Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc. Cabanatuan City, Philippines
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc. Cabanatuan City, Philippines
Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc. Cabanatuan City, Philippines
Course Title: Developmental Reading
Course Code:
Course Description:
The course introduces the students to the nature, theories and scope of the reading process to enhance their reading proficiency, one critical,
creative and metacognitive reading skills as a toll for learning.
Credit Unit: 3 units
Contact Hours: 3 hours/week
Pre-requisite: None
Intended for: BEEd and BSEd programs
Instructor/Professor: Dr. Magdalena R. Mendillo
Major in: __________________
e-mail Address /Contact No.
Critique consists of a basic opinion Critique consists of thoughts, Critique consists of thoughts, Critique consists of thoughts,
based on personal feeling and is not responses and reaction to the responses and reaction to the responses and reaction to the book.
Critique considered a critique because it book but the students discusses book. Each aspect is given The student reacts to each aspect of
(30%) does not focus on themes, authors, only some aspect of the book. It thorough review. the book and how well it is written and
intent and writer’s style. lacks a critical eye. how aspect contributed to the overall
success or failure of the book.
Structure of the paper does not Structure of the paper lacks a The structure of the paper is The structure of the paper flows and
follow a logical order. There are no logical sequence. The writing or easily read and transitions are is easily read because of the smooth
Organization transitional phrases that make ideas may “jump around” and is easy to follow. The sequence of transitions from the paragraph to
difficult to read or review is just a not cohesive. The introduction, the topic is logical in order. The paragraph. The sequence of the topic
(35%) copy of the book. body and conclusion seem vague. introduction, body and conclusion is logical in order and there is clear
is simple yet adequate. cut of the introduction, body and
Run on and fragments frequently Run on and fragments occur at Uses complete sentences and Uses complete sentences and various
Mechanics occur. Dull words are used and there some part of the book review. various sentence types. Word sentence types. Vibrant, news and
and Language are frequent spelling and grammar Choice of word is limited only to choice is effective. No spelling effective vocabulary is used. No
(15%) errors. basic words and there are few and grammar errors. spelling and grammar errors occur.
spelling and grammar errors.
First Prelim (15%) Second Prelim (15%) Midterm (30%) Final Term (40%)
Attendance – 5% Attendance – 5% Attendance – 5% Attendance – 5%
Quizzes – 30% Quizzes – 30% Quizzes – 30% Quizzes – 30%
Seat works/Assign – 15% Seat works/Assign – 15% Seat works/Assign – 15% Seat works/Assign – 15%
Examination – 50% Examination – 50% Examination – 50% Project/Exam – 50%
Total – 100% Total – 100% Total – 100% Total – 100%
Web References: