Turtle ID Guide

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ORG Sea Turtle Identification Key

Leathery, no scutes;

5 long ridges


One pair prefrontal scales

Chelonia mydas

Restricted primarily to the

eastern Pacific Ocean;
Dark pigmentation
First costal scute does not touch nuchael

4 costal (lateral) scutes;


tropical coastal

waters of
Found in

Hard carapace (shell) with
large scutes (shell plates)

prefrontal scales;

Two pairs


Carapace not circular
5 or 6 costal scutes;

Caretta caretta
First costal scute touches nuchal
5 or more costal (lateral) scutes;

Atlantic coast of the USA

the Gulf of Mexico and
Restricted primarily to
5 costal scutes;
Nearly circular

Kemp’s Ridley
Carapace wide and
almost circular

of the Pacific, Indian and

Found in tropical waters

South Atlantic Oceans

usu. 6 or more

Olive Ridley
costal scutes


Sea turtle figures used by permission of the Marine Turtle Specialist Group (iucn-mtsg.org)
Source: Pritchard, P. C. H. and Mortimer, J. A. (1999) Taxonomy, External Morphology, and Species Identification. pp. 21-38. In: Eckert, K.L., K.A. Bjorndal, F.A. Abreu-Grobois, and M.
Donnelly (Editors). 1999. Research and Management Techniques for the Conservation of Sea Turtles. IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group Publication No. 4. (for further details see
http://www.iucn-mtsg.org/publications.htm) Illustrations by Tom McFarland
Species Descriptions
Common Name Spanish Name Scientific Name
Leatherback Baula, Tortuga Laúd, Tora Dermochelys coriacea
Color dark gray/black with white spots Carapace tapered; leathery with 5 ridges
Max Length 165 - 180 cm Plastron relatively small
Max Weight 400 - 500 kg Head tooth-like notch on either side of upper jaw; no scales
Range all oceans, subarctic to tropical; pelagic

Green Turtle Tortuga Verde, Tortuga Blanca Chelonia mydas

Color J: radiating streaks; A: brown, buff Carapace 4 costal scutes
Max Length 120 cm Plastron yellowish; 4 inframarginal scutes
Max Weight 230 kg Head round face; serrated jaw; 1 pair elongate prefontal scales
Range all subtropical and tropical seas; bays and coastal waters

Black Turtle* Tortuga Negra, Prieta Chelonia mydas

Color black or grayish with black markings Carapace 4 costal scutes
Max Length 90 cm Plastron cream to gray; 4 inframarginal scutes
Max Weight 150 kg Head round face; serrated jaw; 1 pair elongate prefontal scales
Range East Pacific Ocean; bays and coastal waters
*The status of the Black turtle or east Pacific green turtle, sometime referred to as Chelonia agassizii or C. mydas agassizii, remains uncertain. Recent genetic
evidence supports an Atlantic-Mediterranean vs. Indian-Pacific grouping, while morphological and behavioral data suggest an east Pacific species or subspecies.

Flatback Turtle Kikila, Tortuga Franca Oriental Natator depressus

Color olive grey Carapace 4 costal scutes; broad and round; upturned margins
Max Length 100 cm Plastron yellowish; 4 inframarginal scutes
Max Weight 90 kg Head preoccular scale; wide; flat; triangular
Range tropical coastal Australia

Hawksbill Turtle Tortuga Carey Eretmochelys imbricata

Color amber and brown streaks Carapace 4 costal scutes; (usually) overlapping scutes; oval
Max Length 90 cm Plastron cream with dark blotches front and rear; 4 inframarginal scutes
Max Weight 80 kg Head curved beak; distinct overbite; 2 pair prefrontal scales
Range all oceans; tropical waters; reef areas

Loggerhead Caguama, Amarilla, Cabezona, Tortuga Boba Caretta caretta

Color red brown to brown Carapace longer than wide; 5 or more costal scutes, first very small
Max Length 90 - 110 cm Plastron yellow to orange, 3 inframarginal scutes
Max Weight 100 - 180 kg Head large head; 4 or more prefontal scales
Range all oceans; primarily temperate waters; near shore, often associate with structures (i.e., wrecks, platforms)

Kemp’s Ridley Tortuga Lora, Cotorra Lepidochelys kempii

Color gray to light olive green Carapace round; 5 (sometimes 6) costal scutes
Max Length 70 cm Plastron white to yellow; 4 inframarginal scutes with pores
Max Weight 40 - 50 kg Head triangular; relatively large; 2 pair prefrontal scales
Range Gulf of Mexico, eastern USA; coastal; < 16° N

Olive Ridley Tortuga Golfina, Tortuga Olivacea, Parlama Lepidochelys olivacea

Color gray to olive green Carapace nearly round; 6 - 9 costal scutes, number may be asymmetrical
Max Length 70 - 80 cm Plastron cream/white; 4 inframarginal scutes with pores
Max Weight 45 - 60 kg Head triangular; relatively large; 2 pair prefrontal scales
Range tropical waters of Pacific, Indian and South Atlantic Oceans; pelagic
Bjorndal, KA (Editor). 1995. Biology and Conservation
Produced in cooperation with: of Sea Turtles (Revised Edition). Smithsonian Institution
Press, Washington, DC.

Eckert, KL, KA Bjorndal, FA Abreu-Grobois, and M Donnelly

(Editors). 1999. Research and Management Techniques for
the Conservation of Sea Turtles. IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle
Specialist Group Publications No. 4.

Lutz, PL, and J Musick (Editors). 1996. The Biology of Sea

Turtles. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

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