branch like regional dialects of Spanish and Italian.
Little is known about the arrival of Proto-Greek speakers from the steppes. The Mycenaean culture
commenced circa 1650 BCE and is clearly an imported steppe culture. The close relationship
between Mycenaean and Proto-Indo-Iranian languages suggest that they split fairly late, some time
between 2500 and 2000 BCE. Archeologically, Mycenaean chariots, spearheads, daggers and other
bronze objects show striking similarities with the Seima-Turbino culture (c. 1900-1600 BCE) of the
northern Russian forest-steppes, known for the great mobility of its nomadic warriors (Seima-
Turbino sites were 866
found as far away as Mongolia). It is therefore likely that the Mycenaean
descended from Russia
Forum Travelto Greece
Triviabetween 1900 and
Genetics 1650 BCE,
History where they intermingled with the
locals to create a new unique Greek culture.
R1 populations spread genes for light skin, blond hair and red hair
There is now strong evidence that both R1a and R1b tribes during the Bronze Age contributed to
the di usion of the A111T mutation of the SLC24A5 gene, which explains apporximately 35% of
skin tone di erence between Europeans and Africans, and most variations within South Asia. The
distribution pattern of the A111T allele (rs1426654) of matches almost perfectly the spread of Indo-
European R1a and R1b lineages around Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. The
mutation was probably passed on in the Early neolithic to other Near Eastern populations, which
explains why Neolithic farmers in Europe already carried the A111T allele (e.g. Keller 2012 p.4,
Lazaridis 2014 suppl. 7), although at lower frequency than modern Europeans and southern
Central Asians.
The light skin allele is also found at a range of 15 to 30% in in various ethnic groups in northern
sub-Saharan Africa, mostly in the Sahel and savannah zones inhabited by tribes of R1b-V88 cattle
herders like the Fulani and the Hausa. This would presuppose that the A111T allele was already
present among all R1b tribes before the Pre-Pottery Neolithic split between the V88 and P297
branches. R1a populations have an equally high incidence of this allele as R1b populations. On the
other hand, the A111T mutation was absent from the 24,000-year-old R* sample (Mal'ta boy) from
Siberia, and is absent from most modern R2 populations in Southeast India and Southeast Asia.
Consequently, it can be safely assumed that the mutation arose among the R1* lineage during the
late Upper Paleolithic, probably some time between 20,000 and 13,000 years ago.
Fair hair was another physical trait associated with the Indo-Europeans. In contrast, the genes for
blue eyes were already present among Mesolithic Europeans belonging to Y-haplogroup I. The
genes for blond hair are more strongly correlated with the distribution of haplogroup R1a, but
those for red hair have not been found in Western or Central Europe before the Bronze Age, and
appear to have been spread primarily by R1b people (=> see The origins of red hair).
Comparing the regions where haplogroup R1a is found today with the modern mtDNA
frequencies, it transpires that the maternal lineages that correlate the most with Y-haplogroup R1a
are mt-haplogroups C4a, H1b, H1c, H2a1, H6, H7, H11, T1a1a1, U2e, U4, U5a1a and W, as well as
some subclades of I, J, K, T2 and V. See the main article for more details:
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Famous individuals
The Drake DNA Surname Project managed to identify the haplogroup of Sir Francis
Drake , the famous English navigator and privateer from the Elizabethan era. Two
of his known descendants were tested by two di erent companies and both
lineages had practically identical STR values, which con rmed their recent common
ancestry. Other Drakes also turned up with the same haplotype. All of them belong
to the typically north-western European R1a-L664 (DYS388=10).
An analysis of the Hume DNA Project has provided conclusive evidence that the
Scottish philosopher, historian and economist David Hume (1711-1776) belonged
to haplogroup R1a-Z284 (CTS4179 subclade). This subclade is the most common
Scottish variety of R1a. It is belived to have come from Norway with the Vikings.
David Hume was one of the fathers of the Scottish Enlightenment and one of the
leading Empiricist philosophers.
The American actor, producer, writer, and director Tom Hanks , best known for his
roles in the lms Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You
Can, The Da Vinci Code, was found to belong to haplogroup R1a-Z284 through the
Hanks DNA Surname Project as a descendant of William Hanks of Richmond,
866scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is most famous for his
The Serbian-American
work on the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system, the induction motor, the
ForumTesla Travel
coil, etc.His haplogroup
Trivia Geneticswas History
rst thought to be I2a-L147.2+ based on the
results of another (unrelated) Tesla from the same village as his father. However, the
testing of actual relatives, published on the Serbian DNA Project at Poreklo ,
showed that his Y-DNA line was more probably R1a-M458 (L1029 subclade).
The Swedish actor Max von Sydow , who played in eleven lms by Ingmar Bergman
and many Hollywood movies and series, including more recently Game of Thrones,
was identi ed as a member of haplogroup R1a-Z280 (Pomeranian P269 subclade)
through the the test of a 2nd paternal cousin at FTDNA.
Based on descendant testing, it appears most likely that the sultans of the Ottoman
dynasty belonged to haplogroup R1a-Z93. This has not been o cially con rmed
yet. All sultans of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922) descend in patrilineal line from
Osman I , making it one of the longest reigning Y-chromosomal lineage in history.
The Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu , who has served four times as Prime
Minister of Israel, belongs to haplogroup R1a-Z93 (Jewish Y2630 subclade) according
to his brother's Ido's DNA test at FTDNA.
The DNA of King Béla III of Hungary (c. 1148-1196) was tested by Olasz et al.
(2018) . His Y-DNA was identi ed as R1a (possibly the Z93 branch and Z2123>Y934
clade based on STR values, but uncon rmed), while his mtDNA was H1b. Béla was a
member of the Árpád dynasty , which ruled over Hungary (and Croatia from 1091)
from the arrival of the Magyars in the 9th century until 1301.
A team led by Prof. Albinas Kuncevičius tested the DNA extracted from the
remains of Mikołaj "the Red" Radziwiłł (1512-1584), Count Palatine of Vilnius and
Grand Chancellor of Lithuania, and of his son Mikołaj Radziwiłł (1546-1589). They
identi ed them as a members of haplogroup R1a. By extension, the whole Radziwiłł
family would belong to that haplogroup. The Radziwiłł are a princely lineage
originally from Lithuania who also played an important role in Belarusian, Polish and German
The American engineer and businessman Herbert Hoover , who became the 31st
President of the United States from 1929 to 1933 during the Great Depression,
belonged to haplogroup R1a according to the Hoover Family Genetic Genealogy
Research Project (he is a descendant of Hans Huber from Switzerland).
The American journalist, television personality Anderson Cooper , best known for being the
primary anchor of866 the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360°, belongs to haplogroup R1a
according to the PBS TV series Finding Your Roots .
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